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It =n ' Hf ' I' WEATHER. =T LOOK I OR THE Sg lA # StfTW4^ " .".oc'T'.a.;''" y>|]? pUTlUiUj |5RICr. BIB"-" r No. 590.-No. 20,374. WASHINGTON, D. C., SUNDAY MORNING, JULY 9, 1916* FIVE CENTS. REPULSE OF / BY BRITISH I IS CLAIM Enormous Numbers of Front of German 1 According to G LONDON AND PARIS I nr i ur Lii i mi IE./3 Attacks Delivered in Spite of Rain Say War Office Statements?( After Terrific B BERLIN. July 8. via London.? the Somme, in the field of the ent< front, have repulsed with heavy British and French, the war office The German artillery, machir devastating effect upon the huge i indicated by the enormous nunikt Contalmaison and other points atl declares. The official statement regarding opera- i tlons on the western front says: "On both sides of the Somme our hero- I ism and tenacity prepared for the enemy a day full of delusions. Numerous and j 1 continuously repeated attacks were re- 1 11' r fi con?tiin.>rv lnccac The t'uiotru mm couguuia.j ?vccco. ^ - , enormous number of fallen Englishmen ; before the Ovillers-Contalmaison-Bazentlne le Grand sector, and of fallen . . Frenchmen before Biaches-Soyecourt J ; front give an indication of the masses of enemy forces employed for the at- 1 i tacks, and of the devastating effect of , ' I our artillery, machine gun and infantry I I fire. On -he right bank of the Meuse the i 1 enemy continues to sacrifice his men in j ' strong fruitless assaults against our po- j sitions on Froide terre Hill. He has not ' been able to win a foot of ground. Sev- j eral hundred prisoners fell into our j hands. I ; "Weak advances against the Damloup , . hill battery were easily repulsed. Artil- j leryand patrol activity on the remainder of the front was very lively in places. ' An attack made by about one company of French in the Bois le Pretre failed." , British Storm Trenches. LONDON". July 9. Sunday.?British in- j fantrv. after a fierce bombardment, i stormed a line of trenches and gained a , 1 footing in the Bois de Trones, according . to the British official statement issued I late last night. An appreciable advance i 1 was also made in the neighborhood of ! j Oviilers. | < 'I be text reads: i ( 'The fighting today has been prin- ! oipally on our extreme right flank, j where further important successes ! 1 wen gained by our troops. "To the east of Bernafay wood, after ; ' a fierce preliminary bombardment, we ! 1 stormed a line of trenches and gained j lodgment in a strongly defended wood j ) known as the Bois de Trones. There I ! we captured 150 prisoners and several j ' machine guns. \ ' "The French on our right flank greatly assisted our advance by the. fire of their artillery. The enemy losses from the combined Anglo-French bombardment were severe. J "A strong German counter attack in | J mass, subsequently launched across the ! open against these captured positions, j -completely broke down under the fire j of 18-pounders and 75-millimeter guns, i j The enemy retired in disorder. "In the neighborhood of Oviilers ( ' hand-to-hand fighting continues among j ' the ruins of the village. But there, j < too, we made an appreciable advance, j ' "Despite the cloudy weather, our ! aeroplanes and kite balloons did some J 1 work- taking photographs and direct- j Ing the fire of the batteries. A large 1 explosion was caused in one of the ' 1 . enemy's ammunition depots and bombs were dropped on his billets. One of our machines, although disabled, sustained a running tight of twenty i minutes with three hostile1 aeroplanes and afterward landed safely in our own aerodrome. "With this exception, few enemy machines were seen, and these were far behind his own trenches." < Official French Report. PARIS. July 8, 10:45 p.m.?The official communication issued by the war , office tonight reads: 1 "North of the Somme, notwithstand- 1 ing the persistent rain and fog, our , troops delivered an assault this morning on the village of Hardecourt, and 1 on Mameion to the north, in co-opera- J tion with the British army which attacked from its side the Boise u* Trones and a farm situated southeast of that wood. In thirty-five minutes oifr infantry, by the vigor of the attack, was in possession of the desired j objects. "Two <>rman counter attacks, one ' from the north, the other from the east. ' were launched in the afternoon on Mameion, conquered by us. but were broken b\ our fire. The Germans suffered hc.ivy losses ir. these actions, ! and left 2*'ft prisoners in on: hands.' "South of the Somme there was no L event of importance to r?-porl. [ "On the Verdun front our first and : r second v. ere subjected to an inter- } mittent bombarlment. On the left ' bank the activity of the artillery con- j tinned very violent in the sectors north of Souviile, the Furnin wood and the I>arnIoup battery. "The usual cannonading occurred on ! the rest of the front. "Belgian communication: 'In the sec-; to:'a oi Boesinghe and Steenstraete we j continued successfully today our d> st.uctive fires on the German defen- ' sive works The enemy responded feebly. In the region of Dixmude j unite violent artillery actions have t c- } t urred.' " French Flank the Enemy. The new French front before Peronne appears to have been fortified now so! as to facilitate flanking movements { southward and a widening of the posi- j tiou already conquered. French Infan- | try inaugurated this operation yesterday by successful attacks in the region of iieiloy-en-Santerre, where 360 Gern:ans were taken prisoner, and east of K::trees. where fifty men were left in French hands after an assault on a communicating trench. "It was most businesslike," said an eyewitness. "The French infantry Jumped out of the trenches and set to work with as much celerity tn their methods as if occupied with a task that had bev come second nature. Neither was there Lmuch dallying on the part of the Ger' ASSAULTS mFRENCH ED BY BERLIN C n A m HAA J I A^I im LUCIUjr LfCdU LCll 1U .ine Along Somme, Ifficial Report. NSIST ADVANCE HUES IS CONTINUED and Fog Result in Further Gains, jermans Eager to Surrender bombardment. -German troops on both sides of ente offensive along the western losses repeated attacks by the announced today, le gun and infantry fire had a nasses of attacking forces, as is ?rs of dead left before Ovillers, acked bv the allies, the bulletin mans, who. perhaps, had been impressed by what had been going: on north of them during the last few days. The French had scarcely reached the fir^t line of their adversaries, when the Germans were seen climbing out of the trenches in clusters with their hands up and marching in double-quick time toward the French trenches. "'The first wave of assailants seemed to ignore these fellows, who tore through the weeds without escort and j without urging in search of holes in the ; barbed-wire entanglements. The Germans were pictures of precipitate anxiety until they reached the parapet pro- I tecting the field works, passing on their I way the French machine gun sections '.rawing forward to support the infantry. 'War Finished!" They Cry. "'The war is finished! The war is finished!' cried many of them, with I hciv ~ -- I .U.W.O vApaiiuiiig in uu smues as they leaped into the French communi-J r-ating: trenches, and filed back to the J rear between lines of more French j tre ops waiting: for the word to take j their turn in the assault. The prisoners j then cried for water and bread. The j privates generally did not conceal their j satisfaction in finding tranquillity at the rear of the French lines. Only the :>flicers and subalterns were downcast." Work on the perfecting of the east ivorks began twenty months ago on he German side of the front g.nd went . n until the hwt mfntite, according to prisoners. At some points dugouts forty feet deep were armored with con rete and fitted with all the comforts >f home. "We were safe," said one prisoner, 'until the new French guns got the range. Then it took only one monster ihcll to undo the results of twenty ' nonths of patient labor." No doubt, the f prisoner referred to the new French sixteen-inch gun. These formidable engines in the hands of the French have proved so handy and so strong in execution that they are far ahead of ) the German .42s. :?. BANK CASHIER INDICTED. Misdemeanor Counts Against Official of West Virginia Company. HUNTINGTON, W. Va , July W. R, Kyger, cashier of the Central Banking 1 Company, whose doors were closed re- , ently by state officials, was twice indicted yesterday on misdemeanpr counts by a Cabell county grand Jury. Mr. Kyger has not been arrested. The grand jury asked District Attorney Henry Simms to look into the reports j >f the state bank examiner on the condition of the bank. MEETS NEXT IN DETROIT. Baptist Young People's Union Closes Session in Chicago. r'WTf'Arifi T.iiv ft ? - ... ? j > IC1I hit: OCtCClllin i )f Dr. James A. White of Chicago as general secretary the business sessions )f the Baptist Young People's Union of America, in twenty-fifth annual contention here, closed today. The date for he next year's convention in Detroit A'as set for July 5-8, and the board of nanagers announced that Philadelphia would be the convention city in 1918. Resolutions were adopted by the contention declaring strongly for nationwide 'prohibition and a slogan "galooniess America in 1920" was adopted. Another Mexican Raid at Big Bend Spuria! Dispatch to The Star. EL PASO, Tex., July 8. ?Armed Mexicans today crossed the border in the Big Bend country near Boquillas and raided the jtrofierty of the Puerto Rico Mining Company and captured three Americans. The employes of j the company fought off the raiders for a time, hut finally were forced to run to the hills. After looting the mining company's property the Mexicans set fire to the buildings, including the company store and several homes of employes. It is claimed a small hand of Mexicans also crossed the border near Terlingua today. D. C. MEN TO REACH DESTINATION TBDAV Will Go Into Camp at Bisbee Ariz., Early This Afternoon. LAST LEG OF JOURNEY IS ALONG THE BORDEF Guardsmen, Train Weary, Are Glac That They Are So Soon to Leave Stuffy Cars. by j. crosby McCarthy, Staff Correspondent of The Star. ALAMOGOHDO, N. M.. July 8, or board the District of Columbia militit special.?The first quota of troops from the National Capital is now "or the border" and is to be encamped al Bisbee. Ariz., early tomorrow after noon. The five days' journey frorr Rosslyn, Va? promises to be finishes on schedule time, with no illness oi other misfortune adding to the dis comfort of the tedious, dirty, irksome ride in cramped quarters am close atmosphere. When the contingent, comprising the Field Hospital and Signal Corps am the ]st Separate Battalion, reached E Paso this afternoon and the more thar 500 soldiers were given a few mi mites of leg exercises along the border then was joy in the hearts of all. The con stant ride with nothing to do but loot out the windows on scenery that has been growing more monotonous as th< trees and other vegetation grew sparser, ending in a succession o sandy stretches, has been getting or the nerves of the soldiers. They an eager for any camp duties and th< promised patrol at Bisbee, with the prospect of strict guard duty at N'aco the pumping station on the Arizona boundary, six miles south of Bisbee is a welcome relief from this week oi inactivity. V Pleasant Camp Site at Bisbee. Officers of the District militia, including Capt. Oliver C. Terry of the Signal Corps, Maj. Charles H. Bowkei of the Field Hospital, and Maj. James E. Walker of the 1st Separate Battalion, during the brief stop at El Paso Lwere given consiuerttDif Iinuniidnui [regarding the site of the District solI diers* concentration camp at Bisbee ant ! secured several booklets showing views | of the town. The District camp is to be located on a sandy plain directly easl of the town toward Warren, in a verj desirable locality, from which a view can be had directly into Mexico. | As these booklets were passed among I the men they were viewed with intense i interest. The soldiers were agreeably surprised to find that they are coming into a r al lively little place, with a fine Y. M. C. A. building, theaters, a first-class hotel, dance halls?and no saloons. It was also brought to their attention that in case of any serious trouble on the border there are at least two good hospitals at Bisbee and a strong garrison thirty-six miles west Since leaving El Paso the train has i been running more smoothly and of; ficers and men alike have had man\ complimentary things to say about the ! excellent condition in which the El Paso and Southern railroad keeps its I tracks. It was impressed upon them that j this stretch of road is maintained the mining interests of Bisbee, and is representative of their progressive spirit. Greeting From Bisbee Already. Already the men have felt the hospitality ?f the people of Bkbee, for rain* officials and other leading citizens wired their greetings and announced that a serenade is being prepared foi the soldiers from the National Capital "Only one more night aboard" is the happy ejaculation of the wearied soldiers who have been finding scan! I sleeping place in the berths aboard { They say they will be glad also to gel a meal on firm ground again, where they will not be constantly fearful ol getting more food jostled over theii clothing than they can get into theii mouths. "Please, Mr. Conductor, stoj the train; I want to eat!" has been frequently yelled at meal times. Sunday is to be fittingly observed or board the train. Several Y. M. C. A men have been arranging a service, anc a choir was organized tonight. Littl* testaments with psalms, distributed among the men by Rev. A. H. Zimmerman before they left Camp Ordway, an going to be used for hymnals. Glad Hand Out at Memphis for the District Soldiers on Their Way to the Border ABOARD THE DISTRICT NATIONAI GUARD SPECIAL, Somewhere In Arkansas, July 6.?Picture a trainload of khakl-clad soldiers, wearied froir close confinement in crowded coaches fretful from the lack of exercise anc with hands, faces and uniforms hearing the stains of travel. They arrive in a city whei*e they an total strangers. A committee of representative citizens meets them at the station and extends to them a cordia welcome in behalf of the entire population of the community. They are extended the privileges of one of the city'.? finest clubhouses, including an opportunity to take a shower bath and follow it up with a plunge in a swimming pool. They are then feasted with an assemblage of the city's social leaders serving as hostesses. As they starl for their train again their pockets art filled with fruit and candy and theii arms with periodicals and palm-leal fans. A band plays lively tunes anc scores of young women wave goodbyes as the train pulls out of the station. Handkerchiefs are waved unti the rear end of the train disappear! from view. Royally Entertained at Memphis. This is a brief outline of what befell the members of the Signal Corpi and Fteld Hospital units of the District National Guard during a stay ol less than three hours in Memphis Tenn., while the train on which thej are riding to the Mexican border in th< service of the federal government wai being restocked for the remainder ol the Journey. It was a reception that the guardsmen will never forget. Coming as 11 did at a time when they were beginning to feel the effects of c.rampec quarters and changed living conditions it refreshed them to such an extent that they have no fear of the hours ol travel that are yet to come. It put new life into every member of the party. Hours before the National Guard spe(CVa^KI on .Second Page!) 1 ' ^4 9 I m -M SLAYER OF KEEFER ! STILL IS AT LARGE ? t Police Admit They Are Baffled in Attempting to Solve % the Mystery. The murder of Clarence Keefer, twenty-six years old. in a woods near Michigan avenue and Sargent road. Brook land. D. C.. Thursday night, is as far from being solved as when the body was discovered Friday morning, according to the police. The clue furnished the detectives, that a man wearing a Palm Beach suit ar?d a woman wearing a white waist and dark skirt entered the woods shortly before Keefer and late that night were seen to board a Brookland line car and come into the city had i not been run down late last night. Detectives Boyle. Stringfellow. Weber and ? Armstrong have been working on the j I mystery continuously since Friday ' . morning and Inspector Grant, chief of j detectives, has been assisting them. Hunt for Material Witnesses. Following the information received from the crew of the car on which the couple came to the city at 11:12 o'clock Thursday night, the detectives have made a search for them. They have endeavored to learn also the owners ' of a cheap gold Mystic Shrine ring and a cheap hatpin set with brilliants, i found near Reefer's body. It is thought by the officers that the couple they are I seeking are the owners of the articles . and they believe that this couple can [ throw some light on the crime. Coroner Nevitt called an inquest at ? the District morgue over Reefer's body yesterday, but it was not completed, as he decided to give the detectives until some time this week in their efforts to locate the person or persons responsible for the crime. Wounds Not Self-inflicted. 1 Deputy Coroner William B. Carr, who performed an autopsy on the body, ' testified that Reefer was shot twice in the breast. One shot entered the I right breast and the other near the heart. He exhibited a .32 caliber bullet which he said he had removed from ? one of the wounds. There were no [ powder marks on the clothing or about the wounds on the body, he testified, and expressed his belief that the shots were fired from about three or four ! feet from the victim. The witness said, in answer to a question of Assistant United States Attorney Leahy, that the wounds were not self-inflicted. Alfred Hardesty of 16 Michigan avenue northeast, one of the residents of 1 the section, who hoard shots fired ; Thursday night shortly after 9 o'clock, testified as to that fact. Charles Riser, a member of No. 6 truck company and half-brother of Reefer, testified as to having found the , body when he went Friday morning to find out why Reefer had not returned home. Coroner Nevitt then announced the continuation of the case until some time next week. The funeral of Reefer will be held from the chapel of Thomas S. Sergeon, 1011 7th street northwest, tomorrow at 1 , 2 p.m. Interment will be In Rock Creek cemetery. ORPET TRIAL NEAR END. ' Two Motions Made by the Defense st l . j l ? l uverruiea oj uourt. WAUKEGAN, 111., July 8.?Evidence | In the case of William H. Orpet, the university student charged with the murder of Marion Lambert, Lake For- ; est high school girl, was completed today. The defense moved that the testimony of Dr. Ralph W. Webster, a toxicologist, that the ash heap substance was potassium cyanide, and that it was 49 per cent pure, be stricken out on the grounds that no proper analysis was made. It was overruled by Judge Donnelly, and James H. Wilkerson, chief of counsel for the defense, then made the usual motion to take the case from " the Jury and dismiss the prisoner. The motion was denied. 0anoth 3" DRIVE BY ALLIES J REVIVES 1 LONDON Tulv 8. 10:32 the Exchange "Telegraph C Harden, the noted German Zukunft: "Our enemies are read after the exhibition of then might without humiliation m a straight line toward peace, believe that they will do tha we hear that France, being tion to another winter camp; will surrender before the wi the talk about Germany drv into the army, w hile we still army corps and 600,000 reci The Frankfurter Zeitung situation, according to an Arr all know that our position is than ever on the superiority important now is the prop< which calls for weighty cons "The immense respons staff in the west is terrible, FIFTEEN HURT IN CRASH Crowded Passenger Car Collides With Work Car on Ohio Trolley Line. ,3\ YOUNGSTOWN, Ohio. July 8?Fifteen persons were Injured, some serl- j ously, when a crowded passenger car i on the Youngstown and Sharon Interurban line crashed into a work car near the Basin street tunnel here this evening. Most of the injuries were received during a panic that followed the collision. The most seriously injured, in hospitals, where they were taken, are: Mrs. George Jones, Pittsburgh,, three ribs broken, severe bruises, may die. H. Charles Collett. Youngstown, motorman, passenger car, leg broken; Kezia Jane Wallace, Beaver, Pa., severely bruised and shocked; John Sankey, Sharon, Pa., conductor, work car, left leg broken, and Anna George. Youngstown, severe cuts and bruises. Others who received lesser injuries were passengers or workmen who were on the work car. They were removed to their homes after their injuria, were dressed at the hospitals. Responsibility for the wreck has not yet been made clear. Traffic on the line, which was unusually heavy, uS^a resumed late tonight. THREE IN AUTO KILLED. Physician and Two Children Meet Death at Railroad Crossing. JARRETS. Va? July 8.?Dr.- o. C. Wright and Clifford Brown and John Partridge, children, were instantly killed late this afternoon, when their automobile was struck by an Atlantic Coast Line freight train at a crossing four miles north of here. Dr. Wright was returning to his home, after making a professional call, on which he had taken the two neighbors' children with him for a ride, when the accident occurred. The physician did not see the train until too late to stop his car, and after it was on the tracks he had presence of mind to head It down the -rails to avoid a collision, but was overtaken. * I ^ JN FRANCE ?EACE DISCUSSION p.m.?A Hague dispatch to ompany quotes Maximilian editor, as writing in Die y- So are we. Therefore, [ r strength just given, they ake up accounts and look for But we Germans must not T7 t rt it. everywhere in Germany exhausted, prefers humiliaiign, and, whatever happens, nter. This is just as true as imming blind and lame men have at home at least thirty -uits every year, in an editorial review of the isterdam dispatch, says : "We critical, and we depend more of our leadership. What is er utilization of our forces, sideration. lbiiity devolving upon our but our fortress is firm.T 0 niliniiT in rrrn unnr 3 wwii in vfint Electric Cable Breaks. Coiling , Around Victims, Killing One, Injuring Two Others. I NEW YORK, July 8.?The ends , of a < I heavily charged feed cable supplying i | electric current to New York Central trains coiled around three persons I when it suddenly snapped today, killing one of them and probably mortally injuring another. I The cable broke at the point where the tracks cross the Harlem river and one end wound itself around Harvey Hynes, aged fourteen years, standing on a springboard with two other bathers beneath the bridge. Hynes was knocked into the river and killed, but his companions received only minor bruises by the breaking springboard. The other end of the cable coiled about Mrs. Nora I^eddy and her daughter Madeline, standing near the bridge. The two were thrown several feet and the mother's spine was broken. The girl was only slightly hurt. COPPER TAX STIRS MONTANA. Protests Against Revenue Measure Sent to Congressmen. BUTTE, Mont., July 8.?From every s part of Montana today a protest was directed to the state's delegation In Congress against that part of the general revenue measure which proposes * a special tax upon the copper mining ? industry. Under the act the business of copper mining and refining is classified with the manufacture and sale of munitions of war. The protest declares that the state will be vitally affected by the discrimination imposed on its principal industry. It is estimated that under the provision of the proposed act one company alone would pay $3,000,000 in special taxes. Gov. Johnson V. S. Senate Candidate SAN FRANCISCO. July 8. ? Oov. Hiram W. Johnson announced ttere today his willingness to be a candidate tor the United States Senate. He was cheered by progressives assembled in a meeting at which the announcement was made. The governor announced some time ago he would support 5 Charles E. Hughes for President. \ sin DAK IN SOU BY FIOODSGROWS Heavy Rains of Past 48 Hours Have Carried Away Bridges and Destroyed Mills. \ T? ELEMENTS RAZE HOMES IN GEORGIA AND ALABAMA Persons Clinging to Trees in Basing waters nescuea?wora rrom Pensacola, No Lives Lost. NINE KNOWN DEAD, FORTY MISSING, IN BIG STORM Nine persons are known to have been killed and at least forty are reported missing as a result of Wednesday's tropical hurricane on the gulf coast and a series of storms, tornadoes and floods that followed in the interior of Alabama and Georgia. In addition unconfirmed reports say that nearly a score of other persons were killed in isolated villages near Mobile. Several days will be required to determine the correctness of these reports, owing to prostrated wire and rail communication throughout the storm-swept region. Property damage probably will reach five million dollars, crops and timber suffering seriously. MAPnv r?n e -jo., u uiy o. r iviii jiiiuuic Georgia to the southwestern part of the state and into Alabama, floods, resigning from the heavy rains of the past forty-eight hours, have carried away bridges, destroyed many homes and mills, and killed hundreds of head of live stock. The Ocmulgee river is rising rapidly at this point. Soldiers in the state mobilization camp, high above the city, suffered from the storm. The hospital tent was one of those blown down, exposing several patients to the rain. In Grady county a cyclone cut a swath 150 yards in width. It blew down the residence of William Walsinghara, killing Walsingham and injuring his wife and son. Fort Gaines reports that practically every bridge in Clay county has beer washed away. Nine inches of watei fell during the last twenty-four hours Trains can get no nearer than withir Ave miles of Fort Gaines, the tracks being under five feet of water. The first word from Columbia, Ala., was received tonight. It stated that Columbia residents had been engaged all day rescuing persons who were clinging to trees along the Omusse creek, having been isolated when the water surrounded the Williams Hydroelectric plant, three miles northwest of the city, and engulfed it as it rose. A report had reached here tonight that the dam supporting the reservoir holding the Columbus water supply was in danger of going out and that a government engineer had been called in. Alabama Streams Rise Rapidly. MONTGOMERY, Ala., July 8.?All Alabama tonight is in the throes of the tropical storm that began its work last Tuesday afternoon at Pensacola and Mobile. This storm, according to the local weather bureau director, turned east from northeast Louisiana and northwest Mississippi and traveled rapidly to the interior of north Alabama. Tonight it was centered in the vicinity of Birmingham, where damage is feared because of the fact that telegraph wires began to go down between that city and Montgomery about 8 o'clock. The torrential rains in the central part of the state, and as far north as the natural watershed of the state, have caused all streams to rise rapidly. The Alabama Power Company sent word to the local weather bureau that fifteen gates would be opened Friday in an endeavor to hold back as much of the flood waters as possible. Because of excessive rains late Friday afternoon it became necessary to open twentythree of these gates, letting an unexpected volume of water into the rivers. Late this afternoon the power company notified Weather Observer Smyth that the gates were being closed in an enfieavor to hold the waters as much in iheck as possible, but excessive rains ibove made the closing process slow. State Convicts Marooned. One hundred state convicts at convict 2amp No. 4, several miles out of this city, :onight are marooned by the overflow, rhe state farm is under water and nuch damage has been done. The conirict department tonight decided to ,eave the convicts at the farm until norning, at whicli time, if present conlitlons continue, they will be brought o Montgomery for safety. AH^tive stock las been moved to places,, er safety. Damage to crops, especially corn, all through the central section is very leavy. Cotton has been leveled by the vinds or washed out by the heavy ains. The same reports are made from ill sections of the state, but no enleavor is made to estimate the crop lamage. At 9 o'clock tonight the weather bureau announced the storm moving off oward the northeast, with torrential ains all over the north and north cenral parts of the state. The observer leclined to estimate the possible ultinate height of the rivers, being with>ut exact data as to the rainfall this lide of the watershed. Reports at Last From Fensacola. NEW ORLEANS, La.. July 8.?No 'urther direct information regarding itorm conditions at Pensacola had been eceived here early tonight to add to he brief wireless message picked up: larly today by the United Fruit Com- j >any's station here, stating that no' ives were lost in the Florida city and hat extensive damage was done to the vater front and buildings there by last Vednesday'sf hurricane. Local wireess stations endeavored throughout tolay and early tonight to again get in with the naval station at Pen? lacola, but owing to static conditions vere unsuccessful. This wireless, rhtch was the first direct word received rom Pensacola since the storm, eonalned no detailed Information. Reports from BUozl, Miss., tonight aid nothing had been heard from the even schooners reported missing from here and Quit Port since the hurrt ane. Thirty-nine men made up the (Continued on Second Page.) 1 RUSSIANS DRIVING THE TEUTONS BACK ON EASTERN FRONT Petrograd Reports Further Gains and the Capture of Many Prisoners. ARMY OF PRINCE LEOPOLD IS MAKING A FIRM STAND Berlin Crediti Him With Repairing Rats Attacks and Inflicting Enormoas Losses. VTEHTTA CLAIMS A VICTORY Russian Attacks in Bukowina and Elsewhere on Line Said to Hava Been Shattered by Austro-Germans. S PETROGRAD. July 8. via London.?The Russians have pressed back the Germans further in the sector west of Czartorysl^, occupying several more towns. Sf . s O /wv :viore tnan z.iaaj men were captured yesterday. In Galicia the Russians hare made further progress against the army of Count von Bothmer. In this war theater the Russians took more than 1,000 men yesterday. Pressing Teutons Hard. : An official statement, issued by th? war office today, says: "In the region of the lower Styr. west of the Czartorysk sector, we are closely pressing the enemy. After the battle yesterday we occupied the Gorodok - Manevlchi station - Okon^kZagorovka-Gruziatyn line. In yesterday's combats seventy-five officers and 2,000 men were taken prisoner In the . zone of the railway line and in the [ Gruziatyn region. "In the region of Optevo a great nam* 1 ber of Austrians were sabered during pursuit of the enemy after a cavalry charge. More than 600 men, live can non. six machine guns and three xna! chine gun detachments, with completg equipment, were captured. Stores of Provisions Captured. "Prisoners continue to arrive in masses. We have taken possession of a great quantity of arms, stores of provisions and other articles. "According to the latest information we have occupied the villages of Letchnievka and Griva, north of the market town of Gorodok and ton kilometers from the St ok hod rive.*. , "East of Monaaterzyska (Gnlicia) we took possession of the village of Gregorov. carrying of more than 1,000 j prisoners. | ' South of the u; ;j- r Stokhod and In j the northern se-.toi oi t' e b-tii dan rront , there were nothing ex< :pt ar illery ac! tions and the batti which con.inues In i the region of th village of Dubovya I Kertchoy. on the front or the Kiver KoJ ropieot there was intense tirfng and j counter attacks 1?; Aus r.ans and Germans. In the region of the market town j of Mikoulitchine, between L>.?1 ityn and Koresmezo. the enemy deliv red a few attacks which were repelled by us. I "On fhu Vivina frr nt thf-rr* vv.-ro fnnil lades. Southwest of Lake Narocz the j combat is losing its intensity. The latest i German counter attacks have not given them any advantage. South of this point there were local arti'lcrv du:*ls. In the region northeast or Baia oviihi the Germans attempted an oTensi.e, which was broken down by our tire." Cavalry Leads Advance. LONDON. July 8. 10:15 p.m.?A Reuter dispatch from Petrograd says: **The Russians are masters of the v?h:>le triangle comprising Rafalowka. Manevitchie and Kolki. The capture of enemy positions northward at) 1 southward i of the Sarnv-Kovel railway permitted the cavalry to rush the < enter, resulting in the occupation of the station at Manevitchie half way between the Styr and Stok'nod rivers. "The infantry mart lied hard the heels of the cavalry and now is i : Arm possession of Manevitchie po done astride the Pinsk-Kolki high road. "Thns the enemy's attempt to tu* i the* right tlank of the Russian army, which is thrust into the Lutsk salient, coranletelv failed. The continuance of the j Russian advance in the region o the j railway and west of Kofki compel ; the i Germans to fall farther back fro; i the j Styr to the Stokhcd. j "There is particular satisfactloi over the capture of Oruzint----. west of 1 olki, which for days had been the ar? la of sanguinary fighting, it is stated that Austro-Germans amn- iting to Ave corps <200,U00 men) have been intrusted with the defense of the approaches to Kovel. The Austrians have been strengthened by German reinforceUtu/M., li'd-.-pl u-H Rafjilnv W*." Bussiens Bcp-.lf- '. "Says Berlin. BERLIN. July X. vi ? London, 4:57 p.m. ?Heavy attacks by the Russians against German tro~ ?s of Prince Leopold in the Uar.ino\ ic'.ii region have been repulsed, with the loss of thousands in dead to the attacking forces. according 10 loaay s umi-ini war umcv announcement. Russian assaults northwest of Buczacz. in Oalicia. also were fruitlesand in Volhynia the Oermans gaine 1 advantages south of Lutsk. The official statement on oper; tions along the Russiaa front says: "Army group of Field Marsha^ von Hindenbursr: T)u* ing the r~*?ulse of repeated attacks south > l-nke Nnroci we captured two officers and ?10 men. We repelled weak advances at other points. "Array group of Prince^ Leopold of Bavaria: Repeated efltorfs by strong Russian forces since yesterday against the front from Zirin to the southeast of Oorodische and on both sides of the Darovo ended in complete failure. The dead lying before our positions numbered thousands. In addition to theso