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the power to do anything. But those vi o are nominated for office are carefully avoiding saying whether they will do what . their vocal element promises. in other words, they are putting- up as their spokesmen of policy ihosV whom" they do not oven pretend to trust with power. j 'Control Never Shaken." Therefore, -those of us who are inducted into the secrets of the craft know that the talk is in vain, and that the ; real counsels of the party are in that other element which is in absolute control of the organisation of the party in j Congress and out of it. and whose con- j trol has never for a moment been disturbed. never -been shaken. I The contest at Chicago four years ago \ and the contest at Chicago this year were for the control of the machinery of the party. T don't mean on the part of rank and file of the progressives, for. my fellow-citizens, no more earnest and sincere body of men were ever assembled than assembled in those two progressive conventions at Chicago. And no sincere ami earnest men Wore ever more pitifully deceived and betrayed. "For. after all, it turned out that the object was not to lead the nation, but to control the republican party, and any sort of abject surrender was offered by those who spoke, though they spoke without' authority tor them, if they might be admitted to control that machinery. And now. alter the smoke has cleared away, alter the atmosphere has yielded to the influences of time, we se~' standing out before us that familiar old guard that has never for a moment been disturbed in its possession of power . >r turned aside in its exercise of the control which it lias used. And what I want to call your attention to is that this is not merely a presidential campaign. There is something quite as important j as the choice of a chief magistrate. 1 want you to remember that the real sources of action and the real machinery of obstruction arc in Congress, not In the presidency. 'No Wilson Policy." Do you suppose that anything cou'd have been accomplished in the last three and a half years if there had not been a determined and willing: majority in the Congress? i have n??t led these gentlemen. I have gone forward with them. I call your attention to the fact that there is nowhere recorded a single Wilson policy. Everything that I have asked that Congress to do was written in the pledges of the party itself. Arid the only power I have exercised is the power of co-operation, the power that ail men exercise when, insisting upon the obvious duties of a great hour, men take heart to do a great thing. "It is a very interesting circumstance. my fellow citizens, that the House of Representatives is less docile than the Senate of the United States. In the House of Representatives it has again and again happened that the republican minority has broken awa> from the control of its leaders and voted, sometimes by a majority of its members, sometimes almost unanimously. for the measures which have distinguished the action of the present democratic Congress. They came from the people. They knew when th^se things were suggested in Congress that they would be held inexcusable if they did not sustain them. "Regrettable Incident." "Only upon one conspicuous occasion did the contrary happen, when the republican machine was able to compel a majority of its n?en#bers in the House of Representatives to vote that Amor ican citizens had no right to travel on the high seas. If their leaders believe in the rights of American citizens, why don't their followers? If their leaders are so stiff to see that Americans get their rights everywhere, why do these men vote that Americans shall get their rights nowhere? One of the most regrettable Incidents of American history is that there should have been found men in the Congress of the United States willing to vote in that ? sense. "But It is another story in the Senate of the United States. There a serene confidence obtains in the private conferences of the Senate. I Zr-~ have never been admitted to their pri"V vacy, but I have seen their performance. and the most reactionary men in America have absolutely controlled the action of the minority in the United ^ States Seriate, except for a few ex.amples o/ independence by distinguished individuals who did not care to be mastered and owned by a body. But their number was so small as to be negligible. "Whole Thing Much Simpler. "It made the whole thing very much simpler, T admit, because you never had to speculate how "the republicans were going to vote in the United States Senate. You knew that beforehand by calculations established through a whole generation?men who could not see the light of a new aee, who did not desire to see it. who wished the old methods ~" to be resumed: not the methods of ? ? Abraham Lincoln, who listened to the voice of the people; they listened to the voice of the interests. They have been gT? '"uneasy and a little unshepherded ever aJTI -since Mark Hanna and Senator Aldrlch X'": passed from the stage. It was much r* easier to be told what to do. It was so / much simpler to get orders. * "* '''.Now, these gentlemen are in obvious f and undisputed control of the organi-! iC.: sation of the republican party. It is tBEF* lhey who are counseling their leaders) to say as little as possible and to say it - in a:: confused a way as possible, so tliat nobody may know how to calou-fe, lat?* their orbit from day to day. The only thing that they ar? revealing is xZT thai they do not. want anything said, 'and after the election is over, it they should win possession of the govern' 'icent, thojr do not mean to say any i '/i uuviuua jcaBuns, it is contrary ' the Constitution of the United _ States to make a man testify against ? hir?-*; "Clioice Bigger Than That." "io '"at it all cernes down, my i'eljcitizens, to a very simple proposii;... tior. Are you going to leave your govert-me: * under the control of people v r.o d> know and -x'r o will tell you hat they are going . do, or are you : oirig * ;>ut it in th?r t.a. 'is of men who '.] n' t II you vl.a t. are going do i *vi will ,r private in* The choif . is higger than that. ' urn- stand trom the leaders of the r-euh. :.:i party that nothing that has h.j has beer done right. They o' r / a;. the thing that was done v . ;*. s wrong, but the way in " . a., none -v? ; always wrong, 'lie.. "ot venture to say?that is to b y. tl private cour:?'l does not ven" :o t< that we wanted anything .* but p*a -. but they would have pre,, fcrred ome other way, not disclosed. of ofatn g i eaee. The vocal part * rtyh, AVe w anted war The snent pai t iiitiuxa'.- that we wanted peace, but jp wanteo another kind of peace. They ~ never <an get over that fundamental t uneasiness, gentlem* n, that America is *4iu.ij?c 01 soineoouy el?e than theinr KClves. JCiiOws Peace Was Obtained." but An:erica knows that the thisig* ..?xt \y c>. done did obtain peace, arid i. it dote not know that the things Unit r, mijfht have been done would have ol>cair.ed peace, sg that America knows -r. that it >5 faced with this choice; Peace, ; the continuance of the devtiupment of basinet along the lines which it has ; now established an d developed, and the maintenance ol well known progressive lines of action on the one hand; or on the o*f?er a disturbance of policy ail along the line?new ?ondiUons, new adjustments, undefined alterations of policy, and back of it all invisible government "Several gentlemen who are supposed to be spokesmen for the republican party _ have in public professed to condemn .;~n : visible u-overnrr.ent ?>> 4 thev hay*- nninseJed and aided and ~? abetted :t. The bent way to divert : ueptcioa is to condemn the thing that you are 'io:n-r -ourst-lf. And Juat be ause ?h?j people of the state of New York saw through that thin mask thej ?*>-!- defeated a tolerably good new constitution by a majority that had neve: been before hoard of in that state. U you want to know how New York is going tills time, look up the records of what it did to the constitution. An<l H did it to the constitution, not Upol a carerui examination of what tht f constitution contained, but upon the universal repute of whom it was who had proposed the constitution. Even if they had not been able to discover the dangrerous things in it, they would have known that it was full of dangerous things. Temper of the People. "That is the temper of the people of the United States, not to exchange a handsome certainty for an unhandsome uncertainty. See how big the time is with possibility! At this present moment ?I want to repeat this because perhaps the country has not realized it enough? at this present moment it is almost impossible to do anything positive in the I field of foreign affairs, because foreign I nations have been led to suppose that i there may be a chang i in our foreign afI fairs. Foreign nations have been led to believe that a dominant element in the republican party is in favor of drawing-1 the United States into the European war, and they have been told, with abundant evidence, that it is probable that if the republicans succeed we shall enter upon a policy of exploitation of our neighbors in Mexico. That is the whole moral of every criticism that I read, and until ! the people of the L'nited Stales have j spoken it is extremely difficult to come j to any definite conclusion about any- j | thing that touches our relations either to i Europe or to Mexico. I, myself, do not i I doubt the result, but there are some who affect to doubt it. ' Will Fight for Mankind's Rights." "T want you to realize the part that the United States must play. It has been said, my fellow citizens, been said with cruel emphasis in some quarters, that the people of the United States do not want to light about anything. That is profoundly false. Hut the people of the United States want to bo sure what they are fighting about, and they want to be sure that they arc fighting for the things that will bring to the world justice and peace. Define the elements; let us know that we are not fighting for the prevalence of this nation over that, lor the ambitions of this group of nations as compared with the ambitions of that group of nations; let us once be convinced that we are called into a great combination to tight for the risrhts of mankind, and America will unite her force an<l spill her blood for the great things which she has always believed in and followed. "Something Greater to Come." "America is always ready to fight for things that are American. She does not permit herself to be embroiled, but she does know what it would be to be challenged. And when once she is challenged, there is not a man in the United States. I venture to say. so mean, so forgetful of the great heritage of this nation, that he would not give everything he possessed, including life itself, to stand by the honor of this nation. What Europe is beginning to realize is that we are saving ourselves for something greater that is to come. We are saving ourselves in order that we may unite in that final league of nations in which it shall be understood that there is no neutrality where any nation is doing wrong, in that final league of nations which must in the providence of God come into the world where nation shall be leagued with nation in order to show all mankind that no man may lead any nation into acts of aggression' without having all the other nations of the world leagued against him." JOY RIDERS TAKE CAR TWICE IN ONE WEEK Albert Lee Thnrman's Auto Last Seen by Policeman Traveling a Mile a Minute. A seven-passenger automobile belonging: to Albert Thurman, 21! 19 California street, disappeared from in front of his residence last night about 8 o'clock for the second time during the week. It was taken from there j last Sunday night and found abandoned in front of Wardman Courts. Some time after it disappeared last night Bicycle Policeman Showalter saw It in southeast Washington and made an effort to overtake it. "It was impossible for me to overtake it," he reported to his commanding officer. "There was a man in the car and he was speeding at the rate j of almost a mile a minute. Dirt and dust was thrown up in my face, making it difficult for me to follow through the cloud of dust." A dozen complaints of automobiles taken by joy riders and others during trie last week were recorded at police headquarters. Two of them were not recovered. <>ne belonged to Charles M. Asbton, 1323 F street northeast. It was taken from in front of the owner's hou.?e last Sunday afternoon and was seen at Berwvn, Md.. later In the day ; in charge of three men, who are thought to have stolen a car in Phila delphia and abandoned kt at Berwyn. Others Stealing Auto Supplies. The other ear that was not recovered belongs to Charles J. Mooney, 5 3 M street. He reported that his machine was taken from Vermont avenue, between H and I streets. Wednesday afternoon. and the police say they have found nothing to suggest its whereabouts. While joy riders and, in a few instances, automobile thieves are causing owners of automobiles a great amount of annoyance and inconvenience, other violators of the law are stealing tires, laprobes and other articles in automobile:;. "The thefts of automobile tires is becoming a matter of some concern," said Inspector Grant, chief of detectives, to i a Star reporter iast night, "and I hope } to find a vay to put a stop to such anj noying thefts. i "The thieves have an outlet for trie i tires that we have been unable to find," | he added, "and with co-operation on part of motorists the numoer 01 i ucn inert.; j might be reduced." ! Insj;?ctor Giant suggested the idea of J locking extra tires that are carried for emergency use. and said he thought helping records of sales and purchases of tire* and reporting such transactions to the police would be of greaf assistance in reducing the number of thefts. Automobile tires, especially the more expensive ones, he said, are numbered, and it would be ;,n eas> matter to keep records that would assist in tracing them. "Such records are kept in some cities," Inspector Grant stated, "and copies of them are transmitted to the police, if m j j ts of assistance in other cities it certainly should be of assistance here." I?; very few Instances, if is stated, have the police been able to trace stolen tires and recover them. A five-passenger automobile belonging to Isaac T. Mann. 1333 JtJth street, wa- taken from Chevy Chase cjtib last night. It was after il o'< lock when the police were 'old of the disappearance of the car. The automobile v.;is taken in Maryland, but the police will make every effort to recover it. APPROPRIATE 5200.000. Seventh-Day Adventists to Preach Second Coming of Christ. To preach the second advent of j Christ in the big cities of the United j States J200.000 lias been appropriated bv delegates attending the ioint conn oil of the executive committee of th division conferences of Seventh-day Adventints now in session at Takoma ; Park. This money will he given, it is announced. in addition to the nearly twc million dollars that is contributed by the adherents of the church in th< United .States and Canada for the dis' semination of the doctrines they hold > Work among colored people is receiv5 in# considerable attention from th< I delegates, and large appropriation: i have been made to carry on the mis > atom*. t \s on AM.UWivEIts s?AC GESCfiVOlR* \\ 5TOHLMNN OLD DOMINION cummins woocs^' V#EST fAU* CHURCN ft' / ^ ^ %A ode-moum * SIupton mill. vju \ 11 olcncabuyn v ^ \ ff payne woods > u' \ cfcmes f*yne COetLAND Sf r ounn j ffinPnnTMFTl BACKFROMBORDER First Separate Battalion Goes Into Camp at Fort Myer Today. REACH HOME AT MIDNIGHT! More than a week of living on railroad cars will be completed this morning when the 1st Separate Battalion of! District of Columbia Infantry detrains at the Rosslyn railroad yards and' marches to Fort Myer to go into camp.: The train bearing this contingent of I District troops, the first to return from t the border, arrived at the Rosslyn yards from Naco, Ariz., where the District colored troops have been camped, at midnight last night. It arrived at the j Potomac yards at 10:40 p.m., but was) not shifted into the Rosslyn yards until j midnight. All of the troops we^e up when the j train arrived. They were prepared to detrain immediately and march to Fort J Myer to make camp. However. Maj. j James K. Walker, commanding the 1st! Separate Battalion, was met at the yards j by W. F. Volandt, civilian clerk in the depot quartermaster's office at Fort Myer. who gave instructions for the men to remain on the train tonight and to march to Fort Myer the first thing this morning. This was welcomed by both officers and men, as it saved thern from having to pitch shelter tents in the darkness and sleep on the ground last nignt. They occupied their berths on the tourist sleepers last night, and .although there was no steam heat running though the trains, nevertheless it was more comfortable in the closed cars than the troops would have found it sleeping in shelter tents. Camp Site Already Laid Out. The camp site for the troops has j all been laid out at Fort Myer. They | will make camp ori the spot occupied ] early by the mounted organizations of the District militia, north of the rail- ! road tracks. It had been planned to ' put them in barracks, but owing to : the fact that there is considerable property there belonging to organiza- ; tions now on the border tho men could i not be put there. However, the quartermaster is pre- ; pared to furnish the men with all the j extra blankets they need to keep them warm in their tents. A large supply of new blankets has just been received and these will be issued as fast as they are needed. The men probably ] will find the sleeping at Fort Mycr much coldoi" than they did at Naco. There whs a considerable crowd on hand to greet the returning militiamen, but not a man was allowed to leave the j train, ami in the heavy fog w hich hung o\tr the railroad yards all night it would have been difficult for friends and relatives to pick out those they were looking f<>r on the train, even if they had been permitted to enter the yards. Crowd Awaited Battalion. The people began to gather as early as 1 o'clock yesterday, and all of last night there were crowds on hand. The waiting stations of the electric railway I at Rossiyn were crowded most of the ! night w ith people waiting for the rei turning soldiers. These were the only ! warm places in whn h they could cori: gregate. Tliey would make frequent j visits to the railroad yards in efforts to ! get additional information on the probi able time of arrival of the troops. I Constable Howard Smoot ano Deputy .Sheriff Thomas Dee, both of Rosslyn, | were on hand to manage the crowds and to sec that they did not get into the railroad yards and in the way of the trainmen. who were placing the cars on the sidings. After the troops arc detrained this morning, they will be marched to Fort Myer. The work of unloading the freight cars will he started immediately thereafter. so thai the big tentage can be put up before night, in order that the ?oidi?Ts will not have to sleep in shelter tents. makes good showing. Third D. C. Infantry, in Camp on Bolder, Formally Inspected. From a Staff Correspondent. SAX ANTONIO, Tex., 3d Infantry Camp, Camp Funston, October 14.?The 3d Infantry Regiment, N. G. D. C., wax formally inspected here today by Brig. Gen. Henry R. Hill of the Illinois militia. commanding the 2d Brigade of the 12th Division, of which the District infantry is a part. The four months of intensive training in Ca up Orda ay at Fort Myer, Va., is responsible fur the excellent showing made today. Not only was the military formation perfect, but an inspection of the rifles and personal equipment dis' closed the fart that the District troops have kept the government property in excejI'.-iii wiiuiuuji. Oen. Hill complimented Col. Young, * commanding the 3d Infantry, after the [ inspection, and said the regiment took high rank among the militia organizations on the border. It matters little what it is that you rf want?whether a situation or a servant - ?a want ad in The Star will reach the person who will fill your need. f ?INtMU?5T 1^ M ft'lAlBHH ? ? W g \ ^ tw oust oinc4r/ *% ^ \l ?J/ MAP SHOWIWTHt 0l!?lMAT"MiUiSTON6S>?r BOUNDARY STONES Of T?? PllTftlCT Of COtUMU AMP TMBIg APPROXIMATE LOCATION E. WOODwaU A \ <11 TV "OF VtitShtMffft: J f AHMOSTI / a ( hi I OSTUMPONLt V f \ V <>TH ? STUMP | \ f \ A ? WW/ Pi^AV. ( ? / / k" WIS9IM?\ I I I'BLUE PI '" ' j (ky?l? wwt utpwr homit, rnmr in nrniniTrn rtnut id utmuAitu AT MILESTONE NO. 8 Story of Marking of District Boundary Line Told at Blue Plains Ceremony. TRIBUTE PAID D. A. R. WORK At the dedication ceremonies yesterday of the fence around milestone No. 8 on the District boundary line, near Blue Plains, Fred K. Woodward, the principal speaker, outlined a history of the placing of the stones 125 years ago, and also paid a tribute to the Daughters of the American Revolution, who are responsible for the movement to preserve the site by fencing each stone. Mr. Woodward reminded his auditors that 125 years ago the United States was an infant, and that science and invention had not yet taken the great steps which have marked the latter years of the country. He then described , the original boundaries of the District of <'olumbla: "Beneath the southern sea wail of the I miniature lighthouse on Jones point, be- j low Alexandria, incased in a concrete J cage which was constructed in 1913 by | Col. \V. C. Dangfltt of the United States j Engineer Corps, may be seen the initial or southern stone of the District of Columbia. On April In. 1791. Just 125 years j ago. the master of Alexandria Dodge, No. 22, of Masons poured corn and wine and ' oil upon this carefully oriented atone and j pronounced it good. ' "Standing at. tills stone facing southwest as nearly as their instruments of I survey allowed, the lines of the District were extended up the long ascent of Khuter's hill, following closely the Deesburg turnpike; through Glen Carlyn and over Upton hill to West Falls Church, a | Circulation an r ~ x_r j VJU 1 IdilU Newspaper Here are the figures made by the Washing f 'ost Office Department showing the circulatior months, each October 1 6ir f Daily 6? ^tar 1 Sunday 42 D ? f D.&S 32 P?St 1 Sunday Herald! 3' t Sunday ? TWc I Daily 4S I C J A" !_ Sunday 4j The law does not r ment of Sunday edition; make no separate statei tion. The constantly ini The Star year after ye comment. It is one o conditions of the cornm Newspaper The following are number of lines of ad\ Washington newspapei ing September 30 for th 6 mos. 1914. Star 5,341,035 Post 3,025,612 Times 2,339,825 Herald ...... 1,612,419 The tremendous vo The Star is the natur; Star's great circulation, rnrb station . tfaMCMT KW> \^?UWHI OHOT&'MQAV . A. tv. N^MBXTWOOO QO*X> SCMOOi.^ /V ^ KENJ1.MWOBTW ^ jj\ BUMVU.UL \ fficwra.Baa* X c/CNCT. AVE., BlDSE ROAD j ^/?UfT ROAD WAtKeR ttOAO oxow RUAi |/ WHEELER ftOAfc /INC5TOM ROAD A??3 distance of ten miles to the west corner. "Turning now at a right angle, the line continues northwest through woods and fields across the Old Dominion railroad across the Potomac river above Chain bridge, through Tenleytown, Chevy Chase Circle, Pinehurst, Rock Creek Park to the north corner at Woodside, >ld., another ten miles. "Turning again at a right angle, the line passes through the grounds of Senator Blair Lee's estate, through Takoma Park, Mount Rainier, tho reform school, Kenilworth and Burrvllle to the marsh near the station of the Chesapeake Beach railroad, the east corner, another ten miles. Again turning at right angles the line extends along the high ground of the Bowen road, down the valley of Oxon run, the high plateau of the Wheeler road to Blue Plains, and finally across the Potomac river to the point of beginning:, Jones Point lighthouse. "At the end of every mile there wan erected a stone twelve inches square ant^ about two feet above ground, and a broad path forty feet wide was cut, largely through the woods, along the entire line. Generally speaking these stones are not well preserved, suffering not only from the hand of time, but also from careless marauders and vandals." Mr. Woodward's Address. In the course of his address Mr. Woodward said: "These milestones all came from a quarry near Acquia creek, Va., and were set in place in 1791 and 1792. The work was officially completed on January 1, 1793. It might be interesting to know who were the men actually engaged in the survey. They were MaJ. L'Enfant, Andrew Ellicott, Count de Graff, Isaac Roberdeau, William King, Nicholas King and Benjamin Banneker, a free negro. "What did they see as this path, forty feet wide, was carved out of the land? Almost a wilderness, in which primitive forests and purling brooks were interspersed with waving fields of corn, purple tasseled tobacco, apple orchards and red clay banks. Houses were few and far between, slaves tolled in the fields and vessels from every port in the world brought their wares to Alexandria and Georgetown, both of which were cities of importance even in that day. "Although an Impression prevails that. Gen. Washington was present at the laying of the first stone, such is not the case, us It is certain he was in Petersburg, Va., on the 15th of April, I 1791." id Advertising in Hand Circulation of the sworn statements ton newspapers to the for the past three years, i for the preceding six st. 10.1914. 4 mo. 1915. 6 mo. 1916. " AAft / ft Ar A A / AAA >,ZUO t>0,7D0 Jbfiyi 1,146 50,975 55,445 1,370 34,144 41,178 1,690 29,812 36,130 >,838 46,381 41,153 >,905 41,922 40,259 equire a separate statei. The Post and Herald nent of Sunday circula;rcasing circulation of !. _ _ r ? ar ib a source 01 much f the notable economic unity. Advertising j the figures of the total rertising carried by the -s for six months endie past three years: 6 mo*. 1915. 6 mos. 1914. 5,503,868 5,847,287 2,994,294 3,291,508 2,282,339 2,109,566 1,715,995 2,289,376 lume of advertising- in al consequence of The both daily and Sunday. f TELLS MINERS WHY PRESIDENT ERRED Roosevelt Criticises Adamson 8-Hour Law in Speech at Wilkes-Barre. 'SHOULD HAVE ARBITRATED' WILKES-BARRE, Pa., October 14.? : Theodore Roosevelt, speaking at a re- | publican mass meeting here tonight, criti- I clsed the attitude of President Wilson on the eight-hour day for railroad employes. He declared that arbitration would have been the proper method of averting the threatened nation-wide railway strike, and instanced the application of this principle in 1902 when he settled the anthracite coal strike. Col. Roosevelt spoke as follows: Coal Strike as Precedent. 44I have accepted the invitation to come to Wilkes-Barre to discuss the Adamson law, because Wilkes-Barre is the headquarters of the great industry in connection with which I myself as President was brought into close and intimate touch with the labor movement in this country. If what I have to say is of any value it must be not only because it. represents what in the abstract is right, but also because in the concrete I applied, in actual practice, when I had power, the principles which I criticise Mr. Wilson for not applying now. Therefore, I wish to recapitulate to you Just what occurred in connection with the anthracite coal strike and to contrast it with what Mr. Wilson has done in connection with the law for the increase of wages on railroads. "At the outset, I wish to express my very hearty admiration for the brotherhoods. I am proud of the fact that I am an honorary member of one of them: I have usually been in entire sympathy with them. While I held public office 1 found myself in the vast majority of cases able to support them in their demands, because these demands were right. But now they have demanded legislation raising their wages to be taken without investigation and without the exercise of that form of judgment shown by a compe a demand is wrong, and 1 stand against it because it is wrong, exactly as I have stood against the demands of bankers and lawyers, and mine owners and railroad presidents when | they were wrong. I believe in lab^r ; unions. I am proud that I am myself j an honorary member of a labor union. I But I believe first of all in the Union i to which all of us belong, the union of States. "In the case of the settlement of the anthracite coal strike, the action I took was of precisely the kind which President Wilson now says the law should make obligatory in all similar cases in the future. But Mr. Wilson himself admits that his own action was so bad that it ought never to be repeated, for he has assured the public that although Congress has adjourned without doing anything, it is his intention when CongresR meets to see that it does something to render it impossible for another Preside it ever to repeat exactly what he has just done. In other words, I stood and stand by my action as the proper action, constituting the proper precedent for future action. Mr. Wilson himself confesses that his action was wrong and that the precedent thereby set is so evil that legislation must be enacted rendering It impossible for another President ever to repeat the action. President's Action Deferred. "There Is another point of difference and a vital point. The action I took was intended to meet the situation at once. The action that Mr. Wilson took has been deferred so that it shall not take place until considerably after election. "President Wilson in his speeches of August 29 and September 23 has furnished his own condemnation out of his own mouth. In them he explicitly condemns exactly what he has done and actually demands legislation which will make impossible the repetition of such a proceeding! This is so extraordinary! an attitude that I quote, his own words. ; He said he wished 'to provide* against 'the recurrence of such unhappy situations in the future' by securing 'the calm and fair arbitration of all industrial disputes in the days to come.' This is an explicit assertion that arbitration of all industrial disputes is the right method of action; and therefore that he had adopted the wrong method of action?although in the case of the anthracite coal strike he had an exact t?n;^cucin ?ii f/vr*iti.f uj luuumiis WHiCn ho would have enforced the right method. "President Wilson further says: "This is assuredly the best way of vindicating a principle?namely, having failed to make certain of its observance in the present to make certain of its observance in the future.' On the contrary, this is the very worst way of vindicating a principle. Indeed, it is impossible to devise a worse way of vindicating a principle. than to flinch ignominiously from enforcing it in the case at issue and at the same time to seek to cover the ignominy by vociferous protestations about applying it in the nebulous future. The same paper, the New York Times, from which I quote the above sentences, contained statements from the leaders of the brotherhoods whom he was befriending, in which they said that they would never consent to the legislation providing for future arbitration for which President Wilson asked; and President Wilson kept a weak and nervous silence about this defiance. He did not get the legislation which he declared was essential to 'vindicate the principle' in the future. All that he accomplished was the violation of the principle in the present, in the concrete case at issue. The only law he secured established the precedent of violation of the principle. All that he did was to establish the most evil of all precedents for a democracy, the precedent of violating a principle under the duress of threat an 1 menace. It is a precedent which will return to plague us throughout a'l future time whenever we have in the WhPo House a President who is timid in the face of threat of physical violence or who subordinates duty to the hope of personal political profit. Really a Wage Increase. "Mr. Wilson has adroitly maintained that the question at issue was the eighthour day. This Is not all fact. The question at issue was the question of wages. The law does not say that there shall be an eight-hour day. It says that eight hours shall 'be made the measure of a day's work for the purpose of receiving compensation.' In other words, it was primarily an increase of wages and not a diminution of hours that was aimed at. "I believe in the eight-hour day. It Is the ideal toward which we should tend. But I believe that there must be common sense as well as common honesty In achieving the idea!. Mr. Wilson has laid down tire principle that there is something sacred about the ' eight-hour day which makes it improper even to discuss it. If this is so, if it is applied universally, then Mr. ' Wilson is not to be excused for not ap- 1 plying it immediately where he has ! complete power, and that is in his own ! household. If the principle of the eight- ' hour day is sacred and not to be 1 changed under any circumstances, then : the housemaid, who in Mr. Wilson's house, arises at 7 must be left off at 2 In the afternoon; and if Mr. Wilson's : butler is kept up after a state dinner ' ! until 10, he must not come on until 2 1 of the following; afternoon, and no * hired man on a farm must get up to < milk the cows in the morning unless ' he quits work before milking time arrives that same evening. Of course, the simple truth is that under one set of i i conditions an eight-hour law may be . too long or at least may represent the I very maximum of proper work; where- , 'as there may be other conditions under j i whfch a man working more than eight | s hours one day gets one or two days of i r complete leisure, following, or where i s the work is intermittent throughout j y> the day, or is of so easy or varied a . p type that no exhaustion accompanies it. I t? or where a rush of work for a few days j will be compensated by complete leisure j a on certain other days. It is ridiculous t< to say that an engineer of a high-speed ; t train under especially difficult condi- j <. tions, an engineer of a low-speed train } under very much easier conditions, a i v farm laborer in harvest time, a man en - j a gaged as a watchman through the j t uulet hours of the night, or a man en- j n gaged in the exhausting work of a?v steel puddler in a continuous seven-. j davs-a-week- nivht-Nnd-dav industry I .. should he governed by precisely the j same rule, or by the same rigid appli- i cation in detail of a sound general prin- i ciple. Approves Limitation of Hours. "I heartily believe in a proper limitation by law of hours of work in the railroad service, and I recommended legis- : lation to that effect when I was President. 1 I believe in the wages in any industry j being just as high as it is possible to 1 make them without injustice to the, capital Invested and to the public which is served. ( But It Is a mere truism' to say that it is j Impossible to get this ideal achieved ' unless an honest and dispassionate effort ! is first made by the proper commission to ' ascertain the full facts in the particular case. As regards the railroads, we have 1 to consider the wages paid to the differ- i ent classes of employes, the interest on j the investment, the earning power of the I road and the kind of service that must ! t be rendered to the public. It is impossible ' to secure a proper solution of the problem unless all these factors are considered. " Mr. Wilson absolutely declined to consider any of them. He declined even to ask wnai iney were, we nave not uus moment one particular of trustworthy information which will enable us to decide whether the, demands of the men were just or not. "Remember, it is the public that in the end will pay. You do not have to take ?. my assertion for this. Take the assertion of Mr. Wilson's master in this matter. The union leaders, through their chairman. Mr. Garretson, announced that 'they would steadily refuse to arbitrate and that j in their action they were supported by the ) President of the United States.' They stated their case In a nutshell as follows! i [In rimes like this men go back to primal . instinct?to the day of the caveman with ' 1 his half-gnawed bone, snarling at the . < other caveman who wanted to take his , bone away. We leaders are lighting for j our men. The railroads are lighting for 1 their stockholders, and the shippers for : themselves. And the public will pay." Mr. Garretson Is right?the public will pay. And it will pay without having had the J 1 chance to know* whether it ought or ought j not to pay. Mr. Wilson betray ed fh..* pub- ! lie when he refused to insist that the j : contest should be decided on principles of i justice, and when be permitted it to be I decided in deference to greed and fear. Mr. Wilson announced that it was 'futile' i to stand firmly against these improiKM*. demands. It would not have been futile ! if a democrat of the stamp of Andrew j *ack?on or Grover Cleveland had been i President. "The futility inhered solely in Mr. Wilson himself. If President Wilson had stood by the honor and the interests of the United States in this matter: if he had insisted upon a full investigation before action; if he had insisted upon arbitration and had announced that if there was any attempt to tie up the traffic of the United States he would use the entire power of the United States to keep the arteries of traffic open. I would have- applauded him and sunoorted him. Hut. to take such action needed courage. It j needed disinterestedness. It was neces- ! sary that the man taking it should put duty to the nation first and political and personal considerations last. What President Wilson did was to permit the overriding of Justice by appeals to brute force. "He says that it would have been 'futile' to show courage and stand up for the right. From the standpoint of the nation, the worst type of futility in a President is to fail to stand up for the right. President Wilson felt It was futile to oppose these men, exactly as President Buchanan, his spiritual forbear, felt in 1860, that it was futile, to oppose secession. That type of futility gives the real measure of the man who practices it. What Buchanan considered futile Bin coin made heroic. Why He Champions Hughes. "I champion iMr. Hughes as against. Mr. Wilson because in every such crisis ) Mr. Wilson, by his public acts, has shown that he will yield to fear, that he will not yield to justice; whereas the public acts of Mr. Hughes have proved him to be incapable of yielding in such a crisis to any threat, whether made by politicians. corporations or labor leaders. "If it is alleged that President Wilson has been actuated only by principle in connection with the Adamson law, then I ask why he has failed to apply the same principle to the railway postal clerks, where he has full power. Estimating six days to the week, these postal clerks, operating between New York and Pittsburgh, are required to run 205 miles per day (for the present administration has reduced the num j her of crews from six to five), whereas | the present trainmen's agreement re| quires only 155 miles per day, which I s to be reduced still further by the I Adamson law. The only possible explanation of Mr. Wilson's action in one case and inaction in the other is that only 400 men are affected in that case where the government has full control of the hours of labor, whereas 400,000 men are supposed to be affected by the Adamson bill. "Mr. Gompers has recently established himself as the especial champion of Mr. Wilson, and claims joint credit with Mr. Wilson for their joint conduct of our foreign affairs so far as Mexico is concerned. He asks labor to support Mr. Wilson specifically on the ground of Mr. Wilson's attitude in, which, he states, he has helped to, secure. Tie says, for example, that he was largely instrumental in securing the recognition of Carranza in Mexico, because of Carranza's sympathy with 'he labor movement there. For the details of what 1 speak, 1 refer you to Senator Fall's recent speeches, where the exact quotations are given. Mr. , Gompers states that when all other agencies failed in the effort to secure j the recognition of Carranza by Presi- ; UCIH. VY uaun "luinprin unn veiieu uil | September 22, 1915, and Mr. Wilson's ( recognition of Carranza immediately t followed. Mr. Gompers continues by ( saying- that Carranza was recognized . as the friend of the working people in ] Mexico. On September 2, 19l<>, M>. . Gompers appealed for the support of laboring men for Mr. Wilson on the ground of Mr. Wilson's policy as re- I gards Mexico. ' "Tied Himself in Triumvirate." ''He thus tied himself up with Messrs. Wilson and Carranza as one of the triumvirate which exercises supreme ' control in Mexican matters. This makes it worth while for the workers to whom Mr. Gompers especially appeals to study what Carranza, the favored friend and ally of Messrs. Gompers and Wilson, has done to laboring men in Mexico?not to speak of what < to Americans in Mexico. , Mr. Gompers states that when Carranza refused to surrender the Amen- 1 can soldiers taken prisoners at Car- ? rizal in response to President Wilson's j a request, he, Mr. Gompers, telegraphed ' , t' O i ra'.iza appealing! ' to him upon the ground of "patriotism 55 and love" for the release of the American soldiers; and that immediately ; ^ Carranza responded on June 29th to . , Mr. Gompers, saying that he had or- .. dered the release of the prisoners. < The telegram closed with: "Salute. I affectionately, V. Carranza." I Thereupon Samuel Gompers, in the ' * - deration of Labor, on L June 30, thanked Gen. Carranza for rei**asin~ the American soldiers. "I really question whether we have .' ever in our history known anything fil as extraordinary as the President of the United States playing second fiddle in such manner to the head of a pri- , vate organization when dealing with b international rAitters. I wish to call your attention especially to two facts L n connection wfth the incident, ri Neither Mr. Wilson nor Mr. Gonipers, neither* of the two amateur diplomats who Mius anted on a footing of fra- I] ternal equality in their joint conduct ?and misconduct?of American foreign relations made any appeal or de- L nand for atonement for the death of the American soldiers treacherously v anza's troops. They did 1' nothing about the killing of Boyd and b Adair and their troopers. All that they ic ventured to do was to ask that the o American soldiers who had been taken a prisoners when their comrades were r< 4 lain be returned- That was tbo only * >Muest that the joint committee of uppllants for safety, composed of "resident Wilson and President Gom >rs, ventured to demand of their maser. Mr. Carranza. "The welfare of the laboring man nd the welfare of the farmer taken ogether represent the foundation of he national welfare f have always onscientiously endeavored to do vervthing in my power for tho wago 'ork^r who worked with his hand." nd for the farmer. I will do every- I hing that in me lies for their perma 1 ent good, except anything that Is rrong. and that I will do for no man speak out of my deepest convictions nd as conscientiously as it is in my ower to sneak when I say to you that. believe that Mr. Wilson's action In | onnection with the Adamson bill is f eeply prejudicial to the real and / iernianent interests of the laboring I r?an. I say to you with deepest coriiction that if you yourself will look iack you will find that on the average he wageworker has prosi>ered more i hen this country has been under .1 rotective tariff than when the proective tariff has been so low as not o give protection to our immense an A a ried industries: and, above all, to he men working in those industries, is you know. 1 have always stood for , he tariff only to the degree in which he benefit was reasonably shared be ween the men in the front office and he men win# receive the pay envelope stand for that division now. But here must be something to divide, or ? tobody will pet anything." ^ SENTENCE OF AMERICAN MAY NOT BE PROTESTED State Department Will Closely Study Case of W. C. Silbermann in Paris. The case of William Chester Silbernann of New York, sentenced in Pari? ?. o />ka.?rA tl.n ? * _ .11 with the enemy" act of the allies. Is the first of the kind to come to the attention of the State Department, although they all have had such laws in operation for many months and there * have been many prosecutions of citizens of allied states. Silb?-rmann'8 arrest was reported t<. the State Department by the American embassy in Paris more than two weeks a pro. and. following: inquiries by his *' friends and employers, the department directed the embassy to report the < filets. The report agrees substantially with press dispatches, but says punishment was fixed at six months* imprisonment instead of five years. Case Will Be Studied. The case will be studied closely by department officials, but the impression at present is that there can be no ground for protest, because Silbermann had subjected himself to French municipal law by residing in Paris. Further conshleration by the department may develop ground for objection. how ever, because of its basic protest against the application of the blacklist to American firms. Acted as an Agent. BOSTON, October 14.?Maurice Kingsbury, secretary of the King Rubber Company, said today that William C. Silbermann represented that company In Paris as an agent. "His only capacity within our knowledge was to sell rubber gloves to the warring nations," Mr Kingsbury said. f Company officials, according to the * secretary, did not know anything abou' Silbermann except that he was recom mciiucu u \ <>cp IUI n L;-. Gottwik. Scheffer & Co.. as a capable man. The company had made certain representations in the matter to th? State Department at Washington. Kingsbury added. WASHINGTON CHAPTER WILL SEND DELEGATES Local Organization to Be Represent* ed at Federation of Catholic Alumnae in Baltimore. Officers of Washington Chapter of the Alumnae Association of Notre Dame of Maryland met at the Kochajnbeau apartment last night and perfected plans to attend the convention of the Internationa] Federation of Catholic Alumnae in Baltimore November 24. 2it. 26, and to entertain 3,000 delegates in this city November 27. The association is to hold a card party at 1801 Calvert street northwest Saturday, when Dr. Laura F. Shugrue will act as hostess, assisted by Mrs. M. Brooks Kamsdeil. Tuesday a luncheon is to be held at Hotel Lafayette. The reception committee is to be: Mrs Richard Clinton Dyer, chairman; Dr. Laura F. Shugrue, Mrs. M. Brook^f Kamsdeil, Mrs. John L. Walker. Mrs. * 'J'. V. Collins. Mrs. William Lightlc. Miss Livingstone, Miss l^atira Lynch arid Mrs. Dorothy Butler. Officers of the association present were: President. Miss Lunice Warner: vice president. Mrs. M. Brooks Ramsiell: second vice president, Mrs. Frank May; secretary, Mrs. Raymond Helskell; treasurer. Dr. Laura F. Shugrue. Mrs. Dorothy K. Butler, chairman qX the press committee: Mrs. Clinton Dyer, chairman of the membership commit tee, and Mrs. John L. Walker, chairman )f the committee on design. Others present were: Mrs. T. V. Collins, Miss J Li. Collins, Miss Laura Lynch and Mis? [. Kocca. UNIVERSITY CLUB HOLDS "GET TOGETHER" DINNER Two Hundred Members of Institution Gather at Festive Board for Annual Event. , 4 Melody drifted from the upper win lows 01 inc i niverBuj liuo lute last iijirht, as 2U0 of the members of that nstitution sat about the festive board t their annual "get together" dinner, nd the corner policeman paused on his ' eat addressing himself to a repreentative of The Star. "Sure, they re back again, the boys," aid he. The Star reporter nodded, and own the street drifted "the good song, inging clear." "'Tis well!" opined he of the buttons nd club. " 'Tis very well. I miss the >t of em in the summer vacation time, ris a lonely beat, and It's gettin' cold, nd there's notliln* in the world so cheerjl as a hunch of grayheads makin' ight hideous because they're playin' t being kids again. God bless 'em, ez I!" And thus was the opinion of the ?embers that the dinner was a huge uecess made unanimous. The committee in charge was comosed of Alexander Hell, L. P. Harlow, H. Kimball. Oliver Metzerott and F. ,. Weller, chairman. Iril a it im ft a Via te nf Pnnlar 'Ciaj ill wwnvv W* .wavsv* A JL VUKiUB. ATLANTIC CITY. N. J., October 11? ,ouis Cabrera, chairman of the Mexl?ii commission, today requested a ostponement of further discussion of order problems by the Mexlcan-Amer- < an Joint commission until Monday in rdcr to give him and his conferees n opportunity to study fresh data ;lative to the situation, , 4