OCR Interpretation

Evening star. [volume] (Washington, D.C.) 1854-1972, October 15, 1916, Image 3

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83045462/1916-10-15/ed-1/seq-3/

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Dr. Benedict Lust of New York, editor of
"Herald of Health and Naturopath.'* a physician
of national reputation, will lecture on
"Natural Life and Nature Cure." at Pythian
Temple. 1012 Oth at. n.w., Tuesday. Oct. IT.
ht 8 o'clock, under the auspices of the general
committee. 17*
On and after this date. October 14. 1916. 1
will not be resjauisible for debts contracted bj
ny one but myself, personally.
JOHN F. PEYTON. 710 A si. n.e. 17*
are unable to select their Wall Paper during
the day. this store will !? kept open till 9:30
p.m. on Tuesdays and Thurssdays until Dec. 1.
Halter <& HaHer,
To whom i r .MA v"rTtN( Ki:N
Third and la>t call. I refuse to pay any
debts unless .-ontraeted by myself. KD 11.
PANFOR i 1! 413 2nd st. n w. *
from street ear ut Ttii and G sts. s.w. on
Oct 11. at 1?? a.m.. kindly eonimunicate with
Mr It I! N. MM 'AS. 4sT. F st. s.w.
friends I hav moved f om " '.?? 2n 1 st. n.e.
to the P.rvn-Mawr, i:tl?? F st. n.w. Mrs.
AN' \ V*. \"i'!i. ?'< !'?...?? _N. 927s.
la.v tie socialist I. > >r party will speak
Monday .vrninc. < r It'., at S p.m.. a;
Pythian Temple. 1H12 ?*th st. n.w. Admlssiou
fr?-.. Questions answered. 13*
Send for the "Ironclad Roofers" when
the roof so s wrong: they'll stop the
l'-aks promptly and for jtood.
"And Rrfus the Rmifer is right."
Promote Business Growth
- by u?ing the kin-l of printing that commands
attention -use Adams Printing.
When Leese Makes
Eyeglasses to Order
? ' .-> -i .. in- uii> '-"rriTi nnii arc
always effective in correcting defective
vision. Most modern optical plant in
the city.
M; A. LEESE ?,,:t";.as?.coFine
Window Shades
at Very Moderate Cost.
The Shade Shop ;"r?. }?%??
building; two-room suite, fourth floor, overlooking
Pennsylvania avr-.. rent $.">0 jM>r month,
nd one large room third floor, overlooking
11th st.. $40 p?r month, including service.
Inquire Room 100. Star building.
The well Known KrienTiiU- palmist.
Readings. $1. only by appointment.
Phone North 1130. Studio. 1<>22 Q st. n.tv.
1112 10th st. ti.iv. Meetings. Mon.. 7:2.0 p.m.:
Wed.. 2 p.m.. and Kri.. 7-30 p.ro 25c. A message
to each. Daily readiups. $1. North 8293.
Washington Safety First Association
to Ask Police for Strict Enforcement
of Regulation.
Strict enforcement of the regulation
against children hanging or jumping
on moving vehicles will he asked of
the polite in a resolution that will be*
presented at the November meeting of
the Washington Safety First Association.
I>r. L. It Walter, vice president
of the association, last night told a
Star reporter that lie would prepare ,
such a resolution and endeavor to have !
it made a special order of business. ~ !
"Safeguarding the children against :
injury and death." Dr. Walter stated,
*'is one of the most commendable things I
a safety association can do, and I hope
the campaign of puhlicitv that is being
conducted by The Star will produce
irond results.
"Tt is only by keeping such problems
he added, "that cooperation
between the police and parent.
e ootained, and with cooperative
relations established, good is
bound to follow."
Dr. Walter said he had noticed many
children on roller skates and skipmobiles
holding to horse-draw n and motor
vehicles for the sake of a little enjoy
merit. .-ucn tnnnren. nc aauea, mue
realize the danger to which they .submit
themselves, and think only of the fun
thev are having.
"Children who amuse themselves in
the dangerous manner that is guarded
; tv r. regulations probably
do not stop to think that they are
h s. - I fr jiii $i to $40 for
each offense. The law includes street
tars among the vehicles the children
are to avoid, but. the police say. the
only minors who give crews of cars any
concern are some bicycle riders, who
have a habit of taking hold of the
moving cars.**. .
It is stated by tire police that there
are many chauffeurs and drivers who
permit children to take hold of their
vehicles, but such permission may not
make them immune from arrest.
Ireland has M.Slandholders having
plats not exceeding an acre, 01.730 who
hold more th?n one were and not more
than five acres 133.2M under fifteen and
136.008 not exceeding thirty.
? ? ? ?
Have You $2501
i it Hore f
^ That Is Not IlarLing You
* Intorost
* If * >, T'Ut it to work. Buy g<>od
4 first trust note*. We have
4 then hand from $250 op to $5,000.
a Io terest coll* < ted nn>] p mi''wf the day
a do-. free '-r chsrg-. Property insured
a again*' dama;''- during term of notes.
The I*-*' and safe-? :nv>^nu-nt to he
* had. Title paper* furnished with not*-*.
* Kor f .'1 information, rail Main 1507- *
Loan Dept.
a 14'?? NEW YORK AVE.
Y. M. C. A. Talks.
A corps of physicians examine every memU-r
sfho tak*-? any work in the gymnasium. This
examination is worth % > 00 to any man who is
Interested In hit health. It enable* the physical
dir?-<-tor to give each man just the exercise
suited to his particular needs.
This work may t*e taken at your convenience
Jn one of th*- classes or individually. The
gymnasium Is open from 7 a tn. until 10 p.m.
ewery week day. The facilities offered members
are the finest to I*- had In the city.
You can add weight or take off fat. and replace
It with healthy tissue. When you l*gin
to u*e the gymnasium regularly you will for
jour auu n'r uvui' ? mm
an appetite that will be a surprise to jour wife.
After dinner you will have that good old
down-on-the farm tired feeling that luakes you
war? to go to bed and sleep a- you have not
Slept tin re you wer?- a youngster.
Any business man knows that this sort ol
treatment ta going to send him to work In the
morning wito r ?-lear brain and vigorous
physique that he so mu?h desires; that It will
dJ year* to bis life and dollars to his income.
The eoat of all this ia very small?only $13
It year including individual steel looker and
many ather privileges not mentioned here,
for further information.
Young Men's Christian Association
IW. Mi's esse. 1736 G It. D.w,
Senator Sausbury Gves Result
of His Canvass of Sentiment
I !
| CHICAGO, 111., October 14.?Senator!
; Saulsbury of Delaware returned to
town today from a trip to the west in
: behalf of the senatorial contests of
which, as chairman of a special com;
mittee, he has overseership. Here is
j the senator's judgment on the political
I outlook:
| "If the situation east of the Mississippi
and north of the Ohio rivers re
i sembles in the slightest degree that I
j have found to exist in the states west
| where I have been during the past ten
| days. Wilson will have so many elec;
toral votes he will not need many of
j the states now claimed as doubtful. 11
j never saw such a showing of enthu- j
j siasm in my life as I found during the j
! trip. It was a revelation to me of the I
great effect the President's steadfast j
j adherence to progressive policies and
! his insistence on the passage of these |
i measures by Congress has produced. i
"I think 1 can fairly claim not to he j
: an amateur in estimating a political j
situation. I have been licked in my
i own state when I expected to be vicj
torious so many times during the past
; twenty years that I have gotten accus'
tomed to it and I almost invariably es\
timated correctly the outcome because
j of my familiarity with conditions.
Sees Wilson Sweep.
"The closest observation I have been
i able to make from all the interviews I
have had and the best estimates made
j by a large number of people who best
! know local conditions convince me that
we will have a Wilson sweep through:
out the west. Wyoming is sure to
. elect Kov. Kendrick United States sen|
ator and to go for Wil9on. Utah will
give Wilson its electoral vote and the
i light between Judge King, the democratic
candidate there, and Senator
Sutherland is neck and neck. Xebras;
ka is surely democratic.
"Without naming them, 1 feel confi;
dent we will gain not less than two
other United States senators in these
; states west of the Mississippi.
"I do not believe that conditions
which have brought about the change
j in these western states have failed to
j have their effect in the east,
j "Hughes has made absolutely no favorable
impressions, and the democrats
who are managing our camnalyn
would welcome him most cordially if
he could be persuaded to come to their
; states again.
Republicans Almost "Panicky."
' "A few republicans whom I met arc
J not talking for publication, but were alj
most 'panicky' over conditions in the
j states with which they were most fai
miliar and they are lighting desperatej
ly to retain control in such former re- !
j publican states as Wyoming and Utah j
j through which senatorial orators are
j zigzagging industriously, hoping to !
i save their colleagues.
; "I believe the work of this senatorial
\ bureau is practically accomplished and
I believe the republicans know it.. This
1 is, of course, a delightful feeling to
| have, and I never felt so confident of
j the outcome of an election in these
j western states as I do today. The
vacillating course pursued by the republicans
regarding the eight-hour
law has really lost them many of the
old standpatters, who thought the attack
on that measure was a genuine
one when it was first made. Hughes'
recent declaration that he believes in
the eight-hour law as a principle and j
: the changed attitude of the repub- i
; licans in Ohio toward the measure !
have unsettled the foundations of I
j standpat political belief, and they have j
Snow gone back generallv to tHhhr-rimr i
about the tariff.
! "I have heard some discussions among j
the republicans themselves that have t
| been most amusing. When they be- !
! gin to talk tariff they are met with | :
; the unexpected condition of a tariff j
| commission considering what changes ;
i must be made and the action of the
i democrats in the la.st Congress pro- |
viding without hesitation for the dye- i
i stuffs condition, which has convinced
! many business men that practical questions
will be met by the democrats in
: a practical way. In fact, the repubj
licans in their conversations seem to
have no firm foundation on which to
I stand, and realize it. I am not speaki
ing of the condition in a particular
j place, but generally, wherever I went, J
j and whenever I could do so, I had as I
intimate talks as possible with many j
j of my republican friends. I believe j
; that California has now swung defi- j
?nitely into the Wilson party and the
republicans arc having a fight for!
Washington and Oregon, where their
condition la desperate.
Says Local Differences Interfere.
"Their local difficulties are interfering
with the efficiency of their canvass,
and it is the commonest thing in
the world to find a strong republican j
! supporting a local republican ticket, i
but outspoken for Wilson. I found a 1
i republican candidate for sheriff in on?
, of these states who had been urgeu to
take the nomination, which was equiv- j
alent to an election. He had no hesi- i
tation in saying, however, that he j
; should personally vote for Wilson,!
' though not making his position pub- !
j lie, and if the same conditions pre- j
; vailed in the rest of the state as prevailed
in this county, he said, Wilson
i would have an overwhelming rnai
i "Instances, of this kind were fret
quent enougn to convince me that they
! indicated conditions. I hope to find I
j such conditions in the more eastern j
I states, where the same conditions j
' have doubtless affected men's minds }
j in me saiiuc ?aj.
Fair, Warmer Today. Tomorrow,
Fair; Gentle Winds.
Virginia?Fair today, warmer.in the
interior; tomorrow partly cloudy; moderate
northeast and east winds.
District of Columbia and Maryland?
Fair and warmer today; tomorrow fair;
gentle to moderate winds, becoming
West Virginia?Fair, warmer today;
tomorrow fair.
No reports have been received from
Swan Island since 8 a.m , but the tropical
disturbance Is evidently a short
distance north of that place tonight,
moving north, and all vessels sailing
toward the south Florida coast, vvest!
ern Cuba and the Yucatan channel
have again been warned to exercise
every precaution.
The disturbance that was over the
lower St. Lawrence valley Friday night
has moved off the Nova Scotia coast,
?md clear weather prevail? generally
east of the Mississippi river after
rains Friday night in New York and
, New England. The Canadian north
wrm iiiniiii uaiiwc o; r tiuaj iurui to
' now north of Lake Superior, still withi
out precipitation, and the unsettled
conditions still persist in the central
, Rocky mountain region and the south,
west, with quite general rains that
have extended lightly into western Missouri
and western Arkansas. Elsewhere
the weather was fair.
It is considerably cooler in New England.
the middle Atlantic states and
North Carolina, and warmer in the
northern upper lake region. Elsewhere 1temperature
changes were not of con- er
There will l>e local rains tonight or
tomorrow in Indiana, the lower Ohio
valley and Tennessee, and rains today
in southern Florida, probably extending
by Monday into Georgia and South
Carolina. Elsewhere in this forecast j -V
district the weather will be fair today
and tomorrow. ! '.V
It will be warmer today in Ww i j,|
England, the middle Atlantic states and y>,
the lower lake region, and somewhat
colder in the northern upper lake re- n
gion. ; ci
The winds along the north Atlantic'n
and middle Atlantic coast will be mod- b:
erate, becoming south, fair weather; on : b'
the south Atlantic coast, moderate to; j^
fresh northeast, increasing off ' south ' j,.
Florida coast, generally fair weather; ! j.:!
on the east gulf coast, gentle and vari- ,
able, mostly northeast, increasing over h<
south portion, with rain, fair in north In
portion: on the west gulf coast, mode.-- .fa
ate soutneast ana generally rair:IXi
weather: on the upper lakes, moderate ; J-:
today, mostly west to northwest, fair'*'
weather: on the lower lakes, moderate^
southwest and west today, fair weather.
Yesterday's Temperature. v
Midnight. 59; 2 a.m., 56; 4 .a.m., 50; <>
6 a.m.. 44; S a.m.. 18: 10 a.m., 53: 12 Pi
noon. 55: 2 p.m.. 58: 4 p.m., 60: >' p in., Pi
53: 8 p.m., -17: 10 p.m., 44. Highest, 50;
lowest. 44.
Relative humidity?8 a.m., .50; 2 p.m.. \*<l
.43: S p.m.. .02. J:r'
Rainfall (8 p.m. to S p.m.), none. , s,
Hours of sunshine, 11 2. s..:
Per cent of possible sunshine, 100. sp
Temperature same date last year?! T:>
Highest. 74; lowest. 01. 1"
! V:
Up-River Waters.
Special Dispatch to The Star.
HARPERS. FKRItY, W. Va.. October j u?
11 Home of Cut Price
Pay-Day i
T remenc
i oiiei /*r
7th & K M.V
7th & M N.V
Pay-Day Specials in
Toilet Articles
il'jjj 15c Barnard** \ iolot Talcum.... 10c
jljlij Mennen'K Talcum, violet or boll
i rated 115c |
li'li! f'orylopr.itt Talcum, nearly pound.13c
jjji Hinds* Honey and Almond Cream,
I j 50c size :::ic
ij|!{ Frontiiln. for chapped hands; 25c
jjlljl size 10c
Mi; 2Sc Fred I'almcr's Skin Whitener. 10c
jj j. 25c Packer's Tar Soap 15c
|ji|| 15c Palmolfve Soap 7c
j'ij 50c Parker's Hair ISalsnni. JMlc
!!j| 50c PinandN Kau ile (Quinine I'/lc
jj 25c RIveri* Violet Talcum 10c
jj[ 25c Rcssinol Soap ISc
jj jj 25c Sanitol Face Cream 17c
ijjj 25c Soxodonf Liquid 17c
jljj 50c Theatrical Cream, jj lb 1'fc
ijjj 25c Talcolette Powder 10c
jjf Lyon C'aatlle Soap, about 22-oz.
I j bar; this sale 12c j
S j 25c White's Specific ( ream ?}?c
jii 25c Arnica Tooth Soap 17c
Ijj 50c Derma Viva 35c
jjj 22c Cutex, for the nails llic
(utlcura Soap I He
jj! Physicians A Surgeons' Soap.... 6c
Cashmere Bouquet Soap 10c
Munyon's Witch lla/.el Soap 5c
Pears* I nscented Soap 12c
Djer-Kfss Talcum 22c
Hrownatone, 25c size 19c
Barnard's Odor-Sweet; destroys
j the odor of perspiration 22c
25c Imported Hay Hum, Vi- pt...19c
) 22c Mcnnen's Shaving; Cream .... 19c
i i 22c Squibh's Talcum 14c
: i 12c Hahcock's Corylopsis Talcum . 10c
j 22c Arabian I'-^k Shampoo 19c
| j 22c Paraxon Tar Shampoo 19c
|! ' 20c Mulslflcd Cocoanut Oil 29c j
|i j 22c Derma-tone Soap: just reI
,j ceived a. lar^e shipment; this
j !: sale, 17c; 2 for 47c '
Shaving Needs
Sanltol Shaving? Foam or Stick,
j 25c size 16c
Johnson's Shaving Soap, 25c
| j tubes 16c
Mcnnen's Shaving; Cream, 25 c
!! I t ii I>r?K 16c
ij Williams' <tnirk :iimI Easy Sha\Jng
Cake; 5 bars for !?<
Shaving Brushes. regular L'?
Jj value 16c j
Hair Helps
| ;
$I.OO l'rof. Turner's Compound fM><>
j| ij This preparation will restore the
lj ||J hair to its natural color and will
ji J|j not make it harsh and brittle.
ii jij 54>c Herplcide :t.V
SIjOO Herplcide ???<
75c Cooper's ' Hair Success"?
| || will remove dandruff and promote
growth of the hair r?Oc
j j $1 Km press Hair Dye ?!??.
j Ii 50c Parisian Sage
I: 541c Wyrtli Sage and Sulphur. . :iz*ji
j 25c .Nelson's Hair Dressing. . . . j 7,.
ii 441c Wampole's Hair Tonic 25e
U ?==================
Pay-Day Sale of
Tonic Specials
50c Wampole's Beef, Iron
l| and Wine, combined in a pleus|
Hi ant form, which is stimulating
! j and strengtnening. rrompt rel||
suits will follow its use in cases ;
of sudden exhaustion and a
| valuable restorative for
j convalescents. Full
pints OyC
I I $1.00 Syrup Hypophosphitcs, with i
! I iron, quinine and strychnine; an ex1
j cellent tonic for malaria; ? s\
1 j full pints. Standard make
75c Klixlr Iron, ((niniiu> and A*r
Strychnine; full pints 4<C
The Ideal Fall Medicine.
At thin time of the year, after the stress
and strain of a long, hot aummer, every
one should take
The Bent Anti-Malaria Tonic. I
HI I have used "Iiliiir Rabek" for past '
I I eight years as a p.eveative am] cure for
II! Malaria. I take pleasure in recommending
It to toy friends.
J|j W. U. Tel. Co., Washington, D. 0.
L?The Potomac rind Shenandoah riv*s
were both clear this afternoon.
Temperatures in Various Cities.
Max. Min. station
Sal- Fri. Sat.. S p.in.ti
urdxy. nisht. S ji.xu. S p.m
jhevillo. C 72 46 60 ...
lanta. (la 78 56 70 ...
; Ian tic City. N. . 58 44 4 s 0.0'
iltimore. Sid 60 46 ."2
smarck. N. I > 7<? lis ."in
Mass 50 44 44 0.1
UTalo. N. ^ 52 -IS 52
iirago. 11! 62 46 58
neinnati. Ohio 62 liS 54
H\T?-nnr. Wyo 60 22 52
ivoiijKjrt. Iowa ?>4 42 54
'liver. < pl 62 44 58
-s Moines. Iowa .... 70. 44 62 ...
t'.oit, Mi>!) 56 40 52
zliitli. .Minn 70 46. 62
ilventon. T-x 82 Tit 78
- M "?::! 88 u?
(linnupnl's. Iiu! 82 42 7.0
ksonville, Ma SO 84 72
Jiisas City. Mo 70 48 #52
ti-> Itn.fc. Ark 88 .'-8 82
>s Anjri l?-s. ? :?1 88 7.8 <;??
anpiftif, MiHi 72 i? 01
mi-his, Tenu <ts 7.8 ?:<;
iami, I la 82 71 8> 0.(
v Orleans. La 88 TO 78
w York. N. Y 7,8 42 7.0
jrth I'liltte. N. . 72 48 8*2
ualia. Nel?. 7o 48 84
liludelphift. I'a 48
loenix. Ariz 7v .2 72
ttsixirgli l'a r.K hi ;.2
rtlainl, .Me 18 12 4o 0.1
irflaml. Or? ."8 48 r?0
n ].; k?* 4-ity :. ? r?4
. 1 > ?:! i?. Mo 8S is 84
. I'l.ii. M'tai 40
:: I'r.n . :so... ?'aI 7,0 7.o ."4
rinpfi.1.1. Ill 81 42 7,8
liiiiit. 1 la 88 ?8 78
' tit'. Oh:.. OK 42 7.2
kslnjrjc. Mi>s 84 8-1 7>?
ASHIMJTON. I>. C. 8i) 44 47
If you want work, read the want Collins
of The Star.
iales at Pi
lous Moneytides,
: Novelties, But Thing
J *
These Goods V.
AH Fou
3C3F" These PRICES Are
Monday, Tuesda
Ar.d at Aii
Face C
\rnica ( renin 17c
25 e \\ iteh Hn/el Cream IJN*
25c Woodbury Cream I7e
25e I). & It. Cold Cream ISe
5?c Stillmiin's* Creekle Crean?.55e
KI (K) Othine. double strength. .7SN*
25e Pond's* Vanishing Cream.. IfN*
lixtrnnrd'N Complexion Cream?
removes blackheads, pimples,
sunburn, tan or red, ^ p*
oily skin, or money re- J
funded. I.urice Jar. . . .
Candy for
Maybelle Choi
Art Excellent
Whole cherries dipped in
bitter-sweet coatinj;.
Special tomorrow
Cigars for
For Monday, Tuesi
7 for 2
Box of One b
J-<|iiart size.
Regular price, $1.00. Spec
this sale
f$2.00 Revolving
Spray, 98c
Made of rexl rubber;
new stock;
perfect. This Qgc
$5 Revolving
.Snrav Svrinee.
? " $2^75 "
ijj It is made entirely
j I Jul. rubber; no valves,
and is the most eff+fc'/XtA
fective syringe in the
market. Guaranteed
Perfect and to last
$2 Combination F
Syringe & Water 1
SO?* ll?-d Hulilirr Hnlli 1A ,
j Syringe*, two pipes; Cjj
extra good quality
V ???y N?l-7?JtKjU Vj[M
j Mrs. Bawson Gives Outdoor Party. |
j Special Correspondence of The Star.
' DOMINION HEIGHTS. Va.. October p
jl4.?Mrs. Mabel Dawson entertained a
; more than 100 friends at an outdoor v
S party at her home. Chestnut Grove j
' : Homestead, near here. Friday night.
. : The party was in celebration of her | "
h : birthday, ar.d was held around a big j r
.'log fir*-, which lit up the whole coun- f
try side. Mrs. Dawson entertained her t
guests with Indian legends iuonif and T
i story. J'lantatiott songs and dances a
" i were another feature. n
x-x~x~xx i-x-h-x-h-h-h
| x
f 3 New Attrai
; N large rooms and _ !
large front and back pc
* deep yard to paved alley.
X Open Ev?
Cissel, Talbot
Phone M. 1092 I
.* **!* . * "*
"We Always 2
eople's Druj
Saving Oppor
r Goods and
s You Have Daily Use Foi
Art on Sale at SBS8g"
r Stores 2002
: for 3 DAYS ONLY
y and Wednesday
Four Stores
Sale of = jjl ^
50c I'ompeian tlttHxaKf 4 ream .'Jftc (
50c Mulxinn ('re-am !lT?c m
.'(>? \ iola ( ream .'lie '**c
.Kit' In^rans'N Milkueed Cream .Illtc 25c
2.V .Icr^cuV llcnzoin \lmund
I.otion 10c ;; "
< n< urn Iter nnd Almond Cream, **?c
prepared from almond, cucum- 25c
her, elder flowers; a pleasant ^Sc
preparation for chapped hands "
and redness of the skin. Makes
the skin smooth, soft and white. 25c
Two aixra?25c and 50c. 25c
Sale of ? - n
the Ladies ^
colate Cherries jij 25c
t Value at 50c ^ | ^
" i?s
delicious vanilla cream with a %
29c Full Pound 0,
I:J .T0?
Sale of - |!1 ?
25c i
the Men ?
or Cigars
day and Wednesday |p$'
[undred, $3.39
Solo of ~ ij 25c i
OTTLE p* 2
y guaranteed; soc
ial for 59c w n Xo^
seams to
guaranteed '
$1.19 Red
Rubber Fountain n
Syringe, d.
ountain % <1 Q ?
bottle. . <P * X J7 kor-i
This outfit is complete, and Hen
every home needs one. Guaran- 91.0C
teed perfect.
vg storesy^ fl
JN?3-7?*Msis. Sewvcj J Ijl
[ N?4-2IJ02'147it W
Is Arrested at Prison Door.
As lie stepped out of the Marylar.t
enitentiary at Baltimore yesterday
fter serving: a term. Roland B. Chas<
t-as placed under arrest by I>etectivf
oe Grant of this city on a charge o'
orgery He jvas brought here las'
light. Chase is accused of having
orged a draft for $600, which is salt
o have been cashed by a local man
"he alleged offense occurred more thai
year ago and Chase is under indictment
on the charge.
"i--;-:-:-11 ::: H-H~:
ctive Homes |
anier Place N.W. ]
baths on 2 floors; attic. i
arches: heated garage; 1=
;ry Day I;
t & Co., Inc.
005 New York Ave. N.W.
t t _ i
)ell It for Less."
? Stores |
& E N.W.
: 14th N.W.
Pay-Day Specials in
a tent Medicines
Sal Heputlca ISc
Sal Ifepatica 3Sc !j jj
DO Gray's iilyeerine Tonic SOc ! ij
DO Pierce's Remedies 73? iji
: .Mellln'n Food 55c Nil
Munyon's Remedies 10c I
Phillips* Milk Magnesia 33c j|
Fletcher's Castorla 21c ijj
Danderine 13c jj
Lapactlc Pill* 25c jl| j
Morse's Indian Root Pills... 19c :;j
Carter's Liver Pills 14c
Tlx, for tender feet 17c
California Fig Syrup 35c j
Jad Salts, for the kidneys 55c | |
Borden's Malted Milk 40c
Doan's Kidney Pills 39c j
Wampole's Formolid 19c j
Palmer's Skin Success 19c j
Hair Vim . 19c i
Hill's Cascara Quinine 19c j
K> Pinoleum 75c j ,
Pompeian Olive Oil, % pts..l9c J I
Pompelan Olive Oil, pts 35c j !
Zymole Trokeya 19c J;ji
Plso's Cough Remedy 19c
Syrup White Pine Compound. 15c j'jil
' course, you feel sick and grouchy?if jij:
have piles. Get rid of them t?y taking j! ;
For sale at "People's Drug Store." j jj
and 50c a box.
LO CHEMICAL CO., Wash., D. C. j ijj
For Rigg's
I Try a tube of this IPECO ii.i
moves the acid condition of
! the mouth, hardens the
J gums, whitens the teeth |
n and recommended by the j
most eminent dentists. |
j Regular 25c tubes, this
J 19c |E
Dentox Peroxide Powder 13c ill ^
I.yon'N Tooth Powder 13e j|i !
Calox Tooth Powder 17c jjj j
Sozodont, liquid or powder.. 19c j '
Rahffoam 17c |||
Pebeco Tooth Paste 33c j!
'yrrhocide Powder 79c t , ;
Pyrodento 19c ijjjj
Lyon'n Tooth Paste 17c jjjjlj
Kuthymol Paste 13c j!
Pay-Day Sale of
Home Needs
P. D. S. Xarning Bottles* JQq |
is Nursing- Bottle made with \
sides to prevent from rolling, jll! ;
made of high-grade white flint j i
This sale, 8 for 25c.
Nursing Bottles, the ordf- ^ ijlj
- kind, flat or round, 2 for
Ksltay's Food 65c
Mellin's Food 35c jjj ! '
le Brand Condensed Milk.? 14c j I,
iliey's Cocoa, V% pound 15c ijj
I Borden's Malted Milk 75c j|j| '
Some people III
have an idea
g^UV that a cough
^ fl II VI m must run a cer
IE IHI III tain length of
y time before it
stops. Such is illl
M ti not the case?
f but stop it as I
/ * early as pos- )
? by taking" White Pine f 1
Spruce Balaam. Bottle
I S ^
! * """*
: The very newest type of six, seven
and eight room home may be seen in
our new development at the corner of
fifteenth and Webster streets northwest.
I f
This is a most refined neighborhood,
only one block from Sixteenth street and
one block from the Fourteenth street car
line (the finest service in Washington).
To the descriminating purchaser this
home makes a strong appeal, as it possesses
an unmistakable difference from the ordinary.
Wc advise an early inspection, as good
values in this community always sell very
The price of the six-room, reception
hail and attic plan is $5,850.
The seven-room, reception hall plan
house is $5,900.
' There is a world of pleasure in owning a
home like this.
713 14th St N.W.
I | :
Choose Your Own Location
c a h/tdi r urkitqirv norv tnhjir^ut
5th and L Streets N.E., $3,750
1118 and 1122 Eye Street N.E., $3,990
1 927 11th St. N.E., $4,150
2523 North Capitol St., $4,150
126 12th St. N.E.?8 Rooms, $5,150
| ^NSPECT^| Iff fjp^
? 1314 F ST. N.W. or 7th AND H STS. N.E.
samtaatamsmmaaawmmamngssmttmmwmmatmmm mrtr
Cho ice of Two Locations ill
Six, Seven and Eight Room Houses
1009 to 1021 E St N.E. 11
(With Built-in Garage)
911 and 913 7th St. N.E. ^ jj
<| construction; serv- ^5jfl
j ern office" M ? |*- ? ^jS^S^' ^Km
Thomas A. Jameson Kr*and
61 N. Y. AVE. N.W. PHONE N. 4038
Phone for Our Free Auto Service.
jbxperienced Advertisers Prefer

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