OCR Interpretation

Evening star. [volume] (Washington, D.C.) 1854-1972, October 15, 1916, Image 4

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83045462/1916-10-15/ed-1/seq-4/

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"it pays
3 Pages!
Complete asso:
and women.
$2.00 Velvet Hats, t
69c 1
S9c for Velvet and t
Pelt Untrimmed *
Hat|. a4so ready-to- J
wear uais, <u uia\.n
and colors; good
striae. (Mill inery
department.) (S)
Children's $1.00
Hats, 59c
5Sc for Children's
Tam-o'-Shanter Hats,
; in black: good qual- ,
j It? velvet. (Milli1
nery Dept.) (S)
' ~
3 Composition
Books, 10c
*<)e for three Composition
Books, assortd
style covers.
L.imJt, 6 to a buyer.)
100 Sheets Wax
Paper, 18c
lac for One Hundred "
STbeets of Wax Paper,
wraectal brand; size
12x13 inches. (Limit.
;? xheeta to a buyer.)
$1.50 Fountain
Pens, 88c
for Guaranteed
Fountain Pens, with
14-karat gold poinitf.
medium, fine ard
stub. (S)
100 Paper
Napkins, 11c
lie for One Hundred
[ White Paper Nap|
kins, made of steril!
Ued orep*-. (Limit.
five hundred to a
| buyer.) (S)
50c Game
I "FFnch," 38c
r for the popu
lip narlor came.
\ "Klinch"; sold n:j?u- f
lar'y a? 50o, (Sta- f
: tfcmery rx?pt.) (S) 7
5c Takhomi *
i Biscuits, 2 for 6c
z Cc. tor two regular 5c
E parka*:*"7 of Sunshine
f Takhoma li l e c uita.
| CS)
| 10c Cocoa, 5c
= 5c for regular 10c
s cam of Hersney's
i Cocoa. <S)
5c Sardines,
2 for 6c
= Co for two regular So
5 car.R of fiardin^s,
jE packed In oil. (S)
125c Asparagus. 16c
| 16< for regular 25c
| cans 6t California
I Brand Asparagus. (S)
I $1.25 Longdoth,
1 95c :
5 THIS < "OT'PON and I
5 9&<.: tor Yard - vcldc I
5 English Long cluih, X
js fi:' *. ctiamoi - - finish X
j? grade: 12-yd. pieces, f
; 25c Corset !
Covers, 18c
| THIS '"ol.'l'ON and f
= i :on - J
'i erf.. of na.nsook; |
| trlinme 1 ith em- I
s '4 and
S ' '
m | Besides this DOU1
I /\|Jnvr SPREAD of Anniversary S
I IJlI d. V "Another Advertisement Apt
J 1, Part 2. Don't miss it!
Serge and Cfi
rtment of colors, including Navy, Plum, (
And Remember?AL
$2.25 Chiffon
Full 50 Inches Wi
Black and All Co!
This high-grade, fashionable fabric
touches the limit of low selling for the
- - o ~
Broadcloths?one of the handsomest qt
shrunk ready for the needle. No amot
Choose from a complete range of the r
African Brown, Mustard, Navy Blue, Midni
$1.19 All=wool Storm Serge, '
50-inch All-wool Storm Serge, heavy hard-twif
ble-twil! quality, a gTade that is guaranteed to f
and withstand the elements. Colors include navy,
and men's wear blue; African brown, Russian gre
taupe, Belgian blue and black.
52.00 All-wool Velour Cheviot, $1.29' 7.
The very newest fall and winter fab- 42-inch
weight s
ric for tailored suits and skirts. In dresses,
navy blue, Russian green, African navy bh
brown and black. gian bin
51.25 Chiffon Taffeta, 88c $12s *
! 40-inch
44-inch All-woo! Chiffon Taffetas, in silk lust
the scarce navy and midnight blues. , soft clin
The?e extra fine woven chiffon taffetas i
are enjoying great vogue for stylish Copenha
one-piece dresses. i cock, rea
(This Coupon i$ Worth
riu i nnr pap nnufomiiHi
Noi More Than Two Boxes To Any One Per
ABASE CAT1USI NOME' UKIK' is wonderfully fro
others. Has that faint lingering fragrance of dream posies. We
every woman to know its indescribable daintiness and snperii
mi uam mi abqitimal coupon or iiooest at m nm
A Remarkable Ar
Hundreds ot New Fall Pat
cuff styles
Men's "Duofold" Health Underwear,
with wool outside and Sea Island
cotton interlining. The most san- ^ fl f C
itary undergarment for winter J I I J
wear. Regular $1.50 value
K jr _ ur lit ?? tx ^i. t?i ?
ivicn s rauiucss yomci riannei
Michfrohe*. ?ixtra full-cut sizes. Made *lf\
with roll collars or military necks. J C
Values \\orth $1.90 and si.-io
Men's "Korrect" Make Wool Coat
Sweaters. V-neck style; In blue, brown, maroon,
h^ht and Oxford *ray. All with QA
K ^ranh-ed buttonholes. Worth
J4.08 each
l|il||||l|l|il|lilllillllllllllllllllllilHI[HIIHII GoUesberg'*?r'JMIt S
Ml IIIIIIIWIW HHImIIIII llliuilllliuifii" ~ ^
:RGy llllMIMilffllllilifflll
Regvlir Sc Cakes 25c Jl
gjtjfe IVORY SOAP ?Mnm'
8 cakes 1*11111)
mlr? Rnt*<rnin<.
?? O? ?? * ?' 4 IC.\ ai:u IlilS t OUI
tears on Page 6c ft.r trr.> re|[u:?r 3c 13c t?r re*!
Cub. of irory SO.P. XZX ,>.<1
(H? cream.
uperbly Stylet
The Equal of LOT TWO?
?ld Elsewhere Suits Sold
'5 and $22.50, at $30 t
4^5 |2z
iversary Sale of Women's Autumn Su
;hts of value-giving. Styles, qualities a
een equaled by any store in the city
o\v prices.
les in the newest, up-to-the-minute m<
tits, Fur-trimmed Suits, Braided Suits,
ted Suits and Smart Tailored Suits.
am the most favored materials worn
Jcloth, Wool Velour, Silk and Wool Poi
3ream, Brown. Burgundy and Black. All
l Velour Broad
t SI .49
, now at the height of popularity, marked
Anniversary Sale. SO inches wide Satin
lalities turned out by the mills this seasot
jnt of wear or exposure can harm its rich
nost wanted shades, including Burgundy, Pluri
ght Blue, Ink Blue, Men's Wear Blue and Bla
79c $1.25 All-wool Broadi
Nevw In the days of low prices Wi
Jted, ?<>a- these Broadcloths for less than 98c yard
;hed dust wonderful Anniversary sift we will pli
restriction, our entire stock of these Fin
midnight cloths, in a complete range of new f
I Flum, Burgundy, Russian Green. Afric?
en, pium, j leather. Belgian Blue, Myrtle, Navy 1
I Ink Blue, Men's Wear Blue and Black.
5c Storm Serge, 55c ^ ~
i Storm Sens?, the. correct $3.00 54-IU. Coal
md texture for suits, ekirts and ^
The assortment includes black, .......
je, Russian green, brown, Bel- Owing to a fort
le, garnet, eta, eta are In a positio
Heavy WJnter-w
>ilk and Wool Poplin, 79c about 50c on the i
c,,, , _ .. , , ment includes all
i Silk and "Wool Poplin, a rich est .tylea and eff.
roua grade, with the desirable aH ?vncv Miitur.
gins finish, the ideal fabric for el'M Halr Velour
Colore include black, plum, tone Diagonals,'
green, moke, African brown, Egyptian Boucle,
gen, navy, king's blue, pea- etc.
lerla.. etc.. etc.
^1 Anniversary
35c to You
RY SALE W?nea'? Extra
ap ^ .Mfhtgonnt, assorted
DL %IIBlDDl fecta, trimmed with I
1ftOUrtKDt ?
LUAE finish quality, in plain
5H atriped effects; seal
L hemmed ruffles; medii
V . 60c values
/ A Women's Flana
/ //f Sacqnen, in array, blu
/ Ha and pink. High neck
OH / ( I sleeves; belted backs;
mall / / I 48. Worth 75c each..
Wa&t / // // Dnobllar L'Imm I
%Jj I at waist line; also oth?
*?i ' ' ' I In pretty floral patt
)??? I with borders down
I Values worth
? $1.50
iniversary Sale of j
eglige Shirts j
terns to Choose From at
y rv
ozen Spick-span, New Neglige Shirts go
Anniversary Sale tomorrow?an event that
the biggest values Washington men have
is season. The quality, style, fit and service
in these shirts make it wise economy to buy
eason's supply.
are shirts of the recognized high quality, for
is men's furnishing department is famous.
cut, accurately sized and proportioned of
ist-color materials, and hand laundered.
>ned of Harmony Percales, Madras and Mercer,
in a large assortment of snappy, new fall patcolorings.
Laundered cuff and soft turn-back
. All sizes?every shirt perfect fitting.
Men's "Wonderwear" Ribbed Ralhricr. i
can Underwear. medium weight; shirts with \
close-Sttlng ribbed necks and sateen facing; i
drawers with extra thread through b> an J
thigh and seat. insuring double serv- <
Ice. Worth ?1.00 .
Men's "Bristol Mills" Merino Underwear,
medium weight; shirts and Prt
drawers to match; white or natural Allf'
gray colors; Rises up to 50 w w
Men's Half Hose, silk and cashmere;
plain black only; double lneerted heel ^ _
and toe of linen. Sold regularly at 50e
: ^ Stm^k" WPBftiteWllHBtlKBHmmimwi
ei VeWss MDHHniNHHlHflmnHllfltiflflMflMI
jjjjjj Goldenberg's?"Both Sides oi
^7 "Kleen-O" Oil I
15C R?H"ly 39c -J
Each, at X
pjHW rou'OX
and quality. wtrli
ilar 23c long handle
d o rant ralnc.
<B) ?ltaaemtnt.)
I Suits if
-The Equal of | Manufadur
Elsewhere of the Regi
tnd $35, 'ty . .
woman kn
M % as longr as
I be washed
S^^F^^F hut the tri
ZIZZZZZIIZ permanent
???? seam.
, "Burson" S
its rises to the ity itsie. *
, , , ble solo, h
nd assortments toe. m wt,i
r .? soles: rooJ
lor the same a pair inst
man u fact ui
odes?shown in t spliced he
Full-flare Suits,
ors. Reguli
seamless f
this season? ??"Bc:cd me
plin, Gabardine, Ses':!".,K"
r i Misses* P
less foot,
toe; black,
lan. Reg
I sizes for misses values
! "Hun
1500 park*
will he dis
. _ _ 500 cuhtom<
a department
ClOth hJnda t"at
%?JL.JL you dance ,
the "HUM
and keeps t:
free nam pi*
and you wi
old ulippery
injf the "R
glc day.
Full I
I at a price that fW?t""11
Chiffon Velour
i?sponged and
i satin face. *
n, Russian Green, . j\
ck- V\i
:loth, 89c
ere we able to offer
, but as a real. true.
tee on sale, without
e Twill-back Broadal!
shade*?, such as
tn Brown, Wiertaria,
Hue, Midnight Blue,
SS?$1.69 j '
unat? purchase we
n to offer these .
eight Coatings at
dollar. The assort
this season's new- t
ecta, such favorites f . ?
58, Two-tone Cam- fl* Q C
, Chinchilla, Two- JhJ. J
Invisible Plalda, ipw
Plaid Backs, etc.,
? if^H
Specials in
showing c
161118 versary Ss
Slfe Flaaaelftt? ,,,,,,,,
striped efcrut^izesU:
50C ! tfjl Ql
rtte Pettlcoatn. sott- T A
white and assorted ?
loped and AtiniVC
um length; J"C T.
Plette Dr??sl>f
e, lavender COUtll, ill
59c I SS*?3
tlmoaos, with elastic porters.
81 ?vvi?vii*c luvucia. | - n .
erne; eome J Koyal
front; all aq i and low bx
$1.25 and VFSC \ hoso *UPP?
(Third 1
27-Inch Outing
Regular ioc Grade at. ..
27-inch Outing Flannels; good
checks; choice of light blue, pink
making warm winter garments for
28-taeh Bleached Cantos Flannel*
heavy, close-nap quality, a A
with twill back. Worth I4C
20c yard
36-inch Percales, light grounds,
with neat colored printings, such
as stripes, checks, figures and
dots; close-woven grade, for making
men's and boys'
shirts and women's house f\*/M ^
r dresses. Worth 12M:C y*"4rC
\ yard ^ 1
42-Inch Georgette <
Kegularly $1.50 a Yard,
42-inch-wide Georgette Crepe,
black and colors. The quality sol
ered to $1.27 a yard for the Anniv.
Metal Lace:
Metal Laces of silver, gold or
charming designs?specially price<
yard. Identical qualities selling els
fcvery evening areas u>m is
glint of metal?it is the most favor
every well posted woman knows.
43-Inch Indestructible Silk Net. In
black, white, street and
evening shades. Worth J AC
11.00 yard
Metal Cloth. 3( Inches wide. In
silver, gold, turquoise, American
Beauty and orchid shades. Used
tor foundations and trimmlng
purposes. Bold regu- yjC
larly at I1.2E yard
it-iarx biik * / ?Fleaactnfi.
In white. cream and
black: la rye variety of
effective new designs. Val- ef
ue* worth up to $1.25 J %J\*
f Seventh Street" MIlHIIHllllllllllllHnilllll
flops Twine 5(
qr Shopping (
, R
, A 12c ^
THIS COrrON nnd ^
gB^SgS 12c for Twine ShopBQBH
pi"? Hags. large size
BmffSSB and strongly made: Til
^bHP close mesh. double 24c
riveted handles. (ft) Gold
(Leather Goods ty g
(S) Dept.) slant
Vomen's I
ockings i a
er's "Seconds" f fin | M
,.!,r Kr n.,aL I U*' I V
U'UI l/V?< yuui ^
. A
' Stockings, as every
ows. hold their shape
they are worn. May ES
any number of times,
ic "knit-in" shape will
The only hosiery
ly shaped without a Kb
v we offer Women's VPH
stockings of fine qualith
seamless foot, dou- i*?# 1111
igh spliced heel and
tc and black, with split *111
elastic quality, at 19c \\ C Will 1)C
cad of 35c. Classed as (l
because of slight CClcbmtK ?1
-ing defects.
l'ure Silk Hwf. full fnrh* rif <-i1
root, double sole, high luut Ui btl
iel and toe:
c garter tops;
rhite and col- nyL
ir $1.00 values
Fiber Silk Boot Hoar,
oot. double sole, high 1
I and toe; lisle garter wJ
white and f ^ '
fular 26o val- |^C ^11," i
lain Llalr Howe, seam- ? . #
double sole, heel and I H
white and 1UC11U1
fhlar i!5e | ZJ 2C . t_
' in the
i Samples of Mere's
..... . ored Chiffo
ip Hairpins a price no <
tges of "Hump" Hairpins ! << P llll } <1
tributed unions the first I Navy
era who visit the notion . . / D,?A
tomorrow. I Light Blue
mp" Hairpin is the only Reseda
won't fall out. Whether j OIH Dnc<>
r?r ride or work or play. | <, ViU_5_?!C
P" Hairpin stays fast. , ^?:nr|
he hair in place. Try the i . . ,IILI
s given away tomorrow , fashionabl
II never go hack to the
wire pins or the heavy . ^fl-inrh R
e shell pins. after wear- j 4U-incn n
TMP" Hairpin for a sin ! fine, lustro
Bize Packages. 10c. ricll CrOW bl
n?,, $2.00 yard...
/ J bans, Toques am
0 Silk Velvet Tar
if the newest and best models ?spec
lie at $1.98.
0 Model Corsets i
rsary Sale Special "
tpson s ijlovc-nttmg an<i r. a. Cm
medium low bust; heavily boned
odels of the usual dollar quality
jroidery and complete with hear
All sizes?at 69c.
Worcester Corsets, of iine quality mat
ist models for slender figures. i>lx hea
rters. All sizes. Anniversary Sale prict
Flannels |
, heavy fleece quality, in stripes and |
, gray, etc. Excellent material for t
women and children. |
29-Inch Bleached Hornet Flannel* j
heavy fleeced quality, 1f\tJ ^
for winter wear. I IIJ/2C
Worth 18c yard * w w I
32-inch Kiddle Cloth, in a large J
assortment of styles and colorings, |
including stripes, checks and a full t
range of plain colors. The ideal f
washable fabric for boys' j s J
| suits, children's dresses. I Qf* ;
etc I
a tine firm woven grade, in white, I
d everywhere at $1.50 a yard, low- |
ersary Sale. |
?the Newest
? Trimiiings. 50c \ll/? t
J Values at, a yd. l/vv I
steel, 3 inches wide, in a. variety of \
1 for the Anniversary Sale at 39c |
iewhere at 50c yard. I
-uly fashionable shimmers with the j
ed form of trimming this season, as J
42-inch Chiffon Cloth, extra fine I
quality, in white, black _ J
and all leading shades. I
newloeUf ?1 OK -.re ?a
ncftuioiJ/ vx.fv JO.I u ,
Real Lliin finny Larn, white
and Arabian shades; widths up to
5 inches. Used for trimming
curtains, scarfs, center- ,-a -?
pieces, etc. Values worth /.AkC
39c yard v
Shadow, Filet, Point de Paris,
Imitation Duchesse and Fancy
Laces, edgings and insertionswhite
and cream colors. r\
Values worth up to 15c OC
yard vw
barf'??"Both Sides of Seventh St
IllillllllllHl G?Mepber;'??'
?c solid Rul)l)er D00
jOlu Regularly 50c
. _ Each
lis: rorPON nn.l TUTS I II! P,;\ btut
f??r Italiy'a Solid Quality It 11u?or l>o<>r M
Kings; neat, pret- - good s*orvie-'alil??
(?'<J l?ands: 8Ql>- sir* Me Sold rognla
ially made. (S) (ltasemrut.i
ingly celebrate the Twenty-fir
gin tomorrow a great Birthday
i lias been carefully planned. ;
rings has never been surpassec
The Greatest
in. Colored
cal Quality Quotes
Anniversary Sale
an underselling feat that establisl
11 Taffeta Silks, guod, heavy-weig
Jtlier store can approach !
rd wide, in a complete assortinen
Mais ti<
Changeable Effects Ni
King's Blue \V
Coral C<
li Colored Faille Silk Poplins; ext
e street and evening shades: alsi
lack Satin Charmeuse, 36-incl
us quality; satin-face
, ... . ^ _ plete assoi
ack. Worth <? | 'IQ evening s
1 Worth SI..
-oass New Trin
Reproductions of Paris
Outvalue $6, $7 and $8 I
new, smart models shown for th
name for the Anniversary Sale,
v line just what specialized servic
jhest grade materials and trimm:
vould never dream they could be :
and small shapes, suitable for sti
s of colors, in Continentals, Side c
:1 soft small hats.
1.98 h
lable Tani-o'-Shanters and 1 duce
Hats, in small shapes, for i Fine
women. A representative j All t
ially priced tor the Anni- } and
] efi'ec
I 1 imillec | ^ sale of the*V
nOSC Slip- | great response, espe<
I vance on all raw in
have just 5<> to sell
blue and tali art 1
with felt top, bottor
$2.00 Oilette Pictures
^SpedaJ^ a t $ 1.. 19
A special purchase from a Chicago
manufacturer of handsome Framed !
"Oilettes" at a price that brings you '
these artistic pictures at less than 1
the ordinary lithographs.
14x22-inch size, with 2%-inch deep
burnished gold molding; choice of
water and landscape subjects?exact
reproductions of genuine oil paintings.
(First Floor?Bargain Tabic.)
Importer's Samples of
Renaissance j
Pieces }
Values Worth $1.50,
$2.00 and $2.50 at.. 1 :
A special underprice offering- of
Handsome Japanese Renaissance Art
Pieces?consisting of Piano Scarfs,
Luncheon Cloths, Centerpieces and
Scarfs. Good selection of attractive
designs?all extra big values at one
dollar for choice. <
(Art Dept., First Floor.)
reel" Ullllllllllllllllllllillllllllll
~ ullllllDlUIIilUiilllllnflllliinitiniiniiiiiiiiuiiuiuiii
'Both Srdes of Seventh Str
II a I.V ram
r mats talcum
kind and d?Ml
' *
\ :. . r^i. ir.
si .Anniversary or inc re
Festival extending ovi
and we can unhesitatini
1 in Washington.
Silk Sensation of 1
i as $1.50 Val
at . ??..?<
ics a new record for wor
lit, pure dye, all-silk grad
t of colors, including the
olden Brown Russiai
ile Lavend
hite tjarnet
openhagen Wistar
ra fine, lustrous quality, ir
> black and white. Worth
i Satin Messalines, heavy, r
grade; heavy weight, in a ct
rtment of all wanted street ;
hades;'also black. (P t f
!5 yard ?P 1 .V
timed Hats
-Inspired Millinery
dats Elsewhere...
ie first time tomorrow?a
Wonderful Hats?a-spar
e means.
ings have been used, and
sold for so little.
'eet or dress wear; smart
rr Back Flare Hats, Sailot
$4.00 Highntrimmed
ats *JJ
N'ewest. smartest and hand
d this season?of Silk Beaver
Silk Velvet, in the desirabl
he most fashionable shanes. i
small Continentals, off-the-ta
ts, Mushrooms and Sailors.
elt Mattresses
Mattresses always brings
eially- since the continued adlaterials.
Tomorrow we will
at this price. Covered with
Lickings; combination center
n and sides. 3 ft to 4 ft. <5
Fourth Floor.
! . Jf
r? ' IT
are either soft silks or Ski
for two seasons' wear.
All sizes, 36 to 46. Ann
Black Fox !
Beautiful, Lustrous, Lon
whole-animal effect scarf, so
rel or pillow muff to match.
Red Fox S<
Natural Fox Sets are st
ity daily. Tomorrow we offe
Sets at a price the manufact
skin scarfs and new trimmed 1
~?" ';'!lllll|IIIIIIIHIIIll[llllillli|||IHl!l||||||IH IM
$1.00 Ready-made and Q1
* tei-.59c ?
or Wil
or Hoi / i ^ V ?t \
Sr M
Eown l g
ira.lf THIS rOTTPOV ard 50?- f-.c Krady 5^
I'aUMim Made and Stamped Nightjrnv us s?auiped
<>u ??xtra fin" qualify Kziglirh nalo
. r. aook: in a variety of doit designs i
(S) 36 t<? 42. (Art l>ept.) t?> I
s 21 Years of Unpa rail
mnding of "The Dependable Store | t) ^
er six days. This great Birthday ,
gly state that in scope and niagni- j
; advat
the Year! \ 1 (>1
raffetasAOr i
ue Elsewhere^#
idertul value-giving?fine quality Col- i
e, with desirable soft tissue finish, at ! ..J
following! | JJI
n Qreen Alice ? Mesh ; ]
ler Myrtle Black . .
Gray Htc. j
ia ___ f : n<l
t ali the most"sought after and AA,. 1 |
$1.00 yard j J
ich, 40-inch Black Peau de Cygne; all- | V?^Ttc
silk, extra heavy quality; j i'">t
rich, lustrous finish, dj | |Q i
1" Worth $1.50 yard I . I V i muk
| slcei
u ii i i i i i * i i i i i i j i pant
i WjCi#3
$4.48 j
11 worth a srreat deal more than the 1 1
kle with style, charm and individuality, I
1 J
so cleverly have the designers done f ^
1 "1
hats in black, white, old rose, brown ?
s, Mushrooms and stunning new Tur- I
i Bo
f card
Glass ?"1'
52.98 Jm! 1
somest shapes pro- r*is {' )%. O A i ! ' "
, Hatter's Plush and Nv, '?
e high luster finish. jfNC j-fi *
including flare, large /yrSc- I,r*/-rV t ,nid
,ce styles, high-back I-'y- ? **'
' Ski
? ; w ith
j Silk Handkerchiefs
I Values Worth Up to 25c. | quai
| ^da! 11c ! l]
f r<
? Women's Fancy Silk Handkerchief, ?
| in a. variety of pretty styles; made of good ?
| quality Japanese silks, with, colored hem- ; ! j5y,
I stitched borders and French hems. Print- i #i,",
I ed effects and fancy corner and borde^y^^^^?^
1 signs. (Handkerchief Dept., First
? ch
tiSealCoats; J
>4.50 ?
^ Cannot be dupucated r
Ww elsewhere for less than I
?L $100.00 to $110.00. j bestl
jSEEr ^ Just 25 of these liigli
grade Hudson Seal Coats
JBBmE ready tomorrow at this 'sir
lM9B^renlarkably *ow price?a oth't
IjBBHw^value made possible be- i up t
MBIT cause of early and ad- j
IflW^ vantageous buying. *
llliaAm We guarantee every I ffi|
limy coat to be a new winter *
1916-17 model. Absolute- J SillJ
ly perfect quality gar- * I
ments guaranteed to wear TucS
^ The newest flare models, f . , J
witn wiae sweep; large con- i -- vertible
collars, new sleeves
and deep cuffs. The linings ?
:nner's brocade, and both are guaranteed I "
iversary Sale price, $84.50. * Rel
Sets, $23.50 ;
g-hair Black Fox Sets, consisting of smart ' cloti
much In favor this season, and either bar- f
T I..H ?.tth .,,nr,nt?Ml entlr, * SOUT
ets, $14.50 \"rt'0 j KxtJ
ill the rage and are increasing in popular- f I
r 20 of these Handsome Red and Gray Fox - u 1
urers are asking at wholesale. Xew single- t yan^
carrel muffs to'match. | cioae?

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