Newspaper Page Text
1 liJbJbJESllL^P*! |^ro@E!y i m ^rfftno) I Biggest Bargains | of the Season Come jj Now in Our | January | | Clearing Sale j | Pianos | t and .j| Player-Pianos \ \\ c are st-llinj; at practi- 1 cally nominal prices all the [j Pianos and I'laycr-Pianos taken in exchange during 0 our holiday business. | I'.ach instrument has been jj thoroughly overhauled and jj put in goo<l playing condi- c tioit by our experienced jj factory experts, and is ex- jj changeable at any time, -o 0 . ... ..._ .... .1. : . . D ? ?'U i 1111 i n ? I isk ill V < >111 (j lection. S | Upright Pianos j {used) = $1 Weekly Payments | Bradbury $75 | Harvard $80 | I Hallet & Davis. . . $95 c Chickering $120 f Pease $130 I Sterling $135 | | Maxwell $200 | j Player-Pianos j I (used) E $2 Weekly Payments | Kurtzman VATT* $380 I Chickering & Sons, $345 \ Behning $340 | Weber . ; : ... $335 | J. E. Davis $240 * Bachman $295 Troubadour $335 Schuman & Sons. $320 Kurtz $265 Grand Pianos I (used) I $10 Weekly Payments Weber Mahogany. $385 Wm. Knabe Co $365 Square Pianos and Organs i $5, $10, $15, $20 to $35 $1 Weekly Payments | J 3,000 1 Player-Piano, Rolls Slightly used, consist- I i ing of standard old mas- ' S ters' selections?W altzes, j I! Marches, Ragtimes, etc. To be closed out tomorM row at J 7c 5?y 1 ARTHCR JORDAN Owaer. j I 1239 G St N.W. 11 Corner 13th * , _ MANY PEOPLE Ar? mad* II by ?atinc unwbol?"*ome food. Th? Diet Home f*-eds you ao nature can reator feu to health. The Cambridge Diet Home 1 K? COLUMBIA ROAD. Phone Columbia 1027. PREMATURE 8RAYNE8S dfeA to the fate of many a yotai woman. /VjBQ The Imperial l'?7m Heir Regenerator \f The Standard Hair Coloring X Idl For Orajr or Bleached Hal 2V. j recognized the world oror a iL'itk A IIt?* oslr preparation which I ft h h rn inkoolnMjr heamlaaa.thet reeton II tf : |Mm I gray hair to It* natural color, c F I ' ill hV makes bleochad hair an ahaf ' 1" 'rift desired. Colors aro durable an It! llVl natural: whoaapplied cannot b 1'mM detaoted; In unaffected by bathi V'W'l and permits earllag. Sample c P!SU_l pour hair colored (roe. Coi raopondenea conddantial. imhii co. ur? rw s?. taw Tart HOLD st m. C. whelak. um I 81. . * a I^OC | {Continued from First Page.) 3 and Miss Elmer of Winnetka. 111., for0 merly of Philadelphia, are spending the 0 winter with Mrs. Wilson and Miss Aber3 crombie at their home in 20th street. 3 Mrs. Frederick H. Gillett will not be | at home on Tuesday, as she is leaving j I llil I Ui?> IU fllilRr LI 9IIUI I \ ISIl ai .'t " i jj York. =i g Mrs. J. Willard Ragsdale will be at g home on Tuesday, receiving from 3 g until 6. at Calumet Place. 0 g Mrs. William Robert Smith, wife of 0 I Representative Smith of Texas, and 0 | Miss Smith will be at home Tuesday, Dj January 9. after 3 o'clock at 2139 Wyo| j mlng avenue. 3} Mrs. William C. Herron and Miss Her13' ron will be at home Thursdays in Jang uary. P Mrs. Frederick Marsh will not receive =| Tuesday, as she and Col. Marsh are |j Jeaving the spend the winter in Florg ida. g Mrs. George Richard Smith. Mrs. g .John Harold Hoover and the Misses 0 Smith will be at home today for the D onlv tim** this season, 1825 19th street. 3 3 Mrs Charles Klwood Foster will be 3 at home Mondays. January 8. 15 and |j 22. at the Portland. | Mrs. James Pryon Tarvin and Miss a Mattie Marschall Curd will be at home 3 Mondays. January 8. 15 and 22. at 1882 3 Columbia road. They will have assist3 : ing them tomorrow Mrs. Beckham. 3 j wife of Senator Beckham of Kentucky: 3 J Miss Stone, daughter of Senator Stone 3 j of Missouri, and Mrs. Richardson Gib^! son. Mrs. Tarvin has out cards for a |j luncheon January 17 for Miss Curd. 31 g, Mrs. John Crayke Simpson will not g be at home Tuesday. January 9. but I 3 will be at home Tuesday. January 16, 3 after 4 o'clock. 3 Miss Klizabeth Simpson, daughter of 3 Mr. and Mrs. Kdwin F. Simpson of 3 Seattle, is a house guest of Dr. and |j Mrs. Simpson. g Mrs. F. B. Moran will be at home g this afternoon. g; Prince and Princess Iturbide and Mr ' g ; and Mrs. Jerome Bonaparte were guests ! 3 i for whom Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ward-i D man entertained at iuncheon at the DiShorehatn vesterday. a: 3 Mis. Kdward C. Seward will be at. | ^! home informally Mondays in January | at 1821 16th street. Mrs. Eliza F. Leary of Seattle, promig i nent in L>. A. H. circles, who spends g part of each winter at Washington, aril rived todav and is at the Willard. 9 Oj Mr. and Mrs. James M. Green enterg ; tained at a small dinner at the Chevy 31 Chase. Club last evening in honor of 3 i their house guests. Col. and Mrs. jj Charles R. Krauthoff. 0- Mrs. Sidney L. Hechinger has returnjj! ed to Washington after spending the jj! holidays with her parents. Mr. and gj Mrs. Lewis Frank, at Baltimore. | Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Strasburger left g last evening for Cincinnati, Ohio, where n they will spend this week. g, Mrs. Thornton Boland of 1916 Bel3 ' moni road will l?e at home Mondays D in January. 3 j Mrs. Beverly Randolph Mason. Miss 3 Mason and Mrs. Philip Steed will be jj at home next Saturday and the followjj ing Saturdays in January and Feb^ ruary. 0 j Owing to illness in the family. Mrs. Mcjj j Coy, wife of Justice McCoy, will not be a j at home on Mondays throughout the seag| son. The Washington Chapter of Trinity 31 Colleger Alumnae will give its third 3 annua! dance at Rauscher's on FebruD J ary 15. Miss Louise .N'oonan has charge 3 J of the arrangements, and among those 01 assisting are Mis.> Maud Gaynor, Miss 3. Margaret Collins, Miss K. J. Wimsatt. ^ I Miss Gertrude Lane. Miss Isabelle a ! Murphy. Miss Margaret Norman and g j Miss Grace Townsend. 3: Mrs. John F. Fillebrown and Miss 3 j Fillebrown have invitations out for a |jtea next Thursday afternoon at their 0| residence in Le Roy place. 3 j Owing to illness Mrs. Willard, wife of Commander Willard of the navy |j i yard, has been obliged to cancel all g | ouv.iai rii^aKruiCHia. g Miss Edith Temple Gracie will go to 3 New York this week to attend the wed31 ding of Miss Lucy Drexel Dahlgren 3 and Mr. Richard Smith Emmet, which 3 will take place there Wednesday. 2; Miss H^-len Demonet, who has been | a guest for a week or ten days of Miss | t Elise Hepburn at Philadelphia, rnog tored to New York yesterday with her g hostess and a party to attend the auto3 1 mobile show tomorrow. Miss Demonet 3 will return to Washington the latter 3 ; part of the week 3 3: Mrs. Robert M. LaFollette, wife of ^ Senator La Follette, who is spending ^;the winter at their home at Madison, gjWis.. will not come to Washington this 3 season. 3 Mrs. York Nod i? visiting Rear Ad-j 3 rniral and Mrs. Adams at their resiHidence, 1636 Connecticut avenue. ? ; ^ Mr. William Heimfce. former United S| Stater minister to Salvador, and Mrs. | |j Heimke entertained at dinner Wednes- ; gjday evening at the Shoreham. Their I =g guests were the Salvadorian minister gi to the United States and Mine Zaldivar, g! Mr. and Mrs Hnmpson Gary, Dr. and | Mrs. M. D'Arcy Magee. Mr. and Mrs | 8 Clarence A. Kenyon. Mrs. M. Quintard j g iinu jjrs. iieiniKf ? sisipr, r. ? . |j Bassett. S Gwinn W. Rust, who has been spendS ing the Christmas holidays with his' g parents. Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Rust, has j ?j returned to the Tome School, at Port I g Deposit, Md. a . ? 3 After a ten-day absence Miss Janet i 3 Richards returns today from Atlantic 3 City. 3 Mrs. Robert Lansing, wife of the a Secretary of State, is to be among 3j those in the receiving line at the re|j ception at the Young Women's chrisg tian Association at 8 o'clock Wednesg day evening jn honor of Miss Florence 3 M. Brown, the general secretary, who 3 has been with the local branch for 3 ten years. Others In the line will be 3 Mrs. William Hamilton Bayly, presi3 dent of the local branch'; Mrs. Robert H Nelson Page. Mrs. Charles W. RichI] ardson. Miss Elizabeth F. Pierce, Miss S Frances E. Chickering and Miss Mara garet R. Fox. 3 Mrs. Marshall is honorary president ^ of the local association. Miss Tilson of Albany was honor guest at a dinner given on New Yearday by Dr. and Mrs. John Kerford Haywood, additional guests corning in later for dancing. Mrs. Haywood was hostess at an auction on Wednesday for Miss Tilson. Plans are already well under way for what is expected to be the crowning event of the season in younger D. A. R. circles?namely, the annual dance of the Abigail Hartman Rice Chapter, D. ? A. R., at the Raleigh on February 15. , It is the ambition of the chapter to ! make Us annual dance a permanent j feature of Washington's social calendar. and to this end a committee com- I posed of Mrs. Harry Boyle Gauss, chair- | man; Miss Elizabeth H. Campbell and 1 Miss Frances L. Evarts are working hard to assure its success. r Mr and Mrs. A. H. Caldwell of 1757 a Columbia road have returned from a month's stay In Florida. !f " Invitations have been extended for ? the fourth dance to be held by the J Bachelors. Saturday. January IS. at , Mrs. Dyer's. 1517 R street. The members comprising the Bachep. lors are: Meesrs. W. J. Monran, C. E. Moore, W. C. Hammett. E. C. Ardesser. \ jr.; J. Whit Hammett, A H. Laird. Jr.; T. C. Hammett, L. L. liardiety, J. P. P 1 Ardeeser, R. A Moulden, J. H. Craton, R. H. Moore, Jack Lewis, R. D. Schlegel and H. E. Kimball. Mrs. H. J. Walker of East Orange, X. J., is spending the month of January with her parents. MaJ. and Mrs. 8. H. Walker, at 420 B street northeast. Mrs. Charles S. Schermerhorn, formerly of this city, now of New Haven. Conn., is spending several weeks with her husband's parents, Mr. and Mrs. K. 8. Schermerhorn of the Pasadena apartments. Mrs. G. P. Hoskinson and Mrs. C. H. Hoskinson were hostesses at a Christmas dance given December 28 in honor of their daughters. Misses Dorothy and Elizabeth. A buffet supper was served at midnight, after which dancing was resumed. Mrs. Arthur Powell Davis entertained for her daughters. Misses Dorothy and i )n v i? nt h dance at the Raleigh Wednesday night. Miss Mabel Caldwell Willard of Boston, Mass.. is in town for the winter. She is living at 1626 Rhode Island avenue. and assisting Mrs. Maude Wood Park, also of Boston, in congressional work for the National American Woman SulTrage Association. Miss Tillie Jacobson. who has been spending the holidays with her mother. Mrs. Cely Jacobson, of 1354 Girard street northwest, leaves today to resume her teaching at Lovettsville, Va. Miss Henrietta Givener of Charleston. S. C., was a guest of Miss Tillie Jacobson during the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Pilzner have just returned from their wedding trip. Among the bride's many presents was a handsome check from her mother. Mis. J. Bricker, and an automobile from her father. Miss Linda Lee Clift has returned to South Boston, Va., after spending the holidays here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Clift of 4115 7th street northwest. Miss Natalie Harris of New York is visfiting her sister, Mrs. William J. Driver, 2018 Portner place. Army Notes. j Capt. arid Mrs. Robert Whitfield, who spent the holidays with the latter's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Cheater M. Butler, at their home at Little Rock, Ark., will go this month to Oklahoma City, Okla., where Capt. Whitfield has been ordered to recruiting duty. Lieut. J. Munroe Murphy is enjoying a visit from his mother, Mrs. John J. Murphy of Baltimore, at his quarters at Ragle Pass, Tex. Capt. Donald C. Cubbison, who is on a three-week leave of absence from his regiment In Mexico, is spending the time with Mrs. Cubbison and his mother at the latter's home at Harrisville, Pa. Mrs. James M. l^ove. wife of Capt. Love, has returned from a visit to Dr. and Mrs. Alexander G. Brown at Richmond, Va. Cadet Wilson G. Bingham came from "West Point to spend the- Christmas holidays at Washington with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Bingham. Col. Charles J. Symonds, accompanied by Mrs. Symonds and Miss Symonds. is visiting at Washington, having recently arrived from the Philippines. Capt. Perrin L. Smith and Mrs Smith, who have been at the Cairo for some time, will leave Washington January 15 for the border, where Capt. Smith has been ordered on duty. Mrs. Evans, wife of Col. Ellwood W. Evans, now commanding the 10th Cavalry. wiih Gen. Pershing's command in Mexico, has come to Washington with their son, Mr. Chaille H. Evans, and taken an apartment for the season at the Toronto. Capt. D. F. McGuire and Mrs. McGuire. after a visit to the latter's parents. Dr. and Mrs. Renshaw, at Fort Barrancas, Fla., have come to Washington for a visit. From here Capt. and Mrs. McGuire will return to the border. Mrs. Robinson, wife of Capt. Robinson. with their daughters. Misses .Sally and Nancy Robinson, has returned to Fort Totten, after visiting Mrs. MacMurray. Mrs. Moeely. with her two sons, spent the holidays at Governors Island with her parents, Col. and Mrs. Dodds. Lieut, and Mrs. C. W. Edwards had a house party for the holidays at their quarters at Fort Hunt. Va., composed of the lieutenant's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Edwards of New York, and his sister, Mrs. Renner of Washington, I). C. Capt. Harry C. Bonny castle, accompanied by Mrs. Bonnycastle, will leave this week for the border after a visit I ^ 1 January Clea | Not a Oa j ALL SL I N ji 1 ALL CO I No1 ALL DRE \ j I ALL FUR CC ALL TRIMMED H Lot of Lingerie Waists Crepe de Chine, Striped Special lot of Beautiful Silk Waists, one or 1 j? - ~ ^ ~ r'~ a A DEBUTANTE < jjjjjjji l^^HR .\n ^ * MISS HELI Uanfkter of the o?mnlMlOBer ol of several weeks to Mrs. Bonnycaaiie i mother, Mrs. L. P. Kennedy. Captain and Mrs. Joseph A. Baer re turned to Plattsburgh barracks, aftei visiting: at Washington. Mrs. Alexander L. P. Johnson. wif< of Capt. Johnson, now stationed ai Washington, is taking a course at th< Corcoran Art Gallery. Lieut. and Mrs. Raymond G. Payrn have as their guest at Fort Totten. N Y., the latter's parents. Mr. and Mrs. F Worden Graham of Washington, D. C Capt. and Mrs. James H. Oliver weni to Shirley, their home on the Jamei river, Va., for the Christmas holidays Col. George S. Young has entirely recovered from his recent severe operation at Portland, Ore., but will remain with his wife and daughter ir that city for the month of January after which they will accompany hirr to California. Capt. and Mrs. R. B. McBride hac as guests for the holidays at Fort Hunt, Va., their sons. Lieut. R. B. McBride, Jr., who came from Fort Monroe and Cadet Ransom McBride, from West Point Military Academy. Mrs. R. L. Avery, wife of Lieut Avery, has gone to the orient to joir Lieut. Avery, who has been tfiere foi some time on duty. Maj. Howard Laubach. now stationed at Fort Sam Houston. Tex., and Mrs Laubach entertained during the holidays their daughter. Miss Dorothy Laubach, who has now returned to hei school here. Maj. Francis Pope was joined last week at Fort Sam Houston. Tex., by Mrs. Pope, who has been visiting Mr. and Mrs. Albert Edward Gillespie at their home at San Francisco. Capt. Purrington. Mrs. Purringtoi and their children are now settled a Fort Ethan Allen, where Capt. Pur rington's new duties are with the ma chine gun troop. MaJ. Mervyn C. Buckey had hii father, Mr. Thomas W. Buckey of thli city, as his guest during the holiday: at his quarters at Fprt Hunt, Va. Capt. and Mrs. E. P Donnelly enJoyed a holiday visit from their son R. H. Beswick, who, after spending tlx Christmas season with them at E Paso, has returned to his school ai Atlanta. Ga. Lieut. James I- Collins, aid to Gen Pershing, spent his Christmas leave ol absence at El Paso, Tex., with Mrs Collins, who during his absence ir Mexico is spending the time with hei parents. Mr. and Mrs. U. S. Stewart. Maj. Gen. J. Franklin Bell and Mrs Bell held a largely attended New Yeai reception at Fort Mason. Cal. Col. Richmond P. Davis and Mrs Davis, who were stationed last wintei at Washington, received on New Yea' day at their quarters at Fort Winflek Scott. Cal. H The House of Fashion ? ranee?Extraordar .rment to Be Carried 0v< IITS. Formerly Sold ow $15, $19.95, $25,! iATS, Formerly Sold $ w $15, $25, $29.50, $3 iSSES, Formerly Sold , low $8.50, $15, $25, $ PATS, Muffs and Fur Sel [ATS?Were $5 to $11?-= , broken lines; values to $2.2 I Voile and Jap Waists; value Georgette, Voile, Crepe de h wo of a kind; sold to $8.95. ' x' )F THE WINTER. J| B|p |||g flttjttjfjgSy^ lilt . mHBHMes? Js jspr photo - .o^cP^tTCX CliAXTON, r education and Mm. P. P. < laxton. '! Navy and Marine Corps. p I Capt. E. A. Anderson, U. S. N., has been detached from the Naval War s j College, at Newport, and, accompanied t by Mrs. Anderson, has gone to Norfolk, i Va, where his new duties are those of supervisor of naval auxiliaries. ' Commander T. T. Craven, U. S. N., " has left Newport and taken command of the IT. S. S. Sacramento. Mrs. Craven was called to Washing- | t ton some weeks ago by the sudden j * death of her mother, Mrs. Merritt, who ? . made her home at the Rochambeau. j r Lieut. Commander Joseph K. Taussig, i . IT. H. N._ acoomoanied by Mrs. Taussig I - and their little daughter, spent the i holidays at Norfolk* Va.. with the parents of Mrs. Taussig, Mr. and Mrs. ? R. Johnston. Paymaster Robert S. Chew, U. S. N., I is visiting' friends at Newport, having t gone there on leave to spend the holidays. i Rear Admiral W. H. Whiting, U. S. N.. retired, and Mrs. Whiting, who since the former's retirement have made their home in California, went to i Berkeley for the Christmas holidays, - which they spent with their son-in-law and daughter, Lieut. James H. Taylor, U. S. X., and Mrs. Taylor. 1 Passed Assistant Surgeon M. A. [ Stuart. U. S. X.4 and Mrs. Stuart, are entertaining the latter's parents, Mr. . and Mrs. C. E. Christian of Detroit, at their quarters at the Norfolk navy yard. Civil Engineer Bakenhus. U. S.' N.. and Mrs. Bakenhus, spent the holidays at Atlantic City, X. J. Rear Admiral Augustus Fechteler, I". S. N., and Mrs. Fechteler have had with 1 them for the Christmas holidays the t latter's parents. Justice and Mrs. Wil liam W. Morrow. Miss Fechteler spent - the holidays at Racine, Wis. Lieut. Commander Robert Henderson, B U. S. N.. and Mrs. Henderson have left 3 Washington after a visit to Represent, ative and Mrs. Ira Copley. Mrs. Albert Kautz, widow of Rear Admiral Kautz, I*. S. N., is spending the season at the Brighton. I Midshipman Ten Eyck De Witt I Veeder returned last week to the Naval Academy, after spending the holidays at Washington with his parents. Commodore Veeder. U. S. N, retired, and f Mrs. Veeder. at their home, 1749 P street. lr Capt. Charles H. Harlow, V. S. N., retired, and Mrs. Harlow, enjoyed a visit at their apartments at the Highlands during the holidays from their son. Lieut. Harnilto/i Harlow, U. S. N., r now on duty on the U. S. S. Pennsylvania. | Mrs. Ellis B. Miller, wife of Capt. r Miller. U. S. M. C.. has aji apartment J for the winter at the Brighton. Mrs. J. B. Withers entertained dur(gjgigjgjg|gjgjgfgfgrgfgg|gjg|5j3j@jgjgj3|2i3jg|gi3^i^ & Street | nary Bargains I er Season f i IS to $85 I 535 1 25 to $65 I m a ? y.du ? a 1 $15 to $65 } 1 35 | ;s, y3 to y2 off I Now $1.85 and $3.75 g 5. To close 79c | :s to $4.50. To close.$1.85 | ; Chine, Lace and | To close $3.98 jfj * Ing the holidays at her home, 2017 19th etreet, her two eons. Midshipman Clement Withers, who has since returned to the Naval Academy, and Ensign Noble Withers, attached* to the a. 8. S. Texas. Rear Admiral Henry T. Mayo. U. S. N., and Mrs. Mayo are at the Belleview. Ensign Prank E. Beatty, U. S. N., hag returned to duty on the V. S. 8. New York, after spending the holidays at Washington with his parents. Rear Admiral F. E. Beatty, U. S. N., .retired, and Mrs. Beatty. who have an apartment for the season at Florence Courts. Rear Admiral C. J. Boush, U. 8. N., retired, with Mrs. Bpush and their daughter. Miss Ger&ldine Boush. has gone for the winter to Boston, where they are located at 100 St. Mary street. Commander Edwin H. Tillman, U. S. N.. retired, and Mrs. Tillman entertained their son, Midshipman Edwin H. Tillman, Jr.. at their home. 1720 Q street. Miss May Worden of Washington has also been visiting Rear Admiral and Mrs. McLean at Norfolk. Lieut;. Abram Claude, U. S. N., aid to the commandant at the Norfolk navy yard, came to Washington with Mrs. Claude and little daughter to spend the holidays with Mrs. Claude's parents. Brig. Gen.. George Andrews, retired. and Mrs. Andrews, at the Cor-f dova. Miss Katherine Andrews, who j had been visiting Lieut, and Mrs. I ( 'In 1|H<1 rAtlirrioH to W auhln irtnn vttK 1 them. Commander George R. Marvel, U. S. N.. has returned after a visit to Annapolis. where he was the guest of Commander James J. Raby. U. S. N., and Mrs. liaby. Midshipman Richard Root-Foster, U. S. N.. has returned to the Naval Academy at Annapolis, after spending the Christmas holidays here with his mother. Mrs. Florence Root-Foster, at 1800 1 street northwest. Midshipman Rodney Harding of California and Midshipman Charles Hunt of California were with Midshipman Root-Foster, the holiday guests of his mother. Rear Admiral R. AI. Doyle, U. 'S. N., retired, and Mrs. Doyle have taken an apartment at the Farragut for the season. Commnder Harry A. Baldridge, U. S. N., accompanied by Mrs. Baldridge and their children, is at New York, where they are spending the holidays with Mrs. Baldridge's parents. Capt. Kerwin Kinard, U. S. A., has been meeting with merited success in the class in Red Cross first aid work which he established and has been holding twice a week at Tientsin, China, where the ladies of the regiment are his most interested pupils. Fort Myer Notes. Lieut. Col. and Airs. Fenton entertained the garrison at an eggnog party on January 1 at their quarters. Aiaj. William Glasgow has returned to his command in Alexico, after spending the Christmas holidays with his family. Airs. Hunter Scott and mother. Atrs. McLellan, are back from Chicago, where they spent the Christmas month with Mrs. Scott's sister, Airs. Joseph Dummy of Evanston, 111. Lieut. Col. Manus McCIoskey is here j for a visit to his family before joining i his rfgiment at San Antonio, Tex. [ Mr. Robert Rochester, who has been visiting his sister. Airs. Fenton, wife of Col. Fenton. 2d Cavalry, has returned | to New York. Lieut. Robert Strong, 2d Cavalry, has j returned, after a short leave spent at Cleveland. Ohio. The next cavalry exhibition drill will take place on Friday, January 12. The Marine Band will furnish the music. Capt. Forsyth, 5th United States Cavalry, is the latest arrival from Mexico. He" came for a short visit with his family. 1 ^frtufJc9t^i iff ^ rmv&Mcr sMoar^JBUX Kg !%ttt r STUt99 ATM fcj Continuing Through thi 9 Different 0 THE "DIFFEREr m SPECIAL LOW PRICE Li January economies, but f| ordinary Clearance Sal n offer our customers thrc i| early and buying new 1 til hiMM1 cM?nn affril 200 Ne These are coats whi last two weeks! Newe a sales! 1 $30.00 \ I ?Full-flaring from the shoul I navy, green and burgundy. T 2 $40.00 to $ Full Silk-lined Suede Velc shades in this lot?also burgu i purchased earlier. 1 $50.00 F Wonderful chance to buy fur-trimmed?gold and fawn s navy, plum, burgundy, green, t $50.00, just arrived. Finest of | 1 Genuine F. & H. bolivias, I of colors and sizes, but only 01 Fur Coats? S Just received the past few past few weeks?just such new ary sale, and values are really jj Item No. 1, $137.50?Hud so from the waist line, 45 inches lc value of this coat is $175.00. S Item No. 2, $170.00?Hudso 1 trimmed with large cape collar skunk. Fur Sets and ! I Fur Sets in Hudson Seal a raccoon, up to $95.00 each?for Suits, $14 The best styles and colors and fur trimmed, in all sizes f< ranging as high as $85.00. Wh tunity to purchase. (. ' ' Afternbon a '[ Beautiful silks?Charmeuse II mostly one-of-a-kind, but splei If New Blouses in crepe d? L $6.oo to $10.00 Blouses, i B Sample Silk Stockings, $ J j throughout the store. II January Sale B $1 -OOGowns J"| .50 fl J[ Chemise I I ' Combinations I Prices advancing, but these 11 come. It is the greatest unde I SAKS F EXCLUSIV Established Over 25 Years Complete ( ALL MAD1 STYLISH Seta, Mu I Pieces REDUCE I coat, to insure clear | No woman with a | to overlook these hi |H while selection is b ill y?u* ! ?If You A South Yoi TJ!Zh the Corn * . ?which you will n journ in those clim perate weather. The correct fool The accepted st street and evening In short, a n showing of the new urpar frtr all nrrasi These, of cours fashions of the com mer. Ten-One F St. 1 . IT ! .. ?r FVm/JE* t /9/o e Month?Our Kind of Jai n KIND OF JANUARY IS! It is the solution for the : is disappointed by the od le merchandise. It . is an ad >ugh our policy of closing c garments at the low pric< w Coats To ch arrived the last two dayi st styles?values greater tha relour Cheviot Coat der with deep Cape Collar of S|cunk his, in addition to good assortments 45.00 Smart Slyle Cc >ur Coats?latest empire and yojfe n indy, black and brown. These cpat! & H. Bolivia Coati Coats in the genuine K. & H. bolivi hades only. This in addition to the irown and black, with Hudson Seal < Coats Up to $85.00 suede velour and velour de laine?b te of a kind?fur collars, fur-trimmed Two Remarka days the latest models in Hudson ; style garments as are seen through extraordinary. n Seal Coats, in the newest semi-fit jng. The pelts are fine and soft and n Seal Coats, both semi-fitting and ft and cuffs of natural skunk, others v Separate Pieces Gre t $19.50 and others in hlack wolf, ly mcr prices, up to $125.00. ..50 $21-50 $27of the season invelour fabrics, gaba 3r ladies and misses. None less ths latever you may desire in a suit thei nd Street Dresses, $19.50 ai , Crepe Meteor, Georgette Crepe. Ct idid variety of colors and sizes?usu 1 chine, light shades, $2.95. in variety of smart styles, $4.~511.50 grade, black and colors, $1.00 of Underwear e New Laces ,05 -"V ^'ze: Embroideries I New Stj Fine Materials Large S generous assortments will supply y rwear sale we have ever held. 'I 4 UR CO. 1 ELY FURS [1 1212 F Stmt || Clearance of 1 E-UP FURS I ffs, Coats and Odd i D without regard to ,| ance this month. f ? / t rr t I >3 . tur need can attord irgaina. Call early. I roadeat?it will pay |j re Traveling u Will Find Here set Footwear eed during your sees of perpetual teniLwear for sports. vies in footwear far' wear. lost comprehensive est fashions in footons. e, are the advanced ing spring and sumC , Corner Tenth *LY snoot gr^JKLLLFr - . fc r s rater n w. f luary Sale SALE" MEANS E ! woman who waits for I Ids-and-ends aspect of VI vantage which we can || >ut mid-winter apparel U ?s which the manufac- H morrow U i. Made up during the 11 n at ordinary clearance j 1 8, $18.75 n Opossum Fur. Colors include II left from earlier in the week. 11 tats, $28.75 H itodels, large fur collars?gold II > in addition to big varieties II i, $33.75 H a?basque and belted models, 11 fine Tricot Velour Coats in 11 dollars. full silk lined, usually II at $39.75 (j eautifully lined?good variety I I [ and plain?simply beautiful 1 L ble Values! Seal Coats, made during the out at our new kind of Januting models, flaring smartly the quality guaranteed. The 0 ill-back models, 45-in. lengths. I rith collar and 5-in. border of I atly Reduced! mj nx, foxes, skunk and skunk |||] 50 $39-50 U rdines and Poiret twill, plain H in $25.00 usually, and prices : re never was a better oppor- i! id $27.50. m repe de Chine and Taffeta? r ally $30.00 to $45.00. I pair, and other great values L it Its Height! [] 5 So.95 Values We II 'les Cannot Hope Hgj tocks to Duplicate || our needs for some time to II 9