Newspaper Page Text
r V WEATHER. Fair tonight. Tomorrow, partly cloudy; probably showers and cooler In afternoon or by night. Temperature for twenty-four hours ending 2 p.m. today: Highest. 88, at 2 p.m. today; lowest, fi". at 6 a.m. today Full report on page 11. CLMIKG HEW YORK STOCKS PAGE 11. Swarm Hat Clrealattaa. Month of Jaly. 1917. Dally Average, 87,5481 Saaday. S2.WB. No. 26,781. WASHINGTON, D. C., MONDAY, AUGUST 20, 1917?FOURTEEN PAGES. ONE. CENT. PLANNED FOR NAVY Secretary Daniels Discusses With Builders Means to Speed Up Construction. 1 PLANTS TO BE EXPANDED Immediate expansion of building fa cilities of th? United States to double or treble the output of destroyers during the next eighteen months was the ob ject of a conference today between Sec retary Daniels and representatives of twenty-live or mere ship and engine builders. "If we get what we want." the Secre tary said, "the United States will have more destroyers than any other power. They are the one thing that a subma rine fears." The Secretary indicated that all the destroyers the builders could produce j would be ordered. Every effort of the J department will be laid upon speeding ton the large number of contracts now ??nding. ?2very aspect of shipbuilding that bears .IBpon destroyer production was taken up the conference. There is no shortage of material or plant facilities, but a difti ^ilty lies in obtaining high-power engines, boilers and reduction gear. Plans No More Chasers. j Secretary Daniels said no additional submarine chasers would be ordered at present. The chasers are valuable for har bor and in-shore patrol work, but the de stroyers are far superior even for these duties and have, in addition, sea-going qualities which make them of far greater value in all ways than the small chasers. Every suggestion that the ship or engine builders had to make today as to addi tional motive power for the destroyers was given close attention. The possibility mt making some'of the new vessels with oil engines was among the suggestions offered. As to the plants at which the new de stroyers will be laid down. Secretary i Daniels said he favored expansion of tfee plants now building destroyers as ?the most efficient means of speeding UP- Experience gained in previous kpilging will enable such plants to :*urn out new ships more quickly, it is TeH. than would be^possible for a new plant, lacking that experience. Secretary Daniels' decision shows that the officers who have been con tending that the best answer to the U-boat was to turn out an enormous Ji umber of destroyers have carried their point. The experience of all al *11 Ms4 4>avies that the destroyer is more ?tadly to submarines than any other typo of craft Is borne out by reports from Vise Admiral Sims, founded on the actual experience of American de stroyers In European waters. Hake Good as Convoys. Another aspect is,the problem of fur nishing convoys to troops and supply ships. which will grow as American forces in France are increased. Many officers bow believe that destroyer con voys guarantee a large degree of se curity from submarine attack. The thin* needed, in their view, is an ade quate number of destroyers to make it certain that supply lines are not inter rupted. The department apparently has approved this view. No figures have been made public of the number of destroyers now building, j Secretary Daniels said today, however, i that they represent the maximum ca- * pafeity of the country as the builders | and engine and boiler makers are at present equipped. To expand that ca pacity will require the expansion of every existing plant and the addition of new engine and boiler works. FORMER KING OF GREECE CORDIAL WITH THE KAISER | Germany Early in War of His Sympathy, But Insists on Neutrality. LONDON, August 20.?An Athens dis patch to the Exchange Telegraph Com pany says that among the diplomatic documents found in Athens since the change in government is a dispatch of former King Constantine, written a few days after the war began, in re sponse to a message from Emperor William, who proposed Greece should range herself on the side of the central powers. Constantine said in his reply: "The emperor well knows my per sonal sympathies as well as my polit ical opinions attract me to his side. Nevertheless, it is impossible for me to understand in what manner I could be useful to him in mobilizing my army. The Mediterranean is at the mercy of the united fleets of England and France, which could destroy our navy and merchant marine, occupy our islands and, above all, prevent concen tration of my army, which could be ef fected only by sea in the absence of railway communications. Without it being in our power to be useful in any particular we would be wiped off the map. I am necessarily of the opinion that neutrality is imposed upon us." Gottlieb von Jagow, then German foreign secretary, replied to Constan tine that Emperor William would un derstand" the necessity of maintaining neutrality for the present. He advised Constantine to reach an understanding with Sofla and Constantinople. FEDERAL DRAFT ACT HELD VALID BY GEORGIA JUDGE Baled Constitutional in Test Case at Mount Airy?Thomas E. Wat son Overruled. MOUNT AIRY. Ga.. August 20 ? Fed eral District Judge Speer held the se lective draft law constitutional in a decision made public here today. The case was that of Albert Jones, a negro, held in the McDuffle county, Ga., jail charged with violating the law. lie was represented by Thomas E. Watson, who contended that the law is in con travention of the involuntary servitude amendment. Judge Speer left for Fairfield, X. C..L where i* is expected he will decide ' whether or not the JefTersonian. a iHETT**::ne published by Watson, shall b" v 'lowed in the tnails. It has been ?ier.ied admission by the postmaster at *n om on. Ga.. the place of publication. ?'*e it contained what bad been L as sodiUous utterances. 11 is mi Unit to Leave for Mineola Mobilization Headquarters This Afternoon. OTHER TROOPS AS ESCORT The Field Hospital Company of the District National Guard is to leave .Washington this afternoon for the con centration camp at Mineola, L. I., of the ?rainbow" division. It will be in the first division of National Guard troops sent to France. The Field Hospital has a personnel of eighty-two men. and they were busy all day carting their equipment to the railroad yard. Hundreds of friends of the men in this command gathered at the camp today as soon as they learned that the company was really going to make the j trip to Mineola today. They walked ! in groups down the streets to Union station as the Field Hospital marched iinder escort of all the other units in Camp Ordway. There Is an enthusiastic rather than tearful throng at the train to bid "god speed" to the first organization of Dis trict boys leaving for France. The boys were given many parting gifts, not only of fruit and lunches, but wrist watches, trench mirrors and the other trinkets that help to remind sol diers of dear ones at home. Maj. Leroy W. Herron led the escort, consisting of Battery B of Field Artil lery, the Signal Corps, under command of Capt. Oliver O. Terry, and the squad ron of cavalry, under command of Capt. James H. Washburn. When they reach ed the station these troops were drawn up at "salute" on either side of the road and the Field Hospital marched between these lines. The Field Hospital is under command of Maj. Herbert W. Bryson, who has served in the District National Guard for twenty years and was originally with the infantry. The adjutant is Capt. W." B. Hudson, who has been in the guard since 1909 and in 1911 was physical director of the public schools. The other officers are Lieut. Henry F. Sawtelle. Dr. Ivy A. Pelzman, Lieut. Ar thur H. Murray and Lieut. Thomas H. Powick. CO-OPERATING IN PROBE OF MISS POD'S DEATH fltcw Are Told That She Wai a Victim of Pohob Sold by Mistake. Inspector Grant, chief of detectives, and R. A. Sanders, pharmacy Inspector of the police department, are co-operating with Frank L. Ball, commonwealth's attorney of Alexandria county, Va? in an investi gation of the death of Miss Annie L. Wood, thirtv-flve years old. who died at the home of her sister. Mrs. May Davis, Barcroft. Va.. one week ago last night. Miss Wood was ill only about one hour, it is stated, and the claim is made that her death was due to a dose of poison that had been sold her sister by mistake. Dr. S. T. Ashton. coroner for Alex andria county. Va.. performed an autopsv and. it is stated, found the stomach in a condition which would have been caused by a poison. The heart also was affected Commonwealths Attorney Ball deemed an Inquest unnecessary, and the body was taken to Lewiston, Pa., where the in terment took place. Miss Wood was a daughter of Wil liam R. Wood, 31 15th street northeast and was visiting h*r sister at the time of her death. Mrs. Davis purchased the preparation that is alleged to' have caused her sister s death, and it is her claim that the drug clerk who waited on her made a mistake. It appears that Miss Wood, who had arranged to have an X-ray taken, was told by her physician to take a dose of barium sulphate for the purpose of getting her stomach in condition for rhe picture to be taken, and the claim is made that Mrs. Davis asked for such a preparation and was given barium sulphide, a poison, by mistake. Inspector Grant was informed that Mrs. I>avis did nbt have a prescription for the barium sulphate, but merely a memorandum, which. It is stated, "she did not present to the clerk. He was further Informed that Mr. Wood went to the same drug store and made a purchase of barium sulphide without a prescription. CONFIDENCE IN FLEET IS UQ1CED BY KAISER Thankv mrrm Aboard Ships at Helgo land and Serving on Submarines. BERI.IN, August 19, via London, Au gust 20.?Emperor William, according to an official announcement at the Ger man admiralty today, inspected the units of the German fleet at Wilhelms haven, and then visited the squadrons in the North sea and at Helgoland. AMSTERDAM, August 20.?At the conclusion of his visit to the German high sea fleet at Wilhelmshaven Em peror William issued the following to the fleet: "After having recently received an announcement that a renewed heavy attack of the enemy in an attempt to break up our sea front in Flanders had been successfully repelled, I have to day. by a visit to my fleet and the island fortress of Helgoland, been en abled to convince myself bf the strength and security of this front, too. I ex press my warm appreciation to all the high sea forces on the water, under water and in the air and to the fortress of Helgoland for their untiring, self sacrificing and successful labor, by means of which they have kept firmly in view and attained this aim. May the fleet remain conscious that the confi dence of myself and the fatherland re poses firmly on it." The emperor distributed a number of Iron crosses. His visit is reported to have been caused by the threat of strikes at the Wilhelmshaven arsenal. NEW SWISS MINISTER AT STATE DEPARTMENT l>r. Hans Sulzer. the new Swiss min ister, railed today at the State Depart ment. He saw Assistant Secretary Phillips and made arrangements for a formal interview later with Secretary of State Lansing. ?. 7 ABANDON CLOTURE FOR THE TAX BILL Senators Begin the Third Week of Debate of War Reve nue Measure. I I MAY VOTE SATURDAY NIGHT! The third week of Senate debate on ! th? war tax bill opened today with ! prospect that the bill's passage would ? be delayed until next week. | Several more days' discussion was promised the important and disputed questions remaining-?income, war prof its. consumption and publishers' taxes. Before the Senate discussion began today the finance committee met and decided not to resort to cloture to ex pedite the bill. During the next few days, however. Senator Simmons ex- ! pects to ask that a date be fixed for a j final vote on the prominent ques- i tions in controversy. Senator Williams ' of Mississippi today urged the com- ! mittee to initiate cloture, but virtually j waa alone in its support. Senator La Follettes speech in favor of increasing Income and war profits | levies, planned for today, was post poned until tomorrow. .Senator Jones i of New Mexico spoke today in support ' of his plan to tax corporations' undis- ; tributed supplies. Informal Conferences Today. j Today was marked by informal con- j ferences among democratic and repub- j lican senators in an effort to reach j common ground for agreement upon a 1 final vote on the war tax bill. Senator Simmons, in charge of the bill, while eager to avoid seeming to cut ofT desired debate on the measure, is yet hopeful that an understanding may be arrived at promising a vote by Saturday nigfrf. The democratic and republican whips were today directed to request by wire the attendance of absentee senators this week. Senator Simmons may not prefer his request for unanimous consent for a vote until tomorrow. One Obstacle ill the Way. One obstacle in the way of a hard and^ fast agreement for a vote this week is the growing disposition in a group of senators, which includes both republi cans and democrats, to increase the ' rates on excess war profits as a source | of revenue. It is claimed by them that the aver- ! age of tax on excess war profits is too ; iow and should be hoisted to at least an ! average of 40 per cent. It is appre- j hended that further debate mav ensue ! over this point. Some other means of taxation must I be devised to meet the $10,000,000 of ex pected revenue loss when the bank check tax was stricken out last Satur day. The committee on finance is strug gling with this problem now. NO RESPONSE TO POPE UNTIL ALLIES CONFER j LONDON. August 20.?Lord Robert Cecil, minister of blockade and under secretary for foreign affairs, announced in the house of commons this afternoon that the entente allied governments j would hold a conference before a reply i to the Pope's peace proposal would be i sent to the Vatican/^ BELGIAN MISSION GUESTS OF CITY OF PHILADELPHIA Envoys Met by Committee Headed by Mayor Smith and Enter tained at Luncheon. PHILADELPHIA, August 20.?Mem bers of the Belgian mission, headed by Baron Moncheur. were guests of the city today for several hours. The en voys were met at the railroad station by a committee headed by Mayor' Smith and escorted to the Bellevue Stratfcrd Hotel, where they were tendered a reception and luncheon, leading citizens, including the mayor and his cabinet, were present. Later the distihguished visitors went on a sight-seeing tour of the city. They planned to leave for New York tonight. The Belgian war mission, whi- h ar rived in the United States June 17 an<J came directly to Washington, left here this morning for Philadelphia. Baron Ludovic Moncheur, formerly Belgian minister to the United States, who is heading the mission, is to de liver an address in New York. The other members of the party which left for Philadelphia at 8 o'clock this morn ing include Maj. Gen. Mathieu G. A. La Clercq. military head of the mis sion; Count Louis d'Eursel. Maj. Leon Osterrieth. Hector Carlier, counselor, \ and Jean Martens. At the Belgian legation here it was stated the destination of the mission following its atay in Philadelphia is not known. SIXTY-NINTH NEW YORK GOES INTO CAMP TODAY Famous Guard Regiment Leaves for Mineola, L. I., After Parade Down 3th Avenue. NEW YORK, August 20.?New York city bade farewell today to ita famous regiment. "The fighting 69th." now the 165th United States National Guard, when the regiment left for its training camp at Mineola, Long Island, after a parade through 5th avenue and other thoroughfares lined with cheering thousands. The regiment will com prise part of the flrst "rainbow divis ion" that soon will Join the expedition ary force of Maj. Gen. Pershing |n France. A picturesque feature of the parade was the escort of honor, composed of Spanish war veterans of the Mth. led by CoL Edward Duffy, Who commanded the unit is the Spanlab-Ankcrlcu war. . M -? UNKNOWN POSING AS SECRETARY DANIELS' SON Mysterious Stranger Eludes Capture After Imposing Upon Naval Officers and Others. A mysterious stranger, passing himself off on naval officers and others as a son of Secretary Daniels, has obtained numer ous sums of money and to date has eluded capture. The Navy Department issued a warning today against the impostor. According to the department's announcement, the first occasion was July 9, when the im postor introduced himself to the officers of the receiving ship at New York navy yard and was invited to luncheon. He said he had lost about $47 and succeeded in borrowing from the ships paymaster $20, furnishing a regular navy receipt which he signed "Herbert J. Daniels." On July 25 the same man called on the principal of the Montclair, N. J., Academy, introducing himself as Frank Danielsr, a son of the Secretary, and said he had been commissioned by Rear Admiral Usher of the New York navy yard to ar range for an encampment on the acadamv campus for 200 sailors. Got $250 on False Check. He also expressed a desire to visit Thom as A. Edison at his laboratory at Orange, N. J., and this was arranged through Dr. M. Reese Hutchison. Mr. Edison's con fidential man, who first took the stranger to his own home for luncheon and then to the inventor's laboratory. The Navy Department statement says that Dr. Hutchison lost $250 in cash by taking the stranger's check. When Dr. Hutchison came to Wash ington he handed to Secretary Daniels a letter from his "son" and the fraud was disclosed. Authorities Are Notified. In the meantime the impostor had again called at Dr. Hutchison's home in Orange, N. J-, saying he was going t|> stay there a week. He borrowed a camera from th'e butler and then pro reeded to the Edison storage battery plant, where he got $30 from the su perintendent on a bad check. "As soon as Secretary Daniels learned of the fraud." the statement continues, "the authorities were notified to be on the oullook for the imposter. On Sun day. July 29. a secret service man. in company with a policeman, saw the young man on Park avenue in Orange and approached him with the intention of placing him under arrest. However, the voting man wore a dif ferent suit of clothes from that he had | worn when he was at Dr. Hutchison's ! and had no glasses, and the secret service man. not being sure of his ground, did not arrest him. Since that day the impostor has not been seen." SHIPYARD MEN MAY ASK SYMPATHETIC! STRIKE Declare They Will Call on 250,000 Metal Workers Along the Atlantic Coast. NEW YORK, August 20.?Labor leaders in charge of the strike in shipyards of the New York district today asserted that 2r,0,000 metal workers in various parts of | the country would be asked to declare a sympathetic strike unless ji settlement is reached today. A meeting of labor leaders to be held in Tammany Hall tomorrow is expected to take formal action seeking to extend the strike, it was said. According to those in charge of the strike, the plans include taking out men all the way from Seattle to the Delaware river. Boston, Seattle, Philadelphia, Wil mington, Elizabeth and Norfolk will be affected they said. The meeting tomor row will be attended by officials of the international unions involved, machinists, blacksmiths, boilermakers and pattern makers. Louis Weyand, vice president of the In- i ternational Brotherhood of Boilermakers, declared that his union was In the fight either to win or lose everything and that the men would keep up the struggle as long as the employers did. Strike leaders said the latest acquisition to their ranks were the mechanics em-1 ploye<Jsj>y the Standard Shipbuilding Com- t pany, on Shooters Island. The strikers I and employers are deadlocked over the I question of establishing a minimum wage, j '? " ALL SPAIN IS TRANQUIL. MADRID. August 20. ? Official news has been received from throughout Spain that tranquillity reigns every where and the general strike is ex pected to end today. A meeting of the cabinet has been called, and it la thought partial law will be annulled. . W. W. STRIKE GETS i BAD START IN WEST j Reports Indicate Protest Walk-; out Order Npt Generally Observed. LEADERS STILL IN JAIL Br the Associated Prp?*s. SPOKANE, Wash., August 20.--A gen eral strike of the Industrial Workers of the World called as a protest against holding its members In Jail without charges, supposed to begin today in Mon tana, Washington, Idaho and Oregon, did not get a good start, according to re ports received here. Advises from Seattle stated that no I. W. W. construction workers had gone j out there as far as could be learned. The recent release of a large num ber of members of the organization held in central Washington jails brought a decision at Seattle headquar- | ters not to call the strike, and the : arrests here did not change this de cision. Portland reported there was no in terruption to industry in Oregon as a result of the Industrial Workers of the j World general strike scheduled for to day. according to early reports. Fed- I eral, state and local officials declared | themselves prepared for eventualities, i James Rowan, district secretary of the I. W. W. in the far northwestern states, and twenty-six others who were arrested yesterday by national guards men. remained in the county jail as military prisoners. Their disposition I will be discussed by Maj. Clement Wil kins. who made the arrests, and the United States district attorney and marshal. Lumber Workers Out. Some 50,000 lumber workers already are declared to be on strike in obedience to orders from the I. W. W. Rowan and his fellow I. W. W. were taken into custody yesterday afternoon by Idaho national guardsmen, on pa-' trol duty here. Investigation of the in dividual case of each man was prom ised today by Maj. Clement Wilkins, under whose direction the arrests were made. He told the men that any one of them found innocent of trying to ham per the harvest and tie up the industries of the country would be given his free dom. Money amounting to $1,360 taken from the men at the time of their ar rest will be returned to them upon their release. 1 The principal object of the lumber men's strike, according to Rowan', is to | bring about an eight-hour working day j and better working conditions. The ! strike ordered for today of the agri- ' cultural and construction workers, he said, was a protest against the arrest of members of the organization in vari- ' ous parts of the northwest. Acted on General Orders. The arrests of Rowan and the twenty six others were made without specific orders, Maj. Wilkins said. "I acted under general orders empowering me to take such steps as appeared to be ! necessary to prevent the destruction of property and the hampering of indus try," he said. I^ater Maj. Wilkins said the entire pro ceedings were under military orders and that no charges had been placed against j the men. A deputy United States marshal j who accompanied the soldiers did so only - to identify the men arrested, he said. Four hundred miners employed in man ganese mines in the Philipsburg district, sixty miles east of Missoula, Mont., are on strike today. They are demanding $.">.50 a day, $10 reduction of the monthly charge for board and recognition of the Metal Mine Workers* Union, organized '.ast Fri day. According to the sheriff of Granite county, Mont., outsiders said to be I. W. W. organizers, formed the union. SILENT ON I. W. W. Department of Justice Officials De cline to Discuss Arrests. Department of Justice officials declined today to comment in any, way upon the labor rituation in Washington. Oregon. Montana and Idaho, where a general strike of the Industrial Workers of the World had been set for today, or the ar rest yesterday of James Rowan, district secretary, and twenty-six other leaders of the organization. Details of the charges against Rowan and his associates, the investigation to be conducted and of the causes for employ ing Idaho national guardsmen in making the arrests, official^ said, were subjects about which it was deemed expedient to say little at the present time. It was in timated, however, that the arrest of the I. W. W. leaders was only one feature of the program contemplated to prevent a general tie-up of industries In the affected sections. Attorney General Gregory, after a con ference with assistants, who have been following the situation in the northwest, announced that he bad no -statement to* make at pr?enfc > ITALIANS CROSS ISONZO; TAKE 7,500 PRISONERS Magnitude of Offensive Indicated by Reports From Rome and Vienna. ROME, August 20.?The Italians in their offensive on the Isonzo front, begun yester day, have crossed the Isonzo river, and already have taken 7,500 prisoners, it was officially announced by the war depart ment today. VIENNA, August -'if, via Ixondon, August 20.?The Italians have Begun an other big offensive against the Austrians in the Isonzo region of the Austro-Italian theater, where lighting is in progress over a thirty-seven-mile front, running: from the region of Tolmino to near the head of the Adriatic sea on the Carso plateau. This information is contained in the war office communication issued to day. ROME. August 20.?"Since dawn yes terday," reports the Italian general head quarters staff, in a statement issued yes terday, "our artillery has been shelling the enemy positions from Mont Nero to the sea. Our flights of airplanes and air ships have bombarded troops massed be hind the enemy lines." Commenting on the new Italian ad vance. the press says that it. like the British attack in Flanders, will be of service if it demonstrates how the peoples and armies of the allied coun tries feel toward the premature peace proposals of Pope Benedict. It is said Austria apparently realizes the gravity of the situation, as announcement is made that Emperor Charles is soon to visit the Austro-Italian front, presuma bly to encourage his troops. GIVEN TWO YEARS EACH FOR ACCEPTING BRIBES Members of Hew York Draft Exemp tion Board Plead Guilty and Get Prison Terms. By Hip Associated Press. NEW YORK, August 20?Dr. S. J. Bernfeld and Ix>uis T. Cherey, indicted members of exemption board No. 99, to day entered pleas of guilty to a charge of conspiracy to obstruct the draft law when they were a^out to be placed on trial. k They were sentenced to two years each in the federal penitentiary at Atlanta. Kalman Gruher. not a member of the board, but indicted with them on the same charge, elected to stand trial. The specific count in the indictment for conspiracy to which Bernfeld and Cherey pleaded guilty charged them with accepting a bribe of $300 from a registrant to exempt him. It was dis closed, however, by Assistant United States District Attorney Stanton that the defendants had accepted $3,000 in bribe money. He told the court they had paid bac? a portion of the moneys and had promised to make good the balance as soon as possible. Comment Made by Court. Judge Manton. in passing sentence, said that although the maximum penalty provided by the statute was imprison ment for two years and a fine of $10, 000, the government did not wish to accept tainted money in the form of a fine. "These men," said the judge, "are educated and pleaded guilty to having committed a most heinous crime against their government in time of great stress. They can be credited with only one act of decency in connection with this matter, paying back some of the money they accepted as bribes, and their expressed intention of repaying the balance. "I regret that the law does not em power the court to impose a heavier sentence." The defendants were allowed one week to arrange their affairs before being taken to Atlanta. The task of obtaining a jury in the case against Gruher. was begun imme diately. He is charged with conspiracy in that it is alleged he acted as outside agent for Bernfeld and Cherey in ar ranging for bribes. He was not a 1 member of local board No. 99, and * claims to have acted innocently. 1 Sweden Forbids Export of Paper. 1 LONDON, August 20.?An Exchange 1 Telegraph dispatch from Copenhagen ' reports that the Swedish government i has prohibited the exportation of news 1 print paper on account of the shortage I of timber, coal and sulphur for the 1 manufacture of pulp. ] A COAST OF BELGIUM GOAL OF GEGM i _____ Must Acquire It Now or Fight Another War, Gen. von Liebert Asserts. POPE'S PLAN NOT POPULAR By the Associated Press. AMSTERDAM. August 20.?Gen. von Liebert, in a speech at Rathenovv, Prus sia, is quoted by the Deutsche Tages zeitung as saying: "We cannot sign a peace before we have the Flanders coast, a colonial em pire and maritime bases. Should we | not realize this now we must Pr?P^ I to work for it after the war in Me* ] of the next war " i?,niiv I Gen. Iviebert's speech was loudl> } c heered by his hearers, but it was , criticised by the German press. i Vorwaerts declared: "This may Pro" ! long the war until Germany has been , so beaten that even our pan-Germans cannot think of a 'next time. rope's Note Stirs Germany. COPENHAGEN. August 20.?The j Popes peace proposal now is being dragged into the field of party politics in Germany and made the subject of contention between the Pan:<*e"?*|n annexationists and advocates of a mod erate peace. Rorlin George Bernhard. in the ?erJ'n Vossische Zeitung. says the Pope s ac tion has cleared up one of the mys teries connected with Mathias Krz ger's recent peace campaign in tne reichstag. and that the adoption bj the reichstag of his resolution ?as to pave the way for the Pope's note. The terms of the Pope's note and tne reichstag resolution against compul?>ry annexation continue to trouble the rela tions of Bulgaria to her allies, and it has been found necessary to exl>lam to Buv garia again and again that German would interpret the acquisit on of Mace donian regions as annexation ^lenna dispatches say the government new spa pers declare emphatically that it is Im possible to cede a foot of soil to ltalj. but otherwise little vehement objection to the Pope's note is heard from Austria. Scoffs at "Moral Power." Count von Reventlow. In the Tages Zel lung continues his cynical discussions of I lerrnan policy. He avows, in reference to the pope's phrase on the substitution of the moral power of justice for might of arms, that the moral law exists for the Germans only so far as it applies to the German empire and nation. The writer savs the < lermans cannot consent to a re duction in armaments, which alone have made possible the existence of the em pire and the possibility of its moral ac II Count, von Reventlow adds that Ger many ?annot bear her own war bur I dens" and that, therefore, she cannot renounce indemnities, and that guar antees for Belgium's independence cannot be found. He also says that the carrying out of the papal program wetild mean an etfd to> the middle Eu ropean alliance and Germany s ruin. Anne<4??n!st mass meetings con tinue to bombard Field Marshal von Hindenbuig, Chancellor Mlchaelis ana Admiral Scheer. commander of the bat tle fleet, with protests against the reichstag peace resolution. German Outlook "Brighter." BERl-IN. August 19, via London. August 20.?The main committee of the reichstag will meet next Tuesday to deal with the military and economic situation in the empire, which is said to be considerably improved over con ditions existing six weeks ago, when the political crisis occurred. At that time the Russians were penetrating farther into Galicla. while the U-boat figures threatened to show a falling off in sunken tonnage. The food situation iu Germany was then anything but confidence-inspiring, due to a shortage of potatoes and ab sence of new vegetables and fruit and to reduced bread rations. Today the food situation has been eased by the arrival of a new potato crop, added bread rations and an improvement In the sup ply of vegetables, while the military situation on the eastern front, accord ing to the official leaders, has been con verted into an overwhelming rout of the Russians and Rumanians and a redemp tion of Austrian soil from the invaders. The outstanding military feature since the quieting of the recent political storm, however, is found on the western front, where the offensive of the entente in Flanders, in the German view, is again halted, and the German I'-boat base on the Belgian coast has been successfully defended. The new rhanoellor and nls newly ap- | pointed staff of secretaries, therefore, are permitted to enter into the initial conferences with the rei<hstag main i committee at a moment when the cen-! tral powers are declared again to be in j military ascendancy and the domestic, situation is shorn of features which em barrassed the government on the eve cf the crisis. In view of the unparalleled economic and military situation, the opinion pre vails in ma'nv quarters that the reichs tag unmindful of the .lamors of the pan-Germans, should unequivocally re iterate the principles of its peace reso lution as adopted by a two-thirds ma jority at the .-lose of the recent storm\ session It is not unlikely that the papal peace note will be informally discussed early in the session of the main committee. The Vorddeutsche Allgemeine Zei tung announces that Pr. Michaelis the imperial chancellor, will take the flo<">r at Tuesday's meeting for the purpose of participating in the general discus sion. and he also will make reference to the papal peace note. RUSSAN GENERAL SLAIN BY MUTINOUS SOLDIERS PETRI iGRAP. August 20.?A report has been received by Premier Keren sky. according to the Novoe Vremya. of the killing by soldiers of Gen. Pur gasofT. a veteran who had been in active service since the beginning of the war. A certain company of sol diers. the paper states, refused to rec ogniie a newly appointed commander, whereupon Gen. Purgasoff ordered the conipanv disbanded and the leaders of the mutiny arrested. The mutineers then surrounded Gen. Purgasoff and beat him to death with the butts of their rifles before help ar rived. BULGARS SHELL MONASTIR, FOURTH OF CITY BURNED CORFU. August 20.?One-quarter of the Serbian city of Monastir has been destroyed by Are caused bj- a Bulgarian bombardment, the Serbian press bu reau announces. The number of vic .?*, has not been ascertained. The statement says that Saturday the Riiio-arians bombarded the city more Violently than ever, firing some S.000 shells There was no reawn for the bombardment, as no fighting was in ororrees. Women and children who K?d in all directions have been col lected and taken to th. r~? FRENCH ATTACKING ON VERDUN FRONT; BATHE A BIG ONE Early Reports Show Success on Eleven-Mile Line, With Many Prisoners Taken. TROOPS IN HIGH SPIRITS. SAYS A PARIS STATEMENT Berlin Admits French Are on Taloi Ridge. But Says Position Wat Hot Contested. j The French took the offensive thl? | morning on the Verdun front, striking I along a sector of eleven miles on both , banks of the Meuse river. Early official reports from Paris, while giving: few details of the battle, say it has de veloped to the advantage of the French and that prisoners already are passing to the rear. The first reports do r.ot show whether the French have, inaugurated a major offensive, although the indications art that the operation is an unusually Im portant one. There has been sharp fighting recently on the Verdun front, which has been the scene of some of the most sanguinary struggles of the war. It was in this sector that the German crown prince launched an of fensive early last year in an attempt to break the French line, losing several hundred thousand men without gaining any material advantages. Last week the Germans made a sharp local attack there, possibly having learned of the French preparations and hoping to break them up. For several days the French have been conducting a terrific bombardment of the Germaa Paris Report of Battle. By the Associate*! Press. PARIS, August 20.?French troops made an attack this morning on both banks of the Meuse, on the Verdun front. Early information shows that the battle has developed to the advan tage of the French on a sector of eighteen kilometers (eleven miles). Prisoners already have been passing to the rear. The attack was defiveredT be tween Avocourt wood and Bezonvau* Heavy artillery lighting is in prog ress in Belgium. The following official statement was issued here today * ''?"In ?tB?|#im thlt# was ftoftnt f fr-fli tillery fighting in the region north of Bixschoote. Activity in Champagne. "In Champagne our batteries ef fectively bombarded German defenses. We made several raids and brought back prisoners from the enemy lines. "On both banks of the Meuse this morning our troops attacked the Ger man positions with magnificent spirit. According to early information, the new battle of Verdun is developing to our advantage on a front of eighteen kilometers from Avocourt wood to the region north of Bezonvaux. Numerous prisoners are being taken to the rear. The bravery of our troops is beyond all praise. ! "In the region of Badonviller wo I easily repulsed an enemy attack. Thero was rather spirited artillery fighting { in upper Alsace." French on Talou Ridge. | BERLIN', August 20. via London.?? I The war office announces that tho j French without fighting have occupied the Talou ridge, on the Verdun front I east of the Meuse. i The German high command says that Talou ridge was given up hv the Teu tons because this line of defense sinco last March had been occupied only by outposts. At all other places over a front of fourteen and three-eighths miles the Germaft general staff reports fighting is in full swing. British Halt Counter Attack. LONDON, August 20.?A German counter attack on the positions cap tured by the British yesterday morning southeast of Epehy was completely re pulsed after sharp fiehting. according { to an official statement issued today | by the vi ar office. A successful raid j was carried out last night south of | Lens. On the Tpres battle front the British line has been advanced slightly I southeast of Stjenshoek. One German Division After [ Another Vainly Sacrificed Against Canadian Positions By the Canadian Press. Limited. ! CANADIAN HEADQUARTERS IN FRANCE. August 19.?The fiercest en gagement on the Canadian front since tho beginning of the war is gradually ooming to a triumphant end by the exhaustion of the enemy. Since the capture of Hill 70 and St. Laurent Wednesday morning ttie Canadians defending their newly won po sitions have been comnelled to staBid by almost without cessation to meet the counter attacks. The leaders of the Ger man troops are utterly legardless of the lives of their men, and as soon as one division has spent itself in a frantic and futile effort to recover the lost ground an other is sent forward to the sacrifice. The 4th Guards were cut to pieces in yesterday's counter attacks, and during the night a new division, the 220th. was brought up. Passing through their own lines without stopping, these fresh troopo attacked at 4 :30 o'clock Saturday morn ing on the Bois Hugo sector, north of Hill 70. Liquid Fire and Gas. The attack was accompanied by a pro jection of enemy liquid fire and gas. Our artillery turned an effective barrage upon the Germans, which caused heavy losses, but they continued to advance with tho utmost determination. At a close distance of only seventy yards from our line the machine guns were turned upon the attacking groups and they broke and ran for cover. Northwest of Lens, amid the trenches and railway cuttings which form the last line of German defense in that quarter, the Canadians have succeeded in estab lishing strong posts in a special trench which was the scene of desperate and in decisive fighting two days ago. Thess new posts give command of the last bit of ground from which the defenders of the city could overlook the advance from the west. They are now in a hollow alt ) around the front, which swings about ? Lens in semi-circular form. fl The eastern exits from the city are now '9 subjected to a constant and harassing Are J9 of the artillery and machine guns. This | makes the bringing up of provisions -9 supplies of ammunition very difficult. -a South of St. Laurent the enemy pea#* ? t rated our first-line trench, but was 9 driven out again as the result ef a 9 counter attack. In these desperate itrugles there has been mu^ use