Newspaper Page Text
OCTOBER 26, 1918?SIXTEEN PAGES. TWO CENTS? No. 27,213. Yesterday's Nat Grcdkim, 107,551. WASHINGTON, *vg Closing New York Stocks, Page 11. WEATHER. Claud/ tonight and tomorrow; (?otebly rain Sunday afternoon or nlfht Tsmperature for twenty-four hours beginning 2 p.m. yesterday. Highest, 74, at 2 p.nL yesterday; lowest, CO, at 7 a-m. -today. Full report on pace 11. AUSTRIA PREPARES FOR DEMOBILIZING OF NATION'S Aim Official Statement Said to Have Been Published by Vienna Papers. ANTI-GERMAN ENVOYS ARE SENT ON MISSION Regiments Bevolt, While Peace at Any Price Becomes Popular in Two Capitals. By tfce Associated Press. LONDON, October 26.?An official statement according to which the demobilization of the Austro-Hungarian army is being prepared is published by the newspapers of Vienna, an Ex change Telegraph dispatch from Copenhagen says. BASEL, October 26.?Vienna newspapers are publishing arti cles relative to preparations for demobilizing the army. One newspaper says that two infan try regiments stationed at Kar low.'tz have revolted. Karlowitz I is a village in Croatia-Slavonia, ' Hungary. Anti-Germans on Mission. ZURICH. October 26.?Prince Fred erick Lobkowitz and Baron Nadherny, who represent the strongest anti-Ger man tendencies at Vienna, have left that city for Switzerland charged with a mission about which no details are given, according to the Neues Journal of Vienna. '?Safety First" Principle. PARIS. October 26.?In well in formed circles it is said :hat the nom InaUon of Count Julius Andrassy as successor of Baron Burian, the Aus tro-Hungarian foreign minister, is, above all, important from the view point of a conclusion of peace and an application of the "aaCalf ?Bial" prin ciple in Austria. It Is said that peace at any price now Is popular at Vienna and Budapest. The Zurich correspondent of the Journal says that the new foreign minister is understood to be a parti san of direct peace negotiations with the entente without recourse to the offices of President Wilson. He says that the situation in Ausiria-Hun gary is such that the monarchy, will soon capitulate ;ui1T throw itself on J the mercy of the. allies. The corre-i eponrieni says that in Austria no [ notice is being taken of "decisions ar rived at by Berlin. The Czechs are now masters of the situation at Prague. The Slovaks have decided to change the name of Press'ourg to Wilsonville. The Ruthenians of Oalicia have declared I for a separate Ukrainian state com prising regions of Austra-Hungary inhabited by Ruthenians. It is re ported that anarchy reigns in the ancient Danubian monarchy of Hun gary. Apponyi Is Hungarian Premier. IDONDON, October 25.?Count Albert Apponyi has been appointed Hunga rian premier in succession to Dr. "W'ekerle, according to a Vienna dis patch to the Politiken of Copenhagen and forwarded by the Kxchange Tele graph Company. Flume Bevolt Suppressed. LONDON. October 25.?The revolt of i Croatian soldiers of the 79th Regi ! ment at Fiume has been suppressed J by three Austro-Hungarian regiments i arriving from Albania, according to . an Kxchange Telegraph dispatch from ' Copenhagen. There was hard street . lighting at Fiume. in which hundreds of persons were killed, the dispatch adds. * TURKfEACEOFFER MEANS SURRENDER By the AaodiM Praa. LONDON, October 26.?The] Turkish minister to Switzerland has handed the British and French ministers to that country an offer of peace, virtually amounting to surrender, accord ing to a Bern dispatch to the Daily Mail. FRENCH PATROLS CROSS DANUBE TO RUMANIA PimS October 28.?The war office report tonight shows that French pa trols have crossed the Danube river and Invaded Rumania near Lom Pa lanka. defeating German detachments aad taking prisoners. TURKS NOW AT TABRIZ TO EVACUATE CITY The Turkish force occupying Tabris, Peiala. Is about to evacuate the city, to a report from Tehren. J-'-J October 22. Ik* aamo report states when the BsMsb evacuated Bate some time ago It *a* almost thirty-six hours before tk* 1Mb arrived. In the-meantime the TMIms had looted aad murdered USssMnM); and it was tjorti< that thovssads ef Armenians were "WE WILL LOYALLY OECLARESDR. SOLF German Foreign Secretary Tells Reichstag President's Terms Are Accepted. AGREES TO DISCUSSION OF ALSACE-LORRAINE CASE LOKDOST, October 26 The Ger man government Is not contem plating at present any further note to President Wilson, says an Ex change Telegraph dispatch from Copenhagen. It Is probable that the government will make a dec laration In the reichstag to the ef fect that Germany Is awaiting the peace conditions of the allies. By the Associated Press. AMSTERDAM, October 26.?"As for Alsace-Lorraine, it is at once clear that, as these territories were ex pressly mentioned among President Wilson's fourteen points, vye agree to regulation of these questions," said Dr. W. S. Solf, German foreign sec retary. in addressing the reichstag Thursday. (In the address referred to President Wilson said that "the wrong done to France by Prussia in 1S71 in the matter of Alsace-Lor raine. which has unsettled the peace of the world for nearly fifty years, should be righted.") "Moreover, having accepted Presi dent Wilson's program as the basis of the entire peace work," Dr. Solf continued, "we will loyally and in the sense of complete justice and fairness fulfill the program in all directions and at all points." LONDON, October 25.?Dr. Solf, the German foreign secretary, speaking in the reichstag Thursday, according to an Exchange Telegraph dispatch tnm Copenhagen. ,Mio . - governmant would continue, tho reforms ,&U?pin undertaken in the government of A? sace-Lorralne, but would, not antici pate the solution of that problem. - The foreign secretary contended that Polish annexation demands were not in accordance with the peace program of President Wilson. ' | "Purely German Question." BASEL, Switzerland, October 2t.? The question of Alsace-Lorraine is purely a German internal question, declares Kart Hauss, the new gover nor of Alsace-Lorraine, .in a state ment published in the Strassburg Ga zette. The statement is a reply to declarations made in the reichstag"~by Dr. Georg Ricklin. a deputy from Al sace-Lorraine. and amounts to a gov ernmental manifesto. It is issued in agreement 'With other deputies from Alsace-Lorraine. The statement of Herr Hauss de clares that the future of Alsace-Lor raine must be decided by vote of the population and that it is an internal question in Germany with which a peace conference could have nothing to tio. It concludes by saying that a new era is opening for Alsace-Lor raine. which will enable the two provinces to form a point of recon ciliation between France and Ger many "and to collaborate in establish ing a compromise between two civili zations called to work in common for the safety and prosperity of human German Feeling- Divided. BERN, Friday, October 25. The feeling in Germany in regard to President Wilson's new note appar ently is much divided. The conserva tive. military and junker papers on the one side are crying that the President intends to subjugate and annihilate Germany. The liberal pa pers on the other side express ap preciation of the President's effort toward world-wide pacification The reactionary elements are strug gling desperately for their tradi tional privileges and traditions, but ?e!r.?PI!??ent,8 . express confidence that the liberals in the reichstag and the government are sufficiently pow erfu' to master them. The vote of confidence in the reichstag is regard ed as favorable to the liberal cause and peace. German Press Comment. AMSTERDAM, October 2?.?Although the Gennan newspapers are not satis fied with President Wilson's latest note., many of them say that it mean* progress toward peace. This feeling uas reflected in operations yesterdav ?"> Berlin stock exchlnge in an advance in prices. The Kreuz Zeitung of Berlin, how ever. apparently does not look for an early ending of the war. This news" paper, which hitherto has refrained from opposing President Wilson's de mand, advocates war to the end It says the President "in the style of an American boxer has posed himself for a last blow in the face of the German hU tot??ona with Condemns Vote Generally. COPENHAGEN. October H^-Wlth few exoeptlons the German pi mis con demns President Wilson's latest note." saying it is an alteration of hta former standpoint and betrays lack of oon? prehension of recent events In Ger minY J"* TeU *? misconstruction of what has happened there. It Is also said the note represents a concession tV.h?Jem^d.!<>f the ?>??<? nations. Theodor Wolff, writing in the Tages blatt of Berlin, expresses great dis appointment. He says it always has been a principle of international aN fairs not to interfere with the inter nal problems of other nationa Presi dent Wilson recognized thta. he con tinues. In his Mexican speech in June, 1916, but now, Herr Wolff declarer thishas been forgotten. He adds: ?The peace which the President im poses Is to-be a peace placing Germany at the mercy of its oppoMataTpraaU dent Wilson's Policy is one of brutal We- must be prepared far whatever 5-CENT CAR FARES GRANTED TO BOTH LINES IN DISTRICT Six Tickets for a Quarter Plan Is Abolished by Public Utilities Commission. QUESTION OF TRANSFERS WILL COME UP LATER Both Companies Claimed That They Were Operating at a Los* Under the Old System. Six street car tickets for a quarter passed into history in Washington this morning. The Public Utilities Commis sion issued an order, operative at once, abolishing street car tickets and granting the petition of the street railway companies for a straight five-cent fare. The order was Issued upon an un derstanding between the Public Util ities Commission and the managements of the street car lines that transfers between cars of the Washington Rail, way and Electric Company and the Capital Traction Company, and vice versa, shall be issued at certain points to be determined upon later by the Public Utilities Commission. A hearing of the petition of the navy yard employes to consider In tercompany transfers in the navy yard section has been fixed by the commission for November 7. Mr. Brownlow's Statement. Commissioner Louis Brownlow, chairman of the District Board of Commissioners and chairman of the Public UtiliUes Commission, made the announcement this morning. He Is sued the following statement in con nection with the decision: The Public Utilities Commission to day Issued an order, effective at once, abolishing the present street car fare of six tickets for a quarter and estab lishing the straight five-cent fare. This order-is issued upon the con dition that Intercompany transfers shall be given at such palate in the Washington Railway and Electric hereafter1 by the commission. A hearing to consider intercompany transfer* for the navy yard section Itwas fixed, for November 7." Companies' Claimed Iiosses. For a long period this matter has beeh under consideration by the Pub lic Utilities Commission, having been brought to them by thi managements of the street car companies. They alleged that the street car companies were operating at a loss and that un less relief was granted by advancing the fares to a straight 5 cents the lines would have to be operated at a lews and face bankruptcy. It was pointed out through figures taken from the operating accounts of a large number of traction companies in the large cities that these concerns were being operated at a loss, in sub-' stantiation of their claim that it waa necessary for the proper and success ful operation of the lines in Wash ington that the six tickets for a quar ter be discontinued and the five-cent fare substituted therefor. The Public UUliUes Commission made a thorough Investigation into the claims of the traction companies, cov ering a wide scop? of territory, in cluding all of the principal cities of the country, taking into consideration the claim of advances in cost of labor and in all classes of material uBed in the operation of street'car lines. Several public hearings on the sub ject were held by the Commission ers, and a wide correspondence has passed between the commission and { individuals, corporations and citi ?ens' associations protesting against such a policy on the part of the com mission. Several of the citizens' as sociation and other civic bodies fa vored abolition of the six tickets for a quarter, with the provision for universal transfers at all junction ? points. Arguments pro and con were passed up to the Public Utilities Com mission 'ram many sources, most of the arguments being againat the proposition. Argument Against Change. One of the strong arguments made against the proposed granting of the petition was that during a period of mors than three years neither of the street car companies operating in the Ditsrlot had 'expended much for new equipment, and that the service in the city was inefficient and away be low the requirements to transport the population of the city. Commissioner Brownlow said that the matter of fixing the points for the intercompany transfers was still being discussed and would be de cided at an early date. It has been Intimated that transfers between the companies at the* downtown points of oongestlon will be considered. One point that seems deedded upon is transfers between the two companies at 8th street and Pennsylvania ave nue southeast. EOT EWEl MID Aviators to Drop Plans Tonight and Searchlights Will Try to Locate Planet, Washington tonight will experience the feeling that accompanies a night air raid. Aviators from Boiling Field, including three aviation officers who recently completed a flight from Houston. Tex., to Washington. will fly over the city. High candlepower flares will he dropped while the powerful search lights which are a portion of the capital's aerial defense will attempt to pick out the' planes. Only the ex-, plosion of ..bombs And. the barking of aaH-alreraft guns will be *"l?-l"g to gtre residents of the tmSrlcan capital the feeling that until recently was not uncommon to persons ltving in the allied capitals of London ana MRS. ELLA F. YOUNG DIES OF INFLUENZA Former Superintendent of Chicago Public Schools Suc cumbs in This City. NOTED WOMAN EDUCATOR Bm8. ELLA FLAGG YOUNG. Mrs. Ella Flag? Young; of Chicago, a member of the national women's lib erty loan committee, formerly super intendent of the Chicago public schools and the only woman in the country to hold such an office among the largest cities, died this morning at 9:30 o'clock at the Chatham apart, ments of Influenza.'' after an Illness of ten days. Mrs. Young had finished a speaking tour for the fourth liberty loan, hay ing visited Montana, Wyoming and Utah. A week ago Thursday she came to Washington fromUtah with her secretary. Miss Laura Brayton. She was then suffering from influenza, and since that time' had. been con fined to her apartment with the dis ease. Miss Brayton, who had been her secretary for thirty years, was present when she died. (Mrs. Young was seventy-three years old. Prominent Among Educators. Mrs. Young was one of the best known amongt woman educators in the United States. She was a leader of progressive ideas, to which she de voted more than fifty years of her life. In 1*09, from a list of six can didates, five of whom were man edu cators of -national reputation, she was chosen to head the Chicago public schools. ....... , . . ' For fdur years she was head of the Chicago schools and during that pe riod was the target of political at tacks, the fight reaching to the depths of city politics. While her regime was stormy because of powerful opposi tion, she usually carried her point, and her history during those days is most interesting. * She resigned in 1913 and was succeeded by John D. Shoop, who died recently. ' While head of the Chicago schools she inaugurated many reforms, among them being the teaching of sex hy giene, the enlargement of the kinder garten course, an increase in the scope of the vocational training department and simplification of the curriculum of the primary grades. Tenders Her Resignation. Ber resignation resulted when' the Chicago school board planned to oust ber as superintendent. She anticipated the move and submitted her resigna tion. The Chicago public appealed to Mayor Bairison to have her withdraw ber resignation and return to her duties, although she then was nearly seventy .pears old. Mrs. Young de clined usftas her enemies on the board retired^Bayor Harrison was obliged to accept the resignation of five trus tees MTore Mrs. Young would again assume her official duties. Works Untiringly for Loan. - She became a member of the national women's liberty loan committee and works* untiringly for the success of the loans. Her-first move w^en she became affiliated , with the committee ?m to show her patriotism for the caoSe by Investing almost all her hold ings in liberty bonds. She was author of a text "fcook during the third liberty losta that was of - extreme, educational value ti> the general public. The book -isxm. i "LEAVETOEXTEHO" Heflin Inserted President's Appeal to Nation in the Record. A political wrangle. provoked by the Irregular Insertion In the Con gressional Record of President son's appeal for the election o democratic Congress, and cul"'nJLt" ing in the making by Representative Heflin of the point of "no *uo?? threatened for a time today to block final action by the House on the six blllion-doUar military deficiency bill Delay on the bill, however, was averted after Representative Cannon of Illinois, i {saiagsau ? ?'ixos?' Aetttr norlty Leader Glllett'charged that Rep resentative Heflin. under leave to ex- , Wnratic congressional committee. R?P i liven ^no^xt^nf stricken from the Record. j Speaker Makes Ruling. [ Speaker Clark said the rule of the j House is that under leave to print no member can Insert anything that happens after the date on which the l8RepresMitaS?e^S*eflin s^d that d? ?5 neve^een'tSs 'auesUon^ught ? Representative GUlett responded SSSSS-"^ s",?rr ?.r?"s stst motion was put to strike, out any matter inserted by any mem 11? under leave to extend his re marks. Balses Point of "No Quorum." Representative Heflin said in order to prevent the republican side from stopping this ^"er^ng people in th ^ int of no quorum. WHun' the House seemed blocked in to get consideration for the urgent deficiency bill. Representative cLnnon got unanimous consent to ad cannou b Every word or his ^f/ch was oharged with human in terest and patriotic seal to support ihe boys in the trenches. it Z same time, it was an effec the earn ech from the repub iwn viewpoint. Representative Can nn reviewed the "gentleman s agree 2r\V'_ S?t carrying appropriation for ?hot"nd shell, clothing and sustenance for thesoldiers, ships to transport men. mHe emph?^Ptheefact that thlsim T,"?ttve war business in support of SBa%B5SSt'1 ? Mr. Cannon's Bequest Granted. R?P,rrSrurt co'ns^r^whicS "was unanimous entire-disagreement Se held in abeyance unUl the ap v?,i?n bill could be considered. After that) be -aM. if the gentleman ^ ? Alabama did not feel disposed toask^inanlmous consent to have the ".Hnnable part of his extension in the lScorfl printed as of this date, he S5d^Sm?elf would ask such per severation of the conference re port was then begun. _ ^ SI8K LIVES DAILY TO COOK. Three Y. M. C. A. Women Fry Doughnuts While Under Fire. NEW YORK. October 26.?Three American T. M. C. A. ~?men have worked under fire in the open, frying 10.000 doughnuts a day for the victorious American troops through out this week, a cable to the United ?War Work Campaign headquarters, made public here announces. The women. are Mary Bray. vt f Mary HolHday, Indlan tod- and Ida. Edith Knowles. SKiiSt, Arls. The work was done open bonfire, and when re? suppMe* ran short skillful sub stitutions war* ?*? INFLUENZA KEEPS 0 Churches and Theaters to Re main Closed as Epi demic Abates. COMMISSIONERS' STAND Washington churches win not be open for services tomorrow, notwithstand ing that the Influenza epidemic is abating in the District. Neither will the ban placed on mo jtlon picture and other theaters and all other places of publio gathering % IP*4 ... " Strong pleas Offi cer WUUan*,- C.. General Blue this morning by a dele gation representing the churches of the city were unavailing. The mem bers of the delegation were told that until the health authorities feel fully assured that all danger of the spread of Infection through large public gatherings has disappeared the ban I will not be lifted. .. > Following the conference with the -fninisterfcal delegation, Dr. Fowler conferred with the Commissioners, after which the following order was given out by Commissioner Brownlow, as chairman of the board: Commissioners' Statement. The Commissioners today consid ered the question of the churches opening for services tomorrow. They sought the advice of the health officer of the District of Columbia, who in formed them that. In his opinion. It would not be safe to permit the hold ing of services In the churches at this ^"Through the health officer thQ? also sought the advice oftheoffice of the United Statee public health service, and that office emphatically confirmed the opinion of the health 0<"The Commissioners do not desire to interfere any longer than is made necessary by unusual conditions with the reg?Uar assemblage of the people in their churches. They lis tened with sympathy to the repre sentations made on behalf of the churches, but in view of the em phatic opinions of the District and federal health authorities, they re gret that at this time they are un able to modify their1 former action. "The Commissioners say that no action looking to the opening of the churches, theaters and moving pic ture houses and the removing of. the general ban against places of pub lic gatherings will be taken until auch time as the health authorities Think it would be wise to do so and so recommend to them. Mew Cases Decreased. New ?ia?s of influensa reported -to the District health department for the twenty?four-hotir period ending at noon today numbered 402, a decrease of eighty-two cases as reported for the twenty-four-hour period preced ing. New cases, it was stated, appear to be of a milder type than prevailed during the height of the. epidemic: There were thirty-four deaths from influenza for the twenty-four-hour period ending at noon today. This is an increase of twelve deaths over the twenty-four-hour petiod ending at noon yesterday The small increase is not looked upon by the health authori ties with alarm. On the contrary, both Helth Officer Fowler of the Dis trict health department and Surgeon IH. S. Mustard of the United States public health service, working Jointly with the local health department in combating the contagion, are of opinion that the line on the chart In dicating the rise and fall of fatalities from the disease will fluctuate for several days before it will settle to a steady falling. Instead of being discouraged both health officers feel encouraged at con ditions as they find them today. Bear ing out this opinion of the fluctuatlngs, it is recalled that there was a decrease of twenty-seven deaths yesterday as compared with the previous period. Meetings All Demands. Dr Mustard said this morning that his branch of the service was meeting all demands for physicians and nurses, and In a measure automobile service in the transportation of physicians and nurses to the homes of the sick on calL He however, said that he could dm more nurses, trained and untrained and a large number of additional au tomobiles and would be pleased t? have volunteers In that work. . ? "We are working Jointly with the District health department' and tyre is a unity of -co-operation andwtfare producing result*, and very satisfac tory remits at. that. The Joint ef forts of the two services have made it T" f i i -''r f8Sf FRENCH DENT FOE I UNE AS BRITISH SMASH FORWARD German Losses in Jour Days' Fighting Placed at50,000 and 200 Guns. GEN. DIAZ'S ARMIES IN ITALY MAY DIVIDE AUSTRIANS By the AnaeUtcd Pre**. French troops facing the southern bulwark of the German defenses in France continued to make important dents in the enemy positions along the Serre and eastward, while the British hammer at the pivotal point around Valencicnnes. Southwest of Marie the French have captured Mortieres on the Serre, while farther east in the region southeast of Montcornet Gen, Petain's men have smashed through the German lines on a front of four and one-half miles to a depth of two miles at certain points. The German defenses here were formidable, having been prepared in 1917 and continuously reinforced. In the last four days the Germans have lost nearly 15,000 prisoners and 200 guns, according to unofficial estimates in Paris. * The enemy losses in effectives are declared to have been not less . than 50,000. While the British, French and Americans are slowly breaking their way through the stubborn German defense along the line south of Valenciennes, the attention of the allied world is directed, for the moment, at least, to the Italian front, where Gen. Diaz seems to have started a major operation. This stroke was aimed at the angle in the Austrian line which runs from the Adriatic along the Piave until it reaches the moun tains, and then turns to the west. If the allied attack makes ma terial progress the Austrian armies on the lowlands near the sea and those holding the front in the mountainous sector may be divided. ^ FRENCH ADVANCE TWO MILES; ftAWMORTIFR S ON SERRE FRONT B 7 the Associated Fna. PARIS, October 26.?On the Serre front southwest of Marie the French have captured the village of Mortiers after violent fighting, the war office announces. Between the Oise and the Serre the French maintain contact with the enemy. Between Sissonne and Chateau Por cien the French, breaking up the enemy resistance, carried their line forward on a front of four and one half miles to a depth of two miles at certain points, through tfte positions prepared by the Germans In 1917. Xeet Stout Resistance. WITH THE FRENCH ARMY IN FRANCE. October 25 (by the Asso ciated Press).?Gen. Debeney*s attack betweeq Mont D'Origny and the val ley of the Serre is meeting with very stout resistance. The battle was rag ing again fiercely this morning around Villers-Le-Sec, which was occupied by the French troops. The Germans have brought op three fresh divisions to this sector in the past few days, and appear determined to dispute possession of every foot of ground. They are particularly fa vored by the character of the terrain, which is very broken, furnishing strong natural obstacles which the enemy has utilized to the utmost by adding field fortifications upon which they have been working the past four weeks. The position Gen. Debeney's men are attacking from Ribecourt southeast, to the valley of the Serre is called the Herrman position by the Germans. Considerable of its general character istics has been learned from captured orders and reports of aviators. This is not supposed to have the same strength as the Hindenhurg line, hut is sufficiently strong to permit of a stout defense. Behind this line, again, there is an extension of the Hunding position in front of Guise, to "which the Germans 110 doubt will retire when the present battle is finished. Use Artificial Floods. In the valley of the Oise the Ger mans have formidably strengthened the natural defenses by artificial floods from the region of Guise south ward to La Fere. Dams prepared long ago for use in the eventuality of a retreat have enabled the Germans to divert the waters of the Oise and spread them through the valley. They also have another water line In the valley of the Serre to protect their present positioneL In spite of the formidable obstacles encountered and almost constant service in the fighting line for the past three months, the forces of Gen. Debeney continue to forge ahead and will soon have driven the enemy back upon the old battlefields ot the retreat from Charlerol in 1914. The Germans arc expected to make a stand around Guise, where the French held them up for a short time during their march to the Marne. HAIG ONJJE QUESNOY OUTSKIRTS; VALENCIENNES BEING BOTTLED By the Artoclited Press. WITH THE BRITISH ARMY, IN FRANCE AND FLANDERS. October 25. ?The British troops tonight were on the outskirts of Le Quesnoy, having driven forward across the Le Quesnoy Valenclennes railway after heavy light ing. The enemy appears to have retreated from a considerable .portion of the ground in this zone. British patrols late today, were operat ing in the Le Quesnoy region, while British infantry had reached .the high ground north of Maresches and were at tacking the German positions there. Today's advance greatly increases the menace to the Germans holding Valen ciennes. which is rapidly being bot tled up. If a Hne were drawn through the positions now held by Gen. Home's army on the north and Gen. Byng's forces on the south It would pass well to the east of Valenciennes. Should the British continue their for ward pressure, as it has been pressed for the past three days, the enemy will be forced to evacuate Valen ciennes very shortly. When the British attacked this morning they held Vendegies and the high ground east of that place. From these points they drove off before daylight Into the ridge country north and east. The British second army, attacking In conjunction with the French on the north battle front, fought its way steadily forward in the face of heavy artillery fire and captured Moen. in Flanders. The French are reported to be making good progress on the British left. ? .. BRITISH CONTINUE GAINS NORTH AND SOUTH OF VALENCIENNES Br the Associated Pica. LONDON. October 21.?The British continue to press forward between Valenciennes and Tournal, Field Mar shal Hals announces. They have cap tured the villages of Odomes and Maulde on the front north of Valen ciennes. South of Valenciennes the British have rained "new successes on the borders of the Normal forest, captur ing Mount Carmel hiU and Englefon t&ine. ? British patrols have progressed north of the railway between Val enciennes and Le Quesnoy. 9,000 Prisoner* Taken. LONDON. October IS.?Nine thou sand Germans have been made pris oner and ISO guns have been captured by the British in t{Mr attack against the Germans. ucorCu to Field Mar shal Half's communication issued to night. , Qmi iHoih 1b develop favorably, according to an of ficial statement issued at the war of fice tonight, which says the FYenoh have carried Zulte, in spite of des perate resistance, while the British have occupied the villages of Ingoy heim and Ooteghem and are advanc ing toward the Scheldt river. Kay Fa,ll Back to Meuse. The Germans In their withdrawal movement have not yet reached the line of Antwerp-Brussels-Xamur. but it does not seem probable that they will halt there when the line is reach ed, but will continue the retirement to the line of the Meuse. The Ant werp line presents few naturaf fea tures for defense, and the Germans have not constructed extensive de fenses along it However, the Germans must retire to a shorter line. Their reserves are exhausted and the tiard pressed ar mies must have a breathing space. Ia the last few weeks the German high command has not been able to maintain a fresh reserve of more than thi*ee or four divisions. , .. The internal condition of ihe airmy also la nana too