OCR Interpretation

Evening star. [volume] (Washington, D.C.) 1854-1972, October 26, 1918, Image 2

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83045462/1918-10-26/ed-1/seq-2/

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tijoua coo dost on the part of the
dsafts has been of frequent oc
curence. On one occasion a draft
whose trustworthlneaa was auapeot
rd was sent off without ammunition.
However, they had concealed am
munition and opened Ore on the pa
rade ground as their train moved
The German command also Is having
tumble aa regarda materlaL Ba"t
IWiea of heavy suns have been re
duced from four to three (runs and In
s{pno casea even to two guns.
? Great Victory for Brttish.
4PARIS, October 25 (Havas).?In
sfite of the clalma in the German
official statement that they havo frw*
trated British attempts td nterce tfef
German lines south of Valenolennea,
military observers here point out, the
Brltiah Wednesday and Thursday
gained a great victory, the conae
quencea of which will be mora ap
parent ahortly. The British third and
fourth armies gained an Important ad
vantage In the outflanking of Valen
cienaas by reaching the outakirts of
the Kormal fereat and smashing
through' the German defenses before
Le Quesnoy and Landrecies. This ad
vance was made notwithstanding the
fact that the Germans had thrown lg
large forces to meet the attack and
throw it back.
German losses in. four days ?
the Associated Press.
JPARIS. October 2G.?The battle has
filmed up again and heavy fighting
njw Is under way from Valenciennes
tjthe Meuse. The Germans are fight
iag well everywhere, but the allies
c?itinue to make substantial headway
l?the task of driving back the enemy
om the Meuse line.
Although the recent Agisting has
been marked by no sensational de
velopments, it is having a cumulative
effect which, apart from the ground
gained, adds considerably to the wast
age of men and material, with which
the Germans must reckbnl In the last
four da^ys the eneiw^ has lost -well up
towartfr W&00 -prisoner* and ^JwTguns.
His o??.etfective? cannot
have been less than 50,000.
Strictly speaking, there are three
large battles in progress, all of which
are being conducted with equal suc
cess for the allies. The first is being
carried on by the British 3d and
4th armies which, pushing on to
ward Mons, have reached the Valen
ciennes-llirson double track railroad.
The second is the attack of Gen.
Mangin north and east of Laon. which
has resulted in a gain on a front of
eight miles for a distance of two
miles. He bas carried his line-out
of the swamps around Slssonne.
The third battle is being fought bjr
Gen. Guillau{n?.tt on a front of seven
teen miles from Sissonne to Chateau
Torcien. where the Hunding line Joins
the Kriemhild system of defenses.
The average gain has been 'a mile,
although at some points the advance
has been greater. ~ -.j Wl *. i
Forced to TTse Raw Troops.
25 (by the Associated Press).?The
heavy losses which the Germans
have sustained since the allied of
fensive began -have forced tha jgn
emy to use raif Qfoops brought f*?m
the eastern ? front. Thai eJ flay? atow
lia? Jtt IMsiont on--tlie?western
front of whfch 413 are German in
fantry divisions excluding thirty-one
divisions withdrawn after they had
suffered severe casualties during the
past two weeks and six Austro
Hungarian divisions.
There are only twelve enemy di
visions available in reserve on this
front and none of these 1s fresh
The desperate situation which the
enemy is now facing appears to .be
fully appreciated by mails!.' of ' the
German people, according to letters
captured along the front.
Heavy fighting on the Verdun front
Is described In Gen. Pershing's com
munique for Friday. Strong German
counter attacks east of the Meuse
were repulsed everywhere except in
the Belleu wood, where four succes
sive assaults forced a partial with
drawal by the Americans.
West of the Meuse the American
lines were farther advanced in the
face of determined resistance.
American (Jains Important.
25 (by the Associated Press), 8 p.m.?
From a day of extraordinarily severe
fighting the Americans emerged to
night slightly in advance of the posl
tions they held yesterday. The grains
made are slight, but are regarded as
extremely Important, especially on
the left, where higher ground domin
ating much of the surrounding ter
rain has been gained.
There has been comparatively little
alteration in the positions on the
center, but the American footing in
Helleu woods, east of the Meuse, was
inore securely fixed, notwithstanding
the determined efforts of the Ger
mans to force the Americans back.
On the extreme left the gains made
by the Americans left them at the
close of the day on the ridge extend
ing from Talma farm to Belle
Joyeuse ftirm-,- ? cm * line through -the I
Bourgogne wqoQS. - ~ r- ? |
Clouds and gr<HD4 mists reduced ,
aerial activity to a minimum, t>ut
artillery, employing With high ex
plosives and gas projectiles Jh enor
mous quantities, WUS" used "by both
sides. Besides the artillery re&ction
at points where ?the-'pflshajve *was in
progress .the Gerfaiitiis-deyflt#?. thuch
(Ire t? the back ai*aa -and- that por
tion. of the front abbut. BgjiJheville,
where the American. ? line?..was . a4
vanced-slightly. ' "?-flg.T-, ?
Despite the desperate, resistance of
the Germans and their apparent in
tention to initiate a: counter offensive,
information falling into the handset
the Americans continues to indicate
an enemy withdrawal to the Briijue
nay line, one informant declaring it
to be the intention of the Germans to
withdraw to that position between
October 25 and 31.
Urges Huns to Resist.
? PARIS. October 25.?An order signed
by the German Gen. von der Marwitz,
dated October 1, which was taken
from a German prisoner, warns the'
5th German army fighting east of the
Meuse that the enemy was about to
attack with the object of cutting the
Longuyon-Sedan railroad and making
the exploitation by the Germans of
the Briey* Iron mines impossible.
The order says that on these mines
our steel production is largely de
pendent and the fate of a great part
of the western front and perhaps of
| qur people depends on firm resistance
along the Verdun front.
October 25.-1?On the Verdun front
the battle has continued with vio
lence east of the Meuse. Late yester
day our troops enlarged their im
portant gains south of the Consen
voye-Damvillers road, and occupied
completely the Bois D'Ormont. Today
the enemy counter-attacked repeat
edly and with strong forces on the
front from the Bois D'Ormont to the
Bois D'Etrayes.
Although supported by violent ar
tillery and machine gun Bre. his at
tacks were repulsed with ? extremely
liea\-y losses. Only in Bois BelTeu did
he succeed in slightly pushing back
<>ur )>ne At this point after three as
saults had failed before the stubborn
defense of our troops, the fourth attack
lorcetf us to withdraw from the east
ern pan of the wood. Hostile forces,
?which attempted to penetrate our
positions northwest of the Bois Bel
leu. were driven back after a severe
struggle lasting throughout the day.
West of the Meuse our troops have
advanced in the face of determined
resistance on the slopes northwest
of Qrand Pre and have entered the
southern portion of-the Bois de Bour
Bluing the night there was heavy
artillery fighting between the Olse
and the Serre. Contact was main
tained with the enemy all along the
front reached yesterday. ,
On the south bank of the Serre
river the French attacked the village
of Mortiers, which fell into their
hands after a violent tight in which
they took 167 prisoners.
Kast of the Souche the night was
marked by energetic reactions on
tho part of the enemy infantry.
Kather lively fighting occurred,
especially in the outskirts of Petit
Caimont In spite of German coun
ter attacks the French maintained
thflr positions east of the river.
The battle continued until the end
of ?<he day between Bissonne and
Cbfcteau Porcien. The French, break
ing up the resistance of the Ger
mans, carried the strong positions
organized In 1917 and which the Ger- j
ro&s had continued to reinforcs be
t*5en Banogne, Recouvrance and
th? Herpy mill on a front of seven
kilometers, attaining a depth of three
ki$meters at certain points. The
French pushed forward their line as
far as the road from Recouvrance to
Cofcde-les-Herpy. More to the right
th< French captured the Herpy mill
ana several centers of resistance.
W{ took a number of prisoners and
a ponsiderable quantity-' of material.
Viere was no change in the sit
uation on the rest of" the front.
October 25.?Between the Olse
anj the Serre our attacks are
continuing with success. Our troops
have greatly increased their advance
no*th of Villers-le-Sec and have
tagen the Ferrieres farm. Between
Cofporal and Party Hold Advanced
Poftt 48 Honrs Without Sustenance
IibNDON, October 25 (British Wire
lev Service).?Corp. David Ferguson
Htmter of the Highland Light In
fantry. on* of the "seven heroes of
M^uim* has been awarded the
Victoria cross. The Official Gazette
says that Corp. Hunter was detailed
wijh six others to occupy an ad
vanced poet close to the enemy line.
For forty-eight hoars he and his
command held on without food and
Constant German attacks were
withstood and the corporal and his
companions were nnder the Are of
both the British and German guns
Tho post was finally relieved by a
successful British counter attack.
Bused Godnuut Field.
T*o artatiop field at Camp Kn?x,
JC*? hsLS boon named Godman Field In
honor ?* Wirt* Li eat. Louis jLQod
Oolumhla. S. C ^
Villers-Ie-Sec and the Ferrleres farm
we have taken "strongly organized
positions despite the resistance of the
enemy, who counter attacked vainly
several times. Up to the present we
have counted 800 prisoners.
On the Serre. front we have suc
ceeded in crossing the river and be
tween Crecy and Mortiers have es
tablished ourselves on the north bank
of the river on a width of more than
one kilometer.
Kast of the Souche violent combats
gave us important advantages. We
have advanced our line in the neigh
borhood of Caumont farm, east of
the Vesle, and the villages of Cau
mont and Tferrepont are in our hands.
We have counted more than 230 pris
During the day the battle assumed
an extremely violent character. Be
tween Sissonne and Chateau-Porcien
this morning after strong artillery
preparations troops supported by
tankB attacked the powerful organiza
tions of the enemy that oppose us
in this region. To the left we suc
ceeded In making some progress la
the woods around the FM?omno-la
Zelve road.
To the east we hare oonmieied by
hand-to-hand fighting St. QuenOh
le-Petit and have reached the road
connecting this, village with BanogftA'
and Recouvrance and the southern
outskirts of the latter place. The
hamlet of Recourrance is in our
On our riptit we have penetrated
the enemy positions along Conde-lez
Herpy and hill 1*5 and have taken a
footing in the Perpy hllL la.All thia
region the enemy resistance was par
ticularly stubborn. We took more
than 2,000 prisoners and captured
nine cannon and numerous machine
East of Rethel we have completed
our success of this morning in the
region of Ambly and Fleury. One
hundred and five prisoners, of whom
six are officers, among them a chief
of battalion, have been counted.
LONDON. October 25.?We have con
tinued our advance on the battle front
south of the River Scheldt.
We have captured Sepmerles and
Querenainc and reached the line of
the La Quesnoy-Valenciennes railway
from the northwest of lid Quesnoy to
the east of Maing.
We heavily attacked the railway June
tion at Hirson Wednesday during the
day. Four enemy machine* were shot
down. Ten of our machines an missing.
October SC.?Early this morning we
carried out a successful minor opera
tion on the borders of the forest of
Mormal. capturing the hill known as
Mount Carmel?and the village of
Englefontaine with a number of
prisoners. Further north Our patrols
have made progress at pertain points
north of the Le Quesnoy-Valenciennes
Forces Are Welcomed by Russian
and Crecho-Slovak Authorities.
TOKIO. Thursday. October >4 (by the
Associated Press).?Javanese troops
under command of Gen. Mute an Hud
at Irkutsk on October IS- and were
welcomed by t|?e Russian and Czecho
slovak authorities, the war office an
Gen. I van off. the waff minister of the
Omsk .government, called upon Gen.
Muto and *zpreseed bin appreciation
of Japanese assistance la clearing Si
beria of the bolshevik!.
The eontonna* report on the feod
stimulation bill, earryin* the war
time prohlbitloa rider, was formally
It ess 01 doted minted, bat no other
action wae takea la ths Enm
l ?.
7,000 Square Miles Cleared
of Germans Since July 18,
Gen. March Announces. -
Summarizing the situation on the
western battle front today. Gen.
March said the Germans had evac
uated or been driven out of 7,000
square miles of Belgian and French
territory since July 18; that -400
square miles have been freed during'
the past week, and that all the coal
fields in northern Franfce have been
reconquered except for a five-mile
tract where the allied advance now
Is' being' pressed near the Belgian
border.. -
Taking up American Army opera
tions Gen. March 'announced that five
Ahierfcan corps and division com
manders who have been actively en
gaged in Frahce are' returning on the
recommendation of Gen. Pershing to
take important assignments here.
They are Maj. Gens. Omar Bundy, who
organised and commanded the 5th
Army Corps, and who will go to com
mand Camp Pike, . Arkansas; Clar
ence R- Edwards, who, took to France
the! 36th (New England National
Guard) Division, and who will be as
signed to command Camp Lee, Vir
ginia; John E. McMahon, who com
manded the 5th (Regular) Division,
and who will be assigned to Camp
Zachary Taylor, Kentucky; George H.
Camerop, who commanded first the
4-th (regular) Division, and later the
2d Army Corps, new assignment not
announced., and Beaumont B. Buck,
recently awarded the distinguished
service cross for gallantry in action
at which time he was wounded, new
assignment not announced.
Gen. Duncan to Bemain Abroad.
Gen. March also announoed that Maj.
Gen. George- B. Duncan, who com
manded the 77th (New York National
Army) Division, will not be returned
to the United States as previously
announced. Gen. Pershing reports
that den. Duncan has recovered his
health and will be returned to active
duty, though his assignment was not
In making ' these announcements
Gen. March laid great stress upon
the fact that all of the officers named
had done splendid work at the front
and proved their ability on every oc
casion beyond question.
He also indicated that they were
all men of more advanced years, upon
whom the strain of active campaign-,
ing bore most heavily, and it is as
sumed at the War Department that
they are being sent home because
their -physical condition necessitates
a rest frotn the arduous duties of the
front line.
Identifying units operating with
the British ^east of Cambrai, Gen.
March named the 106th Infantry and
the 104th, 105th and 106th Machine Gun
The 40th (California, Utah, New
Mexico, Arizona and Colorado) and
83d (Ohio And west Pennsylvania)
divisions. Gen. M^rch said, are depot
divisions, and have not been in action,
while the 84th (Kentucky, Indiana
and south Illinois) Division now is
arriving in France.
American. Shipping Tonnage
More Than Doubled, Despite
U-Boats, Gen. March Says
The total trorld's shipping tonnage,
members of the Senate military com
mittee were told at their War De
partment conference today, is only 7
per cent less than at the beginning of
the war. American tonnage has been
more than doubled.
Despite the ravages of enemy sub
marines, thd' tqnnage showing was
presented to the senators as a mOBt
satisfactory indication for the future.
The total world tonnage now, the
senators were told, is more than 32,
090,000 tons, with that of the United
States particularly increasing at a
rapid rate of several hundred thou
sand tons monthly. More tonnage
thus is becoming available to the
United States for troop, munition and
supply shipments.
The tonnage statement presented to
the senators showed that besides
Great Britain and France the neutral
countries of Norway, Holland and
Denmark have suffered especially
heavy tonnage losses.
. The strategic situation on the wes
tern front was explained to the sena
tors by mem bow of-the-general staff
afijl declared' to 'M' satisfactory. It
was emphasised. however, that the
'American expeditionary forces now
are fighting over the most difficult
terrain of the entire front, composed
of many hills, ravines and woods,
making further advance slow and,,
possibly, costly in casualties.
Surgeon General SayiSituation Is
Bapidly Improving?Fewer %
Pneumonia Cases.
The lnfluenxa situation appearq,
from reports by the surgeon general
of the Army, to be rapidly improving
in Army camps in the country. Three
[oamps, among them Camp Meigs, did
iot report -a gtafleaewcase of the
disease up to noorw The two other
camps w?ro Oamp? Custer. Michigan,
^and. Wheeler. Georgia.
Melfs Practically Cleared.
Camp Meig? is practically cleared of
the disease. It' Was reported this morn
ing. In the hospital there are but
twenty mild cases, the patients now
being in the convalescent stage. The
crest of the epidemic at this camp vu
reached three weeks ago.
The total Of new cases Tor all
camps for" the twenty-four hours'
ended yesterday noon was 2.276
against 2,772 the day before. Pneu
monia .caw decreased from <39 to
600 and deaths from 307 to S41.
Camp Kearney at California and
Camp Lowis. at Washington state
were the only two oamps to report
more than 100 cases.
" Camp Dlx, which reported no now
eases on Thursday; had three yea*,
terday and the Quarantine at the
camp has bean lifted, according to
word received at the surgeon gen
eral's office from the commandant
of the camp, Maj. Gen. Scott.
The State Department has reported
that the disease has attacked the port
of Punto del Garde in the Asores.
A large number of eases are reported
from Lisbon, where an epidemic is
raging. A Portuguese steamer from
Africa reached Lisbon on October 11
I with a Passenger list of *17. of whom
10* . had died daring the voyage.
0.3. Jewell tin at Stoekhofcn.
| CharWs B. Faanell, secretary of the
I0*&d States legation at Stotthobn.
of PweuuHmla. the state
was informed today? Mr.
Fenneirs heme was in Kansas City.
He was twenty-eight year* old.
President's Famous Expres
sion Is Clarified by Mr.
(Oopyrlfht, 1918, br N. Y. Erenlnj Fo?t, lee.)
Partisan politic* with lta biennial
bitterness, charges and recrimina
tions, is here with all the dema
goguery of peace time and something
more?an intensity of feeling about
the war and lta issues that must
make the next two weeks reminis
cent of the fights which McKinley
and Lincoln undertook to retain
control of <fenfrra*e white handling
national crises. -
Of the merits of the controversy, of
the outcome of the election Itself, of
the possible effects abroad of * re
publican or democratic defeat. It
will be the business of the princi
pals and the campaign manager* to
harangue, but the premises which
underlie the republican and demo
cratic cases between which the pub
lic is soon to choose are .not dif- j
flcult for the disinterested observer |
to analyse because the moves of
both sides are visible to the naked
The Republicans' Case.
Plainly the republican case, as re
vealed in acts and utterances of the
leaders here, is that the democrats
have not been efficient, that their
management of the House and the
leadership of Claude Kltchin particu
larly has been clumsy and hurtful and
that the republican chairmen of com
mittees would be much more efficient
and the republican party much more
in tune with the desire of the coun
try for a smooth-working machinery
In Congress than is the democratic
In other words, the sspoMleaa de
sire to control Congress springs large
ly from an honest conviction that they
"know how" better than do the demo
crats. Their chief interest, Indeed. Is
domestic legislation, especially after
the war, when they want to see a pro
tective tariff reimposed and they
want to have a say in the disposal
of the huge shipping facilities, rail
ways, telegraph and telephone sys
tems and other resources pooled fer
the emergency of war. They believe
they know how to dispose of these
things In the publie Interest better
than do the democrats. The assump
tion is that the war will be over dur
ing the life of the next Congress, so
while there may be a lot of talk about
prosecution of the war and "crushing
Germany," the real thought of the re
publicans as well as the democrats is
about "after the war."
Democratic View.
Similarly, while the republicans want
to have a hand in what ahall
ha done about shipping, telegraph,
railroads and kindred matters, the
democrats are insistent that the re
publican party baa not changed its
leadership or affiliation with privi
leged cleanse and that the common
people can be protected from "organ
ised loot." as one democratic leader
phrases it,- only by keeping the party
of Woodrow Wilson in power. In
other words, the democrats believe
they should be retained to save the
country from the republicans.
Just where the President stands in
this is not revealed in his public ap
peal'for support; for lie emphasizes
foreign Question*. Indeed, s?.far as
Mr. Wilson is concerned, he is pri
marily interested in the prosecution
of the war and the International
aliases of peace and reconstruction.
le believes-that the republicans will
embarrass him in-peace negotiations;
that the country has trusted him thus
far. and that all the distrust of the
last- month has been engendered by
such statements as that of Senator
Lodge, the republican leader.
XHadMM 3Q> Views.
... ICE. WUsen*B. views at Mr. Ledge's
speeches have been made clear to
democratic senators with whom be
has discussed the whole situation,
and It is generally admitted in
executive Quarters that the Roose
velt and Lodge Interpretations of
American purpose in this War and
in the peace that settles it do not
accord with those of the President,
Indeed, as Senator Pittman put it,
the issue may be between Senator
Henry Cabot Lodge's ideas and those
of Woodrow Wilson. .
As for reconvening pontics when It
was declared to hare been "adjourn
ed." the President is declared to have
connection with the .revenue bill
which be -WM? ^ S& jg
both t be . ,
rented to
tbvUeed' _
liatten. There never was any telen
"ion to "adjourn" national pelltlea.
Former Presidents Tut and Reese
?Lt..had a~riKht to appeal for a re- I
PTesiJw Congress and therefore I
rSft L 5??n considers he has a I
gress. appeal for a democratic Con
Prefers His Party's Support.
tluta rrei^,bK.1fan argument has been
dom Pd ?Jn ConKreaB will "sup
?Ji,k . e.?dent' but Mr; Wilson
aa btti^L l tement to P?int out that
Pres?d?? democratic support of the
which hi *nd. republican support,
struoHon construes as constant ob
o^ partv reS^1^ I)refep t0 ha? his
Tn ret??ned in power.
son"* ^o argue that Mr. Wil
son s action in the midst of war is iin
?""??nted. white House offlciaU
,toD 016 Allowing ex!
ISO? if ? Col. Roosevelt's speech in
tut. during the Spanish-American
cssf-'^ "slw sts
fcrtJ^f ?, W to sustain the ef
secure theTruitTo'f wca??.mission to
Onote President Harrison. J
SMech *!f,? ,the foUowlng from the
man I* . former President Harri
iresa ta ffi i??' S, republican Con
NoVemberf ifj^'88 McKinley in
word goes forth that *>ia I
P.#0Pjf of the United States are I
dent ??? Yl'V* .be!\!nd the Presi
mlsaloni? ?ui -?f the peace com- I
r? h?,i, h ^ ^ but if there
i* a Dr?ajt in the ranks?If . the
d?mo<#?Sn r' ^ telling victory, if)
an? at0r"' coerreaamen,
?rill .* ^?"5?" are elected. Spain
will tfk. 'fri?hahg,eam of h?Pe. she
betfm*en*tor p*nP08? "aid In Octo
J2.'" ?^n"nlt to overestimate the I
? i i ?*?w ?f ""staining the I
^Le Un,tad States mnd the
2P?ilSSVWty-.?t *?? P?8ent criU
tow*?rt?.^rk Tribune on Oo-1
_'.'?v?r?LM8 knows that there ,re
tha UnluSTwf?' between Spain and
rSat? inrt ?h^. Ves,pectlny terms of
'7,1? "J that Spain will be im
"kelr to yield if iTa I
hSid?ntS:rrh^e t^dfSfoS srd
s&^sst3? - -
& -JJ-LS
.f *ar to create that Im
pression in Spanish minds."
Bepnblican Contention.
**.^"^1 leans now argna th?t I
S2??52!-.aro different today TuJd
wean constant conflict between rv?J.
aiJd the President, with the lat" i
WM aSd e^Ubl^n b,n? and meas- i
. ,efforts being made to nn?f
ssr^Mfc^-r *?? opin
smsttru sbswass
jrtw o45lSf 'm?
JFSl* ,0n? ^mJSMSJSSi
submarine activity
LONDON, October it.?German sub
marine activity reached aucfc a low
stats this week as to become almost
negligible aa a war measure, not
withstanding that as many or more
U-boats are lurking In the Atlantlo
and the Mediterraaean. The British
admiralty looks upon this situation
as part of the German peaoe offensive.
' Better PhoM Serrioe at Station.
To expedite telephone service at
the Union station a new telephone
switchboard baa been installed in the
trarean of Information at Washington
terminal station. TOa board has ten
direct lines connected with the main
telepbona exchange in this city, thus
eliminating the necessity of calling
through the Washington terminal ex
change. *
The number of the new board is
Main 3870. ' <-?
W. D. Brace's Will It Filed.
The will of William X>. Braqe, dated
Jaanary 12. llil, was filed today for
probata. Be leans II,*00 to Ua sis
ter, icra. Henrietta JX Kreh of Fred
eric*. Ml, and tIM to hie naatesik*
WUBw Brace Xreb. Rev. James T.
Ifei^sn to te receive IS00 sad the
JS&PVS%%?TSf &?Z
Idaho, who is ?lse -r as executor.
r?i " . i - . w. --A
Additional Subscriptions of Nearly
a Million Are Beported
by the Havy.
Washington's fourth liberty loan
total of $43,215,200 will he materially
increased by an additional amount of
subscriptions from the Navy, which
was not included in the original Navy
subscription of a trifle more than
$5,000,000, according to an announce*
ment made today at the local liberty
loan headquarters.
The amount of this addition of
Washington's total is not now defi
nitely known, but the local commit
tee estimates that It will equal
nearly a million dollars, which ta t,
the committee proudly emphasize*,
will bring- the local total to almost
Engraving Bureau Total.
A report was received by the com
mittee showing that the total sub
scription of the officers "and employes
at the bureau of engraving and
printing was $350,000, whloh was
$83,000 in excess of the quota desig
nated for this department by the
Treasury Department.
, It was announced today at the head
quarters of the District women's
liberty loan committee that their
activities in the recent loan drive re
sulted in bond subscriptions amount
ing to $3.161350.
Eleven Foe Planes and One Balloon |
Downed?Crosses Are
Eleven enemy airplanes and one
balloon were brought down by
American aviators brigaded with the
British from September 9 to Septem
ber 22, the War Department was in
formed today through a Royal Plying
Corps communique. British distin
guished service creases wore awarded
te Lleuta. CL A, Vaughn. Brooklyn; T.
J. Herbert, Cleveland, Ohio; II. L
Campbell, Wakeman, Ohio; I*. A. Ham
ilton. Plttsfleld, Mass, and J. A. Keat
tlng, Chicago.
Special mention Is made in the com
munique of the bravery of Lieut.'
Vaughn, who, while on offensive pa
trol, was engaged by about fifteen
enemy airplanes, one of which be
dived on and shot down in flames;. He
then attacked another, which was seen
to fall after he followed it down to
2,000 feet.
Other lieutenants mentioned as hav
ing brought down enemy planes are
H. C. Knotts, CarllnvlUe, 111.; H. I*
Balr, New York; W. W. Lauer, Pitts
burgh, Fa.; F. E. Luff, Cleveland
Heights, Ohio; T. L Moore, Kewanee,
I1L; J. O. Creech, Washington. D. C.;
W. Clements, Gloucester, Va.; F. E.
Kindley, Oravette, Ark.; H. Burntck,
Brooklyn; E. W. Springs, Lancaster,
Fa.; G. D. Wioks, Sanquolt. N. T.
Lieut. A. F. Diamond, Mobile, Ala.,
was mentioned as having brought
down a hostile balloon.
(Continued from First Page.)
possible te report the favorable con-.
Editions now in force. We have the]
backbone of the Influenza broken, l|
347 Patients at HospltaL
There were two deaths at the ?me
gency influenza hospital last' night ai
nine patients admitted. iThs nuinS .
of cases received at the hospital since
its organisation total >51, and there
are 247 patients there.now.
A baby ward has been' established.
Heretofore the babies were permitted
to remain with their parents, but they
disturbed the adult patients so much
that It was deeiped advisable to es
tablish a special ward for them in the
extreme end of the hospital.
More automobiles are needed In the
transportation of medical attention to
the patients. Those desiring to vol
unteer are requested to report at the
Webster School relief headquarters,
corner of 10th and K streets north
west. to Lieut. Howard S. Fisk. U. S.
N.. who is the director of transporta
Manufacture of felt for use in
pianos was ordered disaontlmwd tr
the war Industries Board today to
permit the ?ee ef an felt-prodntfng
maehiaeir to' flUtac gevermsteat or
Weapon Used With Terrible
Effect on Huns Designed by
Naval Establishment.
; Naval authorities today directed at
tention to the fact that the mammoth
1 j-l'nch guns, the greatest practical
war weapons ever built, were designed
at the naval run factory In this city.
Then have be run to do terrible exe
cution against the Germans in France,
but they have been transported to the
front with such secreoy that none ex
cept the military and naval authori
ties knew that they were there until
the press dispatches announced that
they were sending projectiles weigh
ing a toa or more into the areas far
back of the Hun lines.
Although the guns weigh more than
a hundred tons, they are moved with
little difficulty. Unlike the freak
weapon with which the Germane from
a distance of sixty miles threw shells
into Paris, the American gun is mo
bile and emplaced with comparative
ease. When the Germans retreated it
was necessary tor them to abandon
their monstrous weapon.
Supervisors of Final Plana*
Final plans for the American gun were
made under the direct supervision of
Capt. A. L. Willard, Commander Har
vey Delano- and the bureau's designing
draftsman. G. A. Chadwick. These were
completed -in less than thirty working
days and were ready for submission to
the bidders January 25. It should be
borne intnind that before the entrance
of America into the war few authorities
thought , such' a gun could be produced
in less than ft' year.
To get the gun to the front it was
necessary to erect large mounts, each
mount with its accessories to be oper
ated as an independent train. Included
in the equipment were locomotives, gun
cars, ammunition cars, crane cars, con
struction cars, kitchen cars and other
American skill and genius, having
its genesis in Washington, succeeded
in planning, designing, building and
transporting the guns over 3,000 miles
of water and 340 miles of rail and
pdttiffg'.them iii action in less than
nine mdfeths* tinie.'
Need of Mobile Gun.
The authorities knew something of
the great German gun, which in reality
Is bigger than the American product,
but they knew if success were to be
achieved they must build a mobile
weapon. The German gun Is Imprac
ticable for ordinary war purposes. All
it has accomplished so far is the tem
porary intimidation of some of the
inhabitants of Paris. But the Ameri
can gun placed on mobile railway bat
teries and transported from front to
front with comparative ease becomes
a pursuing terror.
It is the largest mobile gun ever
built. To take the gun to the front
it was necessary to build special
locomotives weighing eighty-three
tons each, equipped with four pairs ofj
drivers. The tenders alone weigh ap
proximately fifty-six tons.
Equipment Described.
The car equipment is unusually
complete. One car is a machine shop,
with every facility for repairs, with
blacksmith -forge and anvil, lathes,
shapera, grinders and drill presses.
Ammunition cars are heavily armor
plated. The kitchen cars have com
plete cooking and serving apparatus;
the berthing cars have folding bunks
for the men and other cars carry com
plete sets of spare parts.
(Continued from First Page.)
of Berlin says It does not understand
whether complete internal reform on
the part of Germany would make the
terms of surrender easier. It con
"In any event. Mr. Wilson errs if he
believes the former holders of power
in Germany can ever regain their
power. Henceforth, there will be no
power In Germany but that of the Ger
man people. Our opponents who .de
mand the disarming of the German
people must realize that a great nation
casnot permanently be rendered de
fenseless. It will be demonstrated at
the peace conference whether the war
has been merely adjourned or finally
Reichstag Discusses Note.
LONDON. October 25.?President Wil
son's note wu received in Berlin in the
course of Thursday's sitting of the
relchstag. which immediately adjourned,
according to an Exchange Telegraph dis
patch from Copenhagen. Discussion
of the note was t&ken up in sectional
meetings of the reichstag members.
BASEL, October 2f (by the Asso
ciated Press).?The German war cabi
net considered President Wilson's re
ply at a lengthy session yesterday,
according to the Frankfort Zeitung.
It was decided not to answer at the
present time, but to wait until it is
learned what the entente's armistice
conditions may be.
BASEL, Switzerland. October 25
(Havas).?When the lower house of
the Prussian diet resumed Its session
In Berlin Thursday Count Schwerin.
the president, called upon the deputies
to make a united front against the
enemies of the country. He said that
never before had the chamber assem
bled at such a grave hour with the
enemy threatening to strike down the
doers of the country.
PARIS, October SS (Havas).?Nu
merous German newspapers criticise
sharply the relchstag speech of Chan
cellor Prince Maimilian, according to
a Zurich dispatch to the Journal.
The Vossische Zeitung of Berlin de
clares that In spite of the opposition
of the military party it is time to
make a Anal declaration regarding
Alsace-Lorraine In order to heal the
.wound in the heart of the French
people. ^
Mr. Nicholls of . Sooth Carolina
- Starts on {light to Sew York.
. Representative Samuel J. Nicholls
Of South Carolina, member of the
House military committee, started
'for New Tork today as a passenger,
with Lieut. John B. Whitman, in an
Army airplane. Stops at Philadelphia
and Trenton were planned.
To Betarfit Standard Eastern Time
H&ndi Will Not Be Shifted.
DETRIOT, Mich.. October 18.?Time
pieces in Detroit, except those in rail
road and federal offices, will not be
changed tomorrow morning, when
clocks throughout the country are
turned back one hour. Prior to the
passage of the daylight-saving law
last spring this city had adopted
standard eastern tim* although lo
cated in the central time sone. Clocks
were net turned ahead then, and in
order to retain eastern time the eity
eounell has decided ae change shall
?^ - -
All Draft Boards Now Repre
sented on Progress Charts,
Nos. 8 and 11 Leading.
Local draft boards for dtvisio?s
No. ? and 11 today led to the raca tor
first place honors In the work ef
classifying looal registrants of ths
September 12 registration between
the ages of nineteen and thirty-six
Both of theee boards hare reverted
the classification of #0 per cent ?f
their registrants of the aces named.
The District today for the first time
is completely represented on its prog
ress chart, every ono of the looal
boards having reported classification,
According to the official progress
I chart, the standing of the boards to
' dsy was as follows: No. 1, 30 per
cent completed; No. 2, 30 per cent;
No. 3, 00 per ccnt; No. 4, 00 per cent;
No. 5, GO per cent; No. 6, 60 per cent;
No. T, 00 per cent; No. 8, 80 per cent;
No. S), 30 per cent; No. 10, 30 per cent,
and No. 11. 90 per cent.
May Finish by November 1.
It is known, however, that several
of the boards have In reality classi
fied more of their men than they have
as yet reported, and it is not too much
to expect, therefore, that the classi
fication work will havo boon com
pleted here by November 1.
Completion of the clarification of
the men between nineteen and thtrcy
six years old by November 1 would
leave the boards free to CO "head
with feuding questionnaires to man
between thirty-seven and forty-live
years old, inclusive, shortly there
a"rovost Marshal General Crowder has
authorized looal boards of Jthe ination
to so ahead with the mailing of <!<"*
tionnaries to the older men as soon
as they have classified the nineteen
to thirty-six men. Some ,hel?
of the country, having finished their
classification, already havemalled out
questionnaires to the
soon will Start on the classification of
i "whUe^no plan has been announced
definitely for the District, it is
! able that the questionnaires ? m be
out by all the local boards at
the same time, instead of each {*>***
proceeding independently. The lattoi
procedure undoubtedly would allow
some few boards to get the Jump
on others, but this Is .exa*qy^ the
condition which is not paired here
it is understood, it is believed *
tvi? work can be done more tnor
oughly if the boards work together
so far as possible.
Would Help I?egml Advisers.
Sending the questl^na^es to^Uje
thirty-seven to f^-Ave-yeax o?j
men at the same time also womo
facilitate the work of the legal au
v^sory board, which is charged with
fore others would work
hardships on member! of the
imard it is believed, since the law
Commtsstoner^^ownlow would al
low the legal advisory board toiB*
a schedule of days for its ""^bars
to be on hand at certain legal ad
VS. ?.yiM?
ySunjfer men were going through
^TproxTmatel^^OO questionnaires
went to that number of men here be
tween the ages of nineteen and thlrt> -
six years.
31,000 Yet to Get Questions.
Approximately S1.000 of the Septem
ber 12 registrants are left to receive
questionnaires, therefore, since the
total registration here on that date
was in excess of 53,000 men. _
Mailing questionnaires toJi.OM men
in a period of ten days, and the sub
sequent classification. w.iU4c?"8!;L ,?!
one of the biggest
kind the local boards of the District
have faced. It also is the last blK
classifying labor the board members
will be called upon to undertake, since
" finishes the available man-power
of the city, with the exception of such
men as subsequently will become
eighteen years old.
(Continued from First Page )
contained full information **ont IflJ
any S^SS?
a ^k^Sfid^d'Sofe^^nally
good work in the last campaign.
Born, in Buffalo, N. Y.
She was born at Buffalo, N. Y.. Jan
uary IB, 1845. and was taken to Chi
cago by her parents when young. 8he
was graduated from the Chicago pub
Hc schools and was appointed te?fcer
in the primary gradesln 1862. when
only seventeen years old. In 1868 ???
morripd a Chicago merchant, wlio
SSd a year later. She then returned to
te"TChhad' rather teach than do any
thing in the world." Mrs. Young aaid
on one occasion. , .
Receives College Appointment.
President William R. Harper of the
University of Chicago, who was op
posed to the appointment of women to
important posts, made an exception to
Mrs Young's case and appointed her
a professor in the department of ped
agMrs Young at first declined to ac
cent saying; "I haven't a doctors
decree and I don't want to be teaoh
- ^ those who are workingr for their
&her?Jdegre? when 1 haven't on.
m ?H sf/the woman we want, and not
the degree."' remarked President Har
"idS JS'sassrsCt
pointed superintendent of Chieago'
pU|h.C wm? president of .the WW
??"e wrote'extensively on ?!
cational subjects.
Army training camp commanders
have been ordered to eliminate from
their schedule* all work that oan be
done after the men arrive overseaa. a?
?oe of the move, of
ment to speed up the enlarged
?ran andoverceme delay ?resulting
from Interference with draft calls kT

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