Newspaper Page Text
APABTMEHTS TO^LET^ TXRmSHEP? 900 20TH ST.. CORNER WTOIUNO. 2OTH: lim, tunny rooms. elegantly furnished. $1S0 to $450 monthly; best cuiaine. $j0; breaMast and dinner, yorth 6416. ?. ONE VBRT ATTRACTIVE S-HOO* ASU lath apartment; healthiest location jnrton; excellent table; home comforts, ho SSufc.; Unto grounds; AU? Inn. 2650 Wisconsin sve. n.w. Phone West 1900. FPMIgHEP OB PUFPHHUHKlt. AMY GORDON, APARTMENT SPECIALIST. J to ? noma; tor. and unfur.; month or jeu. 320 Colorado Bldg. Main 583. unfurnished! _ ? ROOMS AND BATH. UNFURNISHED. NON housekeeping ; aouthern exposure: $l-.> month . DlTTed it end of Mt. Pelasant car line. Tele phone Col. 2747. ^ 4 ROOMS AND BATH APT. OS BOULEVARD. Rirerdale. Md.: one square from M0 a month. Be quick. Address Box .1-D, 8>t?r 0? tire. ?: WANTED?APARTMENTS. BEDROOM. SITTING BOOM. K'TCHENETTE and bath: must he nicely furnished; price sec ondary consideration. Address Box 77-D, Star office. __ HOUSE OR APT. for house keeping, 4 or 5 rooms, furnished or unfurnished, $50 or $60. B. J. Ralaigh. The Mode, 11th and F. * SMALL FURNISHED APARTMENT OF LIY inc room. bedroom. bath and kitchenette. J1W to $200 a month. Address Box S0-B, Star of fice. 1 YOUNG MARRIED COUPLE (employed) de sires to rent small apartment, furnished or un furnished: will occupy immediately or Dec. 1. Address Box 111-T>. Star office. 30 3 OR 4 ROOM UNFURNISHED APT.: ELEC tric lights preferred. Address Box 114-D. Star office. ? 31 . A 4. 5 OR 6 ROOM APARTMENT. UNFUR nished: (rood price ^U-ill be paid. Address Box 105-D. Star office. 30 BONUS OK $23 %TERED FOR IN FORM A tion that will secure a 3 or 4 room furnished housekeeping apartment in an apartment house in northwest section at a rent not io exceed $100 a month. Address Box 9S-D. Star ofjk** SMALL FURNISHED <>R UNFURNISHED apt. or one or two rooms, with bath, for licht housekeeping; by two ladies employed. Address Pox 100-D. Star office. 31_ $50 WILL BE PAID FOR INFORMATION leading to renting of liousekeeping apartment. Address Box 1SS-D. Star office. 1 SjTiO WILL BE PAID TO PARTY THAT WILL turn over to me lease on housekeeping apart ment. Address Box 18-C. Star office. 30* MUST HAVE A HOME THIS WEEK?APART ment or room, with private refined family: no boarding houses: local references. Address Box 156-D. Star office. 31* FURNISHED APARTMENT WANTED?TWO rooms and kitchenette, by "Nov. 15. Address Bo'x 143-D. Star office. 31 FIVE GIRLS DESIRE APARTMENT OR TWO rooms, in private family: preferably northwest section. I. RHOAPS. 1233 Irving st. n.w. WANTED?SMALL FURNISHED OR UNFUR nished apartment, non-housekeeping: married couple, no children. Phone Main 2043. 29* WANTED. BY A REFIN ED GENTLEMAN, for the winter, one large unfurnished room and bath, or two smaller ones, in desirable modern house, or high-grade apartment house, west of 14th st. n.w. AddresS. full particulars, to Box 2B-P. Star office. 29* WILL PAY *."><> PER MONTH FOR A FUR nished room and bath or a room convenient to a bath, in the neighborhood of the Ontario or rhatham Courts. Address Box -4S-D, Star of fice. ONE OR TWO ROOMS AND KITCHENETTE and bath: vounc couple, both war workers. Ad dress Box 3<V>-C. Star office. 29* ABOUT DECEMBER L THREE TO SIX room furnished apartment: a.m.i.; best of care. Phone Main 2570. Branch 2061. ? FURNISHED APT. OF THREE TO FIVE rooms, with bath, in northwest part of city: rent from $250 to $300 a month. Will consider similar rooms in private house. Address Box 128-C. Star office. 1* UNFURNISHED APT. OF THREE ROOMS and bath or more: two ladies, aunt and niece: permanent residents. Phone Lincoln 5408-J. 29* ' $100 BtfNUS ~ To secure, prior to November 1st. a 4 or 5 mom apartment, furnished or unfurnished. Must be no objection to two children, and pre fer location within walking distance of Treas ury and with convenient parage facilities. Phone North 3801, or address Box 43-C, Star ' offlcr. 31* SMALL HOUSEKEEPING APT.. BY NOV EM l?er 1: within walking distance of 18th and Eye. Mrs. HQFELLLR. Burlington Hotel. 31* FOR KENT?HOUSES. J FtRXISHKP. ATTRACTIVE S- ROOM HOUSE, COMPLETE ly furnished: a.m.i.: h.w.h.; in desirable sub urb; $125 per month. Phone Clev. 1153-J. * VERY ATTRACTIVE AND COMFORTABLE 9-r. house on Park road near 18th st.: imme diate possession to reliable party; coal; every thing ready for occupancy: $250 per mo. Phone Col. 4905. Address Box 167-P. Star office. 30* 10th ST SOUTH OF Ti PRACTICALLY 1 new: artistic furnishings: unusual interior dec ( oration: extraordinary bath: model shower: | rapor heat; hardwood floors: automatic heater; (open fireplaces: metal weather-strips: garage, two cars; roof garden; linen: solid silver; aluminum utensils; coal in cellar: use of five- j passenger Knight car; efficient maid will re- , i main. N. 1401. I ' FOR RENT?PA. AVE. N.W. BET. 17th AND 18th ats.; furnished: suitable for business or i i living purposes (no cooking); very large front] 1 second-floor room; two rooms and bath adjoin ? ing it. Will be rented unfurnished for one ? year if used strictly for business. Suitable for J doctor or other professional man. GEO. W. UNKINS. 1714 Pa. ave. n.w. FOR RENT . . Furnished Houses, IK MOST DESIRABLE SECTIONS OP CITI AND SUBURBS?BY SEASON OR TEAR. John W. Thompson & Company ? Incorporated 728 15th st. Phone 7952 Main. IN WOODLEY PARK. ??7 attractive home of 12 rooms, 2 hatha; garage; sleeping porches; everything modern; won derful location, facing open coun try and well furnished. ? Rent, $325 per month. IN GEORGETOWN. Fine location. Corner residence. having 12 rooms, 2 baths: electricity, steam heat; coal in cellar. Rent, $250 per month. VIRGINIA. (3 miles out.) Cowatry residence. 0 rooms: wa ter in kitchen : electricity : porches : large grounds; one-half block from cars: garage. Rent only $60 per month. OTHER DESIRABLE HOUSES FOR RENT BY BOSS & PHELPS. INC.. 1406 H st. n.w. S MOUNT PLEASANT?7 FINE ROOM8, 2 * baths; hot-water heat, electric light, gas. etc. very attractively furnished; finely located; rent. $250 per month. A. B. CAMPBELL. FOR RENT FURNISHED: LADY GEORGE Wellealey wishes to sublet her furnished home. 3041 Harrard terrace n.w.: 4 master rooms aad 3 reception rooms and garage. Apply to MOORE ft HILL, Inc.. 1420-22 II n.w. FOR RENT ? FURNISHED. FOR SEVEN months, at $25 a month, cottage, fire rooms, nine miles from city, quarter mile from trolley. Address Box 12-D. Star office. 2?? DESIRABLE FURNISHED HOUSES. TYLER ft RUTHERFORD (Inc.), 817 St. n.w. 1? rULTOHED OR UNFURNISHED. NEW DETACHED HOUSE. CHEVY CHASE, ? one block Connecticut ate. car line: 10 rooms. :i baths, garage. Telephone Cleveland 160, not before 10:30 a.m. * UNFURNISHED. WILL EXCHANGE RENT OF UNFURNISHKD ft-room house, a.m.i.. for 2 or 8 room apart ment- Address Box 220-T. Star office. Sf R2 K ST. N.E.?STORE AND 3 ROOMS AND bath: good condition: rent, $30.50. WM. EL MrGRAXN CO.. 722 Hth st. n w. 30* OFFICES AND STUDIOS. onriCE space for rent? 880 sq. ft. of office space, comprising two large and cyie small room, all connecting; one ' large corner office, 8 windows, well furnished, far executive quarters, or will rent unfurnish ed; all south exposure, facing Capitol, one block from Pa. ave.; steam heat, electric light, elevator service. Reasonable rent. Apply ALONZO O. BLISS PROPERTIES. 35 B at. n.w. FOR RENT?POUR DESIRABLE COMMTTNI ' rating rooms, Sd floor. 1403 H st. n.w. Suit able for school or- offiee; steam heat; electric light. JESSE L. HEISKELL. 1403 H St. a.w. FURNISHED OFFICE ROOMS, ALSO DE8K t room, at 408 Woodward bldg. i * ? i ' JfOJi BENT?STORAGE SPACE. I SPACE. \ IB port; 14th aw WANTED TO KENT. SMAh-L FURNISHED HOUSE WANTED BY family of three, a.m.!., within commuting dis tance of War Department. Address Box 81-D, Star offK?e. 4* IN N.W'? SECTION. NEARBY SUBUBB8 OB other desirable neighborhood. 6 or 7 room house, 2 or more bedrooms, modern con ?eniences, for early possession; state exact lo cation and xvntal; willing pay $60 to $75 for right place. Address Box 139-D. Star oSce. i 80* WANTED HOUSES TO RENT. AJTL 8ECTIONS. FURNISH EL' OR UNFU RNI8HED. TYLER * VUTHEBFORD (Inc.), (Established 1872). 817 15th st. n.w. 1* IN N.E. SECTION %>F CITY OR SUBURB8, 6 or 7 room home, ?v nfurnished; rent. $35 or $40 month. Address Rp 8Q-D. Star office. 29* BY PERMANENT REVIDENT?ON CAPITOL Hill or northwest prefei red; no children. Ad dress Box 17-D. Star ofl\ *e. 80* BY MEMBER OF OO.M2RKSS, 10 OR 12 room house, near Columbia road or Connecticut ave.; garage if possible. .Address Box 331-B, Star office. BY OFFICER AND WIFE; LEASE 6 MONTHS, furnished house. 7 roonA".. 2 baths, within walk ing distance of Tresaory; rent np to $250. Address S. K. L.( 9281 14th; phone Franklin 2315, 10-11 a.m. 29* FOE RENT?STORES. TWO STOREROOM8 FOR RENT in PetwortiX Inquire 820 Upshur >*t. n.w. FOE SALE?HOUSES. OPPORTUNITY. Owner occupant, having parebtscif a country place, will give imme diate possession of-his corner, hol low-tile, detached home, with ga rage, in the prettiest part of Saul's Addition. Has 11 rooms, tiled bath, sleeping porch, hot water heat, electric lights,, open fireplace and many unusual and attractive features. Price. $12,750. See us at once. 8HANNON & LUCHS. Main 2345. 713 14th St. \ Chevy Chase?On a V* -acre lot, a 9-room and bath detached home, with liot-water heat, electric lights, etc. Immediate possession. Terms arranged. SHANNON fc LUCHS. Main 2345. 713 14th St. A furnished home in the north west for immediate possession. 6 rooms and bath brick dwelling, front and rear porches, yard. etc. Completely furnished. Price, $4,750. Terms, $1,500 cash. SHANNON & LUCHS. Main 2345. 713 14th St. Northeast, on Ffonklin st.?A beautiful, semi-detached home on lot 140 feet deep; 6 large rooms, tiled bath, hot-water heat, elec tric lights, completely furnished. Price, $8,000. SHANNON & LUCHS. Main 2345. 713 14|h st. ? Chevy Chase *? Semi-detached brick home of artistic appearance and genuine worth; 8 large rooms, 2 baths, hot-water heat, electric lights, open fireplace, double ga rage, etc. On Morrison st. west of Conn. ave. Price. $10,500. SHANNON & LUCHS. Main 2345. 713 14th st. Chevy Chase?A 9-room and bath home with hot-water heat, electric lights, and a quarter-acre lot. Terms: $2,000 cash, and $100 a month. Immediate possession. Price. $8,500. SHANNON & LUCHS. Main 2345. 713 14th st. Chevy Chase. Md.?Near Brook ville road; a very beautiful place; house has 8 large rooms, attic and cellar; furnace heat, electric lights, etc. To a cash purchaser can sell for $8,300. SHANNPN & LUCHS. Main 2345. 713 14th st. Another fine opportunity with in 20 min. of center of city on 14th st. car line; a detached 8 room and bath house with hot-wa ter heat, electric lights and garage. Price, $9,250. A substantial cash payment re quired. SHANNON & LUCHS. Main 2343. 713 14th St. West of 14th st., detached, va cant, 9-room and bath house with hot-water heat, gas, etc.; nice lot with space for garage. Price. $10,000. SHANNON & LUCHS. Main 2345. 713 14th st. Only $9,750 for this" exquisite home of 8 large rooms and tiled bath, with front and rear porches, hardwood floors and trim; hot water heat, electric lights; lot 65 by 145 feet. Immediate possession. Price, $9,750. ; Terms: $3,000 cash required. ' - SHANNON & LUCHS, Main 2345. 713 14th st. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION A HOME AND AN INCOME OF $100 PER MONTH. 3-STORY APARTMENT HOUSB DETACHED. ONE APARTMENT ON EACH FLOOR. Terms?$3,000 cash, balance on monthly pay ments. Present owner will vacate first-floor apart ment. Rentals from other two apartments will more than make the monthly payments. See OWNER?Apt. 1. 306 Carroll st.# Takoma Park, D. C. ? Detached Residence. Located in a splendid residential section of the city, two stories and cellar, seven rooms, bath, lot 50x200; two-story garage; fruit, shade, flowers, etc. This is a very attractive home. Possession in 10 days. Price, only $*.r>00. Chevy Chase, D. C. Desirable detached home; immediate posses sion: 2 stories and attic, 9 rooms, bath, hot water heat, electric light, large front and rear porches. Lot 60x100; nicely located. Prfce, $8,300. Chevy Chase, Md. Attractive detached home, two-stories and cel lar. 8 rooms, bath, large porches, stone founda tions. lot 75x123; fruit, shade, flowers, etc.; two squares of cars; possession within 15 days. Price. $8,750. Columbia Heights?West of 13th. Attractive 3-story and cellar brick; 10 rooms, 2 baths, hot-water heat, electric lights, hard wood floors; lot 24 ft. wide; sufficient room for large garage; alley; large front porch; pos session. Price, $7,500. Mt. Pleasant?Just Off 16th St Handsome 3-story and cellar brick; nine large, cheerful rooms, two baths, hot-water heat, elec tric light, hardwood floors, three open fire places, front porch; nicely, finished interior; ; attractive mantels and fixtures; splendid resi ! dential section; convenient to two lines of cars; possession. Price, $9,750. * Call for our list of desirable bonses for sale located in various sections of the city, many of which can be bought on attractive terms. We also have a large list of houses possession of which can be given at once. GARDINER & DENT, INC, Main 4884. 717 14th st,n.w. SEEING 18 BELIEVING. INSHJBCT AND YOU WILL BUY. WANTONFER. ON YOUR TERMS. Petworth. 7r. andsb.. h.-w. h.. elec lgts. .$4,950 M near N. H. ave. n.w., 6r. & b.. pos'n.. 4,950 13th near B s.w., detached, 8r. & b., gar. 4,950 2d near Capitol, lOr, ft b.. O. K. rent rs. 4.850 Park View, 6r. & b.. h.-w. b., por.. alPy 4.750 Tenn. ave. n.e., nr. 3 car lines, porches. 8.750 Kenyon nr. 11th st. cars, 6r.. b., porch.. 3,650 16th nr. E s.e.. 6r? b., fur heat, big lot. 2,550 Kraemer n.e., nr. 17th, 6r? b., fr., fur. 1.850 L nr. 13th s.e., two-family flat, snap at 1,850 FOR COLORED HOMESEEKER8. lOr. & b. br., Corcoran nr. 14th, alley.. .$4,750 Nr. Sherman av. n.w., fr., b.. por., all'y 8,650 Benning rd. n.e.. lot 100x220. 5-r. frame. 1.950 16th nr. G and Levis sts. n.e., 5r.. each. 1,050 Nr. 7th A G s.e.. 30-ft. court. 4-rm. br.. 750 The above need no descriptive ad. to sell, as price, terms, location and construction witt Papering, etc.. done to snit purchaser. N. E. RYON. 142S F n.w. Phone M. 4fltT. VICINITY BEAUTIFUL 8HERIDAN CIRCLE; $10,000, reduced from $12,000; owner's health compels sals; built to order; 12 rooms. 2 baths; h.-w.h.; hardwood floors; center-hall type; Si ft frsat; moderate pi iced houses !a this neighborhood exceedingly scares; terms. North 1401. FOB ?s? FOR SALB?CONN. AVE. NORTH OP Q. ' | BEAUTIFUL CORNER RESIDENCE. Price reduced to |18,000. ?eTeral.batha: steam beat. Electric light*, wide parkins. One of tlx choicest locations la the fashionable northweat. 8TONE * FAIRFAX. 184S New York ase. A BARGAIN IN T11E CHEVY CHABB 8EO tion; a ? parlous, handsome home; large grounds; frame; slate roof; hardwood floors upstairs and downstslrs; hot-water beat; electric lights. Price, $9,500. STONE Sc FAIRFAX. 1342 N. Y. are. HERE 18 YOUR CHANCE IF YOU SEE US AT ONCE. CHEVY CHASE, D. C. Midway between Wisconsin are. and Conn, are. cars; 8 rooms and bath; pebbledash; slate roof; hot-water heat; electric lights; sleeping porch. A very good house for $8,950. STONE Sc FAIRFAX. 1342 N. Y. are. THE LOWEST PRICE GOOD HOUSE NOW TO BE HAD IN CHEVY CHASE, D. C. One square from Conn. ave.; attractive out side and inside; semi-detached; brick; slate I roof; three sleeping rooms and large attic: hot-water hest; electro lights; $8,U00. 8TONE St FAIRFAX. 1342 N. Y. are. CHEVY CHASE. MARYLAND. New house; all of the up-to-date features and comforts; hardwood floors; 2 batlis; one square from the cars; good big lot; tlia best now to be had for the price, $12,500. 8TONE Sc FAIRFAX. 1342 N. Y. ave. | FOR SALE. $5,000 will buy a most attractive house near j 1st and W sts. n.w., built by one of Wa.hin* ton s most reliable builders. Splendid ar- f rangement; 2 stories, cellar and attic; 4 rooms on 2 floors; 2 stairways. An out-of-town owner has written * us to dispose of this house for $5,000, which is less than it sold for when completed a few years ago. STONE Sc FAIRFAX, 1342 New York ave. FOR SALE. $5,500 will buy one of those well constructed 2-story dwellings on the north side of New ^ork ave. n.w. between N. Capitol and 1st; 7 robms and pantry; said to be in first-class condition. An opportunity for one to purchase a downtown residence in a desirable location at a reasonable price. STONE Sc. FAIRFAX, 1342 New York ave. J FOR SALE. Corner residence on North Capitol st. An out-of-town owner has written us to sell this Property at a _price less than he paid the builder a few years sgo. There are 7 rooms; bright, sunny exposure; desirable location. \Do not fail to inspect. $5,750. * STONE St FAIRFAX. 1342 New York ave. _ - FOR SALE. On Columbia road near 16th St.; $8,400* 3 stories and cellar; 10 rooms, 2 baths, hot-wa'ter heat j 4 rooms deep* garage. This-price is much less than the price originally put upon it by the builder. 8TONE & FAIRFAX, 1342 New Yo"rk ave. FOR- SALE. Fairmont st. between 14th and 15th sts.; southern exposure; 3 stories and cellar; 11 rooms, 2 baths; garage; modern heat. One of the choices", location on the Heights. $8,500. STONE & FAIRFAX, 1342 New York ave. FOR SALE. ?4 . ??nii-detached brick residence on i the Heights, west of 1-JJh st. Not one of a !lona row, but separately -built; 11 rooms, 3 baths, hot-water heat, electric light; lot 25x145. Any one looking for a liouee a little out of the ordinary should not fait to inspect this one. STOlfE Sc FAIRFAX, 1342 New York ave. FOR 8ALEH " ? HEADQUARTERS FOR REAL ESTATE BARGAIN8. WE OFFER THE BEST PROPERTIES AT THE LOWEST PRICES. OWNERS WHO WISH TO SELL QUICKLY PLACE THEIR PROPERTY WITH US. YOU CANNOT AFFORD TO BUY WITHOUT SEEING OUR LIST. 8T0NE Sc FAIRFAX. 1342 New York are. frOR SALE? , NO. 1433 L ST. N.W. * rSl8..dwelling, containing 22 rooms, with a C. i* *39 feet, can be purchased at a price ? J8 *e88 t,,an tl,G amount formerly loaned on It by a conservative trust company. Must be disposed of at an early date. Valuable for a clubhouse, apartment house or business pur poses. Very easy payments. STONE Sc FAIRFAX. 1342 New York are. FORSALE= " NO. 421 6th ST. N.W. A BARGAIN FOR SOME ONE, A four-story dwelling. Lot 26.3x93.3. An offer would be considered much less than cost. Vilnable for business purposes or room rent ing. 18 rooms. STONE St FAIRFAX. 1342 New York ave. FOR SALE?O.Nti OF THOSE ATTRACTIVE 3-story houses in the 2100 block on 1st st. can be purchased at a bargain price, account of the owner leaving the city. It is in excellent con j dition; parlor, reception hall, dining room, pantry and kitchen on first floor; 4 bedrooms and bath on the second; 2 bedrooms on the I third floor; sleeping porches; expensive decora tions; Chamberlain metal weather strip to all windows and doors. STONE Sc FAIRFAX. 1342 New York ave. FOR SALB?WHO WANTS THIS DETACHED HOUSE? ?ONE LEFT? "CLEVELAND PARK." Decide on one soon; you will never have an other opportunity to get such a bargain. They were built before the advance in labor and materials. Six (6) sold to smart buyers who had been looking for months. ^ $5,950. $500 Cash, Balance Monthly. Offered so low to dose syndicate. Could not be duplicated today foe a thousand more than we ask. Detached House. "A Perfect Gem." Hardwood floora; hot-water heat; tiled bath with shower; electric lights; a complete kitchen, gas range, hot-water heater, porcelain lined sink; all rooms attractively decorated; large open brick fireplace in living room; wide covered porches front and rear; sleeping porch; steel beam construction. STONE & FAIRFAX, 1342 New York Ave. A HANDSOME MASS. AVE. RESIDENCE is offered for sale. Possession In 30 days. Price, $25,000. There are few houses so thor oughly well constructed. Brown stone and red brick; 14 rooms. 2 baths; hot-water heat; elec tric light; southern exposure; lot 25x100. It is doubtful if the improvements could be dupli cated for anything like the price we ask for the property. Inspection invited. STONE Sc FAIRFAX. 1342 New York sve. FOR SALE?VERY CLOSE TO SHERIDAN CIRCLE. PRICE, $10,500; 9 ROOMS, 2 BATHS; HOT-WATER HEAT; A FRONTAGE OF 25 FEET. IN SECTION BUILT UP WITH THE MOST EXPENSIVE RESIDENCES. STONE Sc FAIRFAX. 1342 New York are. FOR^ SALE?ONE OF THE BEST Con structed houses on the Heights, between 13th and 16th sts.; not one of a long row. Erected by a careful builder with a view of occupying it for his home. Containa 10 rooms, 2 baths; hot-water heat; lot 22x150. Price. $9,500. 8T0NE Sc FAIRFAX, LS42 NeiP York ave. FOR SALE ? A HANDSOME BRICK AND stone dwelling, on Wyoming ave. near Con nectJcut are., with frontsge of 50 ft; 8 stories and cellar; 2 bathrooms; modern heat and light; wide parking; delightful outlook; in fact, it is just one of the best located dwell ings in this choice section. Price to a quick buyer?|20,000. STONE St FAIRFAX. j 1842 New York ave. 18tn AND KENYON 8T8. N.W. 10 rooms, 2 baths; hot-water heat and elee-u trlcity; large yard to alley; garage.. Price, $10,000. POSSESSION. MACOMB ST. ! t rooms, bath; hot-water heat and electricity.. Price, $10,000. POSSESSION. R11TKKHOU8E ST. ! S rooms and bath; hot-water heat; electricity. Price, $8,500.* POSSESSION. KEOKUK ST. 9 rooms and bath; hot-water heat and elec ! tricity. Price, $10,500. POSSESSION. 14th AND R STS. ! 10 rooms' and bath; hot-water heat and elec tricity; large lot to alley. Price, $7,500. Possession Immediately. CI8SEL, TALBOTT * CO., INC., | 1005 N. Y. ave. n.w. Main 1092. FOR 8AIJS BY OWNER, S027 11th ST. N.W.? Immediate possession. Price. $0,500, Including coal for winter. 31* POSSESSION 80 DAYS; 6 ROOMS, RECEP* tion hall, tiled bath: hot-water heat; gaa and electric lights; detached; $5,500; $1,500 cahh; on wide ave. n.w. $4,800?Poaeewdon a recording of dead: ? noma, bath; cellar; furnace; front and rear porehea; extra dam tot; brick garage for two machine,; wtda alley; beat of condition; $800 rash; G st. sc. MARTIN T. wtuig, Boom B. 141$ H at. *-W ?H- * B. MODERN HOM? NEAR ISth rt ??WW. . ? . u prom owrwutiBi Park garage. Addreaa Bos M-D, Star of 19. , 4? FOB. SALE?HOUSES. Contfnned. FOR SALE?A SPLENDID DETACHED 8-room borne within 20 minutes of basi nets section; hot-water beat, electric * lights; all modern conveniences; beau tiful front porch. Price, $7,250, on rea sonable terms. PHILLIPS & 8AGER. Inc., If. 98. 1409 New York are. n.w. POR SALE ? NICE MMOM AND bath home in splendid location north east. Price, $4,250. Csn bs sold on very reasonable terms. ..PHILLIPS & SAGER, Inc.. M. 98. 1409 New York are. a.w. POR SALE?A three-story apartment house, with one five-room and bath apartment now vacant?the other two rented for $70 per month. A splendid opportunity for some one to buy on very essy terms and get a handsome return on bis investment. Downtown loca tion. Price. $9,750. Owner requires $1,500 cosh. PHILLIPS & SAGER. Inc., 11. 98. 1409 New York ave. a.w. POR SALE?One of the best built elght-rooms-on-two-floors homes In Bloomingdale. Has four exceptionally large bedrooms; Pittsburgh instanta neous heater. Price, $5,500. Very rea sonable terms can be arranged. PHILLIPS & SAGER. Inc.. M. 98. 1409 New York ave. ?.w. POR SALE?Six-room and bath bunga low in .Takoma Park; % block from 14th ctreet car line; electric lights; exceptionally large lot. Price, $3,750. Reasonable terms can be arranged. PHILLIPS & SAGER. Inc.. H. 98. 1409 New York ave. u.w. f FOR SALE?A SPLENDID OPPOR tunity to get a detached home con venient to the steel plant; has 8 rooms on two floors, with lot 50x150: nicely located. Price, $1,850, on rea sonable terms. PHILLIPS & SAGER. INC.. U. 98. 1409 New York ave. a.w. FOR SALE ? NICE 6-ROOM AND bath home n.w., with front and rear porches; all conveniences. We can sell for $4,250. on very reasonable terms. PHILLIPS & SAGER. INC.. H. 98. 1409 New York ave. n.w. FOR 8ALE?NEAR IRth AND Co lumbia road, a beautiful 9-room and bath home, with hot-water heat; splen didly arranged for subletting: has Ave exceptionally large bedrooms. We can sell for $750 cash and $60 per month, including all interest and prln clpal, and the price is only $6,850l An excellent opportunity to get a home In a high-class neighborhood. PHILLIPS & SAGER. INC.. If. 98. 1409 New York ave. a.w. FOR SALE?A 3-ROOM-DEEP HOUSE, northwest, with hot-water heat, elec-~ tilc lights, stationary washtubs, front ptrch; exceptionally deep lot to paved alley. Price. $4,500. PHILLIPS tc SAGER. INC., 11. 98. 1409 New York ave. n.w. FOR SALE?NICE 8-ROOM BRICK house downtown, within walking dis tance of the War Department and all government buildings; nicely arranged for subletting. Price, $4,250; $500 cash and $45 per month are the terms. Act quickly. PHILLIPS & SAGER. Inc., M. 98. 1409 New York ave. n.w. FOR 8ALB?ONE OF TnE NICEST arranged 9-room detached homes in Saul's Addition; hot-water heat; elec tric lights; beautifully finished through out. Price, $12,500. PHILLIPS & SAGER. Inc.. M. 98. 1409 New York ave. n.w. FOR SALE?ELEGANT 6-ROOM MOD ern home near Lincoln Park: hardwood floors, electric lights; hot-water heat; double back porches; front porch. Price, $6.250'on reasonable terras. PHILLIPS & SAGER. Inc., M. 98. 1409 New York ave. n.w. FOR SALE?TWO NICE . 7-ROOM , brick houses southwest. We can sell for $2,850 each on very reasonable terms. PHILLIPS & SAGER. Inc., M. 98. 1409 New York ave. n.w. IN N.W. SECTION. BET. 2 CAR LINES: A modern 6-room house in A1 condition ; consist ing of living room with open fireplace, dining room, large kitchen, pantry, 3 bedrooms, tiled bath, front and rear porches; hot-water heat; hardwood floors: room for garage, in short a beautiful, cozy little home. Only $0,250. Pos session at once. Main 1064. R K. F1EATER. 410 Colorado bldg. SEVENTEEN-KOOM HOUSE. WITIIIN WALK ing distance of government bldgs.; make three large apts., on two floors; excellent hot-water heat: three baths, etc. ; nice home and excel lent paying Investment: to close an estate, only $9.000; no agents. Address Box 165-D, Star of fice. * 31* FOR SALE?$4,250; BY OWNER; IMMEDI ate possession; partly furnished G-roora, tile bath house; Petworth; large lot to paved alley; nice garage; $800 cash, $40 per month, in cluding all interest. Phone Main 3120, Br. 404. any day. 10 to 5. * FURNISHED RESIDENCE, COMPLETE, BEST location near Dupont Circle; 10 rooms, 2 baths, electricity, furnace. Your own terms. Price, $11,000. RICHARDSON GIBSON. Main 3742. A HOME AND AN INCOME. SMALL APARTMENT HOUSE, AT 2422 PA. AVE. N.W. Three apartments, 1 vacant on or about Nov. 1. The others rented. Gas lights and hot-air fur nace heat. Terms, $10,500; at least $2,500 cash; $4,000 trust now on placc. If interested write, phone or call, after 5 p.m., on C. O. lDURAS (owner). 3214 18th St.. BUookland. P. 31* REAL BARGAIN ? BEAUTIFUL LITTLE apartment house, located in* a pretty northwest suburb, containing 6 apartments, each with fine sleeping porch, hot-water heat, electricity and gas; never a vacancy. Building of best construction and nearly new. Rent about $2,400 per year. Can give immediate posses sion of one apartment if desired. In order to adjust an estate. Price only $17,500. Liberal terms. THOS. W. FOWLER & BON. 737 13th st. n.w. BEAUTIFUL CHEVY CHASE HOME NEAR the Chevy Chase Club; 7 rms. and b., a.m.i.; garage; lot SO feet wide; coal ,in cellar; im mediate possession; must be sold, at once. Ask for Mr. TROTH. Main 7286 or Cleveland 115S-W. , 4^ $12,500?COR. DOWNTOWN| WEST 16th; IM mediate occupancy; facing beautiful circle; 10 rooms, 2 baths; electricity; good heating plant; coal for winter: laundry; metal weather strips; 3 open fireplaces; parquet floors; terms. N. 1401. IN VIRGINIA?MODERN RESIDENCE OF 6 rooms and bath, porches, gas, liot-water heat and electric lights: 80 minutes* ride to the U. S. Treasnry bldg. : convenient to electric cars; desirable residential section; now vacant. Price, $4,000; easy terms. JOSEPH C. ZIRKI.E, 203 Colorado hldg.. 14th and G sts. n.w. FOR SALE?$3,500: $500 CASH. BALANCE $30 PER MONTH ; VACANT 6-ROOM BRICK, NEAR STANTON PARK. IN NICE CONDI TION. CHAS. A. SHIELDS, 1336 NEW YORK AVE. N.W. POR SALE ? ASSESSORS' VALUATION. $0,600 ; MY PRICE. $0^000; 4 TWO-STORY BRICKS ON LOTS 16^x125, ALLEY; RENT ED $768 PER YEAR (LOW RENT), NEAR LINCOLN PARK. CHAS. A. SHIELDS, 1836 NEW YORK AVE. N.W. FOR SALE?ONLY $600: A 6-ROOM FRAME, WATER AND SEWER, ON K ST. S.E., ONE SQUARE FROM PENN. AVE. CARS; WELL RENTED; GOOD LOT. CHAS. A. SHIELDS. 1336 NEW YORK AVE. N.W. FOR SALE?$2,000; RENTED AT $27.50 PER MONTH OR 16% PER CfJNT ON PRICE; A NICE 6-ROOM FRAME WITH BRICK STABLE ON REAR ON 3RD ST. S.W.; A RARE BAR GAIN. CHAS. A. SHIELDS, 1336 NEW YORK AVE. N.W. FOR SALE ? ASSESSORS' VALUATION, $12,000; MY TRICE, $6,500; SEVEN 6-ROOM AND BATH BRICK HOUSES ON N. J. AVE. 8.B.; WELL RENTED: ANOTHER BARGAIN. CnAS. A. SHIELDS, 1336 NEW YORK AVE. N.W. ^ - FOR IMMEDIATE POSSESSION A new and complete seven-room and bath residence within half a square .of 14th st.; hot-water heat, electric lights and oak floors; fully screened; colonial front porch; large screened-in sleeping porch; lot, 160 ft. deep; reasonable price: terms if desired. N. L. SANSBURY CO., INC.,1 721 13th st. n.w. Phone Main 5904-5. MODERN HOME OF TEN ROO^S ANirTWO hatha. Just ofT Conn, ave., near Chevy Chase Circle: possession in two weeka; a bargain at $10,500. J. A. HAYDEN. 1410 G st. n.w. Very attractive partly furnished house; 8 rooms, 2 baths, deep lot, garage; In perfect order: quick possession; $12,500, $4,000 cssh. Call Columbia 6545. ' FAIRMONT ST., NEAR 13TH N.W. Eight rooms, tiled bath, hot-water .heat, elec tric lights, back porches, deep lot to paved al ley; supply of coal in cellar^ Immediate pos session. Price. $7,500. Evans bldg. CHA8. W. MORRI8. Ph. M. 5328. BEST PART OF MT. PLEASANT; PARK RD. 1 between 17th and 18th; 9-room house; in per fect condition; ready for Immediate occupancy; immediate possession g\ven; very desirable fur niture with boose If desired. Price, $9,500. Address Box 168-D. Star offlc. SO* $18.000?OWNER OCCUPANT: WASHINGTON Heights; beautiful corner property: immediate occupancy; partly fur.: 11 rooms. 8 baths; ga rage; h.-w.h.; lot 40^100; easy terms. N, 14QL FOB SALE?HOUSES. Coatlnied. SEVERAL DESIRABLE * , HOMES To responsible colored /pur chasers. ? These houses are, lo cated in the northwest and southwest sections of the city. Can be bought with a small cash payment and balance monthly. For prices and terms apply after 5 p.m., B. B. PINN, 1235 Walter St. S.E. $3,250. REDUCED FHOM $3,900: $850?NEAB NAVY TABU: BKiCK. include interest and principal^ city water I 1401. ? II HKVT CHASE COB.?J12/J50; FII"N"StE?: $15,000; hollow tiles; stone f.^?iliP immMli*te owner occupant goinp to California. , . possession. garage; cement porch. f'"8b^ h.-w.h.; efectrlclty; open flI*P,ll"'Vi."^M1flsite h.-w.h.; 8 rooms and bath; tile , 1 interior flnish; shade trees; south of circle. IM w~t o' Conn. ??.: terms. North 1401. ^ ... WEST OF 15tli; A THREE story and basement 10-room dwelling; only $5,230. Early possession. briei A three-story and basement anbatantlal b dwelling. 9 rooms and tath, on C at. a. . ^ 1st and 2nd sts., near Capitol. Price. 1403 H St. n.w. ^ $40 000?WASHINGTON HEIGHTS; BKAU tlful home; I-.' Roy place; owner oecoipant, early possesion; 4-story brick slrictly mod ern; 15 rooms, 3 baths; h.-w.h.. gas, eiei tricity; terms. N. 1401^ ?37 50O?WORTH $50,000; NBAH 23rd AN1> Wyoming ave.; classical residence:new. va cant; business failure compels ""'^tjoJooO day labor for home; surrounded by J100.000 houses: 15 rooms, 5 baths; detached, terms. N. 1401. ? IMMEDIATE POSSESS ION =OWNEIl pant; on lBth Street HighUnds. $1..0W. semi hnnirnlow hollow tile construction, new, two EE?' 14th or 9th st. car.; living room 26x14: open fireplaces; porches, h.-w.h.. elec tricity; 8 rooms, two baths; garage, lot 40x 135; shade trees, shrubs and flowers; easy terms. N. 1401. - * AT BEAUTIFUL CHEVY detached residence; 10 rooms. 3 baths, 6 bed rooms; front and rear porches; garage, fine grounds; beautiful lawn; h.-w.h.; K?s; '"J*?" tricity; on Northampton st.; near circle, P?ce, $15,000; easy terms; prompt possession. Phone N. 1401. ?? $10,000?NEAR 10th AND R; new; owner-occdpant give immediatc liosses sion; 9 rooms, 2 baths; 4 oi*-n flreplacPS; porches; upstairs kitchen; electricity, balcony, large lot: good alley: terms. .V 1401. $7 500?VICINITY CLEVELAND PAKK. NEW bungalow; 0 rooms ,and bath; every m(^era convenience; U acA of ground, early occu nancv: convenient to cars; terms. North 1401. $8,750?CHEVY CHASE. I). C.. KUKNISIIEO'. immediate occupancy; by owner, detached, built to order; 8 rooms, bath; reception hall, lot 60x170; shade trees; front and rear porch; es- sleeping porch; open fireplaces, screens, ?il in cellar? rear stairway; abundance of closets; slate roof; laundry tubs; h.-w.h.. electric lights: easy terms. N. 1401. FVrioXKNT INVESTMENT?EXCEEDINGLY well built residence, remodeled into three com Dlcte and very attractive modern h?u'e^eePj..s I apartments owner leaving city. Quick sale, $S.500- 2418 14th ST. N.W . IN NOHTHWKST; NEAIt 9th AND 11th &C car line; modern, six rooms, tile bath, hot wa t" heat; $4,500; $750 cash. Owner. Boom 414 Kenois blilg.. lltli and (.. OWNER WILL DELIVER POSSESSION at once if desired. A most attractive stone front residence of 10 large, bright r^ms two baths, steam I"1*1; located west of Conn. near S st. n.w. Trice. $11,000. This is an excellent home in an excellent npif >'l'orh"c? A. V. HOUGHTON & CO., lolG H at. . -We have the REST in every section. 30 NEAR 14tli ST. AND PAKK ROAD N.W. Attractive brick resilience, 8 large rooms on ? floors and tile bath, 4 bedrooms and attic, el?truT'lights; hot-water heat; 5 i fine laree front porch; house 2- it. irontajre, laree yard to 20-ft. alley. A rare to secure a pretty home in ai mostt desiirabl location. Now occupied by owner who wi eive POSSESSION. Price is right, *8,ouu. A. C. HOUGHTON & CO.. 1516 H: st. ".w. ??We have the BEST in everv section. 30 NEAR 14<h AND GIRARD Si. N.W. $8,000 furnished. 8-story stone and brick front "J1"1?"-.,9, rooms and bath; owner leaving city and will give immediate possession if desired. A. C. HOUGHTON & CO.. 1510 H at n.w ??We have the ltKST In every section. 30. LOCATED NEAR 1st AND B. I. AVE. SM. Attractive 2-story, bay-window, brick rest dence of 9 moms .bath; hot-v^r beat^ good condition; ready for Immediate occu pancy. Price. $6,500. Terms. A. C. HOUGHTON 4 CO., 1516 H at. n.w. "We have the BEST in every section. 30 'IMMEDIATE POSSESSION nROORLAND D. C. ; 15 MINUTES FKUM heart of city. Pretty hollow-tile, steel-construct ed bungalow; 0 large, bri?" rooms bath on first floor; large, spacious, flwred attic hot-water heat; electric lights. Lot 45X15U. a s?a! C?THoVgiITON & CO.. 1516 H at. n.w. "We have the BEST In every section. 30' 710?DETACHED RESIDENCE?BROOK land, D. C. ; Just 15 minutes from heart of the city ? ?-story frame: 0 rooms and bath , and'cellar; hot-water heat; alate roof, 45x150. Possession at once. A C HOUGHTON 4 CO., 1516 H at. n-W ? TV> have the BEST In every section. 30* *?" PRICE, $3,750. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. ?K+nr naw yead; 2-story brick reaiaenee. nr?^S?l?T Vew ;6 rooms; all modern improve EJSfS? ftoat and rear porches; large yard; house ' in excellent condition; owner city. Terms, $500 or more cash, balance monthly like rent. Act qol?; A. C. HOUGHTON* CO.. 1518 "We have the BEST in ctcI y section.?so_ New Home?Possession. IN PHT WORTH. A BEAUTY. Don't miss this one. Owner moving from city. Six rooms and bath, hot-water heat, electricity, screened porches, oak floors, weather stripping:; coal in for winter; good lot to alley; one square from care. Chance to get a new home reasonable. See X B. BROWN, 301 Southern bldg. Franklin 2633. A SIX-ROOM PRACTICALLY NEW HOUSE; tile bath; h.-w. h.; electricity; price, $6,000; reasonable terms. Owner, 937 Shepherd st. n.w. 31* 300 H 8T. N.W.?STORE AND FLAT. 6R. AND BATH; H.-W. HEAT; $5,250. WILLETT & REINECKJ2 CO., 1309 H ST. N.W. $5,000?NO. 202 D ST. N.W.; RENTING FOR $60; divided into four tenements, bnyer could convert into one rooming house; terms, $1,000 cash, balance monthly. / NEWSOM. Line. 2071. 1110 H n.e. OCCUPIED BY OWNER; QUICK POSSB8 sion; near 14th and Monroe sts. n.w.; attrac tive modern house of ten rooms and bath; co lonial-front porch; lot 115 ft. to 30-ft. alley; price reasonable. JOHN QUINN CO.. INC.. 704 13th n.w. Main 435. 721 FLORIDA AVE. N.E.. ON CAR LINE AND beautiful park; $3,750; $750 cash. Owner. 414 Kenois bldg.. 11th and Q. 31* OWNER HAS INSTRUCTED US TO OFFER FOR IMMEDIATE SALE, 7-room brira dwelling, 4 bedrooms. MASSACHUSETTS AVENUE NEAR LINCOLN PARK. Price, $3,950. Reasonable terms. HERBERT A. GILL A 80N, 1406 G st. n.w. NEAR UNION DEPOT?DANDY H.-W. heated, 2-story hricfc dwelling. Can sell for $5,000. D. H. J0HN80N. 1338 H st. TWO-FAMILY FLAT On Heights. Lire la one, rent the other out. Possession at once. \ Price, $6,850. C. F. WARING. Franklin 5571. 12-ROOM BRICK HOUSE, WITH 3 BATH rooms, heated by hot- water; 1st floor, parlor, reception hall, dining room, pantry and kitchen; 4 bedrooms and bath off 2nd floor; 4 bedrooms ?pd bath on 3rd floor; with brick garage in rear, opening on 80-ft. alley; price, $10,000. Possession 30 days. 1130 25th st. n.w. SO* } FOB SALE. FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED. Actual possession given withvieod. Modern home, near 'Connecticut eve. end Bureen of Stendarda. ' Six bedrooma. two batha. Largo living room and sun parlor on second floor. Parlor, large hall, dining room, breakfast room end Id tehee on flret floor. Price ? Furnished. $15,000. Unfur nished, $13,500. JOH1V W. THOMPSON A 00? 728-732 15th sL n.w. TWO MODERN SUROOM HOUSES N.E. See CHA8. A. PETERS. Owner, 626 14th a*. Fhoat Line. 218, or see your broker. iH FOB SALE HOUSES. Owtow*. f owner Leaving city Possession Soon B rand-New House r.lrtit prm brick: C rooms and tile bath; cellar; electric llehta: Bleeping porch; hot water beat; laundry tuba and aerranfa toilet; double floora; 6 tona coal in cellar. Boom lor (U1|C. _ _ i Price, $6,850 ! * This bouse will sell quick. C. F. Waring, Franklin 5571, 301 Southern Bldg. MOVE IN THIS MONDAY DOWNTOWN?Brick: 9 rooms and bath; cel lar ; furnace heat; lot 1-OX124 to 30-ft. alley. Price, $5,650. ? Terms: $650 Down?Balance $30 Per Month on Principal Nice white neighborhood. OWNER LEAVING TOWN. - C. F. Waring, Franklin 5571, 301 Southern Bldg. "We have the BEST In every section." A. C. HOUGHTON & CO.. 151? H at. n.w. Phones; Main T53G and Main 7537. norSS* IMMEDIATE POSSESSION Bargain to close an estate: splendid resi dence. having large frontage, on 8 st. overlook ing N. H. are.; containing 12 rooms, 3 baths; hot-water heat. etc.; double garage. GEORGE j. EASTERDAY, 1410 G N.W. M. 1227 FOR SALE? Possession Nov. tst. Detached Palatial Residence On Columbia road near 16th st. n.w.; containing 15 rooms and attic; 11 bed rooms, large porches; thoroughly modern; beauti ful lawns, facing on 2 streets ;the most convenient location in Washington Heights. Price, $42,500.00 For particulars apply Owner, Room 16, Hutchins Bldg., cor. 10th and.D Sts. N.W. Phone Main 2850. FOlt SALE ? TWO-STORY. SEVEN-BOOM brick house; large garage. 1720 New Jersey ave. n.w. 29* NEW SIX-ROOM BUNGALOW. AT 2d AND Eastern ave.. Takoma Park, Md. Call THEO. MICHAEL. 25 New York ave. n.e. 29* FOR SALE?IN REFINED NEIGHBORHOOD, high elevation, in the northwest section; si* large rooms, reception hall* and bath brick house; cellar under entire house; perfect plumbing and heating plant; colonial front and rear porches; back yard, room for garage; pos session can be had; price, $4,900, on terms; owner. Address Box 330-C. Star office. 29* SEMI-DETACHED HOl'SE IN FINE NORTH east section, convenient to car lines of both companies; six rooms and bath; good furnace; early possession; for quick sale, only $5,150; good cash payment required. Phone Frank^n 6105. ^ FOR SALE?TO COUORED, SIX-ROOM AND bath house, Q st, near 15th n.w.; price, $3,950; moderate cash payment, balance like rent. W. MrKINLAY. Room 20. 810 F st. n.w. 630 15th ST. N.E., NEAR H; SIX ROOMS, batli and cellar; large front and back yards; owner. 29* immediate possession, owneb In house; 7 rooms and bath; large sleeping porch and double garage; nice neighborhood; near Lincoln Park: h.w. heat; condition good as new. Price. $7.000. A. B. WILLI8. N. 1421. LARGE HOUSE. CONDUIT ROAD. D. C.? Amberger Farm. Pine station. 29* THREE TEN-ROOM BRICK HOUSES" AND bath?15, 17. 19 D st. s.e.; $3,500 each; near car lines. 906 H st. n.e 6* LET YOUR NEIGHBOR PAY YOUR RENT by purchasing a high-grade apartment building ?two apartments of five rooms and bath each, double porches, front and rear; separate cel lars, heating plants and yards. Rent one and live in the other. There is as much room in one apartment as you find in the ,six-room box type house, and for $6,000 you obtain ten rooms and two baths, instead of six rooms and a bath. Located in a fine neighborhood, at 1120 and 1122 Florida ave. n.e. Address Box 289-A. Star office. BEAUTIFUL, NEW, DETACHED HOLLOW tile bungalow, on Madison st. n.vj. (near 16th st.) and convenient to 14th st. car line, con taining eight large, bright rooms; attractive fireplace; hardwood floors; large porches front and back; deep lot with garage; IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. ROBERT E. HEATER, Colorado building. Phone Main 1064. BEAUTIFUL HOME NEAR BUREAU OF STANDARDS Nearly new, colonial brick; every known modern convenience. ? DESCRIPTION. FIRST FLOOR?Drawing room, reception hall, dining room, breakfast porch, kitchen and pantry (cement floor). SECOND FLOOR?Large living room, with colonial mantel and open fireplace; two bedrooms, sleeping porch (glassed and screened), tiled bath. THIRD FLOOR?Four bedrooms, lava tory. shower and toilet. Hardwood floora thronghout; finest screening throughout; best metal weather strips and awnings. CELLAR?Cement floor, dry, sonny; best hot-water heating plant thermostat at tachment; instantaneous Pittsburgh hot water heater; servants' room; storags room; toilet end laundry. House 25 feet wide; lot 125 fleet to wide paved alley; room for garage. House phone on each floor. WINTER'S SUPPLY OF GOAL AND WOOD IN CELLAR. Immediate Possession McLACHLEN BANKING CORPORATION. M. 432. (Real Estate Dept.) 10th and G n.w. EXCLUSIVE AGENTS. NEW, 7 ROOMS AND BATH; H.-W. HEAT; built-in refrigerator; concrete porches; glass inclosed porch. Possession Nov. 1. OWNER, 119 Rock Creek Church road. 31* FOR SALE?IMPORTANT. ALWAYS READ OUR ADVERTISEMENTS. PHONE M. 2332 FOR NUMBERS. OR CALL AT OFFICE. WE OFFER THE BEST BARGAINS, THE BE8T LOCATED HOUSE8. PRICES 80 LOW THAT YOU SHOULD RESELL AT A PROFIT. YOU CANNOT AFFORD TO BUY WITHOUT GETTING OUR LIST. STONE A FAIRFAX. 1342 N. Y. ave. n.w. For Sale?Easy Terms! NEAR 14th AND Q STS. N.W. 10 rooms and bath, cellar, etc.; lot 22 ft. wide; price. $7,500; terms, $200 cash, balance easy. Write OWNER, Box S06-T, Star office, or phone Columbia 4195. ON M ST. N.W.?$200 CASH. 9 rooms and bath; hot-water heat; price, $7,500; big bargain. OWNER, Box 805-T, Star office. GOOD NORTHEAST SECTION?$200 CASH. Press brick; 6 rooms and bath; cellar; hot water heat; price, $3,650. OWNER, Box 305-T, Star office. Phone Columbia 4195. BEAUTY CORNER HOME?6 ROOMS, BATH, hardwood floors, mantels, front and rear porch es. room for auto; only $8,950; possession st once. ROLAND C. BOOTH. 215 E n.w.. F. 2702. MODERN SIX-ROOM HOUSE. 1139 4th ST. n.e.; a.m.!.; large yard to^alley; monthly ten ant; $4,300; terms. OWNER. 630 Southern building. M. 2888. 1735 LAMONT ST. 12 ROOMS, 8 BATHS, PORCHES. SIDI YARD, GARAGE, REASONABLE PRICE. 227 FLA. AVE. N.W. 8 ROOMS, TILED BATH; HOT-WATBB HEAT. TRUST, $3,800, BLDG. ASSN. L. W. GROOMES, 1416 F ST. FOR BAUD ? NEW BUNGALOW. Just being finished and ready for im mediate occupancy. Within 28 min utes of the center of the city. 5, 6 and 7 rooms each. Reasonable terms can be arranged. PHILLIPS A PAGER, INC.. M. 98. 1406 New York ore. n.w. FOR HOMES AND INVESTMENTS "See MAHORNEY A .SULLIVAN? They Know Washington/* 006 New York ave. Tel. Main 7821. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. la Chevy Chase's Most Desirabls ? NO. 17 GRAFTON STRUT. Largo modern hoase. 15 rooms, 8 baths, Hst \ water heat; all modern improvements. JN LOAN AND COMPANY, UAL EST ATS DEPARTMENT. FOB SALE?HOUSES. C?tU?4. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION ? NEW HAMP shire ave. and 8; IS large rooms, 8 baths; 4 open fireplaces; h.-w.h.; electric llfbU; cold storage; numerous " closets, butler's pantry, sleeping porches, roof garden, parqoette floors; brick garage, two cars; heated with hot and cold running water; Pittsburgh instantaneous beater; awnings, screens. Home of a former prominent banker, deceased. Will sell at a sacrifice price of $20,000. furnished, to dose estate; terms. North 1401. VICINITY OF BEAUTIFUL. SHElUpAN CIR cle; $7,750; 8 rooms, bath; open fireplaces; two Mocks to cars; reasonable possession; good heating plant; upstairs kitchen; easy terms, N. 1401. NEAR 18TH AND KALO RAMA ROAD N.W. Price Only $5,000. Easy Terms. Two-story, bay-window press brick; 6 rooms and tile bath; cellar; electric lights; hot-water heat. C. F. Waring, 301 South'n Bldg. Corner Press Brick in West Washington 10 rooms and bath; furnace heat; built for owner at cost of at least $2,000 more than asking price of $6,760. Near 28th and P Sts. N. W. Handsome bay-window brick; 9 rooms and bath; first floor kitchen; j furnace. Price, $5,750. Near 11th & Lamont Sts. N. W. Handsome 3-story brick: 5 bed rooms: first floor kitchen; side alley; only $5,650; several thousand less than original selling price. Near 20th and K Sts. N. W. That desirable downtown section west of Conn, ave.; substantial 9 rooms and bath; furnace; garage, and price only $5,350. In the Northeast A section that will constantly im prove; an artistic cement-orer-brick dwelling of 6 rooms and bath; elec tric lights; furnace heat; -on accom modating terms at $3,950; 12 like this already sold. We sold twelve like this in vless than a week Owner has been ordered from Wash ington. NOW VACANT. 5 blocks south of Cspitol; same house north west would bring double the aAing price; on terms that mean you can secure a home, an income and at the same time a valuable piece of real es tate; the owners of adjoining houses are doing it now; 12 rooms, 2 baths; ^ steam heat; electric lights; $500 cash required. Church St., near 18th 9 rooms and bath; furnace beat. Price, $7,000. Allan E. Walker & Co., Inc., 813 15th St. N. W. Main 426 First Floor Southern Gldg. HIGH-CLASS SEMI-DETACHED HOMES 2711 to 2725 Conn. Ave N.W. JUST COMPLETED 10, 11 and 12 rooms; 4 baths with showers; vacuum cleaning sys tem, and all up-to-date features. OPEN FOR INSPECTION MIDDAUGH & SHANNON. (Incorporated) Builders and Owners, 1040 Woodward Bldg. Phone Main 6935. LIST YOUR PROPERTIES WITH US. For sale or rent. Quick results. BANES REALTY CO. | WANTED TO BUY. Cash for house from owner, or year's rent in advance, for house or apart ment; urgent need. Address Box 144-D, Star office. * j WANTED?RESIDENCE BETWEEN M AND j R sts., 16th and 25th sts.; willing to consider i price of twenty to thirty thousand for satisfac- j tory bouse. * ? IN OR NEAR CITY. PREFER FROM OWN- j er; have $5,000 cash; please state price and i especially possession. Address Box 54-B, Star j offio#. i HOI. SK?6 OR 7 ROOMS; MODERN CON- I veniences: preferably suburbs; name lowest | terms and price. Address Box 81-D, Star of- j flee. 29* j We Have Demand for HOUSES ALL SECTIONS. ' Prompt and efficient service rendered. A. O. HOUGHTON A CO.. 1516 H st. n.w. | "We have the BEST in every section." ecv26* I MUST HAVE A HOME RIGHT AWAY. What have you got? Terms, $2,000 cash, j Please answer at once. Address Box 61-D, Star : office. j WANTED?HAVE SUBSTANTIAL COLORED buyers for 6 to 8 room modern bouses, n.w. section; furnace or h.w.h.; $4,000 to $5,000. IRVIN A SHANK. 1410 G st. n.w. Main 8908. HOME THAT I CAN GET POSSESSION OF 80 days; win pay cash. Write full details as to price and location. Address Box 46-A. Star office. FOR EXCHANGE. WANTED?APT. H0U8B FOR CLEAR ACRE age, lots, investment houses snd equities in; good 6-rdom brick homes. Send full data. Ad- j dress Box 277-C. Star office. j LARGE. ACTIVE LIST OF RESIDENCES, business and suburban properties, apartments, I building lots and farms on which exchanges j can be made; we are making a specialty of ! this field acd have msny advantageous propo- ! sitions. THOMAS J. FISHER A CO., Inc., 738 15th st. n.w. Exchsnge Department. i I HAVE SEVERAL VERY DESIRABLE I/JTS. I clear, to trade for equity in good house. Ad dress Box 329-C, Star office. FOE SALE 0B EXCHANGE. GENTLEMAN'S COUNTRY ESTATE. 80 acres of land, improved by 10-room master's1 house, 6-room manager's house. 5-room tensnt house, other outbuildings. IMMEDIATE POS SESSION. Just 15 minutes by automobile from Treasury bid*., south of wireless towers, ac cessible to Mount Vernon boulevard. Price, $30,000. E. H. TAGGART. 8ales Agent, 1320 New York ave. n.w. S#_ INVESTMENT PROPERTY. RENT. $648 YEAR. PRICE. $6,000. Well located. Just off Pa. ave. s.e., four modern, two-story bricks; rented at pre-war rents. L. E. F. PRINCE, 1410 H st. n.w. BUSINESS PROPERTY. FOR SALE. t SPECULATION OR INVESTMENT. FOUR brick buildings In the wholesale district, B st. bet. 9th and 10th. This class of property is seldom offered. Price for all, $65,000. THOS. W. FOWLER A SON, 737 13th st. n.w. FOUR-STORY business block, centrally located near government building; partially arranged for living apartments; will consider exchange for farm property in part. Address Box 152-D, Star office. 31* 8286 AND 8288 "M" ST. N.W.?-THREES story and cellar brick building, stores and dwelling. Lot 47-ft. front. Price. $10,500. WM. P. NORMOYLE. 810 "F" st. n.w. FOR SALE?LOTS. TWO BEAUTIFUL LOTS ON ROCK GREEK Church road. oterlookinr Soldier.' Home; bet ojrr take. them. Addreaa Box 89-D. Star office. SO* FARMS. FOR SALE. 141 ACRES. 80 CLEAR, BALANCE TIMBER; 2 house., barn. etc.; fruit, berrtea aad (rape.: watered by four running .treama and rood aprtng; $42.50 per acre; 17 mile, oat; S miles went of Vienna, Va. 111% acre.; 6-room houae; barn and other ootbofldlnca; fruit, etc.: IS,500; 1% miles wrath of Burke station. Va. MARTIN T. WEBB. Room 5. 1418 H at. n.w. 120 ACRES: 10 MILES N.W. CTTT. BE AN owner and operator of a farm. Price, $15,000. Add re as Box 320-C, Star office. 29* . FARM AND SUBURBAN PROPERTIES. ON* to 1,000 acre, for aal. or ucbanae IfeLACHLEN BANKING CORPORATION. X. 4M. (BcaLBsiata VSl) lots ?=? Q =.*. SUBTJBB AH PEOPEETT. row MAI.n. I OOZY, ATTRACTIVE. fr-ROOM HOUSE I Barcroft, Vt.; one acre potad, fmit chicken houses; rood shade. See owner. M' DECKER. 501 Northbcook Omrta. ?1* . DETACHED RESIDENCE. 25 MIS from Treararj; 8 rooms and bath, hot-wat (heat, electricitj and (as; porches front * | back; concrete cellar tinder entire bouse; 50x150; by car line; crapes, fruit trees chicken house. Address Bos 124-D, Star lice. ' AT STATION IN CLARENDON?BEAUTIFU 5-room and bstli bungalow; front and re* porches; lot 50x125 ft: ens; A1 condition; rented to good tenants. $35 per month. Price, $2,950; $500 cash, balance $25 per month. At Falls Church. Va.?10-room boose; acres food land; two wells; barn, cbickea house, meat house, etc. ; apples, pescbes, pears, cherries and small fruits: one horse: wairon ; harness; surrj; buggy; plows, harrows, etc. ; all for $4,500 If sold at once. $1,000 cash, balance $3." per month, principal and interest. $3,100?0 rooms and bath; hot-water best; pas; electricity: oellar; lot 30x133 ft.; at sta tion in Hyattsrille; $500 cash. 20 seres *%-room house, barn ; apples, peaches, pesrs: $3.r>ou: * mile* out Va.; $1,500 cash. MARTIN T. WEBB. Room 8. 1418 H st. n.w. 5-ROOM BUNGALOW. FURNISHED: NEAR ly ton of coal; $1,COO; close to station; a bargain; terms. WM I>E MOTT. BrsceTllle. Md. j IMMEDIATE POSSESSION, MT. R A! NIK if one fare; 7-r. house; 2(H> ft. sta.; g?* ; elec tricity; newly papered: lsrge lai: $250 cash, $5Q monthly. See BON DURANT. lit. RslnW. ? FOR COLORED OF THE BETTER CLASS- - Glendale, D. C.. is within four miles of the Capitol; fine elevation, water and aewer, elec tric lights. Many modern homes hare t?^*n erected. I?ts $250 and up; $5 cash and $5 p.-r month. Take H street cars marked "District Line" to 48th st. n.e., walk south into Glen dale, D. C. Salesmsn on property every day until dark. 1RVIN A 8HANK. 1410 G st, n.w. Main 3908. BEAUTIFUL LARGE 8UBURBAN HOME, with all modern conveniences, finished base ment, attic; lot 110x150, corner: in best resi dential aection: fruit and shrubbery; immediate possession; $4,750; terms. Owner, 414 Kenoi* bid*.. 11th snd G. 31* PRETTY, NEW BUNGALOW, WITH EVERT modern convenience; five large rooms and bath; attic and finished basement; $4,000; terms. Owner. 414 Kenois bid*.. 11th and G. 31* RIVERDALK, MD.?VERY ATTRACTIVE. Detached residence, in beautiful condition and entirely furnished: 12 rooms and tiled bath; electric lights; hot-water heat; gss range for cooking; large porches on 3 sides; lot 1 acre in sixe. improved M'ith fruit, berries, large shade and enclosed with hedge. This house is fine. Price only $10,500. A. C. IIOUGHTON A CO.. 1516 H st. n.w. "We have the BEST in every section." 80* ARLINGTON. VA.?7 R.; A.M.I.; 1MMEDI ate possession; large lot; 25 min. li'tU and Pa. ave. n.w.; $3,750. C. B. MUN80N. 1328 N. Y. ave. nw FOR SALE?FINE BRICK STORE AND dwelling nt St. Elmo. Alexandria county. Va.. opposite Potomac yards, where 1,000 men are employed : reached by Alexandria electric cars from 12th st. and Avenue. Further particulars of JOHN D? NORMOYLE. Alexandria, Va. OWNER OCCUPANT; 8 LARGE ROOMS; RK ception hall: bathroom; attic; concrete cellar;' garage: h.w.h. ; 2 lots. For U-rms phone H.vattsville 270. 2* FOR SALE?7- ROOM SUBURBAN HOOK, best location; >c.ll modern improvements, in cluding hot-water heat: coal in cellar: will sell furniture; immediate possession. FRANK LYON, Colorado bldg. M. 4198; Rossiyn 143-C. 1'ft* 8-ROOM HOUSE. $1,250; NEAR ROCKVILLE. B. & O. railroad and electric: immediate pos session. Address Box 319-C. Star ofllcc. 29* HOME SEEKER PLEASE NOTE: Why not build in CHEVY CHASE? NOW is the time to plan YOUR OWN HOME. We will lend you the money, or build for you. HOME BUILDER, Address Box 5R-C. Star office. 81* BIG ? BARGAIN?ONLY $2,950. 6-ROOM house; large lot, fruit, etc.; bath, hot-water heat, gas and electricity; owner leaving. See J. M. EARNEST. Mt. Rainier. Md. ?!? TAKOMA PARK OPPORTUNITIES. Now is the time to buy extremely cheap some of the best building lots in Takoma Park. Several nice corners, splendlly located, will be much higher* in the spring. Fine nine-room dwelling near both electric lines; large lot: possession in ten days; up-to-date; around $6,000. Elegant corner on 14th st. line; % acre of land; immediate possession; $7,500. Five large lots facing two 6treets, large dwelling, well located for further improvements; $tf.500. TAKOMA PARK REALTY CO., Takoma Park. D. C. Col. 7798-W. CLARENDON SECTION, VA. Only 8 miles out on electric. T-room frame and bath; furnace heat: else- * trie light and gaa for cooking; laundry tub In cellar; beautiful lawn, shade, shrubbery snd flowers; hedge; line of bearing tree and vine fruits; chicken house and run. Price. $6,000. 1V4 acres of ground. STONE A FAIRFAX. Ask for Crossmsn. CHEVY CHASE. D. C. Ten rooms and servant's room; hot-wat^r heat; all modern improvements: 1% squares 9 from Conn. ave. car line; southern exposure: 50 ft. lot; plenty of trees: possession in sbout two weeks; occupied by owner. WM. H. RITCHIE. Colorado bnilding. Phone Franklin 5758. ONLY $2,250; ON CAR LINE; 30 MINUTES from center of city. OWNER. Room 519 Loan j and Trust bldg. Phone Main 148. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION: COZY 5-ROOM bungalow on fine, large lot. Elec. light, gas, furnace, open fireplace, tile batb. large porches, attic, cellar, etc. One block from cars. Fins location close to city. Price, $4,000. Terms. A. B. CAMPBELL. 1410 H n.w. FOR RENT. i HANDSOMELY FURNISHED BUNGALOW, facing Rock Creek Park; all modern improve' | ments; beautiful grounds; tenant's house; larpe I stable; garage; will be rented to responsible ' tenant at moderate rental: immediate |k>*s<v [ sion. 1140 15th st. n.w. Phone Main 10076. .*{0* j FOR RENT?IN THE CHEVY CHASE SEC - j tion and commanding a magnificent view of Rock Creek Park and surrounding country; I beautiful country home, partially furnished; j semi-bungalow, with hot-water heat and ar?? I sian well water; 5 acres of gronnd, improved J by beautiful trees and shrubs; bouse contains | living-hall with open fireplace, library, dining room and kitchen on first floor; two rooms and bath on second floor. House will be put in thoroughly comfortable condition for winW occupancy for desirable tenant. An opportunity for a small family to procure a beautiful snb urban home at a moderate rent. LEE I). LATIMER CO.. 1434 New York ave.; Franklin 8105. OFFICIAL NOTICES. OFFICE OF THE SUPERINTENDENT OF LI-i ! censes. District of Columbis, Wsshington. D. j C., October 23, 1918. Notice Is hereby given 1 that on the thirty-first day of October, 1918. sli of the following licenses will expire: Apothe caries, auctioneers, sutomobile storage war? - , %>uses, bill posters, billisrd. pool sod other ; tables, bowling alleys, bosrding houses, public j baths, mediums, clsirvoysnts, palmists, etc.. j cattle dealers, commission merchants, cigar I dealers, building contractors, csrrisge snd 1 wagon makers, confectioners, <fr>sl<rs in sec ond-bsnd personsl property, deslers in msrk? t?. dealers in gasoline, dealers in kerosene oil snd oils of like grade, manufacturers. whole??i. and retail druggists who sell alcohol, f?.| hucksters, florists. ho??ls, employment agrn cies. Investment companies^ public halls, pub lie psrks. livery stsbles. steam snd hand laim dries, land snd improvement compsnic*. loan brokers, railrosd ticket brokers, restaurs n'? and eating houses, real estate agents, slot ma chines, theaters, undertakers. All person* de siring to continue the sbove deM-nbcd t?u?i ness or professions must promptly renew o?. ir licenses. WADE H. COOMBS, Superintendent of Licenses. D. C. oe23-8t.etSu PROPOSALS DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR. BURKA1 of Mines, Washington. October 20. 1R1N Sesled proposals will be received in this bureau, at room No. 135, until 1 o'clock p.m. Friday. No vember 1, 1918, for the furnishing of wood to th? government fuel yards, to be used In supply ing the various federal and municipal office* in the District of Columbis for a term of s!t months. Form of proposal will be supplied on application. All propossls must be ?erurel? enveloped, marked "Proposals for Storing Coal snd Wood." and be addressed to the Hire. 1 or of the Burean of Mines. Department 0f Interior. Washington, I>. C. The right is r?* served to reject any and all bids, or to accept or reject any part thereof in the discretion of the bureau. VAN II. MANNING, Director* Bureau of Mines. ? oc2K 2t OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER^ Dis trict of Columbia, October 24, 1918. Sealed proposals will be received st the office of the Secretsry of the Board of Commissioners, Room 511. District Building, until 2 o'clock P.M . November 4. 1918. for furnishing snd install ing piping and boiler connections st the Central* Power Plant snd Ice Plsnt, st the D. C. Re formatory and Workhouse, at Occoquan. Vs. Blank forms of propossl. specifications and all necessary information may be obtained from the Chief Clerk. Engineer Department, Room 427. District Building. Washington. I). C. LOUIS BROWN LOW. JOHN gTd. KNIGHT. W. GWYNN GARDINER. Commissioners. D. C. oc24-8t.exSn MOVING, PACKING & STORAGE ? STORAGE BOOMS. C-| , ?H MOV ING.PACK.IW6*1 By lupcrti. Imw Mi a njrfo* stoxaoi oo.. North 104 clear. okx stuhauk ron rSBwi u* plaaoa., cheerfully Sim. 0? vesleat location. WESCHUCK'S M H. a.w. Mate 12KL STORAGE, *1 PEK MONTH DP; CKATINO. pacfclac. shipping to all point.; batatas. plaa. BOTlBC a aperlalty. CONNECTICUT BTOKAUd AXDtXPKtSH OO..W H a... Ft. LUfc. aa. "SMITH'S TRAKSKKR AMD STORAGE CU. NORTH IM2, N. KMX K. UM. Nlfkt or H.l Uw. Fraakllfi 3*11. ?? M)?i6-MSTA?iCB IQlHili. ?BA1ETY r 1KST."' ABSOLUTELY FIUEPKOO*' gTORAQA UNITED STATES SCORAtjS DO.. I?w, $2.00 and up. Morlr.g. rt-pc Mala 1228. 41S-4JU 10k ?U