OCR Interpretation

Evening star. [volume] (Washington, D.C.) 1854-1972, October 30, 1918, Image 1

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83045462/1918-10-30/ed-1/seq-1/

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Yesterday's Net Grata*, 1 ?8,443
s ' Qosmg New. York Stocks, Page 17.
No. 27,217.
Rain tonight and probably tomorrow,
cooler. /
Temperature for twenty-four hours
ending 2 p.m. today: Highest. 82. at
2:? p.iri. yesterday; lowest, 64, at 6
a.m. today.
Jfjll report on page 17.
> Note Received From
die German Govern
ment Today Leaves
Situation Un
Probably Will Be Referred to War
. Conncil?President Working
^ on Reply to Vienna.
Ahother note from the Ger
man government reached Wash
ington today. It supplements
the the last brief communica
tion, saying armistice terms
were awaited, by reciting in
detail governmental changes
which have taken place in Ger
many as evidence that the kaiser
has been deprived of all power
ot making war and negotiating
Sent Through Swiss Legation.
Frederick Oederlin, the Swiss charge,
received the .German note' and ap
peared at the State Department shortly
before noon to deliver it.
. It stated later that 4he new
communication made no change in the
situation. The fiext step is expected
to be an announcement of armistice
terms from one or all the capitals of
the co-belligerents.
This time the Germans do not ad
dress President Wilson personally, but
send the information for the American
government, apparently recognizing
that tlie atagt of personal appeals has
massed with the transmission of their
imistice and peace plea to the allies.
It reiterate* that the actual power
and responsibility of the government
ha* been transferred to the reichstag
and describes the progress of the;
necessary constitutional changes.
The note probably will be forwarded
immediately to Paris, where the supreme'
war council already is reported to have
formulated terms upon wnich the United
States and the alliea might permit a
cessation of hostilities.
President Busy on Note.
As wojif'of the new German move
?Mae it-was learned that President Wil
son .Was working today on a reply to
the last note from Vienna, in which the
Austrian government accepted all prin
ciples and conditions of the President
an4 asked for armistice and peace pro
The reply, which probably will be
maHe public before night, is expected
to Inform the authorities at Vienna
that on the basis of acceptance of all
conditions, including actual independ
ence. and not mere autonomy, for
subject nationalities, their request
has been referred to the governments
with which the United States is asso
Probably Will Demand Surrender.
Although officials here regard the
Austro-Hungarian situation as far
from clarified and are inclined to
question how far the government at
Vienna now Is qualified to speak for
any one. the understanding is that
it > is to be deait with on the
theory that, as Urthe case of the Ger
mans, acceptance of armistice terms
amounting,.to surrender- in the field
will be tbe best guarantee of faithful
performance of any promises.
Secretary Lansing had not received
toda? the note reported to be coming
Ipom Count Andressy? the Austrian for
eign minister, asking him to intervene
with President Wilson to hasten an
armistice and peace discussions. It is
assumed that this unusual procedure
was adopted to impress u|>on yie people
at home the desire of the government to |
bring, about Immediate peace. Another |
communication to the President himself
was not in order, no reply having been i
I freived from the last.
The armistice program said to have I
been prepared by the supreme war
council had not been reported on earlv
today by the American representatives".
Senate Committee Summons News
paper Writer. Who Has Investi
gated Production.
Investigation into the coal situation, j
which was begun under a resolution |
adopted last session, is to be re- ]
opened by the Senate manufacturesj
committee, according to an announce
ment today by Chairman Reed of MLs
Sophia Irene Loeb, a New York
newspaper writer, who has been mak
ing an iadependent Investigation Into
coal production, will be the first wit
ness Other witnesses. Senator Reed
said, 4H11 be announced later.
? The exaot date tor resuming the
hearings has not yet been 'Set.
but Senator Reed said the investiga
tion would begin as soon as the mem- i
bar* of the committee returned after I
tee election.
Under the resolution the committee ?
:o investigated the sugar situation,
< ,d plana are being discussed looking
io> a reopening of that subject, too, it
was learned.
V-Boats Sparing Passenger Boats.
LONDON. October 29.?For the time
beijiff there has' been a cessation of
U-boAi attacks on pauenier steamers,
Ap#T^w Sonar Law announced in the
heuM e( commons today.. But. he
addt& there have been attacks on
otlpr steamers during the past week.
Demand Depriving Germany
of Power on Land and Sea
Hoped For.
Above the possible confusion of re
iterated German and Austro-Hun
garian peace notes, being received and
answered and received and referred
by this government, stands out the
salient feature of the war situation,
The designation of the terms upon
j which an armistice?the immediate
suspension of military operations re
quested so urgently bj* the central
powers?can be granted.
Such declaration of actual conditions
of armistice myst be made by "the
military advisers of the government
of th^ United States and the allied
governments," according to President
Wilson's announcement of October 14.
President Will Transmit Terms.
The supreme council of the allies,
now in session in Versailles, will
specify these terms in detail. Follow
ing the routine of diplomatic courtesy
and in accordance with the ethics of
procedure, the terms will be com
municated to President Wilson to be
by him transmitted to Germany and
to Austria-Hungary.
In this connection it is permissible
to state, upon authority, that thj
terms so deckled upon by the supreme
council of the allies will have the
Indorsement of the government of the
i United States. ^
It also can be stated with authority
that this government has been con
stantlv in touch, over theucables, with
the allied counsellors now arranging
the terms. President Wilson is being
kept cbnstantly-advised of the char
acter of the conditions which the
allies will lay down for the central
? powers before military operations
shall cease.
Deem Reticence Advisable.
It has not been deemed advisable by
the officials of thi# governmenfrto give
I out from Washington any intimation
of the nature of terms which the
United States might think sjiould be
Included in the requirements of the
allies. Withholding of suggestion
along this line is regarded as obvious
1 ]y due out of consideration for the
allies and to avoid even the appear
l ance of dictation by the United States.
Dispatches from abroad/ however,
i have purported to give an outline of
the larger demands which it is re
t ported will be made by the allies and
j it is possible to give an intimation of
how these outlines are regarded in
I important official eircles here.
It is the understanding, derived
from authoritative sources, that this
government will be gratified if the
supreme council of the allies has in
sisted as conditions precedent to
granting an armistice upon the fol
lowing broad demands:
-The surrender of the control of
the allies of the navy of Germany
and ? of the submarine fleets
operated by Germany In northern
waters and by Austria-Hungary in
the Mediterranean.
The surrender to the allte^ of
the fortresses of Metz and Strass
burg and physical occupation by
the allied troops of Alsace-Ix>r
r The control by the allies of forti
fied positions along the Rhine, now
heW as German strongholds.
Would Prevent Renewal of War.
It is explained in official quarters
here that the main object of the gov
ernment of the United States is to
deprive Germany of -the military
potency possibly to renew hostilities
should the negotiations for a figal
and lasting peace prove to be unac
ceptable to Germany and induce
another attempt at forcible imposi
tion upon the world of Prussian ideas.
All the considerations attendant'
upon reaching an armistice should be
kept separate, it is declared, from
discussions of possible terms of peace;
from the reorganization of the Ger
man government, and from reforms
in the constitution of the dual mon
archy of Austria-Hungary.
Reason Assigned for the Assembly
Is That It Was Demanded
by Hungary.
PARIS, October 30 (Havas).?The
Austrian fleet has been hastily concen
trated at Flume, according to a dis
patch from Rome to the Temps, under
date of October 27. A few vessels
remain at Pola, but all that were at
Cattaro have left. It is said that the
concentration was demanded by Hun
gary. *
Flume Is the chief seaport of the
kingdom of Hungary. Pola and Cat
taro are in Austrian territory. It is
probable that Hungary demanded the
concentration of the Austrian fleet at
Fiume in order to have control of it If
the dual monarchy x should dissolve.
There is a strong movement for inde
pendence under way in Hungary, and
Emperor Charles has been reported as
being in favor of Hungarian inde
New Dutch Minister Here Hot, 9.
AMSTERDAM, October 29.?J.K T.
Cremer. newly appointed Dutqb min
ister to the United States, has an
nounced that he has arranged passage
on board the steamer Hollandia and
?m kil to take up his post at Wash
ington on November 9.
Prominent Men, In and Out of
Office, Contribute to/
Bailing Pot.
Charges and counter charges, as
1 severation and denial, unbridled ex
pressions, partisan statements marked |
! by vitriol and bitterness, appeals to i
! party and sectional rancor and a great'
1 deal of common political mud slinging.
Such are the features of the whirl
wind political campaign which has
i suddenly burst over the American
people, following President Wilson's
? appeal for the defeat of the repub
: lican candidates for House and Sen
: ate.'
Variety Is Not lacking.
The highest officials in the country
and the mpst prominent men in
political life, in anil' out of office, are
daily adding contributions by way of
statements, pronunciamentos and
speeches. Partisan arguments are
being put forth from these sources
as well as by the regular campaign
committees. .
On the democratic side, two mem
bers of the President's cabinet and
a former ambassador are out with ut
i terances and statements, while the
democratic campaign committee man
agers issue frequent statements.
Secretary Daniels is touring New
England making speeches carrying
hearers back to old days when he
was a campaign manager. He calls
the republicans "American Junkers."
and says the. "plunderbund" is back
of the republican party.
Postmaster General Burleson issues
a statement "regretting that certain
republican leaders have thrust parti
san politics into the congressional
contest," and quotes from Rodman
Wanamaker, a Philadelphia republi
can, backing President Wilson.
Samuel Untermyer charges the re
| publicans with "conducting a cam
i paign of hypocrisy."
Mr. Gerard Makes Statement.
Former Ambassador Gerard issues
a statement declaring that "all per
sonal and party considerations must
give way before the supreme danger
of German domination."
Chairmen Ferris and Cummings of
the democratic congressional and na
tional committees issued several
statements vigorously attacking the
For the republicans Charles E.
Hughes made a speech in New York
in which he called for national unity
"after the methods of a republio and
not an autocracy," and pledging the
country to support President Wlladn
1 as "the President of the nation, as he
aota according to the .aeai,u? at /Our
i institutions. and save him from the
lesser dignity and influence of mere
party leadership." "
National Chairmafl Will Hays Issued
a statement claiming the 9,000,000 re
| publican men and women of the north
. will resent the President's impinging
their loyalty and asserting that the
President's demand "was an insult to
every republican home in whose win
dow there is a service flag and in
whose name there is a liberty bond."
Col. Roosevelt Finds Fault.
Theodore Roosevelt attacked the
first of the President's fourteen arti
cles of peace and forecast following
criticism of others.
Chairman Fess of the republican
congressional campaign committee
has replied to Joseph P. Tumulty's
statement that former Presidents had
appealed to the country for support
in war time.
Mr. Burleson's Statement.^
Postmaster General Burleson's. state
ment said, in part:
"I sincerely regret that certain re
publican leaders have thrust parti
sanship into _the congressional con
test, which, 'under our Constitution,
was unavoidable at this critical period
of the world war.
"I wish they could have been ani
mated by the same lofty spirit of j
patriotism which moved one of the
cleanest and most high-minded re
publicans in the United States, the
Hon. Rodman Wanamaker. who, in a
recent letter to me. used these words:
" 'During these strenuous days, when
our courageous lads are offering their
lifeblood for the Stars and Stripes we
at -home must back them up with ail
we have and stand by the President
with everything that is in us. and to
j those tottering believers who are
either personally or in gatherings and
: in the nswpapers criticising the meth
| ods and the great diplomatic work
I that is now being done in Washing
ton. 1 can only say that no one is a
true American who stoops to such
criticisms or fears.'"
Cummings Saps Politicians.
Homer S. Cummings, acting chair
man of the democratic national com
mittee. Issued a statements as follows
"I observe that the,President's state-'
ment has created a not unnatural agi
tation amongst those professional poli
ticians who are anxious to obtain con
trol of the government and to change
and direct the policies of the Presi
dent No matter how deep the partisan
agitation may be, the great, mass of
; our people will not be disturbed by
such clamors. They will welcome' the
calm statement of the President to the
people in which he sets forth so clear
ly the imperative need for the elec
tion of a democratic Senate and House.
'It is the tame appeal which was
made by Mr. Lincoln during the dis
tressing days of the civil war. Again
that appeal was made in behalf of Mr
McKinley during the Spanish-American
war. It is an appeal which cannot be
ignored^ and which finds a ready re
sponse in the great heart of a patriotic
and unified people, who. in the supreme
crisis of all times, will have little pa
tience with partisanship and its selfish
purposes. The people of America be
lieve in the President and pro Dose to
follow his leadership."
Flea. Justified, Says Mr. Ferris.
Chairman Ferris of the democratic
congressional committee gave out a
statement in part as follows:
"The republicans are lavishly as
serting that they have' more faith
fully supported the President than
have the democrats."
After reciting what he sets forth as
the record of republican votes on war
measures. Mr. Ferris concluded:
"No. the truth is .President Wilson
is today, the foremost citlxen of the
world. His conduct of the war is ac
ceptable to the whole world, except
Germany and the self-constituted
partisan leaders of the republican
"No. the truth is President Wilson
was justified by both the facta and
the precedents to make the appeal' he
did make. livery war President-who
haa proceeded him haa made sinrflar
appeals?Washington, Uncoln, Me
(Continued on Fourteenth Pace.)
Conferees in Agreement on
Armistice Terms, Says
London Report.
By the Alsoci?t*d P?M.
PARIS, October 30.?The meager
ness of news during this important
period in Paris is due to the strict
ness of the censorship.
"The foregoing relates to the -pro
ceedings of the interallied council, at
which armistice terms, to be submit
tal to a**many. ftBWUSte*
.In addition to the strict censonUUP*
count of the confestlWrov? t cables
by the exchange. of communications
between' the United States govern
ment and its representatives at the
interallied conference.
Go to Military Chiefs.
LONDON. October 29.?The Ver
sallies conference, according? -to_ the
report current in London this after
noon, has agreed on'the m&ln points
of the armistice terms, which will
now be considered by the military
commanders. The -final peace terms,
it is said, will be submitted to Ger
many simultaneously with the armis
tice terms. i.
(6:30 p.m.).?A? pift of -the terms
of an armistice the Evening News
says it understands the allied na
tions will insist upon the surrender of
the German fleet, including all the
German submarines and upon the oc
cupation by allied forces of all the
fortified towns on the Rhine.
Government Must Speak.
LONDON, October 30, via Montreal.?
"Does the premier intend to take steps
to secure that the peace agreement
shall in general principles accord with
the wishes of the majority of the
members of the house of commons?"
was the question submitted in the
house of commons yesterday by Sir
Richard Cooper, unionist for Walsall.
Andrew Bonar Law, government
spokesman, replied that the govern
ment must be the interpreter of the
views of the house and the nation.
Sir Richard then asked if the coun
try would be committed to a secret
peace agreement. In answer, Mr. Bonar
Law said:
"I do not quite know what the hon
orable member means. I do not sup
pose he suggests that peace terms
should be put up to the country as a
referendum, and I know of no other
way in which the country can be rep-.
resented except by the government."
Declares Australia Insists on-Un
conditional Surrender,
MELBOURNE. Australia, October
30, via Montreal.?The people of Aus
fralia will not be satisfied unless Ger
many surrenders unconditionally.. it
is declared in a resolution unanimous
ly adopted by the city council of Mel
bourne. The resolution requests that
Great Britain insist on an adequate
indemnity for Australia, the British
navy not to permit the German flag
on any ocean until such an indemnity
is paid. ,
COPENHAGEN, October 30.?The
Csech national committee took over
the functions of the local government
in Prague, the Bohemian capital,
Monday, marking the final step in
its successful revolution there, ac
cording to a telegram from Berlin to
the National Tidende.
i The Austrian imperial symbols were
removed from various buildings and
imperial proclamations torn down.
The city officials have taken an oath
of fidelity t? the Csech state.
During Monday night the general
commanding the Prague garrison and
his staff plaqed the entire armed
forced in the city at the disposal of
the Csech national committee.
115,000 B^giiter in Porto Rico.
SAN JUAN, Porto Rioo, Monday,
October 28.?On - the basis of incom
plete reports regarding the registration
on i Saturday of men eighteen ? to' forty -
five yean,- Adjt. Gen.' Wilson estimates
that 115.04Q persons-registered in the
island. ?
Hughes' Probe Expected to |
Go to President Today
or Tomorrow.
Attorney General Gregory expects
to send to President Wilson late to
day or early tomorrow Charles E.
Hughes' report on airplane produc
tion. In a letter, of transmittal, the
Attorney General may express some
views differing from those of Mr.
Hughes, with whom he has collabo
rated personally throughout the, in
Wrtfr GiittiW fcurleson
arid Secretary Ttiftiulty,-T*ho called at
-thflNwactment of Justice. Thl? 6a 11
followed the circulation of reports that
the Attorney General might disagree
materially with Mr. Hughes' conclu
Has Praise and Criticism.
The Attorney General has spent most
of his time this week examining the
text of Mr. Hughes' report, which sum
marizes the voluminous testimony of
Army officers, production managers,
government engineers and engineers of |
plants holding contracts.
*? The report is understood to contain
criticism of inefficient methods dis
closed and likewise praise of achieve
ments of certain government production
directors and industrial plants whose
records have been good. There also is
said to be a comprehensive statement
of the situation in the airplane program
today, which recent reports of the War
Department have shown to be ahead of
Other Phases of Beport.
The report, it is said, deals with
separate phases of the production
program, such as the preliminary
planning by Army officers, the ./air
craft board and other advisers called
in by the government; the execution
of these plans and the final results
shown in finished planes. Criticism
both adverse and favorable follows,
and testimony is cited to show where
the fault lay in preliminary ideas and
in the industrial and mechanical ex
The report also show* the money
cost of the airplane program, citing
appropriations and the amount of each
which has been spent.
Shipping Board Says All Can |
Be Brought Over in
* Three Months.
Every United States soldier in Eu
rope can be returned home in three
months, according to estimates made
by the United States Shipping Board.
Ordinarily this could nqt be accom
plished in less than fifteen months,
but the board has worked out a plan
by which all the boys can be returned
to their homes in the shorter period.
? This can be done by converting'
cargo boats into transports. .Usually
soldiers are carried only on. trans
ports. ,bnt the Wat and Navy depart
ments are believed to have assented
to the plan of- the shipping board to.
utilise ships built expressly for car
rying- cargo.
Estimate on Larger Force.
- If it becomes necessary to carry oat
the original program of the War De
partment and take four and a half
million men to Europe the shipping!
board estimates that they can be
brought back in six months. This
means that there must be a continu
ous stream of vessels almost bridg
ing the Atlantic, sailing both ways.
The cargo boats would take needed
machinery and equipment to Europe,
bringing back the men in khaki. The
. most trying time in the lives of many
of the soldiers will be the interval
? between the, close of the war and
1 their return to their country. The
| men who are in the first batch will
fcs regarded, as the luckiest of all.'
[ President Signs Order Per-]
mitting Any Number to
Hold Positions.
Any number of persons In the same
family,may now hold positions in the
government service. President Wilson
last night signed an executive order
setting aside, during the present emer
gency. the law preventing more than
two members of the same family from
accepting po*itio*4 un<ter the civil
service. The text of the order, as made
public by the Givil<#erviofc ?*4Mnission
today, follows:
"In view of conditions existing In
Washington, due to the influenza epi
demic and inadequate housing facili
ties, the Civil Service Commission is
authorized as a war measure to cer
tify to the executive department and
independent establishments in the Dis
trict of Columbia for probational or
permanent appointment the names of
persons who, by reason of having -two
or more members of their family in the'
service, would otherwise be bajrred
from consideration for such appoint
ment." ?
Preference to Washingtonlans.
It is believed that this action by
the President will enable the govern
ment to get many of its new employes
from Washington families and there
by reduce the number who otherwise
would have to be brought here from
other places.
Last week the Civil Service Commis
sion announced that for the present
preference would be given to Wash
ingtonians in order that ho more per
sons than are absolutely necessary
would be brought to the city. To
gether wfth this announcement it.
aalled for ^500 Washington women
for Jobs as minor clerks in the War
It was learned today that only 486
applicants responded, which is regard
ed as an inadequate number. It is
hoped that the President's order will
enable many Washingtonians. who al
ready have two mepibers of the fam
ily in the government service, to ap
ply for these positions.
Sought Action Some Time Ago.
| It was explained at the Civil Serv
ice Commission today that repeated
efforts were made several months ago
to have Congress remove the family
limitations for government jobs, but
that no opportunity arose for Con
gress to act/
I The Attorney General has held the
word "family" .to mean persons living
under the ssm? roof, or having com
mon support. - It - was explained that
the commission has already been able
to appoint temporarily more than two
members of a family, but the Presi
dent's action makes the appointment
of a third member of the family pos
sible. >
It could not be learned whether the
commission is contemplating a with
drawal <Jf the request which it made
some days ago all the government
departments to ask for as small a num
ber of new employes as possible diving
the epidemic.
James M. Schoonmaker, Jr., Claims
Dayton to Pittsburgh Becord.
PITTSBURGH. Pa.. October 30.?A
new record time for an airplane flight
between Dayton. Ohio, and Pittsburgh
is claimed by James M. Schoonmaker.
Jr., son of the viae president of the
Pittsburgh and Lake Erie railroad,
who covered the distance of 228 miles
in- a De Haviland battleplane Monday
atfernoon in one hour and forty-flve
minutes. An average speed of more
than two miles a minute was main
Toung Schoonmaker, who.is chief
engineer of the Day ton-Wright Air
plane Company, received a long-dis
tance telephone message Monday
morning that his father, who just
had undergone an operation, was se
riously ilL He immediately decided
to make a flying visit to his bedside,
and obtained permission to use a De
Haviland four battleplane. With
Howard Rlnehart am pUot he left
Wright field. Dayton, at 11:15 a-m.
and landed her*.at t p.m. on Brunots
Schoonmaker said' the fastest pre- i
vlous record airplane, time between
Dayton and Pittsburgh was two j
bour>?nd five- minutest
20,000 Austrian . Prisoners
Already Taken?Diaz's
Sweep Gains Momentum.
By the Associated Press.
October 30.?Austro-Hungarian forces are retiring in the
region east of Conegliano. They are'leaving behind them,
scattered along the roads toward Vittorio, seven miles
north of Conegliano and Sacile, farther to the west, many
big guns and munition wagons.
One year ago the Italian armies were streaming westward
from the Isonzo with a great military disaster imminent. Todaj
the Italians, with British and French divisions fighting with them
and with American contingents in reserve, 6re pouring througi.
what appears to be a breach in the Austrian lines east of the
Piave river.
V'aldobbiadene has been captured, Conegliano has been occu
pied, and along a line stretching south to the Trevizo-Oderzo rail
road the allies are moving steadily ahead. Prisoners numbering
over twenty thousand have been taken during the fighting.
Reports from the Piave front seem to indicate that after the
first rush of the allies the Austrian resistance weakened greatly,
and there are indications that along the center of the line
the enemy's defense has been crushed. The sweep of the allies
eastward appears to have gained momentum during the past
d?y and it seems probable that the next few days may see the
whole Austrian army .fronting the Piave in retreat toward the
Fatal Blow to Foe Flans.
Not' only are the Austrian lines
yielding on the Piave front, but
farther north and west the alMes are
reported to b? advancing. The cap
ture of Conegliano, the key of the
Austrian position, is considered a
fatal blow .to the enemy's plans to
Hold north 6f the fine where the allied
wedge has been driven deep into the
Austrian lines.
Bitter fighting has been going on in
the Meuse sector during the past day
or two. East of the Meuse, the Amer
ican forces have moved ahead once
more and have wrested important po
sitions fromithe Germans. West of
the Meuse the Germans have been
heavily bombarding the American
lines and back areas with gas aim
high explosive shells. American long
range artillery has been pounding the
German supply lines at Conflans.
West of Argonne forest the' French
have begun an att3ck which seems
to promise the turning of the Aisne
line, which is the main obstacle to
the French advance immediately west
of the Argonne in the region of Vnu
zlers. The new attack was over the
front from (Juentin-Le-Petii to Herp;,
north of the Aisne and progress maoe
in the first few hours of the onslaught
indicated that important results are
within reach.
On the Oise-Serre front the French
are slowly tightening their hold oil
the lines about Guise, while south of
that town they are moving ahead in
spite of desperate resistance 011 the
part of the enemy.
In the neighborhood of Valenciennes
the British are apparently checked
for the moment at least, no signitl
cant progress having been mado there
during the past day or two. North of
Valenciennes the French, British and
Belgians have improved their lines,
but do not appear to have succeeded
in breaking through the German de
fensive lines, defending Ghent.
By the Auociited Pi*s*.
THE PIAVE, Tuesday, October 29.?
Austrian forces are retreating under
ever-increasing pressure, and it is felt
that the attack against the enemy will
become overwhelming as soon as the
entire allied force can enter the action.
With, three successive days of fair
weather an extremely large body of
troops, with supplies, has crossed the
pontoons over the Piave. It is ex
pected that the Austrian munition sup
ply will give out. There are indica
tions that the enemy's heavy artillery
is being withdrawn in an effort to
save the big guns.
"Two Towns Captured.
The towns of Valdobbiadene and
| Conegliano, on the eastern side of the
Piave river in northern Italy, have
been taken by allied troops from the
The capture of Valdobbiadene is
considered important in view of future
operations along the Piave front. A
bridgehead has been firmly established
When" the 1,500 prisoners reached
th? river they fought eagerly to se
cure places in the boats so as to cross
and eat a full meal. The first French
batteries have been t?.lc?a across the
Piave. ?
The whole allied line between Con-1
egliano, which is an important railway
and road center, ?nd Valdobbiadene
has been advanced.
Bed Croao to Give Aid.
The American Red Cross is prepar
ing to assist the Italian population in
towns evacuated by the Austrians.
TIM Majority of these people are old
men and women and children. For
ten miles back from the river the
country has been isolated. Only one
house is left standing at Cimadolmo.
The latest reports show the Aus
trians retreating steadily to save*
themselves in the Piave district, whero
150 guns /and a thousand addition; I
prisoners were captured today. Monte
Grappa has been attacked violently by
the enemy, however, but the action
resulted in his repulse.
King Victor Emmanuel visited the re
conquered territory' today. The corre
spondent saw him helping to straighten
out traffic on a crowded road over which
Italian troops and thousands of Austrian
prisoners were passing. The Italians
cheered the king, who smiled and shook
hands with the Italian soldier nearest
More Than 20,000 Prisoners.
More than 20,000 prisoners have been
captured since the attack began.
During the crossing of the Pirive by
Italian and British troops, an Austriai:
battleplane attacked an Italian observe
tion balloon and attempted to p^s
through it. The attempt failed u ; the.
enemy airplane became entanged in t <?
ropes of ; the balloon. Both the l il
p.nd the airplane were set on fire and t:.?
burning mass dropped to the ground in
the.region of Montello. Neither t.
pilot ?f the airplane nor the oteerwm
in the balloon we*e hurt.
Elements of the American expedi?
tionary force in Italy, who have been
in reserve, are now in filliif i to
take part in the fighting east of ih*
Piave. The Americans probably wiU
be brigaded with the Italians.
Battle Continues Victoriously.
I HOME, October 29.?The battle be
gun on the Piave river Sunday by
Italian and allied troops is continu ?
victoriously, the war office annoui < ed
Of ?h'e prisoners taken yesterday by
the allies more than 4,000 fiSive rea he^i
concentration camps and have b?.cn
Italian troops stormed the liejprK
of Valdobbiadene. They also <?..?
ried the heights of Colfosto and < , -
tered Susegana. Numerous guns v/ere
French infantry assaulted Mont
Pionar and captured it.
By the A?irUtfd Pros.
LONDON October JO.?On the Brit
ish front in France. Field Marshal
HaJg'announced, in'his statement to
day, there has been no activity, ex
cept patrol encounters in which the
British troops advanced and captured
a few prisoners.
LONDON. October 21.?"Thirty-two
enemy machines were destroyed yes
terday and ten were driven down out
of control," says the British official
communication dealing with aerial
operations issued tonight. *
Bitter Fighting Takes Place.
(by the Associated Press).?Bitter
fighting took place today near the
Ment ? Thuoy wood, northwest of
Famara, south - of Valenciennes. Ths
Germans counter attacked the Brr, -
ish in the woods and latent repor.i ?.
are that parts of the forest arc hi-Id
by both sides.
The lighting north of Famars teday
followed hard combats through, ?
Monday in the region of that
and the Scheldt canaL The Brrith
made additional progress Mor.iky
To Take Antwerp-Namur Line.
Between October 10 and 22 various
administrative departments ?. .
packing up and leaving Brussels -
Germany. According to eri; ??????
Brussels is shortly to be evac - *
and a line established between A...
werp and Namur.
-This was the day on which iN
Germans were to make their ??
drawal from the Lys to Ghen^ ac
cording to statements of priaorer*
These prisoners said Ghent would no,
be defended for more thsvn three o *
four hours, after whiy a furtv
withdrawal would A ^Tie <o the Ung
cf Dcadre rjier_j^ Aanrtrn

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