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Open 10 AJVL &t$cttrt>?omCo? "WE BUSY CORNER* PENNAWLAT &TH.SI ?the BUSY CORNER* PENNA.WLAT 8 TH.ST: / > - OCTOBER so. llll Rain tonight and. probably tomorrow. Cooler. &ftatm?oroCo? ?toe BUSY CORNER" PENNAMLAT&TH.SX Close 6 PJf. Rogers Bros. 1847 Quadruple Plated Ware ' ? f ? The Same Ware Your Mother and Grandmother Were Proud to Have on/ The ir Tables. Included, Also, in the. Sale, a <( Factory Clean-up of Hollow - Ware Offered at ONE-THIRD to ONE-HALF Off the Regular Prices A grand assortment from which to select for personal use and to buy for holiday gifts. It is not often that you have the chance to buy such variety in Rogers Bros. 1847 ware at a reduced pricev and would not be possible now but for the fact that the War Industries Board have cur tailed the number of patterns that Rogers Bros, can make; therefore, Rogers Bros, closed to us many of the patterns JT they will drop for the duration of the war. More than 50 ? different items to select from. The hollow silver-plated ware includes quadruple plate on nickel silver and white metal in Sheffield and other good wares?many pieces in the collection seldom found in a sale. Buy now for Christmas. We can only hint at the variety. ? * _ The G enuine Rogers Bros. 1847 Quadruple Platecl Ware' ?Teaspoons, set of 6. .$1.50 ?Tablespoons*set of 6, $3.00 ?Dessert Spoons, set of 6.1 $2.75 ?Dessert Forks, set of 6 ...$2.75 ?Medium Forks, set'of 6 . ???? ... -? w?...$3.00 ?Bouillon Spoons, set of 6* $2.88 ?Coffee Spoons, set of 6 . - $1.50 ?Ice Cream set of 6.... Spoons, ? *..... .$1.88 -Ice Tea Spoons, set of 6 $2.25 ?Orange of 6.... Spoons, set $2.25 -?Butter Spreaders, set * of 6 $2.50 ?Fruit Forks, set of 6, $1.98 ?Medium Knives, hol low handle; set of 6, $4.00 ?Dessert Knives, hol low handle; set of 6, $3.88 ?Medium Forks, hol low handle; set of 6, $4.00 ?Dessert Forks, set of 6 ; $3.88 ?Fruit Knives, set of 6.$1.25 ?Berry Spoons, each ..$1.69 ?Beef Forks, each 89c ?Cold Meat Forks, each, 89c ?Pickle Forks, each....89c ?Sugar Shells, each 69c ?Jelly Knives, each....89c ?Cream Ladles, each...89c ?Gravy Ladles, each, 98c ?Individual Ladles, each $1.98 ??Oyster Ladles, each.$2.49 ?Soup Ladles, each...$2.98 ?Sugar Tongs, each. ..-.98c ?Pie Servers, each... .$1.98 ?Bonbon Spoons each, 69c ?Fish Forks, large; each $1.98 ?Fish Knives, each...$2.63 ?Butter Knives, each.. .69c ?Mustard Spoons, each, 30c ?Sugar Sifters, each 98c ?Cake Knives, each.. .>1.69 ?Cheese Scoops, hollow handle: each .$1.25 ? ?Crumb Knives, each..$2.69 ?Bird Carving Sets, each, $5 ?Nut Crackers 69c ?Pie Knives, each $1.98 Kann's?Street Floor?Bargain Table. ?Tea Set, consisting of 4 pieces; beautiful colonial design, with wide English thread bor der; bright burnish f Q Oft finish. Per set..... 4^0.V0 ?Tea Set, consisting of 4 pieces; beautiful chased designs, bright burnish fin ish ; Per ignu uuiiiiou ittt .STlJ*''.': $6.98 ?Tea Set, consisting of 4 pieces; quadruple plate; plaij) burnish finish. Per $4.98 set ?Tea Set, consisting of 4 - pieces: combined satin and bur nish finish; pretty chased design. Per $5.98 49c ?Coffee Set, including 1 coffee pot, sugar and creamer, with round tray; pretty, plain style, highly finished Per Oft ?Child's Cups, pretty satin fin ish; gold lined with handle; pretty chased leaf spray design ?Sugar Bowls, individual size; beautiful chased satin finished, gold lined and has two Ofin handles ?Cream Pitcher, individual size; beautiful chased satin finished, gold lined, at ?Child's Cups, beautiful assort ment; plain and fancy burnished finish; manysizes, gold Oftr? lined. Choice "OC/ 98c ?Sugar and Spoon Holders, forge assortment to select from; plain burnished with Qft,-. handles. Choice....... "Ov ?Bread Tray, burnish finish, pretty fancy raised dj | AQ flowers, at ?P * ? ? ?Sugar and Spoon Holders, plain burnish finish, with wide English thread bor- 1 Afk der. Choide 1 ?iW ?Sugar Bowls, octagon shape, gold lined, with 2 dj f /?0 side hagdles, at 1 ?Cream Pitchers, octagon shape, gold ^ | A A lined, at....; 1 .^*5* ?Nut or Fruit Bowl, satin fin ish, gold lined; d?fl Af\ L stands on 3 feet, at. ?J/l.T'" ?Tea Pots, beautiful tall colo nial shape; plain burnish finish, with^wide English AO thread border, at... 4* 1 ."O ?Tray, round - shape, 10-inch size; burnished edge with satin finish d* f Oft center ?Pl?VO ?Bread Tray, large size, bur nished center, with chrysanthe mum floral-decora- ?f AO tion >VO ?Sirup Holder with Plate; pretty plain style with Eng lish thread border. ACi Per set ?Relish Dish, square shape; 4 compartments, beautiful square de- A O sign, at ?Relish Dish, pretty oval shape; two compartments; pretty design. Spe- $1.98 ?Butter Dish, large size; pretty plain style; Eng- Oft lish thread border.. W'VO ?Water Pitcher, large size, satin finish with beaded edge; prfetty chased de- tf'Tt Oft sign, at ?Footed Cake Dish, with han dle; pretty burnish and gray finish; raised de- Oft signs, at ?P ?Tray, round shape; 12-inch size; beautiful English thread border; satin finish, $2.98 ?Relish Dish, large size, 7 com partments, with handle; pretty dIO Oft pierced design, at.. ?Ice Water Pitcher, with cover, large size; satin finish, pretty chased d? ?J Oft design, at iPO.VO ?Candelabra, 5 lights, beautiful burnish finish, with Oft beaded border, at.. ?Candelabra, with 3 lights, b e a u t i ful burnish finish, beaded bor- Oft . der, at ......... O ?Tray,round style, 14-inch size; pretty EngHSh thread border; satin finish center.... $3.98 ?Fruit or Berry Bowl, tall size; pretty burnish Grecian Border design; gold lined, $4.98 ? ?Tea and Coffee Pots, footed, tall graceful shape; burnish designs. Oft Choice A ^."O ?Ice Water Pitcher, on swing ing stand; combined burnish and satin finish, at ?Casseroles, large size; beauti ful pierced design.with fireproof lining; oval and -y Qb round shape. Choice ?Open Vegetnble Dish, beauti ful plain, burnish ?3 Oft finish, at $6.98 ?Odds and ends in Sugar Bowls and Cream Pitchers, sev eral shapes, styles and finishes to select from. Odds and ends from high class tea and coffee sets. d? f ^O Choice ' ^ ?Odds and ends in Tea Pots, several shapes, styles and fin ishes to select from. Odds and ends from high f class tea and cof- f Oft fee sets. Choice.... * ?"O Kann's?Street gain Table. Floor?Bar Christmas Handkerchiefs ?Are something that you can buy now and be sure that you have selected the right gift, even though it may not be presented until the last minute', because EVERYBODY WANTS HANDKERCHIEFS. ?Women's Fine Batiste and Lawn Handkerchiefs, embroid ered in one corner, odd and dainty patterns. At 15c Each At 29c Each At 35c Each 1 Or 3 for $1.00 ?Women's Fine Lawn Hand kerchiefs, with dainty narrow lace edges, in white 0_ and colors. Each 1 lOL Or three f<y 50c. ?Women's AD Pare Linen Handkerchiefs, _ prettily em broidered, in white and colors; a handkerchief, 25c and 35c Kann's?Street Floor. ?Women's All {"lire Linen Hand- embroidered Handker chiefs, including hemstitched and scalloped^edges. At 50c, 65c, 75c, $1.00, $1.25, $1.50 and $2.00 ?Women's Initial Handker chiefs, all pure linen, medium weight, soft finished, ready for use. Special^ 6 f ^ C for 1 ?Women's Sheer Linen Hand kerchiefs, all pure' linen, with fancy hand-embroider- ^ ed initial. Each ?wv Also at 35c each, or 3 for $1.09. Better quality, each, SOc. Saleswomen Wanted ?Women are doing won derful work in all the war winning activities ? from selling bonds to making munitions. But there are many positions open to women which will help in the present * labor crisis? help win the war, either di rectly or indirectly. ?In this Store we need women to fill the places of men and women more di rectly engaged in war work. Good positions are open for both experienced and in experienced women, at worth-while Remuneration. ?Call and talk it over with oar Superintendent, fourth nn^ WAIT ?For oar Book Sale. ?One of the most impor tant we ever held. ?Thousands of titles, sets, etc. ?All to be offered at sen sational savings. Particulars Later Last Chance for Halloween Costumes, Favors, Etc. Ample Stocks for Those Who Make Selections in the Morning Costumes at $1.95 to $$.95 Kann's?Fourth Floor and Street Floor. Remarkably Good Coats At the Prices $39.75. ?All "the new features are here that stamp them as the very latest creations. ?New loose-back styles, with con vertible belts; coats that are belted all around; pleated and gathered back styles. ?The majority are? Wool Velours, Broadcloths and Salt's Plushes ?They have collars of self materials, or of coney, ual, beaver plush and black opossum. All are full lined and trim med with bone buttons or buttons covered with self material. ?Included with this line of coats are many new winter weight cloth capes, full length, braid trimmed, in navy, brown, and black. The colors are reindeer, plum, brown, taupe, green, delphine, navy, Burgundy and black. ?All sizes for misses to 20 years, and women to 46 bust. Kann's?Second Floor. OSTRICH NT^T feather IN ec kpiec es Have a place of importance in the fall outfitting ?Some prefer the light-weight ostrich feather short or me dium length neckpiece to the heavier fur or fur cloth stole. We are showing a good variety of these in colors and black. \ They are of fine ostrich, in black and white, white and black, navy blue, taupe and plain black. Priced From $3.50 to $7.50 ?Satin Tie Collars, can be used in a variety of ways?for the collar with four-in-hand tie, arranged in a sailor knot, to wear with the tailored coat or are suitable for wear with the surplice style dress. We have these in white and colors. At $1.00, $1.50 and $1.65 A Special Value in a Satin Tie Collar ?This is in flesh, green, lavender1 and nayy blue. Choice of the lot CA at'.... Kann's?Street Floor. 274 Pairs Insli Point Curtains In Eigkt Different Designs Offered at a Low Price Tomorrow Because of a Special Purckase Irish Point Curtains have been scarce all season?this chance to tray from such an ex cellent assortment at "a special price should be grasped in a hurry. Curtains that in the regular way would have to sell at $7.00 to $8.50 pjhir. They would make splendid and useful gifts for some one. / There are elaborate styles and dainty effects. All are mounted on French bobbinet, mostly in white, some of them in cream. Curtains that may be used in your best rooms. Clear designs that are bold and, lacy. Buy while this opportunity presents itself. No more to be had *0 sell at this price when these >are gone. Choice of the lot Thursday, pair, Kami's?Third Floor. * . . 9x12~ft. Gold SeaJ. Congoleum Art Rugs i .t- ?; A "Run of the Mill** Lot of Qualities That Sell When Perfect at $22.45 j If. |y ' I (y '<'> <V ?Sales of these Rugs at this store are so well known that com ment is unnecessary. We have planned for a big response. ?These Linoleum Rugs are seamless and have only slight im perfectioas?in some instances the hurt places cannot be found. ?Designs that are copied from Wilton and Body Brussels Rugs, embracing Chinese, oriental and, conventional patterns. Very desirable for kitchen, bedrooms, halls, offices^etc. THURSDAY $ 9.95 Kann's?Third Floor.