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SEEKING CONGRESS , M,MM Lieut. Johnson, South Dakota Representative, Arouses '.j Soldier Enthusiasm. LAUD COURAGE IN FRANCE Cablefcram to The Evening Star and Chicagro Daily News. Copyright, 1918. "WITH T*IE AMRRICAN ARMY AT THK FRONT, October 30.?"If we could only move Baltimore into South Dakota next week we would re-elect the big fellow unanimously, for he went right through with us and is a real guy," said Private Tom O'Leary of Company, K, 13th Infantry. \ The subject of his praise Vas Lieut. Itoyal C. Johnson, representative from the second district in South Dakota, who returned to his regiment today after recovering from wounds received In the unit*s latest fighting. I/ed. Company in Fight. Lieut. Johnson, after the other offi cers were wounded, led his company on September 13 when the 79th Division, of which his regiment is a part, stormed and captured the historic German ob servation post, JMontl'aucon. Though wounded in the hail of shrapnel the Germans sent over during the attack, he persisted in remaining with the com pany until the objective was reached, when he was relieved by another offi cer. A surgeon insisted that he be sent to an evacuation hospital. It is the second 'time that Lieut. Johnson has been in a hospital service station. When he was rejected for ' entrance into the Army he went to a hospital, had an operation performed, applied a second time and was ac cepted. The men in his company, practically all hailing from Baltimore, grave him a hilarious welcome when he returned. His fellow officers were surprised at the rapidity of his recov ery. An informal dinner in his honor was arranged by Maj. Thomas Miller j of Wilmington, Del., one of the staff officers. It W2S as sumptuous as pos sible, considering that only Army fare was available. Kind of Men They Want. Lieut. Johnson, though fighting in France, is running for re-election next week. Maj. Fiorello H. T^a Guardia of New York city is said to be the only other c ongressman member of the overseas forces. The men in khaki enthusiastically declare that these courageous officers are the kind of men they want as representatives in Congress, thus giv ing a hint as to the complexion of future American elective bodies. LIEUT. R. J. HURLEY WINS OFFICERS'PRAISE ? - Son of Edward N". Hurley. Chair man of Shipping Board, Com plimented for Efficiency. > BY JUNIUS B. WOOD. Cablesrram to The Evening: Star and j Chicago Daily News. Copyright, 1918. WITH THE AMERICAN ARMY AT THE FRONT, October GO.?Lieut. Raymond J. Hurley of Chicago, son of the chairman of the "United States Shipping Board, Edward N. Hurley, has been complimented by his superior officers for the efficiency and military capacity shown by him in various responsible missions in the course of the recent offensive by the 1st Ameri can Army. Lieut. Hurley is an aid to Brig. Gen. William J. Nicholson, a veteran. Army officer known to the rank and file as "Slicker Bill" and commanding one of the brigades in the 70th Division. Gen. Nicholson is highly commend ed in a recent general order issued by Maj. Gen. Joseph E. Kuhn. the division commander, for the part the regiments under the brigadier gen oral played in the recent offensive. Though the division entered the Army comparatively green in actual fight ing, it has made an. enviable record. Lieut. Hurley, on account of the Ferious attention given by him to his rlutie*, has won the respect of his superior officers. JAPAN IS MAKING PLANS' FOR HARMONY IN CHINA Government Will Approach the leaders of Factions With Offer of Friendly Mediation. By the Associated Pm? PICKING, October 30.?The new Jap a-ese government has arranged a plan to approach the leaders of north and .-iouth China simultaneously and offer friendly allied mediation -with a view to effecting: a reconciliation, Chang T 3U np-HsianfT, the Chinese minister at Tokio, reports to his government, according to the Asiatic News Agen cy. This action, it is said, will be tak en notwithstanding that the* powers have not recognised the belligerency ?>f the southern Chinese. It is declared that one of the provisions of the plan is that the powers will refuse further loans fto China until peace is estab lished. On the other hand, the Chinese cabi net Is making a serious effort to pla t-ate the south in order to avoid medi ation. It is declared that delegates from the Peking and Canton govern ments will be appointed shortly to disenss peace terms. SCOUTMASTERS ARE WANTED. IMen Disqualified for righting' Serv ice Urged to Respond. who are disqualified for service >in the fighting units of the nation may cowaerve as an adjunct to the flght ( er^Ty"responding to the call of the Boy Scouts of America for scoutmas ters Kb who have been "regular boys," wjoam be chums with boys, are ffJnTe^T"Bundreds of boys are being refused by the organizations because practically every troop has its maxi mum strength and there are not etxrnch scoutmasters to take care of the new ones. Men beyond the draft age who are prevented from taking ' an active part in the war are now af forded an opportunity to be of serv ice to the jcouts. ?Capital Traction Sued for $15,000. Arthur G. Woolley. through his at ttrrney, today filed in the District Su preme Court a suit to recover f 15,000 damages from the Capital Traction Oil* iij He was a passenger July XS teat, he says, when two cars oS. \ th*L company were In collision ^nea* ifmrr. be alleges. SIM (HI MEN FROM GROCER IRE / * ' Woman Inspector of Board ' Obtains Evidence, Having Effective Disguise. As a result of a bit of detective work on the part of the woman mem ber of the Inspection force of the Dis- j trict food administration, J. Littman, ; a grocer at 12th and S streets, will | lose the right to handle sugar for an indefinite period, and more than 1,000 pounds of sugar which he had In stock has been confiscated by the local, officials. Littman was found selling* sugar to patrons of his store without requir ing them to sign for the purchase, as is necessary under the sugar regula tions, according to an announcement made today by the local administra tion. The administration had received information that Littman was failing to observe the regulations, and sev eral days ago a competitor of Litt man assured the administration that such, was the case and that evidence could be obtained if proper precau tions were taken. The woman inspector was assigned to the case. Assuming her most de pendable disguise?that of a gray haired. shawl-covered, basket-carry ing housekeeper, she went to the Litt man store and after making a few purchases of food articles asked for two pounds of sugar, which she re ported was handed to her without the necessity of signing for it. # H. W. Peck, who conducts a large boarding house at 1014 Vermont ave nue, has come to grief with the food administration because of a desire to be too liberal in the matter of sugar with his boarders, according to an an' nouncement made by the local admin istrator today. Peck was charged with allowing his borders just twice the amount of sugaf^ allowed by the ad ministration for one person at each meal. Following a hearing at the food administration. Peck's sugar -allot ment was reduced from 220 pounds a month to 110 pounds, or just one-half the amount he has been receiving. GETS MAJOR'S COMMISSION. Herbert L. Buell Rewarded for "Long and Faithful Service.'' Another clerk in the office of the chief of engineers ofjthe Army in this city has been rewarded for long and faithful service by appointment as a major of engineers in the Army. He is Herbert L. Buell of New York, a civil engineer by profession. He en tered the office as a $1,000 clerk in July, 1887. through civil service rules and has served there continuously to date. Through gradual promotion he has reached the highest clerical grade in the miscellaneous division of the of fice. Part of his duties involve per sonal supervision of the estimates for all federal engineering projections in this city and vicinity, including the District water supply system, the im provement of the Potomac and Ana costia rivers and the improvement of the public parks and reservations in the District. He lives at 1423 R street. OTY WILL BE RID OF CAFE PIRATES * Jf Food Administration Declares War on Skimpy-Portion, High-Price Restaurants. TO PUT END TO GOUGING After repeated appeals and warn ings, which, it ^claims. have been of no avail, the District Food Adminis tration announced today that it now intends to rid Washington of what It terms the "mushroom" public eatinp places. Many of these "mushroom" eating places have started in business in Washington since* the great influx of. the war population, and, according to the administration, it is chiefly among them that the profiteering and goug ing, about which there is so much complaining from the public, have been found to exist. Objectionable Places Flourishing. These places are flourishing, offi cials say. They observe the regula tions of the administration and the ! city government- carefully enough to j prevent trouble from that source, ac- | cording to the administration, but be- I cause of a lack of price regulation in | the public eating places of Washing- i ton they have' been reaping harvests ! as a result of excessive prices and small portions served. Many of these so-styled "mush room" eating places are attraetwe to the eye and, with the exception of (their prices and portions, are pleas ing to the most fastidious of pa trons. Many of them make a point of serving food in a fashion known as "dainty," but which the administra* tion brands as skimpy. Everything is cut thin and small, and only small spoons and the neatest and tiniest of cups and glasses are used. In feet, great economy ,is practiced in the serving, but, as" the food administra tion expresses it, everything costs' just a little more. In speaking of these places the ad ministration declared that it has been its observation that the regular, le gitimate eating places of Washing ton* have been strictly observing all of the rules and requests of the ad- j ministration. APPLY FOR ADMINISTRATOR. Appointment of Trust Co. to Handle Pettit Estates Asked. Application has been made to the Probate Court to appoint the Ameri can Security and Trust Company as administrator of the estates of Hen ry W. Pettit and his wife, Annie L. Pettit, who died October 10 and Jl, respectively, victims of the influenza. The couple left two small children. The husband's estate includes the business of the Rosslyn Auto Sup ply Company at Rosslyn, Va., and per sonalty about 51.800. The wife's es tate comprises insurance on the life of her husband, who died first, esti mated at $13,000. i ' Luxurious Fall Coats, $24.75 Values up to $3.r> in this specially priced lot of tine velours, meltons and basket weaves, in all colors and sizes, fur, plusli and nutria trimmed. DRESS S1IARTLY?IHOF HERE?SAVE HONEY. ASK FOR STAMPS?VALUABLE PRESENTS FREE The Season's Greatest Value-Giving Event! 500 NEW SUITS Priced at Big Reductions for This Sale '1875,'22J5,!2775 The values are easily worth from J25 to $35, in beautifully tailored all-wool materials, trimmed with fringe, siik braid, silk plush, nutria fur fabric ahd just the ideal garments for fall wear. Every wanted color Is represented In a. -variety of the best styles, and the most critical can find the garment most to their liking. If? a duty yon owe yoonett to aee the values offered In this sale! SILK AND SERGE DRESSES, ?1 d 7S Latest styles in all-wool serges * * or Panamas, fine satins, taffetas or crepe de chines. All sixes. $2.50 Double-Bed Crochet BEDSPREADS $1.44 Just one hundred of these superior value double bed spreads to sell to morrow at less than today's mill price. 81x90 Perfect Bleached SHEETS $1.44 Made of heavy round thread cot ton, pure bleached quality, welded center seam, 3-inch hemmed ends. $1 Full Fashioned SILK HOSE Women's Pure Thread Silk Hose, ^^^full regular made, in black, white jjr and all desirable colors. 45c Outing FLANNEL 35 c ya Hearj, ? Fleecy Outing Flannel In neat pink or Mae stripe* or plaids, on light ground* or dark gray*. 27 inches wide. Extra trig 'value at 85c. $6 and $7 Oeorgette WAISTS 4 Any Georgette Waist in our stock, in hot j, white t flesh or pinlT, em broidered or beaded trimmed, in sizes to 46. Boys' Fleece UNDER WEAR Men's Fleece UNION SUITS 75c $2.65 Good Quality' Fleece 8hirts and Drawers that are worth more money. Sizes 26 to 34. Extra quality Fleece Union Suits for men. | rhe kind that are worth $3.50. Sfatea 36 to 46. $1.00 Silk Camisoles 69c Ptnk Wash 80k Camisoles, neat lace trimming. 12c Wide LACE 7c Pretty Torchon or Yal laces In widths to 2 inch es. __ ? $6 Wool Finish BLANKETS, $4.98 Gray or tan for large double beds, with bound edges. HIGH-GRADE LADIES' SHOES AT LOW-EBB PRICES $3.45 Worth to 9&00 Ladies' tan, rray and black rid kid; high and low heel*. Regular and extra high cut. Sises S to 8. Several widths. Ladies' Shoes of the Better Grade $5.85* Tan tad ?id kid as with tan calf the Feral BOYS' SUITS AT LOW PRICES $6.95 Corduroys, cassimeres and cberlotf that stand ont as the sea son's best ralnes. Sixes ? to 47. All-wool Ma, $9.95 cassimeres and cheviots In good pat terns. Sixes # to IS. $10.95 kind-that' are worth * "f DNS' jtm fSlzcu 6 to 18. f v Halloween Costumes & Masks Pel rot and Plrette, Jester and Clown, Devil'and Ghost, Gypsy and Witch. Little Bo* Peep, and costumes the na? tlonalltles of our allies, 92.00, PM 03.00 aa4 HM> Masks. 1M to B9c Odd and Pretty Favors, Se a*4 lOc. Fourth floor. Center. oodward' & ?o?br?p ' s ' Store Opens 10 Aitl New Yorlt-?WASHINGTON?Paris Store dotes 6 PJ1 A Special Value in Boxed Stationery $1.25 Box Each box contains 48 sheets of hlgh-trrade White Paper and 48 Knvelopes to match. A specially rood quality and fc very low price. Stationary Department, floor. Ootcr. Mala Women's Broadcloth Suits ? V Strictly Tailored, High-Grade Quality JVe have-just received a shipment of Women's Suits, of high grade quality and strictly tailored, made of Broadcloth, in black, brown, navy Hue, plum and taupe. Two models are shown, both of which have the popular three quarter co^t, with tailor button trim, and military collar, which can be adjusted to please the wearer; one has the pocket set in a panel at each side of front? the other coat has a full pleated skirt in the back, both finished with belt, at waist line. The skirts are plain, with inset pockets. A Wonderful Value Which Cannot Be Duplicated Later in the Sefcvson Price, $42.50 each Third floor, G street. Colored and Black Silk Umbrellas. A New Shipment of an Exceptional Value Priced, $4.50 Each Our previous lot of these was quickly disposed of and we have been awaiting this new shipment for some weeks. Colored and black- Silk Umbrellas, of fine quality, tape edge silk, and finished with carved and mission wood handles, some bakalite trimmed, with cord wrist loops. Bilt-Rite Umbrellas; a new shipment of these popular um brellas in 26 and 27 inch sizes; finished, with assorted wood handles. Price, $150 each. if Slain floor, O street entrance. The Smartest and Prettiest of Blouses For Your Christmas Box It rests with you whether you will come now and make your Christmas selection from a fresh stock which is replete with beautiful, dainty and originally designed blouses that will charm the heart df any girl, wife, mother or sweetheart. Many of these styles cannot be duplicated and every consignment received from the designers is marked either "subject to advance" or "cannot be dupli cated." So do your Christmas shopping now and you will be sure to obtain just what you want. These Waists come in satin (washable), Georgette crepe and soft silk, and are trimmed in real filet lace, hand embroidered in silk embroidery, lace and embroidery edges, tucked and hem stitched, with deep sailor collars and pointed effects, and some show the deep revers collar extending to the waist line, with inserts of real filet and Val lace. A Very Heavy Quality of Georgette Crepe?We have four very beautiful modes, which have all the little touches of artistid trimming which go to make them distinctive and desirable. The prices are $16.50, $21.75, $25.00 and $29.50. Medium-weight Georgette, some of them embroidered in dots, and trimmed in real Val or Filet lace; some tucked and finished in pretty designs of hand embroidery, with crochet or pearl buttons, some showing the flowing sleeve with a close cuff at the hand, others have inserts of lace forming the cuffs; all beautifully finished and of the highest worth and excellence. The prices are $12.75, $14.75 and $16.50. A Beautiful Quality Georgette is shown in prettily trimmed and hand embroidered blouses in cream anil white and some flesh colored, for $8.75 and?$9.00. ? White and Flesh Colored Satins that are washable and durable and at the same time dressy. High and low collars are shown, some of them are adjustable and have a strictly tailored effect. Prices are from $5.75 to $9j00. A Score of Other Blouses in black, taupe, brown, navy blue, gray and green are shown at prices that are attractive. Third floor. Center. A Novelty in Women's Intimate Apparel Women's Pajama Sets Pa jama, Chemise and Camisole One of the very latest conceits in lingerie are the New Pajama Sets, which have just beep received. These gar ments are dainty and unique in design and will make novel Christmas gifts. ^ An extremely new and attractive Pajama Set is shown, made of heavy wash satin, empire effect, with the jacket developed in flesh-colored Georgette crepe, daintily embroidered in pastel shades and finished with ribbon rosettes. Price, $36.00. A set in flesh color, made of a new material, called silk .Arlette, consists of, a gown, envelope chemise and camisole; these garments are finished in wide folds of Georgette, hand embroidered in light bine and pink polka dots. Price, $28.50. Another very pretty style in flesh Arlette crepe consists of a gown, camisole and'chemise; the camisole has a wide satin strap over the shoulder. These are extremely plain, but yery attractive. Price, $25.00. Set of heavy white satin; the gown is sleeveless, with wide strap of satin and insertion over the shoulder; is trimmed in Val lace; the chemise has wide flowered ribbon strap and is trimmed in Val lace to match the gown. Price, $28.00. Another set comprises a gown, chemise and camisole of white satin, heavy and rich, low V neck, trimmed with fine lace and finished with ribbon rosebuds. Price, $29.50. Third floor, F stfeet. I. AUTOMOBILE ROBES Big, Soft, Warm, Comfortable Robes, for the Touring Car, Runabout and Limousine' Also a large assortment of Steamer and Traveling Rugs, which -are useful and comfortable when ?sed as couch covers, or for the easy chair. Some are double faced plaids; others plaid on one side and the reverse side plain; finished .with fringe; also attractive Scotch clan colorings. Imported and domestic makes are included in the showing. $7.85, $10.00, $13.50, $15.00, $18.00 to $37.50 ? Heavy Plush ? Automobile Robes, plain colors; some have reverse side of fancy plaids; 72 inches long; 60 inches wide. $1250, $15.00 and $1840 each. f Heavy Plash Automobile Robes, plain black and brown. These are made with large muff pockets, a new and comfortable feature $15St. /' Handsome Silk Plush Robes in gray, blue and green, with reverse side of plain black. These are particularly adapted to the closed car and are very warm without being heavy in weight $2S5t each. mv 9. street Lane Bryant Maternity Corsets Afford Ease and Comfort The soon - to - be - mother should give the most careful attention to the kind of a cor set She wears, both for the correct lines it will give her figure as well "is her health. Tnese corsets are made with these in mind and no woman can afford to be without one. We are showing three mod els, any one of which will give perfect satisfaction when properly fitted by our corset fitting expert. * A $19.00 model is beauti fully tailored in pink brocaded batiste with garters. A $5.00 model in French coutil, satin ribbon binding with garters. ' A $355 model, also made in coutil, has embroidery trim med with garters. ,t:G , Smart Afternoon Frocks Of Satin Meteor and Satin Francaise A delightful showing of fashion's latest achievements. v Individualized designs, with a real touch of the French style in cut as well as in the softly clinging materials of which they are made. With War's conservation in mind, it would be well to have one of these pretty and service able dresses in your wardrobe, as they are sufficientlyi dressy for most every occasion and can be worn for teas and dinners as well as for street. Brown and Copenhagen, Blue Satin Francaise fashions one model, which has thrfe parallel tucks extending across both back and front, inverted plaits at side, caught with buttons. The bodice is in double jumper effect, the soft girdle at front ends at middle of back in double straight sash, trimmed with fringe. Soft roll collar, of white satin completes this charming gown. Price, $57.50. A simple, yet striking Gown, is of Navy Blue or Black Satin Meteor. Jflain drop skirt, with overdrape; plain sleeves and square neck waist, ornamented with cable stitched embroidery, in black. Price, $52.00. ?v Brown or Navy Blue Satin Francaise Afternoon Gown, has tunic which hangs rather full across front; double sash of satin; overdraped skirt, which fcdds grace to either slen der or full figure. A vestee of flesh-colored Georgette Crepe finishes the neck. Price, $72.50. Third floor, G street. High-Grade American-Made Wilton Rugs Rivaling the Oriental in Designs and Colorings An assemblage of the finest machine-woven rugs in the world, ingeniously repro ducing the intricate and wonderfully varied patterns of the orient, the colorings blend ing softly from one minor tone to another?never crude or harsh. Made of hard spun lus trous worsteds; the wool from which it is made comes from sheep that have been bred for ages with the idea of getting the longest and toughest coats; imported from the \ Far East; a beautiful deep pile; seamless and hand sewed pieces. The display embraces: Whittall's Anglo-Persian Wilton Rugs Karagheusian's Herati Wilton Rugs Karaack Wilton Rugs Highland Seamless Wilton Rugs In the combined collection there is an almost unlimited range of patterns, color ings and sizes. They are truly Floor Covering* of Service and WhittalFs Anglo Karagheusian's Herati Wittras Karaack Wiltons ?are shown in numerous oriental and Chi nese patterns, faithfnlly reproducing them in excellence of material, beauty of design and richness of colorings; in the following sizes and prices: 22x36 27x54 36x63 inches... inches... ... $750 ... $1150 ... $18.25 .. $30.50 inches. 4.6x6.6 feet ...... 4.6x76 feet..... , $38.00 6x9 feet $68.50 6.9x12 feet .. $9150 8^10.6 feet $100.00 9f9 feet.r $9150 9x12 feet...... $111.00 9x15 feet...... .. .......... $152.25 106x13.6 feet 5171.25 11.3x15 feet $19050 Highland Seamless Wilton Rugs A machine-made rug that has no peer. It is woven of deep pile extra heavy worsteds in the beautiful Chinese patterns in all their beauty of design and colorings and also in plain colors of mulberry, rose, blue and gray, with contrasting border, giving it a rich simplicity that many prefer. 27x54 inches, $1250 36x63 inches, $1850 4.6 ftx7.6 ft, $40.00 6x9 ft, 8.3x10.6 ft, 9x12 ft, $70.00 $110.00 $125.00 Each Season There is an Increasing Demand for * BETTER GRADE LINOLEUMS For the Various Rooms of the Home , Time was when Linoleums were mostly used in kitchens Today finds the assort ment of patterns and qualities of such high character they are employed for the cov ering of floors in kitchens, bathrooms, halls and also bedrooms. We are showing a very large stock of Linoleums. Small tile patterns in the de sirable combinations of bine-white, green-white, tan and brown; also the popular par quetry wood patterns. Of especial interest i? the granite pattern, which is now so much in favor. It gives the floor a most artistic effect and is difficult to detect from the real tarazza floor; m blue, green, tan and gray effect. All our Linoleums are made of the very best granulated cork powder, other necessary ingredients and linseed oil and are properly baked so that they will not be so brittle that they crack, or so soft as to show the impress of furniture. Best Quality Printed Linoleums, &.00 Square Yard Up Best Quality Inlaid Linoleums, $2.25 Square Yard and Up For Large Contract Orders a#large stock of Plain Brown Linoleum and Battleship A and B qualities, . .. ??- ?* '?* "" ' ? ?' Estimates and measure are displaying and are prepared to make quotations for the famishing of large quanties. s nrym reqnest ^