Newspaper Page Text
Read This Abont Influenza A Slight Chest Cold Often Leads to Deadly Pneumonia \Tkw you catch call dariaaf ttll rpidrttlc don't take asr . ckucts. Indneriza starts with a cold, ao ?end for your doctor at once. In the meantime protect your throat aad cheat aad ward Off ln Bammatton aad soreness by nib bine on Mustarlae. It's better than a mutard plan ter, vtili not blister and atopi all aches and pains quicker than auy thlamoD can buy. lywfc'of thousands use ft for sore tbrait. chest colda, pleurisy, tonsl lltia and bronchitis?It's wonderful. Is . STOPS PA\W ' f MUstarinF I ? caHHOT ftUSTER Bisk's Worm syran "To cjRQn an angel of mercy.'* "Whore worm* are T?if* and directions followed IT NEYEB FA IT Bo* One bottle destroyed 132 worms. Stood the tmt for sixty years. Sold everywhere, or by mIL -fSOc a bottle. 1st. C. A. VOORHEES. M. P.. Philadelphia. For Constipation Carter's Little ?Liver Pills will set you right --sever night purely Vegetable SatOPOlSnafl Doso, Small Price Carter's Iron Pills Wllttestore color to the faces oi thoa(rw bo lack Iron in the blood, as most pale-faced people do. To Hold False Teeth In Place Use WILSON'S COUEGA 35c AT DRUG STORES AND DENTAl SUPPLY DEPOTS I iCOREOA CHEMICAL Cq^CleveldndJ)1 DID YOU EVER USE SLOAN'S? Ask any man who ever bad ?? rheumatic aches that ' question Hem tell you he's heard of It, uses it, wouldn't use anything else .for any external pain, ache, musclo stiffness, soreness, lame back, lum Wro.^Sclatica. sprain, strain. He'll tell you it penetrates without wWaft bringing warm, glowing, <jniclc-r?lief. Clean, economical, cer tain of satisfactory results. All tfruggists have it?get a big bottle ?today from yours. 30c, BOc, JI.2D Sloan's Liniment Kills Pain ' She Used To Be Gray Society Ladies Everywhere " > Use "La Creole" Hair Dressing. The-well known society leader's hair was prematurely gray, perhaps just ? Ktae yours, but Mrs. J heard of "La Creole" Hair Dressing ?how-'thousands of people every where had used it with perfect satisfaction. It is a preparation de signed especially for the purpose of gradually restoring color to gray or faded hair, and which is easily ap plied by simply combing or brushing through the hair. "La Creole" Hair Dressing positively eradicates dandruff, keeps the scalp In a healthy condition and promotes the growth, of new hair; brings back a natural, soft, even, dark shade to gray or faded hair, and makes it lustrow, full of life and beautiful. USE "La Creole" Hair Dressing tA PEBfft your hair from growing gray and to restore a beautiful dark color to gray or faded hair. For sale by People's Drug Stores, O'DoftnelTs Drug Stores and all good drug stores everywhere. "La Creole" Hair Dressing is sold on a money-back guarantee. TO ftESIST THE ATTACK?of the germs oi Con sumption. Scrof ula. Grip. Ma laria and many other diseases? means fight or die for all of ?us. These germs are everywhere in the air we breathe. The odds are in favor of the germs, if the liver is inactive and the blood impure. What is needed most is an in crease m the germ-fighting strength. To do this successfully you need to put on healthy flesh, rouse the liver to vigorous action, so it will throw off these germs, and purify the blood so fliat there will be no "weak spot,* or soil for germ-growth. We claim for Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery that it does all this in-a way peculiar to itself. It cures troubles caused ,by torpid liver-or impure blood. "Ite Common Sense Medical Ad ?vtser," latest edition, in French cloth- tending, will be sent on jeceilA of five dimes or stamps to Mj $K cost of printing and mail Address Dr. Piert^ Prest., MANY PROSECUTED FOMfl Report of Superintendent of Weights and Measures Filed With Commissioners. |TASKS ARE MULTIPLIED i War conditions, the' large increase in the city's population, high cost ot living, changes in business concern* and a more watchful care on the part of consumers as to weights of . their purchases has imposed a greater task on the department of weights and measures than ever before in its his tory, according to the annual report of George M. Roberts, superintendent of weights and measures, for the ilScal year ended June 30, 1918, filed with the commissioners. "It has been necessary," says the report, "to keep under plose observa tion concerns engaged in the sale of foodstuffs and other commodities so as to check, as far as possible, the tendency which has been manifest in many instances to take unfair advan tage of consumers on account of con ditions brought about by the war. The extreme high cost of living has caused many persons to be more watchful In making purchases. "This has resulted in the department being called on to investigate many cases where It was claimed that the weights-and-measures law had been violated, and much time of inspectors has been taken up with work of this character. Such cases have been care fully investigated, and criminal prose cutions instituted wherever it was be lieved the public interest demanded such action. ?? 38 Have Been Prosecuted. "There have been thirty-eight prose cutions. Crl this number fines or for feitures amounting to $445 have been imposed in thirty-three oases, and five cases are now' pending in court. Some complaints, made in good faith were found to be groundless, and in other instances, while there appeared to be a probability of guilt, sufficient evidence was lacking to warrant legal action. It has been the policy to tajjp vigorous action in eases of clear vio lations of the law. "This policy has resulted in some notable reforms in the business methods of those concerned, and the weights and measures laws are now being generally respected and obeyed by permanent business establish ments. "There are, however, some hucksters and persons engaged in the sale of ice in the District which do not come within this general rule. Short Weight in Xce Given. "During the hot weather of the sum mer many persons engaged in the sale of Ice resorted to high-handed and despicable methods in dealing with their customers. In many Instances consumers who were unwilling to re ceive short weight were summarily refused ice, and others were threat ened with having their supply cut off unless they submitted without protest to such indignities as the dispenser wished to heap upon them or to re ceiving such weight as he chose to deliver. This statement does not, of course, apply to all persons engaged in the sale of ice. There were found some noteworthy exceptions, but on the whole the situation was bad, and but for the splendid work of the food ad ministrator for the District, and the earnest efforts of this department, co operating with each other, a most dis tressing situation would have been brought about. Discussing the coal shortage last winter, the report says the establish ment of coal yards and their opera tion by the District, which has been advocated In some quarters, does not seem to be a necessity at this time, but that better facilities for the dis tribution of coal are needed. It Is suggested that if private enterprise fails in the prompt and proper distri bution of the coal supply it may be necessary for the District government to go into the coal business. The fact, the report says, that a large per centage of the consumers of coal in the city have laid in their winter's supply the past summer makes sure that the co*l situation in Washington ] the coming winter will not be as it was last year. Checking up coal for i delivery it has been found that the dealers are fair in giving the stand ard weights. Scales Carefully Examined. Regular and special examination of all scales used in dispensing food stuffs and other things have been kept tfp and the inspection of druggists' scales used in compounding prescrip tions have been most thorough and careful and the scales found to be standard. The inspections of gasoline supply stations have shown a marked Improvement In the standard of the measuring devices. There were 3.716,270 feet of lujnher inspected and graded and 222,598 feet condemned by the lumber , inspector. Gross fees collected were $1,615; ex penses, $538.52. There were 13,097 cords of wood inspected and graded gross fees collected, $1,178.75; ex penses, $56.75; net fees retained, $1, Market Building Completed. The main building of the Municipal market, at the foot of 11th street, the report says, has been completed and is in operation, and - a new shelter completed in the farmers' produce market: substantial repairs have been made to the Eastern and West ern markets. As a large portion of the popula tion of Washington is made up of men and women working for the govern ment at small salaries, the report says, the high cost of living has Im posed a great burden on these peo ple, in a measure relieved by the Dis trict food administration, with whose work the sealer of weights and meas ures has co-operated. The food sit uation and the high cost of living, the report says, demand greater powers of supervision over both wholesale and retail markets dealing in foodstuffs. The need of better laws regulating Weights and meas ures for the protection of the public are pointed out. The Crosser Mil passed by the House, is said to offer the needed relief. GOTHAM FINDS BOBBER CAVE. NEW YORK, October 30.?The police have discovered a "robbers' cave" in Central Park, la the heart of Man hattan, which they said had been used as headquarters by a soldier, & sailor and a one-legged civilian, who were arrested charged with having held up park strollers. The police said they found in the cave * quantity of Spanish infiuensa vaccine, which they believed had been taken from a doc tor. one of the hold-up victima The soldier was later released, but his companions were held in $3.000 ball. Fakers and Crooks! The advertising columns of The Star are edited as care ? fully as the news columns. Fakers and crooks are barred. Every advertisement known to contain an untrue or mis leading statement has been rejected. Every reader is asked to be on the Vigilance Committee and help-.police (he ?cohtmra MERCHANTS' DISPLAY WEEK TO ASSIST IN PAPER SAVING j ? . ? Campaign to Receive Impetus in Nation Through Publicity Designed for Week o! November 11 to 16. N. So Imperative are demands for sul phur and chlorine (or the manufac ture of ammunition and polaonoM Eases that the paper economy section of the pulp and papr division of the War Industries Board has planned to make more comprehensive its paper conservation campaign by holding among- merchants of the nation "dis play week" from November 11 to 1<, inclusive. Chairman Baruch of the War In ' dustrles Board, in an order promul gated several weeks ago. called at tention to the necessity of paper con servation to relieve the paper situa tion, to free labor for other essential industries and relieve railroads of ex cessive freight A successful paper conservation campaign will not only meet the de mands of the government for paper for use at home, but also release for the manufacture of ammunition and poisonous gases a large amount of sulphnr and chlorine, greatly needed by the American expeditionary force. Economy in Wrapping. With a view to eduoating the publie to the government demands as con tained in the Order issued by Mr. Baruch the aid of merchants of the country was enlisted in a paper con servation campaign. Through com mercial and trade organizations in every community merchants have been made acquainted with the alms of .the government in this respect, and as a result there is now in operation an educational campaign teaching the public that many articles can be car ried without wrapping paper. It is being pointed out by mer chants and the press, whose aid also has been enlisted for desired public ity, that the market basket can be made of great use by the public in the paper conservation campaign. A PLENTY OF SPICE IN POLITICAL ROW (Continued from First Page.) Kinley and the rest. Those appeaJB were answered then, Wilson's appeal will be answered now." Ex-Ambassador Gerard Quoted. The democratic national committee gave out a statement from former Ambassador Gerard, in which he said, in part: "Whether politics are adjourned or not. stand by the President. "I lived a long, weary time in Ger many. I learned the infernal lan guage of that country, I tnade It a point to know the people in every walk of life, to study the soul of Germany. "And I know that Germans cannot understand our political system; that if a Congress opposed to the Presi dent is elected they will believe again what they believed before we dared to war with them, that there Is In the United States a great number of peo ple favorable to the German cause and opposed to the President and to war. And. encouraged by this belief, the military resistance of the people will again stiffen and the favorable mo ment for the allies may pass. "I am so sure of this that were I opposed to every other policy of the President and were he- my bitterest enemy. I should, nevertheless, beg the American people to support him at this fateful moment. All personal and party considerations must give way before the supreme danger of German domination. Stand by the Present!" VleiwB of Republican Chairman. Chairman Fess of the republican congressional campaign committee in his statement said. In part: "Mr. Tumulty's letter in response to the wish of the President, in which he attempts to justify the open letter of President Wilson requesting a democratic Congress, falls of its pur pose. "First, no President in our history has made such a request to the Amer ican electorate. "Cases cited are on a par with ut terances of political leaders not clothed with the prestige of the power Without treuw. tKSJSi, Y"wr*PP?l od of tnStJr- Tl Turourh this meth Sl. JL ?d,nar t>VB waste of raanv na r~. otSlr^ Vo^r^J^FElD'^: be eliminated. ?*?"?*ry. would a?P?Jtlin?it,J! W*r In<5ustrfea Board, the "display week ? "SwiSS??114 of ready Jn"oO?A'ti>,>I*m?nl to Siye bMaSSn. RetaI> "^chants n'^euCWh **ESnX? fraper e^So^/^a SriS^Ho t& ? ?tlo?h?f the public the fiMst that tlnn??K *"> dlrected todigcon JhanVse* Wfapp,n* of **<**??? Co-Op?ration by Merchants. - Every merchant la asked by the n?. 'that sfuw K.secti?n. i8 also anxious fndth?ther m^e^^heichnin10Bhae?p chM<dlSePaCw?hed .prodQct? and mer Siss SwhicheSr?f aKrtlc,es ,n his busi-1 befnV wrapped be Carried Without; Attention will be oalled to the waste I bag's in the carrying of I Merchant* carrying in i bMketVllHeetdbwf?irVi h*Ve 0n show a DasKet Tilled with these commodities rnnfaiPer aRS- Another basket will Vegetables without paper tSTSSFt ls .h0I)e,J !n this way toshow. by practical examples that r.*n?T ?r^T ? ^?5 '* *? eonserver or seas friend to the boys over j?-tho Presidential office. Harf such a SHE* whT?,made by L,nc?'" or Mc mlHif. never was made, they "l'*ht have been free from the charge Itimm Sf^?lp tc ,?*P't*H*e the patri u 1 e counl?-y for partisan pur- I soT ik.t ^' anllke President Wil f?"' ,t?*y had a minority which at block them at every turn in their prosecution of the war. Minority Opposes McXInley. rMcKlnley tn 189S was confronted with an opposition minority too re cent to bo forgotten. It was well ex pressed in the vote on the fiscal measure to supply funds for the Preseoutlon of the war. when out of 155 democratic) members of the Con Th^ Bi^voted as??n3t it. a should be examined in 5?2!?5i^ 11 with the conduct of the mInorlty. In this war. in nine moasures^ including the SSSlTSr^?** the republicans aotuijijr oagt more votes than th* ^S'Ct^0rity- * twenty-six sxsss^sz war measures the republicans cm* t?tss I Will of James Hoban Kled. ^ The will of Janes Hoban, dated August 25. 1918, has been filed ft>r probata. He leaves $10,000 eacb to lionise a Armour. C. P. Mitcbel and IS&t SSSV^fsSfg I SWSSR*-fiStS Gen. Debeaey Win* Higii Honor. h?P?A^1S' ?ctober 29.-<3en. Debeney has been promoted to grand officer of the Legion of Honor. Gen. Petain transmitted the insignia with fun Jr0?- 71,6 c'tation accom ciaUyto rrf?r?5^?Kt,on referred espe stopplng "??*?? in Amiens, his capture of??ng Somme? advaacin* of hiB ?nes to thI Clean Out Spanish "Fin" Quick It begins in the head and ends In the heart, then treat the head first before it gets down to the heart Hie best way to do this is by way of the nose and throat. Mothers' treatment used to be to apply a remedy quick and often where the tronble began. Science says "wait untO we find out what kind of a germ it is." Germ or no germ, if s the quick pre ventive we want to apply before it gets to the heart; then let's use quickly what mothers used; what science now uses; what doctors use; what hospitals tyse; what nurses use?remembering first that your throat, nose and body are far more necessary to disin fect during an epi demic than your garbage can. I cannot see, as this picture illus trates, why every business man, office woman, clerk, and more especially Army and Navy officers, soldiers and war workers who are exposed to con tagion, do not use Tyree's Antiseptic Powder the simplest, most harmless and most pleasant nose sod throat disinfectant and mouth wash ydu can possibly get It is a pleasant soluble powder. A few pinches in a glass of water and you have your own fresh and agreeable office disinfectant and mouth wash at a cost of two cents. Keep a glass setting on your deric or counter ag the time, rinse your mouth and throat every hour or two and unconsciously you will be relieved of those nasty hawking and spitting spells. This an nouncement speaks of and commends Tyret'g Antiseptic Powder?its substitutes we know not ^ 2 5c, 50c and $1.00 a Box | For Sale by All Druggists J. S> Clmnlrf/ 1st* WesMegtae, D. C. B Mm. Tom Thumb, knows to many millions of persona, la here shown on her aeventy-flfth birthday, with her second, husband. Count Mifrl. This pletnre was taken In thelr<lVew York atate home on the day o 1 celebration. BIOTS IN CONSTANTINOPLE/ Trouble Also Reported at Smyrna. Germans Attacked at Both Places. ATHEN3, October 29 (Havas).? Rioting has broken out at Canstanti nople and Smyrna, according- to a dis patch from Mytllene, Island of Les bos. to the Patris. At both cities, the dispatch adds, Germans were at tacked. If you want work read the want col umns of The Star. ?03 Leave Nome for Seattle. SEATTLE, Wash., October 30.? With 603 passengers on board, the largest number ever leaving Nome, Alaska, on one vessel, the Victoria, last steamer this season from the northern gold camp, departed Monday niyht for Seattle, according to word received today. Special government permission had to be obtained for the vessel to Increase her passenger carrying capacity, because of the number of persons clamoring for passage. , D. C. MEH COmaiBIOHXD. Commission* ta the Army km bMs issued to the following named resi dents of tula city and vicinity: Norman A. Lufburrows, Pennsyl vania avenue and 4tt street, second lieutenant, adjutant general's depart ment. James H. Douglas, itOO B street, major. Ordnance Corps. Benjamin G. Feinberg, 1*16 Calvert street, flrst lieutenant. Ordnance Corps. Andrew J. O'Connor, <14 2d street, and Floyd O. Whitney. 722 Qulncy street, second lieutenants. Ordnance Corps. Robert H. Gordon. 1724 1st strset, captain. Quartermaster Corps. Raymond H. Berry, 1017 8th street; Hubert M. Canning, no address given; Thatcher M. Lie wis, 1810 K street; Brainerd De L. Wilson, 1323 Corbln place northeast, and Louis H. King stone, 18 Iowa circle, flrst lieutenants. Quartermaster Corps. Israel Blumberg, 1726 P street; Gerald J. Dunphy, 1100 Vermont ave nue, and Clarence O. Ferguson, Red Cross, second lieutenants. Quarter master Corps. Sheldon 8. Jones and Richard A. Leavell. no address given, captains, Motor Transport Corps. Michael J. Keating. 2840 28th street; Frederick L. Moore. 1736 G street; Fred W. Robinson, 643 East Capitol street: Robert A. Stevens, 2807 North Capitol street, and Fred A Wolff, 2217 14th street, flrst lieutenants, Motor Transport Corps. Herbert F. De Witt, 1511 22d street; Charles E. Hagner, 1746 K street; Bower Hodges, 306 Randolph place northeast, and Robert M. Bailey, Edgewood Arsenal, Md., second lieu tenants, Motor Transport Corps. John T. Filgate, 2451 ISth street, and William A. Louis, Glen Echo, Md., second lieutenants, air service (pro duction). William A. Frailey, Sherman apart ments, second lieutenant, Sanitary Corps, j Reginald V. Roberts, Takoma Park, second lieutenant, Transportation Corps. Thomas L. Furbershaw, 80 R street, and Iverson O. Mitchell, 907 R street, flrst lieutenants. Dental Corps. Would Dissolve Drag Store Co. John C. Haley, sole proprietor of the stock of W. C. Downey's Co., Inc., which concern formerly conducted a | drug store .in Washington, today applied I to the District Supreme Court for per mission to dissolve the corporation. He [ says there are no debts and no assets | of the corporation. The company dis I continued business in August, 1912. SERQT. LETTOWS BATTLE STORY WRITTEN ON COT Wounded by He AO* Hie Daughter Here She Nearly Iaoet Her Baddy* With three pi box of ehraenei la hie right lee and foot and another piece in hia left tunc. Scat. Charles H. bet- * tow. Troop D, Id Cavalry, whose boa* is at 1S32 3d street, this city, lay In a shell hole the nights of September 2* and 2S last. The first thins he did on the first day he was allowed to ait up was to write his wife and baby here, and in the letter, just received, he tells them that he is "oa the mend." Concern over his wounds seems en tirely subservient in this trooper's thoughts to exultation over the fact that they put 'Wits on the run and. In one day, cot 1,000 prisoners said killed many." However, he admits to his little daughter that she "came so near not having a daddy that I sometimes Uuqk it was only a dream." Sergt. Lettow tells how on Septem ber" 12 hia unit listened for hours to the most intensive bombardment in tho his tory of warfare, and then went over the top. After three days' full fighting these troops were moved to another pari, of the front and participated in the Verdun drive. ?tf was on my horse." says the Wash ington soldier, "when a big shell hft her in the shoulder. V-p I went in tho air and landed in a shell hole. I could not walk and I could not get my toreaUi. I lay in this hole two nights." SALLY FOR WELFARE WORK. Organizations Will Hold Patriotic Meeting in New York. NEW YORK. October 30.?A pa triotic rally of all organisations in terested in promoting welfare work among the men of the Army and Navy will be held in Madison Square Garden Sunday afternoon. The rally will bring together the leaders of tli? various organizations preparatory to the united war work campaign, wllirli begins November 11. Charles E. Hughes will porrside. Secretary of War Newton D. Baker will discuss the work of the various organizations on the fighting front, behind the lines and at the canton ments. Grove's Laxative Bromo Qoinine, 23c WE CIRCLE THE CITY WITH LOW PRICES Deserving Your Attention For Thursday, Friday and Saturday No matter what you may see in one of our announcements? no matter how low the price may be?you have the constant sat isfaction that the article is the best we know of for quality?and deserves your unquestioned confidence. We offer quite an as sortment of specially timed items for Thursday, Friday and Sat urday. They're all money-savers, too?that goes without saying. Our Special Blend Coffc Pound, 21c a Delightful Face Powders H. ? G. Rice Powder 35c Mme. Da Fonr's F*ce Powder, ill shades. Choice, AG. Lie and I You Ask Oftenest for These Family Remedies 23c Rice white or flesh.... Htgh-Brown Fowde Powden 29c ZIZ 25c TeulB Brown OQp Powder Fnemail Pace 01c 1 Powder ? Woodbury's Facial 01_ Powder Colgate's Pace Powder, Splen dor, Radiant Rose, Violet de Mai and Florlent, in all shades. Xfk Choice Merttol Face Powder, invisible and highly perfumed; a greaJt fa vorite in the summer; in OC all evades. Choice.....? Idalla Paeo Powderi your choloe of shades, box - Hew About Your Hair and Scalp? Hall's Hair Heaewer, revised t0nlMmL ^el?er ggc Bght or dark: 75o size .... - ? ? - ? ljeritol Hair Tonle. 50c, $1.00 Two sizes Pompelan Ha*r 24c, 45c, 79c 59c OStoelde, for sore feet. People's price ......... Collyriom Wyeth. People's price ........ Cntieufa Ointment. People's prices, 23c, 45c 59c 85c People's A G. prices, 10c, 23c and..... Dean's Kidney Pills. CO People's price *JUC ForaaUd (Wampole's). People's prices, 29c and H'Z'C D. D. D. People's qq p-ioes, 20c, 49c and OXJC De Witt's Kidney PUls. 7Q _ People's prices, 43c and ' fC Dobell's Solution. Peo- no pie's price, pint ?OC Dioxofen.. People's eq prices, 21c, 3#c and UVC 89c Kilo's Krnit Salt. Peo- Qi pie's price, pound OOC Ely's People's prices, 49e Fluid Extract Caseara Aro matic. People's price, O t 3 ounces WC FalrcJi lid's Pepsin. QQ Peo-ple's prices, 49c and OJC Gray's Glyeerlne Tonic. People's prices, 49c Q0 Gets-It. People's price Garfield's Tea. People's A'i prices 10c, 30c and.... *r??C Code's Pepto-Mangnn. qq People's price JOC Epsom Salts. price, pound 29c People's 8c Glyoo-Th'ymoline. Peo- qq pie's prices, 23c, 45c and OZ7C Na2. f^adtCm Na4. 45c, 85c nu^s Hair Restorers regular Qi *1.00 size - ouc fjmvom de Composed 75o size Wampole's Hair Tonic and Dandruff OS Removers only one size bottle OUC QrBaa Hair Tonic, 50c size, 45c; gj $1.00 size Q-Ban Hair Restorer, 75c size 69c D."der: 23c, 45c, 79c ... 53c, 98c 45c )*e Plnand's Ean de Quinine Parisian Base ?? Perfumes and f Extracts | Melba Toilet Water, small ,$L00 large ? $L50 Pinaud's Vegetal Lilac or Violet .85c Duchesne Lilac Vegetal, an ex cellent preparation after shav ing 79c Colgate's Extracts; all floral odors. Choice 51c Colgate's Toilet Waters, 35c, 50c, 75c and"$Lt0 Houbigant's Ideal Extract; ounce.... ?? $239 Houbigant's Ideal Toilet Water; ounce 79c 8-otmce bottle - $5.59 Mavis Extract, ounce...?..$LA0 Payan Extract; all the floral odors and special odors in stock? ounce ...... , 59c Na3. Na& Guaranteed v Rubber Goods Red and Maroon Robber Fountain Syringe; all guaran teed perfect. Sale AQr? price Guaranteed Hot-Water Battle; full 2-quart size; made espe cially for People's Drug Stores; of the best heavy maroon rub fa er; guaranteed rt* f /CQ! two years ^ Combination Fountain Syringe and Hot-Water Bottle?Con gress combination, all com plete with fittings and about 2 quart hot-water bottle; made of best maroon rubber. Guar anteed one Special Here Are Your Favorite Smokes Ten Tyck Cigar, just arrived, 10c, 3 for 25c; $3.75 box of 50. William the Fourth (Dwarfs), 25c box of 10. "La Linda," genuine Manila, 3 for 10c, 8 for 25c; box of 100, $3.00. "Ruv-Oma" (senators), 9c, 3 for 25c; box of 50, $3J5. "Girard** (brokers), 9c, 3 for 25c; box of 50, $3.75. M. Bustillo's "Tampa Blend," now 5c straight; $2.15 box of 50. Chancellor (invincibles), now 3 for 25c; $3.75 box of 50. Kelly's Bouquet (Admirals), cut to 3 for 25c; $3.75 box of 50. "Hector" Cigars, 5c, 6 for 25c; $2.00 box of 50. $2.49 One of These Items Will Take Good Care of Your Teeth Colette's Dental 1 n Cream, trial size lUC Large size Pebeeo Tooth Paste, regular 50c tube Ipeeo Dental Cream, a sure preventive of Rigg*s disease; the famous tooth paste; QQ large tube C 3 tubes for 73e Pyrodento Tooth OQ Paste ZOC Pyrodento Liquid Month Wash, 23c, 45c.. Albadon Tooth O S Paste IDC ? Chloro-Dent Tooth Paste, contains chlorate of potash that prevents receding gums and removes tartar; 50c ia tube 40C Colgate's Dental Pan- 1 C ieri small siie 1JC Large size S4e 39c 89c Sanltol Liquid, powder (11 or paste Z1C Kolynos Tooth Paste* regular 30c tube. Sanreeo Tooth Paste; 25c size Forhan'n Tooth Pastel regular 50c tube.. Dentlrara Tooth Pastes 25c tube ..... White's Tooth Pastes large size Trial size lOe Pond's Tooth Paste Ideal Chlorate of Potash Tooth Pastes whitens the teeth, hardens the gums and prevent* Bigg's disease; QO tube 40C Three tnbeo ?. 23c 21c 45c 19c 21c ...10e 21c Here Are the Talcums You Like Best Aids jjcotex Cuticle Remover; regular 35c sire ? 29c Hudnnt's Cuticle Remover...25c Prey's Ongaline ,39c Beau Brutnmel 39c Idalia Cuticle Remover 25c Lustrite Nail Enamel, ,10c & 25c Cutex Nail Enamel, regular 35c size 29c Cutex Pink or White Paste for nails; regular 35c size 29c Manicure Scissors, light or heavy carved points. Choice 98c Colgate's (all odors' in Stock) Tale, two O * Sizes, 18c aad ZJC Colgate's Special Per fumed Splendor, Radiant Reae, Violet de Mai OS or Florieat. Choice ?OC Barnard Special Tal is am, bo rated and ele gantly perfumed. Unex celled for the toi- (1Q_ let Special price at dbSfC 18c 17c 25c Colgate's Baby Tale 1 SqnibVa Violet or Carnation Tale j Mavis ' Talc Melba Talc, wiite qt r flesh M... ZOC 15c Bllte 17c or 'a Cory lopsis Tale ~ Violet white; or flesh. Graham's Violet Bo rated Tales contains boric acid, which makes it healing and cooling; perfumed like real violet; made especially for the baby; full pound 1 Q sprinkle-top boxes -1 'C Brighton Violet Arbatns or Cmjlsp?a Tales 1 fl. regular lSo size.. . -LUC HAVE YOUR NEXT PRESCRIPTION FILLED HERE