Newspaper Page Text
STtEL BOARD'S ACTION CONSERVAUVE WARNWG BYI A. FLEMING. Financial and corporate interests, as well as business men generally, at tach great importance to -the action of the board of directors of the United States Steel Corporation, taken yesterday afternoon, when it voted a reduction of 1 per cent in the quarterly wctra dividend payment/ .from 3 per cent to 2 per cent. m The business world looks upon the high-;?"1e men, headed by Judge <iary, constituting the directors of the largest American corporation, as about the wisest aggregation in the country, and accepts the action on the dividends as a warning toward conservatism, more* potent in effect than the action of bankers in de manding larger margins on industrial loans. The net earnings for the third quarter showed a material falling off?$20,000,000?^-largely due to the diversion of a much larger per cent of the earnings a&ainst taxes than was expected. Net earnings of $(>*,000,000 for the third quarter were confidently ex pected, as compared with $62,557,000 for the previous quarter. Before de duction of taxes the corporations earned practically $145,000,000 for the quarter against $153,000,000 for the previous quarter. War taxes chargeable to the quarter directly fotaled $56,987,000, b"ut the board set aside $101,087,000, including an additional $45,000,000 as a taxation covering the nine months of the year' on possible pending legislation. But it is a fact that a cut was made,, not the extent*ot" it that counts. It is a suggestion of readjustment of labor and prices of material after the war,, when war orders shall cease to be the basis for perhaps 60 per cent of the j .activities of the nation. ? Other corporations may be Jnflu the steel board's action. Con servation of cash resources seems 4 vital necessity. Navy Subscribes Over $10,000,000. The. syndicate of ten banks formed to handle the subscriptions of the * commissioned and enlisted personnel of the United States Navy for the fourth liberty loan have been in formed that subscriptions will total about $10,250,000, this being 100 per cent increase over first estimates made to the banks and $2,250,000 greater than the largest estimate yet ifiade. ?, It means that the banks will have to purchase $5,000,000 more bonds, and that this service, as all rendered in connection with the liberty loan, will be on the low basis of 4Y< per cent. It also means an immediate payment of $1,060.000 for the initial payment; $2,000,000 more November 21; and like amounts December 19 and January 16. with the final payment of $3.000< 000 plus accrued interest from October 24, on January 30 next. I The additional subscription will j bring the loan close to the $50,000,000 i mark. On the Stock Exchange. ? i Public utility shares, featured th? session of the local 'stock exchange this afternoon, although there was no special activity. J Capital Traction sold at 86, Railway common at 50 and Railway preferred at 70. ' Values generally were fairly steady. Washington Stock Exchange. SALES. Capital Traction, lo at S?, 10 at S6. 10 at 8?. j "Washington Railway cun., 25 at 50. "Washington Railway pfd., lO at 70. After call: M<.*rgcn thaler, 1 at 137. " , Bid and Asked Prices. GAS BONDS. ? * , Bid. Aiked. j Georgetown Gas 5s ...., .* 99 Washington'Gas 5s 95 Columbia Gas and Electric 5s. .. SO 85 ? Columbia Gas and Elec. deb. 5s. "75 80 RAILROAD BONDS. Capital Traction 5s 97 98 City and Suburban 5s 85 ..... Metropolitan 5s 95 97 "Washington Rwy. and Elec. 4s... 68*? 70 MISCELLANEOUS BONDS. Potomac Electric cons, 5s 94 .... Potomac Electric Light 5s 90 Potoimu Electric Power Us ' ' 99 = Potomac Elec. Power urn. ?s... -95?i *. j Ch?-?RpeaKr and Potomac Tel. 5s. &7|~ I'S] American Tel. und Telga. 4s.... 82 . 82tf> < American Tel. and Telga. 4,(?s.. S0^2 } Am. Tel. au?l Tel. Ctl. Tr. 5s.. ii2r* !? J Ami. Tel. an.l Tel. CM. cons. Ms.. 9!*Vi 99^*1 . American Urrfphopliouo 1st 6s... 91 ]??. C. Paper Mfg. 6s 9S *100 j Washington Markot r?s, 11*27.... , ... Washington Market 5s. 1947 95 .'... W. M. Cold Storage 5s.*. 94 .... Sec. Stge. and Safe Dep. <>s 101 Norfolk an l Wash. Steambt. 5s. 100 ?' Kiggs Realty 5s (long) 100 Biggs Realty 5s (short) 100 PT'BLIC UTILITY STOCKS. Capital Traction 85 85% | Washington Rwy, and Elec. com. 50 55 Washington Rwj. and Elec. pfd. 69*4 72 Norfolk and Wash. Steamboat... 165 ..... Washington Gas ?53fc 54?* American Tel. and Telga 106*4 TYPE MACHINE STOCKS. Mergentbaler 134 137*4 I l^anston ? 58^? 60 j Lanston Scrip 98 .98% J MINING STOCK. Grecne-Onanra 53 NATIONAL BANK 8TOCKS. American J45 Capital 224 Columbia 200 , 225 Commercial 180- 200* District- * 152 ..... Farmers and Mechanics' 220 * 240 Federal l&o ljnroln .* 160 National Metropolitan 195 ltigcs 400 445 National Bank of Washington . 230. TRUST COMPANY STOCKS. American Security and Trust 210 220 National Savings and Trust *^70 ..... Union Trust 118 123 Washington Loan and Trust *232 245 Continental Trust 116 . 120 SAYLNGS BANK STOCKS. Home * 430 Bank of Commerce and Savings. 12 East Washington v.. 11 ..... Security .Savings and Commercial 175 ...*?: FIRE INSURANCE STOCKS. Arlington 8 10 Corcoran 90 *..... Firemen's 18fc? ..... German-American 225 ..... National Union .'. 5*? ..... TITLE INSURANCE STOCKS. Columbia 4 5 Real Estate ? 75 MISCELLANEOUS STOCKS. ? Chapin-Sacks .*....? % 180 D. C. Paper Mfg. Co 90 .Merchants* Transfer and Storage 100 115 Security Storage- ? 185 .... Washington Markrt 16*4 .*.... *Ex dividend. ? Tobacco Scarcity Hits Vineyards. AMSTERDAM. October 5 (Corre spondence of the Associated Press) The scarcity of tobacco in Germany has affected the vineyards, as there is" no more nicotine extract with which to spray the vines to kill vermin and a substitute has not yet made its ap pearance. Send Cash in Advance with your Want Ads for insertion in The Star Owing to present-day condi. ? tions, no transient advertise, ments can be accepted by phone, mail or otherwise on - a charge basis. This ruling Is necessary and the question of financial re. sponsiblllty Is not considered in Its enforcement. for your convenience a list of Want Ad Branches, where cash advertisement, may be left for Insertion, Is printed In the first on the Want Ad Pages. Advertisers desiring monthly ts should apply for same la at The Star Office. NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE - Received By-Private Wire Direct to The Star Oficc. . ~ : - ? *? ?' ? ? Ope*/ Bisk. Iam. CUm Adv Rumley pr.. 51 .61 fO/i '5CJ4 Alaska Gotd * 4 ,4. .4 . ."4 Alaak?Juneam..j2X 2H 2H ?'? AlilsChalmers... 2754 2734 26)4 :6 , Am Ag Chem 102 102 -103 ? 10 J AmBeetSugar.. *63)4 MX .61*4 65 Aiatrlau C*a... 43K 44 . <2-4 42X AmCuATOrr. 'iS'ii ^3 Am Car Mi Fy pr..l0?J4 1?J< lOVi 'MX Am Cotton.Oil.. 4t)4 4"H 41 "41 ? Amer Express.. $1 91 91 ' 91 Am Hide A Lea- 18', 14 .,.15 i l?. Am Hid* 4b L pr 7#J4 ; 8.) 7> 79 American Ice.... ? 45 .. ^7 48 .47 Am Ice pr-........ 57 57)4 ?5' Am Internatl... 58Hi *67 ? 55)4 36)i Am Linseed..... 40 40)4 . 41) 40 4 Am Locomotive. 6? * 85 .84 4% Am Locomot pr-.. ,?9V4 C9J4 9i)4- 99)4 Am Sm&Rel... 87 , .8734' 83)4 83)4. Am Steel Fdry.. Si *8334' '87H 8934 Am Sumatra.... 103 10J34 1C4'4-105^4 Am Sugar...?'... 110J< lWJg 110 JI0V* Am Telft Teleg. 105>4 108 15 10SH Amer Woolen. ..,-50 ; ?0 -8 i 4 % AmWrtgPapr JJ 33 ,31. 31 AmZlncALd.. ,-fi 15 15 '5. \r,aconda....... 70. ? 7054 . 68H Atchison......?. 63. . J3 9234 Atchison pr 84V4 84H 84)4 Atlantic C Line.. 10234. 102'* 102'-4 102 >4 AG&w-ind... 103H 10334.1041* K4'-5. ?taklwin Loco. .. Si)4 . 81)4 7634. 7/ Baldwin Loco pr 10} 102- 102 10' j Ealto A Ohfc.... 56^4 :6J4 *s5 55 Baito &. Ohio pr. "60 )4 66)4 60,'-4 '. 61l-< Barrett Cd 102J4 102H. "l&K Batdplls Mining. 134 ? *1)4 ? 'H Bethlehem Steel. 6<% ' 6814 68)4 , 634. Beth Stl 7% pr... 59*4 S9'-i ffl}4 *?.i Beth St Clasa B.? 6"Jt4'69)4 68)4 ? Beth Stl'S^pr... 1C3 ld3 1C2)4 1025< Broowlyn Bap T. 40 . 40)4 4Q. '40)4, Brunswick Ter. 10 10 10 . 10. Burns Bros 158?* 15834 *8)4 lf? . Butte Cop & Z... 9J4* . 9J4 "i. Wi Btte Superior..? ?5 " .26 ?4)4 Butterlck Co.... 15JS 15_V? 35 ? 15. California Petm 20)4 'OX 10. .*10 , California Pe pr. 62'-4 62)4' '2. S" 6')4 i CAnad'n Paciflo. i66J4 -67)4 164 K4)4 I'Centtal Leather. 6354 64)4 12)4 Cent Leather pr. 107 107 107 107 ?ere de Pasco.., 37 37 o5)4 . 3*? "hant/ler Motor. 94 ? 4 ? 2/4 ?"2?4 Chest Ohio..... 59 ?9)4" 56 X 5 ?i Chi Grt Westn.. 8)4 8)4 kH . 8'4 Ch Creat Wn 24)4 24)4 . 24)4 ' i4'4 Chi Mil & StP.49 * 49)4 4 -)4"' 4*-54 ChlM&StPpr.. 81?. 81 ".7% 79)4 Chi & Northwn.. 102)4 1(2)4 K2)4. 102)4 ChlRI&Pac... 27)4 17)4. 2634 36* C RI & P 6% pr. 63)4 '68*4 68 68 CRItPWpr- 80)4 ?b>4 80)4 . 8054 Chile Copperl,.. 22)4' 22^4 -0J4. '2 Chino Copper... 41 41 4 <0 .<0 Col Fuel & Iron. 3>J4 39^4 ? 35)4 " 36.J-4 Col & Sothn 1st. 53)4 53)4 53)4 534 Columbia Gas.'.. *33)4 3S)j 38 33 Con Gas of N T.. 100 iC0 93)4 98)4 Con In Cal Mln. .? 9 ? 9' '' 9 . 9 Continental Can.' 71* 71 $9 6.1 Corn Products.. 4?)4 4434' 43hi 43)4. Corn Prod pr.... 10\)4 13')4 101)4 .101)4 Crucible Steel.'J. 5i ;-4)4 5! , .J3it Cuban Cane Sue 31 J*. 3134 31 31 ? Cuban Cane Spr 80'^ 01 -80"M i0% Del & Hudson.. 114*. 114* 114 / 114 Den & Bio Gr pr. 10)4 1 H 10H * 10)4 Distillara* Secur. 47)4 474534 45)4 Dome Mining.... 13)4 13)4 ' 12J4' .12)4 Elk Horn Coal... 2834. 2834 2E34 U'A Brie Kallroad.... 17 17 16)4. 1634. Erie it pr....... 32 i 12)4 31% 31# Fed M & Sm pr.. 39.. 39 - 38)4 33)4 Gaston W & W? 28J4 28^ 2,34.27)4. deneral Cigars.. 45 4> 45)4_ '5.4 General-Electric. 153 lf3* ? 152 V4 152^4 General Motors. ,129)4 -2 5#. ? 125 Gen Motors pr..< 78)4 -*'8)4 <73* 78* Goodrich IB F).. 53)4 53)4 -'3)4 -'3)4 Goodrich pr 100)4^ 100^4 10-))4 100)4 jrt Northern pr 93'i '.'4 * 13* .2^4 .rt NorthnOre.. 3? 32 .^?? 0)4 30)4 <ireeme-Cahan?a 54 f4 . _3!j" 53)j. Gulf 6tates Steel ?9 ?9 67,. 67):?, Haskl & Barker. ? 45 5' . 3>?- -43)4 Illinois Central.. 10))4 100)4 1Q0)4 101J4 inspiration...... 5IJ4 54)4 .3^ 53)4 luterborough.... S)4 8)4 7J4 *7)4 In Agri Corpn... 14)i 14X M4 WW. In Agr ciorpn pr 57 57 . ? 57.'? 57. In Har Cor (new 107H 10754 106X lt6X In. Har. (tj) pr... l03 109 10) 10) int Marine 29)4. 29?/4 28VC ,28H Int Marine pr.?.tll8'. 11934. 115)4- 115)4 Internatl Nickel. 32)4 32)4 32 32 FEENCH FELICITATE BRAZIL.. Celebrate First Aniiiveraary of En trance Into War. "i PARIS, Monday," October * 2S.?In celebration of the first Anniversary of | the. entrance of Brazil Inta the war1 on the'side of the-allies. "American and French officials today, gave a re ception. , ? i President Poincar^1 and Foreign Minister Pichon" were represented,! and the'Japanese<i the! ministers from Portugal, Serbia and Belgium attended in person. Gabriel] Hano'taux, the former premier, "and; 'the Brazilian minlstei; ipade ' ad dresses. . .*? ? DELAYS &00 ISLAM) BEjTOET. Necessity for Eevision of Kgirres Prevents Immediate Publication.. The Department of Justice {-eport on the Hog Island shipbuilding, plant ?probably will not be made public for several weeks. Although the report ] was completed andl submitted to the ] President six vyeoks ago, certain' fig ures showlng 'the cost of constructing 'the plant now are being- revised at the instance of the shipping board, which has Melinite figures to substi tute for those, which were partly es timates, used in'the original report*." * Accountants *of the Department of Justice aftd the shipping board now are -at work on these 'revisions.. .. HOLD A NAVAL CONFERENCE. Two American. Admirals Present. Six Eric Geddes Presides. . ? PARIS. Octdber 30.?A naval Con-, ference was held at tlie rfunistrj-' of marine on Monday. . Sir Erie-Geddes, first lord of the British ddfniralty, pre sided. Admiral Wemyss, flrpt British sea ' lord : . Vice Admiral -'William S1. Sims, and Admiral. William S. "Beilson of the United States ? Navy, - Vice Ad miral Thaon Di Re'vel of the Italian navy-and Admirals Grhssi and Boa of the French navy were present. ' ? The fallowing -ministers and 'military and n*tal< Chiefs of the aiijef are now in Paris: Premier Lloyd George. For eign -Minister Balfour, \Var Secretary Miln'er, field. Marsha) . Haig, Sir Eric Geddes,; Admiral Wemyss and Gen. Wilson of Great Britain; Admiral Ben son and. Vice Admiral Sims-of the Uni ted States and Premier. Orlando-; viae Admiral Thaon Di Revel and Foreign' Minister ijonnlnQ or Italy.-. - ?? Qpcb, Uifb. 1*>W. Clam, IcternaU Pipw.' 3. ' i*H & ' 33Vi KeUy-SprtnrfeM 64 *4 64 54 K?aaecott.?3?* .?9H 38H 3SJi Laclca wanAa 3tl.. 73 73 72J* 73 Lehigh Valley... ?1 61 <0 ?9 LI* * Myenipr.-. 107 ?' 107 107 107 LorHItaracP)... 134 J56' 1!5 155 HackarOospp.. 64 64 *4 64 Uaxw?n Motor.. 34 . 34 32* 32* Mixweriut i62& 62K 62 62 JUxwen'td;,..:. MJi 26Ji,:20 26 .Mexican Pet'm.. 150 156* 1 5* 145* Mexican P?t jpr. .-101 101 101 10! Miami Copper.., '2*34 :8'4'2S" :8 Midrale Steel? 4 M. .45 J4 UX 45 : Mo Kan b, Tex.. 5* !' -5J4 . 5>4 "Missouri Pacific. 25^ :5* 25 ; 25 Missouri Pac pr. 57* 57J4 56X" Nat Acme Co.... '31 '31 "31 ?' 51 Nat conduit 16M i'6J4 ' }6H I&4 Nat Gn & Stvc. . 45 io . . *4 ; -44 -.] National Lead... ?9 i ?9* '59 .53 *1 XatRysofMM.. -7^ H'-VH -Nevada Copper.. 20H ?H 20. 20 New Or T 4 M.. 25JS 26 '25* ' 26 NT Airbrake... 112. 112 .. 112 112 %'I Central., .,..'74* 78*' N T Dock:..... ' 20. '30 20- 20 \V NH & Hart.. v3iJ4 39,*- 38 . ? i8*' XT Ont * Wa. .V 22 iS .22 ? 32 Norfolk &-Wn... 107* 1G7* 107 107 j Northern PaclOo iXli &M- Myi ?' 91 OUo Cities Gas.. 43*4 a* 42 ^ AM Ontario Mining.. .7* . '* V 7 . -7 [ Pacific Mail SS.." 31Jiy"34J$ ' 31H "31H Pan-AmPet....* $7* 67;*. ?* 64V ?Pan-Aip Pert pr. 118 116 111 112* 1 Pennsylvania.'.. .43 44*' 47*" :47Ji Peoples',Gaa...'.'. 55% .'$5* 13 -.'54 .' Pere Marquett*. H>?- 14* 14* . 14* Per Mar prior pr. 59 59 51 " 59 | Philadelphia.Co: .34 34 ' 33J4 ? 33* Pierce-Aarrow... 45* <?* .' ?* ? 46* P!^e?on...,:..- 'I7H -i7H ? T?K 17* Pittsburgh Coat. 50 SO.1* 4*M .48* Pitts * -sjr Va?? 35* 56 .33* 33'-? Pressed Stl Car.. 68 68 .' ?*? ?6 Pu'bServ of NJ.. ?? 9) 90 .90 RwySteel Sprg.- 67 t7 ((% C6* . Kay ?opt>ef.24*. 24? 14*' 241* :'.eaSins Rallwat 89*. 90 '87* 87* Reading 2d pr..' 39i* 39*.'&*' 39** -leplrbn&SU... -?J< *3.'. iCtii. 80^i Hep Ir * Stlpr..IQ0 IQD -100 109 ;".ojralDilteh.... 117 ? 417 115 .-115 Saxon Motor. ...? 9 .-9 : 9 ; 9 SeaboardAL.' 9 -9 ? 9- 9 Sears:Roebuck.. 160 160 .160- .151 Shattuck-Arix,.. 15H 15ji -15H ; 15H Sinclair Oil 4 R. '33J< . 35ji c4 -34 Sioss-Sheffleld... Si ' . 53 ' 52 .' f2 Southern P*e.... lOJJi 102J4 1 0J4 ?Scutiiern Ry...i 295* 30}? 2JJ^ 2J^ Southern Ry pr.. - 69 . 69 ' - 6S>J-' 68H Studebaker....;. <2}A 64^t 62*4 . 63J< stuta Motor Co.. 43 ?? 43 ? '42H 42J4 Superior Steel...'. 37H 3Iti 37H 37H Tenn Cop & Ch.! 'l?*A liii 16H 16H Tex?a Cos.:..... 185>4, 187 81" 181 Third Avenue.. 'lSJi I8V4 J8K'- 18Ji . csacco Prod.... T4!i .;73H' ?Tobacco Prod pr 95 95 '' .95 ? 95 ?Underwood.'..'; 110)^. 110# 110J^ 110* *'j.ion Pa<jiOe.... l32'-4 132 ? 2)J4 119H ' L' id Alloy St^el.. .38* 38*- '6^.J6Ji l td Cigar 8tor.. 100* WOJi ' 9jJ4 9 % L'nltted Fnilt... -,14} " 145' .145 -.145 U S'Cast ir Pipe. 14* . 1454 lift .14}j ;u S Cast Ir t?i>T. 44 44 ' 4W4 43>4 L'S Alcohol,...."104* 104>il'2 102M 0a Alcohol Pr-.. 94V4 91* 9H4 SiH ? L'S Rubber..... 67 67>4 fcCH X6<4 L's Rubber 1st.. 132J4. 102>4 102 1)2 CSSm A Kefng. 48 '48. i 46* LSsteeL.......Koi4 106 102 1102 < L"SSteelprl....IWA 111J4 JUtf 111* Xttit Copper.... 89* -89*. 87 - 87H Utab Sec Corpn. 13* 13*' 13 '. 13 Va-Gar Chem..^ 55* ;"6 . 55>4 55J4 Wabash........ V/t 9H "' ^ | S . Wabash, pr A.... 39 - 3J ? ' 2 *3854 Wells Fargo Ea ? 79 J9 ' 79 , 79 Western Md..... 14* 14* UJi' 13H ,? tstinghouse. 44* . 41*'' 43}'4- ^ 43J4 Wheeling i L B. 9H 9>4. ' Spi 9J4 White Motor...... 47H 47* <6* ;; 45 ' Wilson & Co.... 60 61 . ' 5). 59^ |"W:llys-6Terld..C. 23* 13* 22* -22* tVillys-Overld pr 84-- 84: .84. 84 | WcrthingtonP.. 54 .. 5) ? 53 * 53*' WbrPumpprB, 65 ' 66'? 65}4 65J4 j " ? ' ?? mpk '-'?tm ?? , Can Money. 1 tr . ? 6" J - hoUrly SALES OF STOCKk 'J Ua-m...: 200^00. i2b....v.^ i;6,500]| ,1p.m..., 378,000 2p.m 432,100 ANDRASSY TR?AtlNG ' WITH CZECH GOVERNMENT BASEL, Switzerland, October 30.? Count,? the. Auatro-Hun grirlan foreign minister, "h^s.entei-ed Into diplomatic relations with niern^ brt?S . of the. Czechoslovak-' govern ment in P&rjs. ?t; the Hun garian newspaper Noiody -I>iaty. . JAPAH'S F0BCES IN SLBEHIA. Official Statement to Correct Im .. . pressions as to Operationi. . TOKIO, October 5 (Correspondence of the.- Associated Press)'.?Japan (ias sent two divisions of troops and part Of a' third division to fight tjie bol dhevfki in Siberia. Cdl. Wada, senior adjutant in the var office, niade those facts knoyrn officially to correct any impression that the Japanese'army-ia mobilizing on a large scale for opera Clons in Siberia. * lie added: "Iti order to enable those divisions to work to the utmost effi 'ciency in so. wide a country? it was ?<j4essary tw .prqv'ide for .them ad ditional artillery,, aviation corps,-field and' wireless corps," railway corps, ?pontpon 'battalions and some other contingents in' the rear." . WOEZEBS' STRIKE SPREADS. .NEW YORK, October SO.?The strike of; 15,000 members of tho Amalga mated Clothing Workers of America. fU^aged on th'?j maau'facture\of boys' Clothing, spread torfay' to New Jersey, whers. 1.000 men and girls employed on contract work for the New York manufacturers ? walked out; strike headquarters' announced. Fifteen 'Hundred Strikers returned to the shops .today of manufacturers who-agreed to the union terini; ?Aviator Fractui$? Skull in Pall. , HOUSTON, Tex., October. 30.?Lieut. Maurice F. Maxwell: of New Hope, Pa., an aviator pilot at Park Plice! near here, received probable fatal in juries yestferday when -the plane Jn which h'e was flying struck a tree top and crashed to earth near the avia tion field. His skull was fractured. JUxw-ell was graduated from 15;. Univermity. of Pennsylvania- Jn 19QS. He was commissioned last "torch; ? ...... . j NEW TORK, October; 30.?Nothjng had any effect on the inarket this morning, .but' the-conservative action of the directors, of the steel corpora tion, In increasing largely its 're serve for taxes and reducing the! usual extra dividend' of % per. cent for the'third quarter to t. per Cent or to a 13 per cent'basis instead of 1.7 per cent. ? , In the first two hpurs of the ses sion tbp sales were but 336,500 shares, which would ' not. seem to ?bow any severe - liquidation, although "the transactions in * steel common v?re probably two-thirds of the total. [ ' M. P. Sensational Break. Steel common closed yesterday at 108, the first sale this mornlng.was at 106%. then 106 and then the prices. declined to 104%, . remaining Steady for a time with sogie recovery, but near the end of the noon hour 103% was reached.. Thfs was the low up to, that tiihQ. I Mexican Petroleum furnished a sen sational break in its action, opening points off. meeting support and made* a quick recovery to 160 and then f$ll again to 151. < Industrial Iiiat Hit. , ,j the industrial list was hit more or less by -the unexpected action of the fcteel board. Industrial Alcohol lost 2. points. Baldwin- Locomotive, 4; Car Foundry, 3*A; General Motors. .2%; Bethlehem B- shares. 2 points. The action of the steel directors was entirely' unexpected and.- a distinct surprise to the street, although some, wise market judges may have sensed it, as indicated by. the. action of- the market'yesterday. There was no leak; there never is in that board. Bails Fairly Steady. ? The' rails as a. rule eased off not more than % point on the average ^nd .remained very, steady-during tpe greater part of the session, but with out attracting much attention through, trading operations. Steel Common, -IOC%. Steel gradually declined to 103 and then recovered fractionally, making a new -low for the. day at 2 .o'clock at. 1.02%/ Oils declined to new 16ws and the In dustrial market generally was from 2 to 6 points off. ? Trading ill the rails was decidedly light, with losses generally of_ 1 to 1% points. .*. ? THREE GERMAN FLIERS .DOWNED'BY YANKEES WITH THE AMERICAN ' ARMY NORTHWEST OF VERDUN, October 29 (by the-.Associated' Press).?Three German airplanes are believed to have'been brought down in an aerial battle; over Banthfeville la.te . Monday between-an American patrol of eight, machines and-thirteen Germans. The. American p'atrol had attacked four German machines, when other enemy airplanes Joined in. The Americans fought the entire thirteen I until- three German -machines ? were seen to /all. The ten others turned tail and escaped. The American ma chines -returned safely. . One of the German machines b?--] ? lifeved to have been brought down fell in * a vertical dive and . another was seen to go down completely oijt of control. The third German fell toward the ground after 150 rounds had. beep fired at the machine. The ten other Germans retired when their superiority was reduced to two pjanes. x ? COUNT HADIK TO FORM A HUNGARIAN CABINET BASEI* Switzerland, October 30.? Count Hadik, former Hungarian. food minister, has been' charged with ;the formation of a Hungarian cabinet, .according .to a dispatch from Buda pfeSt. ? ? Collet Karojyi, president of the Hungarian independent party, will not. enter the new ministry, it is said, but will support it in the national assembly.. CURB STOCKS. Quotations furnished .by W. B. ^Bid ' Asked. Aetna. ExplosWes : '* ? J. Air Seduction ?? Ana. Writing Paper ?k>m ?, 3 4 Atlantic Petroleum Zg Barnett Oil ' ?- .. 0 ? nfg Ledge-..-.....- 4." Boston and Montana..-*. . ButterwoYth.Judson aq 49 Caledonia Mining ? Calumet and Jerome "? * Canada Copper ; li 1M Carbon Steel . 100 11 Car Light and Power.......... 1% Charcoal Iroa ;"Vlsi ia? CMwielet.v..-V ?-???? ii" ^5 Cities Service ???;?."5? Cities Service Vtiy . J, '?g Consolidated ArtrtTna n'? JJj Consolidated Copper,.... Cosden Co. -? Cosden pfd. ....... ? ? -??* __ ? Cramps .....~ "'I'"'. 4'4 5 Cresson t*old i.-: . sb . Crvstal C-opper. ? cnrtiss Aero.... ?", ?3t, Davis I>?ly? V-. it Denbelgh Silrer % ?. Elk-Basin Kmerson -l'lione.. r - Kmma Copper.... ????? ?, Federal. Oil - -?. First National Copper ..... J* 1/s Glen Rock ? ??* ?>n (ioldfleld Consolidated........ " 20 Green Monster.. 7s ? Molly. Sugar.... %? Holly.Sogw Pfd- 75 ? Houston Oil Howe Sound y-f ?? Island Oil ??? s2| #3|4 Jerome Verte ? Jim Butler .47 4? Jumbo Extension " Keystone Tiip f| Lake Torpedo 3 22?*vSKT'.::::::::::::::: ** ** ?^m Munftion. ............. M? Metropolitan Pe'troieum ^14 1^16 Midwest Oil com....... 1<M Midwest Oil pfd...... 13-18 18-16 'Midwest Beflning- 1?Y Mitchell Motors l? 40 Motherlode Nipissmc Mines Co.. 8U 8% North Amer. P. 4 P.,..-; -A ? Northwestern Oil ... ...... M 3J. ?Ohio Copper 1o-1? J Oklahoma Oil Co % 1% Okla Prod. 4 Kefg. Co.....'.. 9hi. 9% Okmulgee Oil - ? -Vi Paclllc Gas ? S fi Peerless JJotors ? 17 Ray Hercules. .. 4* 4 Hed Warrtor 8-18 Relc- Equipment ........ .... 12}, 13% St. Joseph 14. IS -j Sapulpa Oil ................ " ^ Sequoyah Oil ila H Sinclair Gulf ^ .23 Standard .Motors ,8 9 Snbmarine Corporation 13% 14% S?/^n:::::::.v.r ii-u United* Eastern ... ... ?U. 8. Light aad Heat com 1*4 1& ?U. S. Light and Heat pfd 2V4 S United Motor* 33* 33% United Pro lit Sharing .-... 5-18 7-l? U. S. SteamshiR........v....i. 4% 5 United Verde.;..,.; 37 88 United Western Oil Ji ? ?4 United Zftic.: %. 1% Victoria Oil. ? 2% .2% WaylanJ Oil ?.....- 3% West End... 1 . 1^ ?Wriiht-Martin Aero ......... 5*4 5% Use of Lower Cotton fopdes. Iii Vine with the government's an nounced policy to force a greater use of the lower grades of cotton, there b'y stabilizing the tirice, manufactur ers of cotton fabrics for the Amur and Navy will hereafter discontinue consumption of inore. higher grade* ?than necessary, using grades below middling. - United" Eastern ???? .4% GRAIN AXD PROVISIONS. CHICAGO, October SO.?Fresh de clines in the value Of cofn resulted today from new German an? Austrian notes to the American government. Other diplomatic and military develop ments -tended also to Increase bearish sentiment. Selling pressure, however, was not of an aggressive character. Opening, prices, which ranged from J4 to 2 >4 lower, with November 1.28% to ?1.21 and December 1.17% to 1.1814. were followed by a decided additional setback. . Oats, like corn, gave evidence of scattered liquidation and of a lack of support. The war outlook was the dominating factor. After opening % to 1% lower, with November 68 to 68%, the market continued to sag ?Provisions receded with grain .and hogs. Most of the dealings Were in ribs. CORN?. ? Open. High. Low. Close. November ... 1.20% 1.21 l.lTis December ...1.17% 1.18% 1.14% .1.1*% 0AT8? .November 68 .68% .6714 -?JV? -December'.'.. .87% .67% .66% .66% POBK? November 36.40 35.30 36.30 Jnnnary -40.00 37.60 38.25 LARD? November 23-5? January -.... 25.15 25.15 24.60 24.00 RrBft? November ... 22.00 22.17 21.80 21.80 January 22.30 22.37 " 21.80. 21.90 NEW YORK, October 30.?Flour? Easy; springs and Kansas, 10.50all.00. Other articles unchanged. Special Dispatch to Tfce Star. BALTIMORE. Md., October 30 (1 p.m. quotations).?Wheat?Spot No. - red winter, garlicky, 2.33%a2.34; spot * No. 2 red winter, 2.3534a2.36; receipts; 1?1,014 bushels. Corn.?Receipts, 1,344 bushels. Qat^?Quiet, steady; standard white, 81 9.sked;.No. 3 white, 80 asked-; receipts, 53,002 bushels; exports, 31,- i 238 bushels. ) | Rye?Firm; ? No. 2 western export, j 1.76%; receipts, 52,860 bushels. ? i '? Hay?Steady, unchanged. I CHICAGO LI VIS STOCK MARKET, j CHICAGO, October . 30.?Hogs?Re ceipts, 18,000 head; market fairly active, mostly 15 to 25c lower J?an yesterday's average. Butchers. 18.00 at8:50r .'light, 17.75al8.30; packing, 17.00al7.90; rough, 16.00al6.75; pigs, good to choice, 15.Q0al6.25. Cattle?Receipts, 16,000 head: beef steers steady; butcher cattle and can ners, strong to 15c higher; calves and feeders, strong to 25c higher. Sheep?Receipts, 17,000 head; fat. lambs, mostly 25c higher; sheep steady; .feeder trade strong. DAIRY AND PRODUCE. CHICAGO, October 30.?Butter?-Un settled; creamery, 52%a7%. Eggs?Higher; receipts, 4,756 ca^es; firsts, 5Ja54; ordinary firsts, 52a52%; at-mark, cases included, 52a53. Potatoes?L'ower; receipts, 90 carp;' Minnesota and Dakota, bulk. 1.50al.70; do., sacks, 1.80al.90; Wisconsin. bulk, 'l,5'Sal.70; do., sacks, 1.80al.90. Pooltry?Alive, lower; fowls, 22a26; springs,-24%. ? NEW YORK, October 30.?Butter Firm; ? receipts* V.957 packages; creamery higher than extras, 59a59%; creamery extras (92 score), 58%; firsts.. 56a58; packing stock, current make. No. 2, 39%. Eggs?Firm;, receipts, 11,661 cases; fresh gathered extras, 61a62; fresh gathered regular packed extra firsts, ,58a60; do., first, 55a57; state. Penn sylvania and nearby western hennery whites, fine to fancy. 90a94; state. Pennsylvania and nearby hennery browns, 64a68; do., gathered browns and' mixed colors, 52a62. ? Cheese?Irregular; receipts, 1,499 boxes'; state fresh specials, 32%a33; do., average run, 31 Via32. Poultry?Live, irregular; chickens. 25a2i\; other prices unchanged; dressed dull; chickens, 27a36; broil ers, 36a45; fowls, 30%a36; old roosters, 26%; turkeys, averager befct, 40a43. VIOLATES DRAFT LAW, GIVEN A YEAR IN JAIL Roger Nash Baldwin, Officer ' of American Anti-Militarist Union, Sentenced, in New York. NEW YORK, ? October 30.?Roger Nash Baldwin, director of an organi zation called the National Civic Lib erty Bureau, with headquarters here, and ah officer of the American Anti-: Militarist Union, in Washington. D. C., pleaded guilty in the-federal court today to Violating the draft law by failing tp submit himself for physical examination. After making the plea Baldwin read to Judge Mayer a long prepared statement, in which he gave his rea sons- for refusing to obey the law. He said he was a conscientious ob jector and stood ready to take full puni'shmept-for his action. He was ?sentenced to serve a year in the peni tentiary less twentydaye he has been ?in the Tombs prison. HIGHER INFLUENZA TOTALS. I New-York Reports Increase in New Cases and Deaths. NEW YORK, October 30.?Two days of unseasonable warmth and recurrent fog in this city have made "typical Influenza weather" the health depart ment stated today, in reporting another increase in the number of new cases of Spanish influenza .and pneumonia. ?The growth in.the total of new cases was also attributed to delay on the part of physicians in making their reports, the department stating that within the last, .twenty-four hours some doctors had'reported cases handled during the ?last week;' Deaths from thesfe diseases, it was pointed out, had decreased since Tuesday's lists were giveri out. ? The influenza cases reported today, aggregated 5,349, or 1,276 more th'an yesterday. Illness.from pneumonia in-' creased- by 323, a total of 1,025 cases being listed.' Fatalities" were 402 from influenza and 2S9 from pneumonia?a falling off of 23 and $1, respectively. OIL. QUOTATIONS. Quotations furnislied by W, B. Hibbs & Co. w Bill. Aslfe<I. Anelo-"Ameriean Oil Co. (new).. 16# 16% Atlantic Jlefining Co. .V .? 9M 1000 Rorne-8cryroser Co. . 4JO 4->0 Rifekeye Pipe .Vne Co 9? 94 ClTe^roofih Manufacturing Co. 330 350 Colonial Oil Co?-?????*? ???????? *0 ? J? Continental Oil Co... 450 . 480 HrMMnt Pip? Line-Co So 42 cSbStand Plfre line ... 140 155 Eureka Pipe Iin*..*.1.. 185 105 oSeM-Mr"! Oil Co. com..,.. 97 182 Calrn.-HtKn.I Oil Co. pfd...... 110 120 jUferia FipTLine Co... 1?S 170 J' dUM PiP* Line Co < 90 93 KBttonl Transit Co. 13% 14% ~ yTr.niiport.tion Co...... 190 200 flirtbin. PIP. G. 105 115 SSUytoniajilMi?n'*Ft?el ??? ? ? f^r Retains Co... 325 . 3.10 Southern pipe Liae Co 1T7 ? 183 South P(nn. Oil Co. ........... ?JT5 JSkt Kweatern P.. Pipe Uno Co. 100 -107 Standard Oil Co. California.... 252 227 Standard Oil Co. Indiana 650 ?70 Standard Oil Co. K*l?a?. .. 490 515 Standard Oil Co. Kentucky..... 320 350 Standard OH Co. Nebraska 450 480 atandaed Oil Co. New"Jersey.. 563 575 Standard Oil Co. New Tort 273 2S0 Standard Oil Cq. Ohio 110 480 Swan & Finch Co. 97 102 Tnto'n Tarft Line. Co .MOO 14IS ?VaSnm Oil Co 370 380 Washlo<t?n Oil Co............ 40 45 COTTOJT KAKKET.' - QgatatMaa ftmlaked by W. B. Bibb* * "?. Ope*. High. low. 1 p.?. neeember ....... 29.35 19.48 28.83 JJwrT!T..^..V.. 2S.S3 2S.S2 27.57 27.64 January, ...2(1.8* 29.02 3S.16 28.18 ARTISfS PAINT PGTUIIE IE [TOM MM) Flagg and Brown Sepzodooe Gen eral's Coal-Saving Slogan at Navy Department "Back; up Gen. Pershing! Coal is vltfl to victory. Save it!" The coal-saving-slogan sent acroas the water some months ago by Gen. Pershing, directing attention to the needs of the allies for the coining winter, was painted by James Mont gomery Flagg of New York, assisted by 'Arthur William Brown, an illus trator of note, beside a bigger-than life .portrait 6f the leader of Amer ica's fighting armies, today on a signboard in front of the Pennsyl vania avenue entrance to' the State, Wa> and Navy buildiijg. Flagg and Brown left New York! last night, where the pair had finished th^lr work in connection with the fourth liberty loan, and arrived In Washington this morning to work on the -coal-saving picture ander the auspices of the educational division of the fiiel administration. Shortly afWr 12:30 o'clock Dr. Harry A. Garfield federal fuel administrator, arrived in front of the painting and expressed himself as 'much pleased with the work of the artists. Mr. Flagg started work on the sign at 11:30 o'clock this morning and an hour later had -hair of the portrait ot Gen. Pershing painted and the outline "of the message blocked in. The model lor the portrait of the general was E. A. Abbott of Chicago, a civilian here on war work, who togged him self up in an officer's -uniform and stood on the platform in front of the artists. The whole sign will be finish?, ed late this afternoon. Flagg and Brown, prior to cftming to Washington, had worked in cities all over the country in the interest of the liberty loan. Perhaps their greatest feat was the painting of an immense liberty loan poster in front of the New York Public Library. SAYS HUNS STILL TREAT PRISONERS INHUMANELY "No Good to Talk to Such People," Sir George Cave Tells House of Commons. LONDON, October 30 (British wire less service (.^Germany has flagrantly broken the rules of international law In her treatment of British prisoners of war, declared Sir George Cave, the British- home secretary, in discussing the question of prisoners of war in the houSe. of commons yesterday. Some of the German internment camps, he said, were reasonably well organized, but there were other camps where con ditions' were almost, unspeakable and where inhumane treatment almost past belief went on. These things were going on today; I and the evidence the government had obtained from lately returned prison ers was very much on the same lines as previously. Working parties of British prisoners were beaten, tor tured and made to work when they were ill. Everything was done to break their spirit, but. Sir George added, the enemy had failed in most cases. Sir George believed that if any arm istice with either Germany or Austria Hungary was reached the government would take steps to see that one of the primary conditions would be that all prisoners of war in enemy coun tries would be immediately and un conditionally released. He added: "It will do no good to talk to the people who do these things. We have got to take them by the neck and the throat and punish them so that it will be an example for generations to come." ? THE WEATHER. - District of Columbia, rain tonight and probably tomorrow, cooler: gentle and variable winds: Maryland, rain tonight and probably tomorrow, cooler; moderate and vari able -winds, becoming westerly. Virginia, rain tonight and probably tomorrow; cooler tonight and in east portion Thursday; moderate and vari able winds, becoming northwest. West.Virginia, cloudy tonight, prob ably rain in mountain districts, cooler; tomorrow fair, cooler. Becords for Twenty-Four Hours. The following were the readings of the thermometer and barometer at the weather bureau for the twenty four hours beginning at 2 p.m. yes terday: ? Thermometer?Yesterday. 4 p.m., 80; 8 p.m., 74; 12 midnight. 70; today, 4 a.m. 67; 8 a.m., 67; 12 noon, 72; 2 p.m?" 74. Maximum, 82, at 2:15 p.m. yes terday; minimui^ 64, at ? a.m. today. Temperature same date last year? Maximum. 68; minimum, 33.. Barometer?Yesterday, 4 p.m.. 29.85; S p.m., 29.87; 12 midnight. 29.86. to day, 4 a.m... 29.84; 8 a.m., 29.83; 12 noon, 2 p.m., 29.75. Up-River Waters. , . ! Special Dispatch'to The Star. . HARPERS FERRY, W Va., October 30.?The Potomac and Shenandoah rivers both clear this morning. Weather in Various Cities. ? Tempera tore. 1 ?? H - " I! !?= Stations. ? is as i' weather. : a" z Z 3 State of Abilene' Tex. 30.10 6? 40 Clear j Albinv .7... 2S-.80 7<; 08 0.01 Cloudy Xttantic CKy 29.88 06 02 .... Cloddy Baltimore . 29.84 80 64 .... Cloudy Bismarck ... 30.02 44 30 .... Cloudy Boston 29-84 78 80 .... Cloudy Buttnlo 20.78 62 54 0.04 Rain Charleston .. 29.92 78 72. .... Pt.dondy 1'bicairo 29.82 , 00 44 .... Clear Cincinnati .. 29.80 62 54 0.02 Rain Cleveland ... 28.78 00 56 .... Cloudy Denver 30.18 54 34 .... Pt.cloody Detroit 29.76 58 48 .... Clear El Paso. Tex30.10 66 42 .... Clear Galveston ... 30.00 76 ?0 0.24 Clear Helena '. 30.28 50 36 .... Clear Jacksonville. ?.92 84 72 .... Clear Kansas City. 30.00 60 42 .... Clear Ewe Angeles. 29.96 90 70 .... Clear Louisville ... 29.80 62 56 0.01 Ksin > * Miami. Fla.. 29.98 80 78 - 0.26 Clear New Orleans. 29.84 84- 66 4.14 Cloudy New York .. 29.84 70 62 .... Cloudy Oklahoma ... 30.08 - 62 42 .... Clear Philadelphia. 29.84 78 66 ..... Cloudy Phoenix. Aria 29.90 74 46 .... Clear Pittsburgh*.. 29.82 68 60 0.16 Rain Portland,'Me 29.86 64 56 .... Foggy Portland, Ore 30.10 62 46 .... Clear ! Salt lake C. 30.28 48 38 Clear ! San Antonio. 30.08 74 50 .... Clear I Sac Diego ..29Jtt 84 62 .... Clear S - Francisco. 30.06 80 58 Clear. St Lou'.s ... 29.84 68 48 0.01 Clear St. Paul .... 29.82 42 36 .... Cloudy WASH.. D.C. 29.82 82 04 Cloudy SUGAR HELPS DISEASE FIGHT. Extra Allotments Authorized for Sufferers From Influenza. As an aid in- fighting the infiuensa epidemic, the food adminstraton to day telegraphed the federal food ad ministrator of each state that where necessary extra sugar allotments for patients and those earing for them are to he allowed. - *. USAHCIAL. I. FINANCIAL. OUR TRUST Department is authorized to act as Exec utor, Trustee, Guardian, etc. Once You Gel Interested ?SAVING proves a great game! The more faith fully you stick at it the keener the satisfaction derived from watching your money grow?the quicker you attain your objective. tf And Saving is a game in which there are no losing stakes, when you have the protection and counsel of the right sort of bank to guide you. Washington's OLDEST National Bank conducts a SAVINGS DEPT. and invites you to become a depositor THIS PAY-DAY?$i or more will open your account. Off. cers: GEORGE W. WHITE, PwiMfl. O. H. P. JOHNSON, Vie* Prr*. A. A. HOEHLIXG, Jr? Trust Officer. C. F. JACOBSEX, Cashier. ? ?I < National Metropolitan Bank Capital and Surplus, $1,340,000. ? 15th St., opposite U. S. Treasury?104 Years Old Z Same Rate of Interest Paid ^ on Large and j\ Small Accounts,?> Safe Deposit Boxes at Very Reasonable Rentals Government Pay Days -^are especially busy days at this handy bank. Our location answers every requirement of the federal worker's convenience-our large re sources and long experience definitely satisfy the demands of SAFETY. Same Rate of Interest Paid on both large and small accounts. YOUR pay-day deposits invited. Capital and Surplus, $2,000,000 OFFICERS: WILLIAM T>. HOOVER, President FRANK STETSON Trust Officer WOODBURY BLAIR, First V. Pres. CHAS. C. LAMBORN Treasurer FRANK W. STONE, Second V. Pres. E. PERCIVAL WILSON, Secretary Woodbury Blair James A. Buchanan William A H. Church Walter C. Clephane William V. Cox William E. Edmvnston DIRECTORS: George Howard William D. Hoover Reginald S. Huidekoper Thomas R. Jones Victor Kauffmann Samuel Maddoz Samuel McGowan William F. Quicksali Frank W. Stone William H. Walker Henry K Wiilard NATIONAL SAVINGS & TRUST CO. 52d Year Oldest Savings Depository in Washington Cor. 15th and New York Ave. 52d Year WHOLESALE MARKET REPORT. The wholesale market prices this morning ranged about as follows: EGGS?Strictly fresh, 60a61; average receipts, 58; southern, 58. CHEESE?New York state factory, new, 27. BUTTER?Elgin print, 64; Elgin tub, 63; process, 45. LIVE POULTRY?Roosters, per lb., .23; turkeys, per lb., 36a37; chickens, spring, per lb., 35a37: hens, per lb., 33; keats, young, each, 50a60. DRESSED POULTRY?Fresh killed spring chickens, 38a39 per lb.; turkeys, per lb., 38a39; roosters, per lb., 25;' hens, per lb., 35. GREEN FRUITS?Apples, per bbl., 2.50a8.50; per box, 1.00a2.50; western, per box, 2.50a4.25; California lemons, 7.00a 8.00; grapefruit, per crate, 4.60a5.50; pineapples, per crate, 5.00a6.00; canta loupes. California, per crate. 1.75a3.00; California oranges, 14.00al6.00. VEGETABLES?Potatoes, No. 1, 3.00a 3.50 per standard bbl.; No. 2, 2.00a2.50; western, 2.76a2.80 per cwt.; string beans, per bbl., 2.00a4.00; peppers, per crate, 50a75; okra, per quart, 12Hal5; radishes, per 100,' 1.56a2.50; cucumbers, per basket, 1.00a2-50; eggplant, 75al.00 per crate; cabbage, new, per 100 lbs., 1.50aL75; beets, per bunch, 4a6; lettuce. 1.25*2.25 per basket; New York celery, per doz., 40a75; per crate, 4.00a4.S0; romaine lettuce, 1.00al.25; squash, 1.50a 1.1W j>er -crate; spring onions, L50a2.50 per 100 bunches; onions, per 100-lb. sack, 2.00a2.25; spinach. 75aL25 per bbl.; kale, 50al.90; tomatoes, homegrown. 75a 2.00 per box; peas, 2.50a3.50 per basket; corn, nearby, 20a30 per doz. LIVE STOCK?Sheep, per lb., 6aT; lambs, spring, per lb., 17; calves, per lb., 19; medium, per lb., 18al8li; com mon, per lb., 12al5. GRAIN?Wheat, milling, per bu., 2.20a2.35; corn, per bu., 1.90al.95; oats, white, 80a82; mixed oats, 76a78; hav. No. 1, 30.0pa32.00; No. 2, 28.00a30.00. SEEDS?Red clover, 22.00a22.50 per bu.; aiblke clover, 17.50al8.00 per bu.; crimson clover, 12.75al3.50 per bu.; timothy, 4.65a4.80 per bu.; red top, 15.00a.16.00 per 100 lbs.; bluegraaa, 3.00a5.50. Defer Combining' of R. R Charges. Shortage of labor due to the in fluenza epidemic has made It neces sary, the railroad administration an nounced yesterday, to postpone from November 1 to December 1 the date I for combining sleeping car charges! with the additional railroad fare re -' quired for occupancy of Pullman cars I First Trust Notes Tor Sale Secured am taprered O, C. real estate. Com Use seed latereot witk best poostMo Mcaruu Kotos ia doaoadaatloos of frost $S50 to Tcaaaaetfoao closed prompt];. . We collect In terest sad sttestf to eTory 4*UU core folly. Ho charge to Imtm. Certttratss of tltlo Ut lasvraace policy flmW4 ?HAJINOH * LDCU XarestSMat Dnl? AN ANNUITY IN MUTUAL LIFE INSUR ance. Company will give certain income for life, guaranteed by over six hundred amfTFr ty-three million dollars. Applications reflmV by TBOMAS P. MORGAN. Manager. Booms 423-429 Southern Building. oa? ON SAVINGS ?'? ACCOUNTS Union Savings Bank ?oldest savings bank IX WASHINGTON." W?4? H. Cooper, PrnUnl. 710 Fourteenth Stmt. EQUITABLE CO-OPERATIVE BU1LDIN& ASSOCIATION ~ Assets, $3,581,361 J Make Up Your Mind to Save ?The people who save are ttae?~ ones who are prepared tor any emergency that may ariae. Save ?jstematicallj- tlirough the Eoui table. 75th Issue of Stock - Betas HmHtH * Shares, $2.50 Per Z Month 4 Per Cent Interest EQUITABLE BUILDING 915 F St N.W. JOHN JOY EDSON. PrnMrat FRANK P. RFiBSWE. Smftwy MONEY TO LOAN On D. C. Real Eitite. Loweat Bates. JESSE L. HEISKELL, 140* H 8T. N.W. Private Wires ^ We have all facilities f<| the accommodation of out clients, including Pv i v a t3 Wires to ~ A. B. Leach A. Co.?Post A FlagfllTf Horn blower A. Weeks. CASH AND MARGINAL STOSE TRADING IN ALL MARKETS Moorhead & Elmorg UEMBKRS [ 72915th St. Phone M.21Qte Money to LoaiB ?coned by First I)ee<l of Trnat on RmI ? Fremitus interest and pomm.aatoa.? Joserh L Wrller, 624 F St. I?fl6