Newspaper Page Text
Star Want Ad Agencies Where Cash Advertisements May Be Left for Insertion Muiau. Arm.. ^fpfatWunijii). 3rd aad TxHm? in., Botlar t tUU 7th and T Sta., CHmll t 7th and X sk. Ooldmlwrf's (Tte* Clerk's Damk). ?th and V fits., >dh)n TtimnXT. 14th ud F St?.. Day Fbvmaoy. 18th and Florida Are., Fcanoa Phar macy. 21st and 9 St*., Qnlcler Pharmaer. Z6th and Feimsylnaia Avm., MM Pharmacy. Bolmsad and OtU Pisa?, Hri?4 Pharmacy. 1901 L St. Hons Pharmacy. NORTHEAST Sorth Capital aand Xya Sta., TslsaTy Pharmacy. 2nd and marylaad An,, Taylar TOMCy. 7th *s4 H Sta.. Buck * Ofiml. 13th and East Capitol 8ts., Park Pharmacy. SOUTHEAST 8th and Eye Sta.. Waller1* Pharmacy. 11th and Pa. An., Fealey'a Pharmacy. 14th aad Pa. At*.. Smyser'a Pharmacy* GEORGETOWN Wisconsin Are. and X St.. O'DoaaaU's Pharmacy. 28th and P Sta., Pride'a Pharmacy. 36th and X Sta., Weller'a Pharmacy. --AST. BAG?October 28, bet. 9th and H n.c. and T'aion station, blue velvet bag containing money and keys. Finder please return to 921 I>tb st. n.e. or 1423 Penna. ave. n.w. Re ward. * BLACK POCKETBOOK containing change, key, cards, etc.. at Kann's or on Penna. ave. be tween 7th and 10th. Reward. Return to E. ?Arrov/smith. .">21 Columbia road. * BLACK traveling bag left on street car. Re ward if return**! to 19Q7 F st. n.w. 31* BLACK cravenette coat, about two milea be yond District line, on Marlboro road. Finder please return to owner, S. A. Manuel, Con press Hall Hotel. and receive reward. 31* IiROOCH?Diamond and sapphire, beetle shaped. $5 reward. Return 1308 Conn. ave. 31* BROOCH, pearl, diamond center; on Sunday! Howard if returned to Apt. 403 Wardman Courts South. 30* BUNCH OF KEYS and bottle opener, on key chain. Reward for return to*645 K at. n.e. 31* CAMEO PIN, Tuesday morning, between 6th and Pa. nv<?. s.e. and Treasury Dept. Return to 508 Seward snuare s.e. Reward. ? CAMEO PIN, on 9th st. car, Monday morning about 9. Reward, return to 749 Quebec at. n.w. an* CROSS fox for neckpiece October 24, between C.-imp Humphreys and Washington. Reward. Address Hox 107-D. Star office. 3* 1 IAMOXD PIN, shape of ir**rcury wings. at Room 52. Food Administration. 31* EARRING, gold, antique, on 11th st. car or I> st. lietween 9th and 7th. Liberal reward if returned to Mrs. F. Erwin, 1609 12th St. n.w. Keepsake. * EIGHT Jersey and Guernsey cows; one fresh; good niilkys. J. R. Eddington, R. F. D. 3, phone 797-W. Alexandria. Vn. 1* FRATERNITY I'lN?Shield shape; letters in center on black background: bordered by 1C rearls. Reward. 1011 North Capitol st. GLOVE, ludy's, tan, K st. or navy yard car. Reward. Phone M. 19S3. Apt. 10ft. * LACE?42 inches of Slet lace. Reward. 1229 12th st. n.w.. Apt. 1. 1 ADY'S silver wrist watch^ last Saturday morning on Lincoln Park car or at Library of Congress. Reward. Address Box 204-D, Star office. ? ? , LOST. August 17, black -Aberdeen, male, j ?otch terrier: name Macgregor; collar and r?me plate. "Dr. J. Woods Price. 116 Maine ti.. Sarauac Like, N. Y." Liberal reward for; ifs return. Communicate with I). McPhersou, American Railway Express. 2nd and Eve sts. ! *i*: I ilOLESKIN COLLAR between Lafayette Hotel and corner 11th and N. Reward to tinder. ! I ttK-l Mae Yardley. 1104 M st. n.w. * j JuONEY?$H1, ~2 tens, 2 lives, $L Reward. Address Box 192-D. Star office. ? I AIR horn-rimmed glasses, Saturday evening. Reward if returned to 1318 Belmont st. * POODLE, whire, female. Reward if returned ? to 2827 13th st. n.w. ? i POODLE?October US, small white, male, black ? nose, dark brown eyes, sharp face. $5 reward, i { 9')2 12th n.w. 31* f SMALL mink neckpiece, from 14tli st. n.w. J ' along G to 11th st. far as Croyden Inn. | f I'iease return to War Risk Bureau, 14th I j and K. ? | f T MfcRELLA?Straight sllvor and white pearl ! . handle : in Glenwood cemetery Sunday afternoon. i Return Mrs. L. L. Offenbacher, 800 1st st. n.w. ? Reward. JO* j 1 M BR ELLA, black silk: left on Cleveland Perk (7th st.) car. Sunday. Reward for re tnrn. Mrs. White. 93r> p st. n.w. 30* ATCH?In or near Lafayette Square, about S in the evening. October 29. Ingersoll midget r atch with radiolite far with Y. M. C. A. f?'b. Return to Fishers Stationery Store, r>-ana. ave. n.w.. and receive reward. * ?WHIST WATCH- -Lady's, gold: marked "?I.E." liberal reward for return to J. Elliott, 1427 C.? St. n.w. je V. KIST WATCH, silver: Saturday] on Albe marle or K sts., r?r Potomac Park ear. Phone Cleve, 1112-W. Reward. SO* WANTED?HELP. SAMCSMEW. . FALESMAV?One who can produce business | and for one of such caliber we hare an at- i f tractive proposition to offer, Lyndall Motor ' Truck Co.. 484 Penna. ave. i MALE. r!A PORTER?Permanent posi tion ; good salarv. Apply THE MODE, 11th and F Sts. ACTIVE elderly man, to dispense gasoline, i care for floor of garage; dsy work; mechanic helpers; night washers; experienced tire man. i ?? o. C. Rice Auto Co.. 1317 H st. n.w. 30* ACTIVE, ambitious young man; exceptional opportunity to learn banking business. Applv I - Seventh Street Savings Bank, 7th and N ' l ' n-w 30* EXPERIENCED motor cyclist, to run"com 1'?ny*s own mscliine, with attached van; guar anteed $15 to $20 weekly and commission; permanent positiou; bring reference. Apply 717 12th n.w. I AUTOMOBILE washer. Ap ply 1140 21st st. n.w. BELLMEN?Three. Hudson Hotel, 1329-31 H st. n.w. BOOKKEEPER; excellent opportunity for l.right young man who is willing to work and U looking for advancement. Apply 014 12th at. n.w. BOY-Colored, to work about jewelry store. ^ ictor L. Desio & Co.. 1309 F n.w. 30* white, to learn piate-printlng trade. Copenhaver. stationery. 1521 Conn, ave. 30* 3*OY wanted; bundle wrapper; fl'ood opportunity to learn cloth ing' business; good salary, per manent position. Applv "to THE MODE, * 11th an<l F Sts. I'.OT. colored, with wheel; $12 week. 413 11th s*. n.w. ? BOY to assist in automobile atockroom; good chance for advancement. Apply at Robey A Mangum. Inc., 1429 L st. n.w. HOY over 16, to learn book 1'indmg; experience not neces sary; also porter; good pay, short hours. Hodges' Book tindery, Star Building Annex. tBoY wasted with bicycle; *16 per week ta *?art. Apply to Star Neara Cart, nth aad Pa. * ? B0Y8 to learn bookbinding trade: steady "work. Applj George A. Slmoml. Co^ SCa-Io J -91. n.w., second floor. Room 32. * BRIGHT BOY, 16 years or over, to learn trade; good wages to start and promotion accord ing to ability. Apply WASHINGTON ELECTROTYPE CO., INC 923 11th St. N.W. BRAkKJtltN for Potonwe nrt. Me per taw, BUSHELMAN. Cood salary and steady position, al^once, The Mode, F| WASTED?HELP. BUS BOYS?Three; one dish machine operator; one griddle baker; one counterman; highest wages paid, including all meals. CHILD'S CO, 1423 Pa. Ave. CANDY MAKER. The Fruit and Nut Shop, 1231 G st. n.w. CARPENTER ? A11 - around, handy man for inside work iii bakery; good salary and perma nent position. Apply GENERAL BAKING CO., 119 1st St. S-W. Toaag-" *?? Ad3d?" CARPENTERS, non-union, at once, for United States govern ment and other essential work; overtime. Apply R. K Fergu son. 1011 9th st. CARPENTERS? Oinell Spencer & Co., contrac tors at Wilkins-Rogers Milling Co.. Potomac and K sts. n.w. 31* CHAUFFEURS and helpers; middle-age men preferred; those who know the city. Apply to Mr. Jacobson, Hub Furniture Co., 7th and D Sts. CHAUFFEUR, colored: muat be eiperifn^d Telephone Columbia 2724, after 6 o'clock 30* CHAUFFEURS ~ Our men are performing essen tial work under the work or fight order, and many are earn ing from $30 to $50 week. Men who have not heretofore con sidered this work are especially appealed to; if interested apply at once to FEDERAL TAXICAB CO. 212 13th St. N.W. CUAUFVKUll?Man who understands repairing of Reo and Orerland cars; thorough mechanic -APJrty 0 to 12 mornings. Office 224 CHAUFFEUR FOR DELIV ERY TRUCK; PERMANENT POSITION; GOOD SALARY. APPLY TO GEO. PLITT CO., INC.. 1325 14TH. CHAUFFEURS?White. Driv ers of Terminal taxicabs are per forming essential service; good wages. Apply 9 a.m. to S p.m. Terminal Taxi cab Co., Inc., 1233 20th st. n.w. ^ COAT MAKERS?Couple, first class. Apply K. H. Snydt?r & Co. 30* COLLECTOR?Insurance debit. Applj D. W. HtfKte. manager, Room 217 Columbian bldg., 418 ;>tli ?t. j? * C01,LK<rruii; good salary; reference required. Apply 1S27 G st. n.w. COLORED DISHWA8HBR wanted; 6 days; $*: H hours. 1218 Pa. are. ? COLORED PORTER, for soda fountain; good pay and perma nent position. Apply at once to Mr. Dobrin," Manager, Golden berg's, 7th and K sts. COLORED MEN, six, with or without experi ence, for washroom; salary $20. See Mr. Wat kins, Frasee Potomac Laundry. 18th and D sts. n.w. COLORED MAN who can drive a Ford car; good salary. John H. Magruder, Fine Cro ceries. Conn. ave. and K st. n.w. COLORED PORTER, to care for furnace and make himself generally useful around shop; good wages to start. Apply WASHINGTON ELECTROTYPE CO., INC., 923 11th St. N.W. COLORED MAN, intelligent, to drive Ford truck and work in auto accessory store. SOUTHERN AUTOMOBILE SUPPLY CO., 1232 Pa. Ave. N.W. COLORED MEN As porters and helpers on delivery trucks. Good salaries. Steady positions. Apply Fourth Floor Office, W. B. MOSES SONS, nth and F sts. COLORED BOYS, IT yr - JBPI1 flBfcl, * Co. 18 nd IT mn aid. fop ftMitl work amial atara. Apply 62T 13th ?tTw: JuUuTeSr COMPOSITOR, job; parmanaat. Aema Print ing Company. 1.117 Sow York ara. ? COOK?In lunchroom. Apply 812 f at. n w 81? pllAIT Mt.N l?-,o?Tat, a STo-waak nam In wlrclei, telegraphy ud then be lodaeted U Array or N?ry with betttr pay than Owk doty offera. Fraa lesaon and particular* at Ma. tianal Radio fr-aool. i4tt aad DRIVER for laundry wtsop; SBS warn. Apply with reference, to Dallrary Clark, 488 C . st. n.w. liHIVER for llfht deltrary. California Fruit Co.. 1220 q irt n.w. Iru" n; ELEVATOR MAN?Colored; good hours and wages; bonus every seven weeks. Apply room 100, Star office. lOJBVATOK BOY. colored, for day "555] board. The Benedick. 1808 I at. n.w. 1 ELEV ATOR operator; colored, for evening work; 6 to 12. Apply The Brighton Hotel, 2123 Cali fornia st. Hallman?Colored. Apply Ward man Courts South. Janitor's Assistant Colored. Apply The Brad ford, 18th ana K sts. ? WANTED?HELP. MA t*lC? WAKTED?tfELP. WE HAVE A NUMBER OF GOOD POSITIONS OPEN As Conductors or Motormen. ESSENTIAL WORK. Exceptionally Good Pay "Men within or above the draft age, this is an exceptional opportunity to learn the street railway business under good working conditions. Our new scale of wages is as follows: For the first 3 months of service. .43c an hour For the next 9 months 46c an hour Thereafter 48c an hour Apply any day this week Between the hours of 9 a.m. and 12 m. (noon). WASHINGTON RAILWAY AND ELECTRIC COMPANY, Instruction Department: 14th and East Capitol Streets. ENGINEERS?Apply Walker Hill Dairy, 530 7th st. s.e. KRRAND BOY for tailor shop, with or with out bicycle. 1140 Conn, ave. EXPERIENCED motor track and automobile repairmen. Apply at once to Mr. Hutchinaon, the White Company, Rear 1214 19th at. n.w. SI* EXPERIENCED bushelmaii, on men's clothing'; good pay and permanent position. Address Box 218-D, Star office. FIRBMAN (white or colored), at Waahington College. 3rd and T eta. n.e. Phone N. 1418. FIREMAN?Good position open for a man otct draft age; light work; night duty; $16 per week. Apply Engineer, the Portner. 15th and P. ' FRUIT and vegetable salesmen; we have per- j manent positions at good wage* for a few fully 1 experienced men. Apply at 622 Pa. a re.. Old Dutch Market. _______ FURNITURE REPAIR MAN. Steady position and good salary. Apply to Mr. Jacobson, Hub Furniture Co., 7th and D sts. GARAGE helper; experienced preferred, to work on gas and electric cars; good hours and working conditions. Apply shipping clerk, basement, Palais Royal, G and 11th sts. ?GROCBRY CLKRK. experienced. wibM diately; good wages. Hornatain, 2110 18th at. UKOCERY CLERKS?Men be tween 30 and 60 years old, for clerks in our 102 stores; oppor tunity for advancement to branch store managers. Apply 11.00 a.m., 52 O st. n.w., Sani tary Grocery Co., Inc. GROCBRY CLERKS?Permanent positions at good wages and advancement for experienced jrocera. Apply at 622 Pa. ave.. Old Dutch GROCERY CLERK, experienced. Apply P. K. Chaconaa. 0th and La. ave. nUAD WAITER, experienced. Apply Dewey Hotel. HHAD j WAITER?Experienced; colored; over dlnlB'wom- Aro y.'* HELPERS in washroom. Ap ply Arcade Laundry, Arcade Bldg., 14th and Park road. HOTEL VALET ? Ex-tailor. Apply Hotel Dewey. % HOUSEMAN WANTED HOTEL RICHMOND. INSTRUMENT or tool maker, at good wages* Ermanent position; give particulars. Addraas x lf?-I>. Btar office. 3? JANITOR-?Aaaiatant janitor wanted; work, a.m. to 1 p.m. daily; $45 per month. The Portner, 15th and U n.w. JANITOR'S ASSISTANT; also man or boy to ron elevator; experience not necessary. Apply Manager, the Rrartford. 1800 K at. n.w. 80* JANITOR, who underatanda running elevator Apply Aa"ric" LABORERS Wanted?Long job; good work ing conditions; overtime. Moss, Taylor & Crawford, 21st and B Sts. N.W. LABORERS WANTED. Apply 4th street entrance to Camp Meigs, Fla. ave. and 4th st. n.e. FRANK L. WAGNER, Builder. LABORERS ? Steady inside work. Apply Chief Engineer, THE RALEIGH. LAUNDRY ROUTE ?Good - paying proposition for man ca pable of earning not less than $30 a week; must be exempt from draft; give references. Address Box 256-B, Star office. LOCOMOTIVE machinist, boil ermakers, car repairmen, car cleaners, brakeman, white and colored laborers. Apply Room 308 Union station. MACHINISTS?First-class all around men, to work on govern ment contracts. H. C. Crai?2 Mfg. Co., 228 K s.w. MAN OR BOY to wait in dining room; breaks faat and dinner. 900 13th at. n.w. i? MAN to do general clerical work; steady po AW*1* Waahington Newa l o., 318 Hth. MAX to \T??h or.. Apply li?o ant at. MAN, colored, to help in pressroom and attend furnace; essential work; steady position; good "alary. Apply National Publishing Co., 1 w H at. n.w. MAN, colored, as porter; must he experienced and with good references; good pay and ataady work. Address Box 2ag-C. Star ogee. man?A good salary and steady Job all year round to WTtck automobiles; experience pre ferred, bat not necessary. Apply at once. Planar * Blnm Co.. N. 887S. 2080 Tth at n.w. MAN?Colored, as porter: good salary. Apply RIKER & HEGEMAN, 1006 F St. N.W. MEAT CETTEB?We are opening . Jet aad will tore an attractive poeition for flmt-cia* experienced meat man. Apply at Pa. ?Tt. n.w., Old Dutch Market. Inc. MECHANICS. Experienced motor truck men or thee* familiar with high-grade motors; none otheTnMdao ply; good wages; light warm shop, on second floor; unexcelled working conditions; essential occupation. GENERAL MOTORS TRUCK CO * of Waahington, Apply to Mr. Fanciulli, Mgr.. 627 K at. n.w. MEN, to work around apartment bouse; good salary- Apply ?***?"? entrance, tbe mih landa. Conn. aye. and California st 31* 1UCN to work in wuuooae; aw wun W .byp; J#, a MBN?^itosmO* meehaT ~ iraafigjjg MEN (serersl) for gasoline siting station. Oil Co.. Rowlyn, Vs. MEN for essential work; perma nent employment, under pleasant and congenial conditions; food op rtunity for advancement stricc on merit. Apply at once, OFFICE MANAGER. The Potomac Electric Power Co., Cor. 14th and 0 sts. n.w. MOTORMEN AND CONDUCTORS. Wages paid as follows: 43 cents per hour for first 3 months; 46 cents per hour for next 9 months, and 48 cents per hour thereafter. Permanent employment in this ESSENTIAL OCCUPATION for men of good character be tween 19 and 50 years of age. Trainmen can make an average wage in excess of $120 per month at the lowest rate of pay. Apply in person at 2 p.m. at 36th ana M sts. n.w, office of THE CAPITAL TRACTION COMPANY. MTTLTIGRAPH OPERATOR?For capable mul tJgraph operator will pay $125 month. Address with references Box 206-D, Star office. 1* NIGHT MAN. Imperial apartment house, 17H9 Colombia road. Apply to Janitor. NIGHT OPERATOR?Experienced on P. B. X.; honrs. 10 p.m. to 8 a.m. See Mrs. McGrath, Burlington Hotel, Vermont ave. and Thomas circle. OFFICE BOT. Apply 810 John Marshall place. Room 4. 1* ONE timekeeper, one bookkeep er, one material checker, for local government work. Address Box 99-D, Star office. 31* OPENING for young mu to lan esasotiaj trade; one mechanically inclined preferred. 811 Colorado bid*. 81* OPERATING ROOM orderly. Apply Sibley Me morial Hospital. PORTER?Wanted at Keith's Theater. PORTER?Apply J. G. Mc Crory, 414 7th st. n.w. PORTER?In drug store; no night work; pay, $18. Union Station Drug Store. PORTER?910 14th st n.w., Oliver Typewriter Co. PORTERS?Two or three good strong men, for the wholesale grocery business; top salaries. Call at 608 Pa. ave. n.w. 4* POSITIONS FOR In Oar Sbopa. BUTBEIBNOB DKSTRRD. BUT HOT QUIBJSD. The Washington Baflmy and Elec tric Company binml podttaa. open for CARPENTERS ud TRUCK OVBBHAULBRS?also men tor NOT ING CABS ud doing general work around car (bop. ud car homos. Under our new wage Kale, which went into effect last month, rood ?teady men can earn excellent wage*. GOOD WORKING CONDITIONS. Apply Mil P it n.w. PRES8 FEEDER?Platen; beet job in town for the right party. "The Printery," 618 7th st. s-w. 31' PKESSER to press on Hoffman machine. 1146 Conn. ave. PRINTER WANTED All around man, to take charge of small job office; $35 week; preference to one who can esti mate. Address Box 243-D, Star office. * RAILWAY traffic inspectors; splendid pay and expenses; travel if desired; unlimited advance ment ; no age limit; three months* home study; situation arranged; prepare for permanent posi tion now and after the war. Write for booklet N-10. Standard Business Training Institute. Buffalo. N. Y. REPAIR MAN for grafonolas; part time or whole time; steady work. Apply Grafonola Dept., Lansburgh & Bro., 7th st. RESTAURANT and front office cashiers; also miscel laneous help for new hoteL WARD MAN PARK INN. See Stewart. SALES ENGINEER. A client of onia requires the serf Ices of a technically educated man, preferably between 30 and 40 years old, who has had successful experience with sales management in one or more metal stamping planta. Liberal salary and interesting, patri otic work for one with right quali fications. which must include a vigor oar personality and a ready command of written English. In reply state age, college or tech nical school from which grsdnated. date ud degree, whether married or single, specific, chronological account of business experience, present and expected salary. SOOVELL. WEL LINGTON * COMPANY, Certified Public Accountants and Industrial Engineers. 110 State st. Boston, Masa. !? SALESMAN WHO UWDBXaTUfXM rCROT TUBB MUD DBATBBY BUSINESS; GOOD sAJUtBz Mm oomaattow TO unmo. TOBY KAN. APPLY UM * IT. B.JT. WAJTTED?HELP. SCHOOLBOYS WANTED TO CARRY EVENING STAR ROUTES AFTER SCHOOL. Apply at the following stations: 6th and Va. Ave. S.W. Between 3:15 and 3:45. Star Office. Between 3:15 and 3:45. * Wisconsin Ave. & M St. N.W. Between 3:45 and 4:^0. 22d and Pa. Av:. N.W. Between 3:45 and 4:30 14th apd Irving Sts. N.W. Between 4:30 and 5. 19th and Wyoming Ave. N.W. Between 4:30 and 5. Dupont Circle, Between 4:15 and 4:45. 16th and M Sts. N.W. Between 4:15 and 4:45. 17th and P Sts. N.W. Between 4:15 and 4:45. 14th and Rhode Island Ave. N.W., between 4:15 & 4:45. 14th and Swann Sts. N.W. Between 4:15 and 4:45. SODA DISPENSER, experienced; good salary! Nnnnnlly's. 1228 V st. n.w. . . SODA dispenser; experienced. Apply J. G. McCrory, 414 7th st. n.w. SODA dispensers; experienced; good salaries to start. Apply to Mr. Levy, L. K. LIGGETT CO., 1006 F St. N.W. STEAMim-BBS* kSEpSS (?), 535 per day. Call after 5 p.m. J. C. Beard. Ml Loof fellow at. 2' STOCKKEEPER?Good, able bodied man, well educated, for stockkeeper; all inside work; good salary and permanent posi tion. Apply GENERAL BAKING CO., 119 1st St. S.W. THE CAPITAL TRACTION COMPANY has positions for MECHANICS and LABORERS on car repairs for main shops and division car barns. Street railway work in Wash ington is classed by the govern ment as ESSENTIAL employ ment. Attractive wages and free transportation over our lines. Apply to Master Mechanic at Shops, 3222 M st. n.w. TINNER ud furnace band; must be we have a permanent position for a good all round man; highest wages and double time for overtime. Address quick Box 2il-D, 8tar office. 31* TINNERS, helpers; steady work; good wages. Apply at once. Maurice J. Colbert, 621 F st. n.w. TRUCK DRIVERS wanted; $23 and over per week; perma nent job. Safety Storage Co, 630 Mass. avc. n.w. TWO 8TBAMFITTKR8 wasted, temporary ap pointment; 3 months, probably longer; salary, $6 per day; also throe ates mutter's helpers; salaries, S3.25. Gall at Bureau of Standards for interview. TWO BOIS to leam metal calling trade; steady, clean work; good pay. Washington Metal Ceiling Co., Room SIS, Oxford bldg^ 4 to 8 o'clock p.m. 1* TWO good Toleaniaers, three men to m? gaa to ears. Central Auto Supply Co., 1004 Pa. TWO men between the ages of 19 and 40 to do essential work. Apply the Georgetown Gas Light Co. TWO TAILORS For alteration room. M. BROOKS & CO, 1107 G St WAIT1BR. ? nauted at tba Qatfc Loach. 7U H o.e.; will pay good wataa. P* WANTED?Multlcrmpfa operator or bricht bay willing to leam; beat aalary paid. Call 80S Woodward bid*. 1? WANTED?TRAVELING SALESMAN For North Carolina, Virginia, Southern West Virginia and East Tennessee to sell Sash, Doors and Millwork for a St. Louis concern which has well established trade in such terri tory. Prefer some one who has had experience selling hardware, paints, or other lines of building material. ADDRESS Giving age, selling experience, salary expected and references. L. E. CLARK, Richmond HoteJ, Richmond, Va. WANTED? SEVERAL GOOD STEADY MEN FOR POSITIONS AS GAS MAKERS. Previous Experience Unnecessary. ESSENTIAL WORK, GOOD PAY, AND NO LOST TIME. AN 8-HOUR DAY. We also need about 50 laborers; steady employ ment Apply at once, THE WASHINGTON GAS LIGHT CO., 26th and G Sts. N.W. WANTED?(laiglKHI awl IwlMia. Apply Blyder-Ootich Heads* Pa.. 810 loth WANTJtP ?art ?We? dart with ??? rrfar eaeaa, about 14 7ear*. Apply rwth Hifh Coamiaaioa. 1SK 1Mb at. a.w. WANTED? : MEN?Listers, checker* and warehouse men. Apply 52 O at O.W.. Sanitary Grocery Co., Inc. WASTED?HELP. ?AM CwWMH WANTED?Baker; experienced la ?b u4 paatry w?rk. Beeees. law F ?t. B.W. 1* WORK OR FIGHT If? Up To You Our Business Is ESSENTIAL We Have Jobs For DRIVERS LABORERS CLERKS, Etc., GOOD WAGES See Us at Once MERCHANTS' TRANSFER AND STORAGE CO., 920 E. St N.W. YOT^NG MAN or boy u clerk. MB ?tb it. n.w., frrtt store. 31* YOUNG MAN OR BOY orer 16 yean of age to collect vests la a real estate office. James F. Shea. 048 Lonislana are, n.w. YOUNO MAN for dro* store after school boors; experienced. Cfaas. E. Gross, 14th and Tark road n.w. 31* YOUNG MAN (active) not afraid of work, to assist stock clerk; a steady job and good prospects for the right man. See Mr. Montgomery, Sterrett & Fleming, 2155 Champlain st. n.w. YOUNG COLORED MAM to drive Ford de livery car and work around poetuie (tore; don't apply unless a steady job la wanted. Apply 1287 G Bt. n.w. YOUNG HAN to lean automobile storage bat tery business; food opportunity for quick ad vancement. Washington Battery Co.. 1623 L YOUNG MAN for ledger post ing and to assist in general office work; excellent opportunity for right - man. Apply Doubleday Hill Elect. Co., 715 12th st n.w. 1* YOUNG MAM as clerk In real estate officeT must be willing to learn entire business. Reply to 1009 7th st. n.w? living ace. experience, reference and salary requited. ? YOUNG MKN, 2, bright, for subordinate posi tions in banking business. Apply to Reginald Rutherford. Union Trust Co. YOUNG MAN to learn the shipping business; steady ad vancement Apply to Mr. acobson, Hub Furniture Co., th and D sts. YOUNG MAN to collect; experience not nee eesary. Hopkins fnraitnre Co.. 311 7th n.w. 2 PLUMBERS 2 PAPERHANGERS 2 PLASTERERS, 2 BRICKLAYERS 2 FLOOR LAYERS 2 DOOR HANGERS A few Good Laborers. Come where Good Men are Appreciated. 1819 G St. N.W. 2 WATCHMEN 6 CLEANERS 6 PORTERS v. 3 ELEVATOR MEN 2 FIREMEN Apply J. R. SANDS, 722 12th St N.W. rEHAlB. A NUMBER of P. B. X. opera tors at a camp near Washington. Surroundings pleasant ana at tractive. Good salary, with room and board. Operators are under the supervision of a House Mother. Apply Chesa peake & Potomac Co., Homer bldg., 13th st- bet. F and G sts. 0.w. Room 308. A NUMBER of experienced P. B. X. operators for attended pay stations. Apply to Chesa g:ake & Potomac Tel. Co., omer bldg., 13tb bet F and G sts. Room 306. ALTERATION HANDS on gowns. Griffin, 612 13th st. n.w. 30* BINDKRY BANDS, permanent. ' Acme Print Ing Company. 1317 New York eve. ? BOOKKEEPER wanted; com petent and reliable. Apply with references, The Gibson Co., 917 G St N.W. BOOKKKEPEB, experienced! Apply in own handwriting F. X. Oiawwas. Mh and U. are. 1* BRIGHT, intelligent colored girls to learn marking and as sorting. Elite Laundry, 2119 14th st n.w. CALCULATING machine op erator ; also typist; good salaries. C. & P. TELEPHONE CO., 1210 G St, 2nd floor. CAPABLE AND CAREFUL TYPIST Qualified as Mimeograph stencil cutter; day work; good pay, desirable sur roundings. Apply to Mr. Skinner, Assistant Secretary, Chamber of Commerce of the U. S. A_ room 701, Riggs Bldg. CASHIER and clerk; with knowledge of typewriting; must be neat penman and over 25 years of age; hours 8:30 to 5:30, with dinner and supper. Reply by letter in own handwriting stating salary. Sibley Memorial Hospital. ? ?Cashiers?4 Salary, $15 to $18 per weelc;| experience not necessary. Apply at onee, Klein's Rapid Shoe Re-| pair Co,, 736 14th n.w. WAMTJSD?TTgT.P. rV.MAt.M lUrthwi, t, yon* laty; ataady position; good CASHIER-CLERK?We have a good position in the office of our service department for a bright young woman, who is looking for a permanent place; hours from 8:30 to 5; one-half day Saturday, and salary is $18 to start See Mr. Montgomery, Sterrett & Fleming, 2155 Cham plain St. CASHIER. CASHIER or clerical work; position permanent; good salary. The Loom, 1115 F n.w. CHOCOLATE dippers at once. Apply The Fruit and Nut Shop, 1231 G st. n.w. COLOKRD GIBL for counter work. Congress Lanch. 204 1st st, s.e. SI* COLORED dishwasher, $12 per week; no 8un dsy work. 212 9th st. n.w. 81* . COLORED- GIRL as waitress in cafe or res- ! tanrant. 1123 Q st. n.w. r COMMERCIAL WORK Bright, energetic young woman, for clerical posi tion. Apply The .Chesa peake & Potomac Tele phone Co., room 209, Homer Bldg., 13th and G sts. n.w. DANCING TEACHER THOROUGHLY COMPETENT TO TEACH UP-TO-DATE BALLROOM DANCING; ALSO TAKE CHARGE; STEADY WORK; GOOD SALARY TO RELIABLE PARTY. NEW YORK CONSERVATORY OF DANCING, 508 8th ST. N.W. ' ? DANCING TEACHER?Steady position; also young ladies to assist, day or evening. 006 0th st. n.w. EXPERIENCED FITTERS on ladies' coats, suits and dresses. ERLEBACHER'S, 1210 F N.W. EXPERIENCED waiters. Portner Cafe, 15th and U sts. 1* EXPERIENCED hairdresser, $15 per week and commission. Address Box 231-D, Stsr office. 5* EXPERIENCED cashier; state age and refer ences. Address Box 190-D, Star office. 1* EXPERIENCED stenographer; permanent po sition in large manufacturing office; one living in southeast or Anacostia preferred. Address Box 261-D, Star office. FEEDERS, catchers and shakers; experienced; investi gate our night shift, 6 to 12 p.m.; also Sunday. Elite Laundry, 2119 14th st. n.w. GIRL for office work; one who can write a fair hand; permanent position; salary, $14 per week; hours. 8:80 to 4:90; Saturday half day. Call 410 Jenifer bldg. GIRX* colored; switchboard and eleva tor operator; hours, 8 to 4. W. H. Walker, 728 15th n.w. GIRL, nsat, colored, for ladies' maid. J. J. Geoiges A Bon, 1214 F st .n.w. * GIRLS to pack candy. Apply at once, The Fruit and Nut Shop, 1231 G st. n.w. GIRL, colored, for work in government lunch I room; hours. 8:80 to 4. Apply 1380 F n.w. 1* GIRLS that can sew; best pay; steady work. | Apply Wllner & Co., 8th and Q sts. n.w. 81* I GIRL, colored, to work in hotel; good pay and short hours. Apply Charles Hotel, 485 Pa. ave. n.w. 80* GIRL, reliable, experienced in linen room work; one who can sew. Apply housekeeper, Burlington Hotel, Vermont sve. at Thomas Circle. GIRLS to All the most essential position st the present time. A free school hss been organised to tesch typewriting and the Dictaphone. Honrs 9 to 8 esch day except Saturday; 6 to -.???' v w o oku oaj c*lxui Saturday; o ? HondaJ, WedMahy sad Fnday nights. Apply at tba women', division of tha U. B. Kb ploy men t Barvioe. 1410 Pa- are. GOOD SEWERS?Good pay. JOSEPH SPURLING, Furrier, 1336 F St. HOUSE manager; woman with successful experience; wanted immediately; good salary. Chevy Chase School, Cleveland 23. LADIES 18 to 40, for desirable clerical positions with Western Union Telegraph Co. Apply in person to Mr. Albright, 6th floor, Commercial Bank Bldg, 14th and G. LADY for general office work, no knowledge of stenography and typewriting necessary; hours, 9 to 5; work not difficult. Phone Main 2872 bet. 11:30 a.m. and 1 p.m. LADY?Middle-aged, take care of one gentleman's apt.; refer ence required. Apply House keeper, Stoneleigh Court, Conn. ave. and L st. n.w. LADY clothes itoners. Apply Arcade Laundry, Arcade Bldg., 14th and Park road. MANAGER, competent, to ran cafe; oh Ur ine near 18th and Columbia road preferred. Address Box 27-D. gtar offlc. so* MANICURIST?Expert, quick; excellent salary. Georges & Emile, 920 17th s't. n.w. 31* MATRON'S ASSISTANT, at set not in Wash ington suburbs; good salary with room and board. Address Box 16-D. Star office. NEAT young light colored girl in doctor's office; pleasant work; good pay. Apply 825 Vermont sve.. Apt. 3, between 6J0 to 6:80. 81* NIGHT OPERATOR?Experienced on P. B. X.; boors, 10 p.m. to 8 a.m. 8ee Mrs. MeGrath, Burlington Hotel, Vermont ave. and Thomas circle. NFRflff nt+rirtrnt ftrptr H-nrr frr Tnmrahlrs. 82nd snd S sts. salesladies, good pay. Apply Csiifomia Fruit Co^ 1220 G st. n.w. SALESLADIES, in our grocery snd vegetable' departments; previous experience not strictly necessary; essential work at good wages. Ap ply at 622 Pa. ave.. Old Dutch Market. Inc. SALESLADIES ? Experienced, in millinery and waists; perma nent position, liberal salary and commission. Apply to MAYER BROS. & CO., 937 and 939 F St. N.W. SAI.KSI.ADY In Jewelry store: no eiperiesc. neeeaaary; food salary to start. Victor E. Iteslo A Co.. 1309 F st. slw. I0? SALESLADY; light work: pleasant snrround iafs; rood boon; permanent position. Address Hot 135-1>. Star offlee. SI* 8AUC8LADY for cigar and newsstand; porau peat posttloa; *$ boon par w??k; atata ace. I riportrao. and wagea axpactad. Mtn Box 1?4-D. BUT oaoo. 11* SALESWOMEN for all departments; Witt and without expaiteaea; food aalajlaa paid. Apply Klag-a Palaca. 100-16 7th at. SEAMSTRESS. Apply Arcade Laundry, Arcade Blag., 14th and Park road. SEVERAL cashiers] account ants and office assistants; also experienced timekeeper; good salaries and permanent positions. Apply Cashier, 4th floor, Palais Royal, G and 11th sts. SODA PI8PBNBBH; experience not necessary; salary, $14 weekly; advancement and ataady position. Addraas lioi 3)0-C. 8tar ofllce. SODA DISPENSER, lady, capable of taklac chart, of fountain and handling crew; food salary, adrancament aad steady paaitlaa Ad drsas Boa ttl-C. ?tar o?ce. SODA dispensers; good salaries. Apply at once to Mr. Levy, L K. LIGGETT CO., ? 1006 F St. N.W. tttBl WMWW-it wcimd^m Itws. Psion statioa. . STJBKOOSAPHEH, familiar with patent nl; STENOGRAPHER mwA tfytlt;} 1Q? r n.w. ? ? STENOGRAPHER tndt; ??* UflT' wlth sad typiat; r?v*S VSSnJS. and exjteriauce; good'aolary. Addwoo Bo* btenoobaphbb-??cb?ta?t ? w*U educated, txecotlea abUtty ??? tew*"? accustomed to rapid dictation. q?fc* tyywm in*. office detail and ott?. ma?a??? ?? centrally located law offlce, hOOT 9 *>_??*>? aalary. ?1? to ?150 per ?oatii. Aamja. atatlng ?P. preaent employment, m**7 celring and expected, with relarenca. ??* ta-D, Star ogee. ** STENOGRAPHER. Apply 620 District National Ban* ?**??*?" tween 12 and 1 p.m. a*d ?*> ?-"? ?? bTKNOORAPHKR; .ipenencod, fcaowt.<U?M<>t bookkeepln* preferred: ?ood ^alary. Boa ?r. Holland. Borlinjtoa Hotel. VtnMtt m ?? Thomas Circle. SUBSCRIPTION ? - , perienced; permanent In* to ability. Wrltt fcr puflMhn. ?* <*" Pathfinder Pnbllahint Co.. !<?#*??. P- c TELEPHONE OPERATOR for wwt t? otBco at ZSl?8S?*?t wul'pny J?n? addiwa Bo* 100-D, Star office. 91 TELEPHONE operators; two, white, experienced. Apply Mr. Hobbs, The Somerset, 16th and S sts. Telephone operator; white, experienced. Apply The Bradford 18th and K sts. Telephone operators; two, white, experienced. Apply Manager, Northbrooke Courts, 16th and Newton sts. Elevator operator for even ing work, 6 to 11:30. Ap ply The Brighton Hotel, 2123 California st. TELEPHONE OPERATOR; rood aalary. Apply Sibley Memorial Hoapltal. TELEPHONE OPERATOR; permanent. Apply Hotel La Fayette. l?th and Bye. TELEPHONE OPERATOR for office large apt. honae; hour. areraxe 7 dally; ?# per week and board in cafe in Bid*.; write rirtnc are. ex perience. etc. Add ma* Box 120-C. btar otpoe. TELEPHONE operators; two, at the Northbrook Courts, 16th and Newton, sts. TELEPHONE operator at the Brightwood, 18th and K sts. TELEPHONE operators; two, at the Somerset House, 16th and S'. TWO colored women for clean ing rooms. Apply hotel office, 920 F st. n.w. TYPIST; MUST BE RAPID AND ACCURATE; 8TATB AGH, EXPERIENCE AND SALARY EXPECTED. ADDRESS BOX 161-D. STAB OFFICE. WAITRESSES ? Experienced white girls of neat appearance wanted at once. Apply RAUSCHER'S, 1036 Conn. Ave. . white; beat pay; good boot*. Qongraaa Lunch, 204 lit at. s.e. 1 WAITRESS wanted; $2 a day. 1218 Pa. ave. *_ WAITRESSES and bus girls; half or full time shifts; highest wages. Pure Food Restaurant, 2810 14th st. 1* WAITRESSES ? Experienced white waitresses. Garden Tea House, 926 McPherson place, cor. 15th and K sts. n.w. 1* WAITRESS wanted at Curb Lunch. 716 H n.e?; will pay $12 per week. ai WAITRESSES ? Neat appear ing; experienced; wages, $2 per day and meals. CHILDS RESTAURANT. 1423 Pa. Ave. N.W. WANTED?Stenographer and typlat; firat-rrad. 6alary paid; every other Saturday aftent??B off. Vail 303 Woodward hldg. 1 WANTED?Girls and women for various uoai tions; no experience required, but exceptions 1 opportunities for advancement; fasy hours; pleasant surroundings. Apply to the Washing - ton Wholesale Drag Kaehanre. 4.?9 C n.w. WANTED?Three clerks; gen eral office work; good oppor tunity for beginners; permanent positions; advancement and good salaries. Apply at once, 117 McGill Bldg. WANTED ? A thoroughly experienced corset saleswoman for head of department, one; ac customed to good trade. Addreaa Box 815-B, Star office. WE NEED YOUNG LADIES Between the-ages of 18 and 30 years; permanent posi tions, as messengers; fight, healthful, out-door work; several sections of the city; neat uniforms. Employment Bureau, Western Union Telegraph Co., Basement, 1311 G St. N.Wr. WHITE GIRLS to work on collars; Apply PAGE'S LAUNDRY, 620 E St. N.W. WOMEN to worn in laboratory: U*bt rood boora. Call at Bolway-Annxn Co, 318 ft at. n.w.. third floor. 1 WOMAN?Settled colored, as maid in furniture store. JAMES B. HENDERSON. 1108 G St. N.W. WOMEN, atron* and enerjrtlc. aa (oreladie* In Uondry depta.; good aaJtary:<*e. eapabl. I of handling help. Addreaa Box 14?-B, Star of t flee. !WOMEN to iron white coats; piece work; can earn $20.00 a week or more; permanent posi tions. Apply Supt, Tolman j Laundry. 6th and C sts. n.w. YOTTNG colored mnwii naat, to drive toed delivery ear, art .tor. cleaning; plaaaant wart rood w. G YOUNG GIRL. or woman *<i home in Chevy Chaae for, refined wiabea to belp about tba hot*. Addrae w 242-D. Btar offlca. ??? YOUNG tml> with of ug?a ilt1a? to In oOoo wot*; nicm ffiywiinga y to M"? ? ~ (or pat7. A?*????" 100-D. Btar omca. ~? YOUNG LADIES for auaiting office and a telephone operator. .Apply in own handwriting, ing age and experience. Ad dress Box 248-C. Star office. YOUNG LADIES?Three, as salesladies in toy department. Apply Mr. Goldmamer, Hecht Furniture Co., 7th and D sts. n.v ?