Newspaper Page Text
WASTED?HELP. r?Ai.w TOO My UDT for clerical position ta office; ***** stattag experience, If uHk"SS7'JSH "" ?? TOCNQ LADY in real wtito offlf ta an ?wl a of assistant bookkeeper. Address, references sad salary expected. Box lOWO UDT ss soda dispenser; experience not aecesssrj; salary. $14 weekly; advance ment and steady position. Address Box 287-C. Star office. YOUNG LADI for genersl office work; food boars; $10 to $12 per week; experience not, necessary. Gilbert A. Clark, 810 14th it n.w. 31* TOCNG LADY, with a knowledge of typing. as assistant snd secretsry in s high-grade dentsl office; position permanent; pleasant surround ings. Apply Dr. P. Evsns. 1624 Bye st. 80* "YOUNG LADY, to do general office work; one! who can operate typewriter and writes a fair1 band; $18 per week; state experience. Address Box 55-D. Stsr office. "YOUNG LADY as clerk la reel estate office; willing to lesrn business. Reply to 1000 7th j st. n.w., giving experience, reference and sal- { sry required. | YOUNG WOMAN, over 22 years of age, having business ability, for position with Information bureau of large corporation; knowledge of! typewriting desirable, but not necessary. Ap ply Room 530. Southern Mdg. | MALE AJfP FEMALE. , BOYS or big girls; 3, to wrap bundles; good pay. Elite Laun dry, 2119 14th st. n.w. CIVII, SERVICE COACHING?Prlrate laatrue tion; no classes; charge. $3. complete; by mall If preferred. Call or write 3323 Mount Pleasant st. Take Mount Pleasant ear to Park rd., walk one block wpst. 31* COOK, first-class. Call Old Glory Ian. 482 Penns. sve. n.w. 31* ^LEVATOR OPERATOR?Experience not nec essary. Apply Manager, the Bradford, 1800 K st. n.w. 30* FIR8T GRADE civil service examinations for clerks, November 2 snd November 9. Tuition for entire course for these examinations. $5. The Civil Service Preparatory School, s.s. ear. 12th and V sts. Phone Frsnklin 2080. .. LEARN TO DHAW, qualifying as a drafts man through our training in your spare time, days or evenings; our students in great demand at excellent salaries. Get particulars at once and enroll now. Columbia School of Drafting, 14th and T sts. n.w. Pfr, N. 272. MEW AND WOMEN to tske names for the city directory; most be good spellers snd write a plain hand. Apply at Boom 4, 011 G st. n.w. TYPIST, male or female. Dyer Bros^ Inc., 734 13th a.w. Jl* WOMEN?GIRLS?BOYS APPLY TO JUDD & DETWEILER, INC,| ECKINGTON PLACE AND FLORIDA AVENUE. female DOMESTIC. A NEAT, reliable woman for laundress and cleaning. 3904 Huntington st. n.w. 81* A WHITE WAITRE88, good wsges to a girl who esn give references. 1021 15th st. n.w. 81* cVaMBERMAJDS, experienced, at ooee; big wsKs. 1335 15th st. n.w. CHAMBERMAID (white), $45; nsriormsHT $45; waitress, $50; housemaid for 8, $40; child's nurse (child 5). $50; nurse. 2 to 5:80 after noons, $5 week; cook. $60; cooks. $50; tea neat cooks, $40 esch; kltcbenmaid, $45; clean era, $2 day; also butler's second men and other help for fsmilies; best wages, with meals snd rooms. Ladles' Exchange, 807 Ver mont aVe. CUAMBKKMAID and waltiW Apply 1881 Wyoming are., after 6 p.m. 80* CHARWOMAN. Apply Arcade Laundry, Arcade Bldg., 14th and Park road. COLORED GIRL for waitress and chamber* maid; small family; stsy nights. 2107 Wyoming ave. n.w. 1* COLORED HOUSEMAID, good wagea; Chevy Chase. D. C. 8923 Livingston st. 81* COLORED WOMAN for housework. 473 M st. n.w. 81* COLORED COOKS for 4, $45; three good cooks, $40 each; eeak-houssworfcers (no laun dry), $40; cook for small cafe, $12 week; office cleaner, $7 week; day cleaners, $3; waitress for 2, $9 week; chambermaid-wait resses (small families), $35; nurses. $35; also butlers and other help for families; best wages aad meala. Ladies* Exchange. 807 Ver mont sve. COLORED OIRL far ??aaral >ln?i "3g? Kenyon st. a.w. 80* COLORED WOMAN, to cook and do light housework. Apply 1437 Fairmont St. * COLORED servant girl for general housekeep ing; two in family. 1A31 Conn, sve. COMPANION, housekeeper, white. Address Box l!Q3-I>. Star office. 1* COMPETENT NURSE for infant snd help with care of small apartment; good wsges. Phone Columbia S00. A|?t. H'*2. 31* COMPETENT WOMAN rook; also chamber maid-waitress. Phone Cleveland 1G28 or apply 11 Grafton at.. Chevy Chase circle. 30* COOK-HOUSEWORKER for 2, $10 to $12 week; no laundry; large number other excel lent placea; private families. Ladies' Ex change. 807 Vermont ave. COOK?Small family: in apartment; hone nights; $35. C. W. Simpson, 800 East Ward* | man Court. 1* COOK, experienced; also a woman to wait; hours for both, 8 to 2; for ooonday dinner; no Sunday work; best wages; state references. Address Box 128-D, Star office. 31* COOK?In Chevy Chase; $40. Address Box 1T44-D. Star office. ? COOK?In Chevy Chase: $40; also is undress or day woffc?r. Phone Oleve. <88. * COOK, colored, experienced; also chambermaid and laundress; in family of two. Apply 1 to 4. 1527 19th at. n.w. OOOK?Good pay. 3443 14th st. n.w. 1* COOK and general houseworker; private fam lly; no laundry: good wsges. 101 I n.w. 31* COOK and general houseworker; permsnent position st high wsges; stsy nights or not, ss preferred; 3 reasonable adults; simple meals; no entertaining; no washing; light work; good treatment; 6-room apt.; line light kitchen; all conveniences; mnst be competent, willing, healthy; colored person acceptable, white pre ferred; needed immediately. Call 1868 Colum bia rd.. Apt. Tel. North 3060. ? < OOK and general housework; 5 o'clock dinner. 3208 19th st. n.w. COOK, reference. 1700 Lemont st. COOK, in suburbs; a_m.i.; no washing; stay nights; good wsges. Inquire Room 28, 729 15th st. n.w. 80* COOK, good: also laundress snd ehsmbermaid; references. 8800 14th st. TeL Cel. 2827. 81* COOK, general housework; wages, $40; most be good; references. 2530 13th st. 80* COOK?First-class family cook; three In fam ily: good wages, room and bath. Franklin 153.* TOOK (reliable); two meals per day; private family: $40 per month. 828 D st. n.e. 31* COOKING and washing in small family. Apply 1314 N st.; tel. Franklin 148. References re q aired. 31* DISHWASHER, middle-aged colored woman. 214 9th st. n.w. 31* DISHWASHER and chambermaid; neat colored girl; good pay. 1025 8th n.w. FIRST-CLASS WAITRESS at once; good wages. 2118 O St.. n.w. 80* FIRST-CLASS CHAMBERMAID at once; good wsges. 2118 O st. n.w. Mrs. A. W. Ward. 30* GENERAL HOUSEKEEPER or half-grown girl to assist. 918 M st. n.w.. Apt. 41. 81* GENERAL HOUSEWORKER, family of two; room if desired. 500 Butternut St., Takoma Park. Cel. 4987. * GENERAL HOUSEWORKER; small family, gesd pay. 222 N at. a.w. 81* | GMMKBAX HOC8KWOBX; two is fully; nail apartnant. Apt. IS, Wt Mut A | OnM? t, take ear, at ?iTi iw ?Z5r . **?*? ???* ? p-, i QUO. for ii.iiii,1 liiawaainl gaad wagaa; two I la SubUj; icftmra. 1818 OotovMa rd. a.w. I . ?1? (jflu. for central laaiaawart; ao waahlnr n?n UM 7t> at. a.w. GIBI? JOam colors. Urtay war American PaT mlty Para* for Ufh t aovaowork; 8 boon, either marninfa or artenaoaa; experience -na neeeaaary. 47tk aad Klllcott a.w. 81* GIRL, white or colored, for aeeaad work; ?mall boaae; three in femllj; food wage,. Ap ply 2014 miliar Pi. a.w. 81* GIRL, competent, for houMWork: May niahta. Mra. Barrett. 80> roatanet Oonrta. 8I>? QIKLH for general taooaewark; 1U7 alfbta. Ill 3d ave. UIEU eaiaaad. far r?aral bower*. T? Qaafrae at. n-w. ? OdtU, two. aaat, aolared. far daatlac and 1 Jaanl-f around atota; ttai wltkoat refeieucaa I ?ti nt anl|. Tapkaai'a. m? F at. a.w. aBU capable, for aeaatal kaoaawoik; IMS stferMeea. 1788 IV st a.w. 80* ite1 At'sia tiim. jw i??t? ?? -... jno* in at. w m* ?* WANTED?HELP. nemi.r, nomcunc?c?i?wf<. GIRL for general housework; small family food wa(M. Apply 1729 Kilbourne place s.w (?oath of Park road and west of Mount Pless sat st.) . GOOD COOK and maid wasted at 2272 Csthe dral are, n.w. 1* HOUSEKEEPER or general worker; alas day'* work or lauadreaa; beat wares for rood work. 1902 Dogwood n.w.. near waiter Reed Hoa pltaL * HOUSE WORKERS?Two girls for housework; no cooking: $6 week. 180 C at. s.e. 31* HOC8KWORK-ER?A settled woman or half- , grown girl for housework; reference. 004 M at. n.w. * HOU8EWORKER; good, reliable white girl for | general boasework In apartment; no laundry > good wages; stay nights if preferred. Phoiu North 8077. Call Apartment 42, 2141 Wyoming are. 9 to 11 a.m.. 6 to 8 p.m. 81* KITGHBNMAID?1200 18th st. n.w.; wanted at once: good wages. * LAUNDRESS?Apply at 1630 17th n.w. 1* LAUNDRESS, good. Apply 1406 16th at. n.w bet. 4 and 8 p.m. * LAUNDRESS or maid to help with housework 1521 East Capitol. ft* LAUNDRESS wanted by day. Phone OoL 2072. Apt. 63. 1940 BOtmore at. 80* MAID for one hour on Sundays, about three hoars others days. 183ft 15th **t. n.w. * MAID to cars for 4-room apartment and get noon meals. Apply Apartment 35, the Toronto. Apply between 10 snd 12. References. 30* ; MAID for general houaework; part or whole time; references. Apply forenoons, 1605 30th st. n.w. 80* NURSE for child (2 years), must'be kind snd patient; referencea. Apply Mrs. B. J. Pilson, Phelps snd Lc Roy places n.w. 1* NUR8E?Colored girl; all day or afternoons; references. Call Apt. 42. 2010^ st. n.w. N URSE?White lady to tike cart of little boy 6 years old during the day; from 8 to C:30; liberal salary; pleasant position. Apply to Mrs. E. O. Block well. 1809 1st st. n.w. 31* NURSE, white; one child; 18 months old; best wages. Phone North 1874. Apt. 202. 31* NURSEMAID for children; good pay. 1406 Webster n.w. Phone Columbia 7977. * RELIABLE WOMAN for cook and housework; $9 per week. 1422 11th st. n.w. 30* RELIABLE colored woman to care for school rooms, permanent position. Apply at once. Steward's Business College. 12th and F sts. TAKOMA family want lady to take charge of children two evenings a week while parents are out. Address Bok 166-D. Star office. 30* TWO colored girls as waitresses and chamber maids in boarding house. 1120 13th n.w. 5* WAITRESS, smart; breakfast and dinner; big wages: at once. 1885 15th st. n.w. WAITRESSES, colored; dishwasher, and a kltcfu-u girl. Apply Washington College, 3rd and T sts. n.e. Phone North 1413. WANTED?Colored girl or woman, for general housework. 1209 East Capitol st. 30* WANTED?White woman, teachers' club. 602-4 11th st. Call Thursday, 5 p.m. * WHITE CHAMBERMAID, first-class. Apply be fore 9:30 a-m. or after 7 pan. 1723 Mass. ave. n.w. WOMAN to cook snd do general housework; no washing; small family; stay at night or not; wages, forty dollars month. 1822 Bilt more st. Phone Col. 2058. 1* I WOMAN, colored, for general housework; two in family; time off. 918 E st. n.w. 1* WOMAN to help with housework in exchange j for room and board. 827 Allison st. n.w. 31* I WOMAN for general housework, good wages. 909 ?th st. n.w.. fruit store. 1* WOMAN three mornings a week, take laundry home for two people in apt., or a good laun dress. 2124 P St.. Apt. 30. 31* WOMAN, st once, to do family washing; $2 per day, car fare and meals. 1300 Monroe st. n.e. 30* WOMAN to cook, wash and iron. Apply 1215 S st. n.w. 30* WORKING HOUSEKEEPER for home in Bos ton and also home in Washington; splendid oj> portnnlties for capable, active women. Call 208 A st. s.e., evenings. 31* I YOUNG colored girl, nurse. 1721 Oregon ave., I Apt. 1 922 14th ST. N.W.?Reliable woman for gen eral housework; small fatapy; highest salary paid to right party; also woman to do cleaning by the hour. 2 WHITE MAIDS for apartment work; $40 mo. and room. Call North 6145, bet. 8 a.m. and 6 pjn. 31* WANTED?SITUATIONS. MALE. | ARCHITECTURAL draftsman and estimator, capable, desires night work. Address Box 288-D, I Star office. 1* BOOKKEEPING and auditing to do of even j Ings. Sidney Roche, 2636 Garfield st. n.w. Phone North 5972. *_ BOOKKEEPING EXPENSE, time and labor, cat one-half; system installed quickly by local accountant; no charge forjtervice; particulars. Address Box 9Q-C. Star offiefc. 30* CHAUFFEUR, colored, experienced; best iff.; do minor repairs; drive any car. Wm. Ses sions, 1600 Q st. n.w., care Janitor. * CHAUFFEUR, by reliable colored man; ref e re nee. Address or call 2222 13th st. n.w. 31* CHAUFFEURS, two, young, in private fam ily. Apply 1516 8th st. n.w. * CHAUFFEUR?Young white man desires posi tion, private, reference. Address Box 74-D, Star office. 30* CHAUFFEUR?Colored; wishes a position in private family; 6 years' experience. Address 31 F st. n.w. 3D* CHAUFFEUR wishes position in private fam ily. Leroy Marshall. 419 Oakdale st. n.w. 30* J COOK?First-class cook desitfes position; all ! round msn. Address Box 264-D, Star office. * DRUGGIST would like to make change 1st or [ 15th of November. Address Box 138-D, Star I office. So* EXPERT ACCOUNTANTS AND AUDITORS; | accounts audited, statements rendered, books i opened and closed, cost and special systems in stalled; ten years* experience enables us to I contruct new or remedy old office systems; we satisfy?make us prove it. Address Box | 186-D. Star office or telephone Col. 81H9-J. 31* 'GOVERNMENT CLERK desires work after 4 :30 &ro.; good at figures; speaks French. Address >x 1P4-D. Star office. 30* JANITOR* to care for an apartment in good I location, where quarters are near the street, with privilege of pressing clothes in quarters. I Address Janitor. 1657 lamwt st. n.w. 30* I MAN, experienced; plain cooking, housekeeping, handy with tools, painting, gardening, etc.. in city or suburbs. Address Box 328 B, Star office. 4* PATENT SPECIFICATIONS for preparation on piece basis; capable and thoroughly experi enced. Address Box 260-D, Star office. 31* POSITION evenings, driving or doing clerical work; can furniah good references. Address Box 262-D, Star office. 1* PROMOTER, organiser and salesmanager who has suecessnilly completed his contract, is now looking for a proposition of merit, either patent, copyrighted article, successful going meritorious business or a war industrial busi ness that needs capital and expanding; has organized salesforce and will work on salary, expenses snd commission or straight commis sion and share of profits;* give full particulars. Address Box 8Q-D, Star office. 31* SECRETARY (expert stenographer and office manager), executive ability, wide experience, seeks position; salary, $150 per month. Address Box 92-D. Star office. 2* STENOGRAPHER desires position; state full particulars. Address Box 153-D. Star office. * WANTED?Drafting, mechanical or electrical, to do evenings, by experienced draftsman. Ad dress Box 1&9-D. Star office. 1* WORK of any kind, from 7:30 a.m. to 11:30 I a.m. Address Box 150-D. Star office. 30* 1 FEMALE. BATHS and massage for feeble and elderly; your homo. Miss Whitney. Columbia 5019. * BOOKKEEPER and generpl office work; ex perienced; best refs. PhOns West 1183. 81* BY LADY war worker, evening work. Address Box 230-P. Stsr office. 1* CHEF?Colored woman, experienced on pas tries or mests; in hotel; wages, $22 np. 2222 H st. n.w. 30* CLERICAL WORK evenings sfter 5:30 by capable young lady who is employed during the day: uses typewriter. Phone North 2290-W. DICTAPHONE OPERATOR desires work even ings. Address Box 28-D, Stsr office. 30* ELEVATOR OPERATOR, colored woman. Can 1PQ7 17th st. n.w. EVENING WORK, clerical or stenographic, de sired by young lady accustomed to law and abstract work. Address Box 212-D, Star office. EXPERIENCED and capable stenographer de 8ires work at home; will call aad take dicta tion. Col. 1M2. * EXPERT stenographer, of 9 years' experience, offers services, preferably between 8:30 a.m. and 2 p.m.; can handle correspondence without dictation; references; salary, $100 a Month. Address Box 249-D. Star office. 81* r Executive Assistant-Secretary. Stenographer of 12 years' experience; high-1 est references. Position desired during durs-1 tlon of war. Address Box 259-D, Star office. 1* [ XtADY wishes typewriting st home; will take dictation afternoons. Address Box 184-D, Star office. 1* POSITION as bookkeeper by competent woman, capable of taking charge of office work and all details. Address Box 178-P. Star office. 81* POSITION as private secretary, by expert ste nographer, 25; well educated, 8 years* experi ence; take complete charge of correspondence (answer without dictation, if desired); will attend to all office details; not sfrsld of work; reasonable hours; salary, $30 per week. Ad dress Box 42-D. Star office. 80* TEACHER, with two years' experience as head of high school French department, wishes to tutor or supervise evening study la any srw jeets. Address Box 6S-C. Msro&eo. TRAINED NT RBI will for CTipplad _ , ? la her own homa. Pbon, Colon-1 S5T1i&'Tbetinmn 10 ud U ?.?. or ??t lll-D. ?tmr fOn. 80* TTHBT5rTwS"??5?55ar''5EF!5?5~wi? week. Addieu M. X. G? MIS Q ct. a.*. W A f rn_Tni ATIONS. FEMALE?Conti?oe4? rYPING, translating, revising; ?t boa wirt time. AddrpM Box 237-D. 8tar oCce. , WANTED?By reliable girl. position as ele vator operator; Ikew. 1806 13th ?t n.w. WAR WUKKKU. widow, with little support, wants clerical work at fcame after office hours. Address Mrs. C., 81o McLean STe. FEMALE DOMESTIC. AS HOUSEKEEPER or helper, by lady, with iMby, husbandTin Army; 2 years' experience. Vrtrire<w Box 202-D. Star office. 1* 1 ????? K^fAII) tn hbtel. neat, reliable colored girl. 200 Beaton ct. n.w. CHAMBERMAID?Place by reliablo colored woman; no- waitress. 1100 O st. n.w. _ COLORED WOMAN wants morning work. 1?14 L st. n.w. 31* X)OK in prirate family or boarding house. 1730 ??th i?t. n.w. . JOOK, colored girl; references. Write 1635 7 wt. n.w. . EXPERIENCED LAUNDRESS wants small washing to do at home. 412 K at. n.w. # rlRL, half-grown, colored, wants place as ; nurse or help around the house. Apply 734 I Howard st. n.w. !L_ | 'lO USE WORK, f 15 a week; colored girl. 1928 >th wt. n.w. : HOUSEWORK for two men by colored lady. I Call or write 1636 Florida ave. IjAUNDRY WORK by the day for erery week. 1 1106 R st. n.w. 30* j LIGHT housework by neat colored girl. 1207 I 9th st. n.w. * yIAID or waitress, neat colored girL 606 8 st. n.w. ' MORNING or afternoon work, by colored worn in. 914 Fla- ave. . | MORNING or days* work or laundress by re 1 liable colored ifroman. 1336 13th st. n.w. * | N EAT half-grown colored girl wishes position I between 4 and 7 p.m. 1207 9th st. n.w. ? ROOM AND BOARD for mother and two chil drea, in exchange for sewing or child's nurse I or housekeeper, but no washing and ironing. Address Box 44-D, Star office. 30* SMALL WASH to take home or washing to do ! out* 119 L st. n.w. SMALL WASHINGS to take home. 42 Pierce at. n.w.. Apt. 3. WHITE WOMAN, with 9-month-old baby, good cook, place in small family. Address Box 180-D. Star office. WORK, by the day, or wash dishes. 2261 Cleveland are, n.w. ANTED?MISCELLANEOUS. DRAFTSMAN'S drawing table ortrcstles and board. Address Box 71-C, Star office. SECOND-HAND Hoover vacuum cleaner and electric washer, good order; $6,000-$9,000 house. fine locality; $500-$l,000 down, bal. rent. 1802 Dogwood st. n.w. * CASH REGISTER. Apply Apt. 622, the Cairo. 81* PIANO to store for use of same in refined home by college girl; pay carting. Columbia 763^-J. WANTED?ffURNITCuB FOR CASH. BBUi your roods to the man who fives yon the moot HOPWOOD'S. 8th AND K. N0ISLESS TLPEW RITER wanted, secettd hand. Address Box 8-D, Star office. 3(m WANTED?Small steam engine, two to two and one-half horse power. Address Bqx 93-D, Star office. TOU WILL FEEL satisfied with prices 1 pay for second-hand furniture, carpets and stoves. 8. Weisenberg, 622 U st. n.w. Phono Franc. 6181. , IF YOU WANT to sell your furniture to good advantage send for D. Notes, 633 Louisiana ave. Phone M. 3006. Prompt attention. FURNITURE?Out of town party here for period of the war wants to buy furniture for 8-room house recently purchased; will buy and pay cash for complete or separate pieces. Phone Cel. 82T?5. nov26* FURNITURE enough for large apartment. Address Box 53-D, Star office. 3* WE'LL GIVIB CASH FOB TOXJB Pianos and Talking Machines. Ellis A Arnold. 1823 Q at. Main 9914. WANTED?Feather beds and furniture. Best Srices paid. . Square Deal Furniture Oo?# Ml lye n.w. Phone Main 5686. WANTED?FU R N ITU RE, PIANOS, CAR pets, etc. Phone M. 1282 for wagon, or have us call. "WESCHLER'S." 920 Pa. ave. n.w. WANTED?Antique tortnture, atfl Jewelry, silver and Sheffield plate, diamonds, brass?. Ellis St Arnold. 1323, G st. Main 9914. The American Household Co. Will appreciate an opportunity to buy second hand furniture or anything you have to sell. Call Line. 5-8-3-2. 216 G st. n.e. 30* AUTOGRAPHS, libraries, scarce ft good mod ern books, prints, portraits & engravings, cask down. The Bar* Book Shop, 813 17th. M. 1291. WILL CALL IN MY UNLETTERED AUTOMO bile, city or suburban, and pay you highest prices for ladies', gentlemen's, children's dis carded clothing of all descriptions. Address postal or phone. I will call. W. BICMi 1IU 7th n.w. N. 1756. , I WILL PAY YOU more cash for furniture, stoves, carpets, rugs. P. Hayman. 613 La. ave. n.w. Phone Franklin 3681. FURNITURE, all kinds, for a six-room bouse, wsnted at once; will buy aa a whole or odd pieces. Call Franklin 3785. HAVING great demand for furniture; will pay big money for desirable goods. Call Main 3006. Prompt attention. wTlX CALl* C1TT OR riDBDKBAN. FAT highest cash prices for ladies', men's and chil dren's worn clothing snd shoes. Write o* plione. J. TAR SHE 8, 1808 7th n.w ? North 499. CLOTHES wanted: highest prices paid for ladies', men's and children's worn clothes, *hops- North 8315. Q. Lichtman. 1744 7th n.a DO YOU HAVE A ?ET of drawing Instruments not In use that you are willing to dispose of at a f sir price? Bring It to the Columbia School of Drafting. 14th and T sta. n.w. <1?0? 14th at.) IF YOU WILL FIEND FOB LOUIS NOTES, *14 B ST. N.W., TOO WILL CUT THB BEST CASH PBICK8 FOB POBNITUBB O* ALL KINDS. Phone FRANKLIN 20U. WILL FIit. at YOUR CONVENIENCE. WJ? BUT, Mil and exchange furniture, carpets, roes and other merchandise, paring highest each prices (or foods. Central furniture Cfc. "1 T. aw. 11. SI72. I PAT HIGHEST CASH PRICES for ladiea*. renta' and children'a worn clothing, hata and ahoee. Send postal and I will call. BEN BASS. 806 St. ?.w. /thUIj MM. HIGHEST CASH TRICES PAIDFORSECOND hand furniture, household roods and antlauea. M. SHAPIBO, Phone rranfclln 3788. 600 La. are. n.w. ' _ TURN TOUR OLD CLOTHES INTO CASH. I Highest prices paid for men's and children's srorn clothes and shoes. 8end postal or phoas. i j. COHEN. 1104 7th st. n.w. Phone North 8828. WANTE1>?To buy old furniture and leather beds. When selling why not drop a postal to ' the old reliable firm? fjf, MARKS. 1002 Fairmont st. Ph. Col. 851-W. OLD GOLD, SILVER. ETC. LOUIS ABRAHAMS Cash fa5irtelt?'.d.te.'d?i""o*et. Diamonds $25,000.00 ,?T DIAMONDS Old Gold, Sllrer aad Platinum. TRIBBY'S, *koom a, A)i Tr.?e.rtlona Strictly Confidential. DIAMONDS, OLD GOLD, SILVER, PLATINUM But coins and curiee bousbt and sold. (ESTABLISHED 1M$) ttmtXRTlNE'B. 861 PA. AVE. W.W. HIGHEST CASH PRICES Paid for Jewelry, old gold. ?IlTer. artificial teeth and Platinum. D. ALPHER. Ph. Main 3?T?. DIAMONDS, c0,:,a' ABE ABRAHAMS. pS**m,U5K: LORENZBUYS ?.*??? ^tSiT^DM^JEWELRT. DIAMONDS BUSINESS ANNOUNCEMENTS. APTO GLAUS. ?KB MB fee your broken windshield, m?? (Use for your car; gumrsntee rood job. PJlce Hteoubte. Taranto. IH1 y. T. aye., ft. Wfc CARPEiyTKHS A!TD BCTIOWU SAMUEL ALPHER. Carpenter and Builder. Jobbing and remodeling a specialty. 1782 North Capitol at. Phone N'. S272-J. 28* CAB PET CLKAXINO. CARPETS THOBOUUHLT AND CAMTOIjM cleaned: mattresses renorated. Batl*ate? tar nished? ALBERT KAHLKRT * CO.. W 8 st, s.w. m. ao8?. rAPERWANGntO AM) PAiynKC. LET C8 BBIGHTBN T0DB HOMK Paperhanging and Pa in tin* Don Blgtt. Estimate. Cheerfully Benderad. THE DECORATIVE SHOP.. W? lll> st. u.v. rmtlh PIANO TCKIKO. F IAN 08 TUNED, CLEANED, POLISHED for 81.50 by factory expert on orders received tbla week. B. *. LONG, 2? Orant place n;w. " 82.50. J. SCHAETrER. . piT Pianos aad Blayen taaed ud repjriwL * rears ea>eri??oe. Pboae North 1888-w. ?UJ " W QBORGB H. ELT. <57 Sf 5SL'ISlW ?? oSSZ JJT BUSINESS AHHOUNCEMEHTS. DUPLICATE KITS, M COOL SIX keys, SlJKh TOWB> * CMM. )B> H ??? BPHOMTBRlltB. UPHOLSTERING. REPAIRING, RKFINIKH '?*. packing, ihlppln, icrwai * weathsg .trip Plnx to ?rd?r.MABOTROym. 44 H ?.w..rCTM^ WINDOW 8HADKK. SHADES?Good quality opmim KM to your windows, only 00c; the best quality oil opaque shades, $1.16, bung free. Ws call with samples. &LEKBLATT. 11th and H sts. a.*, BUSINESS OPFOSTU-WiXJ-ES. A FEW GOOD PLACES FOB TODB IN SPECTION. Grocery and market store, ML Pleaaaat location. Tills is one of the best places in Washington. Monthly business* $8,000. Will take part cash. Price $5,000 Light grocery, downtown section; with cheap rent .? 875 Lunchroom, near gort. building. Asking price 600 Cigar and newsstand, on a busy down town street. Bee this place. Priee 1.100 Rooming houses in abundance. Prices range from $000 to $3,500. Near-beer, cigar and oyster house, a mint, at right price. A printing office; owner unabl* to- attend It. A big money-maker. Asking price, $1,200. Will consider a partner. Don't miss this little mint. Call to see me and let me know what kind of business you are looking for. If it is not listed with me I will find it for you. P. F. CABLET, Real Estate Business Broker, 617 B st. n.w. EVENING STAR ROUTE in the northwest section; good op portunity for the right man. Apply Circulation Manager. GROCERY, vegetable and fruit store, for sale, to quick buyer; doing good cash business; on Msin st., Alexandria, Va. Apply 204 10th st. n.w. go* LUNCHROOM?Large; central; $2,500. Address Box 257-B. Star office. 30* MULTIGRAPHING business for sale. Phone Columbia 4300. 31* OLD-ESTABLISHED lunchroom for sale, owner .on account of ill health; reasonable. 1024 7th st. n.w., Mooney's Lunchroom. 1* RESTAURANT and soft drinks, doing good business; will sell for cost price of stock, flx *nd stock on hand, $800. Address Box 21-D. Star office. 30* 8TORE at camp for sale; a good etoance for u tailor to make money; owner haa been drafted. Apply 420 12th st. n.w. 81* $2,000 CASH will buy established permanent business paying $4,000 per year; exclusive sell ing rights of several well advertised products; in trade about $1,200; monthly expense, $20. Address Box 217-P. Star office. ' PERSONAL. IN THE MOST LITERAL, AND DIRECT sense, we are the prosperous house and must set an example of higher price to those who would follow in our footsteps, but it takes a lot of cash to buy men's worn overcoats, suits, panta, etc., nut we buy. JUSTH'S OLD STAND. 619 D. MR. JOHN VAS80S, PROP. MAX LEBBGOTS, Mr. Ernest P. Dahue. The Red Cross has a message for each of above. Please call at Home Service Section, Red Cross, 606 Kenois bldg., 11th and G sts.. Washington. D. O. MISS ARNKBERG, SCALP TR&ATMBNT and Manicuring. Hours, 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. 505 M st. n.w. North 4882. >2* IF YOU HAVE ELECTRICAL REPAIRS OB Installing that must be done, drop Clarke a postal. You will find him on the Job. F. L. CLARKE, 8421 M st. n.w. 80* Dr. Evans, 1347 L N. W. Fr. 157. Sufferers from stomach and nerve trouble, will never racnt trying my new drngfew treat ment. It produces wonderful results. juaranteed. Consultation and toll lnfonsatm MRS. KABTO. CLAIRVOYANT AND PSY clilc medium?Ad-rice on all affairs of life: sat isfaction guaranteed; hours, I to 8. 810 5th n.w. 8? PERSONS SUFFERING FROM PSORIASIS, or stubborn or so-called Incurable skin dis esses. plense address Boi 85-D. Star offlee. 80* CLARA H. CUNNINGHAM. EXPERT 1HM." risr. Fur costs, muffs and stole. n?M late latest styles. Furs repaired. 1011 K st. a.*. Fancy muffs mad.. rrauklla Ttt. WE ARE NOW FATING t? eo rO? wen's and ladles' tO &S WASHINGTONCLOTHING EX CHAN OS, 83* p n.w. M. 8878. or drop postal. FOE SALE?mSCELLANEOUsT BOATS AMD ACCESSORIES. 16-FOOT MOTOR BOAT, food condition; canopy top; S-h.p. engine; cheap for quick sale. North 8172. ? DIAMONDS. 1BTG. DIAMOND BARGAINS 2-carat "pcrfect" Tiffany dia mond ring; party must sacrifice for $290.00. About 1-carat "perfect" Tif any diamond ring must be sold at onoe for $165.00. On sale KAHN OPTICAL CO., 617 7th St. N.W. FCRNITCRB. LIVING ROOM SUITE, handsome; cheap. 680 Rock Creek Church rd. 31* WALNUT BUFFET, parlor suite, child's high TftVv..Wo *??">? beds; no dealers. 705 Mt. Vernon pi. gje BKD, springs, sewing machine and L. O. Smith typewriter. 984 B st. s.w. B* DINING ROOM SET, golden oak: T Ptens: ,1 most new. Mrs. R. Wann, 1080 Euclid at,. Apt. articles muust be SOLD AT ONCE: One Cblckerlng plans, upright; one Cir cassian walnut bed and dresser, spring and mattress; one white enamel bed, spring and "V*"?"8: two gas heaters, new. S. Horwita. l.iOo R st. n.w. . DOUBLE BED. white enameled. Iron; mattress and springs. 508 Colnrnbta rd. n.w. 31* SIDEBOARD, fumed oak, apartment size; uer fect condition. Apt 23. 1754 Lanier place. ? FI-";K' J'-iK flat-top desk, like new; 50x32; cost $3.i: for $18: 7 drawers. 817 12th n.w. * FURNITURE?I will buy anything you have in the furniture line to sell. W. A. Brooks Hysttsville, Md. ?ooas, HIGH-GRADE oak dining room set?daw-foot table with six lesTes, sideboard, handsome china closet and eight chairs; also mission armchair with leather cushions and round ma ro?? ubl?: reasonable. 0 West Kirke St.. Chevy Chase, Md. Phone Clere. 88. FURNITURH for sale. Apply 209 eth st. s.w. No dealers. 80* S^T-seli immediately] refrigerator, dining table, chain. roU-topdeA (?3rawer), a few antiques. Can bet 6 and 8 p.m. 1215 O st HJt: 30* THREE-PIECE parlor suit, and % brass bed. complete. 500 11th st n.e. gjT1 SIDEBOARD, dining table, other furniture. Cell after 7 p.m.. 225 H st. n.w? Apt. 10. a? SIDEBOARD, bed, bureau and other furniture. Call next two days, 1615 Rlggs place n.w. 80* UPHOLSTERED living room and flresid. chairs, desk, chest drawers, bookcase, dining room suite and gate leg tables; at sacrilic*. Ellis & Arnold. Auctioneers, 1323 Q n.w. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, one davenport and kitchen utensils; no dealers. 1723 Rlggs place n.w. North Ki9. *0* DINING ROOM SET. handsome; 7 pieces china closet, bnffet, table and 4 chairs; no dealers. 2834 Brentwood rd. n.e. N. 1823 3fl* HOU8EHOLD FURNITURE: mn.t h. ??!. ..h ?ZVltVTtnb" * Gw"y: HORSES. CARRIAGES. BITO. OWING to the scarcity of labor I aa closing ** HORSES?Tear good asefnl work btnm tm ?r&tyM afier s pjn- ^ Hodge.' Farm. Tskom^Pa3^ 'U? i?' K1NE CATTED HORSE; a hlo. rlhhn. wl.~ broken to 8*. gaits by lsdy ridw WW MOTOR CYCLES amp Binvm.a-s INDIAN. 1914. twin; line condition; tandem' and extras; cheap at 8125. 48 M n.w. 1* MOTOR CYCLE, Indian; latest model * rtm 1.000 miles: $175 cash. Phone Col. 6629 j ??. 1918 HARLEY DAVID80N, go?l condition' 8130. Alexandria Auto Supply O... lo? s! Wash. St. HARLET DAVIDSON. twin, two-speed; good condition; 880. Call 2119 G n.w. ' |o? 1918; electrically equipped; almost new- owner called to St Louis; if dV^ridT TiJ^H st n.w. * HBNDBB80N MOTOR CTnU .y^SZlC equippwl. aa after ? M?Ti?14l5rTS mtjsicax nmnanm, J-DLL but of tj?p drtuns. Mr. Boyer, 811 Kre ?t a.w. f jjT FOB SAT.H?MTBffBT.T.ATTRQTfS musical iwrBmnenw?cwa. 8S-NOTK PUUX-nANO, *? r?U? late anisic I aad beneh; *300 auk, UX8 on tltoe. Will allow I fall xalne far jonr piano or Tletrola 1b ex-t cl?an?g. si, Mm. w. ?.?. .. 10 HIQH-CBADK aprigbt pianos, $76 op. The ?V", U|I. *"? | talk*. No planoal Bat I gaamnteo1 10 H1QH-OBAUB aorigbt pU only place la dtr Am caah ?old lor lw than $80 dan. i iwunea | to itn yon $100 an a* upright dUm and f 250 an a player-piano. Open until T :?0 p.m. 510 Mm. aw. n.w. $115 STTLB PHONOGRAPH?Plaja all make record*; cheap for caah or will exchange for piano. Also $100 style. $00: $55 style, $85. Why pay more? 510 Mm. are, a.w. PHONOGRAPH, mahogany-cabinet style; as new; coot $05; sell for $3G. Apt. 4, Kye n.w.. after 0 p.m. PIANO?Upright, mahogany; excellent condi- J tton; $100 caah j moat dispose of quick. Phone | Franklin HQ after 5 p.m. 31* BRADBURY UPRIGHT, perfect condition; coot $500; at sacrifice, $125; alao Vose upright at $75. Bills * Arnold. Auctioneers. 1823 G at. j n.w. . VICTOR VIOTROLA. mahogany cabinet style;, ! cost $125; at sacrifice, $70; also $75 grafonola, ? $35. JfilUa * Arnold. Auctioneers. 1828 G st. ' n.w. > kLEGANT Knabe grand piano, carved maseire ma hog a ay settee aad table, floor lamp aad crex rugs, 4x7. Call between 10 and 0. Apartment | 88. Emerson, 1024 Bolmoat road. ' ! $106 BUYS a boantifnl upright piano; mahog any case; flae condition J terms. $8 monthly. The Hecht Co. Piano Annex, 018 F Open until 0 p.m. PUMKD OAK PIANO. 8800 caah; brand-new; worth $400: Army officer, (ordered to proving ground. Call 10 to 0. Mr. Bfshop. Main 1440. 1* ,8108 BUYB a beautiful Oomatock piano: ma I hogany caao J beautiful tone X fine condition;. terms. 08 monthly. The Hecht Co.. 7th sL | near F. BBWIXr. HACHINKK. riR8T-cla*s td-bawl fffager Sewing Maeh.. $5. op. guar. 1 jr.: New Singers. 82 per na rent-: ing; special oerrice on repairs, all makes. Open ergs. Lark in. 818 Pa. ave. a.e. Linen. 178. BIO BARGAIN in uoed d.h. Slagara and other makes. New Slaters, 82 month. Renting aad expert repairing. Hopkins, 2020 14th st. n.w. Phone CoL 170O. 18 D.-H. 8INGKR8, $13 to 98S; a.-h. Domestic. $12; d.-b. Standard, $10; Singer shoe machine. $80: W. Wilson, $15. Renting, repairlag. Open tee's. Beamy. OS Pa. are, s.e. Hoc. 8872. 1 TYPgWRrtgCBS. UNDERWOOD No. 5. 845; exceptionally line J machine. 1848 Kalorama rd. (Mt. Pleasant cars.) TY PEWRITER8?Ten (10) Underwood type writers; 20-inch carriage; alao one Royal cor respondence typewriter. Columbia Planograph Co.. 50 I* st. n.e. REMINGTON No. 10; nearly new; will sacri flee. See Mr. Osborn, 812 14th st. n.w. Franklin 3884. UNDERWOOD TYPEWRITER, latest improve- | ments; line condition; $45. 8323 Mt. Pleasant j St; 31* AMtatlUAN Typewriter Co.. 1481 Jfi. Capitol J st. Lincoln 8681. 8ell, rent aad repair all makea. Call us pp. TYPEWRITER Rental Service. 2301 1st at. 1 n.w. N. 2064. All kinda rented, 88. $3.50. $4 per mo., inclodlng L. O. Bmlth and Underwoods. | OLIVER TYPEWRITER AGENCT. 910 14th st. n.w. Phone Mala 7680. "Rent** an Oliver. $8 per month, or 8 months | (or $7.00. "Buy" an OUver, No. 0, for $48. $8 caah. $8 monthly. UNDERWOODf* and remingtons. Immediate delivery. 800 sheets typewriter paper. 00c. General Typewriter Co.. 616 14th st. n.w. MISCELLANEOUS. ALEXANDRIA. VA.. and vicinity, take notice I ?We'are tearing down two city blocks for the U. 8. Navy torpedo plant, North Lee near J King st. APPLY ON THE JOB. BATHTUBS AND BUILDING MATERIAL? brick, sheathing, flooring, sash, doors, enamel lavatories and sinks. SIDNEY L. HECHIN GER HOU8EWREOKING CO.. 6th and C sts. s.w. Note our new location. BRICK DELIVERED BT DUMP TRUCK from Alexandria torpedo plant, wrecking job to ] business section, 812 per thousand. Call on job, Alexandria, or phone Col. 6653 after 6 p.m. ARRANGING, revising and publiahing music. Melodies written to song-poems. Moderate prices. Best work. Open evenings and Sun. daya. Johnson.-006 10th n.e. L. 4400. BABY CARRIAGE, Bloch. reed body. $4.50. I Phone W. 1333-J. 31* BABY CARRIAGE, reed. new. $10; baby's bath J tub, new, $2; kitchen cupboard, $7; ice box, $5. 1510 9th n.w. BOY'S OVERCOAT, 0-year; elderly lady's! black velvet bat and dresses, sixe 42, IG'J | Adams at. n.w. " CLOTHES?Workingmen, assured beyond all question, and it means thst the price of $2 up for new pants is guaranteed the lowest price; if yoo can beat it return ours, and same appllea to slightly used overcoats at $5 up and good tailors make no better. Justh's Old 8tand. 619 D. DESK, flat-top; good condition. 1887 Columbia road. 81* DINING BOOH TABUS, ballet, bed. eewlng machine, etc.; young, odd-eyed female collie dog; must leave town November 1; real bar gains. 1214 Everts st. n.e. North 2585-J. * FOR 8ALE?Drugs: a small stock of prescript tion drugs removed by owner entering mili tary service from drug store sold to parties who were not druggists. Phone Rosslyn 122-M. 31* FUR&r-Haadsome set of genuine Hudson seal; I large, wide stole, 72 inches long; latest round muff, never osed; worth 885; will take $35 and send, privilege of inspection before pay ment, to any addrsss. Mrs. Rowland Alexandra, 248 Delaware ave. Buffalo. N. Y. 80* GAS RANGE?Detroit Jewell, 4 burners, 21 ovens. 2026 16th St. n.w. GENTLEMAN'S overcoat, crib and go-cart, j Apply 814 C st. s.e. 1* KITCHEN RANGE for sale, one. Apply 111G I C st. n.w. 80* LARGE hotel coal range; moved at j once. Apply 81bley Memorial HospltaL OAK DE8K, fine condition, and swivel chair, ] both, 810; 8 electric light fixtures, complete, for office or store, cheap. TIT 12th n.w. RECORDS, McOormack, Lauuer and others; I 10 records. 85. 817 12th n.w. REED BABY CARRIAGE, a bargain. 702 Alli Bon st. n.w. * ROCKER, all leather: lady's desk, serving ta ble and plate rack, ebonlsed. CoL 610, Apt. 32. 81* SEATS. 321, seven in row; suitable for church, assembly hall or moving picture show; all in perfect condition. Apply 1303 G ft. n.w will sen reasonably for quick sale. 3* SHOTGUN for cala. double barrel, .12-gauge, with fine leather case; made by Parker Bros.; a high-grade, reliable article. Call before 8:80 a.m. or after 5 P-m. P. J. Doyle. 1224 6th st. n.w. 30* SHOW CASES AND STORE FIXTURES, SAM PLE FLOOR AND COUNTER CASES AT | SPECIAL PRICES. 'BUY AT THE FAC-I TORY." RU8E ft COMPANY, 808 LOW 8T? I BALTIMORE, MP. SMALL heating stoves, water power washer, j nickel bath gas heater, walnut bed, fluff 6x9 I rug, fine French gas fixtures. 1302 Dogwood st. _ " TABLEWARE?Choice articles, cut glass, fine I lamp, picturea, screens, bric-a-brac, etc. Ad dress Box 181-D, 8tar office. * 447 NEWTON PU; Edison exhibition moving | picture machine, in flae condition; complete; i cheap. 4-DECK BAKBRS. otto and water beater. 1744 P mt- a.w. 30* POULTRY, PETS ft LIVESTOCK AIREDALE PUPPIES, thoroughbred; $10. ?U. tag. Frank A. Kerr. 1820 WUconaln a.e. n.w. | felBD POO?Price. $20. CaU Main 2207. 1? DOGS AND CATS bearded. cavalry kennels of the HaapHnl far Aalatals. Inquire, phone North 1000. HOUNDS, two, rabbit, wanted; must be well broke. J. B. Bland. 14 14th st. n.e. 31* PIGS. 7. Cbss. Miller. 3828 Ga. ave. n.w. 1* WEIGH, lay, win and pay barred Plymouth Rock, young stock, for sale reasonable. Frank A. Kerr, 1020 Wisconsin ave. n.w. AUTOMOBILES FOB SALE, ETC. A1 AUTOMOBILE BARGAINS | Hnpmofcile, flTe-pa.aenger .a SS Kissel, flra-pasaeager $7 Colt, flve-passenger $2 Hupmoblle roadster $T50 Cola eight, fonr-p,?.ngor roadster *1,200 Cel. eight. saren-paasenger $1,800 Kissel demonstrator ?... |L!W Overland delivery ........ $200 The Henderson-Rowe Auto Co, Mii> am iaa 14th at. a.w. ALL OLD AUTOS Of mtmj description bought. Parts, tin, aad Boach magneto. alwaya on hand. National Jank Co7. Tl7 4% at. a.w. Pranklln KM. AUTOMOBILES, la anr condition, bought; hlghut cart prieu Pain; Boach magneto at leweet prieaa; parta of nearly all make car. on hand. Bobert Henon. Franklin 2S48, Antq Wrecking Shop. 110-112 4K .t, ?.w. BABT^BtJICK, 1SU. 4-cjliDder; run lew than 8,600 mile.; an exceptional bargain; any dem onstration. Colombia 8535. 80# Takema are., Takoma Park. 1* B0ICK light ux. 1817 touring, $875. 724 Bock Creek Church road. Col. 5297. 81? BL'ICK four touring ear; perfect In .Terr re ?pwt. 1119 North Capital at., between 3 and 4 P ?. $1* BUICK raadatw; good ranatag order; tlraa aa gwd as m, aaa van; most be aold quick for ^ sr gr 1*14; in excellent cowdlttaa. Oaa 'alker-Higba. Co.1. garage. If,, u between L aad M. lSth aad 17U Apt. ?4. Ph? Cadillac, j ba Mta at wi ?akaa allST mm* can: eondttimi Mnmnteod. "tt* cook * stodTJard CokpAlfT, Xal. ftnkite mm. ljaw0 G?a?,^aTa. M, AUTOMOBILES FOX SALS. ETC. CADILLAC (8) touring car; recently overhauled; splendid condition; $1,000 cash. Cotn mercial Garage, 303 6th at. n.w. CADILLAC ? Newly painted; perfect running order; good tires, battery and starter; 1913 model; been run less than 20,000 miles; fine family or hacking car; $600.00; must be sold at once. Apply 4107 I4th n.w. Col. 4401. 30*_ CADILLAC touring car; Ant-class ?eckutail condition; food tires: three spares; new bat tery: $570. Sterrett 6s Fleming, North 5000. CADILLAC, 1918 limousine; conditio* excel lent; 9,000 miles; will sell at sacrifice. Cose munlcate with P. O. Bex 458, Annapolis. Md. CHALMERS four-passenger, 1914: excellent running order; electric lights; Boech magneto; goodtires; $275. 110-112 4^ St. s.w. CHANDLER six, touring, 191ft; perfect con dition. Apply, after 6:30, Marshall. 2218 N st. n.w. tt* CHANDLIfiii roadster, 1916; less thaa 8.9*0 miles; $1,400; new, $1,910; leaving for war work. 208 the Farragut. 6 to 6:10 p.m. CHANDLER roadster; 4-cyliBder; new paint; flrat-class mechanical condition; good tires; oae spare. Bterrett A Fleming. North 5tB0. CHANDLKtt, e-cjiicder, 7-pasMger; late model; repainted and brand-new battery; aix tires* price teaaoatMa. 1215 O at. a.w. Pbeoa M. 1WH7. CHEVROLET, small, 1917 model; raw fine; good tires; $350. 49 M n.w. 1* CHEVROLET, 5-paas. Can be seen any time after 0 p.xu. or before 11 a.m.. 221 & at n.*. 1* CHEVROLET, on?j flve-paaeenger, 1918 model, haa been run 135 miles; owner haa no uae for It. One 1%-ton coal wagon, three single coal wagon* and three coal carts. 1923 M at. 81* CHEVROLET, 1917, touring; excellent condi tion; cheap for cash. Franklin 8847. 1500 14th st. n.w. >1* CLOSED TOP for 1918 Olds, model 43 or 44. Phone North 2093. $1* DETROIT ELECTRICS KUW AND USES. KANT BARGAINS IN 000* REBUILT GUARANTEED QAM, STERRETT & FLEMING, Inc. I DISTRIBUTORS. Champlain st. at Kalorama road PH0NB NORTH DODGE, 1918, five-passenger; splendid coodi- 1 tion; driven only 4,000 miles; immediate, cash I sale price. SI.000. Call North 4643. * DOIHiE roadster. 1917: Ai condition. 627 Otis | st. Col. 2835. after 6 p.m. 30* DODGE three-passenjrer coupe; run 2,000 miles; I Army officer, compelled to sell by Thursday. ] Addrpsw Box 133-D. Star office. DODGE?Five-passenger; worth the price; you I can see It. No. 14 Q n.e. 30* FOR SALE?Fiat roadster; cheap. Call Alex- I andria 820. FOR SALE?Less than half price asked for new car of same make; a handsome roadster, late 1917 model, carefully used on city streets; powerful snd quiet engine, self starter, electric lights, demountable rims, paint and upholstery in first-class condition; in fact, the car is prac tically as good as new. Owner having left the city would like to make quick sale. Phone Main 2332 and ask for R. L. Lusby. POUR-PASSENGER roadster for Bale, cheap. I Apply rear 1316 L st. n.w. 31* FORD touring car; perfect running order; two I extra tires, tire holder and extras. R. L. | Elgin, 908 8tli st. n.w. FORD touring, 1916; thoroughly overhauled; I new top cover and seat covers;. $450. 3441 Oak wood terrace. Phone Col. 8219-W. 1* FORD touring, 1916 body, 1914 engine; reason able. 2827 13th st. n.w. 31* FORD 1917, in excellent condition; will sell I for $400. 717 4% st. s.w. Frank. 2586. FORD TRUCK, 1917; two-ton attachment; I worm drive; stake body; new tires; must be sold this week; $575. ljQ-112 4K at. s.w. FORD delivery; looks and runs like new; late I model. J. M. Peake's coal yard, 609 N. Y. ave. n.w. 1* FORD touring car, 1916 model; perfect condi tion; price, $400. Phone Franklin 207 between] 9 and 11 a.m. 31* FORD, 1915; good condition; cheap. Joseph I White. Landover. Md, R. F. D. No. 2. 1* FORD roadster body, $5; Hudson super-six crank caae, $50. Weldit Co., 510 N. J. ave. n.w. 31* FORD, 1917; good condition; demountable wheels: five good tires. Can be Been, after 5 p.m.. 905 Eye st. n.w. 81* FORD touring, 19i8; demountable rims; tire holder; chains; extra tubes; car first-class or der; $550. Ask for Jacobs. 1407 H at. n.w. 81* FORD touring; best used car in city for $885; six tires, three new; new electric equipment. Been any time at 58 Randolph place n.w. 81* FORD 1%-ton truck, with good top and cab; in perfect condition; will sell for $390 to quick buyer. 2014 F n.w. Phone West 2248. 80* FORD touring car, 1914; good shape; cash $835. j Ford delivery. 1916: overhauled: $880. Ford touring body, 1917. F. 3383. 62 H at. n^. 1* FORD touring, $350; owner in service; has left | with us to sell; other makes of used care. Au-; tomobile Exchange, 711 13th st. n.w. FORD touring car; good condition; ran 8,000 miles. Call 1857 Mintwood place n.w. Price, $400. 1* FORD cars and trucks repaired. B. H. Bauer, the Ford specialist, 636 G st. n.w. * FORD ROADSTER, '17, with delivery en back; speedometer; demountable rims; five 31x4 tiree; in perfect condition. N. 7275. 2* FORD ATTACHMENTS to 2 too, $30 tad up; 24-in. Ford exten ?p?. $60. J. Klein. 1063 Wi?conatn ?t?. 8* FORD. 1918; in Al condition; $450. Ford IS, demountable rims, $395. Allen 16 tearing, electric equipped; self-*tarter; $388. Bob Boy MaclieT. 518 10th ?.e. FORD taxi bodies: aereral brand new obcs cheap. Hill A Tibbitta. 1407 H at. FORD?BEST AND CHEAP EST ON MARKET. OXFORD 1^-TON TRUCK ATTACH MENTS WITH EXPRESS OR STAKE BODY AND CAB, $400. A-B-C Garage, Distributors, 617-19 New York Ave. N.W. FORD sedan. 1918; rnn 1,000 miles; de mountable wheels, new tires, extra rim and tire rack, bumpers, Yale lock, cut ont and hood covers; car used by owner only and looks new. Robert Hereon. 110-112 at. s.w. FORD SEDAN?1917 chassis and new body; i also 1917 touring. Lark Id, 313 Fa. are. s.e. Line. 275. FORD touring. 1917; demountable wheels; tot! of extras; excellent running order; reasonable. I Ford touring, 1915; excellent running order; cash, $825. Paige speedster; cash, $85. RobertHerson, 110-112 4)& st. S.W. Franklin 2846. FORD town car. Apply 1189 17th. FORDS! FORDS! FORDS! REASONABLE DELIVERY ON COMME1. CARS AND "FORDSON" TRACTORS. TED BODIES FOR ANY FORD-MODEL CI Expert Radiator Repairing. STEUART'S GARAGE, Authorised Ford Agents, 141 12th st. n.e. Terms. Line. 1204, i FORD roadster, 1917 model; condition Al. Gas be seen at 1417 Irving st. n.w. | FRENCH OFFICER, leaving U. 8., will sell his touring car for $800 cash; perfect condition. Apply to gsrage, ?. A. Pitkin, rear 1439 Rhode Island ave. 80* HUDSON super-six roadster, latest model; food condition; terms cash; price reasonable; officer lesving city. Call Cleveland 966-J, or North 5672. B* HUDSON three-passenger cab, 1918 model, fold ing top; a beautiful car; many extras; insur snce. Address Box 133-D, Star office. HUDSON Super-six, 1917 medal, 7-psssssgsr; In perfect running condition; demonstrauea. See Owner. 401 M st. n.e. HUDSON 8UPEB-8IX, as new; driven < New Jersey ave. M st. n.e. B-8IX, 1917, 7-paes.; car gaed 4,000 miles. Mr. Frye. *26 . n.w. line. 5588. 80* i HUDSON LIMOUSINE. Lateat model; inaid. Abt; limoaaine; ar ranged for owner to drim; beautiful dark |R? ear; in nw only debt month,; driven aeren thounnd mile, and is excellent condition; ? aplendid ear for winter and aommer dm; would sell $2,500 caah. Can ba Men at 1TM N it. Telephone Franklin 8808. 80* HUPMOBILE, five-passenger tourlnc, lata 1815; tmo cash. 8921 14th. after ?. 80* LANDAULETTE, Twin Six, 1D1T, 2-55; a beautiful car; in excellent condi tion; haa }uit been painted. The Lattrell Co^ 1212 New Hampshire are. LIMOUSINE BODY, perfect condition; St 7-paaa. car; half price. Franklin 15$. ? XAWELL touring, 1?1T, or trad, for a Feed. J. M. Peake, OOP N. T. are. a.w. gl? MITCHELL. aix-cj Under, eercB-pMWgi r; per f?-t condition. Can M. 4SM- 81* MITCHELL ROADSTER, 1?1T light aix; Al condition; Mm 8,000 mlln; pood tbaa; ex tra tlre^naw. < Ut. Tm, $38 Hew Itmyn. Immobile *mW naM tii indrr; new to*; $800 or bMt i ceedia^ mt eeaa. Addreaa Bex ouw. _ _ 20th it a*m. ouMuaoBiut mi. esager, to perfect morning ?to; wist new; mu?U tmr qbMmil or vHTmi mdKnn? prt nymaTtl Bra.. UM? | New TwH are. n.w. UN* Boa IT ?, Star ?Air*. 4MB MOT toacta* W-B; na (.Mel outaMlp aaad; A-l condition; ? bar KM. MS BaWhaew sra.. T??m Psrk. 1? OTnum m.l.lw; electric lights; mH . starter; deamustable Hat: tee condition; Ijer aala. CaL MM. ? PACKARD LANDAULETTE, will fit 1911 or 1912 chassis; good condition and reasonable. Address Box 46-C, Star office. 31* PAIGE touring, splendid coadtttasL. Cu bel m at BIS G iL n.w. 1'aigh aTKAxroaii. mr. r. . about 5,009 miles; A1 condition; ? bargain tor JW3' PULLMAN, 1916?5-passenger; cheap. Apply head electrician, American Red Cross, 17th and D sts. n.w. Annex No. 1. 1* SAXON BOAMTSn. 4-cy?oi?. M*B: goad tins; stance battery; caab. *130. UO-Ut 4% at. aw. SEDAN TOP far 1?10 model ta aU; excel-| condMon. Apply Pallas Brylawaki. Boom [ BIS, Jenifer Wit. STUDKBAKBB Hin. roadster. MM: electric I Ughts, aelf-startar; $300 cash. 422 Mass. m. I n.w. 1* HTUDJCBAKBB aU coup., bargain. 1833 14th I at TOUBING CAB; Sao looking; aeeda i pelrs; $300. Mrs. C. B. Pembertoa. 6887 Laurel at.. Titam Part, p. c. gl? TWO new truck bodies witb caba for Ford toe track, >100 each. Caa be aeaa at Thomas' Garage. Bosslyn. Va. 1* VEUK, 1917, touring. six-cylinder; Continent*! I motor; wire wheels; excellent buy at tSW. Call North 987. after K p.m. WE'VE GOT 'KM?Just when too want "im. Second-hand auto parts tc nearly any sake ear. Tbey are Just aa rood as new, eat we sell 'OB lor a (teat deal leoa. We sis. handle new accessories, and ha'e on (fecial sale this week brand-new borne, lamps, pumpa. tires, tabes, etc. We eoll all parts and buy all ears ?say shape?aay make?end always willing to sir* ana take. XJTT8 GIT ACXMXAINTBD, GLA3CER-BMIM * CO.. 1030 Tth at. ?.*. Phone North Hit WINTER TOP Botck Uttfc fear roadster. ! 1008 14th >t. >1* 5-PAS8. IMPERIAL, In good conditio?; $850. 658 H a-o. L 405. * 1918 HUDSON; ran ltu than 3.000; condition as new; spare tire and tube; caa be seen at Dupont Garage or outside D bid;-, Oth aad B sts. Address Bex 222-D. Star once. 4* 1910 PAIGE; 7 passenger. Inquire 814 B st. I s.e. 1?_ ' .1918 OAKLAND touring car. 1918 Oakland touring, with winter top. 1916 Chandler. All in splendid condition. 1052 Coup, ave. Franklin 6fl34. 1917 HUPM0B1LE roadster; first-class condi-1 tion and appearance. 1013 tth a.w. Phoae K. 2735. 1 ACTOMOMLBiU-WAyTEP. TO HIRE from private party first-class car and chauffeur by the week, two hours morn ing*, two in afternoon. Address J. EL U., 1583 New Hampshire ave., stating terms. 1* WILL PAT 8500 cash for Buick. Chandler or I Dodge touring car; private party. Address Boa 209-D, Star ofttce. ' WANTED?A 5-pa6scnger touring car, Paige or Buick preferred, by week, for pleasure, by man aad wife; guarantee given. Phone West 902. SI* A FORD touring, late model; will pay cash. 1 Phone Line. 3985. 1180 B St. a.e. 31* ' I 8ELL AUTOMOBILES BY AUCTION EVERT j Saturday, 12 neon. A quick and satisfactory method. Inquire for special rates at "WESCH LFR'S,^ 920 Pa. are, n.w. FORD or Dodge for cash; must be in good whape. 000 N. Y. ave. n.w. 81* CHUMMY ROAMTEB, Mansion or Peerless. 0 or 8 cylinder; must be 1917 and right for cash. Automobile Exchange, 711 13th st. AUTOMOBILES FOB BIBS. .HUDSON SUPER-SIX. IKDAN AND 7-PA8S. TOCBINO CAB Strictly tor prlrata use. raSfcrr iw aeon Coir TAXICABS. PHONE WEST 84. T?o ii? distance la < and tai " OPEN New Taxi Service Co., Inc Ml Flsaaaat Branch. PHONB COL. ?ML TWO-TON TRUCKS WITB DRIVERS FOR hire; haul anything anywhere.; reasonable. Call or write 707 5th st. n.w. 80* ?CALL WEST 1942? WBT POINT TAXICAB 00.. VMS. TAXICABS AND TOCBINO CABS. RIO AND 33.00 PER HOOB M. Fonl. St.00 CITT PROPER. 1NO rOTOS I CALL MAL4 I?. AMERICAN TAXICAB CO. 23 NBW CARS ALWAYS AT TOCB SEBYICE. 60e?Ten blocks. 76c?Any distance ia dty props,. Shstrlli or touring?32.00 per hsag. OPBN ALL NIGHT. DIAMOND T TRUCK, g^-TON, BY DAT. week or month. Consult us on distance haul ing?Baltimore, Hagerstewn, Annapolis aad viclaity. a HARRIS, 458 P?. ave. n.w. 81* TAXI?NORTH 33 NEW CAE*. 10 BLOCKS. BOe; CITT PBOPBB. BT THE HOUR. 33 UP. NIGHT SBBTIOB. UBBBTT TAXI 8IBT1CB. FOR BEST?GA&AQEB. POB LABGM CAR?RUNNING WATER; good^ llfht. 2820 27th n.w. Phone North WOODBIDGE ? GABAGB 8PACB IN PIBB proof struetoie. 3d. 2834 Brentwood road n.e. 30* HAVR SPACE FOR A VEW MORE CAbT ABMT AND NAVT GABAGB. 1139 17th at. n.w. Phone Kranklin 7000. WANTED?GABAGE8. WANTED?To rent range or space for seeen passenger car in the Immediate vicinity of 18th st. and Columbia road. Address Box 231-D, Star office. 1* SPACE FOR ONE CAB IN PRIVATE GARAGE Ticinity Conn. ave. snd Woodley rd. Phoae Main 2700. Branch 128. ?!? IN TBK TICINITY OP GEORGIA AVENUE and Bock Creek Chnreh road. Phono Oolambia 3823. * FOB BEST?BOOMS. rilBSUBBP ROOMS. 1806 CLIFTON ?T.?Nicely furnished rooms; traasients accommodated. Phoae Col, 2721. 81* 818 9th N.W.?Double parlor, furnished for two people; 850 month; convenient; clone in, ? 1401 J0MERSON ST. N.W. (Take 14th and Colo rado ave. car)?Can accommodate several young ladies; electricity; hot-water lieat; on car line; porches; detached home; board near. ? 811 MOUNT VEBNON PLACE N.W.?'Two clean basement rooms for housekeeping; south ern exposure: no objection to one child. 31* Bt SHEPHBBD ST. N.W?Kurninbed nook 318; 0th st- cars. 1? 27 IOWA CIBCLB N.W.?Comfortable aad bealtby quarters for six young men In two rooms. * BEDROOM and sitting room. Inquire 1212 18th ft. ? NICELY furnished seeoad-floor front room, twin beds; aext to bath; bot water; electricity; suitable for two geatlomen. Phone Col. 2073. 31* 120 Sd N.E.?Desirable, lure, front room; gentlemen; walking distance center city. ? ?40 BOOK 0BKBK OHUBCU B0AD N.W.? Two large, communicating rooms; print, bath; hot-water boat; electric light; priiata family; Pbon, Col. HTS. 31* MT. PLEASANT?Bright, sunny large front room; ele gantly furnished for two gentle mcn; $25 each. Phone Col. 2990. 3 BHODE ISLAND ATB. N.W.. APT. 41? Nicely furnished, good siae, treat room; aji.l.; suitable for a lady. Call after 8 o'clock. * 333; single room la first-elaaa, tiers tor a pert meat, northwest; floe Tiew; good cafe in house. Address Box 132-D. Star offlcc. ? 1313 HARVARD?large front room, twin beds! adiolntag bath; gentlemen only; references re aulred. * 2821 Q BT. N.W.?Two Urge, nicely faraiabad rooms, to three or four war worker,; private family. ? WA.NTKO?otrl to share large frent ma. OaU, after T p.*. Miss Shea, 1113 M at n.w. AIf RiVbRDALK. MD.. 48 mlaatM inm E*uiR.*SLt?S%& & r jt-" "vr 1335 j*.-L.rge mmU+mTJZS sulk ii isl electricity; hat-water bant; aMi fnraished; aalted for ofllcer aad wife or oth? Phoae Piapklin 8TM. i*Tj POX MUT?BOOMS. TOPNQ MAS: 1*ra>H ?irrtm Boa 1WUD. Star < van < ilk ARK nr. N.V Uw tmi m twla Ma; ?U miw mi .tin w? r? WtSu'iWfcr ?mwSBSS Bg p Uw: $ai- MS If at. ?:W. ?* M KHOUK UbUU IVL X.W.?OMriartaW tmnlah.d mm. r'rotM North UH. * l-ARUK. (Iw?i. cocser nn. MU hat?Tirri rate Catholic famllj: Colvcibia Batfbu: 11 th aad lith at. cats. Addfaaa Box 1T4-D. Ktar ?1?. 1* M M >1. M.W?Uai??. Mtia* *?ar Iroat roues, lettable for three or fear ladle. ar sea HoaOT. * 134 tth ILK.?lMtg9 front raoak tor two M> of ain ?a<t art to: loaooaabii-. UAltufc^ auaojr. front roam, tor two"~peraoa? In woll appotated prtrate Insc: une of library aa>l Phono; caaventect to two car Hue, in Uotuit Meamtat; K? per aaatn. W. S112. IU1 HU ST. N.e. (WoodrMcel?Attract!,." raaa. private haaw; fentlecnaa or couple: SIS one. O* two. " 121# B ST. 8.*?Comfortable room, adjoin!?"< bath; vratloBMB ooljr; ratereaeaa required. *t> ply after 8 p-m. ? Utn IXIMTMVIA XuAD?To two or throe !<-? tlvmea. eecoud-flaer euite of two bedroom,. alt ttat room with private bath and telephone mnant hot water; (100 aaath, larludiai: thoromth caro of wxwna. Phoaa Col. 1?M. 1* TWO nlealr foraiohed. couuauateatlaa rooias In aportmeat ia hotel diatrict. *6 par day or $140 per month, geatleoiea. Addtoea Vox :sr, U. Star pgre. ?1? 1*14 N 8T. N.W.?Select neighborhood. near Conn, a to. oan; walkiac itlatlTi all deparl bmoU; rooau. lettable for two or throe ?lartr bada; ?U woath with braakfaat; reference; ladle* oalr. * 1MB KUODK ISLAND ATE. N.W,?Kxceileat room la well kept house, suitable two gentle men. si* 8624 HOOK CREEK CHURCH ROAD ? Nice room, private family; bath on same floor; all modern conveniences; near three car lines; for gentleman. ? 401 3d ST. N.W.. AFT. 10?Comfortable fur n<*<hed room for one .vonng lady. ? IN PRIVATE family, newly papered and ma hogany-furnished front room, adjoining bath; suitable for two service men; $40. Call Lane. 4512-J. evening* after C:30. ? LAR'JB FRONT ROOM. 2nd floor, next to bath; a.m.i.; twin beds; suitable for two gen tlemen; $50. 18th st. near Kilbourne plsce. Phone CoL 2678. SI* SECOND-FLOOR ROOM, adjoining bath, in private residence; best section ML Fleasaat. Price. $25. Phone Columbia 8426. 628 N. C. AVE. S.E., APT. 5?Clean, bright, neatly furnished bedroom, adjoining bath; suit able for t*o; convenient to all car lines. SI* 623 5th ST. N.E.?Two communicating out wide rooms, adjoining bath; for gentlemen. 1* 004 M ST. N.W.?Nice, large, well heated room, suitable for two men. * 1414 15th ST. N.W.?IiLrge room, second floor, suitable for one or two gentlemen; $10 per week; also single room, fourth floor, $3.50 per week. Franklin 357. 1813 R1GOS PLACED?Two large rooms, JuT jolning; gentlemen only. 943 O ST.?Two ladies will share with two others large room with communicating dressing room. 440 R. I. AVE. N.W.?Furnished room with heat. $12. Tall after 5. 1754 LANIER PL.. APT. 9?Furnisin-d bed room, next to bath; well heated and lighted; private family; no other roomers; car 18th and Col. rd.; couple employed, or gentleman; ref.: $50 per month. * 1738 P ST.?1 room, very comfortable; u?e of bath; reasonable rate; best location; men only. Franklin 4147. LARUE ROOM; can be divided for Lh.k.; rea sonable. Phone Clev. 974-J. after 7 p.m. * 224 R N.E.?Next to bath, bright, second-story; suitable for two; en ear stop; $90 mo.; private family. ? 3521 14th ST. N.W.?Nicely furnished room next to bath; electricity, hot-wster heat, tele phone, use of dining room and kitchen; su perior accommodations for a married couple. Col. 1862. ? LARGE nicely furniahed front room in apt. Tel. Col, gpsi. 31* LARGE, bright room for two girls, $30; private family. Col. lOOfl-W. 31* NEWLY furnished front room, steam h??at; next to hath; also housekeeping apt., unftirnislKHl. Call this evening or 0 a.m. Thursday, 3rd floor. 011 E st. n.w. * LARGE front room; nicely furnished ; in pri vate family; suitable for two men: with dou ble beds: central location; price, $50. Phone North 13<?3. 31* 035 R ST. N.W.?Large psrlor bedroom, large enough for four; transients accommodated ; also ballroom. 31* 1142 7th ST. N.W.?Two large front rooms, flrst end Hecond floor: by month only. 31* 1S18 15th ST. N.W.?One large. ?unny. front room; newly furnished; suitable for two gentle men ; also a suite of rooms for gentlemen; close in ; all conveniences. * FURNISHED ROOM, southern exposure, for gentlemen; no l.h.k. See D. H. Johnson, 1338 H st. n.w. 4132 NEW HAMPSHIRE AVE. N.W.?Large, bright, second-floor front room; h.w.h. ; electric light; suitable for two; gentlemen only. Phone Col. 4UTJ. ? 1722 W1LLARD N.W.?Nicely furnished room, second floor; neat to bath; private family; phone: gentleman only. SI* WITH OR WITHOUT BOARD; desirable, nicely furnished room in refined home; south ern exposure; one or two gentlemen; refer ences. Phone Columbia 1561. 31* 217 It ST. N.W.?Two furnished communicat ing rooms, with board: near 3 car linen; de sirable for 4 young ladles; terms reasonable. 31* 112 MARYLAND AVE. N.E.?'Two rooms; gentlemen only; near Library, Capitol, all csr lines. 30* ROOMS for rent to war workers. 1338 R n.w. Inquire after 4:30. Telephone Franklin 5001. 84 QUINCY PLACE N.W.?Young man (not more thsn 25) to join another in government employ; large double bed; all conveniences ; no other roomers. ' 30* LARGF front room, near bath; heat and gas; two car lines. 3608 N. H. avc. w.w. 31* 1215 EAST CAPITOL HT.?Comfortably fur nished room; hot and cold water; on car line; gentlemen only. SI* TWO desirable rooms for war workers; garagu if desired; near car ltee. Phone CoL 2487-J bet. T and 9 p.m. tl* 144T MONROE ST. K.W.?Large front room for two : near bath ; private family. 30* 1837 NORTH CAPITOL ST.?Bright outside room, near hath; convenient to two car lines; gentleman only. 31* fel5 6tli S.E.?One room, suitable for one or two gentlemen or elderly ladles; near navy yard. SI* 1754 P ST. N.W., Dupont Circle?Large front room, second floor, nesr bath; men. 30* 2422 14th ST. N.W.?Large front room, twin beds; 2 gentleman preferred; use of phone. SI* COMFORTABLE furnished room for refined gentleman; near Lincoln Park. Address Box 85-D. Star otWce. 4* TWO newly furnished rooms in northwest sec tion. near Park rood; can accommodate five (of less) Jewish young men. Address Box 70-Dt Star office. 30* 77 RANDOLPH PL. N.W.?Room for frntli* men. Phone North 052. 30* 217 E ST. N.W., Apt. 21?Nicely famisbel front room on 2nd floor; suitable for two. Call after 5 p.m. 31* 1828 WYOMIWG AVE. N.W.?One or two bright rooms, suitable for two or three gen tlemen. In private home; all modern conven iences; Army or Naval offleers preferred. SO* 1811 13tb?Overlooking Iowa Circle; attractive, well heated house; continuous hot water; room mate for young man; separate beds; large ! front room. 30* ?39 NEW YORK AVE. N.W.?Comfortable room for two. Call after 7. 30* 886 F ST. N.E.?Girl desires congenial room mate. Call evenings. 30* 730 HOBART ST. N.W.?'Well furnished room, adjoining bath; large closet; plenty heat and hot water; gentlemen only. Call after 6:30. to* GIRL wants roommate, preferrably young girl; $15 month each. 427 6th st. n.e. 3d* MT. VERNON APTS.. 9th and N. Y. ave.. Apt. 16?Front room, suitable for two, gontle men only. 31* NEWLY furnished rooms in the New Commercial Hotel, 920 F st. n.w., by the day or special rates by the week. Apply Mr. Schwartz, manager, Phone Franklin 7770. for?twJ^eatiemei^witm^eietric UrMa"s!?S steam teat; two blodu from State sarf building. IP' OKI large room with bath; accommodates 4; excellent board. ML Alto Inn. 2650 Wioeoo sin avc. n.w. Phone West ltOO. FOR gentlemaa or coaple employed ; large, well furnished room near bath; in private family; a.m.i.; 20 minutes from Treasury on flne read: garage apace. Call Main 2870, Branch 1S46. So* ONE large, pleasant, corner room ; southern ei posnre. Phone Col. 860. or call after 6 p.m. ? 221 K ST. N.W.?Large, bright, third-floor room; $50 for 2. SO* FREE AUTO RIDE to War Dept. moralaga for one or two gentlomen who want nieely furnished room in fine suburban home; one block from cart; meals bsndy. North 1928. 2684 Brentwood road n.e.. Woodridge. So* TRANSIENTS, 1913 O ST. N.W.?Near gov era meat buildings. Rooms with running water: SM0 per day. Tel. Franklin 1141. aeS* NORTHWEST ?BOTION, Dear Ghertdaa CM ?Oolet. wall faralahed roam, foe ana aaa; batkroea aba rod with aaa other an; fM. oau ha laa?aetad al any tlata. TeL N. ?BW. ?0? WnWlllP AMP POTTO. EOOKfc ?? HAM. ATS. Oaatlartahia laaaa ter twe aaa; meala if daalrad. ?a. Fhaao Wbl IliM. ?T. N.W.?Raaaaa, alacla or aa