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FOB BEST?BOOKS. pwrp?in?mcp noons. a BOOMS A!? BATH. UNFURNISHED, NON 1i?? lamia*; mtbm eiponn: *123 month; located at end at lit. PWmt car llae. Tele plww CoL 1T47. THRES. taati 180: la downtown district. AiT ply Apt. 822. the Cairo. gi? 4?T FLA. ATE. N.W.??R. AND B.; OVER Jarga atora aad basement: with 2-story factorj bids- 1b rear; aa a whole to responsible party ?? yearly lease. tso. 02 GKBBN 8T. 8.E.?Fire light. cheerful nmn (Lh.k.) with heat: aome fnrnltare. 31* ROOMS WITH BOARD. WiiXi GITB a furnished bedroom and all home privllegea to a married couple who will more in with and board a family of three reasonable. Address Pox 234.D. Btar office. * t*OR GENTLEMAN, front room, sleeping porch, steam heat, electricity, near bath, with board; S3S month; private home; 30 minutes to Treas ury. Address Box 205-1). Star olHce. 1? ICR family with one or two children. In p'.eas ant country home; commuting distance. Ad riresa Box aH\ Star office. ? It) HI 3HAS1) and wife, mother and daughter or son. one as companion-housekeeper, share in a beautiful furnished home. East Falls Church. Vs.: board of both for work of one; Kood car serrlce. J. H. W. Schmidt, bureau of pension.*. ? 270 KENTUCKY AVE. 8. E.?Room and board In private family: lady preferred. - BOOM and board; roommate; one youg ladv; new home and furniture; $50; two meals ?o 11 them family. 1424 locator st. n.w. ? * YOUNG LADY, 20 years old, desixra refined, congenial lady, about aame age. to ahare room and board: $45; excellent neighborhood: close to 14th at. cars. Address Box 171-D, star of *<?*- 31* <^AN ACCOMMODATE 5 warworkers in our home, at Mt. Rainier; clean, comfortable beds, electric lights, hot-water heat, good wholesome cooking. If interested address Box 8#-D, Star office. 3i? SUBURBAN ROOMS WITH BOARD. WANTED?In small family, three or four war workers willing to take the walk of about 13 minutes to cars; rood rooms and board: home comforts. Mrs. Ceo. M. Walker. Great Falls ;-t.. Falls Church. Va. Phone 23-X :ii* ; WANTED?ROOMS. WANTED?By war worker, room with large eloset; convenient to bath; neighborhood of Arcade market. Address Box 177-D, Star office. REFINED COUPLE, l?orl& war workers, desire loom or rooms with l.h.k. privileges; must 1m? "warm; pleasant surroundings especially desired; best of references. Address Box 17J>-D, Star office. ? TWO furnished or unfurnished rooms, by man. wif* and baby; convenient to navy yard. f?37 A st. n.e. ? TWO or three rooms for, within half hour's walk downtown section: suitable for two jwople. Call Main 2T>70, Branch 30S0, or address Boy 211-1). Star office. ? "WANTED?By young woman employed, single furnished room, with or without board; or fur nished room with kitchenette and use of bath Address Box 214-D. Star office. ?? ONE OR TWO ROOMS and kitchenette, /ur i ni*h?d for l.h.k.; n.e.. near navy yard car line: * young couple: man in service. Address Box 19S-I). Star office. * SOLDIER AND WIFE, college graduates. both v employed, want furnished room; refined home near downtown district. Address Box 1*07-0 Star office. 2* BY LADY war worker and mother, two or I three furnished or unfnrnisued rooms for 'wv^ w ?r saial1 apartment. Phone North TWO or three unfurnished rooms, with bath by refined couple with child ten years old. Ad dress Box l.V.-D, Klar office. ? LADY wishes lar^e corner room, clean aud nicely furnished: neighborhood 20th and D sts ? references exchanged. Address Box 19*5-6! Star office. 3I?. BY refined elderly gentleman, in office; not over $20; furnished. Address Box 208-D, Star office. SINOLB ROOM, l.h.k. privilege: walking dis tance Red Cross; refined girl. 027 Southern nuildmg. ^ WON'T some patriotic family in n.w. rent comfortable room to two war workers, college girls, preferably within walking distance of cepanments? Reasonable; nice surroundings will be appreciated. Address Box 213-D. Star Omcp. m with private family. !>r Armv cfHcer: vicinity of y. M. t . A. Lieut. Brewer. Ma:n 2.>7l>. Branch 2309. ? WAXTEI>?<>ne or t?vo furnished rooms, with ^ .i within one mile 20th and t: ?l. Address Box star nffiw. j? lStrl^D. hj two sisters iu business; res \ ii c'ty: ,k,wiitown location pre ferred. Address Bex 22.VD. Star office. ? i'VVo furnished rooms, kitcheuette, wanted bv 4?hinrf Jnu ' o1* c|p"n aud reasonable. Address Box ^_0-D. Star office. 31 ? l" h?i' .3n"t,osis. with bath and kitchenette, for ! officer, wife and two children a;red 2 and ! 4 years. Address Box 221-1). Star office. 2* MlUHKIt, student in Army Medical School, de t.res permanent room for himself and wife lie winning .Not. ? Address Box 210-D, star office. KINfJLB ROOM for chief petty officer in Navv between G and K sts. and 12th and 17tli sis" ?' office 1>er mo'1"1- Address Box 187-1), star t t'LEAN-ITT vounc man. War Dept. wants , week. Address Kox 2?.->D. Star offlr- * rr ind'^^cV'^r;1' 'v,,<' want f?r?i?he.l room "iH kitclu nette. or rooms suitable for light JSrMt-f """? l',"(rro ^*oveinl>er 15. aid ? i-V.'i".' /v s'w: j ! ! ' secl'on. Aildress llox 232-D, Star! ? ... SI" J*. -r furnish,-d r.>oins with *!'fh'ni,"r fat.nenette for Army officer, wife l, " I -1' : 1mm",ilate possession tlnsircl rhone fiU;;,';' a* ?sher,oit-1:00111hcm c-oD F1TRN1SUKD ROOM?Runnlnc water- in valkine distance of Pa. ave. and 7th- I r cov , SgTst^^;not OTer ^?- ,?.ox k'>TT',,rr? unfurnished rooms and hath" . 2^n, SnTr office. ?'W' 'e"-tiOD ?K tour rooms, bath and imnfnv ? ?,,/ou"g ?>?Ple in (torernment . l^?x y?.VD. Star office 8U'e "?U1 rm,m^ vicinity pont tircle. Address Box 257-D. stir office 31 ? i^(>TnK.R ,nJ <lau*hter. war worker larre mJ trt",'"' furnished and well heated room, twin beds; must be in refined ueirhltor I tSSl/K!fWaIki"S distance of roXifof N^ Japit buildings. Apt. 8<M, the Fnr iear Wan:s fln,:l0 room : preferably 12*1 g'r,' m""1* or Addn;83 sta" "rma ,MAN, in health department, desires room with refined l*rotestant people* cleanli a^ut $15?month ^ 'ir isSSS 11 VP. st.r officem?re Wlth COCPLB desire nicely fur", ^^^^famuy Preferred. slMle VoomV'1' '"i doc,or's o?<*. Wishes a a^agte room In , prirate home or an apartment W r ?nst h??e closet, heat and cit^ &,X ^ llth 8trt?t station. 2 "" or famished rooms, by 'tmT'i,Jfp?Jttmea- ^ ,yj rrflt'f'l mother and danghter. one o. waik^f^...r?0m* . *?,d, kitchenette, within KoxNlS-D1!'^^ P?i0n 'U,ion- Ad^? tiled*U .fu""*bed room for two re Add^si1*^. ",fr"'nc" furnished. Aoar.5. Bri 317-fl. Star office. ? f^MALL furnished bonae or apartment in Ber Adff ?lr,*j;r0m e0?d lK,Be* desire 2.?r mor*.uafnrniahed rooms. Lh.k. ? h^t and water. Addreaa Box 147-D. Star of ? SI? Ji?\.W?.SK*K WMXt? furnlahed room at once 5?*S^ " 8 *rw? " *?? >0? far Lh.k, finished ; refer ?Uta price. Addreaa Box Si* Of ""la?!? "yg foc elderly gentleman In Tlcinlty "? Ph,ne C"1- 5156-J ''AK or. two furnished or unfurnished rooma Sffr^ffe'. *??* l9cmt,oa- Address Box 22^-C. TWO WAR WORKERS and mother require 2 of L,l" 2om*ia ???d s^Uon; use or hath. Addreaa Box 157-D. Star office. 30? ^So^"?2iyaM'kL'p""e noa" or b;^ tSS*SL>? """l' ??? behared nfilii j?r?. dealre two or three fur SiifIi?II>0"1' * * housekeeping; centra! & ?0b"b?- A4dreM,?^ ruKN'ISHKD or unfurnished, for Lh.k.. 2 or 3 **"'?47 *"?5- ??i3^c. 1 WILj/pAT Hir per month for ? nnfnrnl.heri w?h haatand gas or electricity; must hoJUt or 2nd floor and In good neighborhood; K !HJ y N"- 2??. Phooe Mr. BUplea. *"** any thae before ? p.m. SO* ARMY OFjriCER-8 WIJTK. employed,^waata | . . '-Depart, naat. by Not. lat. IHm Bas *-D. Star a* 1 WANTED?ROOKS. CnntlniiNl. EMPLOYED couple want room with private central or downtown apt- Add rem* Box 47-D. Star olBo*. 3Q? waxtkp?rooms with board. NOVEMBER 1, board and room or room with board near Jn northwest section by refined couple with daughter live years old. Address Box 194-D. Star office. ? roU.VG MAN in service with private family, near wharves. Address Box 224-D. Star office. jjs PUBLIC school teacher would like room and board or room for l.h.k. in refined private family, within walking distance of Seaton School. Address Box 253-D. Star office. 31* HliO '.vill assist naval officer and wife, forced to lire in Washington, procure outside room In northwest section: first or second floor; twin neds; nicely furnished; with or near good Jl?411** Immediate occupancy desired. Address Box 162-D. Star office. 31* TABLE BOARD. WANTED?Nor. 1 two table boarders; excel , sent table; $35; new home; private family. 1424 Decatur st. n.wv ? WANTED?BOABD. WANTED?Board only by two refined girls; vicinity 14tb and Harvard; state terms. Ad*. dress Box 210-D, Star office. ? APABTMENTS TO LET. ri:K\I.HHKD, SIX ROOMS. COMPLETELY AND ELEGANT ly furnished; every modern convenience; half block from 11a. are. and Canitol st. car lines; immediate possession. Apply Mrs. R. O. Hanks, 1019 1st st. n.w. THREE OR FOUR ROOM FURNISHED apartment In suburban home, two blocks from car; hot-water heat: electric lights; refer ences exchanged; $100. Address Box 264-C, Star office. !? MARRIED COUPLE, NO CHILDREN. WOULD consider sharing apartment with married couple or three giris; Mt. Pleasant. Address Box 2Mft-f?. star "ffieo ? lH4 8tfi sf7 N.K.?NICELY FURNISHED apt., parlor, dining room, liedroom and kitchen; coal stored; husliand and wife only; private fstmllv. Call r.ftQT <V ? HANDSOMELY FURNISHED COM HI NATION living and bed room to gentleman, high-class apt., Dupont Circle; no other roomers. Address Box 240-1?. Wfar ? THREE OR Four rooms and BATH; laundry: a.m.!.; adults only; 3 rooms, $tf(J; four, $80 per month. 1417 North Carolina ave. n.e. ? 2-KOOM IL K. APT.?UNTIL APRIL 1. Rent. $70. Completely furnished. To Army officer and wife only. SPRADO, 2310 20th n.w. ? O.NN v ER1 ATliiACTlVE 3-KOOM AND bath apartment: healthiest location In Wash ington; excellent table; home comforts; hotel facilities; large grounds; Mt. Alto Inn, 2650 Wisconsin ar?. n.w. Phone West 1900. IMME1 ?I ATELY?-FURNISHED BUNGALOW ; | i? rooms, bath, kitchen: electricity: furnace; owner will siiar- with cultivated couple, one or I two small children : $25: 5 min. from terminal. 17 Eastern *?y?v. T'ikomn Pnra. 30* VERY ATTRACTIVE 5-ROOM BUNGALOW, j beautiful grounds sad furnishings; every mod ern convenience; 15 minutes' ride to heart of city; immediate possession. 2373 Champlaln st. \ n.w.. Apt. 2tH. Columbia J1505-J. 30* MOS i OR PART of attractive ly furnished house near Dupont Circle; part or most of; only those accustomed to refined sur roundings and willing to pay for j same need apply. Phone Frank lin 5809 9 to 11 a.m. or 6 to 7 ! p.m. 30* ATTRACTIVE APT.. FURNISHED I.N MA | hogany, for man and wife: living room, dining room, bedroom, kitchen and bath: all large out j side rooms with Iieautiful outlook; located in j most desirable northwest section: near two car lines. Price. $150 a month. References given and! j required ^Address Box 160-P. Star office. 30* a yih-.m; Max. southerner, shriner. has centrally located apt. n.w.: 3 rooms, bath, I kitchenette; elevator, etc.: would like two eom [ panionable gentlemen occupy with him; refer ences. Address Box 172-D, Star office. 30* I 22tk) mrni sr.. corner Wyoming, 20TH: largo, sunny rooms, elegantly furnished; $1501 j to $450 monthly; best cuisine, $50; breakfast I and dinner. North G416. 30* j | PfHXlSHED OR rXFPR\18HED. ?iIT GORDON. APARTMENT SPECIALIST. I I to 6 rooms; fur. and unfur.; month or year. [ 320 Colorado Hldsf. Main 583. j IKFinXISHED. . | THREE ROOMS. NO BATH. HOT AND COLD water. Apply tlie Wyoming. California st. and I Columbia road. j ! BONUS WANTED FOR INFORMATION?4 1 rooms and bath, second floor; convenient all cars: $30 monthly; available Nov. 1. MILL 1 HAUSER. 1526 6th st. n.w.: phone North 7214.*?; WILL RENT SEMI-BASEMENT REASON A- j ble, to party willing to care for furnace; li.-w.h. and bath; 2 large-rooms and pantry; refined ! neighborhood; must call before 7 p.m. 123 cl I st. n.e. * 4 ROOMS AND BATH APT. ON BOULEVARD^ j | Riverdale, Md. : one square from cars; $30 a I month. Be quick. Address Box 71-D, Star of- I ficc. 3Q? j WANTED?APARTMENTS. HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENT FOR THREES ladies: six months* lease; reasonable. Address ! Box 17.r?-l>, St??r office. l* MARRIED COUPLE DESIRE TO RENT small furnished apartment or house; must ba reasonable. Address Box 103-D, Star office. 31r WANTED?t URNISHED APARTMENT. LET me know what you have; what price. Address Box 230-D. Star office. 5* DO YOU WANT A REFINED MARRIED I couple in your home? I am a business man, holding a responsible position; unquestioned reference; I desire at once four rooms, 2 bed rooms, living loom, kitchenette, private bath; must be nicely furnished and modern; in north west section. Address Box 228-D, Star office. 31* $100 BONUS WILL BE PAID FOR 1NFORMA tion leading to renting of 3 or 4 room house keeping apartment, furnished or unfurnished; permanent resident. Address Box 227-D, Star office. ARMY OFFICER AND WIFE (NO CHIL dren) desire small furnished apartment before Nov. 15, 1918; l.h.k. Address Box 226-D, Star office. 1* I WILL PAY $150 PER MONTH FOR SMATJ, housekeeping apartment, two or three rooms, moderately furnished, with private bath; would consider if five miles from Treasury bldg.; $165 if garage space for car is furnished; re fined couple; no children; references. Phone Main 22<M. ? SMALL FUR. OR UNFUR. HOUSEKEEPING apa.-tment, by couple: no children; rent reason able. Address Box 101-D. Star office. ? UNFURNISHED, NEAR 18th AND COLUMBIA road, by Army officer's family of three adults. Write Col. A. E. N., 6314 Conn, ave., Chevy Chasf. !? YOUNG MARRIED COUPLE: SMALL APART ment or 2 rooms (l.h.k.), furnished or unfur.; permanent; n.^. preferred. Phone Col. 5658. 1* WANTED ? A SMALL UNFURNISHED apartment; married couple; no children. Phone Main 2943. !? $50 WILL BE PAID FOR INFORMATION leading to renting of housekeeping apartment. Bonus will be paid when party is in apartment. Address^ox 158-D. Star office. 1* 5 OR 6 UNFURNISHED rooms or apartment to sublet furnished; good location n.w.; not above $5Q. Write 1302 Dogwood st. ? $25 BONUS?PAID AT ONCE. 3 OR MORE rooms Lh.k. apt. Address Box 84-C, 8tar of fice. SMALL HOUSEKEEPING APT., BY NOVEM ber 1: within walking distance of 18th and Eye. Mrs. HOFEIJA'R, Burlington Hotel. 81* SMALL FURNISHED APARTMENT OF LIV ing room, bedroom, bath and kitchenette; $100 to $200 a month. Address Box 80-B, Star of fice. 4* YOUNG MARRIED COUPLE (employed) de sires to rent small apartment, furnished or un furnished; will occupy immediately or Dec. 1. Address Box 111-D, Star office. 30* 3 OR 4 ROOM UNFURNISHED APT.; ELEC tric lights preferred. Address Box 114-D. Star office. 31* A 4, 5 OR 6 ROOM APARTMENT. UNFUR nished; good price will be paid. Address Box 105-D. 8tar office. 30? BONUS OF $25 OFFERED FOR INFORMA tion that will secure a 3 or 4 room furnished housekeeping apartment in an apartment house J^orthwest section at a rent not to exceed $100 a month. Address Box 96-D. Star office. 81* SMALL FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED apt. or one or two rooms, with bath, for light bT ?wo "dies employed. Addresa JBox 106-D. Star office. 81* SOME TIME DURING NOVEMBER. TWO three or four rooms for l.h.k.. by Army officer *'11 boy furniture. Addresa Box llo-C. Star office. ? $200 WILL BE PAID TO PARTY THAT WILL turn over to me lease on housekeeping apart ment. Address Box 16-C, Star office. 30* MUST HAVE A HOME THIS WEEK?APART ment or room, with private refined family; no boarding houses; local references. Address Box 156-D. Star office. 31? FURNISHED APARTMENT WANTED?TWO rooms and kitchenette, by Nov. 15. Address Box 143-D. Star office. 81? FURNISHED APT. OF THREE TO FIVE rooms, with bath, in northwest part of city; rent from $250 to $300 a month. Will consider similar rooms in private house. Addresa Box 128-C. Star office. 1* $100 BONUS To secure, prior to November 1st, a 4 or 8 room apartment, furnished or unfurnished, i Must be no objection to two children, and pre-! fer location within walking distance of Treas 27 withconreaient garage facilities. Phone North 8801, or address Box 45-C, Star , office. 81* FOB RENT?HOUSES. FUUNlSHKa SIX-ROOM BOUSE; H.-W. H. 711 QUIKCY ft. n.w.; owner lea Ting city;, must rent at oace; $123 per month. SMAfcL HOUSE, $13.50; t'DRNlTUKE FOU Uglit housekeeping, coal aad wood for *1.V>. Apply 63 K at. ~ KLKGANT NEW O-KOOM HOUSE; NICELY eTerT thing modern, to couple with out children. for period of 3 or (5 mo. or longer; . only trustworthy, careful parties need apply; ' references; rent In adTance. Call N. 9040 after | ft t? m.. or address Box 19?-P. Star office. ? I FOB BENT FURNISHED; NEAB 21st AND j Osts. n.w.; 10 rooms. 2 baths, hot-water heat; | two floors: owner retains third floor; tenant to j furnish heat and gas for whole house; $150 per month; lease of 1 year or more will be Siren tenant with satisfactory financial and J P*"?";1 references; possession given Not. 6. 1 JAMK8 M. WOODWARD. 728 20th st. n.w. FLEGANTLY FURNISHED it BAND-NEW home; 8 rooms, 2 baths; hot-water heat; all; mahogany furniture; handsome Wilton and Persian rugs; rare hangings, pictures and works of art; location between Allison and I I**stj?r sts., west of 14th; $300 per month; will lease for year. Address Bos 248-D, Star office. ? MODERN. 7 ROOMS: HOT-WATER HEAT; gas: player-piano, vlctrola; 33 mln. to Wash.; 2 blocks to trolley. Telephone Hyattsville 23-R. IN CHEVY <?HA8E. D. C.; 1% BLOCKS F BOM car line; convenient to school and churches; semi-detached: south front; attractive; com fortable furnished house; a.m.!.; h.-w.h.; 8 rooms and bath; also servant's room and bath; porches; garage. Possession Nov. 1; to reliable party $230 per month. < Phone OWNER. Clcve. 978. 3* 1 7-ROOM ^FUBNISHED HOUSE, A.M.I.. IN Chevy Chase;, rent, $100. Apply 1402 Oirard st. , ? ^ l"11 ST. N.W.?6 FURNISHED ROOMS and til. bath; Immediate possession; winter supply of coal. j. 1 BLOCK OFF l<kh AND COLUMBIA ROAD; w-room lrotise; nicely furnished; liot-water heat ana electricity; owner wishes to izo south; will rent or lease; *223 mo., or *200 mo. if paid 8 months in advance: 3 tons coal in. 2906 Mosart place; phon- Col. COM. 31* UKSIKA11LK FURNISHKI) HOUSES. TYLER & UUTIlERFOKn (Inc.), PIT 15tll St. n.w. 1? VERY ATTRACTIVE AND COMFORTABLE 9-r. lions? on Park road near .18th St.; Imme diate possession to reliable party; coal; every thing ready for occnpeucy: $2T>0 per mo. Phone I ?1 A-Mr^n Hox 107-1). S:ar office. 30* lfctli ST. SO III! OF T; PRACTICALLY new: artistic furnishings: unr.sual Interior dec oration: extraordinary bath: model shower vapor heat: liardwood floors: automatic heater- i open fireplaces: metal weather strips: garage' ? two cars; roof garden; linen; solid silver; aluminum nt?nsils; coal In cellar; use of five- I passenger Knight car; efficient maid wUl re main. N. 1401. FOR RBNT-PA. AVE. N.W. BET. 17th AND 18th ats.; furnished: suitable for business or living purposes (no cooking); very large -front second-floor room; two rooms snd bath adjoin in* "*? ill be rented unfurnished for one year if used strictly for business. Suitable for doctor or other professional man. <iEO. W. UNKINS. 1714 Pa. ave. n.w. IN WOODLEY PARK. very attractive home of 12 rooms, 2 baths: garage; sleeping P?rrJiP8: eTPrythinc modern; won derful location, fjiclng open coun try and well furnished. Rent, $325 per month. IN GEORGETOWN. Fine location. Corner residence. having 12 rooms, 2 baths; electricity, steam heat; roal in cellar. Rent, $250 per month. VIRGINIA. (8 miles out.) Country residence, fl rooms: wa ter in kitchen ; electricity; porches; large grounds; one-half block from cars: garage. Rent only $60 per month. OTHER DESIRABLE HOUSES FOR RENT BY BOSS & PHELPS, INC., 1406 H st. n.w. FOR RENT FURNISHED; LADY GEORGE Wellesley wishes to sublet her furnished honae, 18y Harvard t'"?ce n.w.; 4 master rooms and 3 reception moms snd garage. Apply to MOORE ft HILL, Inc., 141*0-22 H n.w. BSFl'HMISHED. 82 K ST. N.E.?STORE AND 3 ROOMS AND liath; good condition; rent, $30.50. WM H McGBANN CO.. 722 11th st. n.w. SO* WANTED TO RENT. BY PERMANENT RESIDENT, UNFT7RNISH ed house on Capitol Hill or northwest pre ferred; no childn-n. Address Box 17-D, Star office. 3q ? BY MEMBER OF OONGRE88, 10 OR 12 room bouse, near Colombia road or Connecticut aye.; garage if possible. Address Box 331-B. Star office. OFFICES AND STUDIOS. FURNISHED OFFICE ROOMS, ALSO DESK room, at 403 Woodward bldg. OFFICE SPACE FOR RENT? 880 sq. ft. of office space, comprising two large and one small room, all connecting- on-> large corner office. 8 windows, well furnished for executive quarters, or will rent unfurnish ed; all south exposure, facing Capitol, one block from Pa. ave.; steam lient. electric light elevator service. Reasonable rent. Apply A1ANZ0 O. BLISS PROPERTIES 35 B st. n.w. FOR RENT?FOUR DESIRABLE COMMUNI cating rooms, 3d floor. 1403 H at. n.w. Soit able for school or office; steam heat: electric light. JESSE L. HEIBKELL. 1403 H stl n? WANTED. FLOOR ?F DOWNTOWN BUSINESS building for living rooms. Address Box 245-D Star office. ? ' FOB SENT?STORES. STORE AND 3 ROOMS. 302 K n.w. FOB RENT?STORAGE SPACE. AUTOMOBILES?I HATE ROOM FOR CARS on dead storage; advances made on same at <v% per annum. W. DCNWOODY, 510 National Metropolitan Bank bldg. 4. STORAGE SPACE, 2nd and 3rd floor apace for any legal purpose, .In whole or In part; ele vator. C. B. Stewart, Lt. cor. 14th and D sts. n.w. FOE EXCHANGE. FOR EXCHANGE?WE HAVE A NUMBER of very desirable apartment houses that the owners will consider taking vacant ground or dwellings in part payment. The prices that we can quote on these apartments are very reason ?able. If you have property that you care to (dispose of we can make you an advantageous exchange. STONE A FAIRFAX, 1342 New York are, n.w. FOR EXCHANGE?A BEAUTIFUL COUNTRY home near the city. Chevy Chase and Colum bia debs: twelve rooms, two baths: electricity; gas; beautiful lawn; large barn; 6% acres fer tile ground; tennis courts, etc. This owner will consider taking dwelling property or build ing lots in part psyment. An excellent oppor tunity to secure a suburban home by trading In other property. STONE & FAIRFAX, 1342 New York ave. n.w. FOR EXCHANGE?WE HATE A NUMBEB of centrally located business properties that I the owners will take dwellings in part payment. 1 One near the Boston House reuted for $2,000 I a year. Price. $30,000. One near 11th and G, ' renting for $250 a month to one tenant who j takes care of the heating and lighting, $35,000; i property near !>th and F sts., paying 6 per cent! net on $75,000. This owner will take smaller I : property in part payment. Send for complete I list of exchanges. STONE * FAIRFAX, ' 1342 New Yor^ ave. n.w. j HAVE LOTS BEST NORTHWEST SEC-i tion, with sewer, water, gas, some corner; will trade clear of incumbrance for equity in home- ! will add cash if-necessary. N. 1401. FOB SALE OR EXCHANGE. GENTLEMAN'S COUNTRY ESTATE, 30 acre* of land, improved by 10-room master's house, 6-room manager's' hous*. 5-room tenant home, other outbuildings. IMMEDIATE POS SESSION. Just 16 minutes by automobile from Treasury bid*., south of wireless towers, ac cessible ta Mount vernou botrievard. Price. $30,000. ' K. H. TAGGART. Sales Agent. 1320 New York ave. n.w. 3. GET OCR LIST OF HOUSES, APARTMENTS lots, etc.. in all sections of city for exchange What have you to offer for apts.. 120 000 to *100,000, paying 10*? NEW YORK REAL ESTATE BROKER8 1423 F st. n.w. INVESTMENT PBOPEBTY. RENT. WH8 YEAR. PRICE, *8.000. Well located. Just off Pa. ave. a.e four modern, two-story bricks; rented at ure-war rents. L. E. f. PRINCE, l?lo H st. n.w. FOB SALE?LOTS. TWO BEAUTIFUL LOTS ON ROCK CREEK Church road, overlooking Soldiers' Home* best offer takes them. Address Box 8&-D. Star office. 80* OPPORTUNITY. Owner occupant, baring purchased a country place, will- give imme diate possession of his corner, hol low-tile. detached home, with ga rage. in the prettiest part of Saul's Addition. Has 11 rooms. tiled bath, sleeping porch, liot water heat, electric lights, open fireplace and many unusual and attractive features. Price, $12,750. See us at once. SHANNON * LUCHS. Main 2845. 713 14th at. dhery Chase?On a %-acre lot. a 9-rooir. snd bath detached home. with hot-water heat, electric lights, etc. Immediate possession. Terms arranged. SHANNON * LUCHS, Main 2345. 713 14th at. A furnished home in the north west for immediate possession. 6 rooms and bath brick dwelling, front and rear porches, yard, etcv Completely furnished. . Price, $4,750. Terms, $1,500 cash. SHANNON * LUCHS. . Main 2345. 713 14th st. Northeast, on Franklin st.?A beautiful, semi-detached home on lot 140 feet deep; 0 large rooms, tiled bath, hot-water heat, elec tric lights, completely furnished. _ Price, $8,000. SHANNON * LUCHS. Main 2345. 713 14th st. r Chevy Chase ? Semi-detached brick home of artistic appearance and genuine worth; 8 large rooms, 2 baths, hot-water heat, electric lights, open fireplace, double ga rage, etc. On Morrison st. west of Conn. ave. Price. $10,7*00. SHANNON A LUCH8, Main 2345. 713 14th st. Chevy Chase?A 9-rooin and bath home with hot-water heat, electric lights, and a quarter-acre lot. Terms: $2,000 cash, and $100 a month. .Immediate possession. Price, $8,500. SHA NNON A.LUCHS. Main 2345. 713 14tli st. Chevy Chase, Md.?Near Brook ville roud; a very beautiful place; house has 8 large rooms, attic and cellar; furnace heat, electric lights, etc. To a cash purchaser can sell for $8,500. 8HANNON A LUCHS. Main 2345. 713 14th st. Another fine opportunity with in 20 min. of center of city on 14th st. car line; a detached 8 room and bath house with hot-wa ter heat, electric lights and garage. Price, $0,250. A substantial cusli payment- re quired. SHANNON A LUCHS, Main 2345. 713 14th st. West of 14th St., detached, va cant, 9-room and bath house with hot-water heat, gas. etc.; nice lot with space for garage. Price. $10,000. SHANNON A LUCHS, Main 2345. 713 14th st. Only $9,750 for this exquisite home of 8 large rooms and tiled bath, with front and rear porches, hardwood floors and trim; hot water heat, electric lights; lot 65 by 145 feet. Immediate possession. Price. $9,750. Terms: $3,000 cash required. SHANNON & LUCHS, Main 2345. 713 14th st. 8EMI-DETACHED PRICK, MODESTLY FUR nished, 13 rooms, 2 baths, 3 toilets, pantry, porches on two floors, 2 kitchens, hot-water heat, brick garage, <>,000 ft. ground; immediate possession; price, $0,000, one-third cash. J. McKINNLY BERRY, 1363^Wisconsin ave. n.w. 1* IMMEDIATE POSSESSION; NOW OCCUPIED by and for sale by owner; modern 9-room and. bath brick, partly furnished; near 14th and Columbia rd.; two car lines; can be seen 5 to 9 p.m. Address Box 69-C, Star otflce. 1* FOR SALE?CHEVY CHASE, POSSESSION in 10 days; a practically new residence, un usually attractive; complete in every detail; unusually large rooms; many closets; hot-water heat; electric lights; wide porches; hardwood floors; newly papered and painted; lot 80x140; garage; owner about to leave the city will ac cept a low price of $10,500. STONE A FAIRFAX, 3342 New York ave. n.w. FOR SALE?ONE DESIROUS OF BUYING A property that they can occupy at once should investigate this proposition: We offer a three story building with an apartment on each floor. You can get possession of one apartment at once and receive a monthly rental of $135 from the other apartments. This is an exceptionally well built building; wide porches, front and rear; screens: lot 50x200; a good investment for any one at the price asked. $10,500. STONE A FAIRFAX. 1342 New York ave. n.w. FOR SALE?A DETACHED HOUSE IN l Cleveland Park at less than $(>,500; hot-water heat; electric lights; hardwood floors; sleeping i porch; lot 40x125 to an alley; terms, $500 cash, balance monthly, subject to a lease which I has less than a year to run. Buy it now so that you may have an exceptionally attractive and comfortable home to move into when the lease is up; no safer place for your $500 than investing in this detached house in this high class location. STONE & FAIRFAX. 1342 New York ave. n.w. FOR SALE?$7,000 WILL BUY A TEN-ROOM brick dwelling heated with hot water; lot 20 feet wide; In Georgetown; occupied by owner. STONE A FAIRFAX, 1342 New York ave. n.w. FOR SALE?$20,000; HANDSOME RE8l dense on lettered street, outlook on New Hamp shire ave. One of the best constructed and best kept dwellings in this city; twelve rooms, two baths; hot-water heat; electric lights; garage for two cars; lot 23x91; immediate possession. STONE A FAIRFAX. 1342 New York ave. n.w. DETACHED HOUSE; LARGE LOT; AT Chevy Chase Club; Just completed; possession; all up-to-date features; reasonable price and terms. W. H. WALKER. 729 15th st. $5,000?COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, IMMEDIATE occupancy; Or. and tile b., brick; h:-w.h.; elec tricity; gas range; laundry trays; house strict ly modern; convenient to car line; terms. N. 1401. , $12,500?CORNER DOWNTOWN, WEST OF 15th St., . facing beautiful circle; immediate occupancy; 10 rooms, 2 baths; electricity; good heating plant; winter's coal in; laundry; metal weather strips; 3 open fireplaces; parquet floors; splendid condition; sell part of furniture. Terms. N. 1401. FOR SALE ?$9,500 EACH ? TWO THREE story brick dwellings, west of Conn, ave., north of Mass. ave. The houses were erected by a most reliable builder, and the best of materials were used. An opportunity to purchase in this high-class location at a comparatively small outlay. STONE A FAIRFAX. 1342 N. Y. ave. n.w. FOR 8ALE?IMMEDIATE POSSESSION?A 11 roorn dwelling iu that choice section of Wash ington Heights north of 20th and Col. road. Price to a quick buyer, $10,000. STONE A FAIRFAX. 1342 N. Y. ave. n.w. CHEVY CHASE, MD.?7IC. AND B.; FINE .porches; garage; lot 80x100; near cars; $8,850; possession at once. WILLETT A REINECKE, H n.w. 611 IRVING ST.?SIX ROOMS. TILED BATH, hot-water heat, deep lot, paved .alley, garage; immediate possession one room. Apply OWN ER, on premises, after 6 p.m. 3* IMMEDIATE POSSESSION?NICE HOME, SIX rooms; Columbia Heights, near 9th 6t. cars; near park; reduced price, $4,250. OWNER, address Box 25ND, Star office. ?? SEMI-DETACHED . HOUSE, BROOKLAND?0 rooms, bath, hot-water heat, electric lights, gas, front and rear porches; large yard; 20 minutes to Treasury; $4,000; terms. 422 Wash ington Loan A Trust bidg.;. phone Frank. 7914. DOWNTOWN LOCATION WEST OF 15tb?11 rooms and bath; furnace heat; deep lot to al ley; garage; price, $11,000. prospect ave.?Best residential section Georgetown; corner; 9 rooms and bath; lot 35x100; porches; fine old home; price, $5,500; terms. Corner?Modern. 6 rooms and bathr brick; Just north of Lincoln Park; very cheap at $5.000i terms right. NEW YORK REAL ESTATE BROKERS. 1423 F st. n.w. OWNER LEAVING FOR. FRANCE; SELL glckly: C rooms, bath, brick: F st. n.e. $2,800; 10 cash. 10 rooms, 2 baths, h.-w.h.; K St.; 780. Address Box 99-B. Star office. ? VICINITY BEAUTIFUL SHERIDAN CIRCLE; $10,000, reduced from $12,000; owner's health compels sale; built to order; 12 rooms. 2 baths; h.-w.h.; hardwood floors; center-hall type; 29 ft. front; moderate priced houses in this neighborhood exceedingly ? scarce; terms. North 1401. "We have the BEST la every section.*' A. C. HOTTOHTON A CO., 151? H st. n.w. Phones: Main 7536 and Main 7537. aov2C* FOE SALE?HOUSES. LIST TOUR PROPERTIES WITH US. For sal# or rent. Quiet re?olt?. , BANES REALTY CO. ? HIGH-CLASS SEMI-DETACHED HOMES 2711 to 2725 Conn. Ave N.W: JUST COMPLETED 10, 11 and 12 rooms; 4 baths with showers; vacuum cleaning sys tem, and all up-to-date features. OPEN FOR INSPECTION A middaugh & sha::::on. (Incorporated) Builders and Owner3, 1040 Woodward Bldg. Phone Main 6935. j lb N.W. SECTION, BET. 2 CAR LINKS: A modern C-room house In A1 condition; consist-, ing of living room with open fireplace, dining | room, lurge kitchen, pantry, 3 bedrooms, tiled bath, front and rear porches: hot-water heat: hardwood" floors: room for garage, in short a j beautiful, cozy little home. Only $6,250. Pos-1 ! session st once. Mnin 1064 Jt. K. HEATER. 410 Colorado bldg. SEVENTEEN-UOOM HOUSE, WITHIN WALK ing distance of government bldgs. ; make three large rtpts., on two floors :? excellent hot-water heat; tjiree baths, etc.; nice home and excel lent paying Investment: to close an. estate, only $0.000; no agents. Address Box 163-D, Star of fice^ 31* FURNISHED ItESIDENCE, COMPLETE, BEST ? location near DuponC Circle; 10 rooms,.2 baths, 1 electricity, furnace. >Your own terms. Price, ; $11.000. RICHARDSOy GIBSON. Main 3742. A HOME AND AN INCOME. SMALL APARTMENT HOUSE, AT 2422 PA. AVE. N.W. Three apartments, 1 vacant on or about Nov. 1. The others rented. Gas lights and hot-air fur- i nace heat. Terms, $10,500; at least $2,500 cash; $4,000 trust now on place.. If interested write, phone or call, after 5 p.m., on C. O. DURAS (owner). 3214 18th st.. Brookland. 1). C. 31* BEAUTIFUL CHEVY CHASE HOME NEAR the Chevy-Chase Club; 7 rms. and b.. a.m.i.; garage; lot 80 feet wide; coal in cellar;, im-j mediate possession; must be sold at once. Ask i for Mr. TROTH. Main 7286 or Cleveland 1 1155-W. . ' 4* $1X500? COR. DOWNTOWN, WEST Ititli; IM ( mediate occupancy; facing beautiful circle; 16 I rooms, 2 baths; electricity; good heating plant; coal for winter; laundry ; metal weather strips ;1 3 open fireplaces; parquet floors; terms. N. 1 14?1. ' i IN VIRGINIA?MODERN RESIDENCE OF 6 rooms and bath, porches, gas, hot-water heat1 and electric lights; 30 .minutes' ride to the U. S. Treasury bldg.; convenient to electric; cars i desirable residential section; now vacant. ' Price, $4,000; easy terms. JOSEPH C. ZIRKLE. 203 Colorado bldg., 14th and G sts. n.w. | FOR SALE?$3,500; $506 GASH. BALANCE! $30 PER MONTH ; VACANT 6-ROOM BRICK, NEAR STANTON PARK, IN NICE CONDI TION. CHAS. A. SHIELDS, 1336 NEW YORK AVE. N.W. j FOR SAIJfi ? ASSESSORS* VALUATION, ! $9,600: MY PRICE. $6,000 ; 4 TWO-STORY BRICKS ON LOTS 16^x123, ALLEY; RENT ED $768 PER YEAR (LOW RENT), NEAR LINCOLN PARK. CHAS. A. SHIELDS, 1336 NEW YORK AVE. N.W. FOR 8ALE?ONLY $<100: A 6-ROOM FRAME. WATER AND SEWER. ON K ST. S.E.. ONE SQUARE FROM PENN. AVE. CARS; WELL RENTED: GOOD LOT. CHAS. A. SHIELDS, 1336 NEW YORK AVE. N.W. i FOR SALE?$2.000; RENTED AT $27.50 PER MONTH OR 16% PER CENT ON PRICE ; A NICE 6-ROOM FRAME WITH BRICK STABLE ON REAR ON 3RD ST. S.W. : A RARE BAR GAIN. CHAS. A. SHIELDS. 1336 NEW YORK AVE. N.W. FOR SALE ? ASSESSORS* VALUATION. $12,000: MY PRICE, $6,500; SEVEN 6-ROOM AND BATH BRICK HOUSES ON N. J. AVE. S.E. ; WELL RENTED : ANOTHER BARGAIN. CHAS. A. SHIELDS, 1336 NEW YORK AVE. N.W. a i FOIt I IMMEDIATE POSSESSION A new and complete seven-room and bath residence within half a square of 14tli St.; hot-water heat, electric lights and oak floors; fully ? screened; colonial front porch; large screened-in sleeping porch; J lot, 160 ft. deep: reasonable price; terms if desired. N. L. SANSBURY CO., INC., 721 13th st. n.w. Phone Main 5904-5. MODERN HOME OF TEN ROOMS AND TWO baths,, just ofT Conn, ave., near Chevy Chase Circle; possession in two weeks; a bargain at $10,500. J. A. HAYDEN, 1410 Q st. n.w. FAIRMONT ST.. NEAR 13TH N.W. Eight rooms, tiled bath, hot-water heat,, elec tric lights, back porches, deep lot to paved al ley; supply of coal in cellar; immediate pos session. Price, $7,500. | Evans bldg. CHAS. W. MORRIS. Ph. M. 5328. I I'.EST PART OF MT. PLEASANT; PARK RD. between 17th and 18th; 9-room house; in pcr l feet condition; ready for immediate occupancy; immediate possession given; very desirable fur niture with house if desired. Price, $9,500. Address Box 168-D, Star offlc. 30* SEVERAL DESIRABLE HOMES To responsible colored pur chasers. These houses are lo cated in the northwest and southwest sections of the city. Can be bought with a small cash payment and balance monthly. For prices and terms apply after 5 P-m B. B. PINN, ?: 1235 Walter St. S.E. $3,250, REDUCED FROM $3,900: 2-FAMILY corner brick apt.; 4 large rooms and bath each; built by Kennedy & Davis; convenient to cars; good n.e. section; rent one and live in other; easy terms. Phone N. 1401. $850?NEAR NAVY YARD; 4-ROOM BRICK, on wide court in s.e.; will put in good repair; now vacant; $100 cash; $20 monthly, to include interest and principal; city water and sewer. N. 1401. CHEVY CHASE COR.?$12,750; FURNISHED. $15,000; hollow tiles; stone foundation; built by owner occupant going to California; immediate possession; garage; cement porch; Pittsburgh h.-w.h.; electricity; open fireplaces; slate roof; h.-w.h.; 8 rooms and bath; tile bath; exquisite interior finish; shade trees; south of circle: 1 block west of Conn, ave.; terms. North 1401. $40,000?WASHINGTON HEIGHTS; BEAU tiful home; Le Roy place; owner occupant; early possession; 4-story brick; strictly mod ern: 15 rooms, 3 baths; h.->t.h.; gas; elec trlcity; terms. N. 1401. $37,500?WORTH $50,000; NEAR 23rd AND Wyoming ave.; classical' residence; new; va cant; business failure compels sacrifice: built day labor fop- home; surrounded by $100,000 houses; 15 rooms, 5 baths; detached; terms. N. 1401. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION?OWNER OCCC paut; on 16th Street Highlands; $12,000; semi bungalow; hollow tile constructionr new; two blocks of 14th or 9th st. cars; living room 26x14; open fireplaces; porches; h.-w.h.; elec tricity; 8 rooms, two baths; garage; lot 40x 185; shade trees, shrubs and flowers; easy terms. N. 1401. f AT BEAUTIFUL CHEVY. CHASE. MODERN detached residence; 10 rooms, 3 baths; 6 bed rooms: front and rear patches; garagev fine grounds; beautiful lawn; h.-w.h.; gas; elec tricity; on Northampton St.; near circle; pries, $15,000; easy terms; prompt possession. Phone N. 1401. ? $10,000?NEAR 16*h AND R; FURNI8HED, new; owner-occupant give immediate posses sion; 9 rooms, 2 baths; 4 open fireplaces; porches; upstairs kitchen; electricity; balcony; large lot; good alley; terms. N. 1401. $7,500?VICINITY CLEVELAND PARK. NEW bungalow; 6?-rooms and bath; every modern convenience; *4 acre of ground; early occu pancy: convenient to cars: terms. North 1401. ?$8,750?CHEVY CILASE, D. C., FURNISHED; immediate occupancy: by owner; detached: built to order; 8 rooms, bath; reception hall; lot 60x170; shade trees; front and r.-ar porch es; sleeping porch; open fireplaces; screens; coal in cellar; rear stairway; abundauce of closets; slate roof; laundry tubs;; electric lights; ea?y terms. N. 1401. IN NORTHWEST. NEAR 9th AND 11th ST. car line; modern^ six rooms, tile bath; hot-wa ter heat; $4,500; $750 cash. Owner, Room >414 Kenoiw bldg., 11th and G. 3t? 12-ROOM BRICK HOUSE. WITH 2 BATH rooms, heated by hot water; 1st floor, parlor, reception hall, dining room, pantry and kitchen; 4 bedrooms and bath on 2nd floor; f bedrooms NEAR UNION DEPOT?DANDY H.-W. heated. 2-?torj brick dwelling. Can Mil lor 1 13.000. D. H. JOHNSON. 1S3S H at. 1 FOR SALE?HOUSES. C?mtipae4.* FOB SALE?CONN. AVE. NdRTH OF Q: BEAUTIFUL CORNER RESIDENCE. * Price, reduced to $18,000.. Several baths; steam lieat. Electric lights. Wide parking. One of the choicest locations in* the fashionable northwest. STONE ^ FAIRFAX. 1842. New York av#. A BARGAIN IN THE CHEVY CHASE SEC-, tion; 'a spacious, handsome home; large grounds; I frame; state roof; hardwood floors' upstairs ? and downstairs; hot-water heat; elfectric lights. Price, $9,500. STONE 4fc FAIRFAX, 1342 N. Y. ave. UKUK 18 YOU It. CHANCE IF YOU 8EEUS AT OXCK. ' CHEVY CHASE. "D. C. Midway between Wisconsin are. and Conn, are. cars; 8. rooms, and bath: pebbledash; slate roof: kof-Water h^at; electric ligllts; sleeping porch. A very good house for $8,960. STONE A FAIRFAX 1S42 N. Y. are. f THE LOWEST PRICE GOOD HOUSE NOW' TO BE HAD IN CHEV? CHASE, D. C. j Cue square from Confi. av.e.; attractive out- I side aud inside; semi-detached; brick ; * slate ! roof: three sleeping rooms aud large fttiic; hot-water heat: electric lights; $8,000. STONE A FAIRFAX, 1342 N. Y. are. CHEVY CHASE. MARYLAND. ^ - New bouse; all of the. up-to-date features and. comforts; .hardwood floors; 2 baths; one square from tlie cars; good big lQt; the best now to be had for the price, $12,500. STONE A FAIRPAX. 1342.N. Y. are. FQR SALE. $5,000 will buy a most, attractive house near 1st and W sts. n.w., built by one of Washing ton's most reliable builders. Splendid ar rangement; 2 stories, cellar and attic? 4 rooms on 2 floors; 2'stairways.. An out-of-town owner has written -us to dispose -of this house Tor $5,000, which is less than it sold for'when completed a few years ago. . STONE & FAIRFAX, 1342 New York .ave. FOR SALE. ' ~T $5,500 will buy one of those* well .constructed . 2-story dwellings on the north side o# New York ave. n.w. between N. Capitol and 1st; 7 rooms- and pantry; said to be first-class condition. An opportunity for. one to purchase a jdowntown 'residence in. a desirable location at a reasonable price. . STONE & FAIRFAX, ?1342 New York ave. FOR SALE. ~ 7 Corner residence on North Capitol st. An out-of-town owner lias written us to pell this Eropert.v at a price less than lie paid the uilder a few x?ars ago. There are 7 rooms; bright, sunny exposure: desirable location. Do rot fail* to inspect. $5,750. STONE & FAIRFAX. |342 New York ave. FOR SALE. : On .Columbia road, near 16th st.; $8,400; 3. stories and cellar; 10 rooms, 2 -baths, .hot-water heat; 4 rooms deep; garage. This* price is much less than the price originally put upon, it by the builder. ? STONE Sc FAIRFAX, _ -1842 New York ave. FOR SALE! Fairmont st. between 14th and 15th ats.; southern exposure; 3 stories and cellar; 11 rooms, 2 baths; garage; modern heat. One of .the choices': location on the Heights. $8,500. STONE & FAIRFAX, 1342 New York ave. ? FOR SALE. T A semi-detached brick residence on* the Heights, west of 14th st. Not one of a lbifg row, but separately built; 11 rooms, 3 baths, hot-water heat, electric light; lot 25xl45i Any looking fbr a house a little out of the ordinary should not fail to inspect this one: STONE & FAIttFAX, 1342 New York ave.* FOR SALE? ~ HEADQUARTERS FOR REAL ESTATE BARGAINS. WE OFFER THE BEST PROPERTIES AT THE LOWEST PRICES. OWNERS WHO WISH TO 8ELL QUICKLY PLACE THEIR PROPERTY WITH US. YOU CANNOT AFFORD TO BUY WITHOUT SEEING OUR LIST. STONE & FAIRFAX,* 1342 New York m. FOR SALE NO. 1433 L ST. N.W. This dwelling, containing "22 rooms, with a i lot 25 by 139 feet.* caD be purchased at a- price J ? which is less than the amount formerly loaned on. it by *a conservative trust company. Most be disposed of at an early date. "Valuable* for a clubhouse, apartment house or business pur poses. Very easy payments. STONE & FAIRFAX. 1342 New York ave. FOR SALE NO. 421 6th ST. N.W. -? A BARGAIN FOR SOME ONE, A four-story dwelling. Lot 26.3x93.3. An offer would be considered much lest than cost. * Valuable.for business purposes or room rent ing. 18 rooms. STbNE 4b FAIRFAX. 1342 N*w York ave. FOR SALE?ONr; OF THOSE ATTRACTIVE 3-story houses in the 2100 block on 1st it. can be purchased at a bargain.price, account of the owner leaving the city. It is in excellent con dition; parlor, reception -hall,, dining -room.j pantry and kitchen on first floor; 4 bedrooms* and bath on the second; 2 bedrooms on the.j third floor; sleeping porches;- expensive decora- i tions; Chamberlain metal weather strip to all j windows and doors. \ STONE & FAIRFAX. 1342 New York ?tc. FOR SALE?WHO WANTS THIS DETACHED HOUSE? . ?ONE LEFT?' " "CLEVELAND PARK." Decide on one soon; you will never have -an other opportunity to get such a. bargain. They were built before the advairce' in labor and materials. Six (6) sold to smart buyers Vbo ?*d .been ?lboking for months. $5,950. $500 Cash, Balance Monthly: Offered so low to close syndicate. ' Could not .be duplicated today for a .thousand more than we ask. Detached. House. J ^A Perfect Gem." . Hardwood floors; hot-water heat; tiled bath with shower; electric lights; a. complete kitchen, gas .range, hdt-water heater/-porcelaift lined sink; all rooms attractively decorated; large open brick fireplace in living 'room; wide covered porches front afid rear; sleeping porch; steel beam construction. STONE & FAIRFAX, ' 1342 New York Ave. A HANDSOME MASS.. AVE: RESIDENCE is offered for sale. Possession in 30 days. Pri^e, $25,000. There are few houses so thor oughly well,constructed. Brown stone and red brick; 14 rooms, 2-baths; libt-water heat; elec tric light; southern exposure; lot 25x100. It ia doubtful if the improvements could be dupli cated for anything like thft price we ask for the property. Inspection invited. .. STONE ft FAIRFAX. 1^42 New York ave. FOR SALE?VER1 CLOSE TO* SHERIDAN CIRCLE. PRICE, $10,500; 9 ROOMS. 2 BATHS; HOT-WATER HEAT; A FRONTAGE OF 25 FEET. IN SECTION BUILT UP WITH THE MOST EXPENSIVE RESIDENCES. STONE & FAIRFAX. 1342 New York m. FOR SALE?ONE OF THE BEST * CON structed bouses on the Heights, between 13th and 16th sts.; not one of a long row. Erected by a careful builder with a. view of occupying it for his home. Contains 10 rooms, 2 baths; hot-water heat; lot 22x150. Price, $9,500. STONE &. FAIRFAX, 1342 New York ave. FOR SALE ?A HANDSOME BRICK AND stone dwelling, -on Wyoming -ave." near Con necticut ave., with.frontage of 50 ft.; 3 stories and cellar; 2 bathrooms; modern heat and light; wide parking; delightful outlook; in fact, it is just one of, the b?st. located- dwell ings in ?this choice section. Price to a quick J>uyer?$20,000. ~ . . STONE & FAIRFAX. . . 1342 New York ave. 18th AND* KEN YON STS. N.W. 10 rooms, 2 baths; ho.t-water best and elec tricity; large yard to alley; garage. Price, $10,000. POSSESSION. MACOMB ST. 9 rooms, bath; hot-water heat and electricity. Price, $10,000. POS8E8SION. RITTENHOU8E ST. 8 rooms and bath; hot-water heat; electricity. Price, $8,500. ? POSSESSION. KEOKUK ST. 9 rooms and bath; hot-water heat aqd elec tricity. Price, $10,500. POSSESSION. 14th AND R STS. 10 rooms cud bath; hot-water heat and elec tricity; large lot to alley. Price, $7,500. Possession immediately. CISSEL, TALfcOTT A CO.. INC., 10S5 N. Y. are, n.w. Main 1092. FOK SALE BY OWNER: M27 11th ST. N.W.? Immediate possession. Price, $0,500/ including coal for winter. * ' 3!? .6R.' Sc B. MODERN HOME NEAR 18th ST. and Col. road; double rear porches overlooking Park garage. Address Box 94-D, Star of fice. . . 4* TWO-FAMILY FLAT On Heights. Live in one, rent the other out. Possession at dnce. > - $ Price, $6,850. C. F. WARING, Franklin 8571. ?18,000?OWNEH OCCUPANT; WASHINGTON petghts; beautiful corner property; immediate occupancy; partly for.; 11 room,, 8 batba; ca rafe;; lot 10x100; easy terms. N. 1401. FOB SALE?BOOTES - OWWB- WILL j>BI-IVEM WMMBW* at -ooce If dealred-.A met attract!^ ?h. front. reaidenfe of 1# large) M?j g""1' w batha. ctram Iwt; 6e?ted weet of 0** near 8 at. Price, $11.600. TM? craUmt home la an excellent?*/" A. C. HOtGHTONA OO...OT6 ! :<We here the BttCT tit rrery auction." NKAR 14th ST. ASD.PABK ROAD WJT. Attractive brtck realdc??,81arge rooma .oa 2 floors, and tile bath. 4 brdrootum and attic: electric Ughta; hot-water heat; hardwood flour*.: floe large froat porch: houae 25 ft. -frohtai^, lane vrd lfr-20-ft. alley. A rare opawtraflg to jmre a pretty bone la a ? mat dwlrgh location. Now occQtrinl by owaer. wg* ?U1<| gire POSSESSION. Price la right, $8.?X>. A. C. HOl'GHfd:* * CO.. ISIS H at. a w. ? "We hare tho BUST In every nectlod." 80 NIC Alt. 14th AND GIRABD ST. N.W. 4 $8,000 furnlahed. 8-atory atone and brlc% front ruldeact: ? rooms >nd tiath ;.-owner lTarlng rfty and -wW give Immediate posae**lon 'If Weolred. A. C. HOUGHTOX A CO.. 1S16 H-et.B.w. ? "We have the BEST In every aectlna." 80* LOCATED KHAR lat XND R. I. AVK. N.r" Attractive 2-*tory,. bay-window, Uriels rt dene? cf 0 room* and "bath ;-Tiot-water. hfat: la jrood i^oiirtloQ : ? ready for Immediate - oeco pancy. l'rirt-. $(>.500. Term*. ? A C. HOUGHTON * CO..-1516 H at. n.w. "We-havC'the BEST In every section. . Sfl IMMEDIATE PO88K8SION. BROOKLAND. D. -C.: 13 MINUTES FROM heart of city. Pretty hollow-tne.-ateel-<SH>atrBet efr huncaiow:'# lance, bright rooqia and Hie hath on flrat Boor: larre. spacious, floored attic: hoJ-Water beat: electric light*. Lot 45x150. A good buy at $6,300. ? , . A. C. HOUGHTON * CO., 1316 H.?t. ?.w. "We have' tho BK8T tn ercrr section." $4.730?DETACHED RESIDENCR?B*OOg lnnd, D. C.; Just 15 mtftutes from lieart &t tlw? city; 'J-story frame;. 6. room tad bath; atttr and cellar; hot-water heat: ? alate roof . lot 42x150. Poaaeaalon at once. ? ? A. a HOUGHTON A CO.,JSWHjt "We have the BBBTIa erery aertloa^"^)* ^ PRICK, M.T50. ' i ? ... IMMEDIATE PO8SB8SION. Near aar, "yard; SnrtolT hrich "jrtfcace: practically new: 6 noma: alt inoderalmproTe lucnta: front and rekr porches; lionee In excellent condition: 6w*r learinx city. Terma, $500 or more caah. balanoe monthly like rent. ? Act-Ouiek. A. C. HOUGHTON A CO.. 1516 H at. n W ???We have the BEST la erery aectfcm." 80* , i New Homer?Possession. . . IN PETWORTH... A-BEAUTT. ? Don't m!s4 this one." Owner mortar from, ejtju Six rooma and batk hot-water heat, electricity, screened' po^Y"- oak floors, wealher stripping; coal In f? winter: good lot to alley; one square from cars. Cnance to get a new home reajpnaMe. ?. 301 Southern bldg. > Franklin" 26S3. A SIX-ROOM PRACTICALLY NEW HODS*: tile bath; h.-w. h.: electricity; price, W.00Q; reasonable terma. Ow?er, 887 -Shepherd atjlw. . H* 808 H ST. N.W.?-STORE AND FLAT. ?r; AND BATH; H.-W. HEAT: $5,250. WILLKTT A RE1NECKE CO.. 1309 HJBT. N.W.. . " OCCUPIED BY OWNER; .QUICK POSSES aion; near 14tb and Monroe eta. o.w.:~ attrac tive modem bouae of ten. rooma and bath: co lonial-front pore a; lot 115 ft. to 80-ft. alley; urice reasonable. ? . . ? ? JOHN QUINN CO., INC.. 701 13th n.w. ? Main 435. 721 'FIA1RIDA AVE, N,E.; OS CAR LINE AND beautiful park; $3,750; $750 caah. Owner, 414 Kenoia bldg.. llth and <??' . 61* OWJfER HAS INSTRUCTED US TO OUT* FOR IMMEDIATE SALE, - ' '- 7-roopi brie* dwelling,. 4 bedrooms. ? MASSACHUSETTS AVENUE NEAR ? lin'cdln park. ? ? Price. $3,950. ? Reasonable terma. * .. HERBERT A. GILL * SON. 1406 G it. B.W, OWNER LEAVING CITY Possession Soon B rand-New House . ? Light "prwm brfclc; 6 rooms and tile, bath; cellar; electric lights; sleeping porch; hot water heat; laundry tubs and servants toilet, double floors; 6 tons coal In cellar. Boom for ean"e' Price, $6,850 -???? This house will sell quick. ? C. F. Waring, Franklin 5571, 301 Southern Bldg* MOVE IN THIS MONDAY DOWNTOWN?Brick; 0 rooms and" bath; cel lar; furnace heat; lot 20x124 to -30-ft. alley. Price, .$5,650. Terms: $650 Down?Balance $30 Pec Month on Principal 'Nice white neiphborhood. ? OWNER LEAVING TOWN. / C. F. Waring," Franklin 5571, . 301 Southern Bldgj FOR SALE?TO -COLORED. SIX-ROOM AND bath house, Q at. near 15th itw.; prici, 63.95W; moderate cash payment, balance like rent. V. MrKINLAY. Room 20. 819 J at. n.w. THREE TBN-ROQM BRICK HOUSES AND bath?15, IT. ? D at. s.e.; $3,500 each; near car llnea. 906 H. at. n.e ? 6? BEAUTIFXIL, NEW. "DETACHED HOLLOW tile bungalow, on Madiaon at. ,a.w. inear 16th st ) and convenient to 14th at. car line, .con taining' eight large.' .bright room*; attractive fireplace: hardwood floors; laiKe? porches Tront ajid back; deep lot with gange; IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. . . ROBERT S. HEATER, Colorado building. - Phone Mala 1064. BEAUTIFUL HOME ? .. . NEAR * BUREAU OF STANDARDS Nearly new, colonial brick; erery- known ? modern convenience. DESCRIPTION. FIRST FLOOR?Drawing room', reception ? hall, dining room, breakfast .porch, ? kitchen and pantry (cement floor). SECOND FLOOR?Large living room, with tplonlal mantel and ot"?. fireplace; two bedroom*, sleeping porch (glaaoed and acreened), tllod hath. THIRD FLOOR?Foot bedrooma, lava tory. shower and toilet. ? Hardwood floora throughout; flneot acreening throughout; beat-metal weather atripk and awninga. CELLAR?Cement floor/, dry, atmsy: teat - hot-water heaUng plant thermostat at tachment; lnstantaneoua Pittsburgh hot water beater; * aervanta* room; storage room; 4oilet and Jaundry. House 25 feet wide; lot 125 feet to wide paved.alley; room for-farage. House phone on each floor. ?WINTER'S: SUPPLY OF COAL ? ? .AND WOOD IN CELLAR. Immediate' Possession '-.-McLACHLEN BANKING CORPORATION M. 43B. .(Real Eatatf Dept) 10ti and G a.w. EXCLUSIVE AGENTS. . NEW, "7 ROOMS AND BATH; H.-W. HEAT; built-in' refrigera.tor; concrete porchea; gluss lm-losed -norch. Poaaeaaion Nov. 1. OWNER, 119 Rock'"Creek Church road. 81* FOR SA'LT?IMPORTANT. ALWAYS READ OUR ADVERTISEMENTS. PHONE M. 2332 FOR NXTMBERS. OR CALL AT OFFICE. WE OFFER THE BEST BARGAINS. THE BEST LOCATED HOUSES. PRICE8 SO LOW THAT-YOU SHOULD RESELL AT A PROFIT. YOU CANNOT AFFORD TO BUI WITHOUT GETTING OUP LIST. ? STONE A FAIRFAX. 1S42 N. X- ave. a.w. For Sale?Easy Terms I >'EAR-14th AND Q 8TS. N.W. 10 room^ and bath,' cellar, etc.; lot 22 ft. wide; price. $7,.r>00; terms, $200 cash, balance ??- .. tf.iirtsrtn as 6AK W 6*.. eaay. toe; price, .i. kiw., ay. ? Write OWNER, pox 306-T,. Star office. ? pJiODe Columbia 4195. ON M" ST. N.W.?$200 CASH- : ? 9 rooms and bath; hot-water heat: price. $7,500; big bargain. OWNER. Box 3UG-T. Star dfflco. GOOD NORTHEAST gECTIOK?$200 CASH. Press brick; < rooms -and batlr; cellar; hot Sater heat; prtcr.48350. OWNER. Box 806-T, tar office.. -Phone Columbia 41?5. BEAUTY CORNER HOME?6 BOOMS, .BATH, hardwood floor*, mantel*, fwgt aad rear porc> ea. room for auto: only ISJOO; poaaeaaloaat nee. ROLAND C. BOOTH. ZU B B.W, ?. MW. JfODKRN SIX-ROOM HOUSB, 113? *tfc ST. n.e.; aii.f: Urge yant to ?lley; ?Mithly ten ant: $4,300 ;? term*. OWNBB. ?? South.rn building. M.8M8. ? - ' 17S5 LAMONT It. U BOOMS. S BATHS. PORCHES. SIDE YABS/GJkRAGE. REASONABLE PRICK. . . StT FLA.. AVE. N.W. S BOOMS. TILED- BATH;. HOT-WATER HEAT. -TRUST, $3,800. BLDG. ASSN. W. QBOOMES. 1416 F 8T. ' " FOB SALE . . . Just being finished and rvady for Im mediate ocfupancy! Within 25 min ute* of the ccntfr. of the city. 5. 6 and 7 rooms -each. Reasonably tenaa' can be arranged. ? PHILLIPS h SAGER. INC.;. M. 6? HOB New York uji. n.w. ?for Hoiids and INVESTMENTS . *Wee MAHCRNBY A SUUJVAN? ?Tb'ex Unow Wartlngttoo? - 906 New York ave. -TeL-M^la 7821. . VICINITY OF KBAftTI^P SHERIDAN C1R .cle; $7,750; 8 room*, hath^ppen flreplaces, fwo block* tavcara; reaaoaabl* ?po**e*al??;- laoa Jieatlng plait; apatalr* kitchen;- eaay TOE SALE?HOUSES. TWO WOUKBN 8-KOCM' Bm CHJflS A, PKTEK*. Ow ? Wimi Out. 8W.V ? -houses k.b. Owner. C? Mtt Mt IMMEDIATEPOH8E88I OJi ? NEW HAHP ?hlre mrr. and fc; is Wr*. HH. > tath,; ? open tnftam; h.-w.h.; .?l*c?r?c mM stotmgc; nomrrous civet >7 baler's putty. ?Wrpiac porches, roof tardea. floor*: brick cmrrngc. two cmr?: tutted with bot and cold running water; Pittsburg* iaattataaeoaa beater; amtip. acreein. Bone of a former prominent banker, deceased. Will aeU at a aacrWee price'of $20,000. furnished.' to cloaa eatate; tern. North 1401. NEAR 18TH-ANb KALO RAMA ROAD N.W. ? Price Only $5,000. Easy Terms. 'Tto-itory, bay-Vindow press brick; 6 rootns and tile bath; cellar; electric lights; hot-water C. F. Waring. 301 South'n Bldg. Corner Press* Brick in West .Washington 10 rooms and bath; furnace heat; built for owner at cost of at least ' $2,006 more than' asking price pf * >6.750. Near 28th and P Sts. N. W. Handsome bay-window brick: 9 rooms and bath; .first -floor kitchen; . furnace. ?Price, $5,750. .Near llth & Lamont Sts, N. W. Handsome 3-story bHck: 5 bed rooms; first floor tfHehen; side alley; Only $5,650: several thousand less than original selling price, - .. ? JijTear 20th and "K Sts. N. W. That desirable ddwntown section West of Conn, are.; substantial 9 . rooms and bath: furnace; garage, and ? price only $5,350. In the Northeast A section that will constantly 1m prote; an artistic cement-over-brick dwelling of .-6 room* and bnth; elec- , trie lights; furnsre heat: on accom modating tenns at $3,950; 12 like this already sold. ? We sold twelve like this in less than a wfcek Owner has tieen ordered from Wash ington. - NOW VACANT. 5 blocks south of Capitol; same house north west would bring double the asking price; on terms thst mean you can secure a .home, an income and at the aame time a valuable piece of real es tate; the owners of adjoining 'houses are doing it now; 12 rooms, 2 baths; steam heat; electric lights; $500 cash required. ? . Church .St., near* 18th ' 9 rooms and *bath; furnace. beat. Price, $7,000. Allan E. Walker & Co., Inc., 813 15th St N. W. Main 426 First Ftoor Southern Gldjg. WANTED TO BUY. $8,000 CASH FOR AiA. MODERN fi-ROOM house* -northwes't; $10,000 cash for 10 rooms. 2 baths, all modern, Washington Height*. Homes in all sections wanted, have immediate buyers. Quirk results Vith owner oceupaut residences. THOMAS .E. PETTY, 2013 14th st. n.w. TO BUY A HOUSE: WILL PAY CASH; modern- preferable*; 0 to 9 rooms: possession must be given. Address Box 183-D, Star Office. Will pat ca^h fou a home that i can <ge.t early possession of in any go<*i see tion: can use small or large house. Address P. O. Box 81. V st. fftntion. HOME THAT I CAN GET POSSESSION .OK 30 days; will pay caah. Write lull details as to price and location. Address Box 46-A, Star ofBc*. ? IS OR NEAR CITT, PREFER PROM HVYN er; have $3,000 cish; please state priee sni especially possession. Address IJox ^>4-11, Star office. " u We Have Demand for HOUSES ALL SECTIONS. Prompt and efficient service rendered. A. C. HOEJGlITON A CO.. 1510 !l st. n.w. "Wc have the BEST in every section." ? hovL'ti*. 1 MUST HAVE A HOME RIGHT \\V.\T. What have ycru tot V Terms. $2,000 cash. Please answer at one*. Address Bux tl 1 -I>. Star office. . | . WANTED?HAVE SUBSTANTIAL COLORED buyers 'for 0 to S rooifi modern houses, ii.w. section f furnace or h.w.h.: $-f.<?oo- to $\mm. IRVIN A SHANK.-1410 G st. n w. -Slain "SOS. BUSINESS PK0PEBTY. FOn SM.K. VOR 8ffI.E?$32.!>MI. RENTINT. TO OKE TEN ant for $250 a month who heats an.1 lights the building; good as new; very substantial, at tractive: near"llth and C sts. $37,500?Leased to one tenant at $2,700 a year. Lot 22xlOi.? 13th near G. $27.000?Leased S2.OO0 a year: tenant heats* and lights building: near Boston House* Near.Oth and Leased* pays over 6Tr net, tenant paying taxes. mak?s repairs". ? $*57,500? leased one f?-nant. $4,080 a year: tenant makes .repairs: corner, near Boston House. .STONE FA IT? if * I**'*1 four-stoic x pusiiic^. near government buildinc: parj.'all.v arrmi^fd for living -apart nier.t?: will consider ??\c'ti*iu .?? for farm property in p#rf. Address But* l."?2-D, ! Star office. 31* I - . :?- ? " REAL ESTATE LOANS. * On D. C- Real Kstatc. We act at once. Courteous treatment. PERCY II. RUSSELL CO.. 9th and N. Y. ave. MONEY TO LOAN ON HEAL ESTATE AT lowest rates. Special privileges with rcRiwct to prior payments. TYLER &? RUTHERFORD, 817 ISth St. n.w. . WE HAVE MONEY ON HAND TO LOAN ON approved .real estate security in the D. C. st current rates or interest.. PROMPT REPLIES AND ECONOMICAL CONSIDERATION FOR ?BORROWERS. * . ; MOORE ic HILL (Inc.). 1420-22 H at. Large. x>r -small immediately available. LEg.I). LATIMER COMPANY ^ 1434 Npw York ave. n.w. Ph. Frank. 6105. ^ MONEY TO LOAS (JS* REAL ESTATE. LARGE LOANS A SPECIALTY. PROMPT 8ERVICK. THE'F. H. SMITH COMPANY . 815 FIFTEENTH rfTRl&T. SECOND TRUST FUNDS TO LOAN ON D. C. real estate; .prompt attention., L. E. F. PRINCE. 1410 H Kt. n.w. ON. DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA REAL Es tate; large or small amounts: reasonable rates; transactions closed promptly. *' ' THOMAS J. 'FIffllER & CO.. INC. MONEY TO LOAN O.N D. KKAL ESTATE. Current rated of interest. Reasonable commis sion. ? SHANNON & LUCHS, Loan Dept., 713 14th st. n.w. Main 2345. MONEY TO LOAN'?WE ?IN VITE YoUtt Ap plications for loans on D. C.. real estate. No delay. Very low charges. Call in. BELT. O'BRIEN tc CO., INC., 1300 G n.w. IIUAL. ESTATE . WAN'S' M Kl'El'lAI.TT. * "Lowest Interest Rates. Prompt Service. GEO. W. LINKINS. 1714 Pa. ave. MONEY TO LOAN?$250 to S500.-000 ON D. C. real estate. Several large trust fupds. AU transaction^ eonducted with economical con siderations for" borrower*. WM. H, SAUNDERS & CO., ? Southern bldg.,? 807 15th st. n.wr MOVING, PACKING & STORAGE. " TH08. C. HENDRICKS EXPRESS CO. Truck* for hire, moving. Telephone Rossljn 247-D, Cherrydale, Va. 5* 5-TON T1CUCK RETUItNINt; 1X> N. V. EMP ty Xhursday would like a return loud. Call or write W and 16th sts. n.e. BUTLEIt ES TATE. ' . ? 31* I -SAFETJT FIRS'lV' gpSOLUTELV- FIREl'KOOK STQUAO*. UNITEI> STATIU STORAGU CO., Koomt, $2 00 snd up. . Muring, k'aekL^c Phone'^sin 4220. 418-420 1 Ob ROOMS. Ct *|m 1NG,PACK!.NC*1 ???( P.y Expert*-. l.or Katrt. UNION STORAGS CO.. ros rim. Ave. North IlU 414 .Hd at. n.w. r%urin ,lw CLCAN, liKX riXfttAUB KUK HJUNIIUu* ud DlWM*. Estimate, chMrfully (inn. Cm ?kle?t licaOon. WESCHLeK'8 lua H. ???. STn^ mti iva. ; rr'OKAGE, ?1 FEB MONTH DP; CRATING. . hocklss, pint t. mil point.; htnllnf; ,Um ?rlM( ? CONNECTICUT 8TOHAOS CQ..5Q8 a ?.?. A. uae. aaau SMITH'S TRANSFER ahd STORAGE CO. Kovru. X342. N. SMI K. SS44. 'Hicfat or H?U 14*7. FiMkU, 3811. BOSG.DMTAMCT MOV1KG. STEAMSHIPS. AUSTRALIA New Zealand?South Seas V)a Tahiti ? and Rarotonga. Mail and p.tssenger setVlce from 8an Francisco every 2S? days.. Union S. S, Co. of New Zealand 230 CafllArsia itn Sun FrsneU?i?, tut Or Lorsl' Steasitkip 4 U. H. Ageacles. WRITE STAR LINE , ..Frequent Sailings . New York?Liverpool ? Drafts and Money Orders Mtrti Twl??i?Itttr?ScadlomTU. ' OOMPAKT'S OFFICE, 1?08 F ST. X.W. . r- *? HICKS, ?u An