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SPECIAL NOTICES. OTJ. HOT bb responsible for ant ytg unless contracted by myself. EDWARD WQHLFABTH. CALVARY BAPTIST CHURCH, COR. 8th AND H arts, n.w.; pastor. Rev. Samuel H. Greene, jX Dl Under the recent ruling of the Commis of the District of Columbia, Calvary Church resumes its regular services, ring with Its midweek prayer meeting , 0m T^rarsday evening at 8 o'clock. At 7 o'clock tbm pastor deacons will meet any desiring unite with the church. Teachers' Club at the same hour. Baptism will follow the prayer faceting. A. F. ANDERSON.. jBuy Window Shades direct of the Makers and Buy Now. The Shade Shop, tye are Ready to Give You the Best Printing Service in Washington. National Capital Press >11 llth SI. Phon. M. B5Q. (3 tranfc Um.) Just the Optical Service You Want , ?Have Leese make your Eyeglasses j ts order. That is the sure way of getting the kind you need. m. A. LEESE STSfV0 "I NEVER DISAPPOINT.*? Make a Drive ?for more business. Use Adams Prlnt , Ing?the printing that's high grade, but not high priced. , THE SERVICE SHOP BYRON S. ADAMS, Safety First J have us Repair and Paint YOFR ROOP Now STOVE AND FURNACE WORK. !R. K. Ferguson, ,Tm9,imaTot: BUY MORE W. S. 8. _ That Are Superior. Nelson Refrigerator Co,, <611 F St. N.W. F. 2757 iSave Money on a ?and MILLWORK by <] taking advantage of our Low Cash Prices. Orders of everv size. NEW TORK AVE. 1517 seventh street. "ROOFING EXPERTS" WILL STOP THE LEAK. Wlih. Loan A Grafton <& Son,Inc., "STOVES AND FURNACES REPAIRED." ! The Master "Minds ?of our corps of expert printers are capable ?f turning out your Booklets. Folders and ; Circulars in a most effective style. Judd & Oetweifler, Inc., The Big Print Shop. 420-422 llth St. At Yoaar Service ? ?to make the roof leakproof. IRONCLAD SSSk.KSS^rl PIANOS FOR RENT ? PURCHASE MADE within one year, rent allowed. HUGO WORCH, 1110 G, Agent for Kranieh & Bach and Emer son Pianos. Victrolas and Grafonolas. Special sale of Imported Dolls and Sweaters. We allow you for your old dolls on a sew [ Imported or domestic make doll. 1 GARREN'S ART STORE. SOT H B.e. KKWS PRINT PAPER, CUT*TO ANY SIZE, | in any reasonable quantity. Reasonable price, i Apply PRESS ROOM. Star office. ' CHTTRCH ANNOUNCEMENTS. EPISCOPAL. St. Thomas' NEAR DUPONT CIRCLE. ill Saints' day?Services at 8 and 11. St. Mark's Church 3rd AND A STS. S.E. REV. C. R. STETSON. Rector. REV. WM. A. MASKER. Jr., Assistant. AT J. SAINTS' DAY. NOV. 1, FRIDAY. Holy Communion. 7 and 11 a.m. SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 3. Holy Communion, 7:30 a.m. Holy Communion, Thanksgiving service, j 11 a.m. Evening prayer, 8 p.m. Church school will reopen Sunday, Novem- J ber 10. 9:30 a.m. BAPTIST. Maryland Avenue Baptist Church , 14th AND MARYLAND AVE. N.E. REV. HARRY J. GOODWIN, Pastor. Church will open Thursday night, October #1. for prayer service, at 7:30 p.m. All members are requested to be present as there will be Important business to be transacted after the prayer service, in which all should be interested. PALMISTRY. I HLLE. ZARA. SCIENTIFIC PALMIST AND | psychic from New York. Now at rhe Savoy, I 14th and Girard n.w. Complete psychic read ings. $3. Scientific palmistry, $2. Only by appointment. Phone Col. 7470. * BELMONT? Scientific palmist and clairvoyant, can be con sulted on all affairs of life. Readings, $1. 1216 j New York ave. n.w., between 12th and 13th mta. Honrs, 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. 1*_ MRS. R. EUSBY, Scientific Palmistry. Impressional Life Rea6> ! tags. Fee, $1 and $2. Positively ladies only. I Open until 9:30. Closed Sundays. 1019 llth j tt. n.w. 1 ; Abe Martin Says: A never faiTin' sign o' ole age is fergittin* ther's a circns in town. j Dignity is a boot as becomin'! as goggles t* th' general ran o' | people. ATTENTION. v INVESTORS! f?T,5M wtn bar & valuable business corner west of 7th, south of N_ T. ave. Leased at $4,980 a year, tenant making- all repairs. Another ?T?.?G0?Near 9th and V. Leased so as to net owner 54, 609, tenant paying all taxes and STONE & FAIRFAX 1342 New York Ave. Ki) 6 Bell-ans Hot water Sure Relief 'for indigestion SjIS ;2?)!!rOf JIOjJO;? 283 at acm) 1J*J Died of wrnnla.. JJJJ Died at dlaeaae Died of aeetdea* ad otter ?"?? V?? Wounded la action SJM3. Hlnlas in action (Inclndln* priaonera' Total to date ....... 68.714 Above Is the summary of casualties Issued by the War Department. The list Includes those lost at sea, also the total Marine Corps casualties to date, but does not Include the Nary casualties. Army casualty lists released for publication today contain 423 names, divided as follows: Killed ta action J Died of wonnda. 11 Died of accident and other cauaea B Died of diaeaae " Wounded aeverely SI Wounded (decree nnderter mined) Jj* Wounded alightly ? Misainc in action.... 11 The list follows: KILLED IS ACTION. ?n CORPORAL: . PENTZ Vrjril C., Dorchester Center. Mass. " PRIVATES: HAYCOX. Louis, Ancona. 111. HOFF, Walter A. A., Chicago, DL died from wounds. CAPTAIN*: _ . . FAI.K, Oscar T., Menominee. Mien. LIEUTENANT: EVANS. Lawrence EL, Nephi, Utan. SERGEANTS: . MONATH, Walter A-, Ml?ml. Fit. ? CORPORAL: _ _ , McINTIRE, Warren 1^. Hawler, Ohio. , PRIVATES: _ _ CUMM1NGS. Douglas B.t Beaehmont, DUFFY, Edward, Chicago, IU. died from accident and other CAUSES. LIEUTENANT: GROSS, Harry A., Chicago, I1L PRIVATE" u 1 christen SEN, Ambrfoua R. Dagmmr, Mont. DIED OF DISEASE. SERGEANT: _ . MARSHALL. Robert B.. Bourbon. HAFER* Claries W., Clrcleville, Ohio. HARTWICK. Alfred J.. Winamac, Ind. HERRING. Dolpbus, Glenrille, Ga. IIINKS. Wiley. Crentle Tenn. IIIKZKL. William A., Cleveland, Ohio. HOUSTON. Marion K.. Mahl. Tex. KERSHERGEN, Girret, Itock Valley, Iowa. KIPLING. Alfred R.. Brooklyn, N. Y. LA/.ENBY, Frank. Thompson, Ga. Mclaughlin. Sam. Maxton. n. c. PUGH, Sliad, Fort Mitchell, Ala. WOUNDED SEVERELY. LIEUTENANTS: _ _ MORGAN. William O., Highland Park, in. ROSS. Howard K? Blanchester, Ohio. SERGEANTS: _ GILLIE, Frank V., Tonawanda. N. Y. FLETCHER, Charles, Kalamaxoo, Mica. CORPORALS: BUI.TT. Clifford T., Twin Falls, Idaho. FOWLER. Marshall 0.. Hamlet, N. C. KELLY. Joseph, Philadelphia, Pa. BUGLERS: . ? _ REILLY, William A.. NewYork. N. Y. CHASE, William H., jr., Nantucket, Mas*. PRIVATES: ? . ALLEN, Glen C., Sidney, Mont. BISKElt, Noah, Yoe, Pa. RltANDAU, Louis P., Detroit, Mich. CATALDI. Angelo, Layton. Pa. GARRETT. Itcx N.. Cherokee, low*. gins15urgh, David, New York, N. Y. HILL, James E.. Chateaugay, N. Y. MACK, Oscar, Weying Water, Neb. PARKS. Jane L., Seagrove, N. C. PONGON, Peter, Cle Elum, Wash. PULLEN. Douald A., Hamden, Ohio. ROARK, James W.. Roanoke. ** RUPPRECHT, Robert R-, Adams, Man. RYAN. Frank W., Boston, Mass. SPANGLER, Peter B.. New Bavaria. Ohio. THAMES, Harry E.. Brooklyn, N. x. CAItNY, Harry J.. Sharon, Mich. COSBY, Bernard J-, Mid Cathain, Vt. FRITZ, Albert. Berlin, Wis. hollenback, Gustave. Nantlcoke, IX IIOYT, Otis E., Haverhill, Mass. WOUNDED IN ^ACnON?-DISEEE TJNDE-1 i LIEUTENANT: .... CONRAD. Joseph G. C.. Llbby, Mont. | SERGEANTS: KIRSCHKE, Leon R., Philadelphia, Pa. MORRELL. Harry G.. State College, Pa. REGO, Curtis G., New York, N. Y. I SCHLEICHER, Josph Benjamin, Chicago, m. SPAMER. August C., Brooklyn. N. Y. I WARNER, Merland A., Sanlt Ste. Marie, | ! WIENER, Walter, Galion, Ohio. KUCKER. Henry, Rosebush, Mich. CORPORALS: BYERLY. Curtis L., Owosso, Mich. HOWARD. Edward, Pittsburgh. Pa. HUESSNER, Herbert, Jamaica, N. Y. MILLS. John D? Chicago, 111. MURLATT, Roy. Harrisburg. Pa. SHADE. Frank L? Pitlsbnrgh Pa SLOtTll, Herman C., Maywood. In. TALLEY. Eruest G., Buckville, Ark. TITUS. Earl H.. Philadelphia. ?*? i VAN DERHIN ST, Phillip, Detroit, MJcn. BUGLERS: _ , ? _ I REIFF. George A., Yonkers, N.. Y. ROSENBERG. Joseph D., New York, N. I. ZIMMERMAN. Walter, Philadelphia, Pa. MECHANIC: SCTCLIFFE. Edwin, Uxbrldge, Maaa. PRIVATES: , ? ALLRED. Mell. Wills Point. Tex. . 4\T)REWS Lather L., Addison, Ala. BERGBAUER, Sylvester W.. Philadelphia. Fa. P.ergquist. Emil V.. Superior^ Wis. I BLANCHARD, William H.. Buffalo, N. Y. UAH RAMAN, Thomas P., Richmond, Va. CARLIN. John J.. Jr.. Brooklyn. N. Y. CARUSO. Angelo. New York. N. Y. CRAY. Jacob S? Rutledge, Mo. CORMIER. Edward L., Marlboro, Maaa. CT'SACK, James, New York. N. Y. FOSTER. Artliur It., Brooklyn. N. Y. FRANOONI, John L-, Dallas. Tex. hutchison. Tom Lampasas. Tex. KESHN'AKOX, Andrew, \ Una Vlleka Kome-1 KN1E RIM T 'Seorge W? East Stroudsburg. Fa. KOBIERSKI. Waclaw. Racine, Wis. KOCIBAN. John M., Farrell. Pa. LAWLOR, William. Philadelphia, Pa. MARTIN. Thad. Girard, Ala. MILLER. Elmer W , Fosston. Minn. montague. Ray F.. Somerfleld. Pa. MUSIL. Edward. New York. N. Y. NlLES. George, Baraboo, Wis. O'HALLOXAN, Thomas F-. Worcester. Maaa. POLI.OCK. John J., Binghamton, N. Y. R\BIL>EAUX, Alex, Odanali, Wis. R VINO, Henry W., Whitehall, N. T. REYNOLDS. Ralph J.. Elmira Height*. N.Y. ROEBUCK, William E., Mahanoy City, Pa. ROSELLI, Elvus, Petaluma, CaL ROUSE, Frank E.. Colorado Spring?* Col. RUSSO. Joseph, New York, N. Y. SADLER, Willis A., Philadelphia. Pa. SVRFENE, Louis, Carbondale, Pa. SHATTUCK. Leo D? Sparta. Mich. SHE ELY, James C.. Redmond, Ore. SIMS. Sam. Cuarters, N. M. SKIDMORE. Frederick V.. Se* York, N. Y. SULLIVAN, Frank C-. North Cambridge, SUi*YNT, Mike. Grand Rapids, Mick. TROMBLY. Leo H.. Monroe. Mich. VAN DYKB, Fred J.. Athens. Ohio. WAIDLEY, Waiter H., Aurora. UL WALCZYH. Frank. Dettoit Mich. weinr1ch. William, Brookiy-, N. Y- . WEISS, Charles A.. Jr.. Richmond Hill, N. Y. I | WELCH. Leonard A., Nilwood^ IU. WEYER, Peter, Marshfleld. Wla. WILLIAMS. James Thomas, Defiance, Fa. W'HXJAMSON, Jan.-es B. F.. Brantley, An SLIGHTLY WOUNDED. UEUTENANT: MZRRELK Clarence W.. Newark. N. a. MASTER ENuINEEB: leaf. Richard D., Potts town. Pa. SERGEANTS: S^OW^He&.t'S^h^ McKINNEY, Haw Grantnt.n^ ELl. mapk Edward. Milwaukee, wis. WEISER. Oliver 0.. Philadelphia. Pm. RTASTH\RD Roy 8.. Grand Rapids, Mich. ^mHertirt D.^rand^pids. Mich. DUFF, Alien Courtney, Crandon, win. GRAHAM. Samuel KEPHART. William B-, McKee. I*. McDERMOTT, Percy. Koche?tei\N. Y. MADDRELL. Jasper. South Wayne, WIS, MARTINSON. Clyde. Alpena, Mich. riel. Elwood W.. T SCHMIDT. Theodore K., Madison, N. J. SCHOBER, William 8.. Ontoonagon, Mick. watts. James E-, Olean. N^r. WHITMIRE. Furber L-, Central. & & WAGONER: ? _ ,. ? _ ANDERSON, Eari W., Weatfield. N. X. MECHANIC: . _ GUCAT, Adolf, Perth Amooy, r*. PRIVATES: ^ __ . abramczyk. John. Detroit. Mich. ACKLEY. Edward, Lansing, Mich. alfredson, OustaT, Edane, Swedea. CHERM-VK, John V., UlJMf*. N*b-_ CLANCY. Gilbert F.. Brooklyn, N. T. CRONIN, Floyd F.. Greenwood, WU. CURTIS, Glen F.. Ambers^ Ohio. DUIYEN. John C., Grand Rapids, Mich. DUNNING. Donald D.. Wheeling. W. Vs. EMM Kit. Harold J., Hartford, wis. ERVING. Paul E.. Beverly. Mass. ? FOSTER, John P.. HedgevUle. Ky. GORDON. John. Piney Fork, Ohle. GUESSWBIN. William, Harvey. XI. B. HARRIS. EarL phi'*d'lp^*: ^ ? JONES, Llewelyn. New zone, ?. *? . KEISLING. Willlam. N. Andover, Hin KELLBB. Vlatent, 1ft. FWaaant^ Pa. _ . KERPATRICK. Glenea F, Richland Mir KDISXY. Walter. V*. OM*. __ _ MpStrMT'joha T<-. Pittabmrh. Fa._ mcDEVTIT, Jobs Philadelphia, Pa* MACHBBL, Betabart. roi Lata,WJi. MANDZIARA, Harry, Donegal.i? MARTIN, Elmer E., Phillip*. Wia. MITCHELL. Samuel T.,Petroskey, . MOFFATT. John. New York. N. T MOORE, Charles B.. Thousand Island Par*, N. T. _ ' MOORE, William T., TItlea, N. T. RAMRKCKI, Jan. Hamtramck, Mich. R1DGWAY, Alrtn. Buffalo. N. Y. ROBERTS, Thomas, Wallis, Tex. ROSE. John M., Baltimore. Md. KOSZKI. Boleslaw. South Omaha. Se^ ROTH8CHMITT, Emil, Brooklyn, N. Y. RUNG, Rudolph J., Buffalo, N. T. SAL'Kit, AlTin C., Jackson, Mich. SCHROEDER, Hans H? Spokane, Wail. SHERMAN. Roy M., Aurora. N. Y. SHIVE, Jacob B? Ferndale. Pa. SMITH, Walter W? San Pedro, CaL SMITH, William, Talladega. Ala. SPEERMAN. William T? Baltimore. 1M. STOLZENBACH. Conrad, Junction City. Ohle. THOMPSON. John, MonticeUo, Ky. VAN IDERSTINE, John I.. Huntington. N. T. WATERMAN, Wayne A., ChUl. Wla. WAWRZYK. Joseph. Munhall. Pa. WHITTINGTON. Darid. Grayson, La. WHTTE, Christopher. New York, N. Y. WINKOWSKI. John. Buffalo, N. X. xissrtro in actios. LIEUTENANT: STYLES. Cassius H.. South Hero. Yt. CORPORAL: HOOP. Herman C., Mansfield, Ohio. PRIVATES: BENNETT. Ruben A.. Milwaukee. Wis. BORNEBURG, John C., Millvale, Pa. CORRADINO, Corrado. Portland, Me. HOULIHAN, James F.. New York. N. T. KING, Ralph Dewitt, Crete, Neb. THURSTON. William E., Mount Vernon. Me. HARIXE CORPS CASUALTIES. The following casualties are re ported by the commanding general ot the~Amerlcan expeditionary forces: Killed In action... 3 Died of wounds receive* In action 1 Died of disease 41 "Wounded in action (se verely) * Wounded in action (degre? undetermined) * Missing In action?....... 10 In hands of enemy......?.. 2 Total ?" IK ACTIOS. PRIVATE t BRADBURY. Eben, Jr., Newbnryport, Mass. DIED OF WOUNDS RECEIVED Iff ACTIOS. PRIVATE: PETERSON, Nets, Dayton. Idaho. DIED OF DISEASE. MAJOR: _ , McLACHLEN. Harold D., Los Angeles, CaL FIRST LIEUTENANT: BOYDSTON, Richard. Bloomlngton. IU. SECOND LIEUTENANT: LAGUE, Frank C.. Philadelphia. Pa. MARINE GUNNER: CLEMENTSON, Carl J.t Grand Forks, H. ?. SERGEANT: BRAGG, Ray T.. San Diego. CaL CORPORALS: , . ANDERSON, Henry D? Pleasant lAke. Ind. MORGAN, John H.. Austin, Tex. YORK, Daulel 0., McLeansboro, HI. PRIVATES: BARNETT, Cecil M., Durant, Okla. BERG, Edwin, Brandon, Minn. BRIDGES. Thomas T., InTerness. Miss. BRIGHTON. James R? Salt Lake City, Utaa. COFFEY. Charles W? SUunton. Va. DURAND, Eugene R., Briatow, Iowt. FORKISTALL, Early O., Eldorado. Tex. GLANTZ, George K-. Hamilton. Md. GOI'DY. Francis B.. Cannon Balls, Minn. HALPERIN. Louis. Jersey City, N. J. HAltVEY, Clair D., Nashville, Mich. HOESCH. Joseph J., Milford. Iowa. _ _ JARNAGIN.yWilliam O.. Bridgeport, Tex. JENSEN, Jens J.. Winside, Neb. JUDKINS. William G., Waco. Tex. LOPER. David W., Los Angeles, CaL McADAMS, Ralph M? New York, N. X. McCLURE. Charles P.. tayettt, Mlsa. MORRIS, Wilson A., Shelby. '?*a MAUTZ, Henry C.. Philadelphia, Pa. NEIDRINGHAUS. Casper H.. St. Urals, Mo. PARTAIN, Abner It., Goniales, Tex. BOBBINS, Thomas L., Equality, Ala. BO BERTS. Jay E., Glen Elder, Kan. SCHMIDT, Henry. CmcinnaU. Ohio. SCHULER, Edward Le G? Wilcox, Pa. SERVAT. Ulysse R.. SHOWERS. James W., Cynthiana, lad. SMITH. Harry S., Sparta, 111. SUTTON. John M., BeU Buckle, Tenn. TRtTLOCK. Philip S? Roseburg. Ky. WALSH. William J., Chicago. 111. WOLFKILL, Frank E.. Philadelphia, Pa. WOUNDED IS ACTIOS (Severely). * SERGEANT: LDPTAC, Leo L-, Streator, HL CORPORAL: BUNTING, Fred A., Nomstown, Fa ?WOUNDED IS ACTIOS (Degree Undeter mined) ? O'BRIEN,^James A., Cincinnati, Old*. MISSING IN ACTION. CALVERT?IWimam U. Minera1 Wells. Tex. ELLIS, Thomas F., Fall BiTer.. STOY, Harold T., Pocatello, Idaiio. bailey! "waiter A.. ?W?"y?. BUCKLEW. Francis R- Kin^ood, W. Ym. I BURKE, William ?Udall. Kan. ! CLIFT. James W? Cincinnati, Ohio. j CORDER. Ralph, Coshocton, Ohio. CORLBTT, Thomas J., New York. DOBSON. Floyd, Akeley, Minn. I BADS, Toney, Mill Springs. Mo. FETTERS, James M.. Younjr8town, 0w^. GREENSPAN, Harry, Springfield, Maaa. ^ Wadhama. N. T. 1?^ Greenfleid Msu. wmra SSdSmw. v.. llfplaln City. Ohio. IN HANDS OF ENEMY. PRIVATE: , , u?, COLAHAN. Wayne J- I^wlstown. Mm. irrTTT-n IN ACTIOS (PREVIOUSLY RE PORTED SEVERELY WOUNDED). private?? LIETZ, William. Salt I?ke City, Utah. SEVERELY "WOUNDED IS AuxxvS (ilfr | VIOUSLY REPORTED MISSING). PRIVATE: ROSE, J. F? Salinevflle, Ohio. TK HANDS OF ENEMY (PBJTVIOUtttY RE 1P0RTED MISSING IS ACTIOS). PRIVATE: DOMKB, Fred H., St. I?nla, Mo. trrr.T.Tm m ACTIOS. PRIVATES: _ _ DALRYMPLE, Henry IL, Shreyeport, I*. EDWARDS, George H-, Brooklyn N. *. FARLEY, Peter V.. Whttehoum? Station, N. J. PETRIK, Joseph F., Fairfax, Iowa. DIED OF WOUSD&. LIEUTENANTS: T?t >_ ?M BURRELL, Guthrie O., New JLeringtM. Ohio. RANSOM. Glenn D? Hamilton, Ind. CORPORAL: ' SHEEHAN. E. John. New York. H. x. privates . I BRUMFIELD, Roger T_ Kansas City, Kan. ' GARCIA, Joseph P., Alboquertiue. N. m. HARDEMAN, Oliver R., Augusta, Ga. HARMAN, Lester L., Wnchester, Ini HEFLIN, William G.. West Union, W. LEUER. Harry. New York, N. Y. MARTIN. Abraham V.. Ijincastel, Pa. WEBB, Joseph F? Boff, Okla. nnm FROM ACCIDENT ASS OTHER CAUSES. SERGEANT: I LEAHY. Daniel. Taunton. Wf HAtSt?EC)HT]IPaul R-. Reading. Pa. BAHM^Se J. BL. Wilson. Kan. HENSLEY, William B.. MartlnTille, Pa. KUBAT, Joe. Philadelphia. Pa. SNOW. Elone J.. Leominster. Maaa. DIED OF DISEASE. GIBSORobert 1L. Houston. Tex. ARMSTB(?G!'rLeoi?rt B? Oklahoma Oty, GOLDEN. John 3~, Philadelphia. Pa. CORPORAL: M0R1N, Fred E., Rosita, CoL PRIVATES: DOWELL. Roy, iTlnrtrajKy. DUNPHY, Page M., Towson, Md. EMERSON. I*wls D., Weston, WjVa. FAIRBROTHER, Charles H.. Metric 1 FORTIER, Victor, Bay St. lonis. Miss. GILBERT, Oscar,_Gandy, I*. LEE. Columbns. Baltimore. Md. MARCHESKI. Paris. Ifc<^, Italy. MUELLER, Fred W. F. Chicago, m. NEU. Clarence Emil, De Smet, 8. D. REPSHER, Ammon N., Pen Argyl, Pa. SHEFFIELD. Raymond M.. Statham, Ga. IpESlERDonaldS.Mode^C^. STILr.E. Edward F., Edwardsrille. 111. SUTTER, Frederick J.. Conneant. Ohio. TRASK. George C., Salem. Mass. TUCKER. William H., Modoc, Ga. WHITEFIBLD. iTory, Anding. Miss WOUSDED SEVERELY. STOK^^^eriSi B.. Sew York, S. Y. PBTEMOsfto'rtin B.. St. Psul, IB*. CORPORALS: ADAMS. Frank, Philadelphia. Pa. FECR8T0CK. Fred W.. Bay City, Mlefc. SPOONER, Walter B.. CUmax, Neb. STANLEY. 5IS8BOR] 3ERTHEK, iu PRIVATES: _ ALLEN. Talmadge B^ I^aa, La. BARBER. Mt J.. Cart. Arte. BELL. Janh JL. Jackap?. Ala. fttftTENLAub. Paif*- Tmyw?5PlJ POUGEX. ruranee J., Detroit, Mich. BILABDO-, John, Cleveland, Ohio.. CONLON, John P., Brooklyn, N. T. PARR. William F., Prnltport. Mich. GAIMARI, Peter Bprintfleld. Man. McDERMOTT, Peter J.. New York, V. X? MATNEY, John W., Kin* City, Mo. NAJBH. William XL, Detroit. Mich. NICHOLSON, Harold J., Charleston 3 NOWAK, William J.. Brooklyn. N. T. PKBRT, Charles C.f Belleplain, N. J. ROBINSON. George P.. little Rock. Ark. 8HAUGHN E8SKT. John J., Roxbury, Mam. 8TADE, Henry W., Chicago, I1L WOUNDED?DEGREE LIEUTENANT! LUGTON, Charles S.t Hyde Park, ] SERGEANTS: BAUMANN, George, St. Louis, Mo. CU8HING, George R, Philadelphia, Pa. GOLD8TEIN, Jacob T.. Pittsburgh, Pa. W)OS, George C., Brooklyn, N. x. MOAT8, Hobart M., Villica, Iowa. 8TEINMETZ. Robert A.. Blrdaboro, Pia. CORPORALS: BENNIS, Ernest. New York, N. T. HART, William W.. Philadelphia, Pa. HOPPLE, George K., Philadelphia, Pa. LAMOUREAUX, Walter L., Waterbory, Conn. LEE, Tommie A., Norwood, N. C. MOSKAL, Joe V., Chicago. 111. SINCLAIR, Harold, Baker, Mont. TRUMBLE. Leo H., Troy, N. Y. DUFFY, Michael P., Scrahton, Pa. PAGE. Haskell E., Benson, N. C. WAGONER: GILLILAND, Joseph W., Mount Ayr, Iowa. PRIVATES: ANDERSON, James, New York, N. Y. ANDERSON, William H., Brooklyn, N. Y. BECK LING, Jacob, Brooklyn, N. Y. BUCHANAN, Manson A., Greenscreek, N. OL CLIFFORD. Timothy D., Brooklyn, N. Y. A COVAL, John, Old Forge, Pa. BGAN, Michael, Brooklyn, N. Y. DRURY, Ralph, Tarentum, Pa. FEGER, Joseph M., Philadelphia, Pa. GASS, Clarence Reading, Pa. KELLY, James, New.York, N. Y. LAMB, Seth C., Bin jbamton, N. Y. LAMB, William, Paxton, Ind. LUCAS. William E., Potts Grove, Pa. McCARTHYjfcroe, Tucson, Arls. McCLURE,*ohu L., Prairie du Chien, Wis. McMILIjAN, Charles J., Tampa, Fla. McNEAL, Clareifce, Brady. Neb. MARTIN, Byron D., Denver, Col. MATTEO, James, Philadelphia, Pa. MORI ARTY, Patrick J., Holyoke, Maaa. MULVEY, James V., Brooklyn, N. Y. NEARY, Walter, Brooklyn, N. Y. O'HARA. Itobert, Brooklyn, N. Y. OLINGER, Owen L., Curtis, Neb. PKRAZZOLA, Carlo, Smock, Pa. RICE, Howard R., Atlanta, Mich. SMITH, Stanley J., Charlestown, Mass. STEPHENS, Joseph J.. Omaha. Neb. WEBER, Frederick R., Philadelphia, Pa. ZACHER, Leo C., Brooklyn, N. Y. ADKINS, Walter, Ferguson, W. Ya. BERGH, Francis P., Montevideo, Minn. BRISTLE. Roy J., Chicago. 111. CRISWELL, Joseph F., Philadelphia, Pa. DUN'KELBERGER, Harry B., Pottsrffle. Pk. JAN8SEN, Henry W., Pomeroy, Iowa. MARK, Sabatino, Del Sole 19, Italy. MASON, Harold F.. Nassau, Minn. MITCHELL, Daniel W., Brandy Camp, Pa. OLANDER, Gilbert C., Chicago, 111. PACICCA, Frank N., Syracuse, N. Y. PERSONIU8, Lawrence D., Elmlra, N. Y. PIERCE, Henry H., Lexington, Mo. 8IMANDL, Joseph, Chicago, I1L SLATER, Edmund P., Brooklyn, N. Y. TATON, John W., Emmett, Ark. WILLS, Frank E., West Lebanon, N. H. WININGER, Martin, Northampton, Mass. WOUNDED SLIGHTLY, LIEUTENANT: SHELATA, Andy F., Detroit, Mich. SERGEANTS: OPPERMANN, John H., Butler, Pa. CARROLL, Arthur P., Jackson, Mich. DWYER, Frank, Baraboo, Wis. GREEN, Harry C., Jackson, Mich. KALABURKA, Joseph, Lackawanna, N. Y. McKINLEY. Archie, Linden, Mich. .O'BRIEN, Charles J., Stevens Point, Wis. CORPORALS: HAN WAY, George H., Charlestown, Mass. HAYES, Wilbur B., Chesterville, Ontario, Canada. SHARON. Leo. Bay City, Mich. 8TEFFEE, Earl H., New York, N. Y. LEFLEUR, Chauncey D., Glenpark, N. Y. STOUT, Clifford, Fremont, Ohio. YANDEL, Marshal, Emory, Tex. MECHANIC: VALENTE, Lawrence, Brooklyn, N. Y. WAGONERS * THORNTON, Everett L.. Providence. R. I. TIMMS, Howard, Mentor, Ohio. PRIVATE8: AHEARN, George T., Soutli Boston, Mass. BANCEVICH, Joseph, Grand Rapida, Mich. BOWEN, Archer W., Salem, N. J. BURNS, Frank, Coopersville, Mich. EBBEN, Peter J., Racine, Wis. EISENLORD, Howard G., Farmington, Mich. EISING, Arthur, Detroit, Mich. FRIEDMAN, Abe, Pittsburgh, Pa. FROCK, Stephen F., Baltimore, Md. KISER, Columbus, Wilder, Va. LEVISON, Alexander. McDonald, Pa. McCAULEY, Oliver JT, New York, N. Y. MANKE, Percy M., Springville, N. Y. MAPES, Lee W., Nashville, Mich. SEIHEN, Nicholas, Pittsburgh, Pa. TISGflAUSER, Leonard, Detroit, Mich. USTAINKjD, Michael, Wezeda, Russia. WATERMAN, Roy, Rose Cil$, Mich. WEEKS, Gerald P., Minneapolis, Minn. WENDLAND, August, Lynaon Station, Wis. WHITE, James, Atlanta, Ga. BROWN, James I., North Wis. GROCE, George L.. Fulton, Iowa. CROTTEAU, Reuben L., Stevens Point, Wis. CURRAN, Victor A., PhiUips, Wia. DALEY, James M., New York, N. Y. EVANS, Luther C., Antioch, Tenn. GIBSON, Hugh E., La Grande, Ore. HODGES, Richard E., Mt. Pleasant. Mich. KISTNER, Jacob D., Buffalo, N. Y. LANDRY, Frank E., Gardner, Mass. McCABE, Irving, Buffalo, N. Y. McDONALD, Joe, Cedar, Minn. McKELLAR, Clarence, Greenwood, S. O. MACCINI, Giulio, Somerville, M? OREN, James, Pipestone, Minn. OSBORN, John, Dodge Center, Mlnif. PALMER, Earl O., San Antonio, Tex. PORAT, Albert, Bristol, Conn. RAWLINSON, Odell, Rock Hill, 8. 0. RLDROFF, John C., St. Louis, Mo. SHAPIRO, Louis, Jersey City, N. J. SIEMIANTKOWSKI, Frank. Detroit, bOLLENBERGER, Lawrence L., Carlisle. Pa. SQUIRES, William, Detroit, Mich. Warrin B-. Broadbrook, Conn. ^ Samuel W., Line ville, Iowa. WATSON, Eddie M., Blanchard, Okla. WADLER, Fred W., Gleason. Wis. MISSING IN ACTION. PRIVATES: BARTHOLOW, John, Chaneysville, Pa. HERR, Willie A., Browndale, Minn. HYDE, Sam M.. Card well. Mo. VtCt^^LKI?' WacUw- Bridesborg, Pa. PHILLIPS, Joe A., Carrolton, Ga. REESE, Edward G.? Delphos, Ohio. SINGE, Luigi, Utica. N. Y. MannillS? Route 1, Skinnerton. ai? WRISTON, Ira F? Artie, W. Va. |D. C. GIRL SCOUTS ACTIVE IN COMBATING INFLUENZA | Diet Kitchen "Under Their Auspices Working: Overtime Providing Food for 1,200 Patients. That the District Girl Scouts are doing their "bit" in combating influ enza is shown in the announcement that the diet kitchen under their au spices is working overtime providing suitable food for 1,200 patients on their distribution list. Appeals for aid have come from civilian physicians and nurses- who have as patients government workers whose homes are outside of Washing ton, and from officials in the Signal Corps and the office of the surgeon general. In the two latter Instances aid Is I sought for clerics 111 with, disease In I tented rooms. Miss Elisabeth Bache of Troop No. 9 has aharge of the work, and she is ably assisted by members of her troop and representatives from other tmpe. Automobiles have been do nated for the distribution of the foods and additional donations of $42 have been received to carry on the work. iffl'imi?i i Mr. Investor: A DOWNTOWN APARTMENT HOUSE Renting for <3,300 a year. Ex penses very low: Six five and six room apartments. Can be bought for *25,000. Terms can be arranged if de sired. This is a real bargain. Shannon & Lochs Main 2345. 713 14th St. S.w. WEST VIRGINIA DEMOCRATIC CONGRESIONAL HEADQUARTERS National Hotel, Room S West Virginians Invited to Call n. SEVEN OFFICERS AND 48 MEN LOCATED IN GERMAN PRISONS Names of seven officers and forty eight enlisted men in German prison camps are announced by the War De partment. The officers are: Gapt, Benjamin P. Burpee, Man? Chester, N. a, at Vlllingen; Lieut. Charles W. Drew, Philadelphia, in hospital at Met*; Lieut. Alan Wins low, River Forest, HI., in hospital at Treves; Lieut. Cbarles R Codman, Boston, at Rastatt, and Lieuts. Henry L. Rothman, St. Louis; Philip W. Von Saltza, New York; Howard W. Ver wohlt. Tiltonville, Ohio, at unknown camps and in good health. The enlisted men are: ? Private (flrst class) Maurice T. Kelliher, Boston, Mass.; Private Se bastian Guidice, Ragusa, Sirocusa, Italy; Private Tony Ganzi, Cisterno, Italy; Private (first class) Albert B. Carson, Brooklyn, N. T. (believed to be identical with Private Albert D. Carl son) ; Private Carmelo Atorio, Rome, N. Y.; Corp. William E. Ludwig, Buffalo, N. Y.; Corp. Martin A. Lorber, Brook lyn, N. Y.; Private Casimer Lubecki, Buffalo, N. Y.; Sergt. Adolph W. A. Stuck, East Brighton, N. Y.; Private Samuel L. Eckenrode, Newville, Pa.; Private Frank Riester, Brooklyn, N. Y.; Privatk (first class) Harry Waxelbaum, Brooklyn, N. Y.; Private George J. Mllrath, Silver Creek, New Philadelphia, Pa.; Private (first class) Russell C. Harrison, Lafayette, Ind.; Private Kinsey Dyer, Ellijay, Ga.; Private Ernesto Sposi, Bristol, Conn.; Private Vandeian Thweatt, Paducah, Ky.; Private Charles S. Brown, Water bury, Conn.; Private Ernest Van Oost, Rock Island, 111.; Private (first class) Claude M. Roth, Carlisle, Pa.; Private Allen J. Stevens, Carlisle, Pa.; Corp. George H. Haslam, Carlisle, Pa.; Pri Y. M. C. A. MAN WASHES 12,000 CUPS IN 12 HOURS Benjamin B. Townsend, Pittsburgh Millionaire, Sets Record?10,000 Gallons of Coffee Served in Bay. LONDON, October 17 (by mail).? Washing-12,00(1 cups in twelve hours was the record established by one worker of the seven agencies serving the American fighting men?Benjamin R. Townsend, a millionaire of Pitts burgh, now a Y. M. C. A. secretary. Serving out 10,000 gallons of coffee in a day was another record estab lished by "a woman Y. M. C. A. can teener. The figures give some idea of the vast service done by the seven organizations making the United war work campaign for $170,500,000. Mr. Townsend, who in ante-bellum days made his private golf links his chief diversion, showed another side of himself when he established the record by washing 12,000 cups in a twelve-hour stretch. This feat was performed when the Y. M. C. A. was j conducting the Riverside canteen, I along the Liverpool docks of the Mer sey, since turned over to the Red. Cross. Mr. Townsend dived into the thick est and hardest of this kind of work; and a rather spirited rivalry sprang up between him and R Ross Maclver, another Pennsylvanian, formerly con nected with the customs department at Philadelphia, as to which could get away with the most work. All honors were conceded to Townsend. however, the day he washed the 12,000 mugs. Another cofTee record established at Riverside "Y" canteen was that of Mrs. F. N. Bell, a Liverpool woman, who, during one twelve-hour day, served 10.000 gallons of coffee to in coming troops. Much of this coffee, however, was served by merely plac-' ing the large cans ready for the boys and giving them the mugs with which to dip out for themselves. On an other occasion Mrs. Bell served 2,500 cups of coffee in four hours, pour ing out each cup herself, each cup being washed every time it was used. A Recuperative Diet In Influenza. Horlick's Malted Milk, very digestible.?Ad vertisement. WILL HURRY BIG SHIPS. Needed Most at Present to Care for Military Program. The Navy Department and the War Industries Board are to co-operate with the shipping board in getting Into commission newly launched ves sels needed to take care of the War Department's enlarged military pro gram. According to Chairman Hurley of the shipping board the need at present Is for vessels of 10,000 tons and over. Construction of smaller vessels will proceed, he said, but not at the ex pense of the large freighters. Though no radical change will be made in the building program of the Emergency Fleet Corporation at the present time, it was intimated that in the future the majority of contracts will be for the larger type of ships. vate (first class) Daniel Marley, Brooklyn, N. Y.; Private Asaph L. Marther. Union City, Pa.; Private Earl Nell, Meno, Okla.; Private George Davis, Hlllsboro, Tex.; Private (first class) James Hayes, Bridgeport, Conn.; Private Michaele Maratoni, Plymouth. Pa. (believed to be iden tical with Private Michael Mikalonis). Lechfeld. Bavaria?Private Raymond W. Harwood (first class). Mills, N. T. Cassel?Private Lyman W. Dries baugh, Dalton, Pa. Lansdorf?Corp. Warren L. Andrews, Meriden, Conn. Neuhammer?Private Curtis E. Tay lor, Silver Hill. W. Va. Lineburg?Private John H. Nixon, Empire, Ohio. Giessen?Private Raymond H. Gib bons, Dunmore. Pa.; Corp. Harold Buchter, Greentown. Pa. Tuchel?Private Harry Efconard, Camden, N. J. Hospital at Hammelburg?Private Harry L Northeimer. Reading. Pa. Previously reported deceased, now reported as prisoner of war at Darmstadt?Private Ttiomaa Stones (believed to be identical with Private Thomas P. Stone), Lockland, Ohio. Previously reported killed in action, now reported prisoner of war in Ger many, good health, camp unknown? Private Jazet Butkus (believed to be identical with Private Joseph But kus), Chicago, 111. Reported in good health, camp un known?Private Leon Pimstein. Chi cago, 111.; Private (first class) Walter Kaupienis. Pittsburgh. Pa.; Private Charles Kaiser, Aurora. Ind.; Private Charles B. Lewis, Northeast, Pa.; Pri vate (first class) Raymond S. Mc Laughlin, Erie, Pa.; Private James R. Thomas, Lebanon, Ky,; Private (first class) Charles W. Gram, Erie, Pa.; Private John Gross, Philadelphia, Pa.; Private Frederick A. Fleeman, Erie, Pa. RIFLE RECORD IS SET AT SPRINGFIELD ARMORY Daily Average of 1,400 Weapons Beached in Half of October. A new record In the production of United States rifles, caliber .30, model of 1903, has been made at Springfield armory by attaining a daily average of 1,400 rifles for the first two weeks of October, according to a statement by the War Department today. Many spare parts also are being manufac tured for repairs. This record substantially exceeds the schedule, which called for a pro duction during October of 1,200 per day. t Production at Springfield, the state ment says, has been uniformly sat isfactory, showing a rapid and steady increase from sixty rifles a day be fore our entrance into the war to I 1,000 a day in November, 1917, since which time there has been a steady climb to the present record figure. Al though this figure is considerably in excess of estimated capacity, it is ex pected a new record will be estab lished in the near future. Representative Waives Exemption. GAINESVILLE, Tex., October 30.? ! Marvin Jones, member of Congress } from this district, has waived his ex j emption as a member of Congress and has been placed in class 1-A of the draft. Jones, who is one of the young est members of Congress, has just re ! turned from the war zone. ? Visible Grain Supply. I NEW YORK. October 30.?The vlsi | ble supply of American and bonded grain shows the following- changes: I Wheat increased 5,996,000 bushels. Corn decreased 448,000 bushels. Oats decreased 52,000 bushels. Ry? in creased 779,000 bushels. Barley de^ creased 415,000 bushels. Baltimore Steam Packet Line Chesapeake Steamship Line SUNDAY SAILINGS BETWEEN NORFOLK AND OLD POINT AND BALTIMORE RESUMED Steamer of Chesapeake Lino will leave Norfolk for Baltimore SUNDAY, November 3, and steamer of Baltimore Steam Packet line SUNDAY, November 10, at 6:30 P.M., and thereafter steamers of these lines will alter nate on SUNDAYS. Tickets of both lines will be honored on SUNDAY steamers. Business Honrs: 10 A- M. to 0 P. M. Army and Navy Uniforms Sold at Actual Cost Chauffeurs' Uniforms At $35 THESE smart suits, for the Man at the Wheel, are more individual in style than heretofore and are tailored from all-wool Oxfords or fine whip cord. There is a complete range of sizes and a varied assortment of styles to select from. Chauffeurs* regulation Caps, blue, black oY gray w .$3 Chauffeurs? regulation Gloves: Gauntlets.. . .$5 to $9 Regulars..... .$3.50 to $7.50 Chauffeurs? Puttees, cowhide or cordovan.... .$7 to $15 Chauffeurs? Shoes to match, $6.50 to $12 The Avenue at Ninth. U.S. ARMY STANDS WITH GOVERNMENTON PEACE If Ordered to ligbt On, Will Do So; * If to Stop, It Will Do Thi?. By the Anocltted Pkml WITH THE AMERICAN ARMY NORTHWEST OF VERDUN, October 29.?Germany's reply to President Wilson's latest communication and the reports concerning the Austrian note requesting a separate peace to night had reached virtually the farthest advanced American troops throughout this sector. As was the case with the previous notes and the various political de velopments of recent weeks, the news was promptly communicated to the fighting line by telephone from main headquarters through the Army corps divisions and down to the bridges where it was practicable. Be hind the lines, where the news spread more rapidly, the men have watched the developments with that keen ness of intelligence that marks the citizen Army. The rank and file do not hesitate to comment and speculate on the final outcome of the negotiations, but in his long trips over the front and behind the iines the correspondent has found at each step that the dis position of the men is to speculate on the character of the next develop ment rather than to express an opin ion of what should be done. The bulk of the American Army now has been soldiering long enough and seen enough hard fighting to become imbued with the principle that it is the American's duty to fight if ordered .so to do and to accept without any question the orders of his government upon whose request he entered the war and upon whose decision he is willing to abide. In other.words, the general Army viewpoint is that if the American government declares for an armistice, [then an armistice is what the Army will approve of. If not,- well and good; the men will go on fighting. The discussion of the situation has mostly been quiet and earnest, but there also has pervaded the typical American jocularity, with wierd bets being made as to when and how the war will end. Meantime the fighting goes on, men are landing at the bases and the great war machine moves forward as if peace had never been mentioned. OFFICERS REASSIGNED. Believed of Present Duties, Will Report to Inspector General. The following: officers have been re lieved from their present duties and ordered to report to the inspector general of the Army in this city for duty: Majs. Matthew B. Carson,. Colby M. Chester, Walter H. Griffin and Royal A. Stone, infantry, and Capts. Albert G. Chase, John K. Cleary, infantry; William D. Conrad, Fits T. Dtxot* Colgate Hoyt. Jr., field artillery; Bob* ert E. McGUl, Infantry; Parnell Mc Kenna, Held artillery; Howard Tata. infantry. One-Ton Trucks PROMPT DELIVERIES. HILL * TIBBITTS MOT H St. Jf.W. Phones Mill HI14H1 FOR SALE i Valuable Store Property New, Attractive, Modern 738 12th St, BeL G and H A splendid location for high- ? ' class trade. Purchasers are at tracted to a new store; you are I no doubt tired of trying to do J business In a patahed-up, dingy old building. j Price reasonable; terms easy. Thoroughly well constructed by } a high-class builder?arranged I so that the second and third floors can be rented separately. Stone & Fairfax 1342 New York Ave. I ? For Sale 3812 Jenifer St N.W. - Lot 100 Ft Front Immediate Poaaeaaloa. Price, $14,500.00 2863 29th St N.W. Immediate Possession Price, $12,000 2851 29th St N.W. Poaaeaaloa December 1 Price, $13,500 2857 29th St N.W. POHseaalOB January 1st. Price, $13,000 A. C. Moses Co., | The Clearing House for Real Estate f Our Office Offers Advantages v for Selling Property Tliat J Are Unequaled. y Important to Owners? X | If you have property to sell, why not list it where the chances are all in favor of its sell ? ing quickly? Property listed with us has a thor $ oughly equipped, conveniently located office and ? a full force of experienced salesmen at work on ? it?it's exclusively advertised?it is thoroughly f. exploited in every manner known to be effective. X That we sell more real estate than any other of ? fice in town is traceable directly to our superior X facilities and the fact that our office is so well tjp known to every one in Washington and is ? thought of first when any question of. real estate X arises. X Y ! Consult Us About Selling Your I Property x 4 STONE & FAIRFAX 1342 New York Avenue y <: ?111 Hill 1111 Htl 1 UH ^ Stone & Fairfax, 1342 New York Ave. t t>~ x | We Want Houses to f | Sell at $15,000 | ?* ^ ~ ? + 4" . """ "T" 7 ' + T f * +? We have customers | | for first-class residences. + -r. J Owners wishing to sell i please send particulars | I to Stone & Fairfax, | | sellers of high-grade | | properties. + + * I STONE & FAIRFAX 1342 New York Ave.