Newspaper Page Text
XAXETP. 2QBXHB0V BZE8. /Xyattrrille Boy Had Been Dit ehszfed Rom Army for Disability. HTATtfSVILiJE. October *0.?Harry W. BoUhmv twenty-two, son of Mr. mad Mrm. Trmnk. J. Robinson, died oarty this monitor of pnetrmonla. ru pertadaosd by Inlstm A brother, 8taal?y Robinsos, la reported 111 of the Malady, while the father aad a ?later are reoorerlng from attacks of tte disease. Toon? Robinson discharged several months ago from the Army owing to physical disability, being stationed at the time at'Camp MoClellan, Annlston. Ala. He served on the Mexican border with Com pany F of the Maryland National Guard. The young man attended the local and Washington schools, and at one time was employed by a bank of Washington. He had been recently connected with the Alleghany Coal Company, Washington. Funeral ar rangements have not been completed. If yon want work read the want col umns of The Star. ASKS ma ALFOHSCS AID. ] Son of Former Pretender Wants Property in Vienna Protected. PARIS, Saturday, October 2C.?The unsettled conditions in Vienna are indicated in the following message addressed to King Alfonso of Spain from Don Jaime, son of the former pretender. Don Carlos, which has been picked up from the wireless here: "Please do me the favor to order your Vienna ambassador to act as the custodian of my household effects. I will be eternally grateful." Copyright, 1918. Hut Sfhiffnrr 1 Good fabrics are e(good business" HERE'S one thing you mustn't lose sight of if you want clothes that last and save?get good fabrics* Prices are higher; and In many clothes, fabric-quality is lower. Ours isn't. We make all-wool clothes at always; we guarantee your satis* faction with fabric, style, wear, taik>ring,dye?as we always have. You pay more for such clothes v |mt they're worth it* / Hart Schafifner & Marx Clothes that save [You know you're getting good fabrics in Hart Schaffnct & Marx clothes; that's why we sell them Raleigh Haberdasher, > IVaBaylvjana Ave. N.W. Woodward & Lothrop, 10th, nth, F and G Sts. WILLIS HORN AD AY DIES OF INFLUENZA Son of Newspaper Cqrre spondent Dies in City. Other Deaths Reported. Willis L. Hornaday, son of J. P. Hornaday, correspondent of the In dianapolis News in Washington, age twenty-two, died Sunday morning of complications superinduced by Span ish influenza. Funeral services were | conducted at his home, 1419 Newton street northwest, yesterday afternoon by Rev. Arthur I* Hitchcock. Inter ment was at Rock Creek cemetery. Mr. Hornaday, who had been an invalid all his life, was born in In dianapolis, but had lived In this city for a number of years. Byron Buchanan. Private Byron Buchanan of 939 M street northwest died yesterday at Camp Meade, Md., of pneumonia fol lowing- Spanish influenza. James R. Oxford. Private James Rollington Oxford of 158 Portland street southeast died Sunday at St. Elizabeth Hospital of pneumonia, following influenza. Fu neral services were held yesterday afternoon at his home. Interment was at Arlington. Private Oxford was twenty-three years of age. He is survived by his widow and two children; his parents, Mr. and Mrs. George R. Oxford; two sisters, Helen Oxford and Mrs. W. San ford, and a brother, George Oxford, Jr. Private Oxford enlisted in the Medi cal Corpa of the Army last September, following a previous enlistment In the Navy. He was In the Navy during the occupation of Vera Cruz. Deaths from Influenza reported up to noon follow: liottie Griffith, 31 years, 484 Ridge street northwest; Mary E>. Smith, 52 years, 1613 6th street northwest; Martha Bell, 34 years, 214 I street southeast; Bart Sims, 68 years, 744 Howard place southeast; Ernest Dorsey, 2 years, 389 Clark court southwest; William Riley, 29 years, St. Elizabeth Hos pital; Thomas F. Davis, 21 years, 409 21st street northwest; Ammanda Jackson, 32 years, 1822 4th street northwest; Will E. Bradley, 44 years, St. Elizabeth Hospital; Claude Law son, 32 years, St. Elizabeth Hospital; Annie Martin, 24 year* Walter Reed Hospital; Marcus Osterman, 30 years, St. Eliabeth Hospital; May Greer. 34 years. U. S. P. H. S. Hospital; Francis C. Anderson, 30 years, Walter Reed Hospital; Ralph W. Tripp, 28 years, U. S. P. H. S. Hospital No. 2; Annie E. Foward, 51 years, U. S. P. H. S. Hospital No. 2; Lawrence J. Wil son. 28 years, 739 Harvard street northwest; Robert Sommerville, 53 years, 320 Dixons court southwest; William Dennle, 55 years, Washington Asylum Hospital; Samuel Bailey, 26 years, 365 H street southwest; Arthur H. Broadus, 24 years, 824 3d street southwest; Bessie I. Roderick, 4 years, 323 12th street southwest; Ella Ar thur. 40 years, Washington Asylum Hospital; Joseph A. Hayden, 32 years, U. & P. H. S. Hospital; Mary L. Ep pard, 26 years, Providence Hospital; Elsie M. Hall, 6 years, 737 Howard avenue southeast; John R Williams, 26 years, 51 Canal street southwest; Richard Wilson, 33 years, 215 C street southwest; Ella Lee Doyle, 39 years, 1005 3d street southeast; Bessie Thomas, 8 yearsi 915 Greens oourt northwest. ADDED TO OTRANTO DEAD. Sergt. Blackson Victim of Sea Dis aster?Six Survivors Announced. The name of Sergt. Burroughs C. Blackson of Penona. Fla., has been added to the list of American soldiers lost in the sinking of the British steamer Otranto off the coast of Scot land October 6. Names of six additional survivors from the Otranto are announced. Try Loganberry The flavor is made from fresh Loganberries. We use many berries to make the flavor for a single Jiliy-Jell dessert. The flavor comes inliquidfoim ?In a vial. So It gives to Jiffy Jell a wealth of fresh-fruit taste. It comes ready-sweetened, and the cost is slight. A single pack age serves six people. There are ten flavors, but try Logan berry. Ask your grocer for it now. Try Pineapple flavor too. v Tmo Packagn for 25 Cants JIFFY* JELL?Waukesha, Wlmada (MP I * New Location The Original Establishment of W. R. Speare, Undertaker, Founded 1872 at 940 F St N.W. Now Located at 1208 H St. N.W. (Opposite Masonic Temple) W. R. Speare Co. Almus E. Speare Willis B. Sp?ur? Clyde J. Viohols ? DLITT ? ess be counted en to do year Paintlne. Paperksag inc or Upholstering la a EI GARRISON A NEW FALL STYLE IN jf/1on(afIar8 smiioiiiffWPUN fOR CURRtHT SEtffSIEK Time Lost Became of Epidemic Kay Be Begained by Intensi fying Study Comae*. General policies affecting school claaa terms and studies for the rest of the current semester are being worked out by a committee of the primary and intermediate directors of the public schools of the District under the supervision of Superinten dent of Schools Ernest X* Thurston. Mr. Thurston said today that in all probability all the time lost through the epidemic, which amounts practi cally to a month, will be regained by intensifying study courses and by cutting down vacation periods. He said there will be no extra time added to the school semesters either in February or in June. "The schools will open In full work ing order next Monday," said the superintendent. "There are many problems that will have to be worked out between now and that time, bear ing largely on reconstruction of classes to make up the time lost, but I expect they will have been thor oughly illuminated by the time the schools open and that we will resume our schedule where it was ended with full determination to make up the lost time by dint of harder work. "It Is fortunate that the closing came in the early part of the semester, rather than toward the end or in the middle of the half-year, for that en ables us better to arrange our courses to suit the changed conditions." WINTHROP L0CKW00D IN GERMAN HOSPITAL First Direct Word Comas to Parents Since Ho Was Reported Miss ing In Action. The first direct word from Winthrop Lockwood, son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Lockwood, Jr., 2212 Massa chusetts avenue northwest, since he was reported "missing in action" in June last, has Just been received by his parents here. The word from the son comes on three brief postal cards, dated re spectively June 10, June 20 and July 21. The first was written Just two days after his capture by the Ger mans. The cards announce that the young man was, at the time of writ ing, well and engaged in nursing in a German hospital. Young Lockwood was first reported missing in action; then later an nouncement was made by the Ger mans that they held him as a prison er. He enlisted with, the District of Columbia ambulance unit which train ed at Allentown, Pa. His brother, Chester Lockwood, is in the Navy. Deaths Reported. Deaths reported to the health department In the last twenty-four boon follow: William Biley, 28 rears, St. Elisabeth Hos pital. Josephine D. Beibold ,78 years, 1248 Girard street northwest. . _ Bailie entiling, 83 years. Tuberculosis Hos pital. Hose C. Houston, 78 rears, 3121 X street. Kdns Cook. 8 jears, 207 Bates street. Annie ????', 24 yean. Walter Seed Has pltai. Will K. Bradley. 44 yean, St. Elisabeth Hos pital. Claade Iawsou, 32 yean, St. Elisabeth Hos pital. Msrcns Osbermaa, SO yean, St. Elisabeth Hospital. _ _ May Greer, St yean, V. 8. P. H. 8. Hos pital. Albert F. Parsons, 48 yean, 28 Iowa circle. James B. Oxford. 28 years, Congress Heights. Frank M. Black well, 86 years. St. Elisabeth Hospital. Willis D. Horaaday, 22 years, 1418 Newton street. Jack Martin, IT yean. National Training School tor Boys. Thomas J. Moats, 20 years, 1906 85th street northwest. Herbert O. Hamilton, 18 years, Walter Beed Hospital. Robert Fehrs, 82 years, Walter Beed Hos pitaL. Pearl E. Canter, 28 yean. 610 11th street southeast* Karl 8. King, 22 years, 712 Jscksen wtreeC Vlncenzo Vlto, 42 yean, 465 C street sootb w?t. William E. Thompson, Jr., 81 years, 1832 Biltmore street northwest. Wade H. Durall, 81 years, 1877 Gales street. Julia F. Meehan, 49 yean, St. Elisabeth Hos pital. Curtis N. Bice, 85 years, 1108 D street sou tli west. Emms Bice, 24 years. Providence Hospital. Henry Fasehlnbnr, 22 years, St. Elisabeth Hospital. Noble M. Cain, 27 yean, St. Elisabeth Hoe pital. Gabriel Baldwin, 67 years, Washington Asy lam Hospital. Leon V. Walker, 28 yean, Walter Beed Hee pi George A. Hess, 7? ysers, 1827 34th street northwest. Ceridio Leone, 88 yean, 28#% 4H street ? JohiTv.' Harris, 72 yean, United States Sol diers' Home Hospital. Isaac Taggart, 71 yean, United States Sol diers' Home Hospital. Thomas E. Armstrong, 86 yean, Emergeoo H?Eojrene Hale, 82 years. 1001 18th street. Lee Hing, 58 years, Washington Asylum Hos PitBnth Payne, 22 years, Georgetown TTalrsrsity H James * H. WflHams, 80 yean. Casualty Hos P'john P. Miner, 27 years, 102 Canal strsst southwest. Msrgaret E. Oden, 18 yean. Tuberculosis Hospital. Msry Marshall. 71 yean, Washington Asy lum Hospital. Sanderson S. Cohn, 1 year, 808 28U> street northwest. Kola Deris, 23 ysan, Freedmen's Hospital. Bort Sims, 88 yean, 744 Howard place south' "Somas r. Davis. 21 years, 40* 21st street ""Amanda Jackson, 32 yean, 1322 4th street """Martha**Bell. 84 years, 214 I strast mtheast. Ernest Dorsey, 2 years, 838 Clark eoort sooth Mary E. Smith, 62 yean, 1818 8th street northwest. Lottie Griffin, 31 yean, 424 Bidfe street northwest. Raymond E. Thomas, 10 months, 2720 H street northwest. Willism 8. Smith, 83 yean, 1626 If street D?Gertrodc A. Walker, 8 yean, 36 H street *?ManSe'* Mack, 87 years, 1248 Wyli. street northeast. Tyson T. Barks, 38 ysers, Toberealssis Hoe Pi George Smith. 4 days, 2 Arlington place soathwest. CAUGHT TS ENEMY MBUgE Private J. A. Carnell, Washington, Eecoveriiig in Ho?pitaL While carrying a dispatch from a base unit" to a battalion in an attack ing position. Private John A. Carnell waa oaught In the enemy barrage. The ahrapnel flying down upon him tore his gas mask and he was subsequently overcome. He was taken to a base hospital where he is now recovering not only from - gas attack, bnt from shrapnel wounds In the shoulder. ' a letter telling of his experience was received by the boy's mother, Mrs. lUry Carnell, 83S 12th street north OoL Miller to Save Hew Duties. Col. Archie Miller. Signal Corps, has been relieved from duty at Garden City. Long Island. N. Y., ana ordered t. report to the director of military aaronautica in tbia city iuvdutjii CABDB 0F THAFKS. dssxkas. i wish t? 1^'l T" \ ml friends my sincere ?SPSS?!., tton for their kindness, symimthy *5?3Fl?r 22SWn^,v5?u*h/iSknekS BT BIS DEVOTED V/UK MAUDtlLlNlt A. DENKKAS. ixwiMu w. wish to w? rr^r??i thanks and appreciation to ??J?'? *"! nlatlna for the HW"''. ?f'??'. ? beautiful floral tribe ton at the beloved na, ARTHUR LAMA It KOWLEB. BX M0TH1K AMU FATHER. Ws wish to express m. and appreciation to our relatives snd f"e?ds for thalr kindness and sympathy at thai death of our beloved wife sad daughter, CATHE RINE C. HERBERT. ? HUE UUUitlD AND PARENTS. Twranrnr I wish to express to my rela tires and friends my sincere *?: preclatlon for their kindness, beautiful floral tributes sent at.thedeath of m> dearly beloved hust^nd, WUJJAM Q. KKXlimi:g BT HIS DEVOTED W1>E. LOWBX. We wish to express onr ?Jacere thanks and appreciation to relatives, menas, neighbors and my husband's ?*?J!5^2U?S the navy yard for kindness extended during the Illness of our husband ind ^*ter> GEO BOB CARTER LOWBT, and for W?' pathy and beautiful floral tributes at his de,tlBT HIS WIFE AND DAUGHTER. * OBBORN. I wish to express my sincere thanks and appreciation to my relatives and Wends StfM?.reawsss '?'?'iZ.iJTlii* 0. GfiBOES". PTE, I wish to express my daw"> and appreciation to my friends and rela tires for the kindness, sympathy "d besu tiful floral tributes at the death of my be loved husband, THOMAS PJt . BX HIS DEVOTED WIFE. THRUSH. We wish to express our slncers thanks and appreciation to our friends and relatives for the khidnMs, sympathy and beautiful floral tributes atthe death of our beloved daughter, ANNA 30. | iMS. vnwis Mr and Mrs. Max Ehnnan, at | ? riSSe.StaSlttT October 27. 1?18.( - I daughter, DIED. AJUtSTBOBO. Oa Monday, October J&UlSi feo&'S how'eiS^ ?TSs?? Fuaerel from'the'rSfrdenee of his statsr, Mrs. j Errett Wallace, 6814 Delaware street. Chewy Chase, Md., TburwUy, October 81, at 11 , a.m. BAILET. Departed this life oa Wednesday. October 80, 1918. at 13:20 o'clock, at the Freedmen's Hospital. after a brief WASHINGTON BAILET, the beloved | brother of Alice B. Powell. Notice of funeral hereafter. BAXXXET. 0a Sunday, October 2T, 1918. at I the Aviation Training tohool, St Paul, I Minn., of pneumonia, PHILIP BAILLEx, Funeral from his parents' residence, 285 South Capitol street, on Thursday, October I 81, at 2 p.m. Brief aervices at the house. Interment in Arlington national cemetery. Kelativea and friends invited. *0 i BOBBER. Oa Wednesday. October 80, at1:451 a.m., ROSE E. BONNER (nee Cook), beloved I wife of John J. Bonner. Notice of funeral hereafter from her late resi dence. 1207 Orren street northeast. BOTTIC. On Tuesday, October 2#, 1918, at 14211 Columbia road northwest. MARGARET V. BOUIC, aged seventy-six years. Services at her lsts residence Wedneaday even lng. Interment at Frederick, Md., on Thurs day, October 81. 31 BOWZEB. On Tuesday, October 29, 1918, at 5 o'clock, JOHN BOWZER, beloved son of Mrs. Ellen Bowser, brother of Harry Bowser. Funeral from his late residence. 414 D street j northeast, Thursday, October 8l, at 2 p.m. j BURNS. On October 24. 1918, at 2:20 a.m., at American Red Cross Military Hospital, Liverpool, England, JOHN IRVING BURNS, V. B. Marine Aviation, beloved son of Mr. and Mrs. George E. Burns (nee Irving), 2109 R street northwest, aged twenty-eight j years. Notice of funeral hereafter. 80* CANTER. On Monday. October 28. 1918, at I 1:88 a.m., at ber residence, 810 11th street southeast, PEARL E. CANTER, aged twen-1 1 Funeral*frontier late residence oa Thureday. October 81, at 10 a-m. rissTT. On Tuesday. October 28. 1918, at I her home, Brancbville, Md., MARIE R.,be loved wife of Joe tab K. Cassel and mother | of Blanche and Theodosla Powell. Funeral services at M. E. Church South I Thursday, October 81, at 2 o clock. CHAKCET. On Tuesday, October29. I ?:46 p.m., at her residence, 486 M street ^"wdbil^^mot^oTLillle E. Chancey, I I^ifenil'1 Mm?nhere*lst* residence, Friday, I November 1. at 3 o clock. 81 hi ijtoh On Tueaday, October 29, 1918, at ] h^pMente" residence, 109 ISth street northeast, LURA M.. beloved daughter of I Raise E. and Agnes K. Clinton. I raneral from her parenta' resldsnce on Bator I dav November 2, at 10 a.m. Relatives and ! m?ds tovited to attend. Interment at | Glen wood cemetery. 1 flOUTWQX. On October 80, 1918, at 8 a.m.. ALICE REED, widow of the late Alton W. j Corn well and mother of Jessie BOorawelL j Vnnenl Saturday. November 2, at 2 p.m., from l W^ghrs rtspel. 10th and O streets north ( wes* Interment at Congreastonal cemetery. | SATIS. Oa Tuesday, October 26. 1918, j THOMAS EARL, infant eon of Thomas L. I and Eleanor E. Davis (nee Dvwaes). God's will be dose. I MOTHER AND DADDT. j Funeral private. nAmfTLlT. On Monday, October 28, 1918, at ] 10 a.m.. at Georgetown University Hospital, NELLIE, beloved wife of John & Donnelly and beloved sister of Mrs. Egbert H. Hunter, %in iM<>nh O'Gorman, Mrs. Fnuik McGoyern, M? MiSael RiS?Ml? Delta Rafferty, Mr. Harry Rafferty and Mr. James Raflerty. *..?*ai from residence, 1809 H street north west, Thursday, October 81, at 9 a.m. Burial at Mount Olivet cemetery. 80 Oa Wedneaday. October_ 80, 19M, DOYLE, widow of Richard B. DOYXX. MARX Fnnerat" from the residence of her son-in-law, Chariea F. Boss. sr.. ?20 14th street north- j esst, Friday, November 1, 2 p.m. 81* raaaan. On Tuesday, October 29, 1918. I ItARX L. la the twenty-seventh year of her Sre beloved wife of Dr. George I. Eppard IS' daughter of J. B. and Mary C. Mulll Fum^I from ?>" P""1*' rwl?r'?f,;?r1rlg1 atn^t northeast, on PndiTi November l, at i 8 45 a i^Maei at St. Martin's Church at * Interment la Mooat OUvet cemt tery. On Tuesday, Octobsr 29.191S, at 8 I . m it her eon's residence, Bffwyn, Md., | KUZASBTH 2*t?ir i9?g T^onbard KxeL sr., ana beloved motner 2^5.r^mss. w jzs aOIsmTH. On Tneeday. October 2ft 1M*. atHaiborg. Pa.. HARRY M.. beloved by baid 5 Iiniaa Bmna Goldamlth and dearly lJSJed son of Sarah C. and the late Henry J. Goldsmith. Notice of funeral hweafter. GBABT. Departed this IKS on Monday, Oe toSr 28, 1918. at U JO p m.. at hla real Fort Stevens. Brlghtwood. P. u, GEORGE P.. beloved hnsbsnd of Pannle L. Grant (nee McClendoo). and devoted son of Martha aad the late Edward Grant. mteral Thureday, Oetol?r Sl. frmm bia late reaidence. Fort Stevens, Brlghtwood, D. C., st S o'clock p.m. Aviv Deoarted Hda We oa Sunday, October street soatbeast, KATE GRAY, dearly be loved mother of George Gray. In God's hssna of fadeless beauty, Kate ta mm a shtotogstar. Dwelling la the Holy city. With the heanaly gate ajar. mneral (private) from her late resldaaes, at 2 ^etork. Thareday. October 81. ; GOT, MICHEL 0EE8TE DEAD. One-Time President of Haiti Suc cumbs to PncTimnnio Troubles. new YORK. October 3#?Gen. Michel Oreate, one-time President of BAltl. died here yesterday of pneu monia and complications, aoon after landing at an American port from Prance. He became seriously ill dur 1 n<fen!ieOT?ste was born in Jacand, Haiti. Ilfty-nlne years aco. Educated in law, he was elected a member of the chamber of deputies of Haiti in isto, a senator In ltlli and president In HI*. A. re-volution by Gen. Tbeo-j dore and Oreata Zamor forced his abdication and flight in January. 1*14. He went t? Jamaica and _thence to Fails. W*er? he f DSD. mttiw Ob Toeeday. u* iaojs?M,T.P?a^j^3^ Theresa Halllsy |m Tsyioc), la tba thirty papers pleaae copy.) HAEOOMBE. On Tuesday. October 28, 1MJ. at 12? l?t street sontyast. *!?.?? loved wife of Charles Hareanbe, moujer 01 .even children. aee^r*e*tirelr?ro teen years to an Infant three ?J? " voted daughter of Julia ??"???a?r *1 Lacy A. Stewart and auat of Batolle C. and Mabel M. Jackwn. Tharsday. Funeral from ber late ? w^??,.SSWii October 31, at 8 p.m. Friends invitea. HERRITT. On Monday. <*'<*?? 'f? "A8}Ji* 10:50 a.m.. JKANKTrE E awed twenty sour years, beloved wife of John beloved daughter of Mrs. Pauline* t ' t Funeral (private) from Hanlon s, Ml H street northeast, Thursday, 9 a.m. HOUSTON. On Monday. October 28, 1918. aj 8:W p.m.. ROSE C. HOUSTON, mother of Mary F. Gosssge and sUter of the lste T. Funeral'from L. T. Clements' cbspel. 1241Wis consin srenue. at 2 M p.m. <? tober 81. Interment at Mount Olivet ceme tery. (Baltimore papers please copy.) mo. Departed this life Monday. 2S?2Sr m iflia ?? 2:45 P?in., at hit residence, UOsTS'tnil JOffiJ T- KING the belovjd husband of the lste Mary A. Kin* ana father of Charles Kins. Funeral from his Uts residence ?rW*? "?"? in*. November 1, at 10 o clock. Relatives and friends invited. S1 LOWE. Suddenly, on Monday. October M. 1818. JOHN W. LOWE, beloved son of Mary p -nti the late Louis P. Lowe. Notice of funeral hereafter. (Baltimore pa pers please copy.) MARSHALL. Departed this life suddenly. In Baltimore. Md.. on /J25SK, marshal^ pneumonia. MAUD HAl^HEB MARSHALL. She leaves to mourn her loss a mother. Emma Hatcher; sister, ^leSe and Maggie Gibson. and aunt. Mra. Maggie Interment* in Weverton. Md. (Front Royal, Va., papera please copy.) MoCABE. On October 28. 1918, at at her reaidence, 615 lsVc^rft?pU? beloved MARGARET (Pearl) McCABE, belovea daughter of Mary A. McCabe. atr^t Funeral from her late reaidence. 915 ttreet northwest. Relative* and frienda invited. MoLAKASAir. On Tuesday, October 29, 1918, after a long illness, GEORGE XAVIER Mc TiANAHAN, dearly beloved husband of Caro line Duer McLanahan, in the forty-seventh Funera^fprivato^'from his late ?sldOTea. 2?l Q atreet northwest, Thursday, October SI, at 2:30 p.m. TrrAT, Departed this life ^i5?S2t??<nraL? 29, 1918, in New Haven. MNOOOgP^NEAL. the son of Amand and the lata JeMia Heal snd brother ofJohn R. Neel andLittle Costley and nephew of Susan M. uoraey ana the late R. Jamea R. Dorsey. Notice of funeral later. NEWMAN. Departed this l''<!f)ctoVra!a81JJ; at o.ox at h?r residence, 14o C street souin iwstl GEORGIASA, beloved wife of Oaj*. S. Newrosn snd devoted mother of THlllem It, Burke, Elisabeth, Nelson 8. and Walter G. Newman (now with the American Expedi tionary Force in France). w Funeral from her late residence Thursday. Oc tober 31, at 1:30 p.m. al NEWMAN. Members of the Y. L. B. Star B. Association. No. 1. are herebj notlfled o^ the death of our late sister, GEORGIAN A NEWMAN. October^Wl^ M. L. MIDDLETON, F. 8. OLIVER. On Wednesday. "lUT OTCAR* OUvST'brfKed s'n^f in the fort,-fifth year of Burial*^Tom his Ute residence, 812 K street southesst, en Friday. November 1. at 2 P;m Interment at Congressional cemetery. l Fannie Washington Reading. 1 RICHMOND. On Tuesday, October 29. 1918. *t 11*15 P.m., at her residence, 3028 u atreet northwest, BARBARA LOUISE (nee Shulie), beloved wife of Kollln G- Rlch" mond. aged twenty-eight Tears Funeral (private) Friday afternoon. 31 ROLLINS. Departed this life on Monday Oc Fsnnie^and t??taS William Chandler and sister of James Cbsn dler and Mildred Taylor. . Notice of funeral hereafter. uTTPERTTTS. On Wednesday, October 30, lfllft at 1:45 a.m., in Providence Hospital. PAULINE, beloved wife of the late Harry H. Rupertus. Notice of funeral hereafter. flrwoifPOK. Suddenly, October 30, 1918, of ^SSSmSnia PAUL J. SIMONTON, beloved ton of John P. snd Margaret A. Simonton May^hls roul and the aonls of all departed, through tba mercy of God. reat In peace. Funeral private. Pleaae omit flowers. 31 SKINNER. On Tuesday, October 29, 1918, at the residence of her ?"n-ln-lsw, Geor?e A. 825 11th street northeast, RE BECCA G., wife of Enoch O. Skinner, aged sixty-eight years. KTTKGERLAND. On Tuesdsy. October 29. IMS st her residence. 1004 10th street south e?t EVA VT SLINGERLAND (n? Gid dings), beloved wife of William W. Slinger Fnneral from her late residence on Thursday, October SI. at 10:30 a.m. Interment at lau rel, Md. (Laurel, Md., papers please copy). g? itht On October 28, 1918. at 10:55 a.BS., HJf^old.SoS; N. C.; Mrs. GEORGE) A. SMITH (nee Oolburn). Notice of funeral later. 30 SORRELL. On Monday, October 28, 1918, at h?r residence. 614 Tennessee avenue north Mrt MAHGARET J. SORRELL (nee Keily). beloved wife of Charles W. Sorrell. May she rest in peace. ssntArai from her late residence on Thursday, F^SLr ai at 2:30 p.m. ReUtives and friends invited to attend. Interment Con gressional cemetery. SUGRUE. On Wednesday, October 80. 1918. n. brief illness, at her reaidence, 28 R street northeast, MARY JOSEPH SUGRUE. beloved daughter of El^abeth and J. Sugrue, and 6ister of Patrick A. and J. Leo N^Tof funeral hereafter. 1* XEZEBOLT. On Tuesday. October ?, 19!8, at i of. ? m at ber parents' residence, r ort ii^r Heights, Va., MARIE ALICE, brioved iSe of H. P. Thiebolt and daughter of Mr. JSd Mrs. C. B. F. HaUer, in her twenty-fifth year. How can I ever forget thee. Never shall thy memory fade; Sweetest thoughts shall ever linger ?-d the grave whe^tbou artjn^ Think not, dear dangkter. that thou art for gotten. By us thou shalt never oe; Aa lonx as breath shall warm oar frai Our thoughts shall be of thee. BY HER MOTHER AND FATHER. Funeral from the above addreaa. Thursday .Oc tober 81. at 10 a.m. Interment at Monnt Olivet cemetery. 30 IE0XA8. On Tuesday, October 29, 1918, at his reaidence, the Oongresalooal apartment, wni> E. THOMAS (noo Vroeland), wife of (privste>"from chapel of John R. \fSht Company. 1337 10th atreet nortb 5St. on November 1. (Jeney City papers please copy.) XOEBEN8. On Wednesday, October SO, 1918. Vtlam.. at ber residence. 818 C street ?outbeast, MARY, beloved wife of William J. Torrens. ? Notice of fnneral hereafter. WEAVER. Departed tbla life Monday, Octo ?r ^1918. at 10:80 p.m.. at his rari ->118 Champlaln street northwest, CHARLES H., the beloved bos band of Bes sie C Wesver, son of Burr Weaver and brother of Seldon and Henry Weaver. . . Funeral aervices at liiwif Cbapel, B street between 14th and 16th street*. Thoratay, October 31, at 8 p.m. Burial at Uneoln, Va., Mtaj. Aalativaa and frienda tartta^^to ?nrra-nra Members of TayVa's Oaunefl. Wo. So. I. o. of St. Luke, ^ of the death of our late brother, CHAKLE8 from' Lomax'i t't'fp.), 8 street near JrtSrJSST^SrSyJrentaf, October n. 1918, at 8 o'clock. ?ii , | Denarted this life Tburaday, Oc Ifll^JAMBS WILLIAMS. He la ^lv^ to ? aunt, Taxana Rodger., and rowndaiU be held Thursday, October 81, at 2p.m., from Wood's undertaking parlors. ? WILLIAMS. On Monday, October M. M18, at o .on n m . at his residence. 517 Virginia avenue southeast, NORMAN C. WILLIAMS, beloved son of Robert snd Catherine il ltsms I nee Sweeney), aged eight years and eight months. Little Norman was our darling. Pride of all our hearta at home. But an angel whispered, ^.^k ffi? ^ fri?<l. invited. ? -?rani# Denarted this life October 28. 1918, WILSOH. I*paroa RICHARD, the son of All?'wtoa and tli Ut? Jullua J. Wilsjn. '?S? ga-aTSK-iiS.'-' la Xemomm. &IUZ&. In sad but loving remembrance of my dear husband and our father, SEBAS TIAN BAULK, who departed tula Ul? ?*v? year ago today, October *0. 1*17. Aurn versary mass St. Aloyslus Church. "May his soul rest in peace." WIFE AND CHlLDBXb. ? BZXX. In sad but lorinx remembrance of our derated daughter, sistfr aud friend. MAKV HELEN BEx-L, who departed this life two years ago today, October 30. 1916. Dearest Helen, we hare laid thee In the peaceful grave's embrace. But thy memory wui be cherished Till we see thy heavenly face. BY HE it DEVO'iED HoTHEK. You are not forgotten, dear Helen, Nor ever will you be; As long as lire and memory laat I will always think of thee. BT HEB is?tU'lc.&> *mEND, i^DlTH TAY L04ft. No one knows how I have missed you In the years gone by. When you left me, aister, r or your home up in the sky. HEB DEVOTED BISTER. ? BTFBEB, In memory of our beloved son and brother, 1SIDOK W. B1EBEB, who passed away October 3o, i.^08, and also our oarling mother and grauu^-lier, BETTY GAJSS. Best sweetly, dear ones. BY THE FAMILY. 9 DANIELS. In sad and loving memory of my beloved mother, Mrs. SUSAN DANIELS. Who ?entered into eternal rest one year ago today, October 30. U?17. No one knows how I have missed you in the year gone by. When you left me sad and lonely for your home up in the sky. Though you're gone, you're not forgotten, and your place can ne er be filled; I will keep your memory cue nailed until my heari in death is stilled. BY HE It LO\ 1NG DALuUTEli, TILL1E LEWIS. ? DANIELS. In sad membory of my beloved mother, SUSAN A. DANIELS, who left us one year ago today, October HO, 1U18. We often sit and think of mother When we're all alone; For memory is the only friend That grief can call its own. Sleep on, my darling mother, How sweet to breathe thy name; In life we lovad you dearly, Ih death we do the saiue. BY HER DEVOTED SON A~ND GRANDCHIL DREN. ? HAWKINS. In sad but loving remembrance or our dear mother, grandma and great grandma, ELENDEK. who entered into rest five years ago today, October 30, 1813. Ws miss you* dear mother, our counsel and /ruide, t we will need thee when evils betide. Remembrances of thee our journey will be light And we feel you ere near to guide us arlgut. BY HER LOVIN<* CHILDREN. Dear grandma. I get so louesome. When I visit the old home place. Not to hear your voice calling. Nor even to see your loving face. HER DEVOTED AND LOVING GRAND DAUGHTER, MINNIE S. LAWRIE. Grandmother traveled the Journey before us, She knows all the cost of the way. She paid out the price of its fullness, That grandmother only could pay. BY HER GRAND AND G KKAT-G RAND DAUGHTER, GERTRUDE H. AND EVE LYN ROBINS. ? HEITMUXLER. In sad remembrance of our beloved wife and mother. CAROLINE HEIT MULLEIt. who departed this life two years ago today, October 30, ltflO. Dear is the grave in which she is laid. Sweet is the memory, which never shall fade; Heart of my life is buried deep Uuder the sod, where she peacefully sleeps. BY HER HUSBAND AND CHILDREN. ? HADDOX. In sad snd loving remembrance of our dear son and brother, JAMES O. MAD DUX, who died two years ago today, Oc tober 30, lttl?. BY HIS MOTHER AND SISTERS. ? KcCONNELL. In sad but loving remembrance of our dear husband and father, JOHN J. McConnell, who died four years ago today, October 30, 1?14. Loved in life, remembered in death. WIFE AND CHILDREN. ? SKID MO RE. In sad remembrance of my dear mother. HENRIETTA ADAMS 8KIDM0RE. who depaited this life four years ago todsy, October 30, 1914. My heart, deep In sorrow, returns to this day, As memory recalls how death Iwre her away And left me in tears, in grief and in woe. When I stood by her casket four years ago. BY HElt LOVING SON. JAMES M. SKID MORE. ? SULLIVAN. In sad but loving remembrance of our dear mother. MARY AGNES SULLI VAN, who departed this life four years ago today, October 30. 1914. Sleep on. dear mother, your labor Is o'er. Your willing hands shall toil no more; A faithful mother, both loviug and kind, A better mother we could not find. May her soul rest in peace. BY HER LOVING SON AND DAUGHTER-IN LAW, JOE AND MAUD. ? VALENCIA. In sad but sweet remembrance of our son, grandson and brother, NICHO LAS P. VALENCIA, who departed this life one year ago today, October 30, 1917. BY HIS FATHER AND MOTHER AND GRANDFATHER AND GRANDMOTHER AND BROTHERS AND SISTER. ? WOLTZ. Sacred to the memory of my hns band, G. WILLIAM WOLTZ, who entered Into eternal rest so suddenly three years ago today, October 30. 1915. Oft we tread the path before us With s weary burdened heart; Oft we toil amid the shadows And our?!field8 are far apart. But *.be Ssvior's "Come, ye blessed, ?? All our Isbors will repay. When we gather in the morning Where the mists have rolled away. We shall come with Joy snd gladness. We shsll gather around tl?e throne. Face to face with those who loved us, We shall know as we are known. And the song of our redemption Shall sound through endless day. When all shadows have departed And the mists have rolled away. BY HIS WIFE, SADIE P. WOLTZ, ? FUNERAL DIRECTORS. W. R. SPEARE CO., 1206 H St N.W.? Phone Main 108. JOSEPH GAWLER'S SONS Hnba br lrtutkm National Selected 1* flelana. Berrieea rendered tn all put. vf a* Patted BUM. bj ?peclal rtpmuuttrei. TCLCFHONC ISTA.LI.HID I.(9 Maim B?1?-SSH^jgpg?^LADY 17(041 STA*r AVKNUK ^j?? CHAPCVf ?? w- 0eai * <* (16 H STREET KORTHXA8T. AataMkd. Bernce. OlanL lim T. Byan. Clarence H. BeCMni ryan a McClelland 117 At. B_E. Uictt is Connection. Chapel. Pbern. u MS. t. WILLIAM LEE. foaml | MMm. Ltrery la conn?ttl<a. j. Chapel aad modern crematoria.. Modea, 132 p?. are. a.w. fall. im George P. Zurhorst's Sons. wcokpo rated. aw nJHrr capitol w. Line, m. R. F. HARVEY'S SON 1523 14th Street N.W. Phone Franklin 5235. de22* Frank Geier's Sons Co 111S SBTENTH ST. N.W. i Chapel. Telephone call. Nortt ML Timothy H anion MIHII. HJ. U ~ JOHN R. WRIGHT CO, 1337 10th St. ?-.W. Phone N. 47. APTOMOBIL! BEBTIcm. " A. Q. FREY CO. Establlabed 1900. fg, aad O 111, n.w. Pb?ne North 7MS. 10* Joseph F. Birch's Sons, 2034 M St. N.W. ?M Antomobtl. Berries WM. H. SARDO & CO, ?1> B at. ?... Pbooe Lincoln JOL Chapel. Antomobile fa?rala. fuheral designs. QEO. c. SHAFFER, 2? 55 &S-& Washington Floral Con 14th and N. T. ATE. *eln lj?. Altiatie FWal Piilwa P?lar Appropriate Floral Tokens. lajrissKt*