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Because of Makers' Inability to Secure Materials $5 and $6.50 High-Grade Corsets, $3.69 'ffjh Silk brocade and satin corsets, in moduli to fit almost everv tvoe of fiwiw. Mr*A* ?r?i Silk brocade and satis corsets, in models to fit almost every type of figure^ Made wfth elastic top, low and medinm bust, some are reinforced over abdomen, others have elastic gores in front and back. In white and pink. Sizes 19 to 30. THE SHOPPING CENTERs BSTABw 1677 Eleventh and G Streets $3.50 to $3.75 Blouses Tomorrow in the Month-End Basement Sale at $2.59 Made of fine quality Georgette Crepe or Crepe de Chine, in white and flesh only. With new embroidered fronts and collars; other styles mofe tailored. Sizes 36 to 46. Month-end Sale price, $2.59. Palais Royal?Downitalra St Exceptional Lot of Beautiful PhilippineGowns Special, $2.50 Also Envelope Chemise Hand somely Finished With Dainty Embroidery. Unusual Values for Thursday. A wonderful collection of Philip pine Nightgowns and Envelope Chemise. The gowns are in V, round and square neck styles,' daintily embroidered and scal loped. The chemise are very full cut with scalloped top and bot tom. These garments are entire ly hand-sewn and embroidered. Special values at $2.50. New Crepe de Chine Nightgowns at $5 Five new styles in all-silk crepe de chine nightgowns, some with yokes of various laces, ribbon and Georgette crepe; others are more plain ly tailored. Choice of flesh or pink. Dove" Brand Nightgowns, Special, $2.29 An unusual lot of nightgowns, made of fine quality pink batiste; dainty styles hand-embroidered in bright colors. These are the famous "Dove" brand nightgowns. Palais Royal?Third Floor. Some Very Unusual Values in Bungalow Dress Aprons Special, $1.98 We have just received a new lot of these attractive bunga low dress aprons made of Amoskeag gingham or percale in at tractive plaids, stripes, checks and plain colors. A good variety of neat styles in light and dark colors. These styles are quite different from the models shown heretofore?they are a little more dressy, but vet as practical. Splendid values at $1.98. Palaia Royal?Third Floor. Silk Petticoats, $5.98 This Price Is Much Below Their Actual Value A remarkable display of silk petticoats shown in a charming array of styles and beautiful colors. Practically every wanted shade for the season is represented in this collection. Hand somely made of taffeta, messalinc or silk jersey, many with new style flounces. $5.98 is a very low price to ask for petticoats of this quality. Buy tomorrow while the collection is complete, Palais Royal?Third Floor. Batiste Bloomers, $1 Splendid Values at This Low Price New lot of Moomers, made of pink batiste in various styles; some with hemstitched or lace-trimmed ruffles, full cut. Very serviceable and comfortable garments. Quilted Vests, $1.50, $1.98 and $2.50 A new lot just received from Japan. Vests made of Japanese sOk, in black and white, hand quilted. Without sleeves, J1.50 and J1.9S; with sleeves, $2.50. Palaia Royal?Third Floor. A Sale of 150 Silk and Wool Skirts at $15 Fashionable Fall Models for Misses and Women. Many New Style Features Are Shown, and AH Are Decidedly Different From Any So Far Displayed This Season DISCRIMINATING DRESSERS WILL FIND IN THIS ASSORT MENT SKIRTS THAT WILL COMPLY WITH THEIR EXACTING ' DEMANDS. LET US SHOW THEM TO YOU TOMORROW. High-grade Skirts, in plain and pleated styles, of wool velour plaids, accordion-pleated models of plain color satin, with deep tucked girdles; black or navy baronett satin skirts and silk and wool faille skirts in sev eral models, with novelty pockets and girdle belts. The colors are plain black, navy blue and taupe. Unusually high-grade skirts at $15. Luxurious Furs at 10% to 25% Below Regular Price Novelty Pieces $350 Natural American Mink Cape, $295 J95 Broad American Mink Scarf, 985 $325 Cape Stole of Kolinsky, 9285 $60 Natural Skunk-shaped Scarfs, 949 $45 Large Cape of Kit Coney, 939 $50 Large Cape of Kit Coney. 945 Fur Coats $600 Wrap of Hudson Seal, Stone mar ten collar, 9400 $300 Hudson Seal Coat, 3C Inches; skunk collar and cuffs, 9250 $300 Hudson Srt.1 Sport Coat. 32 Inches. for, 9245 $275 Hudson Seal Coat; 40 Inches; has skunk dyed raccoon collar and enffs. at, 9225 $350 Coat of very line Hudson Seal; 42 inches; has large self collar and cuffs, 9295 Printzess Coats Priced Low Savings Are Worth While At $39.00?Printzess Coats of heavy kersey, plaited back and belt ed all around, half lined, large con vertible collar. Navy blue, brown, green and plum shades. At $47J>0?Printzess Coats, of wool velour, one-half lined, with large col lars of mole-dyed clipped coney fur, full belted style, in brown, green, and navy blue. At $55.00?Printzess Coats, of wool velour, one-half lined, with large col lars of Hudson seal or very dark natural raccoon fur, belted styles; nearly all colors. Women's Extra Size Suits at $39 Were $45 and $49.50 Tailored Suits, in sizes 42 to 48. All specially designed stoat sizes, in plain navy blue, black and pin stripe men's wear serge. Strictly plain or half belted styles, all man-tailored and silk lined,, with convertible collar of self materials or velvet. Specially priced at $39. Extra Size Dresses $19.50 and $25 Made of Crepe de Chine At $19.50?Are box Pleated styles, with lengthened waist line and tunic. Sizes 42 to 46, in black, taupe, navy, plum, and gray. At-$25-?ever?V models, in sizes 42 to 52%. One style with self color Georgette bodice over white and beaded material, another style is plain, with deep crushed girdle and pointed tunic skirt. In gray, brown, plum, navy and black. Palais Royal?Third Floor. Children's Middy Blouses, $1.98 A Durable Garment for School Wear. Sizes 6 to 20 Girls' Middy Blouses, well made of white jean or galatea cloth, in regulation style with deep yoke or lace models, trimmed with braid or emblem. Excellent values at $1.98. Middy Skirts, $4.50 Of all-wool navy serge, full pleated models. School Dresses, $2.50 Of wash gingham, ih. at tractive plaids, stripes and plain colors. Various models with fancy belts and pockets. Sizes 6 to 14. Palaia Royal?Third Floor, Gym Bloomers, $1.98 Children's bloomers, of faeavy black sateen or Henri etta cloth, extra full with in verted pleats, adjustable band '? and patent fastenings. Sizes 20 to 20. Middy Skirts, $1.98 Of tan or blue linene, full pleated models. Sizes 6 to 14 years. Jack Tar Dresses, Special at $15 Smart and serviceable dresses of all-wool serge, in navy and black. Regulation styles with black, red, white or gold braid trimmed, em blem on sleeve. Sizes 6 to 16. School Bloomers, 85c Made of black sateen, with patent fastenings. A Great Opportunity Tomorrow for Women Seeking Smart Millinery! New Ostrich and Hackle Feather Turbans Worth $8.50 and $10 (About 300 in All?A Diversity of Styles to Choose From) $ Anticipating the de mand for these chic hats, we secured very advantageously from a large New York millinery maker this un usual collection to sell at $5. The values are extraordinary! Included are Beautiful Ostrich Turbans and Hackle Feather Turbans with smart wings, side trimmings. 5 Some of the hats included are actually worth double the price we are asking. Apart from the de sirability of these hats on account of their popular ity, the saving to be made is really remarkable. Don't fail to see these Hats! Nassau and Feather Pasted Turbans in black and all the de sirable colors to choose from. In the best styles and most wanted colors. These we expect hats represent the best of the kind and the demand for these charming hats_ at this low price will be tremendous. As the number is limited we urge selection at store-opening time, 10 a. m. Palais Royal?Third Floor. Featuring for Thursday an Exceptionally Fine Lot of Kayser's Women's Union Suits at $1 A Special Lot of Fall Weight Garments at Much Under Regular Women's medium-weight fine ribbed suits, with low neck, no sleeve and ankle length. Shown in white and pink. Reinforced to insure long wear. Sizes 36 to 38. Excellent values at $1. Merode Union Suits, $1.50 Women's fall weight Suits, with low neck, no sleeves, ankle and knee lengths; also Dutch neck, elbow sleeves and ankle length. All reg ular sizes. Children's Union Suits, $1.25 E. Z. Fleeced Ribbed TTnlon Suits, in high neck, long sleeve and ankle length style, with button attachment. All perfect. Sizes 2 to IS years. Women's Ribbed Vests, 25c Low neck and V neck Rib bed Vests, in sleeveless style. Choice of regular and extra large sizes. Women's Fleeced Underwear, 95c $1.25 value Fleeced Lined Vests, In high and Dutch neck, long sleeves and elbow sleeves; also pants in ankle length. Good heavy weight. Women's Ribbed Vests, 59c 76c value, line ribbed Kayser Vests, with plain and fancy yokes; shoulder strap and bodice style, in white and pink. All sizes in the lot. Women's Underwear at 59c Fleeced Lined Vests, with high neck, long sleeves: pants, in ankle length. A11 perfect, medium weight gar ments, in sizes to 44. Women's* Union Suits, $1.29 Regular $1.39 and J1.50 values, in Richelieu and Kayser low neck union suits, in ankle and knee lengths. Regular sizes in white and pink. Women's Ribbed Union Suits, 75c Low Neck Ribbed Union Suits,' in the perfect fitting three-piece style, shell fin ish; in sizSs 36 and 38; tight knee, no sleeves, in sizes 36 to 44. Unusual values at 75c. Children's Underwear 65c Gray Fleeced Lined Vests, pants and boys' drawers. In ankle length. Sizes to 16 years. A Wonderful Offering of Children's Union Suits, 75c Ribbed Union Suits, In medium weight, fleeced, with long: sleeves, in ankle length. Sizes to 16 years. Palais Royak?Street Floor. Two Very Attractive Groups of Palais Royal Blouses at $4.95 Fashioned of the Newest Materials?in the Best Colors Blouses of crepe de chine, each one beautifully tailored, with two-in-on^ collar or the attractive Lucille collar. Vestee of pin cross tucks gives a strictly tailored effect. Wonderfully charming and very moderate in price at $4.95. Hundreds of other superb Blouses priced from $5 to $15. Palais Royal?Third Floor, Women's Pure Silk Hose, 85c Made with lisle garter tops, futl fashioned; in gray, brown, suede, white and champagne. Also Onyx fiber silk hose in black, white and a good assortment of colors. Women's Hose, 29c?Seam less, in medium weight. All perfect In black and white only. Women's Hose, 59c?Perfect quality fiber silk, in black, white, brown and gray. PaJafB floral?Street Floor. MEN! $1.50 Heavy=Weight Underwear at $1.25 Men's Ribbed Cotton Shirts and Drawers, in ecru color. Made by one of the best known underwear makers. Regular $1.50 grade, spe cial at $1.25 garment. $3 Wool Shirts and Drawers, $2.25 Garment?in heavy weight. They are the well known "Wtnated" brand. Comfortable and perfect fit ting garments. "Duofold" Underwear, $2.50 and $4.50?the Winter underwear with out an itch, light in weight, but very warm. Shirts and drawers $2.50 each; union suits, $4.50. 50c Lisle Socks, 40c?Onyx me dium weight lisle socks of excellent wearing grade; have double heels and toes. In black, cordovan, navy, light and dark gray. $7.50 Bath Robes, $5.95?Heavy blanket bath robes, with shawl col lar and silk corded edges. Choice of a large assortment of designs and colors. Men's Shop?Street Floor* Dresses, 79c Each $1.50 Children's Dresses Odds and ends of broken lots?In percales and chambrays. Only a limited number. Month-End Sale Price, 79c. Bargain Basement Month-End Sale! A Once*a>Month Event in Which We Convincingly Demonstrate the Underselling Ability of The Palais Royal Bargain Basement?Extraordinary Values! House Dresses, 99c $1.25 to $1.50 Values Included Odds and ends and only a limited number. Of good quality percale. Limit of 2 to a customer. Month End Sale Price, 99c. Handbags! They Are AD S These Are All New, Regular 95c and I*) ^ Perfect Goods in $1.08 Values the Wanted Styles A remarkable collection of alt-leather bags with bick strap handles, some are of real morocco leather, in black and a va riety of suit colors. Lot comprises leather bags that should sell at 95c and $1.08, specially priced for the Month-End Sale at 69c. Bmtln Basement. Women's Underwear Special Features for Month-End Sale Coats, Suits and Dresses In a Remarkable Month-End Sale Art Offering That Will Undoubtedly Be Received With Great Enthusiasm?Dozens of Styles to Choose From One could scarcely desire a more complete and comprehensive collection of snappy, new style garments to make selections from. Coats Suits and Dresses from reputable makers in smart, attractive styles and the newest colors, and all sizes to choose from. Every item mentioned below Generous savings are offered on the reductions. Women s Union Suits?of fine ribbed cotton, have l>utch reck, elbow sleeves and in ankle length. All large aizefl, 40, -Li and 44. First quality. Month End Sale Price Pants and Shirts?made of^ coarse ribbed <x>tton: lone sleeve and high neck vests, pants are ankle length, made large and fulL Mouth End Sale Price............ $1.05 49c is underpriced for on? day only, fall weight underwear. Profit by Women's Bloomers ? jersey knit. In flesh and colors. Sizes 5 to 8. Made large and full and finished pffc with elastic band. Month End Sale Price \J ^ K* Pants and Vests?Jersey knit, flesh color pants in all siies; vests are fine ribbed, in flesh color; regular and ex tra sizes, with silk tape or jersey shoblder strap. Month Etod Sale Price. v Women's Chamoisette Gloves, 39c 75c grade chamoisette gloves In white only, finished with stitched backs. All sizes in the assortment. The slight faults are hardly noticeable ajid will not affect the wear. Month-End Sale price. 33c pair. Bustia Baaemes*. 59c and 75c Brassieres and Bandeanx, 45c A splendid assortment of cluny lace and embroidery trimmed styles; front and back lace models. Perfect fit ting. Sizes 34 to 4S. Month End Basement Sale. 45c each. Bargain Buenent White Novelty Voiles, 50c Valnes at 33c Td. See the embroidered effects and Che artistic fancy stripes and be delighted. Fully one yard wide and 50c value?at only 33c yard. 1,800 Yds. Lancaster Ging hams at 29c Td. The best aprons are made oX this wear-resisting and fast color Gingham. Choice of all sizes of checks in the wanted blue and white combination. Regular at 89c yard. 72-inch Table Damask at 98c Td. There was a time?it is not now?that you could buy such iJamask at this price. Choice of pretty floral designs as in expen sive pure Itnen Damasks. Only for tomorrow's Month-End Sale at 98c yard. 64-inch Table Damask at 69c Td. Choice of five good designs and now note the Quality. Of conrse the price?89c yard?is for the Month-End Sale only, tomorrow, in {-the Palais Royal Bargain n t De Laze Dress Ginghams at 45c Yd. Dresses made of these rich plaid Ginghams sell at fancy prices in the specialty stores. In the Month-End Sale here at only 45c yard. Ginghams of Fine Quality at 33c Td. These are the plaid, check and plain Ginghams that sell regu larly at 43c yard. In the Month End Sale at 33c yard. Percales of High Grade at 31c Td. Only 2(H) yards?but to a line assortment of stripes, plaids and email designs. 3< Inches wide. The quality regular at 3*e yard. In tomorrow's sale at Sic yard. One Special Group of Women's New Cloth Coats At $16.98 One and two of a kind styles of the better grades of Meltons. Cheviots and Cotton Plushes. Large collars and all around belted styles. Wonderful values. $25 Value Fancy Plush Coats With Fur Collars At $17.98 For one (Jay only?this special collection of garments from regular stock, much under price. Of excellent quality invisible striped plush, with kit coney collar. Lined throughout; all-around belt and side pockets. Sizes 16 to 44 in Burgundy and green. Over 350 Coats to Make Selection from Tomorrow At $24.75 Women's Suits at $19.-90 OMt sad end* of broken lots stte sad two of ? kind pmnntSi All-wool i Of fine, rich Wool Velours, Broadcloth, Meltoqs and Salt's Peco Plushes, in high or normal waist-line styles. Sizes for misses, women and juniors. About 200 Coats to Make Selection from Tomorrow and poplin,; la plain tailored or braid trimmed style*, values to $25. Party Dresses at $12.98 njoM te t2ZJS0L Only 25 la the lot; en* sad two of a kind style*. Extra special raise*. At $19.95 Of All-wool Meltons. Broadcloths. Cheviots, Borella. and Egyptian Seal, with luxe collars of tar cloth. Smart, stylish garments, to black and colors. Valnes to jCTSfi. 225 Satin and Taffeta Dresses, Worth to $22.50 At $13.90 A grouping of all the incomplete assort ments of very stylish suits in plain tai lored and trimmed styles. Black and col ors. Sizes 16 to 44. A remarkable value offering. Extra Sizes in Dresses Worth Up to $22.50 Each At $14.98 Sizes 34. 48, 50. 52 and 54: of excellent quality satin, with bodice trimmed with Georgette vestee in front and small ball buttons of same material. In black, navy, brown, gray and taupe. A Wonderful GrOup of Smart Serge Dresses At $17.98 Stylish models of fine quality all-wool French serge in normal and high waist line style; trimmed with military braid. Some have panel back, finished at waist line with heavy silk cord. Values to $30 in a Group of Smart Fall Suits At $24.75 Serge Dresses at $14.98 One and two of- a kind styles in fine all-wool serges and poplins, with military braid effects; large collars, button and braid trimmed. Coats lined throughout with good quality satins. Not all sizes, but extraordinary values. All-wool French Beige Scene*, in plain tailored or military style*, trim med with braid. Also combination serge and satin dresses in the season's most popular styles. Serge Dresses at $9.98 tattered limited number. tri timed stylds. Exceptional values. Bed Blankets, Bed Comforts and Bed Sheets--Greatly Underpriced Large purchases (in many instances very fortunate ones on account of generous price concessions) of clean, new, dependable goods offered for the great Month End Basement Sale at prices affording a great saving for thrifty housewives. 23 Indian Robe Blan kets?Size 72x84 and heavy weight; wonderful beauty in their designs and colorings. . _ _ Regular here ? m ni\ at $649. Month 3)3.OV End saJo, v 63-ih. The long-lasting unbleach stlng of heavy ?? and free of dressing. ~ lB ed Sheet mile of this Sheeting in. to morrow's Month- ts Bf End Sale at. per yard 200 Robe Blankets weighing 3 pounds, size 7$x90. India effect blankets. Color schemes are blue, brown, gray and khaki Make splendid bath robpi cord and tas fel given with every blanket *? $5.29 jr stL xrne-rsa - - ? - more ctpencl** Marseilles $2.79 prle* 66x76 Bed Comforts? Filled with white cot ton anil covered with sllko llne In floral effects, with fl inch border In ?b in t?S $s-ly tKIZjM&Mttto? ..The far*le*la.jnitn|r is as rich Silk, A very Iftw price tor hat-' f J AO t?d Comforts A4.yo of suek beanty ** $1.89 72x90 Sheets ? This famous "Salem" sheeting, made into sheets of this size, are low priced at 12.13. In t? morrow's - Month- End Sale kt only.. r 81*90 Sheets?These are unusually heavy welgh sheets, %nd. entirely free of dressing; hand tern; made with S-lnch hems. In the A <4 n o Month - End J) I .VO Sale at. each.. v 66x76 Bedspreads?? The xyeight. the quality, the patterns, all are superior at the price quoted for 'tomor row's sale. D 1 s t r Ibotion limited to 100 spreads, at.... 34?90 Sheets?"Fruit Of, ihe Loom" Sheets, hand tain, made with t-lnch hem. laundered?ready to use. Distribution limited to 2,400 of these sheets, at. $1.89 $1.69 72 x 90 Bedspreads? Their unusual size and the beauty of the Marseilles patterns make these spreads extraordinary values at the price quoted a?-4 A4T% for this Month End Sale ^ 72x80 Quality spreads?feel their weight and 1 terns, as in expeusivp M**", sellles quilts. The jprlce Js special for O}# * ? ?* f\ Month-End Xi.lV IpsivpMar^ 100 Pairs Khaki Blan kets ? Size 66 x 76, weighing fully 8 pounds. The dark brown borders are In artistic contrast. Regular at * 1 nn &!Ualat.!::$4.98 72x78 Bed Comforts' These are .knotted... The filling ? cannot. gather . or ^wmp," and note tfce qual ity and. be*o- ? mm f A $5.19 OUUV WV Wlufe 300 Velvet Hats at Less Than Price Ready-to Wear Hats, Very Special at $L25 Each. All are fall styles and are shown In the ?wanted colors, in cluding plenty of black; also un trimmed hats in the lot. None of These Hats Sold for Less Than $2.98 At $1.25 sic smart tailored 6tyles In large, medium and small shapes. A good variety to select from. Month-End Sile Price, $1.25. $3.98 Velvet Hats, $2.98 $4.95 Velvet Hats, $3.98 Fine Lyon's Velvet Hats, in large and medium sizes, some with colored velvet facings, others with silk facings; in black and colors. Sample line of attractively Trimmed Jl^ts, in black and wanted colors; no two models alike and each a wonderful value at $3.98, , I: V Bargain Basement. 500 Pairs Women's Hose A Sample Line Recently Ptrrchased First Qualities?Worth -J |"a _ First Qualities?Worth 50c to 75c Pair %JVC 50c to 75c Pair A surprise indeed, even to us, that such values could be obtained to sell at 39c pair. This is a rare opportunity which many women will hurry to take advantage of. Thread Silk Stockings, Fiber Silk Stockings and Silk Lisle Stockings in szes 8*4 to 10. Also some fancy novelty stockings. All are absolutely first quality and should be priced 50c to 75c pair, but for the Month End Sale they go at 39c pair. ?Bargain Basement, 1,000 Pairs Women's Hose Buy Generously at this Low Price Regularly 29c -J _ Regularly 29c Slightly Imperfect Slightly Imperfect Women's black mercerized lisle hose in sizes 8y2 to 10, with high spliced heel and reinforced toe, heel and garter hem; 39c grade. Month-End Sale price 23c pair, or 3 pair for 65c. _ _. Bancaln Basra eat. A Sale of Umbrellas at $2.60 Each A Month-End Sale Feature Women's and Misses' Gloria Silk Umbrellas; full 26-inch paragon frame. Choice of a variety of neat and practical handles finished with bakalite ring or bakalite trimmed. with silk cord wrist loops and silk dtees. It will pay you to buy now for Christmas. Month-End Sale ?ridi,$2i?. ? a a ? ? ? a a ????????us ? ? ? ?.? mbibe bjs -