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WEATHER., Fair tonight and tomorrow; cooler tonight. Temperature for twenty-four hours ending 2 p.m. today: Highest, 75, at 6 p.m. yesterday; lowest, 56, at 7 today. Full report on page 25. Yefterfaj't Met Cvcdatioa, 108,284 TWO CENTS. OCTOBER 31, 1918?THIRTY PAGES WASHINGTON, D. C. Turks Are Granted an Armistice Vt the Associated Press. PARIS, October 31.?An armistice between the allies and Turkey was signed today at Minos, it is officially announced. LONDON, October 31.?The Standard says it understands the British vice admiral at Saloniki concluded an armistice with the Ottoman govern ment at noon today. LONDON GETS TURK PEACE PROPOSAL; MEANSSURRENDER ?Secretary Lansing Gets Plea for Armistice Through Spanish Ambassador. SUPPRESSION OF GERMAN COMMUNICATION DENIED Br thf Associated Presi. LONDON, October 31.?Reu ter's agency has been informed that Great Britain has officially received definite peace proposals from Turkey which are regarded as tantamount to unconditional surrender. LONDON, October 31, 1 p.m. (by the Associated Press). ?Turkey has agreed to an armistice. j LONDON, October 31, 3:15 p.m. (by the Associated Press). ?The Turkish armistice took effect at noon today. LONDON, October 31.?The actual terms of Turkey's peace proposals had not yet reached London in the early afternoon. Secretary Lansing today notified the Spanish ambassador, who transmitted the request of Turkey for President "Wilson's intermediation in behalf of an armistice and peace, that President "Wilson -will bring the communication of Turkey to the attention of the gov ernments at war with Turkey. Minister EkeHgren of Sweden today delivered to Secretary Lansing the note of Count Andrassy. new Austro-Hun jrarian foreign minister, asking the Secretary to intervene with President "Wilson for favorable action on the re quest for American and allied armistice terms. Deny Suppression of Note. State Department officials repudiated the intimations published this morning that the department had "suppressed" the nolo from Germany transmitted yesterday by the Swiss charge d'af faires. Publication of the note Js be ing withheld for the present, it was said, but with no intention of suppres sion or of depriving the public of in iormatfon. The reply of President Wilson to the note of Austria-Hungary is being prepared by tho President and will be gi\en out shortly, it was said. It was said at the State Depart ment that the note of Count Andrassy when translated from the Swedish text in which it was couched showed 110 material difference from the press reports of its ^contents. Secretary Lansing's Note. The note addressed to Ambassa dor Kiano follows: From the Secretary of State to the Ambassador of Spain: Department of State, Washington, October 31, 1918. Excellency: I did not fail to lay before the President the note which you ad dressed to him on the 14th instant and handed to me on that date. Acting under the instructions of your government, you inclosed with that note the text of a com munication received by the minis ter for foreign affairs of Spain, from the charge d'affaires of Tur key at Madrid on October 12, in which the good oifk-es of the gov ernment of Spain were sought to bring to the attention of the Presi dent the request of the imperial Ottoman government that he take upon himself the task of the re establishment of peace, and that he notify all belligerent states of the request, and invite them to dele gate plenipotentiaries to initiate i negotiations, the imperial Ottoman ? | government accepting as a basis j for the negotiation the program j laid down by the President in his . message to Congress of January 8, ] 1918. and in his subsequent declara- .* tions, especially his speech of Sep- : tember 27. It is further requested ; by the imperial Ottoman govern- i nient that steps be taken for th% ! immediate conclusion of a general I armistice on land, on sea and in | the air. I By direction of the President I have the honor to inform your ex cellency that the government of the United States will bring the com munication of the Turkish charge d affaires to the knowledge of the governments at war with Turkey. Accept. Excellency, the renewed assurances of my highest consid eration. (Signed) ROBERT LANSING. His Excellency, Senor Don Juan Riajio y Gayangos, Ambassador ?f Spain. So News of Armistice. Tn-official circles today it was said - -that no Information had r?ach?4 tCcptinued om Second Pagel .EXPECTED IN WEEK Preliminary Conversations in Paris Have Been Concluded. CONDITIONS SUGGESTED By the Associated Press. LONDON, October 31.?The prelim inary conversations which lately have occupied the allied representatives in Paris have been concluded and more important discussions now are begin ning, according to reports reaching official quarters here. To take part in the discussions An drew Bonar Law, chancellor of the I exchequer, went to France yesterday, j crossing the channel in an airplane, | as he had done, on a previous occa sion. The scope of the deliberations of j the allied representatives has not I been announced and, although it is stated from a reliable source, some I official declaration of armistice terms | possibly may be made before the end I of the present week, nothing definite ly is known about them. Some commentators believe thaat. the deliberations will be protracted beyond the time originally intended. Unofficial reports and speculations: ' on the armistice terms continue to j | occupy a prominent place in the j newspapers. Foch's Terms Beach Berlin. LONDOX, 'October 31. ? Marshal Foch's armistice terms arrived in Berlin Tuesday night, the Vossische Zeltung of Berlin says it learns, ac cording to an Exchange Telegraph dispatch from Copenhagen. Xo information had reached Wash ington today through either official or diplomatic channels to Indicate that the American and allied military | representatives in France had com pleted the work of framing- terms upon which Germany might be granted an armistice." It was as sumed that the report of the arrival of Marshal Foch's terms at Berlin Tuesday, referred to in a Copenhagen dispatch quoting the Berlin Vossische Zeitung, was based upon press dis- j patches of Tuesday from London I purporting to outline what would be demanded of Germany. To Secure Guarantees. Suggestions put forward by the British delegates, the Daily Express says in an editorial, probably will be adopted with some modifications by the rest of the allies. The proposals were put forward, it adds, with the ] definite idea of preventing Germany | from resuming hostilities when once an armistice is granted and also of securing adequate guarantees for the signing of a peace treaty based on President Wilson's fourteen points. Armistice Terms Suggested. PARIS, October |!1.?In an editorial discussing armistice terms, L'lnfor mation suggests the following condi tions: "Internationalization of the Bos i porus and the Dardanelles. I "The occupation of enemy ports on fehe Adriatic. "The surrender of Austrian war ships. "The right to use Austro-Hungarlan railway lines. "The evacuation of1 Alsace-Lorraine and territories wrongly occupied In the east and west. "The surrender of arms, munitions i and submarines. "The occupation of fortresses and bridges along the Rhine and of Lux embourg and Essen. | i"The occupatoin of Kiel and Ham burg. "The removal of mines from terri torial waters. \ _ "The delivery, as a preliminary com pensation for damages, of part of the enemy merchant marine. , "The cessation of manufacturing for war purposes." Would Seize Enemy Fleets. Georges Boussenot. a member of the naval committee of the chamber of deputies, writing on the same subject in" the Journal, proposes the seizure of the enemy fleet by the entente, the delivery of enemy submarines dis armed to neutral countries or the en tente, the occupation of Cuxhaven, Helgoland, Pola and Cattaro, and the replacement of lost tonnage by enemy tonnage. PARIS, October 30. 6 p.m. (by the Associated Press).?The heads of the allied governments and Col. E. M. Houses special representative of the United States-government, with the military and naval advisers of the respective oountries, continued their informal meetings today. , ^ Differences of view, natural to the Immensity of the Interests involved, have arisen, but under friendly exami nation they have largely disappeared. Although some points In President Wilson's declarations may require more complete definition, an entire agree ment Is in immediate prospect. The supreme war council will not meet formally until this full under standing has been reached. SANGUINARY FIGHTING GOING ON AT AGRAM LONDON. October 31.?Sanguinary fighting is going on at Agram, the capital of Croatia-Slavonia, according to a private message received at Am sterdam and forwarded here by the Central News Agency correspondent. Some of the soldiers at Agram did not join the revolutionaries SEE NEED TO CURB PRESIDENT'S POWER Roosevelt and Taft in Joint Appeal for Republican Ma jority in Congress. STATEMENT IS HISTORIC By the Associated Press. NEW YOEK, October 31.?Theodore Roosevelt and William H. Taft issued here today a joint appeal for election of a republican majority in Gsiigress. The statement was said to be the first ever composed* and signed by two former Presidents of the United States. Seated at a table In the Union League Club they prepared the state ment and discussed old times at the capital -while it was being typed. The appeal follows: Deplore Party Politics. "We approach this subject as Amer icans, and otily as Americans, When this war broke out we would have welcomed action by the President which would have eliminated all ques tions of party politics. It would have enabled us all to stand behind him to the end, without regard to anything except national considerations. In stead of this, partisan lines have been strictly drawn from theNirst, and now the President announces that only democrats can be intrusted with fu ture power and only those democrats who do his will. Because of this re flection on other patriotic Americans, we appeal for fair play. "The next Congress will serve from March 4, 1919, to March 4, 1921. In that period: "First, the war must be fought to unconditional surrender, unless this is achieved before. "Second, the terms of worfd peace must be settled. "Third, the democratic administra tion, after expending billions of treas ure and exercising more absolute power than any administration in our history, must give an account of its stewardship. i "Fourth, the change from war con ditions to peace must be brought about with the least disturbance and the work of reconstruction must be broadly begun. V Tell of Qualifications. "A republican Congress will be much better qualified than one controlled by democrats to aid the country in adopting the measures needed for these four great tasks: "First, even as a minority paHy the republicans made the winning of the war possible by passing the original draft bjll. Without this we could not have trained and landed the two mil lions of men now in France. As a minority party the republicans forced upon a reluctant President and Secre tary of War, after an injurious delay of four months, the amended draft act, without which we could not put two more millions at the front next July. The Speaker, the leader and the chairman of the military committee of the democratic House opposed the original draft with all the vigor possi ble. It was saved, and so our coun try's cause was saved by the repub lican minority. "Second, the new Senate must ap prove, by two-thirds vote, the terms ! of peace. Those terms should be set tled not by one man only. It is one man control we are fighting in this war to suppress. If the peace treaty is to be useful in the future it must bo approved by the great body of the American people. The President has indicated a willingness to make a peace by negotiation. He hds not demanded, as he might have done ia three lines, that which the American people demand, an unconditional sur render. His exchange of notes with Germany has caused a deep concern among our people lest he may by his parleying with her concede her a peace around a council table instead of a sentence from a court The fourteen points which the President and Germany assume that they have already agreed upon are so general and vague that such a peace would be no treaty at all. but only a protocol to an interminable discussion. The President is without final power to i bind the United States to those four teen points, although his language does not suggest it. Still less has he power to bind our noble allies. We do not know that these points include all that our allies may justly demand, or do not concede something they may justly withhold. For what they^have done for us we owe our allies the highest good faith. It is of capital Importance", therefore, that we should now elect a Senate which shall be independent enough to in terpret and enforce the will of the American people In the matter of this world peace, and not merely submit to the uncontrolled will of Mr. Wilson. House Must Be Considered. I "Nor can the attitude of the House iof Representatives be Ignored In this i peace. Every affirmative obligation ! binding the United States in that treaty must be performed by the i House as part of the Congress. The I present democratic majority in the ?House has been subservient to the I will of the President in every respect I except when critical issues in the conduct of the war have been in Ivolved. The President has not hesi itated publicly to discipline those of [his party who have disagreed with I him and the lesson has had its effect. A new democratic Congress, with its old leaders thus chastened, will offer no opposition to his wilL They will not be consulted in the future more than in the past. In a democratic Congress the American people- will not have the service of an independ ent, courageous, co-ordinate branch of the government to moderate his uncontrolled will. It is not safe to intrust to one man such unlimited power. It is not in accord with the traditions of the republic. . ."Third, the republicans voted with out objection billions to be expended by this administration. Six hundred and forty tnillions for aviation were given to the executive to build aero planes, without a single limitation as to the manner or method of its ex penditure. A Senate committee >??? deplored the waste and failure in the use of that money. The debts which have been created by this war the people will be paying to the third and fourth generation. They have a right j to know how these enormous sums - ^Continued on Kiith Page..) J HOLDS SOLIDARITY | HERE PEACE ASSET President Considers Effect of Election on Allies as Well/ as Teuton. ENVOYS' POWER INVOLVED BT DAVID LAWRENCE. (Copyright, 1918. by N. T. Evening Poit, Inc.) The relationship between the confer ence of premiers, diplomats and mili tary leaders of the allied powers in Pari?, determining the next move toward peace, and the plea of Presi dent Wilson for a united America and a vote of confidence is something on which I am permitted today to shed some light. The President asked for a vote of confidence in order that the result of the elections might not be misinter preted ' abroad;_:His opponents have endeavored to refute that by saying Germany could not be heartened by a republican victory. But outside of the weakening effect of divided counsels, which the President himself predicts would ensue so\far as prosecution of the war against Germany is con cerned, the most important misinter pretation which friends of Mr. Wilson fear Is the effect In Great Britain, Frajice and Italy, where hitherto the prestige of the President has been great, because it was presumed he spoke for a united America. Disagreements on Peace Points. An Associated Press dispatch from Paris today tells of the "difference of opinion that have arisen" in the conferences between Col. House and the heads of the allied governments. It tells of disagreements on the four teen points of peace which the Presi dent has formally (aid before the al lies. The dissent wtU grow strong or weak, according as the represent atives of America are believed tor-be voicing American public opinion. Col. Roosevelt and Senator Henry Cabot Lodge, the republican leader, have openly assailed the fourteen points in the midst of a vigorous par tisan fight for control of the. Ameri can Congress. If Col. Roosevelt and Senator Lodge win at the polls through the election of a republican Congress the fourteen points which have been thus far the action of the United States government, may, it is feared, lose much of their strength. In other words, the President is anx ious for a vote of confidence, so that the word of American representatives at the Parie conference may be as po tent as it was before the republican leaders assailed the fourteen itolnts. President's Prestige Abroad. Whatever the republican leaders may have said on domestic Questions in support of their desire for a repub lican Congress, those charged with the responsibility of conducting Amer ica's foreign affairs in these critical moments feel that already Incalculably damage has been done to the pmtlgit of the President abroad by the oppo sition of such prominent leader* u Col. Roosevelt. William H. Taft and Senator Lodge. In other words, the President is more anxious now than ever that the country shall say whether it wants his leadership qf the leadership of the republicans a? al ready revealed by their attitude on the fourteen points. Mr. Wilson considers that the four teen points are, of course, general principles and their practical applica tion is a matter for conference among the allies, but the vehement repudia tion at this time of some of the prln-1 cipal bases o fan enduring peace Is considered by our government officials to be most regrettable. Allied People Involved. i When the President said that Euro pean peoples understand the signifi cance of elections he was referring as much to the peoples of thsaUtod countries as to Germany. The masses in Great Britain and France hold the President in high esteem. Some of the American editors who have just i (.Continued on Thirteenth Page.) : i,' RENT EVIL IN 0. C. MKE TOPIC Blames Senate for Failure to Provide Anti-Profiteering Measure. FOR A SfPAUAtE LAW Rent profiteering In the District of Columbia a grain wps discussed in the House today. Leaders on both sides of the chamber said it was a shame that conditions could not be checked which are making a hardship for thousands of residents of Washington. The House was absolved from all blame in not having passed anti profiteering rent legislation. The Sen ate was held culpable, first for refus ing to pass anti-profiteering rent leg islation in the usual way as a sepa rate and distinct law. Second, for attempting to dictate to the House on the appointment of its conferees afer the Senate had put the profiteering rider as an amendment on entirely different legislation. The discussion started when Rep resentative Byrns of Tennessee called up the joint resolution to continue during November appropriations for support of the Department of Agri culture. This resolution was adopted without objection. Sees Need for Hasty Action. Representative Anderson of Minne sota, a member of the agriculture committee, said he has previously ob jected because he believed there should be no further delay in the passage of an adequate act to check rent profiteering. He said It was his aim to compel the conferees to, come to some agreement on. this amend ment if possible. As there is no [quorum present in Washington, it is not now possible to compel action by the conferees. He said the conferees are not far in taking advantage of the lack of quorum, however, and nothing is to be gained now, he said, by depriving the Department of Agriculture of furids, and therefore he felt that fur ther objection would be unavailing. Representative Mpndell of Wyoming, also a republican, again recalled that the Senate had loaded the food-stim ulation bill with new legislation. The ! House conferees, he felt, were en tirely within their rights in insisting that this new legislation should be taken off the bill. It is regrettable, he said, that a situation exists where It Is Impossi ble to get the House and Senate to agree upon relief against an intol erable condition. He maintained that the attitude of the House conferees had been entirely correct. Chairman Lever for Firm Stand. Chairman Lever of the appropria tions committee again insisted that the House had to maintain a firm stand in order to preserve the right to legislate without dictation from the Senate. Representative Hondell said the way is open to adjust the matter by the regular legislative proceeding with out having rent profiteering legisla tion attached to any other measure. The Senate seems unwilling, he said, to co-operate in this. Representative Lever emphasized the fact that it is invariably the ques tion with ungermane matter at tached to a bill when It reaches a deadlock between the two Houses that the offending body should recede. Representative Moridell called atten tion to,three important.pieces of leg islation which are tied up in this one measure. Food stimulation, anti-rent profiteering legislation and war-time prohibition. He charged that certain interests outside of the House have been blocking this measure on account of the prohibition amendment. AIRCRAFT PRODUCTION REPORT OUT TONIGHT Attorney General Gregory, today an nounced that Charles E. Hughes' re port on aircraft production, which he had tost transmitted to President Wilson, would be given out tonight (or publication in the newspapers to morrow morning Every Slav a Willing Slave of j President, Montenegro Envoy Says. CRITICAL POIHT OF WAR Every 81st win be the willing: slave of President Wilson, Gen. A. Gvosde novitch, the newly appointed envoy extraordinary and minister plenipo tentiary to the United States from Montenegro, said today. The minister declared that the United States by in sisting upon the policy of self-deter mination by all peoples, large or ?mall, would weld together in one | state twenty millions of Serbs, who for more than five hundred years had been oppressed by the Austrian and the Magyar. "But now is the most critical period in the history of the war," said the minister. "Germany has been beaten, but what she can't obtain by arms she may attempt by subtle diplomacy, by subterfuge and fraud. Depend upon it that she will not submit to the only terms which will be required of her until convinced that if .she doesn't surrender now the conditions will be made more exacting In the future. Has Faith in Allies. "I am not afraid, however, that the allies, especially the United States, will permit themselves to be farther duped by so srross an enemy." The general, who was A. D. C. to King Nicholas, said that with Jugo-Slavia to the south and Czecho-Slavia to the north, both the creations of President Wilson, Austria would be caught be tween two mighty pincers and her power for mischief would be forever gone. He said King Nicholas was wholly Indifferent as to whether the form of government for Jugo-Slavia Bhould be a constitutional monarchy or a republic. The king was loy ally and patriotically willing to ac cept whatever the various divisions of the Serb people decree. ; Montenegro "Set on a Hill." Montenegro Is a country set on a hill, and it is a tradition among her citixens that ffs light will never be hid. It might be dimmed for a time, but will never be completely extin guished. It is called by Tennyson the "Eagle's nest of Europe." In Eng lish the little country is ealled "Black Mountain." It is a tiny country with a population approximately the same as the present population of'the Dis trict of Columbia; nevertheless. Mon tenegro has played an Important part in the political history of Europe. King Nicholas is father-in-law to Victor Emmanuel of Italy and Peter of Serbia. The new minister energetically repelled an assertion in some quarters that the king played into Austria's hands by prematurely surrendering. He declared that Mon tenegro was surrounded at every point of the compass, Serbia was in full retreat and if they had waited three days longer during the dark hours of 1915 the entire government and army of the kingdom would have been captured. Takes Bap at Critics. "It would be bette) for some per sons to go to the .front and do some fighting than to spend their time criticising a faithful ally of the gov ernments fighting Germany,'* said Gen. Gvosdenovitch. . "The king left Montenegro on the advice and with the approval of the government. I was there and know all the circum stances." People Must Decide. "There 1s only one condition of 'union upon which Montenegrins will insist, and that Is that t^e peo ple themselves determine the matter," said the minister. "It will npt be de termined for them by the kings or the government. In this matter all Serbs agree and it is quite in accord with President Wilson's principles. I Jugo-Slavia Will be self-governing 1 and the people themselves will ^pay whether a permanent president, with the title of king or emperor, shall be appointed, or whether a system fash ioned after the plan-of government in this country shall be adopted. "In aijy event Pre?id?nt.Wilson has 2t.000.000 willing slaves in BliaMW." s ?" APPLIES TO ITALIAN COMMANDER IN FIELD TO END HOSTILITIES * Allies Everywhere Press On. Foe Losses Are Appalling. 40,000 Prisoners Taken. VAST SECTION OF TERRITORY LIBERATED IN A SINGLE DAY By the Associated Press. LONDON, October 31.?The Austrian com mander on the Italian front has applied to Gen. Diaz, the Italian commander-in-chief, for an armistice, the Exchange Telegraph Company states. The application, the news agency adds, has been forwarded to the Versailles conference. LONDON, October 31.?Ismail Hakki, com manding the Turkish armies of the group operat ing in the Tigris region in Mesopotamia, has sur rendered with one entire division and the best part of two other divisions, the Evening Standard says. Fifteen Austrian divisions operating between the Brenta and the Piave, on' the Italian front, have had their retreat cut off through the capture of the mountain pass of Vadal by Italian and allied troops. Official wireless dispatches from .Rome today say the advantage is being pressed to the utmost and that a crisis is near. Enemy losses are described as appalling. In all, more than 1,000 square kilometers of Italian territory were reconquered yesterday, and apparently the whole front is being driven northward. The dispatches flatly deny the Austrian claim that territory across the Piave is being evacuated volun tarily. The 3d' Italian army on the lower Piave is reported advancing steadily in the face of desperate enemy resistance. Occupation of the valley of Quero by the Italian army corps operating north of Valdossiadene threatens Feltre and exposes the Austrians in the Grappa region to a flanking movement which it is said will compel immediate retirement. By Ttjp Associated Press. Disaster threatens the Austro-Hun garian armies grom the Stelvio to the Adriatic as they retreat from Italian territory- All the Itklian armies now have entered the great offensive against the Austrians and the allied troops are advancing rapidly along the entire front from Lake Garda to the Adriatic. Fighting activity on the western front remains at a virtual standstill. There have been only isolated actions at several points. Shattered by the irresistible ad vance of the Italians, British and French across the Piave, the Aus trians are fleeing rapidly across the plains of eastern Venteia toward the line of Isonzo, from which they ad vanced one year ago. American troops are participating in the ad vance of the Italian 10th army, which already has reached the out skirts of Sacile, flfteen miles east of the Piave. The> total of Austrian prisoners is approaching 40,000. Apparently the Austrian foroM which were along the Piave will have great difficulty in reaching the hills east of the Isonzo. They have been separated from the armies in the mountains west of the Piave and the allies already threaten their rear from the region of Vittorio. Along the lower Piave the Italian third army has crossed the river and taken up the pursuit. In the center the Italians have taken Oderzo, while further north they have advanced be yond Vittorio, in the direction of jlol luno. In retreating across the plains, over the fifty-live miles between the Piave and the Isonzo, the Austrian* rush backward as through a narrow hallway, walled in on the north bjr the carnic Alps and on the south fef the Adriatic. From the manner H? which the allies have driven in their wedge east of the Piave it apparently is the intention to outflank the Aw trians on the north, in the foothills of the Alps, and crush them from botfc the north and the west. ENTIRE ITALIAN FRONT ABLAZE; ALL ARMIES NOW ARE IN ACTION By the Associated Pr* LONDON, October 31.?The entire Italian front is ablaze, a Central News dispatch from Rome says. All the Italian armies now are in action. British forces fighting east of the Piave have reached the Livenza river at Francenigo and the Italians have occupied Oderxo. according to an of ficial statement on operations in Italy issued at the w*f office today. British troops have entered Aaiago, according to another report from the British war office covering the opera tions early Wednesday. The statement also reports contin ued progress by the 3d. 10th, 8th 12th armies along the Piave. From the Stelvio Pass to the Adri atic the Italian front Js more than 119 miles in length, running south to west of Lake Garda, thence east aeroM the Brenta and Piave to the apex at the new allied wedge near SacHe, where it turns south and west to the Adriatic. The active Italian front has been considered generally as being betweta Lake Garda and the Adriatic, a front of about 120 miles. The Piave line, on which the allied troops now are ad vancing, is about sixty miles from tha Piave east of Monte Grappa to the mouth of the river northeast of Venice. VITAL MONTE CISON CAPTURED; U AMERICAN FORCES CROSS PIAVE By the Associated Pnn. AT ITALIAN HEADQUARTERS OP THE PIAVE, October 30.?Allied troopa have taken Monte Ciaon. This was a most Important operation, for by It the roads were opened to Feltre and Vit torio. Both these cities were Austrian bases. The capture of Monte Cison also divides the Austrian army, forcing the troops to the north to follow a long, slow line of retreat through the mountains of Trentino. The gCneral line of retreat, where the largest number of troops could be moved, would be along the roads Ml railways toward Belluno and over tha plains toward Udlne. American troops under Maj. Gen. Charles G. Treat have crossed the Piave river. The 3d Army has estab lished three bridgeheads on the lower Piave. - The American troops on this front are operating with the 10th Army, composed of British, Italians and Americans, under Lieut. Gen. the Earl of Cavan. This was the first army U begin operations by establishing X bridgehead across the Piave river at. the Island of Grave di Papadopolo. AUSTRIANS NOW OVER DANUBE; SERBIANS GAIN EVERYWHERE crossing of the Danube, according to an official statement tonight from Austro - Hungarian headquarters. Elsewhere in Serbia the Austrian withdrawal continues. ZURICH, Wednesday. October 30. 11?? iiaid advance of thi 1