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The Palais Royal Stationtty Department ls Ready ^ lor Christmas Shoppers * (/jfc Dnrt foutt (be Boys "Over There." Send at leatt t|ree&r card. Everybody should _ ? _ write them this Christmas. Send them -cheery free tines. Mail yonr cards'at tfnee. Thous- BffEflkH. aads here to select from. JoTT Eleventh and C Streets JLUSMBU Important Notice: Beginning Monday?one of the most important Sales of the year?ap Annual 'Event that offers most unusual values and an opportunity for every woman in Washington to make a great Saving. Don't fail to see full details in the Sunday Star or Post. ' 1 ^ The Palais Royal The Logical Christmas Shopping Headquarters. Begin Now \ to Buy for Christmas. $500,000.00 Worth New Merchandise Now Readyfl Mid-Season Millinery $6.50,$ I #,$12.50 to $29.50 A number of new and distinctive Style Hats have been received dtlring the past two days. These as well as other charming creations in our stock have been marked at extra ordinary low prices for a busy day Saturday. Hats for every occasion are represented in these wonderful collections. Every model is offered at a worth-while saving, and all are desirable fall and mid-season styles. Smart Fur Turbans, $12.50 to $29.50 Palais Royal Moderateness in Price Is Evident Beautiful and very becoming, indeed, are the new arrivals in all fur and fur and brocaded velvet combinations. Styles that will find immediate favor with the distinctive dressers of Washington. Turbans fashioned of fine quality seal (dyed muskrat) and real mole furs, smartly trimmed with clusters of small fruits and flow ers. The latest fashion idea in millinery, priced $12.50 to $29.50. Special Purchase New Hats At $6.50 Worth $10 to $1250 A fortunate purchase of 145 excellent quality up-to the-minute styles In large, medium and small effects. Developed of Lyons velvet and beaver cloth; trimmed with flowers, ribbons, orna ments, etc.. in black, brown, navy, taupe: $10 to $12.60 values at only $6.60. Mourning Hats, $5.95 to $16.50 AO Are Distinctive New Styles Included are large, medium and small hats made of uncut velvet, beaver cloths, crepe falUe silk and crepe meteor. also combinations of silk and crepe. Artistically d e - signed models, some with touches of white crepe and wh'te faille under facings. Distinctively Trimmed fiats $10 to $12.50 Models That Were Designed to Sell at $18 to $2250 , Hats included in this price range are most unusual values, representing the best ideas of the 5th avenue modistes. Many of the hats at $12.50 were created to sell at $18 to $22.50. The assort ment includes rich Lyons and. Panne velvet and metal and beaver cloth hats, or hats of these materials skillfully combined. Trimmed with flowers, furs, ostrich, ribbons and novelties. The wanted colors, including black, are in the collection. Hats for all occa sions, from the high colored turbans to the large transparent even ing hats.. $10 Matteawan Velour Hats at $7.95 The ideal cold weather hats for street, sport and-general utility wear. The name Matteawan implies the best in quality, finish and service in American made velours. All the wanted .styles, and colors from which to choose. Smart models for the miss or woman. Splendid values at $7.95. k Palais Rayal?Seeoad Floor. Mourning Veils, 98c to $5.98 AO Kinds Are Here A large assort ment of all the most wanted mourning veils, some are neatly finished with faille ribbon and crepe borders. A choloe variety In large and small meshes to satisfy all de mands. A w 1 d e range of prices, 98c to I5.9S. e Palais Royal Wonderful New Blouses at $5 Great purchases enable us to offer vety large assortments and exceptional values at this price. All the very newest blouse effects are shown?in all the wanted materials and newest colors. ' Included are $5 Georgette Crepe Blouses in' tailored stales. Crepe. _de Chine Blouses in beautifully embroid ered and beaded effects; Striped Silk Taffeta Blouses in a wonderful variety of colors. One model ot Georgette has daintily hand-embroidered front?of silk ana beads?* design of uaosoal beauty. Conies In flesh and whites. Another smart style is of crepe do chine. This model closes at the left side?has soft vest effect, having the new neck-line fastenings of self-made buttonhole loops with IS pearl ball bat tons. Sizes 36 to 44, in white, maize Never such a wonderful collection at the price I Never such an oppor tunity to choose so advantageously. We have described several of the styles, but they are only an inkling of the Variety. Beautiful Collection of Exclusive Novelty Blouses at $10.50 to $15 Palais R?yal?Third A Great Saturday Sale of Misses' and Women's Suits and Dresses An Extraordinary Lot of Garments Bought at a Big Price Concession Goes on Sale Tomorrow. All Desirable, High-grade Garments ?Remarkable Savings A remarkable lot of garments included in these assortments that was bought advan tageously by our New York representative. The exceptional savings should Interest miny women and misses. Ne\tf Dresses Of Silk or Wool Materials Women's and Misses' j. Dresses of serge, in navy tt* >lue. All sizes in plain B ' ailored models, tunic style, * pleated and basque effects. w m M Also dresses of silk trico- !? lette, wool jersey and vel veteen. A number of silk dresses of combination of Georgette, crepe meteor and satin and Georgette and satin. Shown in styles for all occasions. All many crepe de chine dresses in plain or with bead trimmed bodice, in extra sizes 44 to 52%. Colors are navy, black, gsay and plum. A fortunate purchase has enabled us to quote these remarkable values. Savings extraordinary. Nearly All Garments Are Marked Below Regular Trices All new fall styles of high-grade suits and dresses marked at a fraction of their actual worth. A money-saving occasion of unusual importance. 13 Useful Christmas Gift Suggestions In Misses' and Women's Sizes A Choice of plain and demi-, \ tailored styles, without fur TT W trimming. Developed of ?* m M serge, velour, tweed or vel ?? veteen._ One model is a chic military suit with in verted pleat in back and semi-fitted, two breast pockets and two large bellows patch pockets. All with button flap, full belted with buckle front and back. Shown' in navy blue, green, French blue, brown," Burgundy, gray and dark mixtures. Wonderful Lot of Coats at $16.98 A variety of neat styles for children for school and dress wear. At this popular price we are showing handsome coats made of zib eline, pompom cloth, bolivia cloth, tweed and novelty pile fabrics. All are up-to-date models, finished with velvet, braid, fur or button trim ming. Sizes 6 to 16 years. .Moderately priced at I11H. Better quality eoata priced up to 950. None Too'Soon For These Xmas Ribbons None too soon to commence the making of fan?y bags, etc. See the samples here?of the possibilities of these Xmas Ribbons. Persian and Plumage Ribbons at $3.00 Yard Bags and girdles made of these rib bons will excite the admiration of every one who sees them; 9 inches wide; regular at $2.50 yard. Special at $3.00. Gold and Silver Ribbons "With their black ground of heavy silk, the wonderfully beautiful designs worked in gold or silver make ideal bags^hat crowns, etc; 9 inches wide. Per yard, $6.00. Ribbons Worth More, Special at 79c Yard Light and dark coloring in rich Per sian, beautiful Dresden and novelty polka dot ribbons; 6 to 65,? inches wide; good value at 89c yard. Special at 79c. Street Floor. A Special Purchase and Sale of Women's Union Suits at 75c Manufacturer's Sample Lot 2-Piece Pajamas at $2.98 This Price Is Much Below Their Actual Value We secured this lot at an exceptionally low price. These are sample pajamas of a high-grade manufacturer who makes garments to sell at a much higher price than this. Two-piece pajamas made of madras, seco silk, soisette and novelty ma terials, well tailored, as all sample garments are. and finished with frog fastenings; some with silk pipings. Sizes 36, 38 and 40 in pink, blue, rose, lavender and fancy stripes. -Specially priced at S2.0H. Kimonos at $2.98 Envelope Chemise, $2.98 A splendid lot of genuine Serpentine Another lot of those handsome Envelope Crepe Kimonos in plain colors and figured Chemise, made of all-silk crepe de chine, designs, in empire and hubbard waist Shown in a large variety of styles, includ effects, trimmed with ribbon and braid, ing both plain tailored or lace trimmed Special at 9ZJ18. models. Spccial at 92.93. New Assortment of Over 200 Heatherbloom Petticoats at $2.98 Excellently made petticoats with deep flounce of all-silk taffeta in all the wanted shades and a few striped and Dresden effects. Specially priced at f??S. Palais Royal?Third Floor. The Newest Veils Saturday is Veil Day at Tha Palais Royal?and never a Satur day passes without something new arid charming. Tomorrow will be no exception. $1.50 to $5.00 for choice of Pat tern Veils, the new conceits with plain and fancy meshes, scroll and chenille dots; in black, taupe, brown, purple and navy. $2.75 to $3.00 for beautiful bor dered Veils, in graceful scrolls, with chiffon and Georgette borders; black, taupe and brown. Street Floor. From Palais Royal Assortments One Can Choose the Best Gloves Women's Fitted Handbags, Special, 98c Mostly of moire, a few of velvet; covered frame, silk lining; fitted with mirror. The New Strap The New Shopping Purses, $1 to $7.50 Bags, S2 to $5.50 Women are taking to these new purses, with Cotex Leather bags are their convenient strap at now mostly" asked for. top or back. Of various Here in black and colors, leathers, in black and col- neatly lined, with plaited ors; silk lined and fitted front, some with paited with mirror, sides. Palais Boyal?Street Floor. To Get The Utmost in Wear To Get The Utmost in Style To Gel The Utmost in Value Wear Palais Royal Hosiery We direct special attention to a wonderful lot of new, dean, perfect goods that have come jost in time for Satur day's selling. These stockings are priced at FuB-fashioned hose in blade, white, brown, gray and suede, also good wearing fiber silk hose, in blade, white, navy, gray, champagne and suede. All perfect qualities. Women's Pare Silk Hose, $1.75?A splendid collection of excellent wearing s3k hose, in black, white and the new browns and grays. FoO fashioned and splendid Tables at $L75 pair. Novelty Hose, $2.25 Aiiart Kit _ silk aSbrotd in the new fall as Boys' Hose, 50c to 65c fw Brand" Hew, far beys and sirla, recom mended for general wear. ~ S to l?K. AU black. Boys' Hose, 35c or 3 Pairs, $1 Excellent wearing Hose, for boys.' fine ribbed qaal Ity, three thread Vneii. rood Mack. All perfect hoee. In stses C to ?tt. Slaea S. ?H and 10 at SSe. tide Hose at 59c Womes'i sood wearier Usle Hose. In black, white and the popular browns and Si ay. Super -? fashioned, all perfect. Children's Hose, 50c. Fin* Ribbed Onyx Hose, medium weight, in the wanted dark brown, also black. Slas* C to ?H Children's Hose, 50c to 65c Onyx Silk Lisle Hose, line ribbed mercerised qual ity, in black, white and dar? brown. Sizes S to 10. Over 500 Dinner Sets Underpriced for Saturday A-f ifi Plain White Dinner /\l Set Service for 6. A 4- ?2 Oft Decorated Dinner vO?yO Set. Service for 6. A-f QQ Gold Band Dinner Set. Service for 6. Af <17 Oft 100-piece Dinner V* I*sO Sets; choice deco rations. Ail' $10 Oft 100-piece Dinner ?lyeyo Sets; attractive ^ border patterns. Ad- Mi Oft F'ne English Por V*rl?yO celain Dinner Sets>; handsome decorations. Ad- (3Q CA Nippon China Din flLI 4>d7edU ner Sets; beauti ful floral pattern. Vihn, $4 and $5 200 Pieces Sparkling Cut Glass, $3.19 An opportunity to save on Christ mas gifts. . In the assortment are vases, ferneries, flower baskets, eelery trays, etc. Buy Toilet Articles Now for Christmas Gifts! Nothing More Pleasing or Appropriate PyraKn Imitation Ivory Toilet Articles in the Very Desirable DoBarry Design Are Offered Tomorrow in a Special Sale at Much Below Regular Prices This assortment is comprised of a recent large purchase of manufacturers' samples and seconds and provide a splendid means choosing Christmas, presents as well as baying for one's personal need, or to a?M to a set one alreadv has. Included are Mirror*, Hear Receivers, Dressing Combe, Hat Brushes, etc., Tooth Brush Holders, Powder Boxes, Shoe Horns, Nail Buffers, Pin Trays, Men's Combs, Military Brushes, Jewel Bozes, Ivory Clocks, etc., etc., etc. for $2.95 for tfSI Brashes?hair brashes; fine bristles. ! 1359 for $4.50 Mirrors?the long-han dled kind. $UI for $459 Mirrors ? the ring-han dled land. $5J5 for $9.9 JKlrrors?the bonnet shaped kind. * ^ $4.75 tor $7.85 Mirrors?the bonnet shaped kind. S&9S for $4.59 Brashes?cloth brashes; splendid grades. 75c for $U9 Combs?-Ladies' dressing combs, with all coarse, or coarse and fine teeth. $L69 for $2.95 Brashes-hat brushes? . excellent grades,. 75c Manicure Pieces, 59c?including Nail Files, Cuticle Knives; also Shoe Hooks. Choice at 19c each. 95c for-$L25 Shoe Horns. $159 and $2.25 Nail Buffers at 95c and $150. $1.15 for $1.95 Pin Trays. 59c for 85c Salve Boxes. 95c for $159 Cream Boxes. $559 Pair Military Brashes. Special at $2J5 pair. 59c for 75c Men's Combs. $3.13 for $5 Jewel Boxes. 99c for $L2S Hatpin Holders, 99c for $L25 Toothbrush Cylinders. $349 and $459 for $649 and $6.95 Clocks. $1.89 for $&25 Perfume Bottles. $175 for $259 Powder Boxes and $2.25 Hair Receivers. 99c for $L15 Talcum Boxes. $259 and $459 Comb and Brash Trays at $U5 and $2J5. ? ? ? ? bbji ? ? a a i.i ? - - - On Sale Toilet Goods Section?Street Floor?Special Tables. - B B S III! B B B,S BBS