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the Scheldt river u far north as Fecke, seven miles aoath-southwest of Ghent. Yankees in Bittet light.' WITH THE AT.LTED FORCES IN FLANDERS, November 2 (by the As sociated Press).?The fighting which one American detachment encountered yesterday at Sp^taalsbosechen wood, southeast of Waereghem. in Belgium, ?was probably the hardest it has ex perienced in the months it has been In France. This unit of westerners had come from a section of the line where It liad seen some bitter engagements, but the major who was leading a battalion which was outflanking the wood on the north, and who was wounded, told the Associated Press that the early stages of the battle yesterday were heavier than anything his men had been through. Net of Entanglements. This forest, which covers a consid erable tract, was literally a network of barbed-wire entanglements, among which there were great numbers of machine gun nests dominating the American line in front of it. The Germans evidently had been ex pecting an attack, for as soon as the drive began many of the little houses along the line sprang Into flames, set by the boche. and the whole district was lighted brilliantly. The attack was begun in the dark est hour before dawn, and by firing these homesteads the Germans threw the advancing troons out in bold relief, i Which enabled th^machine gunners to operate freely. At the same time the German artillery put down a ter-| rifle barrage, which continned for j hours. Straight through this blase of light the Yankees charged and be gan the work of clearing out the ma chine gun nests. No direct frontal attack was made on the wood, but an outflanking operation was started on either side. Into the advancing forces rapid flrers poured a vicious flro from concealed positions in the woods. Every farm house and haystack along the way? and there were many?contained its machine gun which was chattering mad ly. of these had to be surround ed and subdued In turn as tho Amer icans moved forward. Few Civilians Leave. Very few civilians had left this dis trict. The farmers and their families were still living in houses which the Germans had seized for machine gun posts, and while the graycoats were sending streams of bullets from the upper windows, and loopholes In the lefts the people were down below in terror waiting for they knew not what. Every precaution was taken by the Americans to spare these unfortunate people. The houses were surrounded and the Germans taken prisoner or ki Hod The wood was taken after several hours of fierce fighting and all the Germans cleaned out. As the day pro gressed the going became easier, but this American division will njver for get the first hour of that battle. FOCH DEVELOPS HIS PLANS t DESPITE TALK OF ARMISTICE By the Associated Prrss. PARIS, November 2.?Unperturbed by armistice proceeding', capitulations, and revolutions. Marshal Foch, the allied commander-in-chief, is going ahead deliberately and methodically "with the carrying out of his military plans. Thus, yesterday witnessed a Beries of stunning blows dealt by him on the western front in the course of this procedure. Notable in the concrete develop ment of the marshal's program was the resumption of the drive by Gen. Oouraud, with his French forces, and Gen. Liggett, with the American 1st Army, between the Aisne and the Meuse. After preparing- the ground by a number of local actions the offensive was begun on a ten-mile front on either side of Vouziers and excellent progress was effected in the difficult country, hilly and wooded and inter sected by innumerable streamlets. Between Grandpre and the Meuse the Americans pushed ahead two and a half miles. On the other wing Gen. Gouraud reached the approaches to the Ardennes canal between Attigny and L#e Chesne, tending to outflank Rethel from the east, while the French ! 5th Army began to outflank it to the northwest of Chateau-Porcien. i This success, together with the ad ; vance of the Flanders armies along ' the Scheldt, involving the capture of several bridgeheads and sealing the ; fate of Valenciennes* adds consider ! ably to the dangerous situation tor the enemy along the whole of the I great front. GERMANS PREPARE TO RETREAT; I HAVE INSUFFICIENT RESERVES BY A. R. DECKER. Cablegram to The Sandny Star and Chicago Daily Vews. Copyright, 1918. WITH THE BRITISH ARMY AT THE FRONT, November 2.?The tired German armies are prepared to retreat. Since the beginning of the allied offen sive September 26 the Germans have used 14S divisions, of which sixty have been engaged twice and five three times. The German reserves are insufficient to meet the disposition of the allied troops. In preparation for the re ?reat the Germans are removing all the heavy artillery back of the lines; depending upon high velocity and long-range projectiles to support the Infantry in the rearguard actions. The enemy is destroying all the bridges not needed for the removal of heavy material, and is also building many bridges to facilitate the retreat. Canal locks are being blown up daily, and likewise railroad bridges, cross ings, switches and power plants. Munition dumps, wherever possible, are being removed and aerodromes are being dismantled. The German heavy artillery fire has already slackened con siderably since the guns have been taken across the rivers and the flooded areas like'that of the Escaut (Scheldt). The latter is flooded from Espierre to Gu-rmignles. The Germans expect to retire to Ghent and then to Ant werp. The first halt will be along the line Renaix to Leuze and further south along the "Dindere" line from Termonde to Lessines, Ath, Mons, Mau beuge, and perhaps later from Antwerp to Namur. Evidently the German object is to shorten the line and conserve the di visions, which are decimated and ex hausted by long and hard fighting. It is certain that Marshal Foch does not intend to allow the Germans to rest, despite the coming of winter, with its rains and mud. OFFICIAL WAR REPORTS, AMERICAN. November 2 (morning)-?The 1st Army continued its attack west of the Meuse this morning. The operation is progressing favorably. BRITISH. November 2. ? Determined local fighting continued throughout the. day on the battle front south and east of Valenciennes. We made good progress northeast of Maresches and . east and north of Preseau, capturing ; the hamlet of St. Hubert and the, farms in tha* vicinity. t Kast of Valenciennes we hold the village of Marly and our advanced de- j tachments have entered St. Saulve. j In this operation we captured two tanks which had been used by the enemy in unsuccessful counter attacks yesterday and took several hundred , prisoners. _ ( A successful minor operation took place his morning west of Landrecies;} we advanced our line and took a num ber of prisoners. FRENCH. November 2 ?Vigorous attacks yes terdav and this morning by the 4th: Army"on the Aisne front, in connection ?with"the victorious effort of the Amer icans between the Argonne and Meuse. have compelled the enemy to beat a retreat a.-ross the Argonne forest. Our troops, smashing the enemy rear guards, who by stubborn resistance attempted to check our advance, made Important progress along the whole front of the attack. On the left we have taken Semuy and carried our lines as far as the south bank of the Ardennes canal, which we have reached on a front of two kilometers, from Semuy to Neu ville-et-Dav. Farther south we have reached the outskirts of Les Alleux, Quatre Champs and I -a Croix-aux-Bois, al ter bavins? captured Bois Vandy and the village of Ballav. despite the enemy resistance, which was particularly violent on the aUpux plateau and the Croix-aux-Bois defile. On the right Longwe and Primat fell into our hands. North of the lat- I ter place our troops, pushing beyond Chene Pate, continued, despite the serious obstacle of the Argonne for est, vigorously to pursue the enemy, who withdrew, abandoning consider able material. German counter attacks, especially hi the region of Semuy. were repulsed and enabled us to add several hundred to the number of our prisoners. ITALIAN. November 2?Kast of the Brenta the pursuit continues. On the Aslago plateau the enemy is resisting to give time for the masses in the .rear to re tire. but the troops of the' 6th Army have crossed, by force of arms, the pass between Rotzo and Roana. carry ing. in a bitter struggle, Monte Cimone and Monte Lisser, and are advancing in the valley of the Nos. The 4th Army ..h?S,x occupied the heights north of the Hollow of Fon maso and has pushed forward columns into the Sugana valley. The old fron tier was passed yesterday evening. Al pine groujis. having crossed the Piave ?with improvised means in the neigh borhood of Busche, have spread out j in the area between Feltre and San Ouistina. Italian troops, who yester- j day won in heavy fighting at the j Passo di Boldo, the hollow of Fadalto, are going up the Cordevole valley. They have passed beyond Ponte Nelle Alpl and are marching toward Longa rone. On the plain aa Italian cavalry di vision under the Count of Turin, hav ing overcome the stubborn resistance ?f the enemy at Castello d'Aviano, Roveredo in Piano, San Martino and San Qulrino. occupied Pordenone and passed the Cellina-Meduna. Our own and allied aviators are complete masters of the air and con tinue without pause their daring ao tivltlea An Italian airship bombard ed the railway station in the Sugana valley at night. It is not possible to calculate the number of guns abandoned on tha lines of battle now distant from the ?gtating fronts and on the roada Mom than 1,600 have been counted. Mora than 80,000 prisoners have been counted. Our soldiers have liberated ?wiral thou?ad ytlmm (ma cap tivity. GERMAN. November 2.?Renewed attacks by the British south of Valenciennes and bT the Americans west of the Meuse brought the enemy only local gains of territory. November 2.?South of Deynze we have withdrawn ourselves from further enemy attacks by retiring be hind the Scheldt The movement was carried out unnoticed during the ourthadlaC^tpo,tflsKhtinS t0uch with .There were strong attack* hv th? Aninnv fhUth of Valenciennes. Near Aulnoy the enemy forced his way Into our lines thrust forward on the south J?.1^der of Valenciennes in the di seau S^ultala, Just beyond Pre Counter attacks brought us again in possession of the heights southwest of Saultain and the village of Preseau. Attempts by the enemy during the ?^??n b>. an enveloping storm at ?i / m the west over the Scheldt and from the south to take Valen ciennes broke down. In the night we e\acuated the town undisturbed by our adversary. y Jl?rrtU,\ a,rtillery Preparations pre ceded attacks which the Franco Americans carried out for the purpose frnn?C^HrKa.n openiP* on the Aisne Jh?enMeause.betWeen th? Ar*onne and East of Recouvrance we repulsed th.e enemy. On the heights northwest ?MKtar,?a? Porci,en we maintained our positions against severe attacks. The heights southwest of St Fergeux changed hands several times in coun ter attacks. They remain in iur posl session. t??/lJ;hTe.heoS,ht3 westrof the Aisne be tw een La Selve and Herpy enemy at tacks broke down. Here again we won in severe fighting a complete success over the French. East of " Selve the adversary was not able to reach our line anywhere owing to our effective fire. Near and west of St Quentin-le-Petit we drove back the enemy from their line. I Enemy thrusts near Nanteuil and Ambly enabled him to reach tem j porarily the northern bank of the i Aisne. Counter thrusts drove him back to the southern bank. The French on a broad front at tacked on both sides of Vouxiers. as well as to the north, between the Aisne and Pre. Near Rilly we withdrew our advance posts to the northern bank of the Aisne. Near Voncq the enemy made a thrust over the Aisne to the heights on the 1 eastern bank of the river. Attempts by our adversary to secure a break through at Le Chesne broke down. We brought him to a stand near Neu ville-et-r>ay and Terron. Storming at tacks repeated at various points six times by the enemy on both sides of Vouziers also broke down. East of Vandy the enemy was thrown back. He got a footing In Falaise. Between the Aisne and Grand Pre the enemy was repulsed. The French on this front attained an insignificant gain of territory near Vonco and Fa laise. On the front of the attack, ten kilo meters In extent, between Terron and Palaise, our lines this evening were! fully In our hands. Between the Aisne and the Meuse ! American divisions employed In dense i ; attacking columns succeeded In forc ing their way into our positions be- ' tween Champalgneulle and AincrevlUe 1 and gaining territory beyond our ar tn.ery lines on both sides of Bayon ltiielTpt* ..of the enemy from Bayonville to roll up our front In the direction of Thenorgues and Stenay | were frustrated. With darkness the ! fighting wasbrought to a standstill on the line of Champlgneulle. Sivry. east | of Buxancy. southwest of Villers-De I vant-Dun and northeast of Ainereville. November 2.?On the Italian moun tain front our troops, in carrying out measures of evacuation according to plan, will occupy positions which they held at the beginning of the Italian war. '"th? Venetian Plain a movement of '?treat across the Taflitmento Is in progress. The evaenatlon of all Serbian t? ntory la Imminent. Giant Offensive May Prove One of War's Most Im portant Moves. STRUGGLE IS BITTER ONE BY Jinvirs B. WOOD. Cablegram to The Snndny Star and Ch'eago Dnlly News. Copyright, 1918. WITH THE AMERICAN ARMY AT THE FRONT. November 2.?American troops are taking part in a giant of fensive which may prove to be one of the most important moves in the war on the western front. The 1st American Army attacked on a twenty-three-kilometer (fourteen miles) front between the Aisne and the Meuse as their part of a colossal offensive by the allies pivoting on the Ueuse as on a hinge. The last of the Kriemhllde Stellung I was crossed, forcing the Germans to j abandon this strong position and re- ' tire to new defensive positions farther | north where desperate fighting is con tinuing. Where the Americans are now they I are within easy artillery range of Bu- I zancy and are in a position to cut off | the German motor supply system. The victory clears the front of the most important enemy trench system. Mist and Smoke Aid. After the heavy artillery fire, begin- | ning at 3:30 o'clock Friday morning, the infantry jumped off at 5:30. just as a heavy fog was falling. The mist with the smoke from the shells com pletely masked the attack and the German machine gun detachments, which were acting as the rear guards, were not aware, of the advance until the Americans were on top of them. In the second wave came the engineers repairing the roads for the tanks and artillery. Everything moved with the smoothness of clockwork. Thermite was used effectively in the attack. Ten fresh German divisions were used in trying to stem the American attack. Dramatic Sight Reveal d. When the fog lifted at 8 o'clock a dramatic sight was revealed. The troops composing the second American wave were waiting in the lee of a hill crest apparently unmoved by the shells falling among them. Suddenly a com mand was given and they disappeared o\er the top of the hill. The German battery reaction in the early hours was slight, the shells consisting chiefly of high explosive projectiles from long range guns, the smaller caliber cannon having been hastily withdrawn to pre vent capture. There was bloody fighting in spots on the long front, certain fortified villages and woods being altve with machine gunners who r'-^nined at posts I until they were killed. One division re- j ported that a girl in a German uniform had been captured. Laxge Territory Gained. Twenty-nine square miles of territory were wrested from the Germans in the first hours of the fighting. While the enemy apparently anticipated the neces sity of withdrawal he left picked detach ments behind with orders to sell their lives as dearly as possible, he Kriemhllde Stellung is now entirely behind the American 1st Army. The position was a Jungle of barbed wire, deep trenches, fortifications and pillboxes. The trenches were full of traps and all sorts of In genious devices, making them almost impregnable. I saw gates with springs so arranged as to trap raiders who would be enfiladed by hidden machine guns. There were secret covered huts In which a man could hide, emerge throw grenades and then disappear. Artillery Works Havoc. The artillery worked havoc with the trenches, but the enemy, .foreseeing this, dug himself in behind every hill and kept up a continuous fight. As already noted it was foggy in the early part of the day. Then there was an hour of brightness succeeded by a haze which lasted the remainder of the day and was a great help to the Americans. For the first time of the five weeks of the offensive the weather was in their favor. It not only prevented the Ger man machine guns from cross-firing, but made impossible the aerial ac-1 tivity which the Germans had planned. This was evidenced from the fact that they had concentrated their "flying circus" on this front several days ago. | Before the "zero hour" the infantry crawled out of their trenches. Expect ing a counter barrage they dug them selves in, each man occupying a "fox hole" one hundred yards in front of the trench. When the command was given to jump oft these fox-hole men, popping up in the chill morning mist , like jacks in boxes, rushed forward. I Practically not a single rifle was fired until the first German outposts were reacherd. and then bayonets were ordi narily used. Objectives Gained in Two Hours. | The flares that the Germans were sending up. showing that they were nervously expecting a wave of death to engulf them, burned red in the morning haze. The rattle of the Ger man machine guns suddenly stopped. They were quickly reached, found and silenced. In two hours the first ob jectives were gained. Then in broad 'daylight from points of vantage be hind the line which were comparative ly safe because of the weak German artillery fire, I was able to get a glimpse of the fight. In the village of Imecourt the Americans bagged 1,500 live Germans, and there were nearly as many dead in the streets. The thick walled buildings were alive with ma chine guns which swept all the ap i proaches. The American artillery threw a bar rage beyond the outskirts and then upon the town Itself, hurling roofs and walls high in the air like leaves In the autumn wind. The defenders, who had expected the Americans to make a frontal charge, came running out with hands up and "kamerading" toward the waiting skirmish line. Hand-to-Hand Fighting. Some of the Mtterset fighting was in a ravine called Auxplers. The black nose of a machine gun projected from the top of every rock. The Germans, with Infinite toil, had burrowed them selves In and fired from artificial crevices in huge boulders. Desperate hand-to-hand fighting occurred, but the defenders were all captured or killed. The Bols de Lopes. west of Champigneulle, was literally a forest of machine guns in which every bush was spitting death. As fast as one nest was taken another began send ing In a hail of bullets from farther In the rear. The Amerloans gained a foothold and at last reports were fighting their way steadily through the woods and towns. Grand Pre. in which are the battered remains of a twelth century church, containing the temb of Claude Joy ous* is entirely occupied by the Americans*. VICTORY SERVICE TONIGHT. Special Musical Program to Be Giv en at Epiphany Church. Special services of thanksgiving for victory are to be held at the Church of the Epiphany, G street between 11th and 14th streets northwest, tonight. A special musical program will include patriotic songs and a Te Deum. An address U tp be delivered by the rec tor, Rev. Dr. Randolph H McKlm, on the victories of American and allied troops Hd the defeat of tka central powers. HOW VIENNA OR BERLIN MAY BE REACHED. Serbian and French armies are approaching Belgrade and undoubtedly will use the Berlin-Bagdad railroad In their Invasion of Austria and any subsequent operation that may be carried out in the direction of Vienna or Berlin. The main invasion of Austria, however, possibly will come from the regions of northern Italy, and should Aus tria drop out of the wnr a sweeping effort against G ,-rmany would be directed from this region. The Berlln Bagdad line, as well as other railways In Austria, would be utilised in the move agaiaat the German border. Business Interests Declare for Acceptance of En tente Terms. KAISER OUT, SAYS RUMOR By the Associated Press. AMSTERDAM, November 2.?Ger man banking" and commercial men, after a meeting', have sent the gov ernment a declaration in favor of ac ceptance of the entente's armistice conditions, according- to the German papers. The declaration presents an argu ment against those who hope for an improvement of the situation from a continuance of the war and demands measures for facilitating peace, even if sacrifices are required. Beventlow Advises Submission. COPENHAGEN, Wednesday, October 30.?Complete submission to the allies was advised by Count Reventlow, the i na.val writer, In the Berlin' Deutsche Tages Zeitung of Tuesday. The ar ticle was very mild for the usual bel 'licose Beventlow. The GeAnan newspapers for many weeks have not been so bare of com ment on the military and political situ [ ation as they are at present. Apparent I ly the German press is awaiting the re I suit of the Versailles conference. Claims Kaiser Has Abdicated. PARIS, November 2.?In heavy type j the Temps today prints the following I under a Geneva date: "The abdication of William II may be considered now as an accomplished fact. Official publication Is delayed for an opportune moment." Want Peace at Once. . PARIS, November 2 (Havas).?Im mediate peace is demanded in manifes toes published by German socialist news papers from labor and socialist organiza tions and feminist groups throughout the empire. The last named groups in their statement declare the German women will take every means of opposing the continuation of the war. Denies Scheidemann Demand. BASEL, Switzerland, November 2. Resrarding the reports that Philip Scheidemann, socialist leader and sec retary. without portfolio in the German cabinet, had addressed a memorial to Chancellor Maximilian on the abdica tion of Emperor William, a semi-olf? cial statement from Berlin declares no such memorial exists. "It Is not Impossible, however," the statement adds, "that this Question was touched upon In correspondence ex changed between Secretary of St'te Scheidemann and other secretaries and irovernment chiefs during the illness of the chancellor, which rostricted per sonal communication between the mem bers of the government." October Circulation 106,330 THE EVENING STAR does not I print a forenoon edition. 1 Its paid circulation in Washing ton and suburbs is believed to be between two and one-half and three j times that of the corresponding edition of its afternoon cotemporary in the same territory. ' District of Colombia, ss.: FLEMING NEWnOLD. business manager of THE EVENING and SUNDAY 8TAK, does sol emnly rfwear that the actual number of copies of the paper named sold and distributed dar ing the month of October, A.D. 10X8, was as follows: , DAILY. Diyv P?"- Copies, i 10.T.24B 17 UM8T 2is : loeSSi1 105.110 19 107,312 4 103,006 21 111,333 f 5 102.433 S| 111.182 7 J92-21" I? 110.097 8 112211 ?} 109.129 . 9 1034K53 ?5 107JS73 ! 1 0 104.980 26 106J82 11 1. 2| J<?.74* , 12 ? 90,325 29 108,443 1 14.::.... *21225 ????????? io*?4 1 5 10?.?42 31 lOSJtr 16 ....... 100.072 ___ Total dally net circulation... .W7M1II ' Daily average net paid elr , cuiation , M Dally average number or copies for service, etc....... Dally average net circulation. 1< SUHDAY. '' [ Day*. Copies. Dajw. Oeples. I ! 6 ....... 79,877 20 ....... mm 1? 81.441 87 84575| j Less adjustments. U7 j Total Sunday net circulation. Average net paid Sunday cir- . cuiation 81.7001 Average number of copies for service, etc Average Sunday net circula-" tlon FLEMING^ N Butwcrlbed and rwnrm to before mm tkia ??4 4ar of Msrember, A.D. 1918. <Be*U CORNELIUS ECKHABDT, I Notarj Public. I HUN ARMY WEAKENS UNDER PEACE TALK; PRISONERS MOROSE Cablegram to The Sunday Star and Chicago Daily Sewi. Copyright, 1018. WITH THE BRITISH ARMIES AT THE FRONT, November 2.? The prisoners captured on the Valenciennes front are the most morose Germans seen on this front. An officer admitted that the German army had gone to pieces since the authorities be gan their peace offensive. "If the British attacks contin ue for another month or even less as they have been con ducted since early In August," he said, "there will be nothing left of the German army worth mentioning. "Peace or an armistice is the only thing that can save it from being completely crushed." ADVISES TELEGRAPHERS IT IS NO TIME TO STRIKE Committee of Union Says Post master General Burleson Has Promised an Investigation. Recommendation to members of the Commercial Telegraphers' Union of America "against any movement look ing toward a strike at this time" are contained in the report made public last night of the committee appointed by the organization to lay the griev ances of the union against the Western Union Telegraph Company before Post Office Department officials. Assurances have been received from Postmaster General Burleson, the re port said, that the wire control board would make an investigation. ALL TURKISH RAILWAYS UNDER ALLIED CONTROL LONDON, November 2.?An addi tional clause In the terms of armistice granted by the allies to Turkey, which has just been received, says: "Allied control officers are to be placed on all railways, including such portions of the Transcaucasian rail ways as are now under Turkish con trol; these must be placed at the free and complete disposal of the allied authorities, due consideration being given to the needs of the population. "This clause is to Include the allied occupation of Batum. Turkey will raise no objection to the occupation of Baku by the allies." TWELVfc" MEN INDICTED ON AIRCRAFT CHARGES CHICAGO, November 2.?Indictments against twelve men in connectionj with alleged aircraft construction scandal were returned today by the federal grand jury The names of the men were suppressed pending their arrest. The grand jurors were dis missed after the indictments were re turned. TTSE OF PAPER RESTRICTED. Publications Issued in the interest of an individual firm or corporation must reduce by 25 per cent th^* aver age tonnage of paper used during the past twelve months, according to an order issued yesterday by the pulp and paper division of the War In dustries Board. New publications of this class are forbidden unless they take the place of some other form of r,?!,n >>usly issued by the Arm or corporation. collective house papers, those publications printed ip the in terest of a collection of individuals, firms or corporations, and not having second-class mail entry, the same rul ing was made. The community house paper, a publi cation In the interest *>f a church, charitable institution, club, society or community, and entered as second class mall, automatically becomes a periodical and is subject to the regu lations as issued to all publishers of periodicals, except newspapers and agricultural publication^ under date of August 27, 1918. COMMUNITY FUEL CONTROL. There will be no additional order is sued regulating the opening and clos ing of offices, qfpres and other mer cantile establishments and places of amusements^ because present condi tions do not warrant such an order. This is the decision reached by the United States Fuel Administration and communicated to all state and district directors of conservation. Should an acute shortage of eoal occur In any locality, however, the fuel administrator in whose district the shortage occurs will draw up an order, which, in his opinion, will best meet the emergency. Reasonable val* untary conservation measures are urged on all classes of business and industry. INFLUENZA DEATHS DECREASE BY NINE New Cases Yesterday Num bered 53, a Drop of 152 From Friday. There was a material decrease In I the number of deaths from Influenza reported for the twenty-four-hour period ending last night at 9 o'clock. There were thirteen deaths, a decrease of nine, as compared with a similar period ending at 9 o'clock Friday night, when the death list showed twenty-two. There was a decrease of four deaths for the twenty-four-hour period ending at noon yesterday, when the deaths totaled eighteen. The number of new cases recorded for the twenty-four-hour period ending at noon yesterday was fifty-three, a decrease of 152 cases, compared with the day before, when they numbered 205. No additional report of new cases is given out after noon Saturday. list of the Dead. The list of the dead reported last night follows: Emma Radcliff, 47 years. Providence Hospital: Dorothy M. Hensdn, 15 years, 457 \t Ridge street northwest; George Haas, Jr., 28 years, 1332 I street northwest: Clar ence S. Wilson, 30 years. United States Public Health Hospital No. 2; Robert T. Wood. 53 years, St. Elizabeth Hos pital; Charles Hodgin, 38 years. Provi dence Hospital; Kasper Kottermann, 29 years, St. Elizabeth Hospital; Min nie Shields. 33 years. St. Elizabeth Hospital; E. P. Weber, 57 years, 4401 Wisconsin avenue; Laura Hall, 45 years, United States Public Health Hospital No. 2; Myrtle Darling, 18 years, 1303 G street southwest; Harry Zieger, 32 years, St. Elizabeth Hos pital; Ailene Williams, 10 years, Freedmen's Hospital. Urges Precautions. I Health Officer William C. Fowler said last night that while he felt that the situation had been mastered here, i he would again emphasize the neces sity of the observance by tlje general public of all the precautionary meas ures In force and which were made operative as a matter of protection and public safety, to prevent a further spread of tbe contagion. The opening of the churches today, Dr. Fowler said, would, in his opin ion, have no tendency to bring about the spreading of the contagion, even In the event that persons developing the disease or carrying the contagion attended the services, for the reason that people will take precautions to prevent contracting the disease and for the additional reason that the contagion Is now of a mild form, as shown by the nature of the new cases being reported. The opening tomorrow of the theaters, moving picture houses, schools and other places where the public gather, he said, would have no tendency to scatter the germs of the influenza. The precaution announced by the school-authorities to exclude all pupils from the classes suffering from heavy colds or who might be under suspicion as developing the disease. Dr. Fowler said, would reduce to the minimum all dangers of the contagion getting any foothold in the schools. The request of the Commissioners made to the street railway companies to operate their cars with open win dows has not been recalled. The man agement of the street car lines ordered their men to operate all cars with all windows open. This order has been obeyed by the motormen and con ductors, but passengers insist on clos ing the windows. Many of the cars, filled with capacity loads, come down town In the early morning rush and in the rush hours of the afternoon with every window closed tightly. The air In such cars Is a menace to the public health under ordinary conditions, Health Officer Fowler said, and more so under present conditions. LOBBY C0FCE&T AT "Y." Following the lifting of the ban on public meetings by the Commissioners of the District of Columbia officials of the Washington Y. M. C. A- will hold their first lobby concert In a month tomorrow night at 1736 G street northwest. Singing will be led by Lieut. Devenney and R. W. Hills of the war camp community service. Others on the program are C. P. Fralley. tenor; Mrs. Ethel Johnston Parrish, pianist, and Earl Carbauh. baritone. Important Legislation Will Come Before Congress With War's End. EXPENSES MUST BE CUT Reconstruction, as it relates to trans portation, wire control and governmen tal agencies created for war needs, will follow swiftly upon peace, in the opinion of members of Congress, who already are beginning to consider these prob lems. This means that legislation of vast Importance will be undertaken by Congress soon after the war Is ended. Senator Martin of Virginia, discussing reconstruction yesterday, said that when the war is over steps must be taken im mediately to reduce and stop the huge expenditures that the government is now making. Bureaus which have grown to large proportions must be abolished or reduced to a minimum In personnel, he said. "Steps must be taken to put an end to the huge expenditures, necessary an account of the war. when peace comes," said Senator Martin. "Unless something is done, a burden will be placed on the shoulders of this and coming generations that will be hard to bear." Most Be Discharged. He indicated that thousands of per sons who have come into the employ of the government must be dis charged as soon as possible. "Congress will not appropriate the money to continue the employment of these people," said Seifator Martin. With the end of the war the food and fuel control laws lapse. But con trol of the food situation will be needed for a long time to come, it is said. It is certain, however, that ef forts to continue the rood control law in effect after the war will meet with strong opposition in Congress. The railroad and wire control prob lems will face Congress also. Under the law giving the control of the rail roads to the President it is specified that this control must end within eighteen months after the war ends. The wire control law is for the dura tion of the war only. The question of permanent govern ment ownership of the railroads and of the telegraph and telephone sys tems of the country will come to the fore, and members of Congress who believe in government ownership of these utilities will make a fight to have the government take them over permanently. Shipping Problem. The shipping problem also must be faced. Senator Martin indicated that I enough money would be appropriated to carry through the program now in hand. The United States Shipping Board is a permanent organization, but its powers, under the authority granted by Congress to meet the war situation, have been enormously in creased. It is expected that these extraordinary powers will be consid erably curtailed. If peace comes before March 4, 1919, it is said an extra session of Con gress will have to be called to deal with reconstruction legislation. If peace does not come, an extra session will be necessary to provide the funds and additional legislation that may be needed for the prosecution of the war. There will be little time in the regular session beginning next De cember and ending March 3, 193 9, for such legislation, whether there is war or peace. TROOPS IN CAPITAL OF HUNGARY CLASH (Continued from First Page.) enna continues unfavorable and some of the retiring troops, most of whom are deserters, already have arrived as far eastward as Blatrenfurt (100 miles northeast of Vittoria) and Veldee, plundering as they went. The correspondent says that on? of the reasons for the delivery of tlie Aus trian fleet to the south Slavs was to prevent the warships from falling into the hands of the Italians. Cz-cho-Slovaks Anger Germans. COPENHAGEN, Wednesday, Octo ber 30.?Demands - made by Czecho slovak newspapers in behalf of the new government in Crerho-Slavonia are agitating the German newspa pers. The Bohemian newspaper Na rodny Listy declares that German Bohemia will not be permitted to join Germany, while the Vecer de mands the inclusion in the Czecho state of lower Austria as far as the Danube, including Vienna. The Vecer says that it cannot be permitted that the Czechs in lower Austria should be isolated and that a majority of the inhabitants o-f Vienna, or their par ents, come from Bohemia or Moravia. The newspaper also demands the in clusion of Prussian Silesia in the Czech state. The socialist Vorwaerts of Berlin, especially, is very indignant over these demands and says: "The very history o-f the Czechs shows the impossibility of destroying even a small nation. Yet they intend to grind the German nation of sev enty millions to pieces. Poor fools!" URGES SOLDIERS MAN STREET CARS (Continued from First Page.) the assistance ot the United States bu reau of standards, the practicability of the automatic telephone in the District; a complete working system was direct ed and operated by bureau of standards; advocated the widening of Conduit roadway; supported the present move ment to obtain from Congress rep resentation in both branches of Con gress for the District of Columbia; representation In the electoral college; for rights in United States courts of citizens of the several states; urged increased use of the canal, as a war necessity; urged delay of the alley housing law, pending the war. Through Its war work committee the federation rendered efficient work in the housing problems, in the liberty loans, war savings stamps, and other like matters. > WARNING Influenza is * disease that greatly lowers the normal resist ance tn the human body. At such times the germs of Tubercu losis and Pneumonia, often present in the throat and nose, may develop these diseases because of the weakened condition of the body. We caution you. therefore, at this particular time, to give special attention to convalescence. Frequent attacks of wearlaes* a peratsteat little nrngk, or Ma of weight may be symptoms of slowly developing consump tion. If you have such symptoms Do Not Waste Tone See a doctor or call at the Tahereuloaia cuale, 40* 15th Street, R.W. for examination. Open on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday afternoons at 2 o'clock and Friday evenings from 7:10 to t o'clock, or consult the Association for Ac Prevention of Tuberculosis AMimsi ?? H Street H.W. Telephaaei Mala tn ?Ms atlao Is ?Id ?m *r tte IssriDlu toe tbe Fnrrcatfaa of TabareaMa. 1.733 REGISTRANTS F1MDMLLED Must Entrain Between No ? s vember 11 and 15?1,478 Will Go to Camp Greene. MEET AT LIBERTY HUT The largest single call for draft registrants yet made upon the Dis trict of Columbia was announced by Provoet Marshal General Crowder laJrt night, as part of the largest single requisition of man power yet made upon the nation at large. The National Capital is called upon to entrain 1,733 white registrants for camps between November 11 and 16, and the nation as a whole, ?90.773 registrants before November 21. A few of the calls, all of which are for registrants qualified for general mili tary service, are reopened require ments suspended on account of the In fluenza. Will Go to Three Camps. District registrants to the number of 1,478, constituting the largest num ber yet requested on one call, will be entrained for Camp Greene, N. C. during the five-day period November 11 to 15. In addition, two suspended calls are reopened, 150 registrants for i Camp Greenreaf, Ga., November 11. 1 and 105 men for Fort Dade, Fla^ the | same day. These last two calls were announced last week in The Star. The three local calls give the regis trants of the September 12 registration between the ages of nineteen and thirty - six years their first opportunity to Join the colors. Liberty Hut will be the scene of in duction into the military service and the final mobilization point before en trapment for all these men. This was definitely announced last night by Ben Prince, chairman of local board for division No. 9 and head of a special committee appointed to secure a suitable mobilization place. Offers Rotunda of Capitol. The rotunda of the Capitol was of fered by Speaker Clark for the purpor.e. and it was thought yesterday that the orfei would be accepted, cwing to the peculiar fitness which wou'd attach to tne mobilization of the Vational Cap ital's soldiers in that historic place. Entraining men for cantonments, however, is a business proposition, more than a sentimental relation. and the Liberty Hut auditorium offered the l>est solution of the problem, which wa* caused by the inability of the city post office to give the use of its clubrooni for mobilization purposes any longer. The Library Hut is ideally located both for induction and mobilization purposes, especially for the latter, ow ing to its proximity to the Union sta tion. From the hut all the men to go from Washington henceforth will be marched. They will be assembled there the night before entrainment to be Inducted into the service of the United States. Each man can be seat ed, and thus it is hoped that each In duction night will aiford opportunity for a regular "program." To Name Boards of Instruction. Boards of Instruction to help all registrants will have been selected within a few days by all of the local draft boards of the city. Composed of prominent men of the community, these boards of instruction wilL b* pressed into service especially on in duction nights, co ie*i me new sol diers just what a privilege is theirs. The apparent imminence of peace will not cause the slightest let-up In draft work, either in the District or throughout the nation. The great calls announced by Gen. Crowder for November, with more to come during the month. In ail probability, are ear liest of this. i ne national calls announced last night are divided as fouows: 253,335 wnite general service men, to be en trained oetween .November 11 and 1-6. ana ;>7,4J6 coioied registrants, to be entrained November i j to No col-? oreu ?e?intrants are asked of lue Dis trict uus time, it is retailed mat the largest sillfele call for coioiea regis trants ui/on tile District tor l.olio men, Qiaue last summer. All Not to Go at One Time. Local interest will ceiicer in tl?n 1,4?# men to t,o to Camp Greene. Ow ing to railroad conditions it probably will be louiiu liiiposcsioie to entrain more than ouO men a uay, it is be lieved. z,est is added to the local draft situa tion by tne uecei oi local ooard for division ao. J, City l'ost master jnerrut kj. Chance, ctuiriuan, to coiiuuct ic& own liiuuccion ana mouiuza j uon oi men. mis, sometimes leaned the "independent urait board," owing to its ruiusai last winder to * ccuuaiize" wiui the otner ten boards i at tne l>isLrici. Duiiuin^, believes that j 1L Call COllUuCL lis ll.uucLlOllS alld liiODlli | zations best at tne city post oiiice, I waere it is located. Tne <ignt to sep?^ ' race induction and mobilization is granted ooaius by the selective serv ice regulations, and couiu oe enjoyed by the otner uoarus it tney so cnoae. No. 3 ooard is leading the other boarus witn its wora, naving com pieced 90 per cent of us ciassmcation of registrants between trie ages of mneueii auu tmrty-six years, and ai&u t?u per cent oi its pn>siciaxis ex aminations of men placed in class 1; Tne ooard has lorw arucd all proper records to tne district ooard. How the Boards Stand. Standing of the boards in classifi cation work, according to the latest report, follows: No. 1, liO per cent of its nineteen to thirty-six-year-old registrants classified; No. "i, 60 per cent; AO. 3. siu per cent; No. 4, 60 per cent; No. 5, t>0 per cent; No. 6, yu per cent; No. 7, 5*0 per cent; No. 8. 90 per cent; No. 9, 90 per cent; No. 10. 6U per cent; AO. 11, ?U per cent. record output shown. Increase in Liberty Engines in Oc tober Despite Epidemic. Influenza in no way interferred with ' the output of Engines In Octo ber American factories turning out 1,500 more than In September, ac j cording to an announcement made by j the War Department. The quota set I for the factories in October was 3,0i>0 j and 3,878 were shipped. September's shipments were 2,378. November has been called "Per shing s month" by the bureau of air craft production, and it 1s expected that 4,350 engines will be turned oat. WILL AID SHOE DF.AT.ERS, Retailers Who Sign Pledges Will Get Window Cards. Merchants who sell shoes at retail will receive through the Council of National Defense the standard shoe pledge forms and window cards to be Issued by the War Industries Board according to an announcement last night by Chairman Baruch of tlie board. Each merchant will receive a pledge card. After he signs It and returns it to .the boot and shoe section of the War Industries Board window card* will be sent him. Distribution of pledge forms anH window cards will be started wlthlii the next ten days. They will set cftrt the classification of shoes under tkfc new standardised and connerrattou