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APPORTIONS CALL :[ OF D. C. DRAFTEES ? ? One Hundred or More From Each of Eleven Boards *1 Affected by Order. MORE QUIZZES TO GO OUT Apparent nearness of peace only Spells renewed energy for the draft machinery for the District of Colum bia. Plans were announced today by HaJ. D. J. Donovan of selective service headquarters for the induction and en tralnment of the 1,733 white regis trants who will go to camps from here beginning next Sunday. Entrainments ?will extend over five days. Beginning Thursday, local boards will place in the mails 10 per cent each day of questionnaires for regis trants between the ages of thirty seven and forty-live years. The first 10 per cent of the blanks will be re ceived by registrants Friday morn ing. This work will be in full swing during "entralnment week." How They Are Divided. The 1,478 white registrants who will So to Camp Oreene, N. C., have been [apportioned among the boards as fol lows: No. 1, 154 men; No. 2, 154 men: ;No. 3, 154 men; No. 4, 153 men; No. 5. i 153 men; No. 6, 152 men; No. 7, 102 .men; No. 8, 102 men; No. 9, 152 men; ! No. 10. 102 men: No. 11, 100 men. ; The men will be inducted into the < military service of the United States jand mobilized for entralnment at the IXiberty hut. Local boards are instruct , ed to order the men to report through door 7, facing Massachusetts avenue. Boards No. 1 and No. 2 will Induct their *n?n into the service at 7 o'clock p.m. November 10. Boards No. 3 and No. 4 ?will induct at 5 p.m.. November 11. Boards No. 5 and No. 6 will induct at S o'clock p.m. November 13. Boards No. 7. No. 8 and No. 11 will induct at E o'clock p.m.. November 12. Boards :No. 9 and No. 10 will induct at 5 (o'clock p.m.. November 14. Entrain I ment for each group will take place the following day, in each case, j The call for 105 white registrants to 'to to Fort Dade, Fla, November 10. Is apportioned as follows: No. 1, 11 men: No. 2. 13 men; No. 3, 12 men: No. 4, 10 men; No. 5, 10 men; No. 6, 14 men: No. 7, 6 men; No. 8, 5 men: No. 9, ' ? men; No. 10. 10 men, and No. 11, |t men. The men will report for duty (November 9 at their own local board headquarters. ' Men for Camp Greenleaf. The requisition of 150 white regis trants for Camp Greenleaf, Ga.. to the entrained November 10, has been divided among the boards as follows: No. 1, 14 men; No. 2, 18 men; No. 3, 12 men; No. 4, 12 men; No. 5, 14 men; No. j 6, 18 men; No. 7, 8 men; No. 8, 18 men; I No. 9, 12 men; No. 10, 1? men, and No. , 11. 8 men. The men will be inducted I Into the service by their own boards November 9. Board members are warned to set hours which will not conflict with the hours set for the men ?who are to go to Fort Dade. Local board for division No. 7 today leaped into second place in the race among the boards to finish classifica tion and physical examination work ?with the registrants between the ages of nineteen and thirty-six years. No. 7 board reported all of Its classi fication work completed, all proper records sent to the district board and 30 per cent of its class 1 registrants physically examined. Local board for division No. 3 still holds first place, with all classification work finished, records sent to the district board and 60 per cent of Us class 1 men physi cally examined. EXPRESS CO. EMPLOYES COMPLAIN OF CONDITIONS Veil "War Iiabor Board Wages, (i Hours and Other Matters { Need Adjusting. Express employes, Including mes sengers, clerks, drivers, freight handlers and porters, today filed complaint with the war laDor board against the American Railway Ex ? press Company, asking for advances Jn wages, shorter working hours, the right of collective bargaining and <bett>er working conditions. About 125,000 men are affected. The board is asked to order the company to stop abridging the rights of the men by intimidation, coercion ' and intrigue. It is alleged that men have been discharged without ade quate cause and that they have been threatened with lockouts. Three thousand men employed by phosphate mining companies in the vicinity of Mulberry, Fla., Joined to day in complaining to the war labor board that they received inadequate wages and are compelled to work twelve hours a day. They asked the board to apply its principles of an eight-hour day and collective bar Saining to their situation. PRAISES B0YAL AIR FORCE. Zing George Voices Congratula tions for Record Achievements. LONDON. Saturday, November 2.? Xing George has sent the following telegram to the secretary of state lor the royal air force: "I offer you and the royal air force my warmest congratulations on the successful results of the air fighting on October 30, when all previous rec ords were beaten. Such achieve ments testify to the spirit which animates all ranks in their determi > nation to retain our mastery in the f air and cannot fall materially to as vaist the steady advance of my armies in the field." The success of the British airmen < to which the king refers resulted in < the destruction on October 30 of 2 sixty-seven German machines and the bringing down of fifteen others out of control. This result was achieved V with the loss of only eighteen British 1 machines. Oompers Supports President Wilton NEW TORK. November 4.?Samuel Gompers. president of the American Federation of Labor and chairman of the American labor mission, who ar rived at an Atlantic port Saturday, after a two-month tour of England, France and Italy, has issued a state ment urging the nation to "follow the President and the President's advice, at least until after the triumphant conclusion of the war." XOanea Eruption Follows Quake. HONOLULU. November 4.?Spouting lava a hundred feet from new cracks in the old floor Saturday morning, the i;rater Kllanea entirely burled the old yesthouse. The eruption followed se vere earthquakes throughout the is land of Hawaii Friday night at 11:ZS ? o'clock. The Kflaneanre pit ha* bow rislas for three days. and lava Is tar. i* " iiitrnummtnmmmmmp D. C. MILK REGULATIONS WILL UNDERGO REVISION % Plans to Inanre Absolutely Sani tary Handling of Supply Un dertaken by Commisiionera. Washington's milk regulations may be extensively revised as a result of steps taken by the District and fed eral governments today to insure the absolutely sanitary handling of the capital's milk supply. The entire milk situation is to he Investigated by a committee consist ing of Health Officer William C. Fowler, representing the District government: Dr. E. H. Price, United Slates public health service, and a representative of the bureau of ani mal industry of the Department of Agriculture, to be named. The committee will investigate pas teurization of milk in the District. Every process through which milk passes from the time it leaves the farms until it reaches the consumer will be investigated. Regulation of prices is without the scope of inquiry, but sanitation will be inquired into from every angle. Wide latitude as to making recom mendations that will promote sanita tion is given the committee. That the recommendations will result in a big shake-up in the present regulations is considered probable. The commit tee has not set a date for its or ganization meeting, but it is under stood that it will tajke up the work at once and complete it as Boon as pos sible. ^ MANY WILL TOTE HERE. New Yorkers in War Work to Be Extended Privilege. Although citizens of Washington have no votes, many persons will have an opportunity to vote in this city tomorrow. Officers, soldiers, sailors, marines and members of the Red Cross whose homes are in New York can indicate their choice for repre sentatives. senators, governor and other officers of New York at the War Camp Community Service rooms, at 1100 Pennsylvania avenue. Inspectors of election will be fur nished by the provost marshal of the District. VON HOEGAN CAUGHT. Alleged Slacker Is Reported to Hare Shown Hon Sympathies. SAN ANTONIO. Tex., November 4.? Maximilian von Hoegan. wanted at New Haven, Conn., by federal authori ties, is in jail here after arrest in an attempt to escape into Mexico. Accord ing to dispatches, von Hoegan. when filling out his questionnaire last De cember, it is alleged wrote across its face "Deutschland uber alles," and In response to the question "are you a citizen of the United States?" replied: "I have that questionable honor." FFTH BANK DISTRICT HEAR TOP ON LOAN Region of Which Capital Is Part Ranks Second in Per Cent Over Quota., The fifth federal reserve district, in which Washington is located, has the distinction of standing second among the twelve districts in percentage of oversubscriptions to the fourth lib erty loan. Word to this effect was received to day by the local loan committee from George J. Seay. governor of the fifth federal reserve district. He state! that the total subscription in this dis trict was 1345,000,000, an oversub scription percentage of 23.22 per cent. The Boston district was first, with an oversubscription percentage of 26.44, and the San Francisco district was last with an oversubscription percen tage of 5.97. Should Be Froud of High Honor. In his statement Gov. Seay said the results of the fourth loan drive should make every loan subscriber and work er proud of the assistance which he or she has given to the country. He said also that those in the fifth district should feel most proud of the high honor attained by this district, which has answered the nation's call in such fashion. Quoting from a telegram received yesterday from Secretary McAdoo Gov. Seay said: "The great success of the loan is new and convincing evidence of the determined spirit of America to carry on the war until freedom is assured throughout the world. But even with the highest purpose and patriotism on the part of the people this great re sult could not have been achieved without intelligent direction and or ganization. I wish to thank the liberty loan committees, both men and wom en, the bankers and business men, farmers, wage earners, railroad offi cers and employes and every group of citizens who have so ably and enthu siastically co-operated with the Treas ury in conducting the campaign. Greatest in All History. "To the press of the country, espe cially, credit is due for emphasizing through their news columns and edi torial pages the necessity for making this great loan successful. In spite of the influenza epidemic, the unenacted revenue bill and other unfavorable fac tors, the American people have con summated the greatest financial achievement in all history." Of the total amount subscribed in the fifth district, Washington raised more than 40 per cent. Germans Build Ironclad U-Boats. COPENHAGEN, November 3.?The Ribe Stifts Tidende says it learns that German engineers have constructed submarines as Ironclad cruisers. They are 340 feet long and of about 2,000 tons. The vessels carry eighty men in their crew and are armed with twenty-five torpedoes, two }5-centi meter guns and two 8.8-centimeter guns. Please Your Guests by Serving REIF'S SPECIAL This golden bubbly beverage will crown with success your efforts to please them. It makes eat ing a pleasure. FOR SALE WHEREVER SOFT DRINKS ARE SOLD WASHINGTON DISTRIBUTORS ALTEMUS-H EBBLE CO., 1007 B St N.W. Beautify jour hair htft/ve O new That unsightly itching crust of dandruff that eventually means goodbye to hair, can be done away with. Get a bottle of Wildroot from any good druggist Apply it according to directions, and dand ruff will go or we will refund your money. Yoa will never know bow beautiful your hair really is until yoa try this: Moisten a piece of cloth with Wildroot. then take one strand of Mir at a time and pass the moistened cloth over the strand from scalp clear to the end. Repeat till you have gone over all your hair. Then look in your glass. Wildroot is far taU by aB good drug stores, and all good barber shops. Applications may also ft* had at any first class kair-drtssing parlor. Always sold under our unconditional guarantee that it wilt do what u? say or your money will be refunded. WILDROOT CO., Inc. lurrmKT. with win Dennison's Christmas Seals, Tags, Cards, Cords and Mucilaged Tape For the handy tending of Christmas Packages. Street floor, F street. llo?5ward & Jlotlbrop Store Opens !? AM. New York?WASHINGTON?Paris Stan < PAL Separate Embroid ered Gold Stars for Service Flags, 10c Each n*S D?pt_ fMTtk toot. V Idl* Women's Handkerchiefs Madeira Scalloped, Plain Hem stitched, Madeira Embroidered, Initial, Khaki Service Handkerchiefs Pure Linen Madeira, plain scalloped and fancy embroidered and scalloped, 50c to $1.50. Hand-embroidered, in pretty corner designs, all linen, 50c to $5.00. Also Men's Very Fine All Linen Initial Handkerchiefs 35c and 50c Each Men's Khaki Service Handkerchiefs lZy2c and 25c Each Mala floor. Center. Women's Envelope Purses For Christmas Giving They come in many soft leathers, fin ished beautifully and in high finished patent leather, lined in silk of the pleasing shades of lavender, tan and blue, some with strap handles, others have the wrist handles; they are strongly made and will make a desirable gift for Christmas. $1.00, $1.50, $2.00, $3.00, $5.00, $6.00, $7.50 and $12.50 Street floor. Eleventh street. Two New Beautiful, Durable, Economical Silk Fabrics Francaise j|j! Satin Etoile Have a delightful softness of texture, and adaptable for the making of elaborate evening gowns or for simple afternoon or street dresses. Ideal as war fabric because of their wearing qualities, moderate price, as well as for the conservation of wool. Second floor, O street. I J " Out Size Women's Hosiery Cotton?Silk?Lisle Black, White, Tan, Gray, Brown and Navy Blue 50c to $3.00 Pair In regular size hose we are showing a beautiful Black Lace Ankle Hose, in open and clock-work pattern, $3.50 and $5.00 Pair A Christmas Gift SHE Will Appreciate. Main floor, O street. Tricolette Dresses of Quality and Beauty Modish Jersey Dresses Combining Perfect Comfort With Style There has never been a fabric launched which sprung into such immediate favor for Dresses as Jersey cloth, and through the in genuity of weavers we have dresses of this cloth displayed in several different makes and in innumerably different colors. Tbere is great difficulty in getting a sufficient sup ply of this material to make up, so if you want a Jersey dress it behooves you to se cure it while it is obtainable. The colors are in oxford gray, light gray, French blue, brown, tan, plum, navy blue and black. The prices range from $37.50 to $75-00. At $37.50 is shown an oxford gray trim med in light gray, with self trim buttons and adjustable collar. A very serviceable dress. At $45.00 a model shown comes in a combination of two colors?plum and tan,' and navy blue and tan?with two-strap gir dle across the front of waist line, over a panel extending about half way of skirt depth. The back panel has a row of straps of contrasting color extending down one side, with a loose falling knotted girdle. At $75.00 a very handsome model is shown in plum, navy blue and black, having an overdrape with yoke effect which is quite unique, trimmed in buttons and arrowheads, and is fastened at the side. Third floor, O street. Modish Footwear for Women Continuing our standard of other years, we are pleased to announce that we have just received a shipment of Laird, Schober & Co.'s Shoes, in two ?tyles, and made on the same last and in the same style, with invisible eyelets, long vamp and military heel. The Nut Brown Model is adapted to dress as well as general wear, the other model shown has a black vamp witn gray buckskin top, both are in keeping with fashion's mandate, and are well adapted to fall and winter wear. Price, $12.00 Pair T&lrd floor. Tenth street. Dressy and Distinctive These Dresses, made of this season's most beau tiful fabric, have an especial charm in cut and design, for they give to the full or slight figure the correct lines, with a tendency toward slenderness which is an absolute mandate of Dame Fashion, and at the same time remove the scant appearance and stiff lines which to a women of good taste is so objectionable. One model has bodice and overdrape in one piece, in grape color, trimmed with silk fringe, 6 inches deep, with embroidered girdle and round neck. A very handsome gown. Price, $8&M. Another model shown, in navy blue, brown and black, has a plain shirt waist with high girdle, sailor collar and vestee; trimmed with large tailor buttons and patch pockets. Price, S6S.M. A fetching model in navy blue, brown, black and plum has an overdrape swid bodice in one piece, with drop skirt of satin; round neck, trimmed in em broidered buttons and embroidered girdle. Price, $65.00. Third floor, G itxeet Furs Are Seasonable Appropriate Gifts For Christmas A Handsome New Selection of Scarfs and Muffs We Are Showing in Nutria (Natural and Taupe), Hudson Seal, Scotch Mole With Moon-Shaped Collars, Long Shawl-Shaped Collars, Chin Chin Collars and Long Stoles, which have pockets on the end. Because of the simple lines of women's suits and dresses, furs are of the greatest importance in adding distinction to the appearance of a well groomed woman. They are so shaped as to add further protection from cold and are practical as well as distingue. It is advisable for any one who has the purchase of furs in mind this season to buy them now, as prices are very unstable, and the wholesalers are marking shipments to us as "Cannot be duplicated at the same price." Prices $17.50, $27.50, $29.50, $30.00, $35.00, $39.50, $40.00, $55.00 and $100.00 Fur Coats Hudson Seal, Natural Muskrat, Natural and Taupe Nutria, Scotch Mole and Leopard Third flow, ElelMth itreet. Fur-Trimmed Top Coats Unusual and Handsome Models The favorite fabric of each individual taste may be sup plied, as a wide choice is shown both in material and fur. Bolivia, broadcloth, silvertone, velours, duo-tone and duvetyn. In colors you may have a choice of black, brown, navy blue, taupe, pekin blue, reindeer and concord. The Fur Collars Show seal, nutria, fox, squirrel, opossum, wolf and beaver. Silk Lined Throughout Some are made with wing sleeves, others retain the smart tailored effect so many tfomen like; all of these coats are quietly rich in appearance and style. The Untrimmed Winter Coats We are showing are of distinctive elegance, and for the woman who has furs or prefers a separate fur. Prices, $42.50 Up Third floor, G street. ^ Christmas Buying Made a Pleasure In Our Art Needlework Department Useful Articles of New and Novel Design Gifts, suitable for young and old, dainty and practical, and at prices that will appeal to those who have a long Christmas list to fill. Hand-Painted Suit Hangers, $175. Oilcloth Knitting Bags, for the kiddie# with Mother Goose pictures, $L50. Oilcloth Knitting Bags, for the grown ups with straw and same material han dles, $3.00. Hand-Painted Yard Stick* and Rulers, with and without tassels. Sticks, 75c and $1.00. Rulers, 25c and 50c. Cretonne-Covered Cake Boxes, for 1-lb. cake, 50c; 2-lb. cake, $1.00. Cretonne Desk Sets, consisting of pad, blotter, pen wiper, 75c. " _ Cretonne-Covered Work Boxes at various prices; some with fittings satin lined. Second floor, Tenth street. Cretonne-Covered Picture Frames, 50c. Novelty Egg Slicer, in alominum, $L50. Olive Fork, mounted on pretty gift card, 50c. Pretty Japanese Tea Caddies and Baskets, tilled, 75c. Knitting Needle Caps, Navy and Army, Uncle Sam, 50c. Telephone Registers, complete and durable, hand decorated. $L25. Card Table Covers, hand decorated, bound with tape, in assorted colors, $5.00. Other equally new: and interesting articles designed to fill a needed waat, in an attractive way, and at the same time give a touch of pleasure, because of the novel character of the gift. Kate Hinton's Hints Matinee Idols and V?fls ?are infallible telltales of any woman's age. One of them tells by the date of his personal vogue, the other by its be comlngness?or lack. But there is no need for any telltale veils now with the vogue for the youthful-looking dotted ones that lend charm and color to any face. Fir?t floor. Center. With EngravaU* Silver Top ?comes a new candy Jar of floral cut glass. Of course the top is silver Plata (the price, 11.95, would tell you that) but it is of such heavy plate that it can be beautifully eagraved with a monogram. fifth Boor, F (treat. Covered Bonbon Dishes ?with tall stems are quite the newest things. They come in floral cut glass, several styled, and they are equally suitable for bonbons, salted nuts. Jel lies or (what do you think?) powder puff holders! fl-M and SUB. Fifth floor. V street Handi-Rnek Potato Bakers ?cost but 19 eeaft* and they will bale* a potato evenly and quickly, without the trouble of turning them around, which means do mora burned " tor the oook. _ Mullane's Taffies The Candy Made With Loving Cars'* Taffies, Chips, Woodland Goodies Try them once and you will be satisfied with no other. Al ways fresh; delicious, tooth some confections. Fourth Soor. Ont^r. New Nenette and Rintintin Ties For the Small Boys' Wear A Middy Tie of black silk, with broad flowing ends, which are decorated with the figures of Nenette and Rintintin, the good lack mascots of the soldier boys in France. 75c Each Same style He, with the varices For Christmas To Brighten the Library, Living Room, Bed Room or Study Lamps of mahogany, verde, brass and metal, $630 to $25j00. Chinese and Japanese Porcelain Lamps, beautiful designs, $740 to $35.00. Shades for these Lamps express all that is artistic and beautiful in contour and color. They are made of silk, are deep or flat, round or square, pleated or plain, some trimmed in gold lace or other decorations in design; others come in glass, of shaded colorings with hand-painted decorations of flowers, figures or landscape. Prices $12.00, $25.00 and $50.00. Study "Lamps Bronze and Brass Lamps, with adjustable soft green shades, restful to the eyes and shading the room with a pleasing light, $7.00 to $20.00. Hand-Painted Lamps, in metal, copper, ivory, brass and verde, $9.75 to $25.00. Adjustable Desk Lamps, bronze, brass and gray, with hood; can be adjusted to head of the bed, chair or wall as well as used on the table or desk, $340 to $125*. - Floor Lamps Japanese Bronze Lamps, plain and inlaid in intricate designs, $75JM to $95.00. Mahogany, Verde and Iron Lamps, in every conceivable style and color; some made with panels, with trimmings of network in brass; others of silk, pleated or plain. One style of shade shown is new this season and is called the Tapestralle Shade, beautifully decorated with raised floral de signs. Price of base* from $124* to $7540. Price of shades,^-$12.00 to $4540. Reception Hall Lamps Of exquisite Italian marble, artistically carved in floral and Nature study designs, with transparent marble shades. Price, $4540 to