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Open 10 A.M. &1Sam)?ot>sCo. *IWE BUSY COR NCR* PENNAJWLAT 8TKSX Floor. &15cam?ot>$C?. "THE BUSY CORNER" PENNA.WLAT &TH.5"t 4, ins mrn ti &15ctT)t>?omCo. iNE BUST CORNET FCNMUMLAT BTIUS Close 6 PM. You Will Find It Much More Comfortable to Do Your Christmas Shopping Now?You Are Sure, to Get What You Want ?a Thing We Cannot Promise for Yery Long The Famous Harper & Bros. "Hurt Book" Sale Is in Full Cry ?The best and biggest sale of Harper & Bros.' Books that has thrilled Wash ington for the last ten years. ?The way people are buying today is an indication of the appreciation of this unusual opportunity. ?There are subscription sets, odd volumes from broken sets, books of fiction, etc. ?The Sets which are offered in this sale are "pulled sets," which means sets that have been sent out by the publishers on subscriptions, but which have been returned or re claimed by Harper & Bros, ^because of delinquency in payments on the part of subscribers. Of some authors we have several complete sets, of others only one or two of a kind. ?Please note that because of the nature of the sale and the present scarcity of help, we must make the following restriction: ?None sold phone orders. on ?No exchanges allowed. ?None will laid aside. be ?All sales will be final. ?An abbreviated list is given here: Odd Volumes of Mark Twain ?Following the Equator, 2 volumes. ?The Gilded Age, 2 volumes. ?Joan of Arc, 2 volumes. ?Roughing It, 2 volumes. ?Innocents Abroad, 2 vol umes. ?Connecticut Yankee. 69c Copy ?A Tramp Abroad, 2 vol umes. ?Man That Corrupted Had leyburg. ?Adventures of Tom Saw yer. ?Huckleberry Finn. ?Christian Science. ?Life on the Mississippi. ?The $30,000 Bequest. ?Sketches New and Old. ?American Claimant. ?Tom Sawyer Abroad. ?Literary Essays. ?Pudd'nhead Wilson. ?Prince and the Pauper. ?The above can be purchased separately at, per volume .69c Tales of the Frontier ?Stirring Western Stories, 8 Volumes?Harper's price, per set $12.00 Sale Price, Per Set, $3.25 ?Cardigan, by Robert W. ?The Spoilers, by Rex ?Judith of the Plains, by Chambers. Beach. Manning. ?The Red Lane, by Hohman ?The Squaw Man, by Ryle ?The Heritage of the Des Dag. and Faversluwn. ert, by Zane Qrey. ?The Settler, by Whitaker. ?Santa Fe's Partner, by Janvier. ?Odd volumes of above at ? ? 49c Odd Volumes and Some Sets on Street Floor?Most of the Sets in Our Downstairs Bookstore. Judge by Your Own Needs How Acceptable Would Be a Pair of Gloves as a Holiday Gift ?One of the best ways in the world to figure out some other person's wants is to think what you would like to have your self. Gloves may be exactly the right gift. ?rWomen's Motor Gloves, in a nice line of ^Styles and shades. American made, with new cuff, spear point stitched backs, in tans, grays and khaki color, ?"2 OC A pair. * ?Women's 2-Clasp Gloves, imported glace kid, in black, white* tan, brown dST CA and gray. A pair. ?Children's and Misses' Cape Walking Gloves, one clasp style, in tans and Sn^.T: $2.00 ?Gloves for the Small Chil dren, Mocha kid; one-clasp style, pique sewn, in gray. A pair.. kann's?Street Floor. ?Women's 2-Clasp Gloves, imported French glace, real kid gloves, pique and Prix seam sewn, black with white stitching or embroidery, white with black; also in self-colored stitching, in gray, brown, tan ?d champagne. $3 Q() ?Women's Black Head Arabian Mocha Gloves, one clasp style, pique sewn and PXM style, in grays, browns ?.iota.nd.Ap*ir: $3.25 ?Women's Walking Gloves, American made, pique sewn, in brown, tan and gray; one clasp style. A $2.25 pair This Is the Kind of Weather for Warm Bedwear ?And this?Kann's?is the place to buy it. Here are some reasons why: ?Wool Mixed Blankets, double-bed size; in white, with colored bor ders ; some are ribbon; C1A AA bound. A pair 4>1V.VU ?Army Blankets, regular size, in gray or khaki color; heavy and warm, for out door sleeping; finished with borders; some all wool. A blanket, $8.50 to $15.00 -Heavy-weight Fleeced Cotton Blankets, in gray, tan and white, with pink or blue borders; extra large sizes; bound with njohair; good va!- CA ues at, a pair <7/#01/ ?All-wool Blankets, good heavy qualities, heavily fleeced; size 72x80 inches; finished with pink or blue borders and bound with mohair; good value at the price, a pair, $15.00 and $22.50 ?Cotton-filled Bed Comforts, covered with figured silkoline; in large light and dark patterns; some with scroll stitching; size, 72x <fc,d |"|f| 78 inches. Each..... ^Vt.UU ?Heavy Cotton-filled Comforts, covered with figured sateen, with plain borders to match; size 72x78 inches; many dif ferent patterns to AA select from. Each.. ^)0?\/vF Kann's?Street Floor. ?Lamb's Wool Comforts; some covered with fine cambric, oth ers with fiae quality sateen; all with plain borders; many at tractive designs to select from, at $9.00 and $10 ?Outing Flannel, in light and dark patterns, heavily fleeced; in stripes, checks and plaids, in pink, blue and the dark iA? effects. At, a yard TaJC 8 Lots of Cretonnes ?Linen Taffeta Cretonnes ?Geneva Cloths ?Lucerne Cloths ?Mercerized Poplins ?Sunfast Madras ?Colored Marquisettes ?White and Cream Madras ?Rep Tapestry ?Drapery Nets ?Colored Madras ?Crinkled Silk Drapery ?Rep Cretonnes ?Marquisettes, in plain white, cream and ecru color ?New lace Voiles and Scrims ?Quaker Craft Drapery Nets ?Zira Cloths ==At a? Reduced Price ?Handsome p a t - terns and colorings that regularly sell to $1.44 in a November sale at a popular price. Tuesday, Yd. 55c 36 to 5ft Inch Wide Materials, Bat Not in Each Grade All Cot From Fall Bolts Kann's?Third Floor. Pioneer Coaster Wagons ?Do you know them? Almost every boy in the country does, and if you ask him what he wants he will say with, a glad shout?"WHY, A PIONEER COASTER, OF COURSE!" He thinks of the fun he can have, but mother also thinks of the errands he can do for her with one. ?These Wagons' are equipped with artillery wheels, painted red; strong hub construction. Body is made of selected wood, finely finished and decorated. These sizes to select from: -Size No. 0 is 11x28 inches. Price.. .$4.95 ?Size No. 3 is 15x37 inches. Price.. .$8.45 -Size No. 1 is 13x34 inches. Price.. .$6.45 ?Size No. 4 is 17x38 inches. Price.. .$9,45 ?Size No. 2 is 13x37 inches. Price.. $7.45 ?This Potice Patrol, extra large size; finished in red or blue; made of best selected hardwood; large enough to hold four or more children; d* | A Q g exactly as pictured ?This Wooden Wagon, known as the Paris Express; 12 inches wide and $1.95 30 inches long, at.. , Kann's?Fourth Floor. ?Express Wagon, com plete with seat and whip; m&de of hard wood ; prettily dl'J O C decorated. At We Will Allow $12.50 For Your Old Sewmachine Here's your opportunity to give us your old sewmachine as a $12-50 payment on a new and up-to-the-minute machine with every new improvement This offer applies to any of the regular high-grade models ol the famous Standard Rotary Sit Straight $65 op Sewmachine, complete with all attach , ments. It sews .both lock and chain stiteh with ease, and is me swiftest, easiest and quietest running sewmachine made. It makes no difference what condition your old machine may be in, we will accept any style or any age. It may not be worth 10c to 'you, but it is worth $12.50 to us as part payment on a new Stand ard Rotary. A WEEK ?Will soon pay for your new sewma chine. Remember, your old machine is accepted as $12.50 part payment This offer is limited in time?don't delay act at once. ?NOTE?Sewmachine* for Xmaa gifts shook! be chosen now, before prices advance. Kann's?Fourth Floor. Salt's Plush Coats ?Do not confess to being an imitation of furs, but have their own well established place in the coat family. Many women find fur coats too warm, but admire the deep pile of furs and the lus trous finish. This is the place, then, where the plush coat fits in exactly. ?Here are many kinds to select from? , ?Salt's Behring Seal Plush Coats, with linings of fancy materials, and collars of muskrat'dyed squirrel and Aus tralian opossum At $85, $98.50, $110, $125, $139.50 ?Full-length Coats, of genuine Salt's plush, with large convertible collars of self material; all sizes At $25 and $29.75 ?Salt's Plush Coats, with collar, cuffs and 10-inch band of coney fur around bottom of coat; all full lined At $39.75 ?Handsome models of Behring Seal Plush, with collar, cuffs and band around bottom of coat of black opossum, At $98.50 The above styles in women's and misses' sizes* Kann's?Second Floor. ?Sleeveless Guimpes, high and low neck styles, of hand embroidered net, at $1.95, $3.50, $3.75, $7.50 and $10.50. ?Real Filet Lace Collars, in tuxedo, sailor and shawl shapes, at $3.95 to $12.50. Kann's?Street Floor. OurNeckwear StoreSiSSSfckXS ?We confidently believe such another assortment of novelties and up-to-the minute styles in neckwear has never before been assembled in our Neckwear Store. lace edge. Priced from $1.00 to $3.75. ?Long Shawl Collars of silk jersey cloth, with satin folds, at $&7S. Collar and cuff sets of the same at $3.75. ?Hand-Embroidered Collar, with long back, short front, made of net and trimmed with real filet lace, edged with fine Val lace, at $5.25. ?Vestees, hand embroider ed, at $1.75. ? ?Beautiful Mand-Embroid ered Sets, collar and cuffs, trimmed with real filet lace, at $10.50. ?Hand-Embroidered Sleeve less Guimpes, trimmed with real filet lace, at $7.98 to $15.00. -Jersey Silk Collars, with modesty vest or tucker, hand hemstitched above hem, at $3.75. ?Georgette Crepe .Sleeveless Guimpes, with round-neck front and deep sailor back collar of fine tucked Georg ette, at $4.50. ?Round - Neck Sleeveless Guimpes, .with hand - em broidered front, at $3.25, $4.50 and $5.00. "Dew'Klst" Crepe Neckwear ?is the very latest?as lovely as white flowers in the morning dew. We have an excellent assort ment of collar and cuff sets, and separate collars in different shapes, suit able for wear with waists and coat suits. ?Collars from $1.50 to $3.50. ?Sets at $5.00. ?Real Filet Collars, in short-back styles; also collar and cuff sets. Separate col lars at $3.50. Sets at $7.50. ?Georgette Collars and col lar and cuff sets, $&50 to $5.50. ?Handsome Georgette Col lars, with eyelet and solid hand embroidery, and Val lace trimming, with rows of lace insertion, at $&50. ?Fine Net Stocks and Ja bots, hand embroidered; some with narrow Irish lace edge, others with fine imita tion filet lace, at $2J>0. ?Other Stocks and Jabots of net, lace trimmed; some with picot edge; some Georgette crepe, with fine ?Georgette Crepe Sailor Collar, with long, loose cowl front, finished with crochet ed drop, at $3.75. ?Georgette Crepe Collars, in, rolled, sailor or shawl shapes, plain hemstitched and lace trimmed, at $1.00 to $&50. ?Black Spanish Lace Scarfs and thgee-cornered fichus, real hand-run lace, at $6.50 to $1&50. ?Beautiful Crepe Scarfs, in pretty allover floral designs, at $3.75. Autumn and Winter DRESS SILKS AND VELVETS Were Never More Beautiful ?Colors vie with black in popularity and the new textures as well as the staple ones find full representation here. Our Black Silk Section ?Will be of especial interest to the woman who habitually wears blfeck, or those looking for mourning silks. All the dependable weaves are here in black, and prices are unusually low for the qualities offered. A SPECIAL SALE OF DRESS SATINS ?A beautiful, lustrous surfaced satin of superior quality?yarn dyed, double width, in navy blue and ? brilliant black, the two leading shades of the hour. Don't Miss Your Share of This Exceptional Value ?It is one of the best offerings of the season, as the afternoon dress of satin is one of the most in demand costumes of the day. ?This satin is 40 inches wide and regularly priced at $3.00 a yard. Tomor row, a yard . Kann's?Street Floor. The Health Authorities Say * VENTILATE! VENTILATE!! VENTILATE!!! But Avoid Dust, Draughts and Germs." The way to follow this good advice is to use CONTINENTAL Window Ventilators ?These work just like an adjust able screen, fitting almost any window, as there are different sizes to select from. -?Ventilators are made with wooden frame covered with cloth, and they practically "filter" the air, letting m just enough to keep the room pleasantly cool. They also keep out snow and rain. -Select from these sizes: Height. 9 in. 9 in. 9 in. 15 in'. 15 in. Kann'a Width Closed. 23 in. 31 in. 34, in. 23 in. ? 31 in. -Third Floor. Width Open. 37 in. 49 in. 59 in. 37 in. 49 in. PRICE. 50C 60c 70c 65c 75c Two Unusually Good Values in Dress Goods $2.00 YARD ?52 - in. All - wool Burella Cloth, in black, navy, plum, Belgian blue, taupe and bur gundy. ?42-in. All-wool French Serge, in navy, black, taupe, reindeer, myrtle, pfem, garnet, burgundy and brown. 0 ?50-in. Black Broadcloth, beautiful satin luster, for coat suits or dresses. A C 5 AA yard * Kann's?Street Floor. Real Wilton Rugs Positive Bargains At This Price. ATI Choice ?Our regular prices for these range up to $109.00, but elsewhere you would pay considerably more for them. ?They are in sizes 8^xlOU ft and 9x12 ft.?in a big variety of colors and designs, hardly any two alike. The designs include "Chinese Renaissance," "Bokhara," "Serapi," "Saruk,"-"Kirman," "Mossoul," "Tabriz," "Goro etc., with fringed or plain ends. Some are seamless, others have vans, ?This sale affords yon the chance to make your best rug invest ment. ?In the sale find ?Karagheusian's "Herati" and "Shah Abbas" Rags. ?ShutUeworth Bros.' "Karnak" Rugs. ?FetterotFs "Windsor" Rugs, and other standard brands. Room Size Wool Rugs Also Special .. .. . ..... a BrUfsei? Rugs, 1 Tomorrow ?Affording you an excellent chance to buy Velvet, Axminster and Brussels Rugs, values to $34.95, at a popular price. ?8%xll-ft. Wilton Velvet Ron ?9x12-ft. Seamless Brussels Rugs ?V/jXlV/rtL Seamless Brussels Ron ? ?7x9-ft. Seamless 10-wire Roxbory Brussels Rugs ?6%x9-ft Seamless Heavy Axminster Rags ?6x9-ft. Seamless Wilton Velvet Rags ?6x9-ft. Seamless Axminster Rugs ?4x6-ft. Seamless Royal Turkish Rags , Kann's?Third Floor. $22