Newspaper Page Text
SPACE OH WEIQHT, ISSUE. L C. C. Hearing Arguments on Ijtafa 41 Paying'for Carrying Mail. Hearings began before tbe Interstate Commerce Commission today on tbe railway pay case, involving the ques tion of whether the Post Office De partment In compensating railroads for hauling mkil shall pay on a basis' of the space required or the weight of the mail. On recommendation of Postmaster General Burleson. Congress, In 1917, provided In the post office appropria tion act that payment be made on a space basis instead of weight, aa In the past. The railroads protested and were prepared today to show the Urn mission that they are not properly remunerated for fcerrloea under this plan. On the other hand, counsel for the Post Office Department bad pre pared argument to show that the space basis of payment is the more equitable ont. Queen Alexandra frequently visits the Y. M. C. A. hats In litfndon and vicinity, and on such occasions she seldom falls to serve tea to the sol diers and sailors. HELD FOB SOLDIER'S XUMEB. Montgomery Chauffeur Charged With SeUiag Primed Whiiky. MONTGOMERY, November I.? A. T. Stephana, chauffeur, waa arreat "ed bar* today, charged with the mur der, by polaon. of Joaeph Babblnrton of the (7th Infantry, whose body waa found tfala morn inc. The police claim the soldier' drank whiaky purchased from the chauffeur the nlrht before. Stephens denlea the accuaation. - ? United States Pood Administration License No. G-05559 Some Fine Bargains in Apples We have sent out large quantities of fine apples to our stores. It will pay you to see these; there surely will be some which you will want. Prices, too, are exception ally reasonable. ? i i Y Y O ?? 4 ? ? Y ?? ? ONIONS Per % Peck, 9c Per Peck, 35c Potatoes Per % Peck, 12c Per Y2 Peck, 23c Per Peck, 45c Canned Corn Arriving?Prices Will Be, Viz.? ~f Shriver's Blue Ridge, 3 cans for 50c Shriver's A-l Country Gentleman, ^ 2 cans for 35c 3* Canned Peas of Known Quality Burt Olney's Extra Sifted OA J Sweet Wrinkled, per can mUC You are safe when you buy this brand. Asparagus of all grades and all prices. We particularly urge you to buy the "?)el Monte" PEELED right now, as we bought only a few hundred dozen of these fine goods, mostly as an experiment. Just consider our price for a moment, then get a winter's sup ply quickly, as we will have no more this season once we have sold out. Del Monte Peeled Large White Asparagus, No. 2%, taU. t < ? 4 v X 39c Acme, No. 1, square cans, white, can 29c Export, No. 1, square cans, green, dm... .29c Del Monte Tips, No. 1, square can... .33c Red Seal, No. 2% can, ungraded stalks, 30c t i Hershey's Cocoa, 1-5 lb^ 6c Hershey's Cocoa, Vs lb., 15c Hershey's Cocoa, 1 lb., 27c Walter Baker's Cocoa, lb. 18c Walter Baker's Cocoa, 1-5 lb .. 9c Walter Baker's Chocolate, V\ lb. 9c Walter Baker's Chocolate, \ V* lb..: 18c Campbell's Soups, 1A price, any variety, | BUTTER v Fancy Creamery, Ib.,*'*'^' NUT-MARIGOLD Per lb 1 A Lbs. Indian |JO 1/1 Head Corn Meal, OOC Pancake Flours Aunt Jemima's Pancake l^/fcc Aunt Jemima's Buckwheat 14%c Gold Medal Buckwheat IWjC 4 Tecb Pancake 12c A Large Jar of Finest Queen Olives $ Don Carlos Brand 25c i Remember GREEN BAG COFFEE Special Cut Prices This Week . "Snap" Brooms Aln Special this week-... * * VAN CAMPS PORK and BEANS No. 1-sixe tins.(. 10c No. lVj-size tins....... .15c PINTO BEANS 3 ?" 25c We Have Added to Our Stocks BORDEN'S MALTED MILK Usual 50c size bottle?our price.* Fine Food for Convalescents 38c Curtice Bros. Preserves All varieties, per jar. .?.29c Blue Label Catsup Small, 18c; Large, 28c No y2 Size Cans. . ... Molasses Brer Rabbit, Green.. i. .12c Brer Rabbity Gold 14c As Advertised in The Star Pare Lard,lb.32c f Compound, lb 27c | STAR A Cakes SOAP for., 25c PALM OLIVE SOAP, 3 Cakes 29c 1 Ritter's Catsup, Plain or Tabasco. 13c Oats, pkg .11c Sanitary Oats, pkg 11c Post Tons ties, pkg... .I2V2C Kellogg's Cora Flakes, pack ' age >.. 12V2C Kellogg's Krumljles, pack age .12^c Cream of Wheat 22c Wheatena, pkg.. 17c Pillsbury's Health Bran, 12%c Sun Maid Raisins, pkg., - _ x 13c I Lux, pkg. 12c 1 CAT MAM B-R Brand jALMvil Chums Cans for... 25c I PERFECTION OIL HEATERS A m it............ Emergency Heating In freezing weather the portable Perfection Oil Heater radiates comfort and cheer?brings re lief to scantily heated offices. Inexpensive to buy and use?easy to clean and fill?smokeless, odorless. Aladdin Security Oil gives best results. Buy your Perfection Heater now. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (NnJamr) Wnhtefoa. D.C. Baltimore, Md. CWMM.N.C Norfolk. V. CWHmm*. W.V?. Richmond. V?. ClarUataa. 8. C. ALADDIN SHUMTYOtt p./ k:::x I * mm Two Fighting Americans Who Did Battle'on the f ? Meuse. JOYOUS SIDE OF WAR BT HERBERT COREY. WITH THE 1ST AMERICAN ARMY, ON THE MEUSE, October 10.?It was a sort of old homo week In tlte midst of wliai may develop Into the greatest American battle of the war. I I was rambling- along a road that was i very crowded, very muddy and very noisy, when some one rode up behind | on an imposing horse. "Get out of the described and extra illustrated way." said this person, "or I'll roirthis indicated truck right over you. Haven't you got a damn bit of sense?" So then I turned around and rec ognized Ralph Cole, who used to be a oongressman in Ohio, and whose tal ents as a public speaker were "more mellifluous when I used to hear him charm large assemblages. I forgave him right away, though, partly be cause he said he'd consider It a per sonal favor if I did. and partly be cause it seemed to me that a major of the Army, acting as a traffic squad on that sort of a road, was entitled to a whole lot of liberty in language. I also determined to keep out of Maj. Cole's roads when he Is en gaged in furthering a battle by shov ing trucks and wagons and dough boys and grub and ammunition and water and ambulances over them. Next time he may get really earnest. Fine Lot of M. P.'s. "I had just built up the finest lot of military policemen," said this ] former congressman, who has become a most enthusiastic soldier, "that this man's army has ever had?and what j did they do to me?" I didn't know what they had done to him. "Took 'em away," said' Maj. Cole, sourly. "And I could have taken that bunch of M. P-'s and handled all the, traffic between here and Vine street and never turned a hair. They were perfect?perfect. I tell you." Anyhow, they had not all been taken away. Maj. Cole admitted this, under the influence of the reason ing of J. S. Shettler of Columbus. Shettler wanted to know why he could not send his trucks forward with grub. He said his men must be (hungry by this time, and they were away-hell wards yonder, and if the trucjt-drivers wanted to drive over those roads and were not afraid of shell fire and they were needed up there, why in the name of Gen. John Hancock could he not send them forward. He wanted >to know, he said, bitterly. He wanted to know if any thought those men up there could go out and catch 'em a mess of goldfish every time they 'got hungry.' So Cole placated him by talking about the way the Then had gone for ward that morning?the morning of September 26, when the fight began on the Meuse. Cole admitted that the men were all green at the game, and that this was the first time they had ever been in a real fight, but shucks Felt?a Bit Proud. I never felt so proud ^f being an American as I am today." said he. "There isn't an army on God's earth that can whip these men. You should see the light in their eyes, and the confident, earnest, courageous >-av in which they tackle their job. The flower of our state is on those hills ahead of us. and they can go through any line the Germans ever held. They are intelligent, that's why, and ambi tious and young and strong ' Then Shettler began to speak again, and I dived into a dugout, because there were sounds in the air that were annoying, and there was Capt. B. E. Robinson of 3119 Imperial street. Cin cinnati. He was also dissatisfied with the particular vista he was peering down at the moment. Up yonder there wa3 a lot of nice fighting, and noises and shells and machine guns and oc casionally the tumultuous thump of a mlnenwerfer dropping one of it? fly ing mines?-and here was he away back in a dugout looking over a lot of papers. It did norseem that he was so far back that he need wory, partic ularly in view of happenings reported from outsHe. but he did worry. Not that he put his worry in the firm of a kick. He was kind of sad and sweet about it. "I don't get a chance to see a thing back here," s*iid he. "But?'?hopeful ly?"maybe I can trade jobs with some one for a day or two after the novelty has worn off." Streams of Prisoners. At the Y of the cross-roads two streams of prisoners v^ere pouring in. One stream came from the north and one from the m>uth. a fact confusing to the civilian mind and only dimly comprehended when various twisting roads were pointed out on the large scale map. At the Y the two streams united and tramped down toward the bird cage, where the batches of pris- j oners were kep? until enough had been gathered to make it worth while j sending them on to the bullpen in ' the rear. A tall man was traffic-cop- j ping at the Y. When he saw us he emitted a loud cry: "The greatest day of my life," said | he. "I went over the top with the boys this morning, and this afternoon I [ got word that I had been nominated for the state senate without opposi tion." ' The tall man was Tom Jones, mayor of Middleport. He no doubt firmly be lieves that he told us all about the morning's adventure, when he whoop ed out of the trenches with the boys of his company and rushed the Ger mans out of theic holes, but my mem ories of hiB statement are very vague. The most I can recall Is that "it was great," and that "the boys are the finest lot of men that ever shot a gun," and that "we Just sort of swooped down on "em." Pressed for details, he said that some one shot a rifle at some Germans, and about twenty-five of them, came forward crying "Kamerad!" _ j "It was great." said Tom Jones, his fkee shining. "I-wouldn't have missed j It-t-and to think of being nominated the same day!" ? ? Persuaded the Hun. A little mess of prisoners came aloim the road. A sturdy soldier tramping at the heat, rifle sldped, was found to be Joseph Turner of Paulding. He said he and bis friends had had very little difficulty in taking them. "We just yelled down into the dugout," said he. "At first they didn't want to come out. They thought we would kill prisoners. But by and by they came." "How did you get them to come?" "We sort of persuaded them," said Turner. An entente cordials-had been estab lished. for when I undertook to pho tograph the group the Germans lined . up grinning and smiled in perfect good fellowship at their captors. The other guards were Henry Boulboulle Of Fostorla, La Vergne Milligan of Fostorla, and- William Rankin of Dunbar, Pa. The quartet had a bush German dialect between them and had been talking with t&e boche. "They say they've had-, plenty of ("War," said Milligan. "They want to emit and so home." Up the road was a dressing station, to which ambulances splashed through the mod every few minutes. Their burdens were carefully lifted out and laid in gray blanketed rows on the 1 la a cellar -from. which the had been tpken away by the events of 'war. At one aide was a splinter-proof of rough atone, roofed with bug* timbers "and more Net a man groaned, accept one " ~ * ' the pain of at Injured leg. Two Ameri cans died aa I watched. VA third wma passing. Others were gray with pain, but there was not a whimper. One Hon Identified. "That's the bum that hurt me." said one who had been watching the young German for a time. "He threw a hand grenade. Tou should have seen him grin when he put me out." "Some one brought him in," I re marked. "I'll know him again," said the American. "If ever I see that guy in our country'after the war?GOOD NIGHT!" Between arrivals a group of- Cin cinnati ambulance company men wait ed at the top of the path, where the ambulances found a space clear of broken stone and smashed walls in which to unload their burdens. They were Frederick Peters of 421? Brook side avenue, George Davidson of 2603 Cypress avenue, Emerson Geyer of 253 Southern avenue, and Sergt. Fred "Runte of 1293 Morton avenue, Hyde Park. They objected to Davidson be ing named George in the photograph. "Call him 'Snake,'" said they. Peters had a real story to telL An hour before he had been up o? the line and watched the treeing of a German in a machine gun nest. He would, not come out, and persisted in shooting, at earnest Americans who tried to drive him out. Americans who could speak German called to him: "Come on out," said they. "We treat prisoners well." "Schweinhund Amerlkanlsch," said the German In the hole. So some Inventive boy came up with a can of kerosene. No one knew, where he had got It?probably nlRped off a supply train, Peters thought? and cut some holes in the can and then threw It Into the nest. After enough time had elapsed to make sure that the kerosene had all escaped from the can the genius threw in a hand grenade. "That Boche Came Out." "That boche came out," said Peters, "in smoke." Perhaps I looked polite when- I heard the story. Peters stutk to It. "I saw it myself," said he. "This isn't arty grapevine stuflL" Inside the dressing station was Robert Graves of*^553 Melrose ave nue, Cincinnati. He said he had seen one German play the kamerad trU^k. "But some one got him before he could throw the grenade," said Graves. And Herbert L. Byers of Elmwood place was quiet and stern. "They got my buddy this morning." said he. "They had guns trained down the road up which we charged. Oh, they're fighting, all right. Any one who says the boche don't fight has met different boches than the ones I saw." Byers felt almost at home, though, for he had been fighting all that morning at I?ory, which is Ivoiry in French, it sounded good to him, he said. And as I went down the muddy road looking fearfully behind me for a major on horseback I met Mayor Jones of Middleport again. "Just tell the folks that Old Tom went over with his boys," said he. MORAL AIMS OF WAR, TOPIC OF BISHOP GORE V ?i! Peace Without Victory Impossible,. He Tells Mass Meeting?League to Enforce Peace Necessary. "I Want Germany to be Impressed with the fact that the allies will con tinue to fight for years to obtain a complete military and naval victory to destroy entirely her military power," declared Rt. Rev. Charles Gore, Lord Bishop of Oxford, in an address at a mass meeting yesterday afternoon at First Congregational Church. Bishop Gore had, for his subject "Moral Aims of the war." He said that peace without victory, or a negotiat ed peace, while Christian, is impos sible. "Events past hope have happened during the last few weeks and chang ed the face of the war,", he said. "We have disposed of her weaker allies, and now we must deal with Germany proper in no uncertain terms." lie declared that civilization cannot be built upon selfishness and that if the treaty of peace is to be drawn upon the old basis there will/be sore ness in the hearts of many. "What will happen as soon as thes? nations recover from their bleeding? They will begin again to build armies and form alliances, public and secret. Even in America universal military service is proposed for the benefits of dis cipline. Soon all the rtations of the earth would again be armed and view ing one another with suspicion, until some selfish, ambitious nation again plunged the world into wir." We must have a new force to main tain peace?a league to enforce peace. Bishop Gore said, adding. "We must have a supernational restraint, an in ternational police, courts of arbitra tion and courts of conciliation, to maintain order and settle differences. When your statesmen go to Europe to secure peace, I pray they will be instructed to conclude a peace that can be enforced." The meeting, which was largely at tended. was presided over by Arthur B. Call, secretary of the American Peace Society. 'Epidemic Receding in New York. NEW YORK, November 4.?The Spanish Influenza epidemic here is "practically over," according to an announcement by the health depart ment. There was a drop of nearly 50 per cent in the number of cases in twenty-four hours, only 1,567 cases, or 1,384 less than Saturday, bo ing reported yesterday. Truthful Advertising The Star will be glad to have its attention called to any misleading or untrue statement, if such should appear at any time in any advertisement in its col umns. Readers are requested to assist in protecting them selves and legitimate ad vertisers. WHY COUGH AND COUGH AND COUGH? Dr. King's New Discovery removes the danger of ' neglect \ Coughing until the parched throat grows painful should not be permitted. It should be re lieved before it gains headway with a dose of Dr. King's New Discovery, i The same with a cold or bron chial attack. -Millions have used this well known remedy for half ^ century regularly without thought of change. Sold by druggists since 1M9. An all-important adjunct to apy family medleine cabinet. Mc and $L2>. The Burden of Constipation Is lifted, comfortably, but posi tively when'you treat your bow els with Dr. King's New Life Pills. The liver gets busy, digestion improves, the siddy, sallow skin Is freed from bile. Oet a bottle today start the d?y right. 25c. i i ??? * . <s* SMf FUR NURSES 1MH Kiu Greenlee* Will Have Charge of Work in Washington?Head quarters at 1*413 G Street? Mo house-to-house canvass will he necessary in connection with the Red Cross" nursing survey here in the National Capital. According to Miss Anna J. Greenlee* executive secretary of the-District chapter in charge of the local survey, practically all neces sary data can be obtained from known sources of information, such as hos pitals, the central directory of nurses, the I. V. N. S., nurses' training school alumnae, Associated Clubs of Catholic Women, Red Cross classes and nurs ing service committee. Associated Charities, health department. Knights of Columbus, Masonic societies of all kinds. Boy Scouts, departmental chief clerks, Federation of Women's Clubs, eta The headquarters of the local sur vey committee will be at 1413 G street. .Mrs. Lillian Richards, director of women's work for the District, and Dr. George N. Johnson will assist Miss Gseenlees. The survey is nation-wide and is to be made at the request of the Secretary of War and the surgeon general of the Army. With 30,000 nurses enrolled, more than 17,000 of whom are serving with the Army and Navy, at home and overseas, the department of nurs ing of the American Red Cross has planned this campaign to take care of the growing needs of the military forces next year. An announcement yesterday by the war council said that 50,000 nurses will be needed by July 1 and that 9,000 of these must be enrolled before the first of the year. The Red Cross has spent about $850,000 in equipping nurses for duty abroad, while approximately $1,500, 000 has been spent in fitting out base hospitals. For the Navy eight hospitals and MnaUw linl ?i hospital units have bssn o _ are la process of formation. or EXPEDITE KOYAL ?ARKTAfFFL Japanese Princes Amend law. Priry Councilors Abeemt TOKIO, November 2 (by the Asso ciated Press).?A conference of Jap anese princes of the blood, which rarely is held, sat today and passed an additional provision to the im perial house law, to make possible the marriage of Princess Masako Nashlmoto and Prince Yi-Xon of Chosen (Korea). Emperor Toshihito of Japan was present. Nearly half the privy councilors opposed the amendment to the house law. They contended the marriage could be le galized without touching the house law, that being permissible only under the most serious circumstances They ab sented themseles from the session of the privy council held yesterday for the passing of the amendment. Their attitude in the present instance is said to be unprecedented. 8AHTA CLAUS OT TBXVCBB. Plan tor Awrieait Soldiers to Cheer . French PoQns Announced. UKW YORK. November 4.?AmerN can soldiers in Francs will become "Santa Claus" to friendless and lonely French poilus who are spending their fifth Christmas in the trenches If a plan just announced here by Ida* Byrd W. Hamblen, secretary of !>? Paquet Du Soldat, an organisation de voted to the welfare of the French fighters, is carried out. Relatives of American soldiers are invited to send a dollar bill, a card of greeting and the name of the American soldier In whose behalf th? present is to be given, to Miss Ham blen, in care of J. P. Morgan * Co., New York, who in turn will Cable the money to Parts and a holiday package will be shipped to the pollu who. in each case, is expected to acknowledge its receipt. T The average female brain weighs two pounds eleven ounces, or more than one-half pound less than the average male brain. ginmnmiiminninnnninnnmnmiinnniniimimuiniiiiniinniniiiiinnim;g / Home Delivery About l,fcc a Day Send a postal card or telephone The Star, Main 5000, and have the paper delivered to your home. x The carrier will collect at the end of each month at the rate of 40c per month for the daily edition or 60c per month for the Evening and Sunday Star. t ;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimmiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiittn "HOo, Jack! / have tickets for that Russian ballet tomorrow night. Want to go?" "Thank*, old tcomt. Better get some one etee. Fm feeling rotten." " 'Some one else, your grandmother!- Why, ? fiw of Plato Water wOl make yen fit a* a fiddle. I tell you that water is a wapder." In countless thousands of just such scenes PLUTO has become a magic word Amevica'syNi Physio Not only as a curative agent in actual illness, but in practically every walk of modern life, PLUTO WATER is an invaluable aid to health. Its gentle, antiseptic stimulation of the digestive and elimina tive system keeps you "fit"?vigorous?alive. No chance for harmful toxins to accumulate and prison the system if PLUTO Is taken at regular intervals. Physicians indorse and prescribe it in the treat ment of kidney, liver and stomach troubles, rheumatism ana nervous disorders. If you are thoroughly run down and out of condition?go to French Lick Springs?the source of PLUTO. There rest and recreation will make you over?the waters will be of inestimable value?and the hotel service is unexcelled. For all ordinary laxative PLUTO. Large bottle, 45c; ?naiw bottle, Bottled at French Lick Spring TnH On sale at your druggist's, your dab, in sad an (LOB) H \ mncniMM^prmgM nam \ TheHorn*eiPLUTO WATER mm m (????? ?ni??' [(????? MM," IIM?H I'M"* M Hi MM m m. _ ?? PLUTO for Spaniel Influenza Guard against this dread epidemic. Freedom from constipation is the surest preventive measure. Don't wait, life and health are too precious. Pluto water, America's J>bysic*. is influenza's natural foe* ^ - -.w.r "? V- ^ ' -*?