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FLEEING AUSTRIANS DESERTED THOUSANDS OF THEIR WOUNDED WITH THE ITALIAN FORCES IN NORTHERN ITALY, Saturday. No vember 2, 3 p.m. (by the Associated J'ress).?The battle continues with the Italians and their allies completing the destruction of Austria's mighty army. It is estimated that 3,000 Austrian cannon will be the total tak en by the Italians in addition to vast quantities of other tvar material. The allied forces arc ever pressing cn toward the frontier in the moun tains. They already have reached the Val Sugana, where the Italians are holding their line of a year pgo. The word "strategy" cannot be used In Austria's retreat, which is a pell mell efTort on the part of the various bodies to save themselves. The Aus trians are fleeing helter-skelter, fight ing in the mountains when obliged to do so. On the plains they are merely putting up rear guard local fights with machine guns, blowing up bridges as they go along. The long lines of enemy troops on the roads are biing pelted with the machine gun* of allied airplanes. The retreat of the Austrians is be ing hindered by the condition of the rood. For the same reason the Italian advance is some regions is slow. Austrians Desert Wounded. The Austrians are leaving their wounded by the roadside or In houses. Two thousand Austrian wounded were deserted in Keltre without attendance or medicine. Udlne has been evacuated.. Tbe civil population everywhere complains that they were stripped of everything of value by the enemy in the invaded provinces. Thousands of cannon are being cap tured by the Italians, in addition to great quantities of war material. At Vittorlo a big petroleum deposit was found, the Austrlans not taking the trouble to burn it. Oreat quantities of telegraph wire also were left un destroyed. At Bellune a large, depot of food and material was found by the Italians. The allies frequently cap tured long trains of artillery, one train being taken at Rasi, near FelLre, it having been abandoned by the re treating Austrians in their haste. Delivery of Hortal Blow. It was on October 29 that the enemy received a mortal blow by a main at tack across the River Piave. This per mitted the 8th Army to move to Vit torlo and gave the 4th Army a chance to operate. Then piece by piece, corps by corps and division by division the Austrian armies have fallen. When the Italian 4th Army reached Monte Cismon. at the junction of the Brenta, it gave the 12th Army to operate at Feltre, in the upper Piave valley, and also permit ted the 6th Army to go onto action in the Asiago district. Between the 4th and ith armies chief Austrian resistance in Italy was broken. It was in the mountains that j the greatest number of cannon was taken. VALIANT BELGIAN SOLDIERS MAKE NEW "MAP" IN FLANDERS BRLGI\N HKADQUARTERS. No vembcr -t (by the Associated Press).? In making a map of Flanders one must draw a straight line from Dix mude to Ypres. This line should be marked in red. It was along this front that the valiant soldiers of Belgium, under the leadership of their king, began their onslaught to recover their native land, after bat tling for four years to retain a tiny fragment of Belgium as their own. It was along the center of that line that the attack began September 28. Three miles away stood Houthulst forest, the key to Uoulers. This for ?st was the Belgian objective. When it ?as taken Roulers fell. Then Os ter.u and Zeebrugge were freed and 'or ds>ys past the enemy has been fisruing desperately on a line forty miles away from the Yser to gain time to remove his materials from Ghent before being compelled to abandon the city. Forest Now a Fortress. Houthulst forest has been convert- I ed ir-to a tremendous fortress by the Germans. It was the pivot of the whole line bet ween Armentieres and Nieuport. Innumerable redoubts, dug outs and concr- te blockhouses were ?constructed and along every road traversing the forest there are doors leading to s 't-terra lean shelters, mak ing th" whole area resemble a city of cave dw ellers. At every cross road were signs bparing inscriptions, euch as "Friedrichstrasse. Wilhem strasse. etc." ? At every cross-road also were four ' little inoffensive looking green boxes. Upon approaching these boxes, how ever, one notices ugly death-head | signs with the word "Danger" . painted conspiculously These boxes j contained forty pounds of high ex plosives. They were timed by the cultured cave-dwellers to explode when the Belgian soldiers entered the forest, but the Belgians arrived sooner than anticipated and broke the per cussion raps from the mines Just as they have broken the hearts of the men who set them. The mines re main there as mute evidence of the German "peaceful and voluntary evacuation of Belgium." More than 1,000.000 shells of all EPIDEMIC DANGER PASSES IN CAPITAL s Health Officials Find Need, However, for Caution by People of District. Health officials feel safe In saying that Washington's tnfluensa epidemic has passed, but in the same breath they urge cltixena to take every pos sible precaution to prevent further spread of the contagion. Their optimism Is based on the num ber of deaths for the twenty-fonr hour period ending at noon today, [ ivhlch was but eleven, together with tlie amall number of new cas?9 for the same period, which was only stx teen. Their warnings to take no risks are none the loss grave. Dr. Fowler, Dis trict health officer, still urges all not to use public cups or glasses or public towels. Get all physical exercise pos sible, he urges; see that sleeping quar ters and street cars are liberally venti lated anil keep out of crowds. Record for October. V review of the official record for < '? tcber, which includes the major of the epidemic, shows 1,562 deaths from influenza and ISO from sequential pneumonia. This breaks all records for any month in the history of the capital, for at one time the percentage, based on the population of a year ago, ran more than 10 per cent. October 12 was the high mark, with ninety-two ?leaths. Between October 5 and 21 new cases were running as high as from one to more than two thousand a day. Deaths reported each day are shown ns follows: October 1. twenty-three: ", twenty-two; 3. thirty-two; 4. forty; &, forty-nine; 6, sixty-four; 1. forty nine; S. fifty-four; S. sixty-two; 10, eighty; 11. seventy-seven; 12. ninety mo; 13. eighty-nine; 14, sixty-four; seventy-flve; IS. sixty-eight; IT, seventy-six; IS, seventy; 19. sixty fight; 20. sixty-six; 21, forty-eight; thirty-six; 23. forty: 24. forty four: 25. forty; 26, thirty-seven; 27. thirty-two; 28. twenty-four; 29. six teen: 30. sixteen, and 31, nine. New cases reported daily follow: October 1. 162; 2. 39; 3. 56; 4. ?18: 5, "7$; 6, 279: 7, 1,150; 8, 2.174; 9. 1.466; 3 0. 1.701: 11. 1.594: 12, 1,344; 13. 1.312; ]?, 1,076: 15. 1.4S3: 16. 932: 17. 1.346: 38. 1,121; 19, 835; 20. 705; 21, 412; 22. 77S: 23, 466: 24, 37S; 25, 676; 26. 426; 27, 325; 2S, 235; 29, 333; 30, 250. and SI, 231 Deaths for Twenty-Four Honrs. Influenza deaths reported for tbe twenty-four hours ending at noon to ? iay were as follows: Adele C. Cogan, 16 years, S19 E street southeast; Irv ing Keiler, 26 years. 413 A street southeast: Daniel Willard Muller, 2 ? < ara, 7uC> 5th street northeast; An tonio Sammassmo, 36 years, 15 Jack son street northeast: Brooks J. Bates, 44 years. 948 Lottie street southwest; ruiBhina Williams, 4 years. U. S. P. H. S. Hospital; Marie Saunders, 2 years, V. S. P. H. S. Hospital; Louis Hall. 19 >ears, 1442 C street southeast; Thomas J. Thurman, 28 years. U. S. P. H. S. Hospital; Frances P. Schaffer, 3 v-ears, 801 Delaware avenue south west; Preston B. Smith. 33 ]rut% U. & . aatiw calibers and numerous guns lie along the roads In the forests. The Bel gians planned the battle admirably. One wing advanced from Dixmude and Mercken across Inundated fields checkered with shellholes. The other wing moved from Ypres and Bix choote. They Joined north of .the forest after three days of terrific fighting. Then the forest was entered by Flemish troops, many of whom were battling within the shadow of the ruins of their own homes. Cold steel played a large part in clearing up the forest, yet some thousands of pris oners were captured there. | Houthulst forest Is a forest no longer. A few trees still stand like nude spars swaying in the wind. Others, smashed and splintered, lie across water-fllled shell holes. It is a picture of war's desolation. When the correspondent emerged from this devastated area some days ago a huge fire was raging a few miles away. It was a munitions depot left behind by the Germans and there is strong presumption that It was fired by a spy or a time fuse. The peasant owning a house nearby , was In groat fear of losing his prop erty. He told the correspondent he saw no one around and he thought that the fire was ca'-sed by allied sol diers practicing at rocket firing. Spies Blow Tip Dumps. There are tales of spies left behind by Germans to blow up bridges and m^nitioos dumps which the enemy had no time to destroy. .Near Bruges a munitions depot blew up ten days after the Germans had abandoned It. There have been numerous arrests since the departure of the Germans of suspected spies dressed In civilian clothing. Some of them were dis guised as women. After the battle of Mons In 1914 several British soldiers who were unable to keep up with their units remained behind. They donned civ ilian garb and attempted to cross Into Holland. Some succeeded aid others were eaujht. It may be sur- . mised that German so'diers cap- ! tured rinder similar circumstances ; will receive the same treatment as was visited upon the British four years ago. NO REVENUE BILL CUTS ATWECTOFfW little likelihood Pending Measure Will Be Altered to Bring in Less Honey. The probability that peace will come within a short time caused some dis cussion today at the Capitol as to whether the pending war revenue bill j would be modified so as to bring In less revenue. Those members of the Senate finance, committee, which has the bill before! it. who were in the Senate today, ex- j pressed the opinion that no effort ?? would be made to reduce the proposed taxation. They said that the revenue which the bill proposes to raise will all be needed to meet appropriations already made. Senators Hoke Smith. Thomas and Smoot, all members of the committee, said they did not believe any attempt i would be made to strike out or to re duce the proposed taxes. Senator Smith said, however, that as soon as peace comes every effort should be made to cut down expenditures. He indicated that Congress would do Its part in forcing economy and that it would not appropriate money I for many of the government agencies : which have been established for war purposes after peace shall have come. for an allied court TO TRY WAR CRIMINALS Sir Frederick Edward Smith, Brit ish Attorney General, Sug gests Plan. LONDON, November 4.?Establlsh ' men t of a grand court of allied re pre- ? sentatlves, civil and military, for the purpose of trying those guilty of crimes during the war. Is advocated by Sir Frederick Edward Smith, the British attorney general, in an inter view in the Dally Express. Sir Frederick, who is an authority on international law, urges that the j jurisdiction of such a court apply es pecially. although not exclusively, to i those caught red handed or observed ' committing crimea He contends that the guilty parties must not be allowed to shift the blame upon their wi pe riors, as otherwise every war crim inal among the Germans might shuf fle the entire responsibility upon the emperor. . Moreover, the attorney general argue* the gulity persons must not be permitted to put themselves out side the Jurisdiction of the court, and the surrender of those not In allied I custody should be demanded under the peaoe terms. Th? court would be empowered to inflict such punishments as death and penal servitude, and also to exact compensation for injury to persons or destruction of property. Women now h?*e the opportunity to study ship drafting and construction >Mr ANDREW 0. WHITE DIES IN 86TH YEAR First President of Corned University and Former Am bassador to Germany. NOTED IN MANY FIELDS By the Associated Press. ITHACA, N. Y., November 4.?Dr. Andrew D. White,.Cornell University's flrst president and former ambassa dor to Germany and minister to Rus sia, died here today at his home as the result of a stroke of paralysis which he suffered last Friday. The funeral will be held on Thursday, No vember 7, the eighty-sixth anni versary of Dr. White's birthday. In both academic and public serv ice, Andrew Dickson White attained remarkable distinction. He was one of the founders of Cornell University and" its first president. He rendered valuable public service for many years as the American diplomatic rep resentative in Germany and Russia. Best Work at Cornell, -He Said. In' his autobiography Dr. Whit# said that in the founding and main taining of Cornell University he thought he had done his best work, and he said, "By the part I have taken in that, more than by any other work of my life, I hope to be judged " His inter est in the establishment of a new uni versity came largely through revolt against the conservative sectarian in fluences and restricted curriculums of other institutions. Born at Homer, N. T., In 1832. Dr. White was born in New York state, at a village with the classic name of Homer. November 7. 183^ the son of Horace White, .who was one of. the pioneers in western railroad build ing' " For his higher education young White, went to Geneva, now Hobart College, but after a year there he went to Yale, where the De Forest gold medal was awarded to him for his oration on "The Diplomatic His tory of Modem T'mes," upon his grad uation in 18S3, and it was only a few months later that T. H. Seymour, then the democratic GovernSr of Connecti cut, took him to St. Petersburg (Pe trograd) as an attache to the American legation. After this foretaste of dip lomatic life, Mr. White returned to this country to become professor of history at Michigan, where he re mained for seven years. He estab lished a wide reputation for his work at Ann Arbor, and it tfas his own ad mission that his plans for Cornell j were worked out along the modern : lines he had seen begun at Michigan 1 Recalled to New York in 1863 by the death of his father at Syracuse, Mr. White elected to remain in his native state, where he became active in re publican politics. He was a member of "he New York state legislature for several years which he devoted to the preparation of measures for better common schools, the organization of the state normal schools and in push ing through the chaVter for Cornell University. Made Impression In Germany. At the call of President Hayes, in 1879. Dr. White went as minister to Germany, and in 1892 to Russia, on the nomination of President Harrison, and Anally as ambassador to Germany, on the nomination of President Mc [ Kirley. serving in Berlin through the period of the Spanish-American war and until 1902. He was recognised as a thinker of much directness and force. His "Con flict Between Science and Relirion," "Seven Great Statesmen in the War fare of Humanity With Unreason," "Democracy and" Education" and his autobiography are some of his books i other than historical. NOV. 9 ID BE OBSERVED AS 0. S. GAS MASK DAY Proclamation for District Issued by Commissioner* Appealing for Shells and Pits. November ? Is to be "Gas Mask day" in the District and In every city In the country. On that day every Washlngtonlan as well as every citizen of every Ameri can municipality will be given an op portunity to contribute raw material consisting of nut shells and fruit pits to a common stock from which the government will manufacture gas masks* for use by American soldiers in the trenches. The Red Cross has placed 200 barrels in different sections of the city as de positories for the contributions. Call to People of District. The District Commissioners today' Issued the following proclamation for "Gas Mask day": "In common with the governors of many states of the Union, we, the Commissioners of the District of Co lumbia, hereby set aside the 9th day i of November as 'Gas Mask day,' and direct the attention of our people to the need of the government at this time for many tons of raw material from which is made the oharooal that is placed in the gas masks worn by the men in the service, and which will beot absorb the poisonous gas sent against them by the enemy. "We are told that the losses by gas are greater than those of the guns of the enemy. Its effect, when death does not ensue, is much more horrible^than the wounds Inflloted'by shells. A million pounds a day are needed, of the pits from peaches, plums, cherries^ aprioots, prunes, dates, olives and the shells of hickory nuts, walnuts and butternut*. This material is used to make charcoal, which will protect the men and nurses umier Are for use across the sea. We call on all citizens to save what is ordinarily waste material that they may save more lives. Bed Cross Barrels. "The Red Cross has provided two hundred barrels distributed about the city of Washington and this material. should be deposited in these barrels. "We urge a special effort in the! gathering of this material on gas > mask day, November S, and that the effort continue every day until the needs have been met "LOUIS BROWNLOW. . "JOHN G. D. KNIGHT." ~W. GWYNN GARDINER." CRISIS IN WAR MAY KEEP PRESIDENT FROM POLLS President Wilson may be compelled to reconsider his intention to go to New Jersey tomorrow to vote. In view of the critical international situation and the.fact that the Pres ident Is required to be in constant communication with Paris, some of his advisers axe urging him not to take the trip. It would be dUBoalt to keOTtotondi with lite' while fci The allied troops have captured another sample of Germany's long-planned war. This time It Is a kdd unlike anything yet seen daring this or any previous war. The gun has Ire firing tubes, placed la such a. position similar to the barrel of a small revolver. The firing tubes TCvolve and each projectile is dischsrged Just as the revolver cartridges. This photo graph gives a good view of the new firearm, showing the business end of the firing tubes. AMERICANS AND FRENCH PUSH ON, TAKING SEVERAL TOWNS Hun Retreat Almost a Rout,- With Officers Losing Control-?Roads Crowded With "Fleeing Enemy. WITH THE AMERICAN ARMY ! NORTHWEST OF VERDUN, Sunday. November 3 (by the Associated i PreBs).?American troops at 5 o'clock this evening; had advanced their left flank north of Authe, In close co-oper ation with the French forces which have been fighting their way east ward on^ the bend in the Alsne river. Farther 'east, American forces were jn Autruche and their patrols were re ported aa far north as Brieulles-sur Bar. In the center of the line the village of Fosse was passed early in the day and then In quick succession ? Barrlcourt, Nouart Le Champy Haute : and Le Champy Bas were occupied by the Americans. The advance of Gen. Pershing's troops has reached the lit in the center of Belval wood. On the extreme-right the Americans were north of Montigny Devent Sassy. From there the line ran to the Meuse river. j It has not been a day of fighting as much as of pursuit. The Germans are not retreating in great disorder and their withdrawal cannot be called a rout, but it is certain that the gen oral staff and the field officers have lost control to a certain extent. All par<.8 oi the iine we^e active during last night. The left wing continued lis advance with little in terruption. even after darkness had d .?? ? . Americans reached Boult-aux-Bols at 4 o'clock this morning. Their patrols were at the heels of the retreating enemy, who were heard leaving the northern end Of the town by wagon, and who had escaped by the time the Americans had made their way through the town in the gloom. There was some opposition, espe cially artillery fire and rearguard fighting, at Barricourt and Nouart, but it was quickly swept away. After cleaning up Tailly last night, the Americans took hill 268, and a little later occupied Les Fontenelles farm. The village of Le Champy Haute was taken early this morning, marking an advance of five miles* northward from Bayonville. The Americans did not stop there, but pressed on. One division, which on Saturday cap tured 79 officers and 2.170 mer., 60 ma- i chine guns and 12 guns of .77 caliber. ' was reported today to have largely increased its booty. The troops on the right, like those on the left and center, also continued to move forward, although less rapid ly than the others. The heights of j Montigny, four miles north of Clery lj-Petit, were reached at noon. When the Americans occupied the heights It was seen that the Germans had evac uated the region Immediately to the north. From the left flank to the right there are evidences that the German I officers are trying to hold their men ' to their task, but reports from differ ent sources agree that difficulties have arisen which the Germans have found impossible to overcome East of the Meuse, from north of Remoiville, where the roads are choked with retreating Germans, to north of Stenay, on the east bank of the river, where the railway yards are filled with troop trains leaving for the rear, the Germans are falling back. (From Remoiville to Stenay is about eight and one-half miles) The artillery fire from the hills be hind the German lines seems to in dicate the reluctance of those in com mand to yield to the evident desire of the men In the line to withdraw Equal activity is displayed behind the American lines, but it Is of op posite character. Far to the rear th? roads are filled not only with slowly moving convoys, but with truck trains filled with troops being rushed forward to rapport those who'ln some cases. In trucks, are keeping up the fast pace set by the retiring Ger man*. A Yankee Losses Light. The American losses so f&r have been astonishing light/ compared with the slse of the operation. There has been fighting by the enemy, but of a half hearted sort, except In a few cases where, for brief Intervals,, strong stands were made by little garrisonsi left behind. I One of these wns at Barrl?*>rt. which was occupied Just after 41 o'clock this morning, the southern edge of the village having been taken Saturday night The distance between the Americans and the Germans was less than 300 yards. Ordered to advance, the ATneri<**n* nl?nf*d down the streets with flxed bayonets, shooting aa they went The Germans stood their ground only for a few moments. It was a bloody Into-mi. Only a few of the Germans escaped. Scores of small fights occurred In the woods and ravines between enemy machine gun crews and the advanc ing Americans. Throughout the day the American artillery heavily bom barded the German lines along the entire front The American intelligence officers have learned that the confusion In the enemy army Is Increasing almost hourly. Apparent the liaison between the various units has been badly broken. Aa confirming this, one of the prisoners taken by the Ameri cana proved to be a runner who had 5^2 ftw-ward from one of the ^mlle* behind reason for the confusion at the front and the failure of men to hold. High Officers in Conference. " is learned that high officers of the German staff held a meeting last night, which was attended by many or the field officers, to discuss the situation, the seriousness of which was undisputed. Where the Germans will be able to bring their retreat to a halt is entirely , speculative, although it Is not lm- ! probable that they will Be able to do so within another day or two unless the situation gets altogether out of hand. Although the army at the front shows extraordinary demoralization, it still is functioning with enough discipline to indicate the possibility of i s steadying down. Meanwhile, however, the Americans are pressing their advantage with I dash and vim. Yankees Capture 4,000. WITH THE AMERICAN ARMY NORTHWEST OF VERDUN, 8unday November 3, .7 p.m. (by the Associated Press).?More than 4,000" prisoners were captured by the Americans In this sector today. The riumber t of guns and other booty Is steadily growing. The right flank of the American line is now at Halles. on the heights overlooking the Meuie river. ? Roads Packed With Fleeing Hnas. WITH THE AMERICAN FORCES NORTHWEST OF VERDUN, Novem ber 3, 7:3Q p.m. (by the Associated Press).?American aviators late today reported that the Germans to the east of the Meuse appeared to be in foil retreat. The aviators' messages said that all roads running northward were packed with troops, artillery and trucks. The American aviators went aB far as Remoiville. They reported that the roads southeast of Remoiville are choked with traffic. The retreating German troops and convoys and enemy ammunition dumps and various villages within the Teuton lines were attacked today by American bombing airplanes. Great damage is reported to have been done to property and consterna tion caused among the retreating troops. , The American bombing machines made two attacks, the flrst tn the morning and the other in the after noon, reaching as far as Stenay and Beaumont. Fires are reported In both places. Eight squadrons participated In the air ra'ds today. The bombers attacked Beaumont, where they destroyed a warehouse and exploded an ammuni tion dump. In Stenay another ammu nition dump was exploded. The bomb ers also attacked M&rtincourt, Mou seay, Beauclair and Beaufort. The last two towns simultaneously were under the Are of heavy American guns. In the region of Vaux and Sommauthe pursuit planes harassed the troops along, the roadway with machine guns and small bombs. The weather was cloudy, but It was the first really clear day on the ground since the offensive of the Americans was resumed. There were various combats In the air. Two German machines were re ported brought down. Three Ameri can planes are missing. The aviators' report regarding the retreat of the enemy east of the Meuse is as follows: "At Remoiville a troop train of nineteen cars was leaving, northward bound. We saw great crowds of enemy troops along the railway siding. We fired upon them and they tired back With incendiary bullets. All northbound roads out of Remoi ville were filled with troops." According to previous reports, at least four Austro-Hunvarian divisions were opposing the French and Amer icans east of the Meuse in this sector. Hun Butteries Under Fire. " German artillery east of the Meuse, protected by hills and woods beyond Lyon-Devant-Dun, had been a source of constant aniioyance to the Ameri cans since th?-y reached the great el bow in the river north of Dannevoux. The advance of the Americans Satur day made possible the bringing up of artillery, and the American guns this afternoon began counter battery work. Soon afterward the German artillery desisted. Numerous enemy batteries in the region of Fontaines were under American fire most of th* afternoon. Later came reports of the aviators that the enemy appeared to be in full retreat An American patrol crossed the Meuse north of Frleulles Saturday night and encountered no resistance. To the south enemy machine gun ners biased away at Brieulles and its vicinity, flanking the 'Americans. The patrol clnng to the banks of the river until the American artillery opened a barrage and drove back the enemy. ? The forest De Woevre. to the north west, is swampy, and the Germans have been taking advantage of this fact in holding out for weeks against the French and Americans" in tne struggle for possession of this thlck Jy wooded .section. . .? Only Disorganized Resistance. dTASSbtimSgi?5S i r in ii ? fii im npiifinn run ?Only. disorganised, resist snoe was ottered by the dtnaua today to the French and American troops from points east of the river Mease to that part of the line extending to Bethel. The Americans carried, the apex of their advance to the little lake?in Belval wood, to the north of Barrl court. Stenay, an important railway cen ter less than four - miles from the American front, has already been so harassed that it has been rendered al most useless to the enemy. The Germans continue to retreat all along the front. ' Americans Pass. Objectives. WITH THE AMERICAN FORCES NORTHWEST OF VERDUN, Novem ber 3, 3 p.m. (by the Associated Press). ?Gen. Pershing's forces continued to make satisfactory progress during the night and this morning but they met with isolated opposition, here and there, indicating that the German re treat had slightly slowed up. Virtually every American 1 division had not only reached its objectives this morning, but was far ahead of them. Prisoners, guns and material were reported to be increasing in number and quantity. The enemy opposition took the form of intermittent artillery fire and at a few points with the use of gas and in fantry. This resistance, however, vanished when the Americans exerted themselves. The general character of the en emy's defense Was almost exclusively that of rear-guard actions, instead of the usual bitter direct oposition. and generally it was overcome without difficulty. Bourgogne Woods Cleared. WITH THE AMERICAN ARMY NORTHWEST OF VERDUN, Novem ber 3 (by the Associated Press, 9:10 p.m.).?The American . and French troops today completed the clear ing of the enemy out of the Bourgogne woods by their Junction at Nolrval. They then pushed for ward northeastward and captured in rapid succession Chatillon-sur-Barx and the Bois Duchesne, where the northern edge of the wood was reached. The action at this point was pre dominently French, but with the Americans assisting with patrols, who first pushed westward to effect a liaison and then turned northeast ward with the French until they met' other Americans near Chatillon and 1 pinched out another slice of terrain. Yankees Take Battery. - WITH THE AMERICAN ARMT NORTHWEST OF VERDUN. Satur day, November 2 (by the Associated Pre ss).A battery of four six-Inch howitzers, with three officers and sev enteen gunners, was taken north of Landreville today by three French tanks manned by Americans. 1 The tanks flanked the battery by '? going around the edge of a hill in the | face of machine guns protecting the! cannon. The gunners threw up their hands when the tanks appeared and ! the men on the land battleships turn- I ed their prisoners over 'to infantry- 1 men. I The tank squadron was commanded ' hy JUeut. Lloyd Callahan of Casselton, N. D., who himself operated a ma chine gun on one of the tanks. After prisoners had been taken the three machines mopped up the machine gun nests in the region of the battery and then went on about their business toward the hills beyond. Hon Plane Felled. WITH THE AMERICAN ARMT NORTHWEST OF VERDUN. Thurs day. October 31 (by the Associated 1 Press).?A German ? two-seater air- 1 plane crashed into the American lines' today. The pilot was killed, but the' observer was uninjured. Officers and men of the big gun artillery claim that the German was downed eltber | by being struck by a gun projectile or that the plane was damaged by falling Into vacuum caused by the projectile. Just as one of the guns was flred the German airmen appeared. The "^chine immediately crumpled and fell. The observer was unable to say what caused the accident. All that he knew was that the plane suddenly dropped into space and then turned upside down and glided to earth. TERMS UPON WHICH AUSTRIANS QUIT WAR (Continued from First Page.) tions which may be made by a com mission nominated by the allies and the United States of America. SIX. All naval alrct-aft are to be concentrated and impactionised in Auatro-Hungarian bases to be desig nated by the allies and United States of America. SEVEN. Evacuation of all the Ital ian coasts and of all ports occupied by Austria-Hungary outside their na tional territory and the abandonment of all floating craft, naval materials, equipment and materials for inland navigation of all kinds. EIGHT. Occupation by the allies and' the United States of America of the land and sea fortifications and the islands which form the defenses and of the dockyards and arsenal at Pola. NINE. All merchant vessels held by Austria-Hungary belonging to the al lies and associated powers to be re turned. TEN. No destruction of ships or of materials to be permitted before evac uation. surrender or restoration. ELEVEN. All naval and mercantile marine prisoners of the allied and as sociated powers In Austro-Hungarlan hands to be returned without reci procity. ENEMY MUST GIVE UP ARMY AND NAVY (Continued from First Page.) better fed. any way, than the civilian population, will mean riots and dis orders if there is no food. And anarchy in Germany may mean dis order in the entente countries ad jacent thereto, for bolshevism is con tagious. Bulgaria already has a council of workmen In charge, and her king of a slnrjle month Is gone. The danger to Europe of bolshevism is being discussed very widely here, and In the question of food regula tion do many people think the solu tion lies. America has been feeding the world, has been obeying a con servation program with patriotio seal and has been controlling the de mand by agreeing with the allied governments as to the price of their purchases and amounts to be given them. If this power of regulation disappears, .men like Herbert Hoover are wondering what will be the result for the American householder, whose cost of living is rising already to un precedented heights. The answer to the question of dis order abroad is in keeping the civilian populations contented by giving them enough to eat. Congressional opposi tion to food regulation has been pro nounced. Only the persistence of President Wilson has thus far forced not only the democrats, but republi cans to put through drastic regula tions As peace approaches a new Congress will want to get rid of all war-time regulation. That Is one reason why Herbert Hoover, a republican, came out for a democratic Congress to sup port President Wilson. His republican Mends questioned his Judgment, b. t, as the food administrator sees it, sticking by the President's leadership In the period Immediately following the close of the war Is mere Important to the success of a food program for the whole world than the political fortunes of any set of individuals as such. . . Washington is a-quiver with excite ment today as the hour for the de cision at the: polls draws near. Both sides are ' confident?they say so, at any rate. Under the veneer of con fidence, however, both sides betray anxiety and concern. There are some surprises In store. ' Neither side will get a landslide'. Congress will be con trolled by narrow majorities. And public opinion, which has been' po powerful in keeping republicans and democrats united during the war. will, have to N especially assertive In order . that --reconstruction measures, eeoeclalty thefood. Question, -may .be Ived for the benefit of an OFFICIAL WAR REPORTS. rritory today, our troop* have L through the Bo in De Belval and the , >Is DuPort Gerache. and are on the i AXESIGAH. ( November 4 (morning).?Carrying ] oar attack farther into the ^namy* ^rritory tmAM h? va aim* ! cdtt Bob , heights tVo kilometers south of Bean- ' inont Further to the west we are approaching Verrieres. All of the towns situated on the west bank of the Meuse south of Halles are now in our hands. * .This morning our attack was exw, tended to the east bank of the Meuse, where- it -la progressing favorably. November 3 (evening).?The 1st American Army continued its success ful attacks today, capturing in its ad vance the following villages: Boult, Aux Bola, Autruche. Beilevllle-sur Bar," Harr! court. Germ on t, Bar, Authe, Fooae, Sofnmaathe. Belvae, Nouart, St. Plerremont, Barricourt, Tailly, Hallea, Montlgny, Sassey, CbaUUon-sur-Bar.; and Brleulles-sur-Bar. Heavy losses have been Inflicted on the enemy, due to the continnous blows during the last month and by the sur prise and force of the renewed attack on November 1. Statements of prison ers show that his organizations have been thrown into great confusion. 8ev-. erai complete batteries and whole bat-1 talions have been captured by our [ troops. The number of prisoners now exceeds 5,000 and the number of guns nfore than 100. During the last three days we have already penetrated to a depth of twelve miles on an eight-mile front, and gained control of dominating heights, which enabled us to bring the lire of our heavy artillery on the Important railroad lines at Mootmldy. Longuyon and Conflans. Since November 1 seventeen Ger man divisions have been identified on the front of the attack, nine of which were in line on that morning: and additional divisions have reinforced the line since the beginning of the attack in a futile effort to stop our progress. In addition to regulars there were In this attack divisions composed of National Army troops from Texas and Oklahoma; from Kansas. Mis souri, Colorado and New Mexico; from New York, from New Jersey, Maryland, and West Virginia, and from th* District of Columbia and Virginia. November 3 (morning).?This morn ing the 1st Army continued Its at tack west of the Meuse. The oper ation is developing satisfactorily November 2 (evening).?Section A? A series of raids skillfully carried out by troops of the 2d Army In the Woovre resulted In the oapture of two officers and sixty-three men. The 1st Army today continued Its successful advance, overcoming all resistance. Among the moat Important towns taken are Champlgnenlles, Beffu-le-Morthomme, Verpel. Slvry lez-Buzency, Thenorgues, Briquenay, Buzancy, Vlllers - devant-Dun and Clery-le-Petlt. In spite of bad weather conditions our aviators fly ing at extremely low altitudes, car ried out important missions over the Meuse valley and along the whole front of attack. The number of prisoners has risen ) to more than 4,000 men and 192 offi cers. among whom are four battalion [ commanders with their staffs. The enemy was forced to abandon large quantities of material of all kinds An official count shows that sixty-three guns of medium and light calibers, and hundreds of machine guns have been captured. A Bavarian battalion of artillery was taken with its personnel, horsea and material complete. In the course of the operations in the past two days south of the river Lys our troops, acting under the com mand of the King of the Belgians, ad vanced nearly ten miles, reaching the western bank of the Scheldt and cap turing several hundred prisoners. j Section B?There is nothing to re- I port in this Bectlon. BE1TISH. November 4.?At dawn this morn ing we attacked on a wide front south of the Scheldt. The attack Is reported to have been launched satisfactorily. November 4.?On Italian front: The 10th Army on Sunday reached the line of yiilotta, Praturlone, the Meduna river east or Pordenone. St. Quirlno and Avlano. It has continued its ad vance. The number of prisoners captured by this army now is more than M.000. Of these more than 1,000 have been taken by the 14th Corps, mounted troops. The royal air force has pur sued its operations along the retreat ing columns. Yesterday the 10th Army reached the line of the TagUamento from the neigh borhood of San Vito to north of San Phillmbergo. The river has been cross ed In several places. Among the troops which effeoted a crossing was the 332d American Regiment, forming a Dart of the 61st Italian Division. The 48th Division has occupied Levlce (ten miles southwest of Trent). This division in the last forty-eight hours ! has take.i many thousands of prison jers, the number which Is estimated to exceed 20,000. Several hundred guns also have fallen into its hands. FKEftCH. November 4.?North of the Serre a French reoonnoltering party pene trated Into the Pargny wood, from which 100 prisoners were brought back. The activity of the German artil lery and machine guns was main tained during the nl^ht on the whole Alsne front between Rethel and Semuy. During the month of October in the course of incessant Jghtlng in which the 1st Army was engaged on the Oise front it took 10,387 prison ers,' of whom 204 were officers, and captured 113 cannon, besides 1.500 machine guns and considerable ma terial. ITALIAN. November 3 (night).?The whole front Is moving forward. Between the Astico and Tonale the formidable Austrian lines have been passed by Italian advance guards. The 7th Army . is ? descending from Tonale Into the Vermiglio valley and ascending the hollow of Giudl^.rle and crossing the ridge from Monie Pari to the Rtva basin. The 1st Army is advancing from the slopes of Monte Altissimo and from Mori toward Riva. Mori was defended by hostile rear guards for a long time, but the enemy was overcome in house-to-houae fight : ing. An assault detachment and an Alpini group broke, in a rapid and l brilliant attack, the enemy barrier fortifications in the Lagarrina valley in the neighborhood of Mori and < launched an attack on the left bank ; of the Adige. They entered Rovereto, I capturing several hundred prisoners : and decldingvthe fate of the detach ments which hjul defended Valaraa to .the last. The forces retiring from the PPasubio and from Oolaanto are be ing hard pressed. Squadrons have been launched to ward Trent. Bersagllerl have carried Griso and broken the defenses In the Passo Delia Borcola. opening the Ter ra gnolo valley. Other columns are ' penetrating the mountains between : the Poslna and Astico valleys. Monte i Cunpomolon and Monte Verena I ' (northeast of Aalago) have been passed. on both flanks in the Val Asaa our troops are advancing on Galdonaxzo by way of Eatrladeltermine and Monte Rovere. The Uxylno basin *-** been occupied. In the Sugana valley between Ospedaletto and Castelnuovo the resistance of a large infantry de tachment has been broken. So that the advance may go quickly, the gathering together of artillery abandoned by the Austrians and ma chine guns-left behind in caverns and' trenches Is being neglected In the regions of Feltre'and Bel luno three hostile centers of re sistance were still active yesterday evening. These points were at Ponte Delia Serra, in the mountains north west of Pedavena, and north of Mis, in the Oordevole valley. Italians sent to encircle these groups of resistance are reaching.their oBJectlvea Since the evening of November 1. having overcome the- resistance of McHeuna and assault detachments supported ty,numerous batteries, di visions of 'the cavalry corps have crossed ' the Uvenza and occupied Pordenone. Having overcome bitter resistance at Castel D'Avlano, San Martlno.' San Quirlno and Rovere do In Piano aad at Cordenona, they have reached .ths Taxlamento from Pin Ptnzanoii Pe?U Di Casarsa (a front of fifteen mges) aad crossed -It at sev enemy offers resist pared at Bonsl Eco and the bridges at riTirfi Genoese cavalry ha* art zed the bridge over the Ldvensa at Flaschette. The Salurao cavalry regiment. Charred, surrounded and destroyed raemy, infantry and artillery west of Taurlno. Three hundred prisoners, mostly wounded, remained in the nana* or the cavalry. Savoy cavalry and Montebello Lancers penetrated by tores of arms into San Plllmbergo Tagrlianocnto), capturing prisons?, runs, a large quantity of and a train laden with supplies. The 10th Army has reached the Tag liamento, where troops of the id Army are about to arrive. SEBBIAH. November I.?After the capture of Belgrade, the Germans and Austrians, beaten# retired to the north bank of the Danube. The 2d Serbian Army has reached the Bosnian frontier. Ser bia has almost in its entirety been freed from the enemy. which decided this (rreat September 15. From i! j ' "ne of communication on the vardar was cut. Uskup was cap ?in *5" 2'th. The dislocation of _ ?? . ??rl4n force? was followed by capitulation, and on the SOth hostili ties came to an end. was continued by the Jwv Austro-German troops. On 12 the battle at Nish was 3iSfJ? y jth? rout of four enemy divisions and the rupture of the great f_fry . communication of the cen empires In the direction of Con p *? ?n the I9th Lom Pa w" reached and the Danube roads cut. Then came the last epl h^kTT- . e was taken by the 1st ~rmy, to which was given the _onor ""terlng the capital. This ticipated in all the fighting, marching without cease and without ?^K~if ?;SJn,J.cont*rt wlt?> ^e en 11 held by the throat very 2i #5.i y provisioned, but knowing ????? and no hunger. It pushed any PH? y WlU t0 con?ue'- *t t^tbJLir. ?"} tle alI'e?l troops made effort? to bring to a successful conclusion the task confld enemy crushing the common GERXAV. November S.?in Flanders we have withdrawn our troops who were on the Lys at the junction of our front with the Scheldt, on Ghent. Thero waa no lighting contact with the enemy here yesterday. o'jear and south of Valenciennes the British continued their violent at tacka. They pressed us back to Sauln tain during the morning and again established themselves in Preseau. Villers-Pol was held against re peated attacks. Attacks east of Valenciennes were renewed in the afternoon, but failed. West of Landrecies we repulsed par tial attacks. West of Guise a partial attack failed. The French did not continue their great attack yesterday. They restrict ed themselves to partial attacks east of Banogne and near Terron, which were repulsed. A break in our front by the Ameri cans west of the Meuse caused us to withdraw our front between the Aisne and Champigneulle. .On the line of Quartre-Champs and Buzancy forefleld engagements devel oped. Yesterday we gained some ground near Tallly and beyond Villers-Devant-Dun. HEMNGTOn Justice of Peace Moffat, at I Hyattsville, Will Hear Fatality Witnesses. Justice of the Peace Moffat has made arrangements for the holding of an in quest at Hyattsville. Prince Georges county. Md.. at 8 o'clock this evening to fix responsibility for the killing of Capt. Phillips Brooks Robinson. V. S M. C., and Mrs. May Padgett Satur day night, when an automobile in which they were riding was struck by a Baltimore and Ohio fast train. The hearing will be held in the office of Deputy Sheriff Thomas Garrison. Constable Harvey Smith, who arrested Edward Kite, gateman at the cross ly. probably will be an important witness. Arrangements for Funeral. Capt. Robinson's body was brought to this city yesterday and taken to Scott's undertaking establishment, where It will remain until It Is taken to St. John's Church tomorrow. Funeral services will be conducted In the church at 2 o'clock In the after noon. and interment will be at Ar lington. Capt. Robinson's wife, Mrs. Gertrude Gheen Robinson, came here from her home in New York yesterday to at tend the funeral, and his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Robinson, also resi dents of New York, will attend. Mrs. Padgett's body has been pre pared fo- b -la' .-><1 at "" -i dertaklng establishment. Hyattsville. ; where It was taken shortly after the accident occurred. It was said at the ! undertaking establishment today that final arrangements for the funeral had not been completed. Residents of Hyattvllle and vieinltv. aroused by the double fatalitv, will renew efforts to rid their section of the dangerous grade crossing. M&nv of them visited the scene of the acci dent yesterday and recalled numerous other accidents that have occurred there in recent years. Only two years ago a double fatality, similar to that of Saturday night, occurred on the crossing, and at that time an effort was made to obliterate the crossing from the prosperous Maryland town. Governor Vetoed Keasnre. At the last session of the legisla ture. it la stated, a measure designed to relieve the dangerous conditions was passed, but was vetoed by the governor. That measure. It is stated provided for shortening the Washing ton-Baltimore boulevard and divert ing travel along the line of the electrie road to Rhode Island avenue. The change would ha\-e prevented the ac cident Saturday night, as it would not I have been necessary to cross the steam ' railroad tracks. i STATE BOARDS STUDY BATES. Proposed Zone Freight Charge* Are of Vital Importance. State railroad and public utilities commissions are to undertake im mediately a study of the proposed new jsone system of class freight rates, worked out by the railroad adminis tration, with a view to making reoora j mendation to the Interstate Commerce Commission, it was announced today | by the National Association of Raii j way and Utilities Commissioners. I The standard scale proposed by the 'railroad administration, said an an nouncement of the association, "will eliminate all state class rates as well as all present interstate class rates and may vitally affect commodity rates. The Interstate Commerce Com mission has not yet derided uport ' course of procedure for the investi**. Uoa of these lata*" ^