BED LIKE HEAVEN } TO PRIVATE QUINN ^Washington Boy Thought He -Had Died When He Awoke I in Hospital. t Private Arthur T. Quinn. jfroungest of four sons whom Mrs. Anna Quinn. Fort Myer, Va., has sent fro France, woke up in the hospital &he morning after he was wounded lie was convinced he had died and tone to heaven. - No. it was not the seriousness of *is wound, or delirium, or anything ike that. It" was the "feel" of being A a clean bed and between the first Tjheets he had seen for seven months. rynu tne signt or a pretty Jtrencn *>urse, who made it her first and forejjhost job to bring- him a square meal, i magazine, some cigarettes and a #; g red rose. "J*'an you blame him? vl'rivate Quinn is only eighteen i jS^ars old. and just before he received | i^fs hurt he had put in five or six of ! Hie busiest days of his life, he writes : lis mother. To begin .with, he was ^ck. and only recovered just in time f> board a truck train with his unit 2Pid ride for two days and two nights, saving on hardtack and canned " Jvillie." They rolled off the train, and sore, to start in marching at j ?rfice. which they did for four days j wild four nights without a regular SJcal. munching bread, etc.. as they Jtfked along. They got where they ?:ere going on the fifth morning just Vi time to go over the top wet. tired &hil hungry, but eager and cheerful. So hot was the action that Quinn's XJ'atoon soon was being led by a pri?.*te: every officer had been put out. -The next thing on the program was f, severe wound in the hand. Then ^iiinn walked back to where he c}uld board a truck; rode for twelve bfurs sitting on the bottom of the T*hicle; finally landod at an emergency hospital, and was operated on * / 12 .',0 that nierht. He staved there rfro days, then was transferred to an j A-jnerican hospital, where he stayed j tyo months and had another opera- ] rfrji Finally he went to Tours. 5',here he was given light duty for I r:*e rest of the war. Z?- i w- foldx CnuRf Grip and Influenza. ! f^XATIVK ItKOMO QUININE Tablets remove-; cause. There is only one "Hromo Quinine." W. O ROVE'S signature on the box. 30t\? Advertisement. : nrTiisflouTrt ; I Or jJOMQtf j j (Continued from Third Page.) { ~ : !p?I.LINGKR. Albert V . (ireenshurg. Pa. Wb.NK, Homer A.. Seacard. N. (UXtTil. John Preston. Allen. S. C. BOSSECK. IiOraine. l.u Fontuino. Kan. ItbYLK. Bernard A.. < 'timlxda. Pa. ? IT? NCE. Francis .1. \V.. San Anseimo. Gal. J |MiNlGKI. Frank. Newark. N. J. Cha.MBLKSS. William II.. Oran, Tex. tUKSLICKI. Waclaw. Erie. Pa. I G2.ARK. Samuel M., Lancaster. Pa. | Ltj: FARMS. William. New York, N. Y. IHKKL. Herman. Bristol. Conn. HOHRMK8, George. Brooklyn. N. Y. K* RIGHT. Michael I?.. Rankin. Pa. FALLS, Victor C.. Fayette, Ala. > ?T\TKS. Millard M.. Hlllsboro. Ore. CJIEKN. Ray U.. Globe. Ariz. I HAGEIM'Y. Maynard F.. Corning. N. Y. HALL. Ebert, Logan. 111. HARRISON, Clarence R.. Sharpsburg, Pa. HASTINGS. Eddie, Onterville. Miss. UKLGERSON. Harold B.. Brooklyn, N. Y. LsRKAL. John P., Cray. Ky. .WHNSON. l>ajle E.f Woodburn.Xlre. HfARPINSKI. Stanley. East Tacoma. Wash. KKNNKY. Harold XL, Faribault. Minn. J7ANPGRAF. Louis F.. Sheboygan. Wis. CARSON. Lawrence K.. Spanish Fork. Utah. Rt'VY. Rm). Brooklyn. N. Y. H:HWALI>. Herman E.. Milwaukee. Wis. AVIS. Harry. Cincinnati. Ohio. LfUClNG. Ibivid A.. Wellsville. N. Y. U'TZ. Clarence W\. l.ancaster. Ohio. XLAIILOF. Robert L.. Sheridan Lake. Col. ! MEAPK. (George B.. Wilkes-Barre, Pa. ! VAVE. Amil. Moline. 111. I MKRKRPING. George \W. Zent. Ark. ert G.. Michigan City. Miss. MED FROM ACCIDENT AND OTHER CAUSES. ~~ CAPTAIN: SHUPE. Henry P.. Cleveland, Ohio. - LIEFTENANTS: THOMPSON. Henry C.. Winchester. Ky. GAPW ALLAPER. Charles F.. Oxford. Neb. * SERGEANTS: (TEHRING, Clarence I>.. Campbell, Mo. 3T0SE. John A.. Concord. Mass. _ CORPORAL: U, NK. Fred P.. White Haven. Pa. I We Need I v : * a a /-t a a <* iuia uoicn !? .> And | Diamonds J ?in our manufacturing de- ? J partment. We will pay cash ? or exchange other merchan- > v dise for them. ? We are especially in need > of Diamonds. If you wish to *> <5 dispose of yours to the best ^ advantage see us. > | Adolph Kahn i J 935 F St. | _A_*_* *********** ****'*--*..*11*11*L1 : For Saturday Nights I lim takes his vacation by staying away from the office Saturdays. And what a glorious time he does b*e! He's on the golf links at serly peep of dawn, and. though I'm sore' he eats plenty o* lunch at that nineteenth hole he's always talking arum, ncs always siarvcu lu ueam when he gets home. So Saturday flight's dinner is always that substantial affair that a hungry man ne?ds. ~ i f I gave him all he says he wants, mu'd have to live on brapd and water 0 - the next two weeks. But he's ne\er hungry when that meal is over ?and the way I do it is to flavor it ngs with that miracle-worker? ?l SAl'CE. It's wonderful the way vou can stretch things with that xauce. -f or instance, last Saturday, I had baked veal loaf. 1 took some leftover \eal and one quarter of a pound of salt pork, and put them ^Brough the meat chopper. I added pepper, salt, a cup of dried bread vfujmbs, half a cup of boiling water, half a cup of milk, and last, but not (salt, a tablespoonful of Brand's A1 SA'JCE I mixed it all tqgether, pressed it into a deep pan, added a ijarpoonfui of grated onion, covered wit'# paper and baked it slowly for tS'tj hours. -You've no idea how much cheaper rttar was than any roast could have Mcl-and how much better. That B SAUCE is certainly wonderful I Mj best of all, Jim thinks so, too. BAND LEADER: DAWES, Ralph N.. Haverhill, Mass. MASTER ENGINEER; BENSON. Robert G., Passaic, N. J. CHAUFFEUR: JOHNSON. Herby L.. Edmore, N. Dak. WAGONER: PARROTT. George C.. Seattle, Wash. PRIVATES: CARROLL. James M.. Mineola, Tex. JOHMANN, Jacob. Newark, N. J. KENNEDY. John S.. Elkhart. Tex. MORRIS. Roseoe, Hazard. Ky. DIED OF AEROPLANE ACCIDENT. LIEUTENANTS: C AH ILL, Matthew L.. Montclair, N. J. EVANS. Charles T., jr.. Germantown. Pa. LEONARD. Warren 15.. Creston. Iowa. DIED OF DISEASE. COLONEL: WESTNEDGE, Joseph B., Kalamazoo, Mich. CAPTAINS: PRESTON. Lonis. Chicago. 111. THORPE. Harvey L., I?s Angeles, Cal. LIEUTENANTS: CONNER, Clarence F.. Detroit. Mich. PAKMELY, Miles M., Urbana, 111. WHITE. Clarence H.. Cohoes, N. Y. ATKINSON. Henry Morriil, jr., Atlanta, Ga. BURNS. Harold W., Gary. Ind. HENRY, Edward G., Oil City. Pa. HODGE. Samuel W., Los Angeles, Cal. ROBERTSON. Charles A.. Portland, Oreg. STEEPENS. Robert Levert. SmttiivlIIe. Tex. I WILLIAMSON, Philip II., Mount Washington, i j Md. AMSPECHER. James W., Apache. Okla. 1)E LOACH. William B., jr.. Camden. S. C. | I TOUSSAINT, Arthur F. C., New York, N. Y. f NURSE: AMUNDSON, Esther. South Montevideo. Minn, i WEI MANN, Elizabeth N.. Uaddon Heights, N. J. SERGEANT MAJOR: 1 SPOLANDER. Carl II., Brooklyn. N. Y. ' SERGEANTS: DANIEL, J. William. Barnett. Ga. FAIR. Orbra. I'oteau, Okla. j IRWIN, Maurice ('., Carbon. Ind. [ (JONES. Samuel C.. Greensburg. Ky. [ ASHLEY, Roscoe, Louisville, Ky. A BART. Henry II.. Lincoln. Neb. j CKANG. Welby N.. Clinton. Okla. GOENS. Lyman, Bedford. Ind. HAT'GH. Leo J.. Pittsburgh. Pa. | HOOKE. Hollis V., Haverhill. Mass. i . KATZ, Sidney, Albany, N. Y. I : KRAPP. John E., Lancaster. I*a. j NEEL. Harold P., Pittsburgh. Pa. O'BRIEN, William Francis, Amesbury. Mass. j PATRIt^UIN. Carle ton M.. Waverly. Mass. i tjUINN, William Frances. Philadelphia, Pa. SHAW. William, New York. N. Y. f SMITH. Charles W., Longmont, Colo. ! WESTON. Josie, Fort Mou'trie. S. C. ALLEN, William II., Seattle. Wash, i CLAM PITT, Robert J., Salem. N. J. | COBB. John Walter, jr. Charlotte. N. C. CUNNINGHAM, James, Highland Park. Mich. I j DKISCOLL. Cornelius. Buffalo. N. Y. GLENN. Elsa L., Houston. Tex. GROVE, William L.. Eggertsville. N. Y. ' J JONES. Andrew E., New Orleans, La. PARKS. Willie L.. Rogers. Ark. REDMOND. Clint, Mercer, Pa. SCHLIFFKA. Emanuel It.. Canton. Ohio. SIIUSTER, Henry S.. Newton. Mass. Ql'IGG. Charles, Eau Claire. Wis. CORPORALS: j ; CLARKE. Niles C.. Hartford. Conn. HYATT. William S.. Barnsville. N. C. \t,.i.rvv?v \- i ;..v .i. TEGTMEYEK, Arthur W.. Snnnyside. Wash. I i 1IAKKS. Hurt Del?. Buffalo. N. Y. HENLEY. John. Iiolden. Mo. IRWIN. James Corona. X. Y. PKCHACKK. Frank. Brooklyn. X. Y. j ROTII. Charles E., Worthington. Ind. WIER. Clifton. Story City, Iov.a. DRINKWATER. Leslie E.. Sahattus. Mo. HUN WOODY, Daniel I>.. Macon. Ga. ! ! HALEY. Horace. Sainaria. S. C. ] ; FLANDERS. William W.. Waupum. Wis. GAY, John W.. Pasadena. Cal. GERKO. Andrew V., Brockton. Mass. HAFSSLER. Theodore F., Shelton, Conn. LEE. Worley, Knoxville. Tenn. i I.YDIKE. Lewis C. C.. Brooklyn, N. Y. Morris. P.iold, Mauston, Wis. SCAHILL. Chester, Ipswich. Mass. WALL. Edward It.. Chelsea, Mass. CURRY. Crawford M.. Johnstown, Pa. Y.M.C.A. SECRETARY: EDWARDS. C. C., New York. N. Y. [ CIVILIAN: : HANSEN, Edward, Paducah, Ky. ! BI'GLERS: I WADDLE. Leo E.. Vinton, la. I MILLS, Freman ('., Macon, Ga. MASTER ENGINEER : BrRROEGHS. Frank L.. Brooklyn. N. Y. MECHANICS : TISH. Clinton E.. Democracy. Ohio. ! I)E.' RMON, John W., Deucette. Tex. LAJEK, Paul, Ben wood. W. Va. CRCSAN, Jesse M., Blairsville. Pa. LUCAS. Charles A., Keokuk. Ia. WAGONERS: BOWLAN. Edward P.. Lockhart. 111. LAWRENCE. Loyt A.. Vernon, Ala. KADKK. Peter E., Lakeliehl, Minn. BT'SSONI. Arthur. Cluster. X. J. LOVING. Ethelhert T., Dillwyn, Va. STILSON. Lee It.. Saginaw, Mich. i BAND LEADER: SHEAFFER. Herman I?.. Fort. Screven, (ia. | COOKS: I i DAMFORH. Robert. Irvington. N. J. KOHI., Vincent II., Reading. Pa. WHALES, Thomas A., Brockton. Mass. WAGNER. John. Philadelphia. Pa. | SCHMIHT. Paul E., Grand Rapids, Mich. I PRIVATES: ALLEN. George W.. South Zanesville. Ohio. BROWN. Joe. Whiteville. N. 1\ FELDMEIER. Joseph J.. St. Louis. Mo. JAMES, George, Rend, 111. V Announcing an Exi Fashionabi At $7 The Styles Most and the Newest Mole-gray kid, taup mouse kid, fawn cloth kid, castor buck tof>; n kidskin, fieldmouse k glace kidskin, brown calfskin?and many ot TJ11S is tilt- most impu the year. Fortunuti eral leading Rochest tories make possible the re portunities of this big ever Starting Tomorrow at I ' . | Our showing of chas | ing. Materials include c | num cloth, patent leather ? skin, black suede and othe $ BUCKLES are ver $ | Silk Hosiery, in the ii fyzzzzzEzzzmmzzsmmmzzzzzszzz New Baltimore Store: JOHNSON. John C., Negaiwiee, Mich. 1 PAYNE. James M.. Knoxville. Tenn. I PURVIS. Vernon C., Cumberland, la. J RITCHIE. John. Sparta. 111. C SULLIVAN, John J., Ne"w Bedford, Mass. TILLIS, Stanley V., Tampa, Fla. TURNER, Henry G., Dayton. Ohio. WATERS, Roy, Lawton. Mich. ( WEN NEIL Horace J.. Delaware Park, N. J. WHITE. Horace E., Oakland, Cal. WILSON. David W.. Lorain. Ohio. < ASHORN. Milton J.. Cincinnati. Ohio. BAKER. Marry. New Midway, Md. r BROWN, Edward L.. Green Springs. W. Va. -j CERUTI, James P. W., Pensacola, Fla. j DRAKE. Henrv. Aquilla. Hill county, Tex. GAGLIARDI, Oresto, Boston, Mass. j GEANELLI. Joseph. Bridgeport, Conn. j GORDON, Freddie. Wewoka, Okla. ? HAM RICH. Morgan. Webster Springs, W. Va. HANSLICK. Joe. Belleville. Kan. ( HORGAN. Wiliiam J., Reno, Nev. JOHNSON, Walter, Agency, Iowa. ( KILGORE, Joseph A., Spring Place, Ga. LIMERICK. Holt. Lindale, Tex. I LINDSTROM. Arthur John. Itockford. III. ] LOVELESS. Norman A., George A. Loveless, 111 Varnum street. Washington, D. C. 3 LUDLOW. Alva J.. Petoskey, Mich. A VALLE. Tomas, Uvalde, Tex. ^ VANOERVALL, Ulysses G.. Riovista, Va. > VANGILDER, Joseph I., Fairmont, W. Va. J WEISS. Nathan. New York. N. Y. WILLIAMS, James S.. Sunny Side. Tex. * WILLIAMS. William D.. Moosic, Pa. J WOKLEY, Leonard F.. Cross Plains, Tex. ABBOTT. Zom, Marques, Tex. i AFILIANO, Pasquale. Philadelphia, Pa. I BATEMAN. I.awrence S., Ontario. Cal. v BAITER SHALL, Harry M.. Chatham, N. 1. > BERLUCCIII. Bartelo, Detroit. Mich. ^ BONSEIl. Clinton L., Reno. Nev. BTJRKHART. Bruce, Knoxville. Tenn. i BUSH. Richard A.. Chicago, 111. v CALVERT, Ardor. E.. Charleroi, Pa. j CAEDONA. Albert M., Richmond. Va. I CARLBERL, Fritz A.. Medford, Okla. CASTAURO, Francesco, Pittsburgh. Pa. j DANIELSON, Herbert E.. Storm Lake. Iowa. I>ONN* ALLY. Price E., Crown City, Ohio. ENLLISII, Robert L.. Winds'ay, A'a. ?j EPPLEY, Ilurold V.. Plninlield, ^a. FRAME. Howard M., Coolvllle. Ohio. OABDELIA, John. Brooklyn. N. Y. j UENTZ, Herman W., Janesvlile, Wis. j OOTT. Claude. Paterson, X. J. I LEANT, Hearsey E., Shreveport, La. LRISHAM, I^onard M.. Einrod, Tex. HITTSON. Hence II.. Manchester, Tenn. HOLLAND, Charlie F.. Ochoa, N. Mex. j HOLLEXBECK, Theodore. KutiPdge. Minn. HOLMQUIST. Ernest N.. Rnmford. Me. i JENSEN. Christian L., Lardner, III. *j MULC1ILER. Floyd F.. Kalkaska. Mich. PKNROD. William II.. Boise City. Igraio. j PERRY. Arthur M.. I.ns Angeles. Cal v. QUINX. Ellis, Pefhnsboro, W. Va. ( RELINSKY. Benjamiu. New York. N. Y. ROMERO. Jose I)., I'aisajc, Col. SANDERSON, Daniel D.. Smithville, Miss SCIIT'LT/. Edward. Putney, S. I). SCIIWAUTZMAN, Harry, Philadelphia, Pa. SHANKS, Charlie, Hanks. Ala. SI MCI K. Frank Moultou. Tex. SIMON IS. George M.. Two* Ilivers. Wis. STRATTON. John II., Plllllipsburg, Mo. TVIIEE. Pan. A.. Bland. Mo. MoCl'LLOrcH. Ilarry H., Seward, Pa. MeDOCGAL. John. Mount Morris, Mich. ModNNIS. Fred C.. Aubnrndale, Mass. McKAE, Calvin. Cheraw. S. C. ME1IHIMAN, Edward. Attica, Ind. MILLER. James P.. Eastland. Tex. MITCIIELKN. Wilbert A.. 1'ionesta. Pa. MOHAN. Thomas. New York. N. V. NEIGHBORS, William S., St. Louis. Mo. D'DONNELI,, William It.. Clarksville. Md. PICCONE, Anthony Roeco. Goshen, Conn. PICK EEL, Austin, Lebanon, N. J. RAMSAY, Thos. I).. Somerville, Mass. HAVER. James I>.. West Lil>erty, Iowa. RE1CHART. Charles P., Brooklyn. N. Y. RIDING. William, New Bedford. Mass. RYAN. Harry I... East Manned: Chunk, Pa., Adolph II.. Brooklyn. N. Y. SCHAEFFER, Frank V.. Henderson. Ky. TAYLOR. George <'.. Philadelphia, Pa. FNDERWOOD. Claud I.. Fairplay. Mo. VANDERHOF. Samuel E.. New York. N. Y. WALTERS. Andrew E., Columbus, Ohio. I WISE. Cornelius J., Walnut. 111. ! WYATT. Walter II., Airy. Va. &OGG, Leonard J., Genoa, Wis. ! i WOUNDED SEVERELY. \ { MA JO I!: I PEYTON. Jjunes W.. Charlottesville. Va. ' ? lil EI"':' EN A N TS: I J BOYD. Robert S.. Mrs. R. S. Boyd. 1511 22d V street. Washington, D. C. ! BELL. Louis 1).. LaytonsviHe. Md. SEEC, HANTS: r RASHER. James L.. Midland. Md. RILL. Roland 1\, Patapsco. Md. , 5ALB, Francis J.. Mrs. Marie B. Salb. 617 9th i street northeast. Washing-ton. D. G. > WISE. John J.. Mrs. Joseph E. White, Wash- g ington. D. C. V CORPORALS: OWEN. Ward V.. Republican Grove. Va. ROSSITER, JAMES F., Capt. James T. Ros- i* siter, No. 10 Engine Co.. Washington. D. C. FLEMING. Russell X., Clintwood. Va. ^ LEE, Holsey S., Mrs. Harriett Lee, 2816 Bum barton avenue. Washington. D. C. JORDAN, Emmett P., Smithfiold, Va. PRIVATES: CRIDER. Naiah. St. Charles. Va. .. FREEMAN. Leonard, Silver Spring, Md. -j PITTS, George. Norge. Va. -j WHITTINGTON, Harry. Baltimore. Md. ROBINSON, Charles, Richmond, Va, j T SHAMLEY. Richard McA.. Mrs. Fannie Sham- j ley, 1011 7th street. Washington. D. C. \ BOYD. Joseph E., Baltimore. Md. > FRAZIEIi. William. Rdstburg, Va. KEIIOE, Cornelius. Baltimore. Md. > [raordinary Sale of e Boots .45 Favored Now Colortones V e cloth, top; fieldtop; forest hrown /i'M role-gray all-glace idskm, black alland black demi riant Boot offering of * ' " 2 purchases from sever and New York fac tnarkable savings opit. >1// Our 3 Stores. To Watch the < and the Nei Dainty S ana w c.4.4.:? Lt i. UllljVC? CXI1VX giu v C-ll LLlIlg VAIU1 loth of gold and silver brocaded , black glace kid, black and brou rs y popular this year?$1.50 to 1 wanted weaves? $1 to $5. C0R.7tt?K 19M-16>&V L 233RUMU 37 West Lexington Street * ???? - v.. ' szs&l'. SOGERS, Paul H., Crawford. Va. V 1LAND, V. L.. Shanghai, Va. V ONES. John W.. Whaleyville. Va. V LIPPINUER, Hubert G., Baltimore. Md. B WOUNDED (Degree Undetermined). V, COLONEL: 5 3HARXES, Oscar J. Mrs. Susanna A. Charles. 2308 20th street, Washington, D. C. JJ MAJOR: - J SILVESTER. Lindsay McD., Portsmouth, Va. * LIEUTENANTS: , 5 'ROSISE, Alan B.. Alexandria. Vn. ? I'I;NEK, Thomas L., Riderwood, Va. iUOWN. Benjamin R., Jr., Norfolk, Va. ? SERGEANTS: lURCU, Elliott E., Oakley. Md. '.RUFF. Leroy J., Baltimore. Md. iFRINGS. John. Hra. Adline Springs, 1339 W Ci street, Washington, D. C. rRAVES. Ernest L. Mrs. Mable Julia Graves. P 47 Canal street southwest, Washington, D. C. F JILL. Robert C.f Baltimore, Ma. ?? CORPORALS : IERRY. John P., Norfolk. Va. \ 3AILEY, Edson A. Mn. Carrie E. Bailey, 810 T 11th street northeast, Washington, D. C. TcCLINTOCK, Alexander H., Baltimore, Md. li VARNICK. Robert K., Barton, Md. E TREGE, Harry R., Cambridge, Md. M VALTER. George R.. Baltimore, Md. p. ILL AMONG, Isaac F., Winchester, Va. MECHANICS: E MNCKNEY, Rufus. Baltimore, Md. P, PALBOTT, James S., Baltimore, Md. B PRIVATES: C. 'ISHEIt. Charles, Baltimore. Md. C. IARLOW, Eddie S.. Lome, Va. j. c 3HTLDS, Le Roy D. Mrs. Annie C. Chilas, q 1219 I street southeast, Washington, D. C. CEWSON. Samuel, Pound, Va. (i 1YERS, Clarence W., Pocahontas, Va. j) ARNOLD. James T., Norfolk. Va. j. IPENSLER, Jerome, Baltimore, Md. y> VILEXOLUSKI. Alekasndea, Baltimore, Md. F W'LLINGS, Luther. Smith, Va. r; X)RE. James E. Miss Anna Dore, 1807 Irving r street. Washington, D. C. q JRIGHTWELL, Charles H. Mrs. Janie Dorsey, 1106 5th street, Washington. D. C. T, ACOCKS, Jesse C., Portsmouth, Va. n 'AVLOR. Archie, Rose Hill, Va. .'RUE, George F. Mrs. Annie Speeds, 43 Sher- jj idan road, Anacostia, D. C. f ELTON. Lawrence J.. Atlee, Va. jj iEEDY. Arthus S., Raven, Va. j< vOEHLER, Rudolph H.. Baltimore, Md. k WOUNDED SLIGHTLY. CAPTAINS: M 3ECKSTEIN, William H. Mrs. William H. M Beckstein, 931 O street, Washington, D. C. jj AMES. John W., Danville. Va. O 'ETERS. James E., Richmond, Va. p LIEUTENANTS: P jEPPER, Howard J.. Baltimore, Md. p; 5EPPEL. Lawrence J., Phoebus, Va. p JOGSWELL. Theodore L. Mrs. Theodore M. p Cogswell. 1005 New Hampshire" avenue, p Washington, D. C. R 5AFFORD, Howard P. George H. Safford, Si 227 8th street northeast, Washington. D. C. s] JTJTLER, Ollie Mairs. Andrew Mairs But- T ler, 5 M street, Washington, D. C. "W SERGEANTS: Y IT'LL. George B., Baltimore, Md. tIFE. David F., Roanoke, Va. R CORPORALS: YELLS, Willie Petersburg, Va. >AT*L. Robert. Baltimore, Md. _ a SMITH, Dalton H. Mrs. H. E. Smith, the A Woodward. Washington, D. C. ^ 'HILLIPS. Carroll I)., Baltimore, Md. B JILMAN. John G., Ashland, Va. B MECHANIC: B VAKNEK, Charles E., Baltimore, Md. jj PRIVATES: B VBEL. Osie, Bristow. Va. p UlNOLP. Jesse. Durmid. Ya. p >AVENPORT. Lloyd, Cumberland. Md. p .ETTOW, John C.. Baltimore. Md. p )l*NN, George A.. Aecotink. Va. p ?RICE, Maurice, Silver Spring. Md. p :ATE. Preston. Mrs. Preston Tate, 821 11th p street. Washington. D. C. p IAWLINGS, Frank T.. Annapolis. Md. p iMITH. Merriman L.. Jarrettsville, Md. ^ 1UGHES, William. Lynchburg, Va. c' VILTK, Paul J.. Farinville. Va. cj ARKER, John II., Vickcr Switch, Va. Cj lCSTIN", Coleman O.. Martinsville, Va. _ 'ILOCK, Alexander J.. Baltimore, Md. LARK. Arthur. Front Royal, Va. IOOBMAN. Michael, Baltimore, ^Id. ? VO(H>. Allen, Durmid, Va. | )VE. Roe E., Swords Creek. Va. : 3ARDINALE. John; Mrs. Angelina Cardinale. || 218 4Va street southwest, Washington, D. C. rltAVBS, James It., Liberty Hills, Va. VAGNER. Phil A.. Richmond. Va. lOX'TIIEKN. Edward C., Pulaski, Va. jYLE. iDscnr. Millboro. Va. IARRIS, Charles H., Sutherland, Va. MISSING IN ACTION. PRIVATES: ONES. Joseph. Richmond. Ya. UCH. Frank. Bristol, Va. 1RUSSELLS, Ixrnis !>.. Salisbury, Md. iLOAN. John P.. Clinchport, Va. IOLLER, Ilibert F., Woodstock, Va. The War Department publishes the j; nllrnvinfr list nf easualtv enrrertions BOUNDED (DEGREE UNDETERMINED)? PREVIOUSLY REPORTED MISSING IN ACTION. PRIVATES: 'IGARES, Megoelis, Tooele. Utah. rOTARO. Matthew, Port Iteadington, N. J. RARING. George, Baltimore. Md. RING A. Angelo, Brooklyn, N. Y. f| 'ROUTMAN, Levi S., Stouchsburg, Pa. ri'RNER, William C., Conie, Tex. 'MINSKI, Roleslnv. Philadelphia, Pa. ANDERBURG. Jasper S., Terral. Okla. i, AN LA N DIN GUAM, Vanbert K., Morton, i Ark. 'ASSILAKES, Speros, Brooklyn, N. Y. I i ! j Old Year Out i n Year In 1 ilippers . \l \ ds is particularly tempt- ^ ! alumi- ^ j| " ^ $5 to $10 | | 56. I ll ^ i: ! c ' i . Shoes require time to be properly fitted. It is to your advantage to come in the morning, thus we can secure you better service. j . L ICKERS, Harry M., Trenton. N. J. CO OGEDIXG, Earl, Salem, N. J. 1 AGNER, Charles Fred, Ramey, Pa. CO; ELL8TOOD. Harold L., Greenwich, Conn. CO 1LLIAMS, Harry J., Santee, Ga. CR ILLIAMS, Orrille. Ada, Ohio. CR rILSON, Robert, Linden, Tex. DA rINTERLING, Charles W., Baltimore, Md. DE OLFE, Barney, Ashland, Ore. DE rOLFSON, Benjamin, Woodbine, X. J. DI. rOOD, George Stanley, Setauket, N. T. Di: rORSHAM, Joseph L., Tabor, Tex. DO OLIGA, Julias. Southampton, N. Y. DU ONIGA, Antonio B.t San Antonio, Tex. DC :cx IN HOSFITAX?-PREVIOUSLY REPORT- 51! ED MISSING IN ACTION. / ^ LIEUTENANT: EC OMRIE. William H., Fargo, N. D. ED SERGEANTS: EN ECK, Charles H. E., Wilmington, Del. EN ObHAMS, Robert Mathew, Detroit, Mich. eR tfioya xnye, cnamoersuurg, jgy Pa. FA CORPORALS: FA OWLER, John J. Mrs. F. If. Lanham, 831 pA 5th street northeast, Washington, D. C. FU KNDERSTEIN, Otto A., Detroit, Mich. fII UGHES, John S.t Hobart, Okla. . pr UMPER, David M.. York, Pa. FL ARKER, John H., Morrow, Ohio. FE PRIVATES: FI1 ORST, Rudie A., Hancock, Mich. FO RICKER, Orval A., Grand Rapids, Mich. FU RIKKLEY. Herbert. Suffolk, Va. ,iA ALLOWAY, Jasper K., Hardwick, Ga. GI, AMACOO, Agnelo, New Haven, Oonn. GG ARLSON. John C., Sonthington, Conn. GG ARTWRIGHT, Charles E., Mannington, W. GB URLEY, Edward J., New York. N. Y. J-jj 'APONTO, Amedee. New York, N. Y. ATON, Lecrew, Bellaire, Ohio. ti a LIOT, Leland S., Woodland, Cal. m IGGATT, James. New York, N. Y. ORSMAN, Alfred B., Green River, Utah. RANCIS, Irving, Johnson City, N. Y. HF ODFREY, Joseph, Attleboro, Mass. jIF ANES, Richard M., Dora, Ark. HI ARDING, James F., Cottage Grove, Ore. rrn IRT, John J.. New York, N. Y. 5^ ISF!H Ttnlfinrl Tnhn Woct SV-plr Mn ttY OFFNER, Charles, Greenwood, Pa. H(1 UNT, Maurice D., Chels?a, N. D. u() VCKSON, Edwin, Everett, Mass. Hf) )HXSON. Hjalmar O., Chicago, 111. LESCHICK, Francis P., Philadelphia, Pa. oCORKLE, Wayne M.. Modena. Pa. ,N: cDONALD. William, Chicago, 111. VJ, ENZIC8, John McA., Elizabeth, N. J. TTRPHY. Arthur J., Brooklyn, N. Y. jn ELL, John, Edinburg, 111. JOJ WENS, James W., Woodville, Miss. TO' ARDEE, George C., Oakland, Cal. If. AYXE, Albert E., Springfield, Mo. * ERK. Edward A., Cleveland, Ohio. ERKIXS, Byrl I., Otto, Wyo. ?? ETROSINO, Ilomenico, Philadelphia, Pa. ROC, Andrew. Philadelphia, Pa. KI' EYNOLDS, Alfred W., Seligman. Mo. ?{, :HOEPFLIN, Edward J.. Sandusky, Ohio. HELBY, Carl. Pine Bluff, Ark. Sf EIOMAS. James C., Laurel Fork, Ya. KH 'ARREN. Charles H., Coal Grove, Ohio. K(, UDOWITCH. Reuben, Hartford, Conn. { ETURNED TO DUTY?PREVIOUSLY RE- S! PORTED MISSING IN ACTION. PRIVATES: LA NDERSON. Carl M.# Brookings. S. D. LA POTHAKER, Harry. Philadelphia, Pa. LA ROS, Ramon, Tucson, Ariz. LA ALDASSARI, Gievanni, Daisytown, Pa. LE ECK, John J., Louisville, Ky. LI< ISHOP, James, Brooklyn, N. Y. ISHOP, Robert F., Christiansburg, Va. LACK, Howard, Mosheim, Tenn. Y>* LAND, Dewey G.. Carthage, Ark. * OETTCHER, Walter, Milwaukee. Wis. I ONNER, George, East Boston, Mass. _r RAESEKER, William F., Meyersdale, Pa. RENNER, Charles, Philadelphia, Pa. Ge RUCKHACSEN. Joseph, Brooklyn, N. Y. URNS, John L., Waterbury, Conn. on URT, Otlia L., Ansley, La. t?0 URTON. Walter. Ischua, N. Y. nil A.NIO, Joseph, Philadelphia. Pa. .; AREY, Thomas F., Kansas City, Kan. V1E HETRE, August, Detroit, Mich. aP UILES, Ed Lee, Arcadia, Tex. ab< Open Daily at 8 A.A The i x_ D LU D Good fumitu as enjoymer buy all the This Useful ?Consisting of a new style genuine Kroehler Duofold Bed Davenport that will hold a full-size 35-lb. mattress. large Armchair and Rocker, fumed oak frames, upholstered in brown imita- i i*'? Ian fU ar nnrl m 11UI1 opamaii ivamvij auu fumed oak Library Table I with drawer and magazine I racks; on Easy Credit Terms? * $ y?00 t I After-Chris' This Mahogany Boudoir Lamp M\ I , $2.50 A pretty Lamp with mahogany NJjp - ? ' " 2L This 6-Cup Size $1.2 Aluminum Percolator * ' 5 1 ' ==s - t LOGE, John, Cappell de Marci, Pro. ksuila, Italy. 8TIGAN, Fenton, New York. N. Y. WLES, Lewis W., Wolcott. Conn. AWFORD, William T.. Philadelphia. Pa. OFT. Alexander M., Holbrook, Mass. VIDSON, Archie M., Kansas City, Mo. PIERRO, Frank, Chicago, 111. VONEY, John. Cupertino. Cal. 1L, Anson, Martha, W. Ya. SON, John. Blakely. Pa. NO VAN, Walter V., Brooklyn, N. Y. LKO, John, Cleveland, Ohio. GAN, John H., Mount Carmel, Pa. 'NKLIN, Wylie J., San Antonio, Tex. RHAN, William D., Louisville, Ark. STON, Thomas H., Philadelphia, Pa. KERT, Levi C.,"Lancaster, Pa. ' WARDS, Robert, Brooklyn. N. Y. GELSON, Irvin B., Buffalo Center, Iowa. OS, John, Provincetown, Mass. ISMAN, Robert C., Philadelphia, Pa. ERDLING, Herman E., Red Bud. 111. HEY, Melvin J.. Independence, Kan. ULLS, Bert, Wilmington, Del. UST. Adam J.. L.vkens. Pa. BRING, Benjamin. New York. N. Y. *K, Arthur A.. Gladbrook, Iowa. rZPATRICK, Matthew J., Philadelphia, Pa. ANNIGAN, Alphonsus E.. Jermyn, Pa. RGUSON. .James It.. Areata. Cal. ?E, RussctI C., Uniontown, Pa. X, Thomas, Philadelphia, Pa. HRMAN, Sam, Brooklyn, N. Y. RDNEK. Floyd, Russelville, Ark. [)RDANO, Kenosha. Wis. 1)FREY, George. Springfield, Ohio. LDSTEIN. Harry, Dorchester, Mass. ;AHAM, John L., Dubacli, La. AY, Thomas H., Oswego, N. Y. EENER, James. Philadelphia. Pa. iDLEY, Joseph I).. Newell, Ala. iNCOCK, Reuben B., Roosevelt, Utah. iRDING, James, I'hiladelpliia, Pa. lRRIS, David P.. Little Rock, Ark. iRRlS. Earnest G., Carolsen, N. C. :NG. Arthur, Itadcliffe, Iowa. '.N N EN HOE FE R, Paul. St. Louis, Mo. ATT, Harold O., Da coma, Okla. EIIN, Charles I.. Rockwell City. Iowa. , FFSTATTER, John W., Cleveland, Ohio. (GAN, James F., Philadelphia. Pa. j iLLANDEIt, Sam, Brooklyn, N. Y. i lOD. John. Ashland. Ky. PSON, Linza B., Boone Torre. Me. >RTH. Charles J.. Waliis, Tex. TGGINS, Clifton, Labelle. Fla. BODY. James It., Kirksville, Mo. CKSON, Roy G., Pittsburg, Kan. NSEN, Andy P., Oakland. Cal. HNSON, Dewey I... Elberton, Ga. SS, John M., New Haven, Conn. IrCE. Thomas J., Dorchester, Mass. lPACIUS, Ignatius S., Chicago, III. iPLAN, Joseph, Hartford, Conn. ILLY, Frank A., Baltimore, Md. i ILLY, Hober L., Idaho Falls, Idaho. ! INT, Walter F., Philadelphia, Pa. j NG, Eddie, Waco, Tex. j xiv, xviuugiuu ??., JulKIOn, Aid. I IT It ELL, Homer, Itiddieton, Tenn. ; .UK, Jan. Chicago. 111. IOMEK, Leon, Sinking Spring, Pa. VACK, Stephen J., jr., Tomkins Cove. Y. LUEGER, Isador. Union, N". J. r.YKENALL, Alex., Lexington, Ky. MKIE, Joseph P., Cambridge, Mass. MMERT. Will J., Almeua, Yvis. NGSTON, Taylor L.. Boevillo. Tex. RSOX, Louis, Alma Center, Wis. RSON, Martin E., McFarland, Wis. NBURG, Don F.f Hobart, Ind. JHTLE, Isadore, Fostoria, Ohio. . I :of. W. A. Hervey Dies Suddenly. { 'RINCETON, N. J., December 26.? illiam Addison Hervey, professor of | rman at Columbia Univlersity, died j the platform at Princeton Juncm, while waiting for a train last jht. He had been spending the day liting in Princeton and left town parently in good health. He was out fifty years old. T. HUB FURNi Courtesy and S. Hub is Ever R etter Your Ho ire is essential to ngni iivir it in home life. At this bi; furniture you need to furni: 4-Piece Genui ^OvenportSuit tmas "Cleai Jap Reed Si Lamp||jjj $450 Japanese Reed Lamp with silk- I b lined base and/ shade; complete ll with cord and plug W for electricity. \ Til tT 9 || Buy War Sewings ds | " Tl"VT ' ?PJBSEfS SEVENTHS SAILORS HOST TO "KIDDIES." than 1,200?-were the guests yesterday" I ^ at a real Christmas party held 01 _ . . "Z ' ,,, board the monster American steamLeviathan s Crew Keeps "Open ship Leviathan. ? , ? - , The hosts of the occasion were the ilOUSe Aboard Craft at HODOKen. fifteen hundred or more oallors wh . ?r,m vnDV _ make up the operating personnel of NEW YORK, December 26 ?Or- the ship The e"xpense wa8 borne phaned children of New York city and them, and it was all planned and aiHoboken, little folks at whose homes ranged for during the liner's recent financial circumstances made Christ- 8'S?? AmerlC*n "?1 mas a sum auair, anu ucwoico hwu the Hoboken streets and New Jersey 2f you want work read the want colterminals?numbering in all more umns of The Star. I Don't Torture Your Child! 0 m . i TO MOTHERS! See your little one's terror , at the very thought of a dose of castor oil, mineral oil, calomel or pills. Ugh! Cascarets "work" better, safer, surer on the tender little liver, stomach and bowels, besides Cascarets taste like candy. Even bilious, constipated, sick kiddies coax for this harmless candy cathartic. Each io-cent box of Cascarets. the pleasant candy cathartic, contains directions and dosage for children aged one year old and upward. When the little one's tongue turns white, breath feverish, stomach sour, there is nothing better to "work" the nasty bile, souring food and'eonstipation poison from the child's system. Give Cascarets, then never worry. i I I r TURE CO. ===== Close Daily at 6 P.M. ? ervice?Always! \eadv to Helo You " * I me Surroundings! lg, for good furniture makes for comfort as well 1 ^ g store you can USE YOUR CREDIT and , sh your home as it should be furnished. j| ne Kroehler Duofold Suite gEfl. ,.?=^ %000^%Livm B gT,'1 MomBr/J^A ^tyteiRoomPdSSfi j 1-Up" of Pretty Lamps ij ilk-Lined This Mahogany-Finish I ||jSS|, Electric t pretty rarior ja Gold L^mp, with /M mahogany- if \\ ' i an finish stand Vyj R0SC' s^ad e'' ^Choice S fgTot of Blue, Gold % 1 l| f Stamps Here! J fumed Oak Phone $<).95 ^ Stand and Chair, ut j i |j ' Tt5 'fto. ? n^Tf1 j*,^ ^1^" J m-?lr D STREETS j Ki ^ 1 i