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YANKS MOW DOWN , BOLSHEVIST PARTY Hffortio-Cut Allied-American Communications Is Bepulsed. . i I jntCHANtTET* Saturday, Way 15 (by j Associated Press).?Bolshevik |{ fbrces made a determined attempt t Jhdday to crnt the communications be- E tween the American and allied coltnmis on the r>vina and Vapra rivers, j tat their stuck -was repulsed with j * . jawsL-ry iopbcs. c fc./ The futile attack which the bolsho- a tdki delivered yesterday comprised c the first eerious attempt to cut the ^ Ibte of communications of the Dvina t and Vaga columns. The attempt was not only frustrated, but the bolshevik forces suffered a severe defeat and h sustained heavy losses. , Moving from the Kadish-Tarezvo seqtor, the 1st Battalion of the fith h Soviet Kegiment. 500 strong, attacked J at 1:45 o'clock in the afternoon the S .allied positions in the village of fior- s ka, which is twenty-five miles north n Of Beresnik, at the junction of the h ? Vaga and the Dvina. The American- v Russian detachment at Gorka was b well intrenched and it decisively re- ,n pulsed the enemy, capturing five prisoners and five machine guns during the fighting. After the attack the bodies of fifty-seven bolsheviki were found. The allied force suffered s only one casualty?a man wounded. t t ' Quiet on Some Fronts. The Vaga sector is quiet, as are the ( Other fronts. | American officers, who returned to-i x day from the Vaga front declared that j x the bolsheviki sustained exceedingly heavy losses last week. They related ( one particular instance of such losses c to the correspondent. It occurred after the enemy had razed with ar- f tillery fire nearly ail the blockhouses 1 in Vistarka. 1 All the defensive troops withdrew With the exception of a squad of * Americans, who lay concealed in a c partly destroyed blockhouse with machine guns. The enemy scouts ad- * wanned and were nermitted to cut the i barbed wire entanglement. On doing r tbia they shouted back to their comrades that the village had been aban- ' doncd. F Entire Party Mowed Down. When the first column of the bol- f shevikl walked unsuspectingly up to r the entanglements the Americans Inside the blockhouse turned their machine guns loose and mowed down the entire enemy party. After this the defensive forces went back Into Vis- 1 tavka. 1 I Ter. Americans Prisoners. J Of the total of thirty-six Americans 1 listed as missing since the beginning t of hostilities on this front it has been t reported that ten are prisoners in the i bolsheviki hospital at Velsk. This information was givon an American .? Red Cross field worker who question- C ed bolshevik deserters on .the Vaga i front. t FIFTEEN PICKET RALEIGH. 1 Wife of One of Waiters Among 1 Carriers of Signs. Fifteen pickets, the greatest number employed at one time so far by members of'the Washington Waiters' Dalon. engaged in picketing the Raleigh Hotel, were on duty In front j 1 ef the hotel today. The pickets, one of their number being the wife of a waiter, carried 11 large and amall signs stating their grievances against the hotal management. The picket battalion attracted much attention at lunch time, aa it marched along the Pennsylvania avenue and 12th street aides of the hotel. It was intimated by the waiters that ' children of the etrikers would appear n the scene before the day waa over. XRS. EVELYN McLEAN SUED. Mixe ut woue seeks for j, Interior Decoration of Home. < Elsie Be Wolf, New York interior i Sseorator, today filed suit in the Bis- 1 tLkel Supreme Court to recover $13,X3S.21 from Mr?. Evelyn McLean. The decorator says Mrs. McLean contracted with ber to furnish certain rooms in the McLean town house ' and paid $2,000 on account of the bill. Which totaled $15,120.21. Although , requested to do so. the plaintiff states. ^ Mrs. McLean has not paid the bal- ( Aa itemised aoeount of the various c furnishings and hangings for the de- c Ssodanfs boudoir, the room of her r Won, Vincent, and a room designated . a the "Chinese room." is attached 3 -Etetbe bill of complaint. I C Sent. Col. Soott Dangerously HI. \ XJeet. CoL Bavld H. Scott, son of a ' Shrine r chief of staff, Maj. Gen. Hugh | Soott, Is dangerously 111 at the t f itetytecbntc Hospital,' New York city, 1 Y Sgtth a complication of disease* grow- t i hg out of pneumonia. CoL Scott reMbmmed to this ocunbry on the Levia7 *Aan. which docked February ?. He 1 asms unable to be moved until shortly %gfore the ship shoved off for a rettn trip last Saturday Col. Scott Swell known In Washington, having Seen stationed at Fort Myer with the ttfc Cavalry for some time prior lo _ SiL His mAthor And "Wif* apa with fin 3b New York. [ | ^ < Open Beginners' French Class. ( Th? changed world condition which t Cm I ted In bringing: the United Suites J othetrant nnk among nallons and f Iflw ubbj opportunities opening there- c Xkoro to Americans are causing many t ^persons to take up the study of for efgn languages, especially Spanish and t SRrettch. To meet the ever-Increasing t aksmund growing out of this situation ' Star admission to the free French lan-j^ Saage courses in progress at the 3nui Arts Salon. 1413 H street, the -hoard of patrons today decided to organize a Class for beginners Thursday asrenlog, when applications will be re .gtarved. The classes, which meet every jttjeuing, include more than 200 stu ^BAY'MTTM DBTJBK" NEW FAD. ? __ J rflBrrec Young Men Arrested for In- . dnlging to Excess. ' A bay rum drunk is the latest fad persons unable to pay the advanoed , joions bootleggers are charging for 1 Whisky. Several persons, victims of dh? perfumery, have been arrested by ] Tk' police the past few dsys and ; charred with intoxication ' ^Tw young men were locked up at 5 sue mot piwinci mtttiun inm mer< U>?n on such a charge. < Saturday niirhl a young man, also ] , at victim of bay rum, was in mich a i , awnou* condition that the police had ? take him to Kreesfmen'o Hospital. It is Maid that poiioe officials may fblc a move to prevent the sale of )ay rum to peiwons who are unable < convince dealers it Is not wanted ) Sor beverage purposes Speaks Tonight on "Leadership." Rabbi B. Meyerovit* of the Charles %?r Hebrew School is to deliver an oddress on "Leadership" tonight at o'clock at the synagogue at 6th and Jdtruta u * MAIM. WX STUDENTS I SAW WD IN WAR Returning Men Increase Enroll- ] ment?Names of Those Who Fell in Action. Between 600 and 800 George Washngton University students and be- h ween 500 and 600 of the university's ii iluranl were in the military service i: luring the war, according to statis- J ics compiled by the Hatchet, weekly a student publication. l' Scores of these students are returnng to the university, having been re- c eased from the service, and as a re- n lull, the registration has mounted to r m unprecedented level. All but 182 ? >f the members of the Students' Army [Yaining Corps unit have returned to heir classes. ^ Since February 17, 414 new students (ave registered, so that the university R low has 338 more students than it ad last year. The stress registration or the past year was 2.558 and the 1. A. T. (\ registration brought the h ;rand total up to 2.640. The fresh- " nan law class is the largest in the ! dstory of the university. Of the tiniersity's various departments Cdium- c iian College has the largest enroll- ,, nent. '( Men Who Fell in Action. n There are some George Washington ^ tudent-soldlers who will not return? hey have laid down their lives for heir country. First Lieut. C. A. Knudtson. U. S. "ield Artillery, a graduate student, t lied of wounds received in France. t Lieut. George Bell. Aviation Corps, d vas killed at Kelly Field, Texas, t vhile in officers' training school. t Lieut. Roy Olin Garver, Aviation t, ,'orps,' was killed In an aeroplane acident in France. February 2. 1918. Lieut. Wilmarth Brown. U. S. In- i antry. who was graduated from the | aw school In the class of 1917, was , tilled In action last summer. Ensign Delozler Davidson, Naval tviat.on, was drowned in the English hannel. Me fell from his plane. One of the last of the law school tudents to fall In action was Lieut, larris Earle Petree of the 139th Aero iquadron. Me has been listed as missing in action" since September > :, 1918. In October the Red Cross re- * iorted that he was killed in action. ?o details have yet been received. Lieut. Perry Taylor narrowly esaped death when the boat of which te was In command ran Into a subnarine in the English channel. Fell Into Channel; Rescued. Lieut. Dan Waters of the law school, J ,vho was an aviator with the English 'orces, was one of the first flyers to t each the front lines. In one of his t lights across the English channel he , '-11 V <.-A A taA ? W a X en iium inn pwue biiu nuaicu duuui n the channel for five or six hours t iff ore being picked up. Ha saw lit- t een months of active service before . 1* was granted a furlough. Lieut. J. EI Bowyer. an architectural r student and a member of the Aviation r "orpa, was killed in action last sumner. " 0 A chronicle of the daring exploits of he university's heroes is being- pre- n pared by the Hatchet. d n ARMY TAXICAB SERVICE ? WILL CEASE NEXT WEEK t Orders were issued today for the J practical discontinuance of the Army h taxicab service in this city at the ' snd of next week. No more will J -officers on duty In this city t carried to their offices in the t norning and back to their homes in :he afternoon and. in some cases, J pack and forth again at lunch time. 1 The special service in which taxis * ire always available for special trips 1 petween the War Department and all * ta branches on rush business also 8 vlll be done away with March 29. n Under the inatruthpne issued today * U1 that will be left of the present 0 trmy taxi system in this city will >e the general "bus" service between ? .he department and its branches and 11 the operation of individual motor c pars for the use of heads of the vari- n >us war bureaus. J Today's action will permit the dis- * tharge of a large number of enlisted V nen of the Motor Transport Corps 1 iow serving as chauffeurs, repair B nen, etc., in the local service. BEAT MEXICAN MARAUDER. __________________ V government Troops Con&ol More- ? lot After Ten Terrorised Tears, n MEXICO CITY, Saturday, March' 15 h By the Associated Press).?The state g if Morelos. Just south of this city, is f onpletely under the control of governnent troops after being overrun for ' en years by bands commanded by a Jmiliano Zapata. A campaign con- o lucted by Gen. Pablo Gonzales, com- t nander of the government forces, has 51 ieen successful, Zapata and a few hunIred followers being driven into the ilmost Impassable mountains near ' >uenta de Ixtla. on the boundary be- ' ween Mexico and Guerrero. His capure. with that of Gen. Genevevo de bao and Manuel J'alofax, his chief lieuenants, is expected almost any day. COSSACKS BEING DISPERSED. 3 American-Japanese Controversy Over Interned Russians Settled. The controversy between Maj. Gen. 5raves, American commander in Si- t >eria. and the Japanese staff over the h lispoeition of the 1,500 Cossacks of c Jen. KalmikofTs forces, who were In- c erned by the Americans at Khaba- f ovSk at their own request, virtually t las been adjusted by the gradual dis- r *ersal of the Coaaack force. The Cos- ' ;acks have been returning to their ? tnmAJi 4 Gen. Graves has notified the Japalege staff that upon the identification >f the arms and equipment of the c ,'ossacks as their property ft will be |J lelivered to them. a c STAHVING IN THE CAUCASUS. 1 . rhoasands of Men, Women and Children Perishing, Is Eeport. KKW YORK, March 17 ?Thousands of men, women and children are ' starving to death in the Caucasus. ^ according to the first report from Dr. Junes I*. Barton, chairman of the j oommittee recently sent to that ^ region by the American committee for relief in the near east, received it the headquarters of the committee ' here. - e "There is no bread anywhere." said j the report. "The government has not , a pound. iTtere are 45,000 people in , Erivan wholly without bread and the , orphanages and troops all through J Erivan ar* In terrible condition. e inore id noi ? aog, cat, norsc. camel or any living thing In all the f [gdlr reclon. We uw refugee women J stripping the flesh from a dead horse ; with their bare hands today." J , Condemn "Ho Beer-No Work" Plan ' NEWARK. N. J.. March 17.?The t "no beer-no work" strike proposed for 1 July 1 was condemned by 400 dele- ' gates of the New Jersey State fed era- * lion of I^abor and Slate Building Tradee Council at a Joint meeting here ' yesterday. The delegates, however, adopted resolutions urging Congress to repeal both war-time and permanent 4 prohibition, and calling en President WUaoa for aid. I D. C. RECEIVES PROMISE" OF SCRANTON'S MAYOR Hr. Connell Sends Letter Which Gives Assurance of Help in Obtaining Vote. A promise to do all in hts power to ielp Washington pet representation 1 Congress and a vote for President s contained in a letter received by oseph D. Kaufman today from Alexnder T. Connell, mayor of Scranon. Pa. The letter is the latest result of the ampaign to advertise Washington's love for suffrage by means of the ed-ink appeal on all mail going out f the city. < i, 1 - i n r TT ' v/Uinerence ncic. Mayor Connell. who was in Wr.shngton recently when the Chamber cf ommerce pave a dinner to the athering of governors and mayors, old Mr. Kaufman in his letter: "I am going to make it a point to ave a number of my friends see our lembers of Congress and wrill do anyhing that we can to help along your jst claims." Mr. Kaufman, who is head of a subommittee on mail sticaers of the uffrape publicity committee, points o this letter as further evidence that he District can secure the support of lany members of the House and Sente by interesting their constituents ack home in the movement. More Firms Use Stickers. c Many more firms have agreed to use he suffrage sticker on their out-ofown letters, and some stores and iniviCuals are inclosing in their mail he suffrage folder, which explains he District's petition in greater dcail. ISHflUTMG. INCOME TUX RETURNS' If umber of Payments and Total of I Receipts Cannot Be Stated for Several Days. An unprecedented avalanche of mail e| idured into the sixty-four collection iffices and hundreds of suboffloes of he bureau of internal revenue g hroughout the country on Friday and laturday of last week. Today more jr han 9,r>U0 employes of the bureau in z> he collection offices and subofflces are 11 lusy tabulating the number of income ^ eturns received and the amount of - 1.1.1 L. /ervm #,,11 I Of utsuey wuivu wm uc ticuucu nvm : >r part payment on taxes. ' It wu stated at the internal reve- s< ue office today that ft will be a few ni ays before any information can be p nade public as to the number of in- ft ome tax payers,and the total amount f money received. rr ei Increase Due to High Wages. w c< It was said, however, that this year j, here la a perceptible increase In the c, lumber of taxpayers. This fact is it .ttributed for the most part to the w igh wages received by munition and rar workers. Especially is this apilicable to Washington, where, it was || eported at the local collection office, he number Is far greater this year | ban a year ago. I The biggest gain fa shown- among be women. Thousands of them came o this city and entered government, rar council. Bed Cross or other work, "he great majority of the women B rare said to have earned here larger tl alaries than "back home." and the lumber receiving more than J1.000 a ear was probably in excess of those pi btaining less than that amount. gt At the local office, at 8th and ? ti treets northwest, there were twelve p, ersons, mostly men. employed in re- V1 lelving returns and helping the ja learly crazed debtors to the governlent to make out correctly the dtf- m erent items on the returns. Six ex- q ierts of the bureau were on hand at he local office endeavoring to traighten out the tangles. ^ Busy on Money Orders. ^ On Saturday a brahch post office fas temporarily installed at the local ollectlon office to aid those persons rho were not aware that payment UT pould be made only by check or ?] noney order. The clerks were kept iusy making out money orders. A branch collection office was in tailed at the local post office to care 5 or the rush of Friday and Saturday. More than 5,000 men are working; " rith the field force of the Internal lt evenue bureau and 4,500 are in the ixty-four collection offices through iut the country. The force employed ly the bureau hag increased 5,000. or '? 0 per cent, since August of last year. 2,110 TROOPS ARRIVE J ON STEAMSHIP PATRIA Eighty-Second Division and OtherUnits Assigned for Early Be- t< turn, Pershing Cables. f? NEW YORK, March 17?With 2.110 <j roops. the steamship Patria arrived w ere today from Marseille. Units iniluded the 304th Brigade Tank Corps otnplete. 85 officers and 1.456 men. B or distribution among thirteen camps N hroughout the country, and Casual Companies No. 1902 of Louisiana. 1905 if Texas. 1939 of Arkansas. 1912 of a iew York. 1913 of North Dakota and , 914 of South Dakota. " Assignment to early convoy home if the 82d Division (Georgia, Alaaiba and Florida National Army) was .nnounced today in a cablegram from t Jen. Pershing. Other units assigned A ncluded Army Ambulance Sections <oa. WO, 600, 521. 530. 569. 599, 602 tnd 604. m si $1,000 PEIZE FOE PAINTING. el _ h 3ther Honors Bestowed at Exhibi- c ;ion of National Academy of Design ? J NEW YORK. March 17.?Edward W. iedfleld of Center Bridge, Pa., Is the rlnner of the Altman prize of 51,000 fi or the best landscape painted by an n tmerlcan-born artist, at the 94th tnnual exhibition of the National Icademy of Design, it was announced oday. "The Old Mill" is the title of he winning picture. The Altman e >rize of 5500 for a landscape was d< iwarded to Gardner Kymons of this cl dty for his "Shimmering Shadows." 0The Thomas B. Clarke prize of 5300 'or the best American llgure oomposilon went to Jerome Myers of this :ity for his painting called "Evenng"; the Julius- Hallgarten prizes of 1500, 5200 and 5100. for three pictures tl n oil colors painted In the United a itatea by American citizens under . .hirty-flve years of age. to Robert S. 11 JVoodward for "Between Setting- Sun 81 ind Rising Moon"; Ercole Cartotte 81 or a portrait, and Dines Carlson for 11 The Jade Bowl," respectively, all of his city. Another Credit Given to Belgium. K Belgium was given another credit u if t2.41?,?<>0 today bythe Trn?i J a i WILL BRING THE "R ^8 !;aH JB BRIG. (iE\. DOlfiL;! ommandrr of the Rainbow DivfMlon (1 division home early next month. 1 Brifp. Gen. MacArtfmr is one of thf xvnr. He vrent to Trance bn a majc in the Held. The armistice preventei general. He has won both the FVei tingnished service cross for valor, a Brijp. Gen. Mac Arthur is a Regular Gen. Arthur MacArthur. 'LANS TO GET JOBS FOR I SOLDIERS AND SAILORS imergency Employment Committee 1 Will Act as Clearing House. Holds First Meeting. The* first meeting of the emergency nployment committee for soldiers n rid sailors was held today. Col. Ar- h lur Woods presiding. Grosvenor B. t larkson, director of the Council of ational Defense, opened the meet- J ig. which was attended by Kranklin r . Roosevelt, assistant secretary of t le navy; E. N". Hurley of the ship- c ing board and representatives of ' irious federal departments. f Director Clarkson stated that the v until entered the employment situa- 5 on In large part to meet the emer- ' ency caused by "the necessary P rapping of ?n per cent of the field 8 lachinery of the United States em- n loyment service duo to lack of ' 3 _ M I jnus. The council, he declared, seeks ? lerely to tie in the loose ends of the Tiployment situation both here in Washington and throughout the J auntry. and to act as a clearing ^ ouse of action for the purpose of }ncentrating and utilizing as raplly as possible all agencies dealing ith the unemployment problem. (ANSAS CAN FIGHT WIRE RATE RAISE IN U. S. COURT Authority of Postmaster General urleson to increase telephone rates i iroughout the country is to be de- : irmined l>y the United Stales Surerne Court, which today granted the ate of Kansas, permission to Instilte original proceedings against the ostmaster General questioning the illdity of his order of December 13 . st establishing new toll rates. | The court ordered that a return be iade in the case at the next term in ctober. Under the order attacked, effective nee Januahy 21 last, the Postmaster eneral establishes a new classifies- J on and schedule of toll rates under parcel zone system. The Kansas aulorities allege that the Postmaster eneral exceeded his authority in isking it and that It is "unlawful nreasonable. arbitrary, unjust and ppressive." They ask that the Su eme Court define the extent of the uthority conferred upon the Post- ? isster General under the joint con- J ressional fesolution and the presi- j ential proclamation, by which the lephone and telegraph systems were * LRen ovrr uy inc gu*ci ihucuu c While these proceedings directly af- } ct only the carrying out. of the orer in Kansas by the Southwestern 1 ell Telephone Company, the ques- 1 ons involved touched every state. f OHNSON NAMES A. L. | UMPIRES FOR SEASON ! CHICAGO. March 17.?President I an Johnson of the American league i )day completed his staff of umpires " >r the coming season. Ollie Chill, ar the last two years an fimpire in >e American Association, was signed > fill the vacancy caused .by ihe t eath of "Silk" O'Loughlln. Chill j, as tn the American league in 1916. _ The other members of the staff are] . H. Connolly. W. G. Bvans. Wll- P am Dinneen, George Hildebrand, C. fi Owens, R. S. Nallln and George y [oriarty. All were in the league ist season. The corning season will 1 e Connolly's twenty-sixth year as ii nrnfflBuinnfll iimnirft ?n<i hi*t nine* 5enth year with the American h eague. d e WHITE SLAVEB SENTENCED, I -v (avid Freed Took Girl# Into Vir- l ginia to Meet Enlisted Men. David Freed, a chauffeur convicted t >me weeks ago, under the white! ave act, of taking: young: girls in j ( iB automobile into Virginia to meet < nlieted men, was sentenced today by ] hief Justice McCoy in Criminal Dlvi- ? on 2, to serve five years in the peni- | J sntlary. ! The court expressed the hope that, le sentence would prove a deterrent > other drivers of public vehicles -om engaging in such traffic. Freed oted an apfecal. ' . n France'# Civil Budget. , PARIS. Sunday, March 16,?The bud- v ot commission of the chamber of a eputies has decided to introduce a [vil budget of $520,000,000 for the rst three months of 1919. Farley# at Posen Resumed. 1 v>TO WotlrtK 1 C A t rAlviOt *??> 'VM *W. 11/ M Havas Agency from Posen, dated r aturday, says the German delega- d on has returned to Posen and re- 11 umed pourparlers in an effort to ittle the controversy between Ger- i lany and Poland. Navigation on Danube Resumed. (( PARIS, Sunday, March 16.?Navl- v ation has been resumed on the Dan- F be river, aooordlng to dispatches t soctved here- from Prague. t 1 A1NB0WS" HOME. : -r Jf ^ <v ? * |g ^HsMSHngHH ' IS MAC ARTHIR, [he 42d>, who will liring; the famoun , I'hey ore now in occupied tiermaoy. i ' outNtnndiiiff military flcurfN in the j >r and was promoted for hi* .service* , il hi* promotion to the rank of major i leh war crona and the American di*ind lias also been wounded In action. , Army man, the aon of the lute Maj. i 1 i 3ELIEVE DEAD PRINCE | IS PRESIDENT WILSON , i t iural Population of Lower Austria ^ and Styria "Sure" Rudolph Was Not Murderad. ?' R 1 The Vienna Bulletin, an Austrian lews and propaganda service with J leadquarters at Rotterdam, sends out ( he following curious story: c "According to the Neue Wiener 1 ournal, a serious newspaper, the ( ural .population of large dlntriots of j he provinces of lower Austria and 1 ityria never believed in the 4eath 'rown Prince Rudolph of Austria, cho was assassinated in the castle of leyerling near Baden together with ( rountess Vecscera in 1889. The peode refused to accept this official tatement. and their suspicion was i lourished at the time by the fact that he coffin of the crown prince at the uneral was extremely small, while he crown prince himself was a pow- ! rful man. "The story went that the crown irince had really not been murdered t all, but that he had fled across the lig pond. "Ever since the war there is a growng belief among the rural population hat the crown prince, who, as will ie remembered, was addicted to scien- 1 iflc researches, is identical with Prof. Voodrow Wilson, President of the ,'nited States of America. "The remarkable thing is that there s an evident optimism as to the fuure of Austria connected with this egenfl. for the jieople say it is plain hat Wilson, being in reality Crown 'rince Rudolph, will not let his beoved Austria perish. It may not be urprising if at the coming election or.the national assembly President Vilson will he nominated by the I ountry people of lower Austria and , ityria as principal candidate and land ,s the first pvesTHerit of the German- ] lueirian republic." YEW JERSEY CAR LINES GIVE WAY TO STRIKERS , Practically Assure Labor Board They Will Becognize Union, t 1 Men's Chief Demand. NEWARK, N". J? March 17.?Prior o a conference today between the 'ubllc Service Railway Company and ts 4.500 employes who have been on itrike throufthout northern New Jerley, it was learned that the company lad virtually assured the Federal War ^abor Board that the men's chief denand?union recognition?would be | tianted. The company today restored to the ' nen their privilege of placing union 1 lotices on the company's billboards i ind their action was interpreted by , he employes as foreshadowing the . vinning of their principal demand. j DEPARTMENTS ASK SHARE j )F PRESIDENT'S WAR FUND j Requests from various departments of j he government for a share of the Pres- j lent'8 special war fund to make un de- < ciencies caused *by the failure of ap- ' ropriation bills in Congress have been crwarded to President Wilson from the Vhite House. One request came from he Treasury fn behalf of the war risk rsuranee bureau. White House officials declined to say ow much money was left in the hunred-million-dollar fund, but doubt was xpressed that the balance would be ufficient to meet even the needs of the far risk bureau alone. When Secretary Vilson of the Department of Uabor sked the President for an allotment ar the employment service recently the 'resident replied that the fund practially had been exhausted by expendiures or obligations. ]apt. P. A. Helmbold Reassigned. Capt. Philip A. Helmbold, Infantry, t Walter Reed Hospital, Takoma j 'ark. has been ordered to Potomac 'ark for duty with the 63d Infantry, tationed there. Joy in Paris Till 10 :30 P.M. TARIS, Sunday, March 16.?Under a iew regulation cafes and restaurants /ill be permitted to remain open until 0:30 p.m., beginning March 20, and vil 1 be allowed to employ orchestras iter that date. I Admiral Andrews to Lead Fleet. Hear Admiral Philip Andrews, Act- , ng Secretary Roosevelt announced oday, has been ordered from Cardiff o take command of the American oroes in the eastern Mediterranean, elleving Rear Admiral Niblack, or- i lered home to become director of . laval intelligence. lutopsy Performed on Henry Allen An autopsy performed by Deputy ' :oroner Titus yesterday showed that ( lenry Allen. Hendersonville, N. C.. 1 t-ho died at Washington Asylum j prlday night, was a victim of kidney < rouble. Allen's body has been taken o Henderaonvllle. 1 I * ! WOW MEN GET s PERSHING GOOD-BE American Commander Gives Honors for Bravery at " Inspection. of in in GERMANS WATCH REVIEW g ar r? - 11-. ? 1-._ ? fft r>v 11if nw?H iH(pn itpw. " COBIjENZ. Sunday. March 16.?Gen. Pershing said goodlbye to the boys of th the 42(1 Division today. In a farewell te address to the troops of the Rainbow ^ unit, who are preparing to start for home the first week in April, the be American commander-in-chief wished te them ail good luck in the peaceful .j, occupations into whieh they ,will go I by on the other side of the Atlantic. fr: ar Germans as Spectators. th The inspection and review of the mi division took place in a great field he near Remagenon. on the west bank th of the Rhine. Gen. Pershing spoke to in more than twenty thousand men after in the Rainbow Division passed the re- sc viewing stand in massed formation, mi From the heights across the river sa hundreds of German civilians assem- ua bled and watched the review through to field glasses. Gen. Pershing spoke st from the rear end of a wagon with ot the soldiers bathered about him. th Before Ills address the commanderin-chief presented one congressional medal of honor, two distinguished O service medals and forty-six dls- \ languished service crosses to officers U ind men of the division. The medal of honor was pinned by Gen. Pershing on Corp. Sidney Manning of the 167th rnfantry for leading his platoon durng an attack on the Ourcq after its commanders had fallen Despite wounds he had suffered, Manning led the men forward and gained and held in important position in the face of St terrific enemy fire. All but seven members of the platoon were killed or wounded. Manning himself was wounded nine times In this attack. When the United States entered the war he was a farmer boy near Brewton. Ala. v The distinguished service medals ' vent 10 tsrig;. ^er?. L^ougias AiacArmur wjind Col. William Hughes, jr. ^ 4 Ml Third Corps Inspection. ac Sunday morning Gen. Pershing inipected the troops of the 3d Corps near Pe .allendar. After the review of the 42d Division Jen. Pershing went by automobile to p ,!ot>Iens. where he had dinner with Maj. r.o Jen. Dickman, commander of the army Pn >f occupation. In several villages along ,. he way German civilians greeted him I with shouts of "Hoch Pershing!" The jcmmander's visit to the area of occujalion was advertised by the Germans n their newspapers and otherwise. co ap Praises 32d Division. COBDENZ. Saturday. March 15 :by the Associated Press). ? Within a sight of the distant hills of unoc- thi cupied Germany, 2d,000 troops of the 32d Division today heard Gen. Pershing express appreciat;on of their bo efforts at Chateau Thierry, Soisaons and on the Meuse-Argonne front. (j'e which, the commander-in-chief said, ] made it possible for them to stand ru where they were today. afi The 32d Division, which was com- an posed originally of National Guard' co troops from Michigan and Wisconsin, cli is scheduled to start for home early vii n April. J St; MIND DECLARED UNSOUND. In trl Louis Smith, Convicted Bootlegger, Was Under Observation. N In the bootlegging case in which Couis Smith, 125 Reeves court northwest, is charged with violating the Sheppard prohibition law, Assistant Corporation Attorney Ringgqjd Hart this morning received from Dr. D. Percy Hickling. the District of Columbia alienist, a certificate setting forth lhat the defendant, tfho is being held in jail, is of unsound mind. Mr. Hart will empanel a jury some time the present ween to inquire into the so unity of the man and take steps to , send him to St. Elizabeth Hospital. Smith was arrested June 24. 1918. !- * He pleaded not guilty. February 20 he dii was tried by a jury and found guilty. His attorney, Ethelbert Frey. filed a .. notion for a new trial. Smith was 1 ! remanded to jail to await the argu- tH ment for a new trial. Later he was be sent to the Washington Asylum Hos- h pital, where he was placed under observation. . ki * ve COLORED PORTER KILLED. aP __ ar| ly John R. Stewart Falls to Death yi Down Elevator Shaft. so John Robert Stewart, colored, twen ty-seven years old. was killed this Tiornlng about 9:15 o'clock by a fall by From the second floor to the bottom of a? the elevator shaft in the Palais Royal, ? t where he was employed as a rug pu porter. He resided at. 409 New Jersey coi tvenue. Ada Price, colored, twenty-three bo pears old, operator of the elevator, an 1621 12th street, was arrested by Po- th, iceman Dierkoph and Is detaiped at q0 he first precinct station to aDn?ar at ?..i in inquest at the morgue late this ifternoon. r Several employes of the business Jj? Irm were in the elevator wh<tn the VT iccident happened, and the operator "e stated that Stewart was responsible , 'or the accident. She said it was aused by his pulling the lever and MI lurrying from the elevator. j SOLDIERS FAVOR COMMERCE. Fc Disabled Men Desire to Study for Work in That Class. ? Disabled soldiers are attracted mo more to the various commercial j Ro branches of education than to any i sp< ither line, according to the I fdertitjrna Board for Vocational Education Of j in the first 787 men awarded training of 165 chose the general commercial C course. Where a man has a knowledge of na.' iny particular trade the board stales cel that It endeavors to induce the sol- i 'no lier to take such training an will j make him a specialist in that Sine in j J1.? which he is not debarred by the na- j "S ture of his injuries. " In the main the youag men who ,? Stave chosen the commercial oourses V, ire those with some office or busi- th' ncss experience. They are sent to the best business and technical collocos. The pay is $65 a month. In n addition, there is a support fund andjing payment by the government of all ve| :uition and book charges. Positions ! ()f are found for the men when they RS Pave finished the courses. PRESIDENT TAXES GOOD BEST. 1 Fatigued by Trip and Arduous BT Work Since Return to Paris. <h? PARIS, March IS.?President Wll- bo' son, somewhat fatigued by his sea iourney and the busy days spent since c?' lis arrival here, remained in bed un- pR' J1 noon today. / Ge He received Col. E. M. House dur- foi ng the afternoon, and with him dis- rit :ussed the military and naval terms del >f peace, as well as the results of the 3 Brussels conference relative to ship- sio ping and the supplying of food to in 3ermany. Later he drove to St. Oer- to nain with Mrs. Wilson, returning to th< the White House at a bout-7 -o'clock. * ma AYS CHINA DEPENDS ON U. S. LEADERSHIP t r. Garritt of University of Nanking Tells Presbyterians of Chinese Problems. "The China of today is not the lina of five or ten years ago. There an aggressive movement of Chrismity," said Rev. Dr. J. C. Garritt the University of Nanking. China, an address on "The Church's Task Valium tins* inuriilli& 41 ? uicrimii the Presbyterian Ministers' .\ssottlon. at New York Avenue Presterian Church. The speaker pointed out that there e many things in China now trying ruin her. He told of the present esident of China having about .000,000 worth of opium stored in e governor's palace, which he innded to sell, hut which which was scovered as the result of a fire ere. '"The new movement which has en started in China by the Presbyrinn and other churches is going develop rapidly," he said. He said at the United States is recognized China as her truest, disinterested iend. and that the people of Chine e depending on America to lead | em." Dr. Garriit told of the work of t issionaries in China for the pa indred years and of the struggles; ey have had to educate the Chinese Christianity. He told of the openg of the grade and elementary hools. and also of the rstahllshent of universities, from which, he id. young students are heing gradited and sent out into the country preach religion as well as to inruct the natives in agriculture and her pursuits, for the betterment of eir living. AULSBURY ACT TEST PASSES FIRST STAGE ;okes-Heitmnller Case Started to Court of Appeals by Judgment Entry. * The Stokes-Heitnruller case, in lich Justice Gould of the District preme Court held the Saulsbury t unconstitutional, was started forilly on its way to the Court of Apsis today. Formal entry of a judgment for ssession of premises 1505 21st street rthwest, in favor of Mr. Stokes, was tered by order of Justice Gould, and torney Chapin Brown, representing s. Heitmuller, noted an appeal and va. a supersedeas bond of (1,000, lich stays the operation of the urt's order pending the action of the pellate tribunal. Jury Trial Is Refused. lustice Gould also overruled today motion of counsel- for the tenant it a trial by jury be accorded in e case. Attorney Brown contended at the code provides that appeals landlord and tenant cases are to heard as other appeals from the jnicipal Court, which are presented novo to a jijry in Criminal Division. I de attacked the validity of court! le 19 providing for judgment on \ Idavits in landlord and tenant cases, d questioned the authority of the urt to make such rule when, as he limed, the statutes made other prosion. rustics Gould declared the United ates Supreme Court had sustained e practice of giving judgment on Ida vita, and declined to grant a jury ial. 0 w. r. & e! brief filed in labor dispute rar Board Cannot Make Decision Until Company Has Acted Under Usual Rule. Failure on the part of the company far to file a brief has occasioned lay in the decision by the War ibor Board in connection with the Bpute between the Washington tilway and Electrio Company and I men. Joint Chairman Manly said sre is probably a misunderstanding tween the parties regarding which ould first file one. It is customary in disputes of this nd for each party to the oontrorsy to prepare a brief. The men pear to be ready with their written tument, but the company, Mr. Mansaid, has not indiaated when it II be prepared in that respect. "We expected to reach a decision me days ago." said Mr. Manly, "but > are waiting for the parties conrned to act.'! The situation is a little complicated the brief of W. McK. Clayton, which ks the board to pass on the question whether in disputes between public llity corporations and their men the blic should be made a party to the ntroversies. In some quarters it is thought the ard will go out of existence before opportunity is afforded to decide b Washington Railway and Electric mnotitr c/ilitt AVPrtlV Mr Mortlv uroc Ill J VV"? ? " ' " ?" ked if he had any comment to make persistent rumors to the effect that had placed his resignation in the nds of Secretary of L<abor Wilson. > would neither affirm nor deny the >ry. "X have not a word to say about it," \ Manly said. tEMORIAL FOE ROOSEVELT. iundation for Conservation of Wild Life Proposed. 'he best sort of a permanent merial to the late Col. Theodore osevelt. as a naturalist and as a irtsnian, would, in the opinion of ny of his friends, be a foundation Washington for the conservation wild life. ol. William ?oyce Thompson, head the Roosevelt permanent memorial lional committee, yesterday reved a suggestion that such a merlal would be the most- fitting timonlai to the efforts of the late turalist and statesman along the es of conservation of wild life, poneors of the plan include Presiit John B. Burnham of the Amerii Game Proteotive Association, orge Shiras, 3d; E. W. Nelson of' Department of Agriculture and arles Sheldon, all intimate friends Col. Roosevelt. he establishment in this city of an titution to be known as "The Rose I Foundation ior me conservation Wild Life" is embodied in the plans at present contemplated. 'OR HUN ROUTE TO BALTIC. the Afsoeiated Press. PARIS. March 16.?The report of i Polish commission on the eastern undary proposes to give Germany ect land communioation across the ridor to the Baltic which has been 'orded to Poland and which cuts off rt of East Prussia from the rest of rmany. The report suggests that Poland's security the German terorv to the east of the corridor be militarised. It is also proposed by the commls,n that the 600,000 Protestant Poles the Masurian lake region be allowed determine by plebiscite whether ry shall join Catholic Poland or rela Gorman. ? SEE FINAL SUCCESS ' FOR NEW KINGDOM Serbs, Croats and Slovenes Expect Conference Will Grant Adriatic Claims. Repreae.ntativea of the newly formed kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes at the peace conference aro now of the opinion that the final settlement of the eastern Adriatic territory ques tinn will hp highly favorable to this young: nation. Oable"*?dvices received In Washington today from these representatives indicate that the. justice of their claims regarding the disposition of Fiume and Palmatia has made a profound and favorable impression on a majority of the otfiFr?nations in attendance at the conference. According to these advices there is every reason for the Jugoslavs lo feel confident of the outcome of dispute >ver the settlement of this territory question. It is pointed out that while the Jugoslav representatives never have doubted the good will or sincertty of the intentions of the other nations in passing judgment on their claims, recent developments cause them to be especially sanguine. They report that the other nations have expressed them selves as not having the slightest r doubt of the justice of their claims. Say Italy Will Not Gain All. It is not inferred that the kingdom of Serbs, "'mats and Slovenes will be granted every claim made by it. It Is realized that a part of this disputed area will he conceded to Italy, but not in proportion to what the latter originally claimed. Regret is expressed by Jugoslav representatives in Washington that there has been such a,n evidence of dissolution between their country and Italy over the question of eastern Adriatic territory, and following the receipt of the information contained in these late advices from Paris they feel confident that there will be no ^ future disturbances. Obtaining a fair portion of this Adriatic territory, is of far greater importance and real value to their country, these representatives say. than would be the northern and westtern portion of Albania. Although of the belief That there will be no further serious friction in the Adriatic area these representatives are disposed to feel apprehensive of impending trouble with Bulgarians and Albr-'ans. It is known that tribes or b ids in these two countries have been stirred to a point where it is feared they will attempt to prove troublesome to the Jugoslavs. HARBOR STRIKERS OFFER TO SETTLE ON U. S. PLAN Answer Owners' Refusal to Meet Labor Leaders by Like Objection to Owners' Counsel. NEW YORK. March 17.?Private boat owners and their employes remained in deadlock today, with little prospect that a compromise agree- S ment could be reached for an early settlement of the harbor strike. The refusal qf the boat owners to meet delegations of tbe men if their union leaders were present was met with a counter refusal on the part of the ' >?, i harbor men to Join in a conference i attended by the counsel for the boat owners' association. The men have ? offered to settle with the owners on the same basiB as they did with the War and Navy Departments and the shipping board. James L. Hughes, federal conciliator, returned to New York today to renew his efforts to settle the strike. CHINA AGREES TO SETTLE CLAIMS FOR INDEMNITY Accepts Terms in Payment for Killing: of One American and Wounding: Two Others. | PEKING, March 17 .(by the Asso elated uress}.? me cninese government has accepted the suggestions made by the American government in its note of March 6 for the settle- ^ ment of the Monocacy incident. The incident occurred January 17 of ' last year, when the American gun- , boat Monocacy was steaming up the Yangtze Kiang. At a point about fifty miles above Yochow Chinese troops fired on the vessel without warning. Some 100 shots hit the Monocacy. and H. L. O'Brien, chief yeoman, received wounds from' which he died within an hour, and Seamen Ferguson and W. M. Donelly, were , slightly injjred. Under the settlement the widow of Chief Yeoman '$ O'Brien receives an indemnity of $25,000 gold, while Seamen Ferguson and Donelly receive $500 each. The firing on the gunboat is attributed here to the Chinese troops becoming panic-stricken at the ap- i pearance of the war vessel. CTTTS COTTON MILLS WEEK. Greenville Adopts 56-Honr Sched ule in Place of 60. GREENVII.LE. V C-. March 17.?In accordance with the recommendations made at Spartanburg: last month by the cotton mill officials of the state the . cotton mills of Greenville toda-j inaugurated the flfty-six-hour-a-week schedule. Previous to this agreement the number of hours worked each week was sixty. ' It was reported that all the mills of this section entered upon the new * schedule. Practically 7,000 employes In and around Greenville will be affected. while other mills throughout the county will swell this number considerably. DONATES SUM OF $150,000. Elks' Belief Commission Aids Training of Disabled Soldiers. The Federal Board for Vocational Education announced last night that the Elks" war relief commission has contributed J150.000 for the extension of the work of vocationally retraining ji.ahlnil soldiers, sailors and marines The announcement also said that further financial assistance would be given. ( One-third of the fond will be loaned to men disabled, so that they may be immediately placed in training with proper maintenance while their compensation award la being determined by the government. The money can be turned over many times', as the loans will be repaid. The director of the board will have the disposal of another $50,000 for use in training disabled men who do not come under the war risk insurance act or the federal vocational rehabilitation act. and cannot receive either compensation or training at government expense. The remainder of the fund will be used In a publicity campaign ' " to advise the men of the training they max receive if they dulre it I