Newspaper Page Text
Bad America not iron tbe victory, ' how mack would you have been wjll< <nar o pay for It? that much 1b liberty loan note*. v "Linen Lasts Longer?Looks Better" Hand Laundering Absolutely Best ?Your dainty lingerie will be laun- ^ dered in a thorough \_ manner, and without^r--^l?*y^ injury to the linen " J! ^ ?J ust test this ser\ ice. de Sales Hand Laundry 17Tft I St N W >rnr K?whfi*? i / ju l at. n.w. Phone Fr ao73 IK " All Specials ^ on Sale at j Every One of X Our Markets Week-! Such value: "Derrydal (fri i\ ?T fcvery Uay Wi Economy F Export Borax i C. & C. Oleine FELS NAPTHA BABBITTS ... | "P. & G." Naphtha Ivory Soap Star Soap Old Dutch Cleanser.... Ammonia (large bottle) Britt's Ammonia ; Lux Davis Cider Vinegar... White House Vinegar.. Gallon | Spices, all varieties, ioc Sauer Kraut | Campbell's Soups, alll < Peanut Butter j Honey, 5 oz. jar ... 1.. Douglas Cornstarch.... Jello, all flavors Wesson Oil?I'int, 33c; Sardines, in oil or mus Sardines, fancy, in olive Van Lill's Jams, a^sorte Baking Powder, Rumfc 1 V fr Gold Medal Flov 6-lh. bag" 12-lb. bag Orange Grove F1 12-lb. bag" ..... A hieh-trrarlo flour at II dinarilv low price. Last Two! Your last opportunity 1 the celebrated "Sunshine" Note.?A fleposit of 2cx Milks "Carnation" or "Every Day"? Tall Can... ,14c Small Can.. ,7c Lowest Pric? CANNED VEGE' Early June Pea* "Dinner" t>r "Daybreak Sweet Meadow Corn.. Tomatoes? No. 1 tans No. 2 Cans No. 3 Cans Pumpkin , Sweet Potatoes String Beans. Ruxton.. Heinz Oven Baked Be) Xo. 1 Cans Xo. 2 Cans Campbell's Baked Bean Van Camp's Baked B cans "VictoVy" Baked Beans \ \ TREATY CONTEST WHEN PRESIDENT COfliflES PREDICTED (Continued from First rage.) the treaty any enterprise aiming at a military propaganda is forbidden, and"fhilltarv education cannot be carried on except in the ranks of the army of 100.000. Such an army cannot perpetuate itself in any way or expand through turning trained men back to civil life as an unorganized reserve. This feature of the military terms ? the inhibition upon discharging from the army in any year more than j 5 per cent of its strength?coupled ! wim me i we I ve-year nuiounnii period. it Is said by American Army officers, will prevent a recurrence of J the sclieme by which Hermany was once able to throw off the yoke Naj poleon soupht to impose when he lim[ ited her army to a few thousand men each year. It was apparent, these observers said, that the lesson of tha# day had been completely learned by! 1 the French militarists generally 1 ? % msMMi JLD uu *CL y Sped > as these are a so e" Pure Cre, Sta,| Oar II St Feati A 1 f O , || | & cakes uc lrw o Jrnc 7c cake TTTJ^L250 g|JI .. .3 for 25c Wl11 .2 pkgs. 9c .. .pkg. lie Sf Qualil Tj? Home dr< 3 for 25c U. S" Gove qt. 5c Shoulder varieties Chops . . can 10c ?. lb- 15<^ Breast. . 15c Hamburg St? 10c (Freshly gi ; quart, 65c _ . . ?: Pure Lard.. tard, ?_ 2 cans 13c . . oil. 23c & 35c VsIlOlCe I <1... .jar 25c r* T ^ Extra lei l-Ib. can 27c ?????? =< Por ir? 48c Chops, 87c Chops, our? Roast, .... .75c Roast, an extraorHams, Jf Days of the S to secure a can or two of these Dc Brand?made in the Loose-Wiles c is required on each can. Delivered HOT to all oar mark* Old Dut< "It Has the Hoi mdicc I FullCrea inULLJ ? ?? . .2 cans 25c S"">Py Ch~' " Peas, can 15c _ .2 cans 25c each 9c each 10c R ...2 for 25c HI || ....can 10c can 23c , . ftno I.oulalant Nth and K St. 7th and B M 1105 H St. X.l 700 II St. X.l .. .2 for 25c 7so x. capito earl. 1*e ,B32 * 4 "p,,' . .tarll 18C lit and Thorn; > ..2 for 25c 7th and Klorl cans, \\\ KS.?"X.I -each ?fc ? * ? can 5c 1421 a st. x.\ A credited with having- devised the terms of -the present treaty. Make Army Distasteful. The twefve-year enlistment period required, it was said, was calculated to make the anny highly distasteful to the average man. There can be for him no hope of advancement, but only the drudgery of soldier life, for it will not be an expanding force. Officers doubted very much that the, 100,000 men allowed could be main' tained an required by voluntary r(i <- i uu men i. Since the dismantling of the forts on the eastern frontier was not required It was assumed by some observers here that the treaty Contemplated interposing Germany and Its limited army as a buffer arfainst the bolshevlkl in xRussla. Should Russia find herself and a strong government arise there which could be recognized by the western pqtwers. it was said that undoubtedly the reduction of the eastern defenses would | be insisted upon. It is the view here that the provision of the treaty reserving to some Russian government yet to he indicated all the benefits enjoyed by the allied and associated powers probably would cover such an extension. In the meantime, however. Germany is to be kept on guard along her TCHNj ose to your hot <m?nun urce of satisfactioi amery Buttei Heat Deparb ire at Specially :es for This Fri id Saturday Oil ty Milk-Fed V ;ssed in our own plant under th :rnment inspectors. OO-IU I Rib or OOC 1U. Loin Chops? 20c lb. Cutlet.-. . .] ?ki? Beef Liver round). .lb. 30c (Sliced) ... lb. 35c Lard Substitut Fowl, 34 to 4 lbs lder Roasting Chickens k From Selectc selected center cuts, nice and lean choice center cuts blade end fresh. 7 to 10 lb. weight ale of "Liberi dightful Biscuits at the sale price Biscuit Co.'s "1,000 Window Bake !< wry mornlnn and aftrrnoon. ch Bread V nemade Flavor" * imCheese (Longhorns). ic pkg. 15c I Pimento Chees Cream Cheese pkg. 15c nirrru uini uuibn PiAKI -CLOSC TO YOUR MOMC* I Ave. | 21st and Pa. A1 i. S.K. 21 at and M Sti a. K. 3417 M St. \.W E. 2030 P St. 0. 1440 1* St. YJ.YV. I St. 1714 14th St. .V nl St. 14th and Yon Si aa Sta. N.W. 18th and Yon St Ida Ave. Si.YV. .'1160 Mt. Plrasa Sta. .\.W. 14th and Keny V. 14th and Perry .W. 3420 (ieorffla A W. and 10*14-11 V. Alexani eastern frontier in self-defense against bolshevism and at the same time acting as a buffer for the western powers. Naval Terms Drastic. The naval terms are, if anything, more drastic than those imposed as to the army, navy officers said. From a sea power claiming a strength second only to that of Great Britain. Germany will be reduced to a naval power virtually without rank in the i world. The six battleships she may j retain, the largest not to exceed 1 10.000 tons, would not dare risk action with any two modern dreadnaughts, and every other department of the naval* service is scaled down accordingly. In the provision that no capital ship might he replaced until twenty years of active service had been rendered. naval designers saw the death I of the science of naval architecture for battle purposes in Germany. The skill that created the ships' now- held j by the allied powers will have died i out for want of employment, these ! officers said, long before the dread- . naught battleships of the German ' fleet would need to be replaced. The same extreme severity char- j acterizes the air terms, it was pointed ; I out. All that Germany has learned ! of dirigible balloon building and navi- I MMHmn iv aid Si i to us and of ecoi Friday and Saturday 1 nents RE I\\ e'll gua MW ?ivc ,u' iwv vv cry way. i tra choice ; maq* 'hams, given MY smoke"^ Yo | passed for i |W? they are jusi IW e , age family': weight. eal Smoke e supervision 2 ?averaging fr Cut from Go ry Q 1 'T and cured and JOC ID. Smoked Sau sn^iK ~ lb. 10c Halibut, st e lb. 28c Tile, sliced Butterfish . Lb. 42c Salmon Tr< r. ac Ocean Troi , Lb. 45c Croakers, Buck Shad id Pigs Lb- 48c ^ ? * RYE Lb .l'io From our 1 38c 16-oz. L? Lb- 38c A bigger lo :y Cakes" at 3 . Bear in mind that thev arc ry" fc 12-Oz. Loaf 3 far 20r bwa mmm -w l^38c C< e jar 18c pan_A Now The very sai selling till now coffee of excef 1/CT ou i [\U9 Santos re. iv.w. Always I. x.w. ______ Pc In* x,w, int^stVx.w. Finest No. 1 * Pk., ii ? ?? s, NEW F,ori<* iris, vi. rirst grad / r g^tinn is to be scrapped. All the experience of the war in airplane manufacture also is to be discarded, and. should Germany, ever again be free to develop air navigation, she will have to build from the ground up. LIEUT. GERBER SHOOTS WELL D. C. Marksman Third in Competition at French Butts. - - - *"* ' "?? ihlrd ?n J^ieuc. lUinai" uciuci, wi..v> ... the preliminary fifle, pistol and musketry competition of the American expeditionary force, now being: held at Le Mans. France, Is a Washington man. He is a son of Mrs. Matilda Gerber, his home being at 701 Florida avene northeast. A sister. Miss Ella M. Gerber, is a clerk in the Southern railroad offices in this city. Lieut. Gerber scored 137 out of a possible 150 in the preliminary, the winner scoring 139. Lieut. Gerber was captain of the rifle team of the District of Columbia National Guard in 1916. has been a participant in many national rifle matches and possesses a number of medals won in competition. -* il J? Low Prices, J High Qualities, | Scrupulously Clean Markets itnrday iomy to you Only 65c lb. . :e Smoked is, 38c lb. rantee these hams to lest satisfaction in ev- i "hey're first grade, exand carefully selected our own mild, sweet : old-fashioned hickory u'll find them unsurineness of flavor, and t the size for the avers needs?6 to 8 lbs. J CL 1J !u onuuiuers :8c lb. om 6 to 8 lbs. in weight, ivernment inspected pigs smoked in our own plant. sage .. lb., 25c ;sh Fish eaked, lb 30c , lb 25c (large), lb. . . . 18c nut, lb 25c it, lb 10c \ lbs 25c , lb 25c ckerel, lb 25c =J BREAD " own Bakery. in. >ar lor . . . x VU >af for the same money. il.OOCan 4 to 4V4 lb. cans or 25c lb. Breakfast Foods? Special KeHogg's Corn Flakes, pkg.,12c Quaker Corn Flakes, pkg. 9c Puffed Wheat or Puffed Rice 2 pkgs. 25c offees merican Blend Only 35c Lb. mc blend which has been ' at ,18c lb. A full flavored itionally high quality. Dutch Special Coffee, 32c Lb. Freshly Roasted tatoes Westerns? c; K> Pk-, 22cj Pk., 42c a Potatoes? c 34 pk., 25c MRS. LA FETRA, CHARITY, TEMPERANCE AID, DIES I I Was President of the W. C. T. U. in 1885?Funeral Arrangements. MHS. SARAH D. L\ FKTRA. I Mrs. Sarah I). La Fetra. widely I known temperance and charitable I worker, died at her apartment. 3152 ; Mount Pleasant street northwest, yesi terday. In ICXf. Mrs. I.a Ket:a was | Elected president of the Woman's (Christian Temperance t'nion. It was largely through her efforts that the Hope and Help Mission which later was merged into the Florence Crittenton Mission was organized. She had been a member of the Metropolitan M. K. Church. Ltr. and Mrs. Ha Fetra celebrated their golden anniversary of marriage in 191". Mrs. La Fetra is survived by her husband and two sons. Dr. I.ynn La Fetra of New York city and Kdwin La Fetra, secretary and treasurer of the Bliss Electrical School. Funeral services will be held at the Metropolitan M. E. Church tomorrow at 2 o'clock. Rev. Harry D. Mitchell will officiate. Interment will be in Arlington cemetery. The District of Columbia W. C. T. U. will attend the funeral in a body. ?1 ? jj 'T* H E Stutz is a prac- 1 g 1 tical car because of ra j| its power, speed and effi- s jg ciency, and a car of in- ? ifa dividuality because of its S g beauty of appearance and g 11 Motor Company 1 I of Washington i i ^ ||^t^?nd| M ?tful v the most extensive assortment of Straw Hats displayed in town? It is an assortment of exclusive specialties too / Some New Our workrooms have ju and other smart models, in Gray, Brown. They have distinctive style and expe I and hand-tailored.. $30.00 t( \ \ c iiiiffrm One of the Mo?t SaniUpM a very gnod ? i a better si s set for only... ^^[made of be ' I materials.. ; Fillings That Stay In ~ | Gold, Alloy, Enamel, $1 i Silver, Amalgam, Cement, 50c I DR. WHITE, I Opposite Woolwortk'a Be i?d 10c oto | Saitar'i 10 to ' J. K.Fi f ' DIED. ' I HAYES. Suddenly. on Saturday. May 3. 1P1P. ; i in Fasten. Pa.. WILMAM T. liAYF.S. son j ; of I.illie W. ITaws tnoe ltyani, 717 10th j street southeast. , Funeral from hi* Into residence Friday at 1 ( i p.m. Interment at Congressional cemetery, j j (Maltimore pajtera please copy.i P* ( LA FETRA. On Wednesday. May 7. 1P1P. at I 11':at) a ?n.. at 3K.3 Mt. I'lenaar.t atreet. I SAHAH IMIAN. lelotwl wife of Crorge II. j ( !at Felrn. In tier seventy-sixth year. I Funeral from Metropolitan M. K. Church, ou ; Friday, May II, at a p.m. Interment pri j I MORRIS. On Wednesday. May 7. IfilO. nt I ?er j rptldfuoe, 2015 flillyer place. MAKY : LOUISE, daughter of the late John and Joanna Morris and sister of the late Martin | F. Morris. Funeral from the residence Saturday. May 10, i at 2 p.m. Interment private. 0* PATTERSON. On May C. 1010. MATTHEW W., beloved husband of Katie 11. Patter son (nee Kauneel and son of Charles 11. and Mat tie Patterson. Funeral services nt residence of his parents 1301 P street northeast, on Friday. May P. nt 2 o'elock. tFort Smith. Ark., and Oklahoma l?a!H*i> please copy.) P0CLE. Suddenly, on Thursday. M.yv S. \?39. at 31:30 a.m.. at Oeorgetowu Culvers! "v Hov j pital. LoNE I?. POOLK <>i Ko?kvi!h. Md.. j aged sixty-eight years. I Notice of funeral hereafter. REAVIS. On Tuesday. May 0. 1919. at T p.m., ANN IK M., beloved wife of Albert S. Hearts. Funeral from lier late residence. Tlil 2d street northeast. Friday. Mar 9. at 2:30 p in. Ucla tires and frieuds Invited. Interment private. 8* SHANAHAN. On Tuesday, May 0. 1019, at , S:4?? p.m., at his home. 2921 12th street ' northeast. J A MRS IV SHAN AH AN. beloved son of Daniel and the late Kllen li. Shanaban (nee Keane). Funeral Friday, May 9. at 10 a.m., from St. Anthony s Cir.irch. Interment at Mount Olivet. Relatives and friend*; cordially iuritod ! j SMITH. On WVilnrs l?r. Mnj- T ? V o'clock p.r.:.. nt his r?s;?Mic?\ i s:r.'<t \V. SCOTT SMITH. U-Ioved liusbuttd of Anne j M. Smith t nee DuhanU. I Funeral from his late jesidetue Friday, 3 p.iu. Interment private. COL. DELANO A CHEVALIER. French Honor Manager of American Railways in France. Col. Frederic A. Delano, who resigned as member of the Federal Reserve Board to enter the Army, has5 been made a chevalier of the I-egion of Honor for his services in connection with management of the American railways in Fran% according to word reaching his friends in Washington today. He is deputy director of transportation for the A. E. F.. and recently has been promoted from the rank of lieutenant colonel to colonel. ! Coi. Delano was a railroad man of ! wide experience before he became a J member of the Federal Reserve Board, u _ l/ncle S?ni won the war for you. Rack him up by purchasing your full hare of the victory liberty noten. DU PONT CASE APPEALED. Supreme Court Gets Petitions in Dispute Over Company Affairs. I Petitions have been filed in the Su I preme Court of the United States asking review of proceedings snowing out of efforts made by Philip F. du Pont to compel Pierre S. du Pont and eleven directors of the E. I. du Pont De Namours & Company, explosives manufacturers, to return to the company's treasury certain stocks. These securities, the petitions recite, have a market value of $57,000,000. but were purchased by the defendants from T. Coleman du Pont and his associates in the du "Pont Securities Company for $14,000,000. The Mode self-conforming Straw?most comfort, ?bkfH.t?3 AH maae ... Panamas?including the Montechriste? from $5 to $7 and the Mode's Special South American Panama'? of fine ever perfect abtra;d-$5.00 Henry Heath's (English) straws?Dobb's (New York) Straws ?both exclusive with us. Pnrcolinn TtQ 11 Q n JJ'Jl JU1IUV J. V ?.?. * i CW * Straws. In all required sizes and desired proportions. Mode Suits. st sent us in some Waisted plain shades?Blue, Green, that Mode combination of rt craftsmanship?all-wool ? $70.00. f'Dental Offices in Town >ur Health is Never | r Than Your Teeth | other words?good health p ! largely on good teeth, and P ness is to make good teeth. P yours ? P tions Free, Moderate Prices. f? j Easy Terms ? 1 OF TEETH THAT FIT 3 s $101$i5i 1 ,lanywhere at.. . Gold Crowns and BridgetTorfc g made of the very highest ? ? | quality o? gold. 22-carat. \ Our price Is. per tooth.... = 407 7th St.! re. nonrs; Dally, 8:~C a.m. to 8 p.m. | Pkone Mala 10. | I DIED. SMITH. On Tundij, Mav 6. 1?1P at OarHall il?^ii<a!. after it l-rtef (linear. MARY SMI 11! SUe >are* to mourn her lo*a ?ca ?'?n. Willi* Monteomir*; two *i*fer*. Mr*. Ilvt'y Kt. M? jtu! Mi? !>ottie Walker ol Wnsrlirnte!. Yn.. four niere* n-nl two grand' i j.iltlrot . Kun*-ral Friday. Mar 0. at - o'olo< k, from Snleit: Hapti*t Fbur< h Fr'end* Invited. Interment :*t Pajw enuoter.r 'Atlautil ; " 1.> aud Ulnt ln*tfr, \u. papera ! > ?! I copy. > * SNOWDEN On Mar 7. 1010 UK IIAItP 1? A. WINDSOR SNoWKFV tl??rtr uar? old. of l>r. mikI Mr*. Arthur Sftowden of Pl'O K:n| I etree*. Alexandria. Yn. : Funeral Friday, Mar s?. at .r? 30 p.m . fro* tho resident <>f lit* parent*. Funeral and j interment private. I SNYDFR. on Tw-mlar. M?r ?. l?\? at I p.m.. nt his residence. 124 Bates street northwest. WILLIAM J infant son of Wtilifyvn II ntitl llsttle Snyder 0>ee Cuairi, Funeral* from his lute rcsldeucc, 1-4 Bate# street northwest, Friday Msy *.* at lt? a tr.. Friends uml relatives invited. lnterim-nt at Mount Olivet cemetery. STANARD. Depart.this We on Wednesday, May 7. lPlti. nt 1 L* p.n. , nt hi* rrsideure, I 1 '2 7 I street n.eihwest WILLIAM A. STANAICD. In-loved son ? ' Kduanl. sr . and | t'lsrn Leeh r Staunni and brother ol the late Edward h Stnuard, Jr. May his soul rest In pence. Funeral services at the d'apel of <?. \V. 1Vi>', i 2JHMI \f street northwest. Sattirdsy. Vss j Hi. ?t 2 p.tu. riends and rrhthsu re* apect fu.*ly invited :o siteud. WARD. On Tuesday. Mar ?. 1919. at 4 4l p.m.. at her re*ldeuce. 331 North Coluxnbui street. Alexandria. V.:.. JANO E. WARfl tnee Jettl, Pelcved wif'- of C:-ar!e* E). Ward Funeral fron. Trinity M. Fi. r.huri h on Fr da; Ma* P. nt 2 o* "<v -i, p m. lteiatlyes ai.J ! friends Invited lo attend. j In Memoriam. I BROSNA.N. tii m< mor." of our ?l?nr rtepariel father. JOHN HHOFNAN', lio <lle? fwl years rso loii.-y, Mn\ 7. 11*17. Mav h'* ?cti! rr?i in HY HIS !.o\!\? v'ilTLDUBN. ; DTX0'7. In **i 1 l?\t lovm^ ni'mnrr of out j ?irn- :??! l?ro,h? r. JOSEPH IH\0\ w !;c I fihMl ? ?: ' y-Mir :?g?> t'dny. Mn? V 101**. \v,. |jo - jjn iJf * o;. ni ni '.'f, i It w:ts : * ti usl? . ?t ?'l u"'I low j TV- sil'-zit grave held** but ,: * for?r j IP* M.tul front earth to hMvc i w ?a horn*. in his hevptld moiueu and sister. KAPT. I:? lovlnc rentMrtbreneo of try d**t hitxbiirl a::il onr father. JOHN' C. fCAHl, vlio tiled one rear ago today, iiur 8. 1918. Loved in life. in 'loath renv.irbere-f B\ liIS W1F B AND CIULDK&X. JCHNoOM". Ti. loving ?f :n| beloved husband. JEFF JOHNSON, who parte,j this life four years ago today, Hay S. liil.*5. I .. . ... ii our years have passed. r.iv heart's till sore, As time goes on I iniss vou ir.or*; i Vour memory is as fre*?h t nlaj" As in the hour you pulled away. You have left me. husband. dear. Who loved you ln-tter than all: ! I lived for you while you were here. You were my life, my all. ( ft I think of you. dear husband. And m.v h?*art is sad with pain; All this world would be :i he?\en Could I hear your voire again. Peaceful he thy slier t slumber. * Peaceful in the grave HO low. Yet in heaven I hope to meet you. Where no farewell tears shall flow. IIY HIS DEVOTED WIFE. ELIZA JOHNSON* KAY. In sad hut loving remembrance of our dear mother. ANNIE D. MAY, whi passed away May X, IP Id. Time moves on with rapid pace As years sueee< d eneli other. But time or change eau ne'er efface Sweet memories of mother. She faded away lik<* the stars of the morning. That lose their light In the glorious sun; She faded away gently and loving. But she will always, lie remembered by what she has done. BY HER CHILDREN. PADGETT. Sacred to the memory of my beloved husband. CHARLES 11 PADGETT, who departed this life one year ago today. May M. Ibis. Clone, but not forgotten. BY HIS WIFE. JOSIK. ROBINSON. In sad and loving remembrmnea of ray granddaughter. PHOEBE OOLPIH ROBINSON, who departed this life six years ago today. May b. 1013. .Ua. it I...? f ? t ? I hope to ni?*rt you. where no farewell tear# are shed. BY HKIt LONELY GRANDMOTHER. PHOERfl CHEW. SCOTT. Saered to the memory of my dear father. JOHN E. SCOTT, who entered the haven of rest eight years ago today. May 8, 1911. God rails our loved ones, hut we lose uot wholly what He hath given: They live on earth in thought and deed, afl truly as in His heaven. HIS DEVOTED DAUGHTER. L. SCOTT JONES. WHITE. Saered to tin' memory of our l*?loved husband and devoted fatlier. SAMUEL H. WHITE. WOO departed this life three yeara ago today. May 8. 191(1. A happy home w<? once enjoyed. How sweet the memory still. But death has left a lonesomeneas This world ran never till. BY HIS LOVING DAUGHTER SADIE. My heart is sad and lonely now. My grief to deep to tell. But time will eonie. I rare not when. That I witn liim may dwell. BY DEVOTED WIFE. SARAH WHITE. S - > FUNERAL DIRECTORS. W. R. SPEAR E CO.. 1208 H St. N.W. Phon? Main 108. ' J. WILLIAM LEE. Funeral Director ~ and Embulmpr. Livery in connection. Comae* diouR chapel and modern crematorium. Modem price#. 332 Pa. ave. n.w. Telephone caU. M. 1SU. ROY M. PERKY COMPANY. 29 H at. n.w. Phone Main 984. AUTOMOBILE SERVICE. JAMES T. RYAN, Formerly Joe. A. Kepefti'i, 317 Pa. Ave S.L. Automobile Service in Connection. Modern chapel. Linen. 141. George P., Zurhorst's Sons, INCORPORATED. 301 BAST CAPITOL ST LINC. 372 JOSEPH GAWLER'S SONS. MEMBER BY INVITATION NATIONAL SELECTED MORTICIANS. KKR VICES RENDERED IN A LL PARTS Of THE UNITED STATES BY SPECIAL REPRESENTATIVES. CHAPEL. Telephone EaiabLancu lb?4k Main 5312-6013. L*d ? T. K. NALLEY & SONS. 131 11th St. S.?. Formerly of 1231 11th St. S.E. Telephone Lincoln 430. Funeral^ Parlor*. Auto Sarrloib ' Quick. Dignified and Efficient Service. Wo W. Deal <& Co., 8ir? II ST. N.E. Lincoln 34H4. Automobile Service. Chapel. Frank Qeier's Sons Co., 1113 SEVENTH ST. N.W. Modern Tbapel, telephone call. North 523. ' Timothy fiianlon. Ml H ST. N.B. Phone L. 3543. Joseph F. Birch's Sons, 3034 M St. N.W. -KT?2.{J* Automobile Service. WMnr. SARD? <& COn 412 H at. n.e. Phone Lineom 524. Modern Chapel. Automobile Funeral*. MONUMENTS." ONE PROFIT TO ITS AS auarriers. manufacturers and retaiiers permits us to quote such . V 3nvitin(5 prices on our riukutc BtTH MONUMENTS. Bo sure to see * cur display of granite and mari * bio in artistic* design* at the MONUMENT SHOP. C. 1 107 Upshur St. (Terminus 8ol diers' Home car line.) Bethewda-Blue (>rantte " Company. Inc., Exec. Office. 813 15th St.Jf.W. swtfcwwt. Show Yard nr. Keck Creek Cemetery. FUNERAL DESIGNS. Washington Flora! Co., 14th ana N. T. Are. lflain 106. Artiatb Floral Design". Popular Pricea. Appropriate Floral Tokens. Artistic?expressive?inexpensive. Prompt auto deliver/ service. Guide Bros. Co., 11204 F St GEO. C, SHAFFER, SVi* uxrrcf'sira flora;. p.m. tl At MOOB&ATB FIIOBa Slw K 4 /