Newspaper Page Text
, fobsale?lots. in ninvY ?'Hask. i?. <*. Ppnofin*: on KifteuUou** at.. 1 square from Toon, nv.: site ?*?x1??7 ft. Prwf. j.V per ft. ConmaiMit lirws. W1I. H. KIK'UIK. f'olorrdn b!d?r. Plioiu* Kraok. TWO LOTS. ON KtK'K rREEK~~ 4'lirifCII r??ad. adjoining rorlory jrvuiniv Address H*?x gl^-S. Btar offcf. ' i:.* SPB< "U I.ATIOX?LOT liu FEKT KfcuNT t?ear 2fHh and N. Y. avp. ti.w.. valued l>.r ?* 1 K- sNior* at $1.31?: pri?-r. $1 .?*?: forms to"kii.i. JAMES MOKK1S WdUDU AKU, 7Z: roth u.w. J NKAJl WAI.TEIi RKEI> H< XTMTA J..? >\ AN!) j near car line K? Takoma Park : Hiofre !?*:!Nlinsi J lots in restricted tr??-t. t? 3t? rents I?-r j aware font. au except ionaUr low price 1? Hose i Hit tliv l;??Minsr* cf an ?Mif-of-fown owwr. J i L??MN P. HHOEMAKKR. ___ 1 l?7 N"w York jire. jj w M-itl 1 KW?. j BETWEEN IHBYT CHAttJE AND ORVil land P.rk. t'oTui. ?vp. and Rock t'rwk Park: ] o"i? <.f tlr- most tw-mtifu! vikI adrnntajreoiis | ports of the Diatrirt ; lots ?'tital*U? for linnd- * joiiic development or villr* sites l?.r tlic acre. | tsj'i-c-ial prices tua.v JiaU .at this tim-. I.?*f IS P. SHOKMAKFR. MoT Np-v York av??. t? u. Miin lids t HJ'YV CHASE. It. C.: HKIH. rXCtCJXENI V>.-?tion: trees. improvements; on ltro?d Pnineli ; i-oarl: Hn-r;fl>-o price. < turuer. PJ*J1 P*?eatur st.* j 1 INK 1A?T."FOR. "HAMILTON AND PINKY j Prnnclt roads: ?tT\1W feet ; -trie foot: on Mad* K?n sr. xrcKt Hit It. Cv foot l?.li st I extended, 'ots and am*. l!5c f?s?l. faring: paik ; and l ih ?t K J. TltTTKN A fO., *<?."? M. j r-. M HV.?. OUT OF TOWN REAL ESTATE.; k _ Kor?T<n!i raoncRiT. r<iit ram I BEAI TIK I. SI M.MKi: Hi'MK. Bi.l'F UIIMIK SI 'MM IT. ttn KmiHitahwrs tnnrp k<\ in-rr Western Maryland R.R.: two acre* t:n<- lawn, shah-, trp*-s aini shrnbx; eight rooms and tint!i: ?-l-. trie liclit: store moni: lar?'c f?renin. ? >.; Inrtre j I front porch and side porch: li'irli-'-lifo* neigh. ; t-ortioo-l and gentleman's home: pri?*?\ JMt.ntW; insiant possession: wncr v. Ill consider trade; rail at ?fli-e and picture. > , | ( F WAKING. 141H F at. a ? . I shohk WWFKtTt. fOR KENT O-KMOM HOi'SK. YARD. AMI j pardon; priviirjjps of wharf, situated ?Ii11 y j on Wist river. Tor fi.'l particular* adders* J Jt HN \Y. SMITH Gnllowajr*. Md. 11* SUBURBAN PROPERTY. fo r~Wai7k7 ~ ~ j f A HM RIFHX. SIX ROOMS. BATH: KLEC- ! trie light*; corner sit'-: two lots adjoining;! W..VMI ? ::sh . onn?r. Addrf^f. |b>x 2th~?-t<. K<:ir , s ROOMS \M? RATH. ATTIC: GAS IN 1 pvpt.v room; 3 lot*. plenty of fruit trops : j p?*v t#*rnt>: Ballatoo. V* >irv JAS. J B VRSOX. l TAKOMA PARK, mui ST CAR LINK My iioiiio : hp* : niodcrti : j?rni? : iargp l??; ; j douhlo gnrj*go ; hiving ?*ttv. full aftprri'mns. J mi-W 15* j TAKOMA PARK XFAEIA NEW; 71: . B : . fc.w.b. : gas ; *l?Ttric!ty ; lot 7t0xi.r?0: g;?r*rp: 1 $f?.?hn>. t*-rni?. $7?.7'?d <*a*h. Atfdrcii? Box] r?j s. /ft > 15* SIX-ROOM PEBBIJCDABS HOCM. LABliE ?*hi< k**n lioiis*'. cii'i uliaflc, frti t: 41 a< rf"j flnp ground: 2 blork* Rorkvillp pl<*?*tr:r ml ; ? pikp; prirr. .?4.*tw?: tmns. ?2.7?oo rash. LEWIS ^ L K KIM I b< i M?i)a. MI'botW I-u*tii^-i'n 97, ft T closk to hikvv c ham: cm n. I * Overlooking cHf course. Near Conn. ave. Shad". it*ifnl fitirroondins^. J S larc roomt. slaio roof. I/?t 77?xt.V>: nioro ground available. Price. $12.f*H?: tfrtiu>. W. H. WALKER. 720 17th st. *" TAKOMA PARK RMfR. Yoii will live hero eventually. why not now'' When yon no purchase an up-to-date 5-raori j bungalow. lnrge lot. for $7,300. Elegant 0-rooni J nd fdcrping porch. hollow-tile <*ou*2 ruction. j fti.OOO: drlivrtvd when yon want U?eni. F|?!en } r|M six-room. fft.RW; on* minute <? cars, ? < room l?tinga1"W. garage. few stops to cars, ex-j fra dwelling: trrtna ??n all of these. Elegant corner. f> room-, $7.77.0. Iieantifnl in-rnom house. I?. C. >ide. $M.OIIO. Building lots. i Iw'pp j I * of 147. from $127* to $10,000 rarb. Our ?-arsi * are at your service. TAKOMA PARK REALTY <<>.. t'ol. 77W W. Takouia Park. !>. R3.5-VI? ONLY* $.7011 f'ASH OOWN ANJ? SfO month: 0 targe room* and bath; electric light: splendid oiitditiiw inside and outside: line rnnge and sink; ontbon^s; lot 70x130 ft. to TR-ff. alley: *bade and frtilt trees; nap qsttanto cars. acbool and PrH'?y|priiti church: cgr*; every lo mm. 140y 44th st. n.p.. kenif worth. i if. ? . n<*auiiiui Hiai-Himni miwi, mrn wimi ( large shade trees. and jirrtty Ijihism l-ad to i the property. i L. 2071. NKWSOM, It 10 H N.F., 7ROOMI. lUmsVACRWrSN i .IR LINK . I aad pike- Fairfax ?-o??!r. Vs.: ' * hour car! t service: fruit. *?hade. carafe, hart). etc.; imL mediate possession. Address Box 100-R. Star R nfflrp. 14* J L THREE ?K)OD 7-ROOM HOMES. BY OWNER j ?Takoma Park: lane lots: fine water: one i far?*. Address R?>x 201-S. Stnr office. 11* ' RT OWN**. 14-BOOM Horxl; OS iSjRSrK ^B lot 110x130. in heart of St. Elmo, Vs.: fi-min. j walk to (Hrctric ear: IS uiin. to heart of \ ^B Washington: 2 bathrooms; good sewerage: j ^B splendid system: ^betric light: larse storage on third floor ; full Ih^-raealied Mr-it ; i 5 ^B on all openings; nice lawn and shade: on'- '! ^B sheds : splendid garden ground: $0,000. 312 ; j H 1-th ?t. ii w. 13* " ' B NEAR 14th ST. CAR LINK. IN* BRIGHT- j j B wood: detached house of six large and attrae- i 1 B tire rooms, hath: hot-water heal; gas: lot .V*x j B ISO: price, gh.sta); reasonable terms and early J j B ftaasesaion. B LOUIS F. SHOEMAKER. B 1407 New York are. n.v. Main 11##. B NEAR CONDUIT ROAD ANlFCARK". OVEB- f looking rirer and Virginia hill*: detached ' B house of eight rooms, hafli: steam heat; dec- j B tricity; lot 50x130: price. *#.000. MM'IH P. SH0KMAKKR. 1407 New York are. n.w. Main 1100 ^B ? HEVY CSiiB, Ih CZ near avenue and i ^B school semi-bungalow of eight roomt-. bath: j ^B hoi-water hen*; electricity, gas; lot 00x133: W price. $0,000. ? LOUI* P. SHOEMAKER. 14A7 New York are. n w Mm 1100. ftOMKRkETfi NOKTrfWEST OF 'CITY; BE- : i inched house of sevcu rooms, bath; sleeping 1 porch; garage; large lot; garden, fruit; shrub- 1 bery; $7,300: reasonable term*. ' LOU 18 P. SHOEMAKER. 1407 New- York ave. n.w- Main 11##. t ALTA VISTA. A BEAUTIFUL SUBURB northwest of the city: eight acres of tine gar-I dening land, developed with fruit, asparajrus. strawberries, shade trees and shrubbery: improved with modern bungalow of *iy rooms and bath: located within a sqnar* of cars; price. $12,000; immediate possession, LOUIS P. SHOEMAKER. 1407 Hew York are. n.w. Main 11##. SILVER SPRING. Ml). 12 acres, beautiful grounds: large house; $ | baths; electric lights; hot water heat: large ,W >re?i VMII/M-. train. rir. . irnii hiwi j m shade trwi; one mile north of District line, j I Montgomery maty, M?l. : 3 minute** to clecrric railway; 2t) minute* to citv by auto: immediate | * possession : no*- vacant. Can be seen any day, . especially Bunday. Price. $20,000. WM. W. CTRTIS. Chi. |>?W. Mtt no it w.w. I , OWNER I.EAVINO CITY. SELL orfCKLY ' ' choice Ruhurhna lot* near car*: 0')xl5O; $150 each, $5 monthly: 10 acre* Va . 18 acres Md.. ; , near ear*. $100 an acre. AdUre** Box 32-M. , , 8lar office. | 7-ROOM HOUtiR. CORNER PROSPECT AND Columbia ave.. West Hyatfsvfllr, Md.; 15 city lota: electric light: telephone; pood water: \ property suitable for business; price. $4,000. ' ? fcaefc iw C. t. i. phon. v. .i 17- i VACANT. FOR COLORED, BRENTWOOD. ' Md-: nice 0-room dwelling: good as new; with jj large garden lot; ready f..r acotpify; price, $1,050: $-50 rash, balance eaajr. C. A. $1. ; < WjLLi. Room 201. 1301 H *i n ?r, !? (, * \acant riyis io-room dwelliW:m large cellar and attic; 'n first-class condition * I for limned tale occupancy. 'J acres of splendid | garden laud and r*h><1 lawn: electric car* to 1 dorr: 5-cent fare; within 25 minutes by cars and 15 minutes by ant ? on macadam mad to > center of city. Price. $8,750. A. M. WEUA. owner. R?v>t:i imt. 1301 IT *t. n w Id* SIX-ROOM ,HI.'NCAI?W: roHOHRS. OKI. , lar: half acrt: $2.8f*>. terms; possessing Hay 35. B. M. SMITH. Arltugton. Va. K??*iyti 2$-T* 1 S5.000- bi'ngaiatw r. attractive wooms and Mil: larg? finished attic; 9pn fireplace; all modern convenience*. *6.006- Two-atory. d rnnm* and bath; beaoti- 5 fully located corner property: !ar;v porch#**; 'j ehade; hedge; garage and ehkheB boose; sli 1 convenience*. W# hare home* undrr rontlnirtion continually and invite your Inspection a* to quality, price and artractivencA*. THE RI\ KHDAI.K PARK COMPANY. "Rullders of Home*.** Riyrdale. ^ Maryland. MX ROOMS. LARGE LOT $3,000 j l ira isom, modem 3.800! Kaip'ow> ?- r?- 3..S00 i Boacalow, 1' .. m t - 4.000 Kt* large Mints. modern j Twelve rooms, on trolle* 4.090 j Seven rooms. 'J1-. seres 4.w0* Eight rooms, hath. reception hull 4.."?0n ( One seven rooms, one flvc room*. the two 5.<*)0 ; K. f. HALL, Clarendon. Va. 1."* i for ialb or ?at. NEW MODERN BUNGALOWS SITUATED ON aalt water for rent or sal*-. Idlewjld Develop feat Co.. Shady Side, Md. 17* WANTED. WANTED TO BUT FOR CASH. 1 Oil 2 ACRES near Glen Echo car line; ginid building* not Important: must liav?* c?K?d water and shade tree*. Addre** Bojc 301-S. Star nfflro. SMALL HOUSE OR BUNUAliOW, I NFI finished. near Riverdale car line; must Ik? reasonable: will lea*#* for one Year. Addrrtw Box *6-8. Star office. 13* FARMS. FOR MI R. I FARM AND SUBURBAN I'ROPERTIUS. ONE ! to 1.000 acre* for sab* Kale or exchange. McLACHLKN BANKING CORPORATION. M. 43-. | Real Estate Dept.l loth and <1 n.xv. ' FINE VIRGINIA FARM. SIXTY MILES EKO.M ! Washington: 327 acres fertile land; must sell vastus estate. Call Fraaklle 1306. 13* FARMS. FCrtt SAM",?r'ontiini*?. I Arui:s. AT I.HAST "M! ForUTlI TIM-I ??*J Inii'l. ?i"k :tit ! | : !."? miU?< | tti'Micl, Vh.: $10 |ht n< ri- ?-r cNrlimitji* for | properly. Address 11*?-S. Star ?>tfi< j IJIHiK l'.l.rt: OK A.SK I'AEKS?s.\l Al.I. j fnrius. u??:ir ity. on strain rail- > rnjKl; siiitaM'- inn-kin*:. poultry. dairy aiiici fruit s-v?>ral lnr:ri' orchards. h-aiiisg. .1. M I K IMTIKLO!:. 1)4." Pa. nvc. n.w.. WnsHiisjtoii, i'. Phone Main <i4.~i7. ; \\K KKI f/p. AfJCAIN FAP.MS. MU AM* VA. Poultry. d.-ry. v; . r f~o:>i Trims. homes. ?*??i1?* rv ? rs-h- < -Ttls I'sfs i;(n?Tii's I*aiim a<:r.N? v. *v v jtoh s 13* ' Virginia and Maryland \\V can offer in those some of the . inns; <|'a...irni 1 W'atpr Krnnt I'arnis Al*?? M?uiv Afinv-11V" ml l*r<?tit:iMc Inwiitrinf-; i*i "? I?luc Crass Regions " ir Lis! In littles I'mjHTtv VhIjmmI hi from $2.5(K) to $225,000 i< >HX \Y T1 IOM f*$< )X & CO., ' n- orpnrn: ? ' 728 15th Si. Main 1477. Wa--hinrl"?. I'- . I/iWKR MiTl.iA HAM. I'MJM. S- '5 At KKN: on Potoioav r'v'-r. adjoining for: r???fr: ! pi !' ?. from rilr; of ?w?d ; '} I v '?? * ; fin."' ' m itr'rk mansion utv! ??^ I?:ir^ :ii. fr-jp.rxX! < . A. >1. V?'T-:LU*. _ ?!. 1'"1 II st. ii.w. Ill* ! \\ * NT1I). ham. r.\?:y. i to viiii: y arui;s: p 11 ti<???e**ary tmildln fruit. < ; Host* to I ?<>. Alio . Sir.' ofS- **. 13* STEAMSHIPS. A U S T R A LI A Hcno'u'u, Suva. Nev." Zealand The Pal alia J Passenger Siei? UTS H. M. S. "NiHC.a:a" KM S. Makura" (too top* 1. vm* tons SAIL FROM VANCOUVER. P. C. For far- - u 1 si i u^s a|i|?I.t Canadian Pac. Ry., W!9 N*w Yorlx Ave.. Wat bin-ten, or to Cuiuidiun Australian Uoyal iln.l Line. 4-li> Se>moor st.. Y.inroiiv* r. Feesenger end Freight Senieee. NEW YORK to LIVERPOOL Mauret-nia May 17 Royal Gccrge May 20 Orduna May 22 Caronia May 24 Carroania May 24 r^yal Cecrge Jure 17 Vronia June 21 : Orduna June 24 NEW YORK to PLYMOUTH. HAVRE and LORC JN Saxonia May 31 NEW YORK to SOUTHAMPTON Aquitsnia June 2 Mauiclania June'13! Aqultania June 23 6i7 I4t1i St. NW.. V.'tar ! WHITE STA < LINE; XEW TOOK?LIVERPOOL Jeltic Kay J4 \ Ealtlc 20 Inland June 7 { Celtic June 24 Adriatic June 14 ? EH 1 t* MAY 24, HALIFAX wLlKljiW SOUTHAMPTON COMPANY ? OFFICE?lESS tf ST. N.W B. M. HICKS. Passenger Agent. ' ft \ Spring Trips Old Point Comfort and Norfolk Via Potomac River and Chesapeake Bay Undorm Steel Palnee Steamer* "Northland" and "Southland" Daily 6:30 P.M. New York & Boston by Sea City Ticket Office. 731 ir#th *t. N.W. j Wood%v:ird Ruildine NORFOLK & WASHINGTON j ! STEAMBOAT CO. . V . i Metropolitan Line A.U ihf tray *>D wtfrr. Aliriv* in sicht of lend. : To BOSTON Via Long Island Sound. Euzzerc^. Bay and Cape Cod Canal F.?*ave Pi?*r IS. Foot of Murray 1*1.. N?-* York, Daily (Sundry* included). at .">;(?) P.M. Farel ! f3.CS tinrliid ng War Tax). Tickets and iofor mat ion at Wlr-rf. M<jaU. Staterooms Always the Kest. rittA ?j "gsgargT ??' * Son. Gn Pumitr 4a*. K BrMdiray, Hrw Turk. Or A?r Stfcwhip Ttrfcjt 4r?rt?. SCANDINAVIAN AMERICAN LINE SEVKAXX?XOBW AT?SWTDEM. Frederik VIII, May 24 United States, June 7 Oscar II, June 19 Hellig 0!av, June 26 Passenger Oikce, 1 Bror.d-xay. N. Y.. or loc*' ? agents. MOVING. PAClvnTG & STORAGE ! WTNTEK BITLDINf; STOBAtJE. ; I' at. bet. 14th and lath n.w. Over 30,0tW s(j. ft, fine Moras* space for liotiseijnlri goods, merchandise. pianos, carpets, j ?te. Fireproof rooms, larce an?i ummit \ti Ins puckiii?. ^rutins nn'l anippiiu:. Telephone S. 4UL _ !?ADI>EI> MOTOR VAN* lo.'t I.ONT. DISfiQre ;tn<J lo-al lianlmjr; parkin;: and rratinx >on? t? etperienrei! iii'-ii ; .turner. $1 per nonth np. CONNECTICUT STORAGE AND SXI'RESS CO.. jus H ii.? . I'h'.ne l.ine. *JT?_3. . "SAFETY rUBt. APROt.CTKLY FliUU'IiOOF STORAGE. UNITED STATUS STORAGE CO.. Rontns, J'-.OO ami up. Movius. i'ackiag. Phone Main ?2S9. 41? 4so lum si. n.w. SMITH'S TRANSITU r ;"-3. am> st?ra<;i: < <?. paranja north 31s4-. >. 3313. >. 3344. Mklil or Hoi- I idR>. Franklin 3011. &-* ""Op I LONG-UlSTA.M i; MOVING. WASHINGTON anil PIIIMADEI.milA, ! W11JIINGTON a nil NEW YORK. CENTRAL TRANSFER CO. Day?*' **56 Night?M. 7073. baggage and hauling. Murjlaiiil, Virginia nnd 8ui>urbaa nur .Specialty. 1331 H Street N.W. FIREPROOF STORAGE MO Separate Mocked II00ma Month $2.50 Up Merchants' Transfer and Storage Company M.iin 6900 920-922 E Street N.W. | i (TEAS. D1T STORAGE fW rURJSTTBJtt and pianos. Estimate* cheerfully giver. Convenient location. WEfrCHLKlt'JS. 020 Fa. are. Fi>one \jfsjn 12S2. ^C^SS^7aST?HA<SE~ICO?WS. CI uiontA MOVING. PACKING^ up. R*??^ - J Hr Experts. Low Bitoa. UNION STOBAGE CO.. ISr*^ w 705 FU. Ave. North 104 414 3d it. o.w. ^?ni1 - AUCTION SALES. THIS * FTF,R^OO\. | AOAH A. W&SUHLSS. AUCTIONEER. ITRrsTflES* SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESI TATE OX 41 Ii STREET NORTHEAST, t NEAR TRINITY COLLEGE. ONE ROT 1 KElNi; IMPROVE!* BY PREMISES NO i L'SOT. 4tli STREET NORTHEAST. By virtue of a de?*ree of the Supreme Court of the Oistr:.*? of IVditnthui. passed In equity c:nisi' No. o.'d'Tl. Ill*' it inlersi trued tri^tnes will ' ' II hv |r?? notion. on TUKSItAY. THE THIRTEENTH HAY OF MAT. 1919. AT FIVE o'(T.:*CI\ P.M . ni front of the respeetiv* TiromisoB. t!i?- follov. ;u.' des?r<b*d re?] estate, situate in tlie ? ity nr Washington. I> strn't of Colmnlva. to ivit: Lot n 'inhere*! 3. in square as per pin? re. nr led in book 4S. pa-*> 1^5. of 1 lie s/iv vol's ?Hie** of the IMstrirt of Co 1 *in'>ia. improved by premises No. "RON 4th street northeast. find lots II. I. J. K and R. sty) a t r>.n relr.r-shnp *.'| lot l.vlni immediately 'north of sn'd ioj K. jveorfl'ii r to a MiliJiv.'sion hv Frrderii k Rose of pnrt of lots s and I) of t'o Kiibdiv'vion by t|n> trustees in equity en ?? ?-? No. r,iM?. in tie- Supreme Court of tlie I>i*tr;ef of Co! unbta of "Metropolis View." h plat of said Rose's siihdix s:on being annexed to n fleet I ti Liber 1N4N. folio 3TT?. ??f tlie land'reeords of \i: IMsJri-t of CoP:ta*e* Ti'inis of sal-*: On^-third '-n?li. lialnneo jn two equal installments^ pays lie in one and two \v lit inT?-M n: i? ?? r ernt per unnim, I'.TaM" arm: annually. from day of m1??, soeured by ?i?fn| of trust m|khi tii<* property sold, or ail ??nsb. n* tli" option ?f the p u eha-" r. A deposit of ?20n on fTwoJl'ii r Rtrl 5>T?o on raWi !o; i"qnir"d ??f :!.e pureuaxer at tlio timo of srl-v All < on\"\ rr< or-iin?. revenue -"UUpR ?juJ tlOtilt'.H 1 f"?-i a! Ill" of !]?* purchaser T? m- of sale to l?o ? ?>:? {>]with \v?;hin {lPte?? days from tlu.v of othcrwth" trustees reserve ih" richf to resell the proporty n: tin- ?\ k and out of the defa 111!;11^ purchaser. aft* r five days' advertisement of snoji i"*nb n some n**\v?patHT pub! ??o-l o t4i- ?-jiv of W?sh:n~tou. 1>. C. CHARI.'"S W. ft A'>;:TT. ColunC";,,, hldj:.. \VA!.T!i: M. HA ST IA N. Evans Hdp.. niy2-d&ds.e*Su Trustee*. "1"!!?IS .1 .~TTw KN A- SUN. .U'CT!--'NEE?:?. ~ TKl'STK!:^ f=\M\ OF VAT.rAF.f.K IMPROVED THREE FT'?PY PRICK PWE1J-IN4*. :*-n* tntii street northwest. !tr virtue nf ;i ?*ort*'?i t,f trust. dulv '?k1 in I??r r No. 2T?T fol:o -4~?4 e* seq.. o* the Iirnl iT'nr.'fi of tlio D-atriet of Columbia, an J at tlio request of the party secured thcreI" . Ok- under- trued -oirririn^ trustee will wll rt public niuCon in f-o?t o* t*"? prem'^s, VCESDA Y. THE THIRTEEVTfl DAY OF MAY. A.I). AT KIVK iPCI-OCK P.M.. Mi* following described land nn<1 premises, situat" in t 1m* eity of Wns.hiB'jfon. IHstrrt of Columbia. and designated ns ntid beinc V>t 2?V in K :L""o-l Flora'* snbdivision of t?ert of block 12. 'Ilolmead Mnnor.*' as p,?r pint recorded in 1 ibor (Vurtity No. 11. folio 1. of the record* of the ti*tv-e of tie* surveyor of tlie District of Columbia. ticket!e?r with tli?> improvements. T? mis of ?le: One-tbird of the purchase tv.onev to !"? j?nid in ?n*h. balance in two equal installments, payable ;u one Hnd two years, with interest at *? per eentmn per suniim. nnv able semi-anacally. from day of sal". secured b.v i?f trust noon Hie nronerfv sold or nil cash. at 1*' opCon of the purchaser A ?!? ppw-t of $1(5!? will be.rocpcred nt tim<* of sal". AH . onvcrst:< ':nz, recording. revenue Hump*, mdarial fces. ot?'i. mi ?-o:f of purchaser. Tfrm? ef *ab- In he omnlied with within fifteen day* f .'?.*a dsy of sale. otherwise the trustee remtvs fh" right to resell the f?r?;?rrty at the r:*U ati rn<; of defaoL;n; purchaser. after five days' adx ?>rt isement of s trh resale in som?* uv* nji ?p? r puhlisUwl in Wadrngfon. P. C. J OH N H. LARSKit. Surviving Trustee. m?1-.?& ? * "iH'i PI Tl Ri: OA vs. THOMAS J. OWi:.\ & SON. AUCTIONEEK?. TRUSTEES' >A1 '.V. OK HEAL ESTATE. KEINO V THREE STORY AM' HASPMl NT Itl'ICK IHiTKL AND RESTAURANT SITUATE SEW JERSEY A 1 ENl"U NOxtTKWEST. WASHINGTON. it. r. I'v virtue of :? certain deed of trust recorded in Lilvr 377b. at folio 192 of seq.. cue of He* !? tlx J records for tin* District of Columbia. and ?t the request of the party necnrcd. the Vw h-tsC^sed v.ill ? !! at public auction. ?r. fr i t f the nt FIVE O'CUK'K. i V THURSDAY. THE FIFTEENTH DAY OK VAY, i'-J9. of !"* < nineteen tl!M ami twenty '-to In Kendall ! ". Alexander and John V.. M'Nally. trustee**'. subdivision of lot# in ?{!;ar>' #ii hundred and twenty-nine as fi.-r plat rn rd??J in Lib<*r 15. folio 45. of ill** wfi yor'ti record* ??f the histrirt of t'oirmbla. t.jg* t.v-r with tlsrt fmprnvetarci* the;**on. vndcr IV fol?< wing terms: O.e-f hird of ti i tw-haae price in ?*?*;? and 11" Ixi'a!'*" :m tin--'- ?-oi;sil Installments, pnyrMc i'i oil* . two a ad three years, respectively. with inter- st at tin* rate of *i t?er ontcm i-er antittm. d< -f-rred payments to t>e secured by frst iIpp(I of trust on the property sold, or ail cash, at the option of tie* purchaser. Propel ty sold free from in emu bran e with n good reeonl flt!? or no sate. All faxes paid or adjusted to Hi*? date of ?nl?. All conveyancing, title examination and other expenses of Iranif r at tlie cost of the pnrehaaer. A deposit of $200 wi'l le? rrqairni at the *ale and settlement must lie mad- within fifteen < 1I days from date of sab- ??r the d"(u?it forfeited and the prorvrty resold at tl?/? ?-?* I ami risk oi the de faulting purehaar. after t|?r**e days' advertisement In some Washington wwspajiH'. WM MONTGOMERY. Trustee, 1021 H sr. n.w . Washington. I>. C. HAS J. <?'\KILL. Trustee, MKiiil Hide - Washington. D. t'. ni y7, -d&d# e& Sij ADAM A. WKSCHHKR. AL'C'TIONEEIi. TKYKTEKS- SATE OK VAIA'ABEK IM I'HOVED liKAI. ESTATE. \OK. I.V.Mh AND 1524 VOLTH CAROLINA AVENlrE NORTHEAST. Py virtue of a certain de?ij of tryst recorded in !,ih-r 4'M'>. folio 455. et acq., of th* land i?cords of the District of Columbia, nnd *t rcqm-at of parly aectfred tlierehjr. tlie en*ler aign?-d truatees will ofi'er for sale b.v public auction, in front of tin* promises, on Kill DAY. THE SIXTEENTH DAY OK MAY. 1019. AT EOI R-THIUTY P.M . the following described land and premisrs. situate in Washington. Ills frict of t'oluurbia. to wit: Lot* 8. 9. 10 and 1"? and pat'ta of. lots 14 and 10, in C. I;. Might's snhlfvision of part of square 100S. as per plat recorded in Liber No. 40. folio iptl. of the records of the office of tie* surveyor of said District. Said lot 15 and parts of lots 11 and 10 described in one parcel as follows: Reg ini ; c at a point on the snrth line of C street, distant 'J(,M f -et cast front the northwest in r of lot K*- in said suUHvision and running ;hence ?-a^t along the 1 in? of said street ."1.02 f?-et fltencc south to tli" north' n?t corn-r of ?aid lot S. thence southwesterly along the nortlwrly lines of said lots 8, 9 and 1(1 to the northwest corner of said lot 10. and thence north to the point of fir-ginning. Terms of sale: One-third of purchase money to lw paid in cash, balance in two equal installments. payable one and two years, with Interest at t? per cent per annum, payable M'tui-annually, froin day of sale, secured by deed of trust npon property sold, or all cash, at option of pit reliant-r. A deposit of $250 required of purchaser at time of sale. Ail con- : veyanring, recording and notarial fees at coat | of purcliaaer. Terms of sale to bo compiled ! with within fifteen days from day of sale, otherwise trustees reserve right to resell property at risk snd oo?t of defaulting purchaser, after fire days' advertisement of such resale ] in some newspaper published in Washington, ' D. C. CHARLES W DARB, JULIUS J. PEYSER. i myft-d&dsex&u. Trustees. J. FRANK HARPER. Solicitor. Centreville. Md. HABTI.I5TT. POE & CI.AOCEYT. S'.liritor., Calvert and Redwood xfs., Da It', more. Md. TRIHTEEK SALE OF SIX VALCARLB FARMS. LOCATED ON THE CHESTER RIVER. IN QUEEN ANNE'S COUNTY, MD.. NEAR CHESTERTOWN. By virtue of an order of the United State* district court for the district of Maryland, in bankruptcy, tlm undersigned, trustee, will sell at public auction. In front of the courthouse a? Cljeaterfow?. Md., on TUESDAY. MAY TWENTIETH. 1919. COMMENCING AT TWKIA B fiTMiL-iv >'?? >. six rami*. under a high state of cultivation. located in Queen Anna's county. Md.. on the Cheater ri\er. and within an urea of from one to four and ?n?half mile* from Clientertown; said farms to tie sold as separate units and are known a* follow*: (It The "Home" or "Kolph" farm, containing -37 acres, more or less; (1!) the "Bennett" or "River" farm, contacting 300 acres, more or less; (3) the "Kendall" farm, containing -H7 acres, more or less: (4) the "Lower Hound Top" _ farm, containing 31'J acres, more or l?'*s: (5). the "Middle Hound Top" /arm. containing 400 acres, more or legs, and (ID. the "Upper Round Top" fartn, containing 800 acres, more or less. Term* of sale: One-third of the purchase money in ca*h on the ratification of the sale, one third thereof six mouths thereafter, and th?* remaining one-third thereof twelve (11!) month* thereafter. A deposit of one thousand dollars ($1,000) in cash or by certified check will Im* required on the day of sale from the purchaser of each farm. Deferred payments to b" secured to the satisfaction of the trustee and to hear Interest at the rate of six per ceut (O'rt per annum. Taxes and insurance to be adjusted to the date of sale. Full purtictilar* can Ite obtained by application to the above named solicitors or to the undertig lied trustee. W. IRVIMi WAI.KKR. Trustee. m,vo^>.ll!.15-4t Chestertowti. Md. ADAM A. WESCHLKR. AUCTIONEER. Brick dwellings Nos. 92.5, 925 and 927 6th street s.w., and No. 469F street s.w., by auction to settle an estate. By virtue of authority vrated in the undersigned I will offer for sale l,y ptiblie auetlou, in front of the respective premises. <>n THt'ItS DAY. MAY FIFTKBN. I?1?. the followingdesrrihed real estate situated in the eity of Washington. District of Columbia. to wit: AT r. O'CLOCK P.M. Sublet 02. square 405, Improved l?y two-sforv. and h?ith brick dwelling No. 4G?^ F street south went. AT 5 15 O'CLOCK P.M. The north one-half of lot 1, lot 2R and part of lot 27 In aqua re 470. Improved hy twostory brick dwelling; C? rooms and hath. No. I fJ23*6th street southwest, with frame building! in rear; two-story brick dwelling, fl rooms. No. 92"? 6th street southwest, with atable in rear, and two story brick dwelling. A rooms. No. 927 oth Street southwest, with frame building in rear. Terms: One-third cash, balance in six and twelve months with interest at fl per cent, secured by deed of trust on the property sold, or , all cash. at. the option of the purchaser. $100 j deposit on each house required at sale. Terms i to be complied with in twenty days. All conveyancing. recording and revonua stamps at purchaser's cost. I V ADAM A. WKSCHLBR. Auctioneer, - mjO-Tt Pa. are. n.w. AUCTION SALES I TOMORROW. I ADAM A. WESCHL FURNISHINGS ( RESIDENCE NO. 171' BY PUBLIC WEDNESDAY, I COMMLNC1N Mahngan Bedroom Suite, and Dressing' I aide. Mahogany i Enamel Beds, i fan' Mattresses. ! Extension Table ami l.cathcr C Desk. Card Tables. Leather Cliai | any Claw and Ball Foot Parlor iany Leather Library Suite. Tea bras. Ornaments. Plated Ware. C Chiffoniers. Refrigerator. Mirrors j Curtains. Portieres, etc. I Terms: Osli. | Ml vTJ C. ti. SI.OAX & t | ||g| Large ar ji&ss? Mid-V AT SLOAN'S 1322 New Y | WEDNESDAY, At 10 Embracing. in part, Bedroom Suites. Persii : Valuable Cb'na ami Bric-a-Brac. Ft Bedding. Parlor Suites. Library Tables. Itefrige Loom Furniture. Valuable Books. Cribs, lea I 1 Kitchen Tables. Kitchen T*t#?n?H1s. Crex and I* i ware. Carpets. Draperies. Mirrors, Umbrella N , Mr?rris chair*. Wardrobes, He.. He. Terms; Cnsh. | m.vl2-2t TOMORROW. ADAM A. VEMmnt, AOCTfOXEEB. I ' <"H A VCKRV KAI.K OK VAL.PABLE IX>T I.N ' AM.KY BE!WEEN litli ANI> lltli. MAS- ! SAIHISETTS AVE. AN1> 1" KTKEEIS | NOBTHWEKT. ! By virtue of a decree of the Supreme Court | of iJie District of Columbia, passed in Equity' Cause No. 2G353. the undersigned trustee w'H t offer for safe lir puttie auction, in front of the j premise*, op WEDNESDAY, THE FOtJK-? TEENTJf DAY OK MAY. A.It. 1D1#. AT FOUR ; O't'UM'K P.M.. the following-described land | j and premises,, situate iu the city of Washing- i j ton. District of Columbia, to-uit: The east ] 12.B2 feet of lot K in square 157. ? Terms of sole: One third of the pnrchase J nmney to paid in cash, the balance in two ] j equal installment*. payable in one and two j ' yenr*. witli interest at aix per n-nt per aunum, i prynble semi-annually. from day of aale, ae- j ] cured b.v deed of trim! upon the property sold,'. ; or all cash. at the option of the purchaser. A ; ; de|?osil of $100 required of the purchaser at the J time of sa!e. All conveyancing. recording. j | r? venu*- stamps and m?t*r:al fees at the coat of j ! the purchaser. Terms of wile to be complied j ! witn within fifteen days from dny of sale, otli j erwise the trustee reserves the right to resell j . the property at the risk and coat of the de- , i faulting purchaser. after tire days* advertise- , meet of such resale in some newspaper pub- ! lislied in the city of Washington. D. C. \V)1. H. AIANOGUE. Trustee. | tny.1 dA-ds.exSr Stewart Building. j davtd'.vote*, aictionkksr j OS WEDNKKDAY, MAY FOURTEENTH.! i 1PIS#. AT TEN hVMH-k A.M.. T will sell at! ! public auction, at the Farxuers' produce (Has- ' I kell) murk*!. 11th nnd B streets, con- : i den mod District liorsc# No. 107. So. 701. So. ! j 701-. TERMS CASH AT TIMF. Oil SA1>E. ' Hy order of the Commissioners. 1?. f. A. J TWKKDALK. Auditor D. c. i?i/12^t ( THOMAS DO W Li NO & CO.. Auctioneers. i 13tli aud V St*. N.W. , TRUSTEES' SALE OF VAL-' i UABLE REAL ESTATE! KNOWN AS MT. ALTO' ! 1N N. N O. 2650 \V I SCO NS1N j j AVENUE N.W.. WITtfl | ground. containing; j ABOUT 7.09 ACRES. Hv virtue of a certain deed of trust re- j ! eorded in Liber. 3885, fnl'o 145. of the land \ j words of tli*' District of Columbia, and at t!? i i request of tY* parties secured thereby, we will , j at public auction, in front of the premises on ! j WEDNESDAY. MAY FOURTEENTH. 1910. j AT Fori: O'CLOCK P.M.. sell the following' J described land and premises situate in the . i eounfy of Wasliineton. District of Columbia, j ! and known as all of lot 203 and parts of lots ; ! 282 end 281 in square 1300. formerly part of. J "Beany and "Hawkins Addition to fieorge- J ?town": alto, lot* 293 to *<*?. both inriuwTt. in! j Martha A. Hunt's subdivision or part* of said ' I square 1300 as per plai recorded on Liber ' Ooorgetow i Subdivisions No. 2. folio 11, of t the records of the office of the surveyor of: [ the District of Columbia, together with the. i improvements thereon. ' Terras of sale: One-third of the purchase! money to lie paid in cash, the balance in two' equai installments payable in one and two years, with interest at H per cent per annum, payable semi-annually from day of sale, secured by a deed of trust upon (be property sold, or all cash, at the option of the purchaser. $2,000 deposit required at the time of sale. All conveyancing, recording, notarial fees and revenue stamps at the <-ost of the purchaser. Terms of sale to be complied with within fifteen days from the day of sale, otherwise the trustees reserve the right to resell the property at the risk and cost of the deflating purchaser, after five days' advertisement of Htich resale in some newspaper published in- the city of Washington, District of I Columbia. WILTON J. LAMBERT, Munsey Mdg.. Trustee. CHRISTOPHER H. POPE. Southern btdg.. Truster. OKOPOK It. ERASER. Attorney. ; mys.10.13 " ADAM A. WE8CHLER. AUCTIONEER."1"" Two-Story, Attic and Ceiiar Semi-Detached Brick Dwelling No. 3561 11th Street, N.W. by Auction. Bv virtue of authority vested in the under- | Signed I will Offer for sale by nubile auction, in front of the premises, on WEDNESDAY. ? j MAY FOURTEEN. 1919, AT FIVE O'CLOCK J 1 P.M.. lot 58. in square 2S32, improved by a j ! semi-detached brick dwelling, ten rooms anu i ' bath. Terms or all cash, at option of purchaser. I Deferred payments, if any, secured by n deed 1 of trust upon tin* property sold at f> per cent. ; ! $200 deposit required at sale. All roqvey| nnring. recordlug. notarial fee* and revenue : ! stamps at cost of purchaser. Terms of sale , 1 to lie complied with in twenty day* from day i of sale. ADAM A. WESCHLER. j my7-dAds.c*-8u Auctioneer. ; " FIT! RRJJAVS. THUS. J. OWEN ? HON. AUCTIONEERS, j I TRUSTEE*' KAi.K OK VALUABLE THREE- | STORY BltlCK DWELLING. NO. UUO ' EAST UAI'ITOI. STREET NORTHEAST. I By virtue of a certain deed of trust duly re- ) -corded, in Liber No. 3810, folio 119 ot seq., j of the land records of the District of Colum- \bia. and at the request of the party secured thereby, the undersigned trustees will sell, at public auction in front of the premises, on ? FRIDAY. THE SIXTEENTH DAY OF MAY. A.D. 1919. AT FIVE-THIRTY O'CLOCK P.M.. ' the following described laud and premises, sit- } uate in the District of Columbia, and designat*- j ed as and being lot 70. in Hie Washington Real Estate Company's subdivision of lots in square J 988. as per plat recorded in Liber 18. folio 49. ' l of the records of the office of the surveyor of [ i the District of Columbia. I Terms of sale: Hold subject to a prior deed { of trust for $5,000 and the amount oyer and above said trust to be paid in cash. A deposit of $300 required at time of sale and the purchaser allowed fifteen days to complete the purchase. Further particulars at time of sale J. CLAUDE KEIPEK. HOWARD 8. GOTT. myfl-dJcds.exflu ___ Trustees. ADAM A. WESCHLER. AUCTIONEER. Administrator's Sale of Valuable Diamonds and Icwelrv. A? antlioriXMl by Kuprrrn. loiirt. !>. ( ., pro ' luilf ?rilcr. will mil. MAV TWENTY-?EV ' ENTH. 1!?J9. AT ELEVEN A.M.. al auction rooms of Adam A. Weschler. 0i!0 Pa. ave. n.w.. Wnsliinston. D. </.. the following mentioned Diamonds and Jewelry: Pair of Diamond Earring*. Two Solitaire Diamond Kings. One Brooch wftli diamonds. Gold Bracelet with diamonds. Gold Bracelet. May be inspected at auction rooms after May 20. T. U JEFFORDS, Administrator. JEFF0RD8 & BUTTON, Attorneys. Southern Building. uiy9 d&dba.exSu AUCTION SALES Tnwimntr. ER, AUCTIONEER CONTAINED IN 9 DE SALES ST. N.wJ AUCTION. MAY 14th. lyig. <i 10:30 A.M. Twin Beds. Dresser. Chiffonier Princess Dresser. Brass and Mahogany Colonial Sideboard,' hairs. White Mahogany Table rs and Rockers. Carved Mahog hiiie. Rosewood Pieces, Mahog-i Wagon. Oriental Rugs. Candela- ] lak an<l W hite Lnamel Dressers. ;. Toilet Ware, Bed Linen, Lace; A11AM A. WKSCHI.KK. AuvtimMT. 1 <)., INC.. AUCTIONLKRS, j I S'ow York Ave. id Attractive j Veek Sale | GALLERIES, ork Avenue. IV I.VY 14. lt^ig. A.M. an and Domestic Rug*. Ffrass and Enamel Reifp, j rrnitnro. IVv?k<*ase*. TofW TV'tre. Mattresses. J rat or*. <;?* Heaters. Pictures. ( orches. Dining : Joxps. (ins Stoves. File Cases. Clothes Trees. ; Iht Tings. Foroli Furniture. Wardrobes. Glass- J Hands, <?dd Chairs ami Rockers, Electroliers, r. C. SLOAN k CO.. INC., Atirls. - i FITI'BE DAYS. IMPORTANT AUCTION BALK of VI'.RV UNUSUAL COLLECTION Of* MAG* MI'ICKNT FURNITURE AND FURNISHINGS. PIANO. ORIENTAL RUGS. PICTURES. MIRRORS. PORTLY MANTEL. BRIC-A-BRAC. ETC.. ETC.. For account of execmtors of estate of PROMINENT DECEASED NEW YORK BROKER. Ki-ujovif] from cyuntry estate to our salesrooms, 407 North Howard street urwad floor), Baltimore. Md.. Fw convenience of sale ?w FRIDAY, Ma.v 1<J. 1919. Beginning at J0:9k A.M. Mentioning in port: Costly and Handsome Carved Mahogany Dining Room Suite, con- I sisting of Round Table. BufTet. Serving Table, j 5 Leather-seat Diners. 2 t'iiina Caaes: Large J and Magnificent Carved Mantel. Hnported from Italy, at >1 coat of $5,000; Mahogany Bteinv?y Upright Piano; Large Oil Painting. "Scene From 'Ingoujar.* " by II. S. Gorlich; Handsome Co*wed Engraving. "H* Clay Before Senate" (with key): several very unusual I/wis XV design white and gray enatnd Bedroom Suites, complete. Hair Mattresses and Pox Springs; Clioval Mirror: Maple Redraftm Suite; Handaonte Brass Beds, complete; magnific?*ot Odd 4-wing Screen. Gold and Ormuta llatl Clock, iadj'x GoId and Ornmla Desk. Gold Armchairs, in tapestry and silk; Gold and Cane Davenport. all . imported from France; White Enamel ami Gold Hill Piece: Italian Carved Armchair. In etnhosood leather; Onyx and Gold Jardiniere and Flower Stands; G?!d and Onyx Center Tables. Imported from France; White Enatnel Desk and Bookcases: variety of Pictures. Mirrors. Costumers, Chairs. Rockers. Brir-a-Brac, Antique China, Sheffield Ware. etc.. etc. Note: The furniture above mentioned all j made or imported by R. J. Horner k?Co., G8d st.. New York Hty. Also Oriental Rugs, various siz??: Bokhara*. Skit-vans, Cashmere. Cabistan. Kurdistan. Kiripartshah. KSzaks. etc. ON EXHIBITION. THURSDAY. MAY 15. Terms: Cash, immediate removal required. SAM. TV. PATTIHOX A CO.. AUCTIONEERS. Baltimore. Md. myl3-2t "~TlIO?rj. OWEN A SON. AUCTIONEERS. TRCKTKFK* SALE OF VALUABLE SIX-ROOM FRAME DWELLING. NO. 7*5 51st STREET NORTHEAST. TO BE SOLD IN THE OFFICE OF THOMAS J, OWEN A SON. By virtue of a certain deed of trust duly recorded in Liber No. 3644, folio 107 et seq.. of the land records of the District of Columbia. and at the request of the party, secured thereby, the undersigned trustees wiil sell at public auction in the office of Thos. J. Owen 6 Won. 1331 "G" street northwest, on WKDNEHDAY. THE TWENTY-FIRST DAY OF MAY. A.I). 1919. AT THREE O'CLOCK P.M.. the following described land and premises, situate in the District of Columbia, and designated as aud being lot 15. in square 5197. Tn Sidney I*. Marshall's subdivision of part of the "Sheriff estate" known as "Beverly." a? per plat recorded in the office of the surveyor of the District of Columbia. In Liber County 21. at folio 20. Terms of *ale; Bold subject to a prior deed of trust for $1,000 and the^ amount over and | ?WTr iwiu irow iff U9 JWlfl ID FIKll. A OPposit of $100 required at time of sale and the purchaser allowed ten days to complete the purchase. Further particulars at lime of sale. It. KKLIK TALBOTT. HEBE It L. THORNTON. m.vl0.13.15,17.20 Trustees. THOMAS J. OWEN & SON, AUCTIONEERS TRUSTEE*' SALE OF REAL ESTATE. BEING A THREE (3) STORY BRICK DWELLING, KNOWN AS 409 NEW JERSEY AVENUE NORTHWEST. AND A TWO (2) STORY BRICK DWELLING. KNOWN AS 417 NEW JERSEY AVENUE NORTHWEST, WASHINGTON, D. C. By virtue of a certain deed of trust recorded In Liber S717, at folio 472 et aeo.. one of the land records of the District of Columbia, and at the request of the party secured, the undersigned trustees will sell at public auction, in front of the premises, at HALF-PAST FIVE O'CLOCK P.M.. ON THURSDAY. THE FIFTEENTH DAY OF MAY, 1919. part of original lot numbered three CI) in square six hundred and thirty (930), described as follows: Beginning at a point on New Jersey arentse two hundred and seventy (270) feet southeasterly from the northwest corner of said square and running thence northeastwardly on a line at right angles to said avenue, one hundred and twenty-six (126) feet, three (3) inches, more or less, to a twenty (20) foot wide alley; thence north along said line of said alley to intersect a line drown parallel with the last aforesaid line twenty-two <221 feet distant therefrom; thence southwardly along said parallel line tp the lin?? of said New jersey avenue, and thence with said line of said avenue twenty-two feet to the point of beginning, together with the improvements, known as No. 417- New Jersey arc. n.w. AND IMMEDIATELY THEREAFTER, lot fotty-aevc-n (47 > ?f Mary E. Mann ami others' subdivision of lots In said square six hundred 1 and thirty (830). as per plat recorded In Ltbep 23, folio 1?>3. of the surveyor's office records of the District of Columbia, together with the improvements, known as 44)9' New Jersey ave. n.w., under the following terms: One-third of the purchase price in cash and the balance in three equal Installments, payable in one, two and three years, respectively, with interest at the rate of (i per Centura per annum, deferred payments to be secured by first deed of trust on the properties sold, or ?ll cash, at tin* option of the purchaser. Properties sold free from incumbrance, with a good record title or no sale. AH taxes paid or adjusted to the date of sale. All conveyancing. title examination and other expenses of transfer at the cost of the purchaser. A deposit of $290 . u each parcel will be required at the sale and settlement must be made within fifteen (15) days from the date of sale or the deposit forfeited and the property resold at the cost and risk of the defaulting purchaser. after three days' advertisement in some Washington newspaper. WM. MONTGOMERY. Trustee. 1821 H st. n.w.. Washington. D. C. C1IAS. J. O'NEILL, Trustee. McGill Bldg.. Washington, D. 0. myS-d&ds.exSu . WASHINGTON HOTELS. THE CAIRO HOTEL, Que st. next to corner 16th n.w.; modern 12-story fireproof structure rnnma with hath W VII per day; rooms with running hot and cold water, $2.00 per day. HOTEL LOGAN i rrmot'eaw plan. IOV3A OIXCLE. Car. 13th ST. Jf.W WILLIAM CATTO. Prepri?ta?. _ Experienced Advertisers Prefer _ THE STAR RESORTS. aTlaxtki rrv. jv. j. HOTEL CHELSEA Orcufivin.; ciijiw Muck ??r nc?*?ti front in th? ?!!?t It* Cii?-hrf.n ?* < < ion; 3?Vl bfd?haiN.*er* MitH prvtMte tiatiiH <frcv. rul s >.i v. HI5I1 flaxi* orchestra. ? *ft*, prill, etc. Crunch Holt jjrivifetfes. .\jios inert tr;t;a>. I took Id. ojwji nil j?tr. J. It. THOMPSON & CO. W?J*I\ Ul uiioeu.iuiu 1 01 iheVear. j A r<7CMiM.wd?standard J of excellervco. I C?yc.r600. jmTEKJ.BVZBir)f totHTKev m \i,itV ~sek\ii HOTEL KENTUCKY KENTUCKY AVK NEAR REACH. EUROPEAN AN. Rat^s. $1.00 to S3.50 Per Dav. SJpflm healed: elevator: eleotr'c lijrhta: telephone ererv room; runnine water In rooms. yrtrnf bntbr. \. K. KENNAPY. HOTEL BILTMORE Formerly TVestmnnt) Rhode Island Ave., near Roordwnlk. A'! o-.ifvde room*. Suites wit1, hart' Qrci?e?tra. Panrinc. Capacity 250. Hot and cold sea water hatha. T*ndrtr imw jnnnacenient. Ptl.TAtrtTtF HOTFL CP. South Carolina Avenue, adjacent to beach. CiH> ithi.K fined p-tronai;e.uiu l .uauc.xitf. Wxi..yuiOOf:J:.L.W9 art Lif^e ?*Uf.Uffl, ttiikltrt. %. l .niieKJw HOTEL NEW ENGLA ND So. Caroliufl me. and Reach. Central location. American and European plans: private hath*, ninnini; water in rooms: elevator: fine jtnrrlte*. etc. Cap..35Q. Rcwotiabteratcn. B^H.Williams. MONT1CELLO Hc?t Hotel \alui< *2 50 up daiJy. SU 00 tip weekly, with menln. F1 UO up d*iily for rooms. Capacity 4' 0. It Ins. ;rated folder. A.C. EKHOI M. THE WILTSHIRE tMrgU'a ?t?. ami IVarh. Ocrtn Ti?w. rapa,lly 350. Privata hattis. running watrr In rant rlarator. ate. Amur, pine?$3.50 tip rtailv: apr dal weakly. Booklet. SAMTKL KLLIU "I^yMOR^-ATLA>mcan) 1 VJHgS^EATESI HOTEL SUCCESS) THE CARLTON c";r Opens May 3(?. Booking* now being ma tie. Ownership miinagenipnt. ( HAS. P. ZAZZAI.I. TRY CLARENDON HOTEL Virginia are., near Beach. 100 rooms, with hot an.1 cold running water. Private haths. Capacity 3H0. Write for rate*. M. HUTCH INS IT " H I VIRGfifU AVBJi CE Absecon Hotel 7.n?s,r Private baths. riinun ng water. Elevator. $3 up daily; $10 up weekly. Booklet. O.I).Painter. HOTEL FRANCIS Michigan are. near bench. European plan. Cafeteria In connection with hotel. Hot and cold running water in rooms. Write for rates. _ J. V. ami M. C. UONOV AN. HOTEL EDISON^--^ Every a-rrice and comfort. Kjr- Ul ?pr:ng rates American and Kwropean plan. Rsiuoiuc water in rooms. A. l.l.NhLNHLlil CO. HOTEL DE VILLE Ocrau view. 'High-grade table. Low -irin^ r^ifxc, ih'dies'rt-?dsnc'nt:. THOS. M. O'BRIEN firhiTTIT?P Virginia ave/and W HI 1 1 IJCilx Ranch. Ocean view Excellent table. Heme comforts. $2-50 np da:l.v, $12.50 up weekly. Bklt. II. I>. & M. ('. SALES PHILLIPS HOUSE Miunacbtifietts arc. v.?nr iVach. F. r. Phillips. THE RALSTON * day up. Weekly, $12 op. Homelike. TJnde: new anmwceat. $ KRAU8E. HnfJ Crvzt Rt place., near Kiocei oca Central to al attractions. Homelike. Coed table. Moderate retes. American-European pbLn* KINGSTON nc**n Are- F!r*t IVI11UU V fe-M from beach. Fireproof Orator: oaths: o< ean-riew rooms; distinctive table; S3 up daily: special weekly. ^elixville^r^;;^ 13.60 wp <!?lly: $13.50 np weekly. Enroj/caj plan. $1 ?p. Special weealy rmtea. cTevelandinn North Chesapeake It on oh. Md. Open May 30. week one!. C. K. fLEVF.laAND. Kensington. Md. ASBIRY PARK. X. J. U NEW \Jl MONTEREY HOTEL j Ideal Resort Hotel OPENING JUNE 28 Directly on Ocean. All outside rooms; hot and cold salt water in bathroom*. NEW MONTEREY GRILL Entirely new?service a la carte and dancing?large and most beautiful on the Jersey coast. Ideal for motoring. Golf and tennis. SHERMAN DENNIS, Manager North I Asbury Park, i * I u BEACH HAVEN, X. J. THE ENGLESIDE OPEN JUNE 20-?The best combination of genuine seashore features on the Atlantic roast. Matchless Ashing, sailing, bathing, etc.?ocean and bay. Five tennis courts. The Engleside offers modern appointments, sea and fresh water private baths, etc. Orchostra Garage Booklet R. F. ENGLZ, Manager. OCEAN PROVE, X. J. HOTEL WHITFIELD. Central location; block from ocean. Fireproof. Ranks first among family hotels, and noted .for its lionie-cooked meals. CHA8. M. HERMAN. Owner and Mgr. EAGLES MERE PARK, PA. DESIRABLE FURNISHED COTTAGES COMplete, with mod. con v.. for rent at reasonable terms; occupants take meals at the Forest Inn. Wrftt H, V. YEAGER. Mgr.. Hughesvilie. Pa. SUMMER CAMPS. PINE TREE CAMP FOK GIRLS. On beautiful Naomi Lake. 2.000 fret above sun. i? pine-laden air of Pooou.i Mountains. Four liours from Now York and Philadelphia. Bungalows and touts on sunny bill. Hockey. Iwskoi hall, canoeing?all outdoor sports. Philadelphia, Peon.. 404 W. School Lane. MISS BLAXCHE D. PRICK. EDUCATIONAL. WOUI.D I.IKK TO TAKK UP LESSONS IN English, privately, with good teacher. Kindly \Vnte. Address Box 2K.VS. St arottic-e. 1f>? Accountancy Offers exceptional opportunities to ambitious men and women. Investigate PACE COURSES today. Call or write fo?* Bulletin. PACE INSTITUTE 10Q4 F St. N.W. Phone Main WIST. CIVIL SKKVICE FX AM I NATIONS, For statistical clerk. June 21, 22 and 23. Tuition for entire ?*ourse for thes? examinations *5. THE CIVIL SERVICE PREPARATORY acHftni ?o. corner 12th and F n_u,-_ Piw.n,. Krnnhlin S080. The Temple School fihorrbawi. Sorrlo* Phor* M?.n J26S# * # STEWARD'S U ASMIXCTOX^ I.KAPIAU BISIX^S COLLEr.K. 12th nnd F Sim. N V%. If. S671. Folly tcerotltfd by tlwus?Bd? of utliM patrons. Writ* or pltou for fail la(tra?tto? sbont oar courseo. JUAN B. MIRABAL, rrACKE* OF AHTXBTIO PIANO PLATING, li? O BT. W.W. EDUCATIONAL HALL-NOYES SCHOOL SPKINC IT.KM MAY 12-Jri-Y ft. l??y ?n1 nisfct. tSrade.i mi higti ofeeol , ' < mnif?I?*t<\ under ex-fenehrr ('. U. S. , All C'ril preparatory work under for-' n? r I', ft cximiiHf. Aloo pr.vat** All ' .ijj s. ( aJa log no. 1MM E u.o IMioor M. 3417 7. i HE CIVIL SERVICE i PREPARATORY SCHOOL \ I,. AIXU.VH KICHAKDM. M. A.. M. X.. lvi? | S.K. ?"<?r I-tii ami T N.W. Phone frank 2GH0. ! Shorthand. Typewriting. Decimal Filing, j Fookkecpnc. English and Matliematica. J Social class for 1WARTMENTA!. CIJiRK j ' : :< in ? km. for eat^? ? tilt. IN1V KUSITY PICIPA KA'fMK V SlUOOL. I U?ol,!'H Kh HA It US. M A.. M. S I'lUN ' "tin lJ*h sr. n.w. Franklin IMSt> Mathematics: nil branch'**), physic*. l'.uglish. l-al-n. French, I .rck keeping. Certificate mlmiis to all unicer- , v'ticv. Tuition. j?or month. WASHINGTONSixnSf! FOTKKT A WtitTMORK. Pn?r* Shorthand ?<Jre;rir or Pitman i. Touch Tjrffw rit tug.. l-"nkk' -pi >z. Civil Service a Specialty. ' l.ASSKS KVERV |?AV AM* KVKMNti. I J1 <J 8T. N. W . nen Main '.'S71 WOOD'S--"??L All ''ommsrrHl ! litan?he?. Slth yr i rsnIf fn l.ATRttAt. First In FIB~ (fury. k,*Jr?i In tk<> Hfnrtfl nf It* student* | KAT?S : DAT ? 1 rrenth.?. SS4.00 7 menth*. S?i It. j KiGHT?* month* S120?: 8 0VET- I,COO STTOEN'TS LAST TEAR. ; Our nir* 'Instructor* have an trt'ij# [ pr;pncf of twelve jeara. N*w Earning Clause* from ??:38 to 7:80 *?4 j T.8M to 0 .to. Call f telephone for farther . Ufrrmntioa. OLT OK \VASHI\t;TO\. rHAKIAtTTK HAM. KCIIOMl.. <HAKU>TTkl St. Marys county. Md. Founded 1774. 1 A well established military academy, in pro . j j ioiit.v to Ke.ltimorc nud Washington: estate of J ' r.iiT- a< res; healthful location; *afe home fo. ' ls?ys; business and classical course*; moderate j terms. For aialogiu? address lapi. It. F. , CilOWSON. principal. PROPOSALS. IOEPASTllBNT OF TUB lXTF.RHHt. W ASH ; .I :tou. May s. 11)19. -Sealed proposals, iu du- ! j plh-ate. will be reeoivd at the deiwtr.menl \ j until *J o'clock p.m. Tbnradny. May !!9. 1919. j 'cud tfaeu npeo-d. for forn'shinc ami installing J of a track scale, eom^etr, a* Saint EHrahetin j . Hospital. Washington. I#. (*.. in accordance j j with spfvjficai :oiik. ?opies of which may be' ob- | i taiued upon Application to the chief clerk of j j tlie department. S. II. HOPKINS, A$suUanr i S?" rffary. i MAY ?, lilt; PKUP(Mlii* WlLf. BE RE1 fr'vfl by the Ruivau of Fug raving and Pr*nt-I fnz up to 2 p.m. Jnne 15, ItlHL for the clean*- j inc of printer*' wiping ?loth?. nnd ridding the , bureau and Its annese* of roach**. nutar hug*, nice. etc.. and also for the purchase of the nr- j ioaatnlfltloti of broken hove*. crafin? material, i etc., for the fiscal year 101X1. Kpo*iflration* ;anl further Information will he furnisimd ou ; implication to JAMBS L. WII.METH. Director. I myl3&27 2? I OFFICE OF THE <X?MMl?3IONF.k?. H. I i Washington. P. t\. May 12, 1P10. Sealed pro- J posals will be received at I his office. Room I : 511. District IIti i l?1 inc. until 2 oVlocfc. p.m..' 0. lft|p. f?ir furnishing, delivering and ! erecting at il?e Punip'ng Station. 4th ' and Bryant Streets. N.W.. Washington. ft. i one fuel e?*onomizer. Specification* and forms ( , of proposal may he had upon application to flic j 1'cirljtK W Officer. Room jcpi. ftistrX Build I :ng. I/>riS RI10WXL0W. VV. liWYNN CAR j , DINER, CHARLES W. K1T7. Conimfss'nu- | i era. ft. mjrl3-3t j I OFFICE OF THE ZONE RIFELY OFFICER. i 17th and F sts. n.w.. Washington. I). C.? ! S'-alad propoaal* for furnishing coal to retired | offierrs in Washington during fiscal year 1320. { | trill ho oppned at the nbov address May 15. ! lPlft. 11:00 a.m.?000 Tons Anthracite Egg. ! J 4?H? Tons Antliracite Stove. 250 Tons An tiara j cite Nut. Proposal Manks mny l*e had upon ; j application at this- office. Proposals to i>e filed j j triplicate aud must liear guaranty thereon. ! ! Mark envelopes "PROPOSALS FOK FURNISH- \ ; ISO COAL." and address to the Zone Supply I ; Officer, Washington. ft. t\ j ap22.!T>.24.25.2*27. my 13.14 _ REAL ESTATE L0A3TS. ' ! MONET TO LOAN?$25(1 to $500,000 ON D. r. real e*ute. Several Urge trust fund*. AH i transactions conducted with eco*oaucal coa' sideratioos for borrower*. I WM. O. SAUNDERS A CO.. Southern bldg.. B87 15th at. n.w. I WE HAVE MONEY ON HAXI? TOtA)AN~ON . | approved r*al estate *ecurRy in the ft. C. at > J current rate* of interest. PROMPT REPLIES jAXft ECONOMICAL CONSIDERATION POL : BORROWERS. } MOORE A HILL (Inc.). 1420-22 H *t. I ' ! $4.?H?0 AN J>$5,000 TO LOAN ON FIRST- : ; > mortgage improved rcnl estate in ft. C., 31ary? ' land aud Virginia : 0 iv?r c*nt interest. . ( Fl.M'IN BROWN. 600 F p.m. I MONEY TO LOAN ON PEAL ESTATE. lar?;f. loans a specialty. . prompt service. THE F. H.SMITH COMPANY ! Fir. FIFTEENTH KTREET. j r amount*"from'$1 !ooo TO 'fae'ioo.1' i .Mm large fund to loen on buying i property or apartment bldgs. Prompt J answers to applications. One per cent coat mission. Current interest rates. SHANNON & LLCfiS. Loan Dept. Via in 345. 713 14th at. b.v. j | , MONET TO LOAN O.N KKAL ESTATE AT j lowest rates. Special pririle;e? with respect to prior payments. TYLER & RUTHERFORD. ; 817_15th st. e.w. On D. C. Real Estate. We srt at once. Courteous treatment.' ] PERCY H. RUSSELL_CO.. ?th and N. Y. are. : 1 " REAL EST 1TE LOANS A SPEI-IALTT. i Lowest Interest Kates. Prompt Serr'.ce. __ CEO. W. LIN KINS. 1714 Pa. are. WE TWO. BY DR. FRANK CRANK. (Copyright, 1919.) We two! You are sitting over there with your knitting: and I over here with my book. With us, invisible companions, silent ghosts, are Forty Years, their arms full of memories, their faces sweet and smiling, yet a little sad. as all Children of Fast are a little sad. Thanks to the favorable fates we , have this room and somewhat of crea- : ture comforts. And quiet, a gift it | takes old age to understand. All ts still except the hastening clock upon file mantel. The foikB have been here today, and the grandchildren, but they have gone to their homes. The clatter of racing feet, the shrill laughter, the babble of tongues hsve ceased, and it is as j if we had come into a waveless pool j after the roaring rapids. In this pool I of silence you and 1 alone. We two! We two, whom destiny has made one. Long ago?is it forty years??we met as wandering motes in time'H sunbeam, between us the primal affinity. w thin us the selective passions. I'nder the June trees I kissed you first, i How shy and afraid and delicious was 'your girlhood! j Since that day what storms, what 'shipwrecks, what partings and perils. I what adventures, what strife and | peace, what fears, struggles, what I happy hours of companionship, what ' ~t.. .1.1 nee onH KiHac (OBPI flnH n fl \v i we two alone, and silence circumambient I I would rather you were here, woman, with your pray hair, than any fresh blossom of youth. Not divine Aphrodite, not Helen of Troy, not any woman of earth or heaven, could be to hue what you are. For over us is the chrism of time, around us life has; poured its full meanings. And the! Ghost:; are with you. O my love! to nte you have inter- I pretrd existence. You are the everflxed landscape of my soul, the stars of my sky., the mountain peaks of my valley. Where you are Is home. Where you are not is homesickness. As 1 look at you I realise the Wonderful Secret, known onjy to those that have taken life's thirty-second degree.?that there is something greater than Gove, although Gove is Ihe Greatest Thing in the world?it is Goyalty. Oh. I rest in you. For were j I driven away in shame, you would ; follow?of course. Were I burned in i I fever, your cool hand wou'd soothe jme. Were 1 hunz to the highest tree. II know who would stand there and ween and wait. Were I damned to the lowest hell, you would follow, and it they asked you. "Wiil you ~o. too " you would answer, saying:, "Of course!" I have been a long time on this globe and have seen much disappointment. but I have amassed one treasure?you. With your soul, pearl of great price, clasped in iny hand, shall I pass, and take my place among th6 well-to-do of heaven. 'Tie you who are my past, you alone redeem and make tolerable ilw HimtflVraM* ejre* Of tljoM" ptw?r nww filuoiw, isodfert ;?| Ye?trrday*. 'Tis you who remain. For you are all my future. Facing the multitudinous silences of what is to be. I should shrink, were it not for you. Not alone shall I front my Judgment. There, as here, it shall he?we two! Mr ?m?l and your* O hmi'l in hand tot us faro forth, two phosts. Tnlo tl?o chostlinoMM, The infln'*" and fihnnnd'nr snliludfn, lloyoi?4 -O Kcvrntd beyond! STOLE LOAVES OF BREAD TO APPEASE HIS HUNGER Aped Man's Personal Bonds Taken by Judge Aukam and Treatment Arranged For. How- hunger acted as a goad to theft of two loaves of bread whs told by .labies IJavis. seventy years old. white, when brought before the bar of the United States branch of the Police Court this mo riving. The story he told caused .1 udc** Aukam to take bis f?ersona! bond and turn him over to the Prisoners Aid Association tor treatment. l?*\is declared that by reason of sickness he had been obliged to give up bis job as laborer at the Indian Head Md.. proving grounds recently. He was without a penny and had slept in a stable loft. An aged wife bad beer dependant oti his earnings and she also was near starvation he cauw of his plight. It was hfraupr of ihis. lie said, tbnt ho stoic th* bread from a box in front of ;;i2 Pcnnr->1vania avenue north went. The policeman who arrested him declared that the man had eaten the bread ravenously at 4:1 A o'clock thin morning:. lie was taken to the Central Cnion Mission for aid and me hcnl or hospital treatment will In* given if needed. McGoorty Knocks Out Reeve. leONCON. Monday, May i:.?BtMie McGoorty of Oshkosh. Wis., middleweight. knocked out Harry Reeve in the third round of their bout here tonight. A bud none polls n good fare ARE YOU HANDICAPPED? The now i? the most proraim-flt feature of the rm-f and the |?e?t indicator of character. To Succeed Your Ncso Must Be Right. Woodbury Method shape* noaea perfectly without pain or detentkta froio duties. Hot Rt all expensive and fully guaranteed. Mark uo*e most like yonr own and have I>R. STACK HOY8E. eminent eorgeoa dermatologist. explain, withont etianre. what can l*e quickly accomplished for you. John H. Woodbury 8ATE?SANK?STRB METHOD. Only n 1 45 V. S?tb ST.. New York. a That tired, woro-out feeling is Rj Mm caused by a run-down system. M D You need an iron tonic to rebuild H a^ jjaj tissue quickly?to send rich, red Bl H blood coursing thru your body to H H H supply the elements that have Bj B H Income exhausted. B I Acid Iron Mineral 1 I H is prescribed by physicians in ail H ' cases where a tonic is indicated, H H because it is the most powerful H H natural iron tonic known. H Acid iron mineral ii prepared fey n ate re flB and coon to poa isac M it conn front our S| natural medicinal iron depotio in Miariiaippi m ?the only knue-n depot:I in the entire -enrid |H H ?and ia not to be confo.rd with chemically [B P epared tablets. Pw rivoiy will not isjcrw K |B the teeth or eauae ID eifecta. Bj Get a bottle fiom your drug- K gist today, take as directed, and in a few days you will notice an H 9b improvement in your health. B| I FTRRODIXE CHEMICAL CORP. B Roanoke, Virginia B> H For Sale by People') I I Drag Store.- I Almost Died from tynmarli Trnnhln UtVIUHVU II VUU1V Mr. Campbell lost 66 pounds. Regained it, and tells howhe got well. "Before I started taking Milks Emulsion, the doctor told me it wasn't any use, for I was going to die. "But if you could see me now, you wouldn't think that there had ever been anything the matter with me. I was in bed, flat on my back, when I commenced taking Milks Emulsion. I had lost 66 pounds. I have regained my health and strength. I don't look like the same man I did three years ago. I wish you could see what it has done for me and my family."?W. Z. Campbell, Carey, Ohio. Thousands of people who "had to be careful with their diet" or "had to use digestives" have found Milks Emulsion the one thing they needed for quick relief and lasting benefit, it is guaranteed, hence easy to try. Milks Emulsion is a pleasant, nutritive food and a corrective medicine. It restores healthy, natural bowel action, doing away with all need of pills and physics. It pro motes appetite and quickly puts the digestive organs in shape to assimilate food. As a builder of flesh and strength. Milks Emulsion is strongly recommended to run-down nervous people, and it has produced amazing results in many cases .of asthma, chronic bronchitis I and tuberculosis of the lungs. Chronic stomach trouble and constipation are promptly relieved? usually in one day. , This is the only solid emulsion made, and so palatable that it is eaten with a spoon like ice cream. A truly wonderful medicine for weak, sickly children. No matter how severe your case, you are urged to try Milks Emulsion under this guarantee?Take six bottles home with you. use it according to directions and if not satisfied with the results, your money will be promptly refunded. Price, 60c and $1.20 per bottle. People's Drug Stores and all- first-class druggists. The Milks Emulsion Co* Terre Haute, Ind. _ -