Newspaper Page Text
JUDGES CHOSEN FGR' HORSE SHOW HERE; Selected for Saddle. Harness and Military and Hunting Numbers. I I M ith the* selection of j'Klg;' s for j the saddle. harness and mi'itary and j hunting numbers, preparations for Washington's annual spring: horse J show*. which begins at Arlington Park ) ne:;f. Tuesday, entered on the final i iage today. ; Col. .1. A. Crane of (h rield artillery. Maj. Henry ! conard of the Marine Corps and Col. Oeorare S. Pat ton ?f the Tank Corns ha e been chose". ' to tie the ribbons in the military and hunting numbers. The har-vs* classes r will be judged by William du Pont ft i "Wilmington Da1., and Pa i: 1 Andrews o f Wash*.; ito" Vhr.itr s of: the saddle c'as'^s v- ill he named b. Coerce f>. flulme of New Yo'k and ; Julian Morris of Reesburg. Va. I Will Bo Manv New Features. The show is to tak" on many new features this year. On the opening J day thete is to bo a l'ancv bareback drill by members of the nth Cava'rv. sratiom d at For; :Y'y?-r. Wi.kius iIHams i?f headquarters company 0;'..1 ' Tufant-y. champion rope throw r of ; ' the world, will be pressed into the i program. Put what prom'ses to be the most ( spectacular feature is the Roman race, for which t lir-=?e entr'es a r ady i ' have been received. There will be 1 three ho ses to a tea and th? clis- i , fp'icc - ill be f fu" r?- i' C Something like fiftv ho'.ses are now quartered at the Grounds near the; south end of Highway bridge, a'd , both the show ring and half mi'o ; track were the scenes of spirited ? . school'ng and fast workouts today. Word was received ^his morning by i Manager Hazen that several s-ables ! -i* whi/?h mok na.rt 3ix the re- j rent Havana meeting* win be on hard for the W-al show. The star of the : outfit is Hamilton A., owned by J. T. j Strife. Jumping Events to Be Hig-h Class. ! According' to Manager Hazen. the ! hunting and jumping contests this , 1 wpring promise to be the best in the ; history of the show, as the entries j for these divisions in both quantity j ' and quality exceed those of any pre- j vlous year. Col. C. P. George of the ! general staff, v'shed the show grounds , with Mr. Hazen yesterday. He said j there would be big delegations on i ' hand each day from Fort Myer. Camp i Humphreys and Cair.n Meade to en- { courage their respective repressnta- , lives in the military competitions. He I also stated that there wouli be no j dearth of riders for I he military flat j races and steeplechases. 90 TRADE EXPERTS ABROAD. !' . \ Department of Commerce Makes | Inquiries in Foreign Fields. j< More than ninety trade experts are j! now in fore'gn countries gathering I information intended to assist Amer- i lean industries in developing n?w ! | foreign markets and regaining o'.d j ones temporarily Jest during the war. ' it was announced last night by the j Department of Cpmimree. Secretary (' Redfielrt said that sixty of the spe-j' clalists. representing every branch of ! industry, were in fciurope. and that ' twelve of them were in .France. The department expects, through i the reports of these experts, to be ; able to gauge accurately the need j M abroad for spy snet ilied product, j m making it possible for manufacturers F *t|d exporters in the I'nited States to i f devote their attention to products fort | which there is certain to be a dc-Sl mand. 1 For the information of Congress, t the Secretary has sent to Speaker Clark a list of more than 3H0 American industries born during the war. i While no recommendation accom- : variied the list, it is expected to be referred to in future reconstruction i legislation. m A Message via Flowers. For fresh cut. choice, lasting blooms i ee Gude. 1 314 F st.?Advertisement.' PLANS FOR MEMORIAL DAY. William B. Cashing Camp. No. 3,, to Hold Special Celebration. William B. Cushing Camp. No. 30, ' Sons of Cnion Veterans, is planning! a special celebration of Memorial .lay ' this year. Commander J. S. Jones i said today that the camp intended to place wreaths on the graves of everv soldier in Holy Rood and Oak Hill and the National cemetery at Alexandria, Va. The committee in charge follows: Past Commander Herbert W. Rutledge. chairman; Maj. Kdward R. Campbell. Past Commanders Oscat Steidei, Shelton Y. Cameron. W. Harrv Moore. Dr. Arthur J. Hall. William K. Wolfe, Abbott B. Goodrich, Capt. r ranees r?. *_ros.?, jiaj. Frederic S. Hodgson. the Rev. J. .Luther Brenizer, Past Division Commander Silas E. Robb. Past Commander J. Clinton Hiatt. Capt. Chancy O. Howard, (iurnon R. Scott, O. J. Veley, Arthur B. Barringer. E. Albert Lang, Georgt <1. Seibold. G. S. Hill. Lieut. Roscoe L. Oatley. Wilfred E. Garlick. G. G. Gaylor. A. J. Schippert, Levi B. Raymond. Judge William A. Greer, George F. Williams and Past Commander James S. Jones. '?.f tsl vw& J ' V'Ls J 1 'J 1 j Tempting am % Fussell s I 4$ made oi the i w Ky our ice ^jjj good?so ricK I FusselPs R I Ice Cream a Makes your the reason we 4| climbing?loo II all over. 41 Less thai ^ must be obtai | Fussell?Y ( ?' 12th and VSU.N.W. 4? New Plant Being Erected on wgwmwewimmmwm 4 / ORGANIZATION ACTIVITIES. ! TONIGHT. "Westminister Guild of the Fourth Presbyterian Church will meet at the church. 1:5th and Fairmont stieels. 8 o'clock. Seniors of the arts ar.d science department of Georgetown University will hold their annual prom at Wardman Park Hotel at 8 o'clock. Cap J. Gordon Gordon-Smith of tne Serbian ar:ry wil! speak at tile meet ins? of t lie Brook land Brotherhood at I-loyd Memorial Hall. 1~lh and Monroe streets northeast, at 8 o'clock. Meeting of tlie L'nivcrsily of Wisconsin Club at the Interior Jdepartrnent building at 6 o'clock. .Anniversary celebration a* the Washington Club. 1701 K s'rct. at R o'clock, by the Scions of Colonial ' 'a a hers. o? the ?: *. al lancing a i Jamestov.-n. Va. .Icily Kitchen will sheer at Chatham Courts at 8 o'clock. Moving pictures will be shown at ' the Home Club a1 8 o'clock. ; JTerstin? of the fisthcl I itvrarv ;iti<i j 11sstorsca 1 b'o"'etv at ike Met'ropoi?- ' tan A. M. ib Chur h at, > (I'rio-i:. I [j Woman's Bar Association for the' j' IMstrioc of Columbia wiM v-eet o - ij fi-'crs in the Washington College ol i j! av , ;u * ?? riiji-K. c?r -!e for Spanish <'or,\erst.: t ion rn<!i r tlv ausphes of 'he Spanish- J Anurlran \?h neu:r?. wii. n1/"! at the , << Thomson School. 12th ou t L streets. .' a at s o'clock. t r Business ^Voitm-m's Couvil wil' meet i at Y\~" s I e y Chanel. 5th aMd K streets. ! s at 7:30 o'clock. ; T1 Piney Branch c?i;zcns" A-so'-mtion J ,J *vi 11 meet at the leva Avenue Metho- j rtifft Church. r.r-! Knierson t r' streets, at S o'clo s ; .. Washington Camp. No. 395. Son -: j of Con federate Veterans, will give an , entertainment at 1322 Vermont ave- ! ran*, at 8 o'clock. i *" ! ? Dancing and gymnasium work ai . r the Centra! High School, beginning vat 7:15 o'clock. . s : ^ Class in daiu'ng at Thomson Com-.! a munity Center. 12th and L streets, at > 7:3ft o'clock, followed by a dance at 8:30 o'clock. I ^ 1 T Dance at Bast Washington Com- j v munity Center. Eastern High School. * at 8:30 o'clock. | 7 _ ! a Meeting of Powell Comimtnitv As- J '! sociation at the Powell Community j a Center. j 11 The Miner Normal Community ("en- j ^ ter wiH he open for various eoramun- I * ity activities. . s | a The civic association and the dra- ^ ma tic club of the Randall Community Center will meet. r a Sixteenth Street Heights Citizens' c Association will meet at the res:- o denee of D. C. Roper. 7059 Alaska ? avenue, at S o'clock. J fi " TOMORROW. ! e Annual meeting of the District of j Columbia Chapter, 1'nited States! Daughters of 1S12. at 3 o'clock, the [ Arts Club. 2017 I street northwest. j F if Special meeting of National Council ! i. !>f Girl Scouts in the ballroom of the ? b administration building, 1710 f street, j o it 11 o'clock. {C ? - ! S Rally and pageant by Girl .Scouts of j Washington at Sylvan Theater. Po- j tomac Pari;, at 4 o'clock. ^ i J1 Dr. Inazo Xitrobe of the Imperial I ^ University at Tokyo will speak at i . George Washington University in the j assembly hall of the arts and sciences ; building, 2023 G street northwest, at: 12:15 o'clock. v n Theodora U. Miller will speak on t. "Planning the Wardrobe" at Wilson c Normal Community Center at 2 J o'clock. i I ii Day Nursery and Dispensary Asso- ? eiation v. ill meet at 10:30 o'clock at the Ebbitt Hotel. Sons: recital at Red Cross Convalescent House. Walter Reed Hospital, by Miss Kstelle Wentworth, at 3:30 o'clock. Clerks and others employed in administrative capacity in the District public schools will meet at the District building at 5:13 o'clock to consider plans to affiliate with District Local. No. 89, of the National Federation of Federal Employes. The Newest in Bride Bouquet*. Flowers for weddings. Shaffer, 900 14th. ?Advertisement. PAINTING B Interior end Exterior. Well Decoration. Wood finishing. Estimate! Furnishefl. W.F.ANDREWS 1804 14th St. ar.iv. STAGHOTEL t *04-00-08 Bib Street Best ROOMS In etty. Parqnet floor; uteri eellliga; iktnret itath, toilet and lavatory; telephone.: French windows; nritlae tnhlea; metal lockers; shoes shined while yon sleep, ete. Kvrry thine aaattary. Sl.OO to *2 30 per day. Special weekly rales. Look 'em over. The elephants Prefer peanuts, but the kiddies and grown-ups like Oid-Fashioned Candies They're "Irresistibly Good." Enjoy a box while under the big top. Jrv ni . Homemade Candy Shop, V \fiPPT7 433 11th St. N.W. 1 UUVVU. Phone franklin 3756. & 1 Delicious I .. p teal Cream Ice Cream is ?? meet ingredients?that's |fe cream is so remarkably ^ in nourishment. ?? i .j r S icai iream ?\ m\ ? mouth water ? that's : have grown and are still k for our signs; they are n one-gallon quantities ined from our dealers. %* & Ice >ung Cream Co. f| m. ? - fhone North 192 Wisconsin Ave. at N St. N.W. 5^ s ID m*%w - KEEPING UP WITH Of ALL Trt' SLOW PDVicS] this G?L is TH'. worst' she's seem Foirry ninutes tioyiu' to SCRAMBLE TWO EGOo! Tr ^ ?/*> ' r Jpild t ! CITY NEWS < .L ^ MJm_>_i ' "j " " A jic.v series* of Ceorge Washing- , l un I'niversity chapel exercises. to be | ' ddressod' by prominent visi ors to j I he National Capital, will be iraugu- I >ted nt 12.15 o'clock tomorrow in ' < he assembly ball of the Art:, and: c>enc?s building, 2023 C street ! . ortbwest, when Or. Inazo Nilobe. j j rofcs-mr of colonial policy and co- ; omic history at the Imperial L'nieisiiy at Tokyo, and one of the ; < ore most scholars of Japan, will 1 , peak. The public has been invited. j ....... { ] Witlifflii! K. Car-iey Iuh .filed suit ; ( grainst R. L. Works, to recover \ i 10.000 damages for less of services' f Ms wife. Annie K. Carney, and for .vnersRcS in an effort to relieve bis < rife or injuries alleged to have been 1 ' ustained by her February 23, IMS, jj ,*hen an automobile of the defendant i truck her. it is claimed. j ' The < oforado Socletv u Jl hold its . lay meeting at the Thomson School ; J "iutrsday afternoon. The meeting rill be attended by Representatives ' lardy and Vaile. who will sp. ak. : 'here will be a program of music, i ; nd the society at its business meet- j ng will consider the advisability of t Rlliating with the all-states society' lovemeni. | ( The Wood ley Park Auxiliary of the j i imerican Red Cross will give a sub- . cription luncheon *o members only , t Ward man I'ark Hotel at 1 o'clock t ii nie arter'ioon or aiay i a. -U ; [ ; Villiam 1-J. Shannon. 2260 Cathedral I , venue, is in charge of the luncheon, i | The annual meeting, of the Rotary ' lilt.- will be on the evening of May j3 at 6:30 o'clock at the Columbia j 'o intry Club, Chevy Chase, Md. Of- j cers will be elected and annual re- i orts will be submitted. A special I ntetlainment will tie provided. # ( The annual pritr dehntr at IJeorgeown Cniversity Law School will take lace Thursday at S:30 p.m. at the iw school. 506 R street northwest. ,'ith the league of nations as the sub- j dpi. Debaters will he Frank F. Nes- : it of Washington. Edward F. Barry j f Memphis. Joseph C. O'Mahone.v of 'hey en n e. Wyo.; 11. Tracy of alem. Mass. J In order that piles may be driven nder the draw span of the highway ridge, across the Potomac river, tistrict of Columbia, the draw span I .-ill be open between 1 and 5 o'clock I omorrow morning. The District of Columbia branch of he National Association for the Ad- i anccment of Colored People will teet tomorrow night at X o'clock at lie 12th street branch of the Y. M. ' A. The regular meeting of the Municipal Federal Employes' Union. No. S3, f the National Federation of Federal imi loves will be heid tomorrow |iiiiiiiii,iiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiniinin s sss H del J ow] M bee M owi | W | infi 1 this j ing jj pul E ni = Dai liiniiiiHnitniiiiiff?iiHHHim THE JONESES-Anc in? T |i \ NoBcj)y | r-c2 HB ii KB' ViH !j /~\ nen u f/\ V | f \\ y? M I ' S I J8f! ^ t ^ r n -r=r>... r. i *Z-:- v?9-'A I d !| Jy J k"\ ' r&S&Z&gSZzseL? ! IN BRIEF i i| light at 8 o'clock at Pythian Mall. 1012 Oth stieet northwest. Former Representative Hamlin chair nan o. he eonunisivou for the District on reclassification. will speak. TI ^ve v. PI J:e an open hoard iu *ctng at; the.Wilson Normal School this at 8 o'clock. T2v I) ram:* tie Clsiss and the () mens* Club will give a joint en'crtaJny?ent at the Wilson Normal Communis' Center. 11th and Harvard streets, Friday Evening" at 8:15 o'clo . Proceeds will \:< used by iclubs for the benefit of the center. The Study Club of il?e Washingtosi Center of the Drama League will ho! 1 its regular meeting in the rooms of th* Board of Trade, Hvening; Star ouildinsv, Thurr lay eveu'ns at s o'clock. Miss Margaret Be!l Merrill wMi ieao "iems 01 me ivruus t :? Miss Mary Sibley Evans, " A Night it An Tnri." ?lr. Orininlo K. Milior. Hold lerturer, or the International New Thought Alliance and leader of the largest New Thought wo'-l; in New England, will speak at 8:15 o'clock Thursday evening at the National New Thought Tenter. 821 Washington Loan and Trust building. Oth and F streets northwest. Sunday afternoon lie wili speak at Rauseher's. at 4 o'clock. The Fairfax Chapter. I nitcri Daughters of the Confederacy, will meet tomorrow afternoon at 3 o'clock at the tavern. Fairfax Court House. The Woman** Christian Temper an re Union will hold memorial service for Mrs. Sarah D. LaFetra tomorrow night it 8 o'clock, at the W. C. T. U. building. at 522 6tli street. The service will be under the auspices of Chapin Chapter. It ha* been announced that the lectures scheduled to be held at the Church of the Holy Comforter this evening, with Lieut. Arthur .J. Jourse, S. J., as the speaker, has been postponed until the evening of June 2. at 5:30 o'clock. Father Jourse will then speak on "Devastated Churches of trance." Tomorrow evening Father jourse will speak at St. Dominic's Hall, at 8:30 o'clock. I'rotrreKMive Council. No. 9. Daughters of America, will give a dance free to all men in uniform at Naval Lodge Hall, 4th street and Pennsylvania Avenue southeast. Thursday night at 5:45 o'clock, instead of tomorrow sight, as stated in yesterday's Star. Y. W. ('. A. Rooklovcr* met last sight at 610 14th street northwest. Miss Alice Hutch ins Drake spoke. W. A. Kra.xer ('amp, No. 14*olmprved its third anniversary last night with in entertainment at the Northeast Masonic Temple. D. S. Davidson and IIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIKIHHIIIIII Announ I take this means of set tying the rumors that Dc ned, controlled or direct The White Cross Bake n the property of Pete; Her. None of the competing uence in managing or c ; establishment. This announcement is n up any misunderstandi die mind regarding the < tery. \ wuitc m If 1 11 1 JL-i V.K 635.637-63' inniHUHHIHIIIIIHIItllHIIIIIHIHIHHIIIH J the Lady Was Proud ol VI OCOLD STAMD I'LL ASK ty SHE LEFT POStTlO^j ?<3pw=.-~ KSESSii ja, j.,_ 1\ <3? = i I ? ? Henry \V. Tipper! v/cr - the spentirs. j ! H. S. Wood ;,a.V(! a monolo ru . H. | K'uilson was < hairnian of arrange- j merits. ------ I The Ohio (.'iris' t'iizh \r.ill meet to-j ; morrow ni^lit at 7:C" o'moek. at the j V. \V, C. A. parlors, lit it and G st reets j ! northwest. j 1 ' Dr. J. Latvia 'I hemps on. ivho, with | i his family. Itas been at City i ! I /or the past month, has reutrred to 1 . | his home. \vh re lie is reeoveriny, j i from pneumonia. I -- - j jt Dr. Roxaiie Slaughter Morton, who j j was one of the first: women to vol- J 1 j unleer as do tor an;! u n? .n Serbia, j ; Will Spcy.K H I ?'?J" > .rjreua> ; ! afternoon, at 2 o'cIock. 'fa.* alumnae | and frit mts are invited to attend. j ! t The Itov. I)r. Wal'a.r H'tti' liffo has j i J gone to Si- I-oil is. Mo., to attend tiie j , I Presbyterian General Assembly, which 1 ' meets in the First Presbyterian , Church *>f that city. Thursday and? I wiil continue in session about Lea I j days. U?' represents the Presbyterian ' ^ Church in the selection and co.nmis- j sion of chaplains for the United J ; States Army and Navy. .Mrs. Radciiffe accompanies him. ? 1 | PLANS STUDIO BUILDING. | | G. W. U. May Erect New Home for j Architectural Classes. A studio building: to house the j classes of the architectural department at George Washington University may be erected in the near future. Krection of such a building is j one of the plans being considered by j . a committee appointed to formulate | plans designed to provide additional I ! facilities for the rapidly growing | architectural classes. The committee in charge of the J survey is composed of members of the architectural club at the university and members of the Washington Chapter of the American Institute of Architects. A second "plan being considered by | the committee is the addition of a j story to the present mechanical labj oratory building, at the rear of the j main Arts and Sciences building. 2023 j G street northwest. j ? | TAIyE iJEI.L-AAS BEFORE MEAI.S : and see how fine good digestion makes you feel. I j ?Advertisement. | * j , M?le Infant Abandoned. j A male infant, about a year olil. was j ; found in a wagon, where it had been j j ; A udiiuuntu. cmi a iui ileal isi ailu : jstreets northeast last night about 12 1 o'clock. George Eckert. 22S N street, I made the discovery and summoned a i ' policeman. The child was wrapped in | a blanket and had not suffered from ; the cold, and'was taken to Foundi ling Hospital. illiHHIHHlHIillllim?HmilHHHII811imiHHl tcement! ting at rest and emphatic >rsch's White Cross Baker :ed by any other than my! jry is solely and always r M. Dorsch. 1 am the i bakers or bakeries has ; perating any or any pari lade for tbe purpose of cle ing which has existed in >wnership of the White Cr OSS' BAKERY 9,641 s St.N.W HHIIIMIIIIHIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIiniinillHIl f S' f It. ~~i< r.^ c \ !; *i lOi GLADV3, 1 -fO P WHV D?D V yoo LEAVE YOUR j A.5T . ( PLACE?J 9 ? ^ \ l iiillll f BMW i: ' - I The Wind ? <. I'm often weary of the wind: I sometime? think it should be tinned (the British word for Vanned"); it's hard to seem serene and gay with all your whiskers blown away, by winds resistless fanned. I sometimes = it beneath a tree, and take a book to comfort me. and count l>11 happy hours; l 11 doze ana read, and read and doze, inhale the fragrance of the rose, and other moral flowers. And then there comes a roaring wind, shot from some cavern of the Ind. which blows me from my chair; iny treasured volume disappears, and dust is blown into my ears, and sandburs in my hair. Sometimes 1 take off hat and shoes, and lay me down to have a snooze, as peaceful as a clam, and then a wind sweeps through the shack, and all the timbers groan and crack, and doors begin to slam. Last eve 1 set out cabbage plants; a wholesome task like this enchants the sane and normal guy; and in the forenoon of this day the wind blew all those plants away; 1 wept to see them fly. I hear the ladies crying, "Rats!" when they're'deprived of costly hats by wayward, wanton blast; and men forget good form and swear when lids are soaring everywhere, and wigs are flying past. WALT MASON. Photo Goods ?Make this store your headquarters for Photo Goods. You will get the best at moderate cost. hi. A. LEESE 0P6T}c9*??IT IS A FACT ?that ue staud ready to supply Blauk Books at moderate cost. E. Morrison Paper Co. 1008 Pennsylvania Ave. Illilllillllllllilllllllllllillllilllll 1 1 3S5 ally j y is H (elf. | has g sole J any j| t of jj ar" H the g oss g lllllllllllllllllllHHIIIHIHmHinfs ?By POP. )fJT Dk. H?.-; C.. P' \j T <v. ouT-' __ _/ -M ||pl " pop' DR. FRANCIS EGAN HONORED. \ Is Elected Trustee of American Scandinavian Foundation. Pr. Maurice Francis Kpan, former i ; I'nitcd States minister to Denmark i unci once professor at the Catholic I Pnivcrsit.v here, was elected to the ; hoard of trustees of the American ! Scandinavian Foundation at a recent J meeting- in New York. With Dr. William Witherle Law! rence. professor of English at Columi bia rr.iversity. Dr. Egan was elected , to II vacancies created by the death i of Prof. S. T. Dutton and Prof. A. H. j Palmer. The two new trustees have | been active in the work of the founI elation since its beginning;. Both will serve on the literary committee. I which has to do with the publication of tlie Scandinavian classics and ntor.ogra plis. <C9&Z Old a let loose the 1 straw hat?hu W "^ec For S ill Henry II In Hi* Model Ci I I Hesadqua ! ??m?? mumam First cc Wreaths, I || _ J ;i Rosi I Vf II THE CATH( 1 WM. J. GAL I 925 G 2 | Opposite St. P So You're the "Dirt less-'W orkman Come-RigKt-itv. We have proven thi j tied home owners in W | Let Us Pro\ Estimates and Advice I J. E. TAYI 1324 Eye Street ! I.i^htins Fixturen, Washing Mnehin Elec |lli!lllllllllllllllillllllllllllllll!llllllllll 1? We He S Unusual S ~E Various Mak< I REBUILT I ? In Guaranty ~ Low Price? ? Immediat< | sterre/tt B PWone N( == Champlain St. e S Detroit Electric?1?istrii ll!llllll!ll!i!!lll!!!!IUI!!!!!!!!)u!l!l!!!!i | PENWOMEN HOLD ELECTION. | i Mrs. Pearson Is Rechosen President by League in This City. j Mrs. Isaac IVarson was rc-elcctcd j president of the I^ratrue of American l-'eftwonien at a meetitip held in the ! new headquarters. 17'21 H street, last ! n.pht. Other officers elected were: Mrs. Florence Jackson Stoddard and Mrs. William Albert011 Du l*uy. vice presidents: Mrs Kathcrine J. Kenton, recording secretary; Miss Marie <_\ Hedfern. corresponding secretary; Miss Lillian Williamson, assistant cor- t ? r.-spending secretary; Mrs. Kichard } Ij. Hoxie. auditor; Mrs. <?eorj?o fornix, t librarian; Mrs Thomas S. Wallis, treasurer, and Mrs. Theodore Tiller, i historian. I Montana sets the hiuhest minimum ] ajce ^sixteen) at which children may 1 v ork. I Headquarters for EDISON DIAMOND DISC PHONOGRAPHS AND RECORDS. The \o?<m * of t(??' world** contest artist* are reproduced with *11 the unblemished Hrl of the origin*!. iil1- GiiiSON CO.. inc.. 917 G SL i ! BABY CARRIAGE. INVAI.II> CHAIR AND ' CARRIAGE WHEELS RE RUBBERED. a hakyf.yc n n;i:, !I!K litll St. o.w. 17* |- | | DADDY LONG-LEGS . Read the llook and See the I'lny. I Price, 75c ] PEARLMAN'S BOOK SHOP Ml ti St. \.\V. i fitiKinnu/ djwlc WElll/vS Tf ul/ALu , TO URDKR 1CK IIO.VKS Krp.ilrrii and Uclined i nrUWFD'Q Sheet Meta'. i ultflPlLlV O HOT K St. -U '270 Jupiter Pluvius ain the last time I wore my t here I am again. sr Head" 'rince of Fine Cigars 10c and 15c ale by All Dealers !e in Wit*hinKlf>n ley r T. Offterdinger 508 9th St. rter* for Briar Plpm ami SmokiTu' Article* | kllUTTMIAM I imiviumutf i |u Prayer Books, f aries i J )LIC STORE 11 IERY & CO. II St N.W. 1 1 atricb's School I 3 LET US J R ELECTRIFY " 4 YOUP HOME It Is Not Fvnoneo I uiia uApvuov j? But a ^ Sound Investment \ It Pays in J Health and Comfort ( * We Can Wire The Average Home in 4 to 5 Days " WITHOUT MUSS WITHOUT FUSS s to thousands of satisashington. re It to You Tee. Terms if Desired. ' .OR & CO. Phone M. 7103 FH, Vltenum t"leaner? and K very (hint trienl t | IlllilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllJ ' ive An ~ election of EE ss and Models S LECTRICSI ed Condition = Good Value EE ^ s Delivery = & FLEMING | orth 5050 EE it Kalorama Rd. EE IL'TERS?Milburn Electric p f ?iiiiiimtiiiiiiiiiiiiiiihiiiiiiiiii !?