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The House of Ftuhion 1106 G Street i;: -> Tremendous Offerings for Wednesday 75 Cloth Suits Navy black and colors. Sizes 16 to 40 only. Values from $35 to $49.50 Wednesday $25 to $29.50 1,000 Wash Skirts All materials and sizes ? Special prices Wednesday $2.95 to $5 and $5.95 to $10 Beautiful Sweaters Sport, street and dress Special Wednesday $3.98 to $20 500 Cotton Dresses All late summer models Special Wednesday $7.95 to $19.95 Beautiful Silk and Georgette Dresses Special $16.95 to $25 and $29.50 to $59.50 75 Trimmed Hats Former prices $5 to $10 Wednesday, only $2.50 Entire First Floor Devoted Exclusively To the showing of Summer Blouses and Silk Underwear * Extra Special Prices VICTOR RECORDS Full of Entertainment Full of Instruction Entertainment because Good Music always entertains. Instructive because the Artists making the Records rank highest in the Musical World and their Interpretation of the selections may be taken as the Com posers' very thoughts. We suggest you hear these Recent Num bers played in our Victrola Rooms. 18543 Dear Old Pal of Mine 85c ' (Waltz) 18550 Hush a By Baby 85c (Sung by 2 New Victor Stars) 18536 Arabian Nights (One Step) 85c 18540 By the Camp Fire 85c (Peerless Quartet) 74589 Caprice Poetic $1.50 (Piano Solo by Cortot) 18507 Hindustan (Fox Trot) 85c 35684 Chong (Fox Trot) $1.35 DROOP'S music 1 inn p house ? JLOUU u Steinway Pianos Player-Pianos Victrolas ? 1 - Take the Electric Route to Good Housekeeping , TKe Geyser Washing and Wringing Machine "Play time" comes I j '?g]* l) around quickly when I- *^the Geyser does your laundry. The House keeper really enjoys the experience of Washine when it's done so easily and the ap parel comes out so- fresh, sweet smelling and brilliantly clean as it does after a short run in the Geyser Washing Machine. The Geyser capacity of 152 miscellaneous pieces an hour not only includes the lighter waists, skirts, etc., but such ar ticles as towels, sheets, spreads, etc. Everything washable is washed well by this machine, and it'll save you enough in wear and tear on your goods to practically pay for itself in side of the year. We are ready to demonstrate in vour home. Pay $10 Cash, Balance Monthly. Carroll Electric Co. 71412th St. Main 7320. Electrical, Mechanical, Automobile Supplies, Domestic Appliances THE Mexican ambassador, Senor Ing. Ygnacio Bonil las, will entertain at dinner this evening at the embas sy In honor of Gen. Candido Aguilar, governor of the state of Vera Cruz and son-in-law of Presi dent Carranza of Mexico, who has arrived in Washington on a special mission for his government. Mme. Bonillas. who has been in New York for the past six weeks, returned to Washington today. The Secretary of War will leave Washington tonight for West Point | to attend the commencement exer , cises at the Military Academy. Betty j Baker, the young daughter of the Secretary, and Mrs. Baker will ac company her father. Mrs. Baker will be guest of honor at a dinner tonight, with the Serbian minister and Mme. Grouitch as hosts. The minister of the Serbs, Croats and | Slovenes and Mme. Orouitch entertained J at dinner last evening in honor of Maj. Hen. Bamett, commandant of the Ma I rine Corps, and Mrs. Barnett. The guests were the charge d'affaires of the French embassy, Mr. Charles de Chambrun : the charge de affaires of the Creek legation, Mr. M. Tsamados ; Maj. Gen. John F. O'Ryan, Mrs. Henry F. Dimock, Mrs. Charles Boughton Wood, Mrs. Cushman, wife of Col. Cushman ; Mr. and Mrs. George Mathews of Buf falo. N. Y., and Mr. and Mrs. Walter S. I'enfleld. The commercial secretary of the lega tion of Denmark, Mr. Jorgen Kiaer, and Mrs. Kiaer, who will leave Washington the latter part of this month for Den mark. were hosts at dinner last even ing at Dower House, when their guests included a number of the members of the Norwegian and Danish legation staffs. Mrs. Joseph S. Freiinghuysen, wife of Senator Freiinghuysen of New Jersey, will go next week to The Hills, their home at Raritan. N. J., to pass the sum mer. Senator Freiinghuysen spent the week end at Raritan. The Spanish ambassador and Mme. Riano are the guests in whose honor Mrs. James McDonald will entertain a dinner party this evening. Follow ing the dinner Miss Clara Alexander, the well known impersonator, who has appeared before many of the roy alty of Europe, will give her rep ertoire. The Serbian minister and Mme. Grouitch and Mrs. Marshall Field, who arf also dinner hosts this evening, with their guests, are among those who will join the party to hear Miss Alexander. Army Engagement. Col. and Mrs, Charles W. Kutz an nounce the engagement of their daughter. Emily Randolph, to Capt. Wilson G. Bingham, 63d United States Infantry. The wedding will take place in the near future. The marriage of Miss Mary Marg aret Mulholland to Lieut. James Longstreet Whelchel, U. S. A., will take place this evening at her resi dence, the Oakland apartments, at 7 o'clock. The bride is a daughter of the late Mr. John IT. Mulholland and Mrs. Martha Bearden Mullholland and a popular member of the younger set in Washington. The groom is a son of Mr. and Mrs. John E. Whelchel of Washington, D. C? and grandson of Gen. James ! Longstreet of Georgia. He is a grad | uate of Western High School and of the class of 191!# of the United States Military Academy at West Point, N. Y. The bride's attendants will be Miss Jan? Mcllhenny, maid of honor; and bridesmaids. Misses Elizabeth Whel chel, Marion Johnson. Blanche Bryan, Margaret Braitmayer, Adelaide Pierce and Mary l^ouise Casebeer of Somer set, Pa. The best man will be the groom's brother. Ensign John E. Whelchel. jr., U. S. N. The Rev. Herbert Scott Smith of St. Margaret's Church will perform the ceremony. The wedding was to have taken place in September, and the change of date is due to foreign orders which the groom has received. Only the immediate family and closest friends will be present at the ceremony. A beautiful wedding of this even ing will be that of Miss Edna Novella Gliem, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Gliem of Chevy Chase, and Lieut. Eu gene Chase Cassady, U. S.j A. The ceremony will take place at S o'clock. Canon Austin officiating, in the pres ence of a small company of relatives. The bride, who will be given In mar riage by her father, will be attended by Miss Grace Clark as maid of honor and the bridesmaids will include Miss Arline Perry and Miss Marie Gliem of Philadelphia. Lieut. Leo Post, U. S. A., will be the best man. A reception will follow for the rela tives and intimate friends. Among the out-of-town guests here for the wedding are Mrs. U. G.X'assady, moth er of the bridegroom, and his brother, Mr. Emile Cassady of Indianapolis, Ind.; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Fisher, Mrs. E. C. Gliem and Miss Gliem of Phila delphia and Mrs. John J. Fitzgerald of New York. Brig. Gen. and Mrs. Littell have sent out invitations to the marriage and reception of their daughter, Ruth Lincoln, and Lieut Commander Wil liam Cook Owen, U. 8. N., on Wednes day evening, June 25. The ceremony will take place at 7:30 at the Soldiers' Horn# Chapel and will be followed by the reception at 8 o'clock at their quarters at Soldiers' Home. Mr. and Mrs. Frederic D. McKenney will be hosts at a small dance tomor row evening at their country place at Kensington, Md. Mrs. Towner and Miss Constance Towner, wife and daughter of Repre sentative Horace Mann Towner, will leave Washington about July 1, for a visit to their home in Iowa. Mrs. J. T. Moore, widow of Maj. Moore, who is making a series of visits here, will entertain at luncheon at the Army and N'avy Club on Thurs day. Tomorrow Mrs. Moore will go to the Dresden to visit Col. and Mrs Peter Murray for several days, and on Saturday she expects to return to Plattsburg barracks, where she Is in charge of the Hostess House. v Mr. and Mrs. Waddy Wood will open their summer home at Warrenton, Va. next week. Miss Lindsay Wood will return to Washington the last of the week from attending the graduating exercises at West Point, and during" the summer will entertain a number of house parties at Warrenton. The Misses Madelon and Edith Mudd of Park avenue left Saturday for Bos I ton and New York to visit friends, and | will be away for two weeks. Mrs. Chase W. Kennedy, who sailed i from New York last week, is due j today at Panama, where she will join ! Gen. Kennedy, who is the military governor there. ? Miss Frances Murray, daughter of Col. and Mrs. Peter Murray, returned ! to Washington last evening from I Hagerstown, Md., where she was the guest of Mrs. Joseph Byron for sev eral weeks. Miss Valerie Padelford entertained a dinner party at the Cafe St. Marks last night. The Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Benjamin Young George announce the marriage of their daughter. Anne Everett, to Lieut. Col. Robert Wyness Millar judge advocate. United States Aritfy on Tuesday June 10, at Roland Park Baltimore. Md. Col and Mrs. Millar will be at home after the first of September at Evanston, 111. Mr William Bowie Clark and a number of men of Washington so ciety will go to Baltimore as mem bers of the floor committee for the dance which is to be a leading fea '.ure of the fete chumpetre to be MRS. W. H. NEWTON, Wife of Rcprmcntntlve Newton of Minnnota, one of the younger offi cial hoiiteiiaea jaat added to the con gressional contingent. given for the free milk for France at Chetolah, the beautiful country place of Mr. and Mrs. T. Nelson Strother. at Ruxton, Md.. Saturday afternoon and evening, under the di rection of Miss Lilian'Washburn New lin, who conducted the long campaign for the same benefit in Washington. Senator Phelan, former Representa tive and Mrs. William Kent, Mrs. Mar shall Field, Mrs. Hope Slater and Mrs. Belden Noble are additional patron esses for the Clara Alexander per formance of negro Impersonations to be given in the small ballroom of the New Willard Hotel at 9:30 o'clock Thursday evening, June 12. Miss Alex ander has spent many months in con stant artistic work for the entertain ment of soldiers in camps and hos pitals, and her patrons in Europe in clude members of the royal family and nobility, while her work is known In this country to the society folk of Newport and Washington. An Evening Reception. Mrs. Carrie Chapman Catt arrived In town last evening for the celebration which'the National American Woman Suffrage Association is having this evening at Its Washington headquar ters. Mrs. Catt will receive at the celebration with Mrs. Maud Wood Park, chairman of the congressional committee: Mrs. Helen Gardener, vice president of the national association and vice chairman of. the congres sional committee, and Mrs. James C. Cantrill, director of the national as sociation. The receiving hour Is from 8 until 9 o'clock and at 9 o'clock Mrs. Catt will speak. Assisting at the reception will be the other members of the congres sional committee, Miss Marjorie Shu ler, Miss Mabel Willard and Miss Caroline Reilly, with Mrs. Edward Keating. The wives of the members of the woman suffrage committees in the Senate and House of this year and last have been invited to assist. They are Mrs. James Watson, Mrs. Wesley Jones, Mrs. Hiram Johnson, Mrs. Rob ert Owen, Mrs. A. At Jones, Mrs. Jo seph E. Ransdell, Mrs. John F. STlaf roth, Mrs. James R. Mann, Mrs. Frank W. Mondell, Mrs. John E. Raker, Mrs. John Nolan, Mrs. Sherman Burroughs, Mrs. Edward Little, Mrs. Thomas Blanton, Mrs. Richard Elliott, Mrs. ' George Edmonds, Mrs. A. P. Nel?on and Mrs. John McCrate. The guests are limited to the members of Con gress who voted for the suffrage amendment and their wives. The association is giving a second reception on Wednesday evening, at which the guests will be members of local suffrage organisations and visit ing suffragists. Miss Adelaide eft P. Lee and her guest. Miss Teresy Blekta of Wil mington, have returned from Annapo lis. They spent June week at Curry Hall, chaperoned by Mrs. Drexler. ? A number of farewell parties are planned for Lieut, and Mrs. Artino Ouerra. who are leaving Friday for Lieut Ouerra's new post |n San Fran cisco. Mr. and Mrs. Jose Guerra and Miss Julieta Guerra will accompany them as far as Chicago and from there will return to San Luis Potosi. Mexico. Brig. Gen. Mitchell. director of military aeronautics, and Maj. Holly day. R. A. F? D. S. O., M. C-, will come from Washington today to attend the dinner this evening at the Hotel Belvedere arranged for the Mary land aviators. They will be the house guests of Mrs. Frank Sher wood Hambleton, at Hambiedune. her estate near Lutherviile. Mrs. Ham bleton's son. Maj. John A. Hamble ton of the United States air forces, distinguished himself in France. This afternoon Mrs. Hambleton will be the hostess at an informal tea at Hambledune. Col. and Mrs. George J. Denis left Washington yesterday for their home in California. Mrs. Denis Hks spent the winter at the Shoreham. w'fcre she has entertained elaborately. She was Joined a few weeks ago at the Shoreham by Col. Denis on his return from France. Mrs. Edward A. Sturges is visiting friends at the Blltmore. In New York, where she will remain for Beveral days and then leave for California for the summer. Col. Sturges has been ordered for duty overseas. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Rudolph of 1719 U street will receive tomorrow evening in honor of their son Louis, who returned from France with the 312th Maching Gun Battalion. Marriage Licenses. Marriage licenses been Issued to the following: Richard O. Sanderson and Susan Marie Hig gin*. William J. Groom of Newburg, Md.t and Edith Burroughs of Mechanicsville, Md. Thomas R. Jennings and Alean Shores, both of Colonial Beach, Va. Lawrence B. Pagter and Beulah B. Kinsey, both of Eugene. Ore. Jack W. Roy of Anaconda. Mont., and Rachel M. Branson of Richmond, Va. Francis P. Howden of Norwood, Mass., and Jean E. Duesler of this city. It's Risky to Store Your FURS in Your Home! We Offer You Scientific Storage and Insurance for Your FURS at Small Cost!! Phone Main4530 or Drop Us a Postal Far* Repaired and Re modeled in latest 1919-20 models. Farriers on Prem ises to Advise. Furrier* ui U4Jm' Smart Wear C at 12th St. For Better Hornet Store Honrs 10 to 5 1227 G Street Store Hoars Your Home becomes more interesting when it is furnished with interesting furniture. Beautiful designs, superior quality and reasonable prices are salient features of this store working to make Better Homes. Visitors always welcome. VICTROLAI IV. For the Camp, Canoe or Porch Music for Your Vacation ?5. ....... Come select a Baby Victrola?use it during the summer months?then in the fall when you*want a larger machine we will credit the full amount on any Cabinet Victrola in our stock. If you already own a Victrola we will exchange the machine for $25 in Victor Records. You can't afford to miss this opportunity. Arthur Jordan Piano Co. 13th and G Streets N.W. Victor Records Victrola* / Woodie D. Anthony and Edna M. West. William N Blizzard and Gertrude E. Swish er. both of Camden. N. J. Jack O. Jolepes and Mary J. Eeonomidou. 8herwood M. Pinkerton, jr., of Toledo, Ohio, and Helen Moyer of this city. Carl B. Lorfi of North Vassalboro, Me., and Mildred B. Clarke of this city. William T. Baker and Viola F. Hawkins. Charles V. Arnold of this city and Pauline Reid of Broomsville. Md. Harry W. Gauss and Laura E. Slater. Carl L. Armentrout and Olive J. Dean. George H. Granely of Sandy River. Va., and Elizabeth P. Bryant of Charlottesville, Va. Strabo V. Claggett of New York city and Nellie M. Carlson of Story City. I,a. Joseph F. Carter and Lucy D. Bright, both of Gloucester. Va. James E. Montgomery and Minnie Berry. Howell D. Thomas and Evelyn* M. White. James L. Heliums of Kansas City, Mo., and Nannie L. Justin of this city. Benjamin M. Carter and Lottie M. Carter. Births Reported. The following births have been reported to the health department in the last twenty-four hours: Paul and Genevieve Wilson, girl. Howard and Emma Walker, boy. Charles H. and Lida R. Tompkins, boy. Williams A. and Emma A. Northrop, girl. Frank E. and Clara P. Hart, boy. Norman E. and Eleanor M. Hose, girl. Harvey and Belle Daniels, girl. James J. and Mae 1. Casement, boy. Owen T. and Florrie Brewer, girl. Joseph P. and Edith ?... Adkins, boy. James and Mabel Tolirer. l?oy. Farlie and Rosie Richmond. girl. John H. and Annie L. Minor, girl. Alexander and Ledger Hawkins. l?oy. Thomas M. and Hugh Ella Gregory, girl. Robert and Mattie Boone, boy. David L. and DaiMy Bruce, girl. Deaths Reported. The following deaths hare been reported to the health department in the last twenty-four hours. Thomas H. Fuller. 79, Garfield Hospital. Vernon P. Becker, 18, United States Naval Hospital. Elizabeth Rutland. 81, 03(5 M street 8outh east. Giles F. Liresay, 76, 503 Alabama area* southeast. Marv F. Cadle, 52, 1603 Minnesota avenue southeast. Catherine G. Smith, 6 months. 610 14th street northeast. Luke Johnson, 42, ISO Pierce street. Clara Guynn. 73, Garfield Hospital. .Sarah Whitby, 70, Freedmea's Hospital. Eleanor Queen. 99. Tnbamdadi RofpHil. Allen GrifBa, "2, Blue Plains. P. C. Samuel Gratlin, 65, Provide?** Hospital. Georre W. Honeaty. 51. 1447 W strstt. Henrietta Parham, 1 month. 707 M ?trw| Rebecca St rot hen*, ? months, 1711 ft?at<f street. Margaret E. Norris, 6 days, 5516 Jay str*4 northeast. Phone Main 7676 Established Over 50 Years James B. Henderson, 1108 G Street Our Collection of Dining Room Furniture is undoubtedly the most noteworthy shown in Washing ton. including many designs confined exclusively to us. Painting, Paperhanging, Loose Covers, Upholstering Rugs and Hangings Cleaned and Stored Furniture Repaired and Refinished Mattresses Remade and Renovated High Grade?Not High Priced New Arrivals Charming Cool Dresses For Midsummer Wear The sweltering weather of the past week created big demand for cool summer frocks. We are prepared with the most comprehensive assortment for SEASHORE, MOUNTAIN, PORCH, TOWN AND COUNTRY WEAR. Many beautiful exclusive models in plain tailored effects or more dressy embroidered and dainty lace trimmed models developed in Cool figured and plain Georgette, Cool plain and figured Voile, Cool crisp French Organdies, Cool Stylish Foulards, t Cool Crepe de Chine, Cool Japanese Silks, Cool French Linens, Cool Striped Tub Silks, Cool Net and Lace Gowns. Priced From $25 Up . 1210 F St. /<? * * rOBHUUirSHOOTf^JELLm * * JXAC r 3TM?Sr M.W ttir shoot t?rr. MiJO r STRLCT N. ' In Every One's Mind?Dresses! Have YOU all the dresses you are going to need for the summer mornings, sum mer evenings and summer afternoons ? Right now our stock c dresses has reached climax ? hundreds mon dresses than we ever befor had?to meet the unusua* demands. ar *9 . Printed Georgettes favored for "occasions printed voiles for less im portant ones; taffetas fo misses?nets and organdie too?crepe de chine, Tai silks, solid-color >oile5 ginghams and even calicoes Be sure to see our dresse NOW! No. 1?A graceful frock of Printed Georgette, with long pointed 'tunic and side cascades?girdle and round collar are of tafTeta silk; col ors: Navy, brown, rose and Copenhagen blue?93?JtO. No. 2?White polka dots on navy or black voile make up this striking little frock, relieved with dainty collar and cuffs of white organdie. The skirt has a long over tunic?$18.75. No. S?Very charm ing is this little dress of Flowered Voile, with novelty blouse and lacy vest. Taf-' feta silk trims the collar, cuffs and deep hem?colors: Rose, gray, tan and Copen hagen blue?328.50. Long Gloves for June brides and June graduates. Centemeri White Kid, < $4 to $9 Pr. Kayser White Silk, $1.50 to $3.00 Pr. White Skirts Vie With Dresses They, too, are an important part of your summer wardrobe to which we have given our at tention, with the result of a large assortment of good-look ing, well made and altogether attractive white skirts. All materials pre-shrunk. You don't have to "make over" any of*our skirts after washing. Look over these groups. $7.50 Including Woven Striped Gabardine, fine Tricotine and Surf Satin, in straight-line models, but toned back and shirred yoke pat terns. $9.50 Fine Tricotine. Satinette. Pure Linen and French Voile are in this group?showing wide and fine tucks in block effect, coat styles, side panels?30 styles in all. Dressy Skirts That are Washable, $14.50 Including diagonal Baronet Satin, Georgette Crepe, "washable Satin and Flannel, with smart side closings, flap pockets, cross tucks" and novel pockets. # No. 1?Of new woven striped pre 'shrunk Gabardine, with button-trim med pockets and whle girdle?blue, lavender, tan and tjreen stripes?97.50. No. 2?A Sport Skirt of heavy Linen?c oat style, so easy to iron, lays flat on the board?l'ront open ing offset by large pearl buttons?WJM) No. S?A novel cross-tucked skirt of white flannel trimmed with self covered button* smart pockets ? a skirt of distinction for resort wear. $14.50.