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Coal Should Be Bought and Stored Now Unbiased Authorities Forecast a Shortage and a Higher Price "The Black diamond" one of the most reliable of all of the coal trade papers. In the Issue of June 7, 1919, states in part as follows: The nation faces an inevitable scarcityof coal and higher prices this fall. Very likely the coal shortage will develop into the seriousness of an old-fashioned famine. No less an authority than Dr. Harry A. Garfield, the U. S. Fuel Administrator, stands sponsor for statement. Other Government bureau chiefs agree with him. The Geolocrieal Sorvey?T'nclc Sam's iMattatlelan?predict* a ifriouR shortage brrnnse. It aaya. the nation already Is short 48,000,000 tons In comparison with the preceding cal endar year. The Department of Labor, through Secretary Wilson and Director Babson of the In formation and Kdneatlon Service, says coal Is fcoln* to be scarce because labor will be scarce. The Admlnlstrntlon of Ballroads. through Director General Hlnes, seen an impending danger becaase ears In which to haul coal will not be available. The statements made by the above officials are unquestionably true and correct. The public must realise that they must take advantage of the present supplies of coal and store their winter supply prior to the demand that wijl be made upon the mines, mine labor and transportation facilities in the fall. Last year because of war necessities, coal was given a preference, but today a dif ferent situation exists. Embargoes have Keen lifted and many industries which have been denied coal for the past two years are preparing on a huge scale to fill a long unsatisfied want of the public. The starting up of these Industries means transportation, and with coal not having any preference, it means that coal must take Its chance. Coal can be hauled now. In the summer months, but coal will have no preference when the rails are crowded with other produce. The stow la nhnittrf to the Washington pa bile as advice by the underalgned. a protective and precautionary COAL MERCHANTS' BOARD OF TRADE, INC., of the District of Columbia Pennsylvania Avenue & ffimnpaatj Seventh Street These Extraordinary Specials What makes them extraordinary is the value which they represent?-actual intrinsic value?and the VERY, VERY low price at which they are of fered for the remainder of this week. Boys' Fancy Cheviot Knick erbocker Suits?some with one and others with TWO PAIRS of pants; belted and plain mod els. Sizes 7 to 18 years. RE DUCED from $7.50 and $8.75 " $5.75 Boys' All-Wool" Blue Serge Suits and Fancy Cheviot Suits ?with one and two pairs of pants. Waist-line and plain models. Sizes 7 to 18 years. Reduced from $12.50 and $13.50 $9.75 Boys' Wash Middy Suits; full regulation; plain white, with Blue collar and cuffs; TWO PAIRS OF PANTS; one long ("broadfalls") and one short; emblem on sleeve; white braid trimmed: Black scarf. Sizes 2J4 to 10 years. SPECIAL, $5.00 Boys' Wasn Suits?plain white and fancy?Middy, Ju nior Norfolk and Oliver T^wist models. Sizes 3 to 8 years. Values up to $3.00. REDUCED $1.95 Boys' Khaki Knickerbocker Pants?with double seat and double knees?really double wear. Sizes 7 to 18 years. SPECIAL, $1.95 Boys' Khaki Straight Pants, with double seat; strongly sewed and cut full. Sizes 5 to 10 years. SPECIAL, $1.65 Boys' Overalls?"they save the clothes"?sizes 10 to 18 ?years, 89c. Sizes 4 to 9 years, 75c Boys' Furnishings Boys' Sport Blouses?White, Blue, Khaki and fancy effects. Sizes 6 to 16 years. A g _ SPECIAL y*>C Boys' Khaki Blouse Waists, collar attached?cut large and full. Sizes 8 to 16 years. SPE CIAL Boys' Nainsook Union Suits ?athletic cut. Sizes _ 24 to 34. SPECIAL JVC Boys' Extra Middy Blouses; plain White, with White col lars. Sizes 4 to 18 vears. SPE- ^ f *7 E CIAL ^l./d Children's Ankle Socks? plain and fancy?broken sizes of the 35c grade. *% REDUCED to ZO C Boys' Pajamas?plain White $1.15 $1.50 oys and Fancy patterns; cut large and full. Sizes 6 to 16 years. SPECIAL Boys' Wash Four-in-Hands ?new patterns. ^ mi SPECIAL OdC 3 for $1.00 Boys' Leather Belts, Black and Tan; with gilt or nickel buckles, pa SPECIAL dye Experienced Advertisers Prefer THE STAR ONLY 3110 MORE MEDAL MEN HAVE REGIS11RED Not more than 300 returned soldiers, sailors and marines have registered at the National Guard Armory, 472 L< street, since Monday to receive the medal of honor which the District is to present on July 4 to its men and women who were In the military serv ice during: the war. When the four registration booths closed lust Saturday nigrht approxi mately 8.000 had enrolled. The com mittee in charge of the medals had estimated that there were nearly 19. 000 men and women entitled to re ceive the medals, and for the benefit of those who had not registered it was decided to keep the armory open all this week. Registration since Monday has been slow, however, and, unless it picks up in the next few daya, indications are that many of thoae entitled to the medals will not get them. The committee believes that there are still hundreds of Washington men who have not returned from camps, and is urging the relatives of these men to write for a medal to Capt. E. H. Grove. Room 12. District building. Relatives of men who died 111 the service also will be awarded medals j upon written application to Capt. Grove. The medals will be awarded with impressive ceremony at the Washington Monument on the morn ing of July 4. Details of where the men are to assemble wjll be an nounced later. HOW WOMAN WORKERS GET AROUNDTHE M. P.'S Take Officers to Dances in Fords When Forbidden Bides in Army Limousines. BY JUNIUS B. WOOD. Special Cable to The Star aad the Chicago Dally News. Copyright, 1919. COBLENZ, Germany. June 18 (de layed).?When a Ford breezes around a bend In the road with a general or some other ranking officer in the front seat beside the chauffeur and two giggling young women in the rear seat there is reaaon for it. The reason is not the lack of high power ed limousines among officers of high er rank than major who are accuB tomed to riding in them, but the young women. When the military police started enforcing the order of Brig. Gen. Malln Craig, chief of staff of the 3d Army, forbidding women riding in Army cars without special permits it seemed that the fair mem bers of the expedition were out of luck. For several nights the cars of various young aviators and gray haired higher officers usually occupied in carrying Y. M. C. A. entertainers, Red Cross workers, telephone oper ators and other charmers to dances, officers' club parties and moonlight rambles were empty and the women walked. But Problem Is Solved. Then Mahomet-like came the solu tion. Because women must not ride in Army cars there was no reason why they should not ride in women's cars. That is why so many high ranking officers are riding in Fords these evenings. When an officer in vites a young woman to dinner at Wiesbaden, Cologne or some other neighborhood resort these days, the dinner is contingent upon either the girls furnishing the transportation or going by train. Therefore, Y. M. C. A. and Red Cross Jitneys are much In demand, while the unlucky Army nurses and telephone operators wear out shoe leather. All is a. part of the Army game and every one takes It good naturedly. ?'What's the difference?" said an offl ?4r jokingly. "Many officers who are tolling back in Army limousines today wttl be hanging to strapa or cranking their own jitneys two months hence." Turbulent Days for Workers. These are turbulent days for the woman welfare workers. Besides being barred from the Army cars another or der In Coblenz forbids their entertaining officers and enlisted men in their blllats after 10:30 In the evening. That was sufficiently harsh, in the opinion of the Independent young women, but it was worse when several oversealous M. P.'s interpreted that it meant that they must not be seen on the streets accom panied by officers or men after that hour, and started stopping and question ing those escorting women home from dances and entertainments. "It is an outrage for which American womanhood Is going to demand an ex planation," declared oae young woman. "Tou must think we are living In the darkest days of Turkey." The embarrassed M. P. to whom she was talking explained on the following day that the order was misunderstood. Gentle Hint la Heeded. Reports published that the Y. M. C. A. entertainers were devoting most of their time to officers evoked a gentle hint from the organization headquarters to take more notice of enlisted men. The result is that a woman in the Y. M. C. A uniform has a cheerful smile for every soldier she meets. The casual observer In Coblenz sees as many enlisted men as officers strolling with Y. M C A workers or chatting on the shady banks ? Rhine. The work of the women attached to the divisions is untiring. Some of them are known by name to .ivery m*" ln th? regiments to which they are attached, and are con sidered a necessary part of the organ ization. . of u? dances with a hundred different men every night the battalion 2.". * **ld one of two woman workers. These are heavy workers and not entertainers. Twenty of the latter compose the so-called Y. M. C. A. flying squadron. Twenty nimble-toed young women In uniforms embroidered with a ftr? touring the expedition and providing dancing partners. Another Grievance. The final grievance of the welfare workers is that the Army is now un x.provld? those going home with cabins on the transports. While the majority are basking at the re Brltmany are availing themselves of the opportunity to see , Europe A. W. O. L. (absent without &K1--. T,w?. pa8M,d wveral days in Coblenx last week without travel n-m'k Th*y in French and British areas and stopped in Brus sels before returning to Paris Thev are contemplating visits to Switzer land and Italy, undisturbed by the lack of home-going accommodations. Ul v other unassigned woman tourists have sojourned in Coblen*. where they took In thS sights at their leisure, not meaning any harm, but having a natural American desire to see the w?rtd You have no right to be here," an nounces the district M. P. to each w? "r? here," cheerfully reply the women. * What can the M. P. do when he re members that the women left home Leap* From Plane Into Bror. LITTLK HOCK. Arlc.. June 25.?To advertise the Army recruiting campaign Lieut C. B. Johnson of Eberts Field Jumped from an airplane Into the Ark ansas river here recently and then ?warn to ihoro, The leap was made from a height of | about fifty feet. It is said that the feat is the first of its kind. "Marse" 8 tailings believes the Braves' hot corner new is well forti fied with Teny Breeekel, former Pi- , rate, on the Job. < J* CAMP MEIGS SUIT FILED. U. S. and Owners Fail to Agree on Bent for Renewal. Attorney General Palmer and United States Attorney Laskey today flled In the District Supreme Court a proceeding for the condemnation of the temporary use of the Patterson tract at 4th street and Florida a -nue. The property Is now occupied by Camp Meigs and the mechanical repair shops of the Quartermaster's Corps, and the present lease expires July 1. The government wishes to use the land for another year, with the privilege of an additional year, and has not been able to agree with the owners on a rental, it la understood. Benther Is Coming Through. On the Cincinnati training trip Wal ter Reuther, the left-hander, was given practioally no attention. He was Just considered as a pitcher who might be valuable in finishing up games and as a pinch hitter. But Reuther has developed Into Pat Moran's most consistent winner, and has won five out of seven games. He filled In nicely in the gap made by Fisher, who now is going poorly after a great start. Louisville Bakers May Strike. LOUISVILLE. Kjr., June !?.?A gen eral strike of bakers In Louisville will be called by the Bakery and Con fectionery Employes' International Union if a committee appointed to in vestigate alleged discrimination against employes on strike at two Electric Fans ?For Your Home ?For Your Office We sell the kind that makes a big breeze. Will Ron on Either Current $5.85 up 'JIUDDIMAN^ 1204 on G St <16 on 12th St plants returns a report favoring a 2.000 union bakers here, and this wt walkout, according to an announce- be done If It Is shown employer* ?> ment by Carl Fisher, a union official, refusing to employ bakers who hH * The union has the power to call out struck at the two plants. r'prf < / h /~i i o e?> i -'I // t -#W I /)/) fa. J\tV\\W\\\W\VV\\V^yVNW>v\vv^\"W"'W\><\'\VV>\\\VV#'.'?*VI\\\VV\y.\\V<\V?<\\\\S\\>VW>MV\V\VV>\V\\V>-! LAWTON Q. HERRIMAN Your Tire Man Vermont Avenue and L Street N.W. ^VVVVWWauVV^VAVWWWvWWuxAVVVWWVWWWWVVNWAW^Ww^V^UXWWVVWUWAWVIV^WWWWV^ * New Store?35th & 0 Sts. N.W.?Open i Our Patrons Are Again Reminded That Our Stores All Close Promptly at 8 P.M. on Saturdays j CORBY'S "MOTHERS" BREAD Per Loaf 8c Del Monte OCi Jams, can.... Curtice Bros.' Ol ( Jams, glass... Argo Salmon, can 29 Chum Salmon, can, 19 Pork and Beans Campbell's, 2 cans 25c Van Camp's, can... 15c Heinz, small 12c Heinz, medium .... 18c Wagner's, 10c & 12V?c Curtice "Blue Label" Goods Potted Ham or Tongue.. 25c Potted Chicken or Turkey, 30c Boned Chicken 58c Boned Turkey 58c Catsups Heinz 18c and 30c Burt Olney's 25c Del Monte 25c Blue Label 29c Mustards Gulden's 13c Bayle's Horseradish, 9c Pint Jar 10c Cream Salad, 12c EVAPORATED MILT&S!'' W*cKd5c CRISCO I-lb. Can ... 36c II-lb. Can .. 53c 3-lb. Can .. .$1.05 6-lb. Can .. .$2.00 SOAP Soap prices are advancing. In a short time retail prices must show a considerable advance. Buy now. It means money. Crystal White. Per Cake.. 6c RIT All desired shades of the famous product. Please note, too. that we are making an extremely low price. 2P& 15c Salad Dressing Durkee's... 13c and 28c Schimmel's . . ? ,.. 14c Howard's ........ - .29c Royal ..... . .? .. 25c Royal Mayonnaise. .25c "Bee" Mayonnaise. .29c fcf Can You Make a Cake Filling That "Stands Up"? ?a frosting that will not run? Don't bother trying. Order a jar of HIP-O-LITE, the perfect marshmallow cream. It is absolutely ready to use! Spread it on the layers and over your cake^as you spread butter on bread?that's all. No cook ing! Light, tender and short?delicious be yond words. Packed in Mason jars. HiP-o-LiTi g? 25c Get a Case of the Famous Clicquot Club Ginger Ale While-you can. The sale of 4tClicquot Club" is tremen dous. The great and constantly growing popularity of this famous beverage is taxing factory production to the limit. If you want a case for the Fourth get it quickly? buying now may save you disappointment if you wfcit. WASHINGTON FLOUR, 6 45 C 24-lb. $ 1 Bag, X .65 ASPARAGUS Round Tins 2 for 15c Extra Specials for This Week BORDEN'S ALMOND BARS 10-centsize 2 for 15c 2 C(T 25c PEANUT BUTTER ; A. & R. Brand?small bottle, 8c, or.. .< CREAM SALAD MUSTARD R. T. French & Co.'s famous prod- OforO 1 g% ucts. One bottle, lie, or LAUNDRY STARCH 1 Q Douglas 3-lb. Carton, each. w DEL MONTE RIPE OLIVES (Medium) 9-Ounce Can, 14c, or 2 Cans for 27c A new purchase just received enables us to quote this exceptionally low price. Ask our clerk to show you the can. American Beauty Ginger Snaps This Is the first time we have been _ able to get a sufficient quantity to per- "er mit us to advertise a sale. Get a pack- Pgk., age for the children. 30c Big Demonstration Sale for This Week ROYAL MAYONNAISE El I IHG The Horton-Cato Mfg. Co. make this ?ccellent dressing. To demonstrate to you the excellence of this Mayonnaise we ordered in a large quantity of the small | sizes, the usual retail price of this size being fifteen (15) cents, and for this sale we offer it at a cut price. The economical way for you to buy Royal Mayonnaise? course, is in the half-pint bottle, but as a triaMhis-smsi? size bottle should be just what you want There are many brands of Mayonnaise on the mar ket, but you'll agree with us, we think, after using ROYAL that there is no other quite like ROYAL. We unhesitatingly recommend ROYAL, and urge every one who likes Mayonnaise to purchase a trial bottle. Price for This Week Only ROYAL MAYONNAISE Usual 15-ccnt size. Special. ____.. 10c