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Just Two More Days of tke Red Cross Drive for Membership. JOIN! All You Need. Is a Heart and a Dollar Editorial Xext Tuesday is Armis tice Day. and it is fitting that we celebrate in some way the ending oi the World War so far as actual fighting was concerned. What better way could we show our joy for the coming of peace than in song? ' So. The employes of this store will pause from their labors for ten minutes at 11 .4.3/. Tuesday for the sing ing of suitable melo dies. If you're here at that time you'are in vited to join tcith lis. If you're not here, cele brate the occasion in song if you can. If not, THINK your joy in terms of song. Strictly All-Wool Velour. YJ..$3.98 |1 We have here before us a sample of a cotton warp velour at $4.50 from an out-of-town store and marked big- value. It is big value on today's mar ket. That being a.fact, we can with conservatism state that this strictly all wool velour offered at $3.98 tomorrow is actually worth $5.00 on today's market. These are a delayed shipment from an old contract of months ago. Colors are black, myrtle, Cuban brown, seal brown, navy blue, rodent, taupe, Pekin blue and gooseberry. A limited quantity. Won- Plaids, $4.98 Tricotine, $3.50 Only a limited quantity. A rich shade of dark navy blue. Full 50 inches wide. A $4.50 value. Serge, $2.59 All-wool Novelty Serge, lull 42 inches wide?for one day only. Several of the season's most wanted col ors. Scotch Tweeds, $2.98 In gray, brown and blue mixtures. Non - crushable. 54 inches wide. For dresses, suits and separate skirts. S3.50 value. All wool; iuli 54 inches wide. Several color com binations. Beliring Seal Plush, $830 Pure tussah silk face, full 50 inches wide. Deep pile, in black only. Fine for coats and coatees. Silvertone, $4.98 All colors, including brown, navy, and black. Full 54 inches wide. All wool. For coats and coat suits. Very special. Serge, $2.25 J. wool, 42-inch. navy blue, in proper weight for one-piece dresses and pleat ed skirts. Astrakhan, $10.00 Rich curly face of luster mohair. An exact replica of Persian lamb. 50 inches wide. Only a limited quan tity. $4.50 Chinchilla, $2.98 Colors are oxford gray or blue with beautiful plaid back. Being fully 25 oz. in weight, 110 lining is re. quired. iimiiiiiBiin Biggest Coat Sale Continues Mostly Silk Lined?Many Fur Trimmed l hird Flooiw Lanshurgh fe Bro. Our Showing of Fur and Metal Hats Is of Interest to Women Who Admire These Clever and Fashionable Creations. ' These wonderful Chapeaux are from the foremost American de signers. N ?- .r Our showing of rich Fur-Turbans represents such furs as nutria, beaver, kolinsky, squirrel and seal. Some are combined with brocaded satins, duvetyne or velvet. Priced at $15, $20, $25 to $50. Silk Beavers and Matteawan Velours Ouf showing of these smart Tailored Hats is the largest variety to be found in the city. A wide selection of styles and colors to meet every demand. Priced $6. jo, $745 to $7.95. Smart Mourning Hats' Two things are essential to the correctness of Mourning Hats dignity and richness of material. . Here are hats, both large and small, veiled or unveiled, but all in fine materials, either peau de soie, crepe or uncut velvet. At $7.50, $10 to $18. Second Floor?Lansburgh & Bro. Bed wear 5E $7.50 $16.00 Blankets, Comforts and Spreads 70x82 White Part-Wool Blankets of good heavy weight and finely fin- (t 1 ^ Ark ished. Pair.... ?Pl^?Vr\/ Beacon Indian Blankets in a variety of aboriginal pat terns. Each V 70x80 Block Plaid Part-Wool Blankets, made by the North Star Mills; in pink. blue. tan. gray, black and white and red and black. Also in white with blue or pink OC '?^borders. Pair... ?Pl^?VO 72x84 Fine Nearly All-Wool Block Plaid Blankets, in tan. blue or pink. Pair Double Size Lamb's Wool Comforts, of s^tine or silk mousseline. in desirable shades of blue, copen, pink, rose or IX $10.00 80x90 Crochet Spreads, in at tractive designs. Double-bed gS,.. $3.00 6x6 Bordered Down Com forts, in dainty shades of rose, pink or blue; light and IS' $12.95 70x84 Fine White Part-Wool Blankets, finely woven and finished, with wide Windings and^double band borders, in old rose or (P 1 p aa blue. Pair.... Full Size All-wool White. Scarlet,"Gray or Tan Blankets, made by Hamilton mills. Also in red and black and black and white plaid. ^ J ^ 50 A large showing of Full Size Comforts, covered with silko line or cambric. QC Each Extra Heavy Satine Com forts, with attractive scroll quilting, in effective color & $6.50 Double Size Satin Marseilles Spreads, in cut-out corner or plain hemmed styles. Each.. Fifth Floor? Lansburgh & Bro. $6.50 We Are Co-Operating With National Blouse Week Six Days?November 10 to 15, Inclusive ?for a Special Showing of New Waists The merchants and blouse makers of the United States have agreed to set aside November 10 to 15 for featuring, in every possible way, the late creations of both Silk and Cotton Waists. We are assisting in this movement with a wonderful assort ment of all that is most stylish and most desirable in blouses for the fall and winter of 1919. Georgette Blouses $3.98 to $19.98 Georgette Blouses, plain or printed, trimmed with beads, br^ds, embroid ery, tucks and lace. Dress models with round, square or V necks, with or with out collars. Some with pleated frills down the front and around the neck. Tai lored models have convertible collars. In white, flesh, bisque, rose, gray, taupe, brown, navy and black. Sizes 36 to 46. At $3.98 to $19.98. Georgette Blouses Lingerie Blouses $19.95 to $24.98 $1.98 td $7.98 A 1 1 r ,, , 1,, Lingerie Blouses of French voile, organdy, satin Overblouses of georgette, made collarless, . . .. u _ , ? . _ , * .'. & , , .r stripe tissue, French gingham or novelty waistmgs. with round or square necks beautifully em- Every style possible with round, square or V necks. broidered. Sleeves and bottom edge of blouses Roll or'flat collars with frills down the front of also embroidered. In navy, taupe, bisque, gray the blouses. Some trimmed with filet, val, meck or flesh. Sizes $6 to 42. At $19.95, $22.50, ?n or venise laces,, hand embroidery or embroidery ,5 a , 4 insertions and motifs. All white, solid colors or 5.23.98 and $24.98. plaids checks Qr stripes_ Skes ^ to 46 At *1.* >econu Moor?Lansburgh & Bro. ' to $7.98. '? MWIi P' The Wanted Fabrics Silverbloom Normandte Cloth Silvertone T fnseltone AH-Wool Jersey Chinchilla Cloth A11-Wool Broadcloth Silvertif) Plaid A good percentage of them have large fur collars of sealine, and the rest have those large, popular muffler collars with which vou can wear your own fur piece. These exquisite winter coats come from one of the best - known manufacturers in the east, and one whose reputation is known the country over for high-grade workmanship. We can say without danger of contradiction?judging from the expressions of patrons yesterday?that you can't iind the equal of these coats in Washington at anywhere near this sale price. ' Second Floor?Lansburgh & Bro. ilMlltllM Two Wash Goods Specials Offered for Monday Only Both are fabrics that have any number of uses, so it will pay you to invest in these bargains. 75c 36-in. Mercer ized Sateen Extra fine quality weight and finish. In light or medium pink, blue, rose, copen. gray, green, brown, yellow, purple, orange, black and white. For skirts, bloomers, waists, aprons and linings. 50c Serpentine Crepe, yard This Serpentine Crepe comes in lingerie styles and finishes. Mostly white and colored grounds in the dainty bluebird' designs. For making night gowns, pajamas, combinations., etc. * First Floor? Lansburgh & Bro. Boys Mackmaws Suits & Overcoats Splendid, Sturdy, Serviceable Suits and Overcoats that will delight the boys at Xmas time far more than ornamental trifles. Juvenile Over Coats, $8.75 ' Double-breasted button-to ncck models of heavy-weight overcoating, in plain oxford gray, blue or brown. Deep cut collars of self cloth or plush. Belt all around. Slash pockets. Yoke and plaid lin ings. Sizes 3 to 10 years. Higher Grades of Boys* Blue Serge Suits, $13.50 to $25.00 $12.50 Serge Suits, $9.75 Guaranteed strictly all-wool navy blue serge of excellent quality and good weight. Well tailored suits in the popular waist seam, military back, re movable belt, Norfolk style. Knickerbocker trousers, lines! throughout. Sizes 6 to 18 years. Higher Grades of Boys' Wool Suits, $12.50 to $25.00 Boys* Mackinaws at $9.75 These serviceable Mackinaws are made of good, strong, dependable heavy mackinaw fabrics in dark red, brown, blue or gray overplaids. Made in two models with roll or convertible collars, patch pockets and buckled belts. Sizes 8 to 18 years. Higher Grades of Boys' Mackinaws, $10.98 to $16.50 $12 Norfolk Suits, $9.75 Of fall and winter weight fabrics, such as cassimere, cheviot, tweed, etc.; in popular waist seam or plain models. Serviceable mix tures. Excellently tailored garments with knicker bocker trousers, fully lined. Sizes 6 to 18 years. Sweaters at $2.981 and $3.98 Open-front Coat Style Sweaters, with roll collars; patch pockets. Close weave in navy, gray, brown, maroon, khaki and heather mixtures. Also Pull-over Sweaters with V or small roll collars. Sizes 6 to 16. Fifth Floor? Lansburgh & Bro. A Sensational Sale of Misses' Middy Blouses Sixes 16 to 22 Years .59 Values in the Lot to $3.50 Middy Blouses of-Lonsdale jean, with navy, cadet or red collars. Also some all white or with navy blue flannel-collars. In addition to this we offer odd sizes in Middy Skirts in whittor.cadet?with waists. Third Floor?Lansburgh & Bro. A New Lining For Your Muff With the advent of cold,-weather, a new lining: may be all that-is necessary to make your last year's muff look Silk floss or down filled. In black or brown satin. At $1.25 to $5.75. Small sizes for children at 50c arid 75c. Silk Fringe, $1.25 Value, 98c Silk Fringe to finish tu nics, lamp shades or fancy work. Black, navy, gray, old rose, gold, copen and white. _ V Waist Cords, $1.25 to $5.50 Waist Cords which are so much in vogue now come in black, navy and brown. Beaver Cloth. $1.75 and $3.50 Silk-finish Beaver Cloth for making scarfs, hats and muffs. Black, brown and tan. 4 and 8 inches wide. Metal Cloth, $2.50 and $2.75 ; Plenty of Metal Cloth and Lace for making hats or trimmings. Lace, $1.25 to $2.75. First Floor?Lansburgh & B ro. Store Hours: Open 9:15 A.M.; Close 6 P.M. //7C Wmmk 420-430 Serenth St., Through to feightn st.