Newspaper Page Text
p/$ Store News rgh & Bro. ? ?? a November Sale 50,000 Yards of Silks, Satins and Velvets Rich, Lustrous Fab rics Offered at Price Concessions That Should Create Sensational Selling? in Our Famous Silk Department All Day Monday $5.00 Costume Dress Satin Rich, lustrous quality in shades of ha- d? QQ vana, seal, navy and black. 40' ittehes wide. ?%J\J $3.39[JM $4 All-Silk Crepe Victory Firm weave and soft drap ing quality. Colors are navy . taupe, seal and white. 4^ inches wid<v!>*' v V. $5.00 Baronet QQ Fiber Satin... Strong and durable, rich luster. In white, pink, flesh and black. 40 inches wide. * i* TP $3 Navy and Black Dress d?Q /"Q Taffeta ^ Soft, pliable quality, with lustrous chiffon finish. 36 inches wide. ck Chiffon T>r*S6-V elvet. $7.49 Superior quality, with handsopie luster.. Limited quantity. 40 inches wide. $5.50 White Satin and at $4.69 For handsome bridal or evening gowns. 40 inches wide. Extra Special 1,000 Yards, 36-Inch, $4.50 Costume Dress Velvet, Yard, $3.49 Guaranteed fast pile and color. Best shades of black, navy, burgundy, plum, midnight, bark, ma- /IQ rine and taupe ,j $2 Washable Satin, $1.69 ' 1 r-' ; - ; *?; ' > "flesK color only. For blouses and undergarments. Limited quantity. 36 inches wide. $3.00 and $3.25 Satin Imperial and Satin de Luxe, $2.69 Handsome quality with rich luster and firm dress weight. All colors, including brown, navy and black. 36 inches wide. $1.25 Silk Face Paon Velvet, 98c Used for trimming and millinery purposes. 50 shades. $2 Wide-Wale Corduroy, $1.49 Very desirable for suits and babies' coats. Street shades and white. 32 inches wide. Third Floor? Lansburgh & Bro. $1.25 Shirting Flannel, $1.00 31-inch imported Shirting Flannels, very fine and soft: wool and cotton mixed. Good weight. White or colored grounds, with stripes of different colors. Suitable for, men's, shirts, pajamas, women's skirts, dressing sacques and night dresses. Will not shrink or fade. Beacon Bath Robing, Yard, 75c The best reversible heavy-weight qual ity, in many different designs and color ings, including Indian and kindergarten effects. Cord sets to match, 39c. 35c Outing Flannels, Red Twill Flannels Yard, 28c Splendid grade and weight Viyella Flannels, $1.80 Very Fine Soft Imported Flannel, fully shrunken ready for the needle. Will not fade. 31 inches wide. In neat stripes of blue or pink 011 white grounds. Has manv uses. One of the scarcest flannels 011 the market. Very fine quality and weight. All pure wool, 29-inch at $2.50, and 58 inch at $4.58 yard. First Floor?Lansburgh & Bro. in stripes or plaids. Also plain white. 28 inches wide. For pajamas, shirts, women's and children's night dresses, etc. Embroidered Flannel Skirting, $1.25 White Embroidered Flannel Skirting, embroidered with silk. A good quality flannel, with hemstitched and scalloped edges. Special at this price. Only At out Six Weeks Until Christmas and So Much Shopping to Be Done 1 Here's a List of Wonderful Suggestions to Help You in Selecting Gifts From now on we will endeavor to do everything we can to help you in solving the gift ques tion. Don't forget that scarcity of merchandise makes it -imperative for you to choose 3*our Christmas items EARLY this year. Practical Gifts for Women and Misses Kimonos and Bath Robes that any woman or girl would be delighted with. They are useful and necessary. Long Kimonos, made of good quality flannelette In bath e mi Special Linens Will Be Appreciated More Than Ever This Xmas They Hre so scarce this year that they will be mticK more welcome. . 63c Hemstitched Huck Towels, with damask borders; 4 choice patterns. Special at 59c. 72-inch Round TSealldped Mercerized Tablecloths. Spe cial, $2.98. , 72-inch All-linen Irish Damask of heavy quality, in perfect bleach. All new patterns. Special,,$4.00. 18-inch All-linen Irish Napkins. Special at $5.66. A'l-linen Irish Damask Hemstitched Teacloths? 36x36?Special, $2.56 45x4S?Special, $450 54x34^Special, $7.0? Hemstitched Table Sets, consisting of 1 2x2-yard All linen Hemstitched Qath and one-half dozen 20-in. Napkins to match. Special, $16.60. First Floor. + , The Gifts Men Like Gloves will be appreciated. Our assortments include? P. X. M. Sewn Tan Cape Gloves, at $2.0?, $2.50, $3.06, $3.56 and $4.66. Gray Suede Gloves, at $3.66 and $3M. Gray Mocha Gloves, at $4.00 and $5.00. Men ? Neckwear Assortments Selections of patterns and colorings that are exceptional and qualities of silks that will surprise you for their excel lence at every price from 75c to $4.06. Men's Initial Buckle Belts are sure to please. At $1.25 to $4.50. Men's Pajamas in plain colors and striped effects. At $2.90 to $6.00. Direct Street Entrance to Men's Shop. Christmas Art Pieces That Make Splendid Gifts Things that you will enjoy making as gifts for your friends. And your friends will like them the better for your having made them yourself. Stamped Bath Sets for the baby. Consist of two towels and washcloth, with pink or blue finished edges. At $3.00. Stamped Pillowcases of good quality tubing in easy de signs. Pair, $1.98. Stamped Combinations of flesh or white nainsook. Can be matched up with a stamped gown. Both are ready-made. At $1.35 to $3.50. Stamped Bath Towels, full size, of good quality Turkish toweling, in pink or blue. At $1J5.: Lacc-trimmed Scarfs, ail white, 45 and 54 inches long. At 98c. Fourth Floor. Plated Silverware a Popular Christmas Token Quadruple Plated Bread Trays fh plain designs, $24?. Quadruple Plated Bonbon Baskets, gold lined, $L69. Quadruple Plated Cream attH- Sttg'ar Sets, in plain or en graved designs. $5.98. Children's Quadruple Plated Dripk^rg Cups, $L0?. Quadrnple Pfated: Candlesticks, in colonial designs, 98c. = First Floor. robe models with shawl collars; 2 pockets and self-girdle, at $1.95. Long Kimonos of fine quality fleece-down flannel, in handsome floral designs. Belted and coat models trimmed with satine. At $2.95. Bath Robes of good quality corduroy in coat models with deep ruffles and girdle; in copen, rose, cherry and wistaria. At $6.95. Bath Robes, made of Beacon cloth, in a large variety of styles; prettily trimmed with satin. At $5.95 and $7.50. Long Kimonos of plain or figured crepe, in belted and semi-fitted models; satin trimmed. At $2.56 and $2.95. Third Floor. Warmer Glove Suggestions For These Colder Days and for Xmas Gifts In this list we briefly describe a few that would make acceptable gifts. Women's One-clasp Cape Gloves, in brown, tan, gray or white; P. X- M. sewn. At $256. Women's One-clasp Cape Gloves, in brown, or tan, In several shades. At $2.75. Women's Strap-wrist Suede Gloves, in mode; size 6V2 to 7. At $3.50. Women's One-clasp Mocha Gloves, in shades of gray and mode. At $3.25 and $3.75. Women's Chamoisette Gloves, in white, black, pongee and brown. At $1.00. Women's Double Silk Gloves, in black, brown, etc. At $1.25 to $2.00. ' First Floor. Hosiery Our Qualities as Gifts ?would be greatly appreciated. The value and wear are there. Women's Thread Silk Hose Black and colors; all-silk or with lisle soles and tops. At $225 to $3.95. Lace Silk Hose Silk from top to toe. Italian and thread silk in black, white, cordovan, navy and gray. At $3.95 to $4.75. Hand Embroidered Silk Hose Black only in several dainty designs. At $7.50 and $9.00. Wayne Knit Service Hose Cotton, lisle and silk lisle, in black and wanted colors. At 39c to $L2S. Drop-stitch Mercerized Lisle Hose In black, white and colors. Seamless feet; seamed back legs. At 65c. First Floor? Lansburgh & Bro. t -t .i * _? j ? .. a, - For Monday a Bungalow Aprons An Extraordinary Offering A special lot of bungalow aprons made of good quality percale in assorted styles and colors. Come in button front or back and belted styles. These aprons were supposed to have been here for the Anniversary Sale, the first of October, but got lost in the freight. That's one reason the price is so low. Third F\oor?Lansburgh & Bro. Domestics Sheets Cases Special Sale of Sleefiwel) Sheets 63x90 Sleepwell Sheets in single-bed. size. S: $1.65 72x99 Sleepwell Sheets in J^-bed size; extra aT..*:'". $1.89 72x108 Sleepwell Sheets in %-bed size; 3 yards Sr...Sp':. $1.98 81x108 Sleepwell Sheets in double-bed size; 3 yards long. (J?7*) | A Special 1 vf 90x99 Sleepwell Sheets in extra bed s'^p; extra long. Spe- | g; cial 1 O At 45c 45x36 Wash Heavy Pil lowcases, free from starch or dressing. 59e and 65c 45x36 Embroidered Pil lowcases, with hem stitching. 50c,Value, 35c 40-in. Domestic Long cloth. in mill ends of 5 to 15 yards. First Floor? Lansburgh & Bro. All America Is Dancing to the Music of "The Canary Show ?playing at the National this week and advertised, as a '"Bird of a Show." We lidve a "Columbia Record", of the dance hit of the show. It is? *. r "Thousands of Years Ago" Fox Trot Timc^ Introducing "Only in Dreams" I "I Wonder If I've Loved You All My Life" v * i { G From "Oh! My Dear" V'ivC " . ' Other Good Dancy Rilco^s Yearning?Fox Trot . tl . ... T7 rr ] All Are on Karavan?Fox Trot Merci Beaucoup?One Step Double-Faced My Cairo Love?Fox Trot '' Records The Vamp?One Step P Behind Your Silken Veil?Fox Trot At, Each, Mary Ann?One Step ?^ ^ Bevo Blues?One Step W ^ _ Sweet Siamese?Fox Trot j Ruspana?One Step Any Talking Machine owner can join our Kecord Club. Select $10.00 worth of records?pay $2.00 at once?take the records along? pay balance $2.00 monthly. No extra charges of any kind. Balcony, Fint floor. See Our Other Page Today , Advertising Our Extraordinary Sale of Winter Coats at $39.90 1,000 Pairs For Monday and Tuesday Tan and Brown Boots $8.45 You Save From $4.00 to $8.00 Pair Tan and brown footwear most popular of all colors. And these are made bv one of America's best known manufacturers of fine shoes. Choose from the following: All brown kidskin. Brown kidskin with brown buckskin tops. Nut brown calfskin with fawn buckskin tops. Mahogany calfskin with fawn cloth tops. Dark brown kidskin with brown cloth tops. Beaver brown kidskin with gray kidskin tops. Military, French and Cuban heels. Turned and welted soles. Short, medium and long vamps. Both lace and button styles Plenty of ALL .widths and 'engths. Also plenty of the larger sizes?6 to 8. Second Floor? Lansburgh & Bro. Fine Lace Curtains At $5.85 Pai ir Values Uf> to $9.00 Irish Point Henkel Cluny Marie Antoinette Braided Net Finest quality Scotch, Cable and-filet Net Curtains; also Wellington Pierce's finest qualities of Embroidered Voile and Marquisette Curtains^ A wonderful lot of high grade curtains at this low nrfte. .V ,? 36*in. Cretonnes, Moquette d* "J *2 Q t Special, a yard... Couch Covex*P ??/D A wonderful lot of fate 36-ini Cretonne, in floral, foliage or novelty effects in light or dark color combinations. Three fkrge table lots. This fine quality Cover is made of heavy moquette in rich oriental colorings. Designs are reproductions of oriental rugs. Fiber Silk $0475 75 Portieres at d; ?? Portieres at.1 A very high-grade Door Hang ing in beautiful colorings. Soft ?hades of green, brown or gp|d. Finished with silk braided edge. Tapestry Band Portieres of plain color armure in green, brown or rose. Finished with tapestry band border. A neat hanging for living rooms. Fourth Floor? Lansburgh & Bro. Women's Fleeced. Combinations $1.00 High neck, long sleeves and ankle length models in medium weight. Regular and extra sizes. A most exceptional value. Women's Bleached 1 O Cl Fleeced Combinations* ^ Dutch neck, elbow sleeve and ankle length mod els in medium weight. A limited quantity for tomor row. Boys' and Girls' Combinations Sizes 2 to 10 at $1.00; sizes 12 to 16 at $1.25. Gray and ecru in the boys' suits and white in those for girls. Well made, correctly fitting and perfect. ten First Floor? Lansburgh & Bro. Store Hours: Open 9:15 A.M.; Close 6 P.M. THE STORE OF GREATER SERVICE 420-430 Seventh St., Through to Eighth St.