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' local me. a j DELEGATES NAMED I International Meeting Will Be ? Held in Michigan City f Next Week. Washington delegates to the for tieth convention of the international Young Jlon'E Christian Association of North America, to be held at Detroit November 19 to 23, will be Henry B. F\ Macfarland, Senator Selden P. Spencer, Holcombe G. Johnson of the physical department committee; Hugh j A. Thrift, recording secretary of the board of managers; K. I-. Stock, rep- j resenting the boys' work committee; i J. A. Van Dis of the public health | service, and George I*. Goodwin, in- j terstate "V" secretary. This announcement was made last night by William Knowles Cooper, general secretary of the Washington district. Represent Active Work. Tn addition to these delegates, the following secretaries, together with Mr. Cooper, will represent, the active work carried on here: C. L. John son. assistant general secretary; Thomas W. Walton, educational direc tor; C. K. Beckett, physical director; W. O. Hiltabidle, business secretary, and D. W. De Gast, membership sec retary. Many matters of direct interest to ftovernment employes and all resi dents of Washington and surrounding territory are to be discussed at this convention, according to Mr. Cooper, i "Among matters of national and in- j ternationai import," he said, "are the , co-operation of the V. M. C. _A. in as- i fdmilating back into American and Canadian life the 5,30<i,l>00 men who served in the army and navy of ^ this country and Canada, and the stabiiiza- i tion of the many millions of i*'n in| Industry through Americanization j measures designed to counteract im- I ported unrest and so-called bolshev Ism. The convention also will be called upon to act upon ofticial requests from many of the forty-two countries in -which >ts" war workers were serving, to continue "Y" work with their mili Tary and naval forces and also to ex tend it among civilians." Expect 5.000 Delegates. The convention is expected to be at tended by r.,000 delegates, represent ative of a membership of over a mil lion, and by some thousands of "Y" ?war welfare workers. Addresses will be made by Secretary Josep'nus Daniels, Claude K. Mayo of the bureau of navigation. Col. Jason S.- Joy of the educational and recreational section of the Army. Dr. P. P. Claxton. United j States commissioner of eduction, and Dr. D. 7-. DuNott of the medical relief branch^f the railroad administration, j . PROHIBITION MMff i IN OHIOPUT AT 381 Drys Defeat 2.75 Beer, But Lose Oat on Crabbe Enforce ment Act. By the Associated Press. . COLUMBUS, Ohio. November S.? Ohio last Tuesday _yoted to sustain the action of its legislature in rati- J fying tile federal prohibition amend- j nienj l>y a majority of SSI. according I to compute returns from all but two j precincts in the stat?. official re- j turns from eighty of the eighty-e'.ght ; counties, received and tabulated to- j night at the office of the secretary of j State. The vote stood: For ratification, 499,776. Against, 499,395. Although returns on the other pro hibition questions voted upon had not been tabulated officially, they indi cated that the repeal of state-wide prohibition was defeated by 30.000 or j more majority, that the 2.75 per cent beer proposal was defeated by a ma jority of 15 000 or more, and that the ?wets succeeded in defeating the Ciabbe prohibition enforcement act by a majority of 25.000 or more. Included in the nine counties from . Which the official vote has not been re- I c.ived upon the ratification referendum j iire Cuyahoga (Cleveland) "m<! Hamil- i tou (Cincinnati), both of which return- ' ed large wet majorities. However, advices from those counties i said that in Cleveland the canvass of | ' the vote had been completed without disclosing any large errors, and that in Cincinnati approximately sixteen wards bad been canvassed without any big errors having been discovered. As the situation stood tonight the drys conceded the defeat of the Crabbe en forcement act, while the wets conceded the defeat of the prohibition repeal and ?.75 per cent beer proposals. Both wets and drys. however, con tinued' to make claims of victory on the ratification referendum. Both con tended that the official count would show them victorious. WILL START FIGHT 1ERE ON BAD CHECK FRAUDS A drive on bad check frauds in the District is to be started at the dinner meeting of tho credit section of the ' Merchants and Manufacturers' Asso ciation to be held at 6:30 o'clock on the night of November 17, at the Kaleigh Hotel. Among the speakers will be Senator Atlee Pomerene of Ohio, author of a tad check bill now before Congress; ! Representative George Hoiden Tink-j bam of Massachusetts, a member of | the House District committee; United: S,ate.-. Attorney John 1C. Laskey. M. j D. Rosen berg, president of the Dis- ! trict of Columbia Hankers' Associa- i tion and general counsel or the Mer-j chants' and Manufacturers' Associa- i iion; Victor Deyber. president of the] Washington "'hapter. American Insti- j lute of Banking, and K. J. McQuade, ? director of the National Association of 1 the American Institute of Banking. Chairman Sanger of the credit sec tion of the Merchants' and Manufac- ! turers' Association announced that j reservations for the dinner must be! made promptly. CLASS ELECTIONS HELD. Dental Jnniors and Others of 6. W. U. Choose Officers. Three more classes at George Wash ington University have elected officers for the present academic year. The junior class at the dental school lit-s chosen these officers: President, Nathan Byer. vice president. Daniel Doyle ; secretary. Kdward Liefer; treas urer. Ben iiammonrt; reporter, D. L. Roland. and sergeant-at-arms, Hemus J.ubore. The sophomore dental class has fleeted these officers: President, Donald ?;iue: vice i>r?-sident, Daniel Detweiler; ? ecretary-treamirer and editor, James l'"uris. and sergeant-at-arms, Mr. I>ewis. The senior class at Columbian Col lege has chosen these officers: Presi dent, .Tannery Nichols; vice president. Miss Martha MeOrew ; secretary. Miss Nelson, and treasurer, Miss May Kin etein. The sophomore class at the law t-chool is planning a banquet iin>l dance to be held some time this month in the lasement of New Masonic Temple. \c I * cording to announcement by J. D. W.\t kins, jr.. president of the class, ji ass ) :tta Taggart will head the committee t>n arrangements. <, Its a gross error to believe thaii every Bostonian is saturated with cul-\ k lure. 1 ; i Seventh Street Between D & E JOIN THE RED CROSS IT'S YOUR DUTY Combining Correct Styles Witk Dependable Construction Seventh Street Between D E fetime Furniture Is Made to Last Your Ckildren s Ch Y^OU'VE all known "Grandfather's Old Arm chair," that comfortable old chair that has been handed down for generations in nearly every family and has given such faithful service. Grandfather bought wisely when he bought that chair. He looked farther than the mere finish or upholstery. He insisted upon dependable con struction and built-in quality, and his judgment is vindicated by its years of sturdy, faithful service. YOU'LL buy wisely and well if you buy Life time Furniture, for its sturdy, stanch con , struction will withstand years of hard and trying wear, and, although it costs no more than the ordinary kinds, it is built to "last your chil dren's children." Gateleg Tables Gateleg: tables are especially usefui now, when you are trying to economize on room rent. Can be used as a dining table Tor small family; can be used a c.ird table; when not in use can be closed and set aside; takes up scarcely any room. AV e have them in all finishes and sizes. Fumed Oak Lifetime Gateleg Table, very strong; will give years at hard <7>r and constant service Mahogany Gateleg Table, sub stantially built, very nicely tin- qq Brown Mahogany Gateleg Ta ble, bright, shiny color; very at- tf as /vi tractive WJ.UU Mahogany Gateleg Table, very ttO'S 71! nicely finished 3-Piece Karpen Overstuffed Suite Large ICarpen Overstuffed Suite, verv roomv* well con^tructprt* . with best grade tapestry; has loose cushions and arm pads; interior ? spring construction; very handsome and attractive... S46 / Beautiful, Artistic Floor Lamps Much beauty is added to the home by a 'beautiful, artistic floor lamp. We have many beautiful, rich-colored lamps which must be seen to be appreciated. Antique Polychrome, highly d'ttf) decorative base *pD? Round Silk Shade, silk fringe William and Mary style, mahogany base Parchment Shades, hand decorated in colors Mahogany Lamp Base, very heavy Silk Octagon Shades in vari ous colors .... $18 $21.25 $28.30 $24.25 $35 3-Piece Cane Library Suite u-piece Mahogany Cano Library Suite, Queen Anne design, covered with high-grade tapestry, soft cushions; interior spring construction; very roomy; (substantially built; has two extra cushions, one extra roil '..v I) It: "v'"a Wiiif VaS V. Beautiful Rugs at Saving Prices Select your rugs now, while our stock is complete. We have a complete line of all styles and sizes. Notwithstanding the fact that they are attractive and durable, you will find the prices very reason able. Tea Wagons Are a In the Well Appointed Necessity Home 9x12 Genuine Wilton Rugs, fringed, ends; many patterns and coiore - S.3xl0.6 Genuine Wilton Rugs, fringed ends; all sizes and CQQ 7S many colors 9x12 Finest Worsted Wil<on Seam less Rugs, plain color, band tllft border JplOU 9x12 Wilton Velvet Rugs, ori ental colors and oriental de signs 9ZJO 9x12 Wilton Velvet Rugs, good quality, closely woven, ClM'T CA 3 patterns Vtl.UU 9x12 Axminster Rugs, oriental de signs and colors; choice, <!CQ 7C many patterns ?POO.iJ 9x12 Plain-color Wilton Vel- $7?) vet Rugs, band border The tea wagon Is especially useful today, when the hostess must solve the servant problem. No atternoon tea or party is complete without .1 dainty tea wagon. .Mahogany Tea Wagon with removable glass tray Solid Mahogany or Wal nut Tea Wagon with glass tray Very Fine Queen Anne Style Wagons in mahoganj Solid Mahogany Tea Wagon; has drop leaves. . Solid Mahogany Tea Wagon; opens to make tea table $27.50 $39.75 $37.75 $55.00 $65.00 3-Piece Overstuffed Suite a-piece Karpen Overstaffed Suite, loose cushions; spring construction; covered with high-grade tapestry; very attractive; constructed to (fe 4 A ? withstand years of hard and constant service tj)44j' Make the Fireless Cooker Your Servant Wbile You Are Away When you stop and consider all the advantages of a Ther matic- Fireless Cooker you realize that every day you keep house without a Ther matic you are actually deny ing yourself a savings and a service. Its appcarance in the home is an evidence of thrift. We have the Thermatic in many sizes. Come in, let us demonstrate to you their very efficient service. $21.50 Up Real Felt Mattresses That assure a "good night" The Stearns & Foster Mat tress is made of nine layers of springy cotton, tufted down to just the proper ten sion, giving it that softness not found in any other kind. Come in and ask to be shown this comfortable and econom ical Mattress. f'0-lb. I*urc Snow-white Cotton Felt Mattress, govern ment standard ACA tick- ?29 75 45-lb. Cotton Felt Mattress of good linters felt, heavy quality ticking, closely C1Q 7a tufted Cabinet Gas Range, $59.75 Cabinet Gas Range with elevated baking oven and broiling oven with adjust able pan; japanned metal, with white porcelain enam eled door panels and splash ers. It is connected with your gas at this price. Coal Heater, $18.75 Coal Heater, very nicely built; has pan underneath to catch the dropping cinders. A wonderful stove for its very f-fticient heating qualities. -Notwithstanding this fact, it does not require a great deal of coal. Combination Coal and Gas Range $89.75 Garland Combination Coal and Gas Range; cooks and bakes with either. One turn f the handle immediately con 1. erts it from coal to gas. Has warming closet instead of shelf shown. Warmy, Woolly BLANKETS Have plenty of fresh air in your bedroom, but don't neg lect yourself from warm bed ding. Warm, woolly blankets insure a good night's sleep. All-wool Blankets, both tfl ft nn warp and Ailing; 11-4 size 80% Wool Blankets, 11-4 size, 68x80, white, with bor- 419 RA der; also plaid Blue Institution Blan kets, 34 size $9.75 Gray Cotton Blankets, with bordered ends; size Qt 64x80 Macey Sectional Bookcases The Macey Sectional Bookcase is far superior to others. It is very attractive and it does not take a great deal of space. It is economical; you can enlarge your bookcase as your library grows. Macey Sectional Bookcase, three sections, base and top, in fumed oak or finely finished golden 4>ak Macey Sectional Mahogany Bookcase, three sections, top and base; nicely finished; never tight doors; very attractive Macey Sectional Bookcase, solid mahogany, 3 sections, top and base, a>s shown above; san itary base j $29.50 $33.50 $43.50 Beautiful Draperies to? Make Home Attractive Our Drapery Department is com plete and you will find a large as sortment of Portieres and L>ace Curtains at very reasonable prices. Nottingham Lace Cur tains, 2S in. x 2Vs yds.; per $1.39 ? White or Ivory Marquisette Cur tains; can be used with overdrape; 2'/i yds. long; 9Q per pair 90.0V White Ivory Marquisette Cur tains, with liand-embroid- 41 ne ered panels; per pair White Marquisette Curtains, with edging 2% yds. long; ?q per pair