OCR Interpretation

Evening star. [volume] (Washington, D.C.) 1854-1972, November 09, 1919, Image 8

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83045462/1919-11-09/ed-1/seq-8/

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Red Cross
Roll Call
November 2 to 11
Renew Your Membership
35c Red Star
Cotton Crash
at 25c yd
Genuine Red Star Cotton Absorbent Crash,
a known by every housekeeper for its
splendid wearing qualities. Offered for to
morrow at 25c yard. Goidenbw* 's?First Floor.
Store Hours: Open 9:15 A. M.; Close 6 P. M.
Men's 25c
Half Hose,
? VB?????
With This Coupon
M^n's Medium
weight Maco Cotton
Half Hose, perfect
quality; reinforced
heel, toe and soles;
black only. (S)
Q*ldenb?rx'>?Fint Floor.
With This
Coupon atid ^OC
Jergen's Benzoine
and Almond Lotion,
for chapped or rough
skin. Full size bot
tles. (War Tax, 2c.)
Goldenberf'??First Floor.
15c Talcum
With This
Coupon and..
Wistaria Talcum
Powder, a delightful
ly scented talcum;
high-grade talcum.
(War Tax, lc.) (S)
Goldenbeiv'o?Fint Floor.
25c Peroxide
With This | cr
Coupon and I
Peerless PeroxMo
Cream, for toilet and
massage; regular
two-ounce jars. (War
Tax. Xc.) (S)
Gold?beit'??Fint Floor.
More Good Coat News for Monday-"Another Exceptional Purchase of
Women's and Misses' Winter Co
Meant to Retail Up to $49.50
Secured So Advantageously That We Can Sell the Entire Lot at the
Greatest Savings on Record
Four hundred garments this time?exactly the Coats you want; exactly the styles;
exactly the fashions, and because of an unforeseen trade condition we obtained a manu
facturer's overstock at drastic reduction from the regular wholesale prices; giving us
an opportunity to offer the most amazing values known this season.
An Event That Outclasses Our Recent Wonderful Sale and
Provides Such Astonishing Savings That Every
Woman and Young Miss Should Be Here
Tomorrow to Take Advantage of
This is not a miscellaneous lot of coats made up for sale purposes, but a collection
of high-class garments, representing the regular stock of a New York manufacturer
who produces nothing but the best in style and quality.
Fur-trimmed Coats
Sport Coatees
Beaver-trimmed Coats
Loose Back Models
Half Belted Models
New Tailored Effects
Smart Shirred Styles
Wool Velour
Salts Plush
Plaid Back Coatings
Fancy Mixtures
New Blue
Oeldsnberr's?Second Floor.
Women's "Merode" Sample Underwear
At Extraordinary Savings From Regular Prices
This is one of those exceedingly fortunate occurrences that so rarely hap
pen in the height of the season?the annual distribution of famous ' Merode
Sample Underwear for women at substantial reductions from today's pre
vailing prices. Our customers are well acquainted with this nationally-adver
tised brand, and know that "Merode" Underwear is perfect in finish, style, fit
and quality. The opportunity to supply winter undergarment needs at big
savings is only possible because the makers favored us with their samples
and as samples they are naturally the best the manufacturer can produce.
Our purchase consists of Union Suits and Separate Garments?divided into two lots
and priced as follows:
$ | .50
"Merode" Union Suits
and Separate Garments,
Worth up to $2.50, at
Fine quality materials, shaped to per
fectly (it the figure?no uncomfortable
wrinkles about the waist line. Union Suits
and Separate Garments, in various styles,
including high neck, low neck, Dutch neck
and sleeveless, ankle and knee lengths, in
Union Suits and Separate Garments.
Choice of medium, light and heavy weights.
Sale price, $1.50.
Women's Fleeced Underwear,
separate Rsrments;
shirts with high neck qf
and long sleeves, ankle
pants i years
"Merode" Union Suits
and Separate Garments,
Worth up to $4.50, at....
Extra fine quality garment* fashioned with
extreme care, perfect in every detail of work
manship and finish. A choice selection of
styles in Union Suits-and Shirts and Pants,
including Part Wool. Siikateen and Wool, also
| heavy and medium weight cotton. High neck.
low neck, Dutch neck and sleeveless, ankle
I and knee length styles in the lot. Sale price,
! #2.35.
Children's Fleeced Cotton
Vnioa Suit*, high neck and long
sleeves; ankle A | FA
panfs; sizes 2 to 12 ^ Vr
Infants' Heavy Cotton Shirts,
high neck and long
sleeves; sizes 2 to 6 ^11 ?
Goldenberg's?First Floor.
Small Wares and Notions
Supply Your Sewing Needs from This Special List
Llxrrle Tape,
kin, piece
with bod
Dmiaukm' Skun,
quality; nickled steel
finish; assorted sizes,
Turkey Red Initial*, l'or
marking underwear, linens, g
etc. One quarter gross in ^C
each package, any letter
Stlckerel Trimming, pretiy col
ored effects, also plain j f\
white embroidered 1 UC
edgings, piece
Halt Hlngn. oval and fancy
shapes; tine tortoise shell finish,
pair at
25c and 49c
Tomato I *la Cushions, j"
neatly made ^
Goldoatas't?First Floor.
? hiae?e Ironing Wax,
muslin covers; wooden
handle?. SIX pieces for
Hair pin Cabineta. con
taining a good assortment
of wir.; hairpins; worth 10c
Skirt or Troaner* Hang
ers. strongly made; felt
cushion ends
(?nod Quality Se??inK Silk. 500
yard spools, for machine or hand
sewing; letter A only. / p
Kqual to four regular OOC
20c spools
Neverlost Baby I*in < F
Sets, a handy stocking ? 3C
and diaper fastening....
Suap Fasteners, one dosen mm
on card: best 5c kinds. J C
TWO cards for
Sewing Machine Oil, best J
grade, will not gum,
A List of Exceptional Values in
Men's Winter Underwear
Now is the time to look to your winter
underwear needs, while you can buy at these
savings. Standard quality garments ? from
the best makers?full of warmth and service?
are here in a complete variety of
styles, sizes and weights, at below
regular prices.
Men'a Ribbed Cotton l.'nderwear, heavy
weight; shirts with ribbed neck and satine
facing, drawers with reinforced seat and
aatine waistband; in ecru and ? a |
white; subject to slight imper- J) I I II
fections. Worth J1.50
Men's t'tira Fleeced Llaed t'aderwear, extra
heavy weight; clear white fleecing that will
not rub off. In Jaeger color; ? f | f-y
all regular sizes; perfect quality, J[ | ^
Worth $1.50.
Mea'a Standard
make All-wool Hed
Flaanel Underwear,
medicated dyes; per
fect quality; shirts in
sizes up to 46. Drawers
i n sizes /? A
up to 44. m,/y
Worth J5 ^
| Men's W r I ?t 1> r?
Health I'nderaear,
' highest quality fleeced
! underwear made;
shirts only. Subject
! to slight Imperfections
' sizes 36 to
! 44. Worth
i up to $2.25
Mali's. Wool Mixed
Sweaters, card igan
weave, shawl collar or
V nevk style, with two
pockets; in muroun,
blue and
g-\fa?>rd $2.29
Worth ?3.50^
Men'a Onyx Half Hose, mercerized lisle, tnaco cotton and
plain lisle. In black and colors; perfect quality. Samples and
surplus stocks of values worth 39c and 50c
Men'a ?; antra bury Natural Wool Mixed laderwear. Am /\/\
medium and heavy weights; shirts and drawers to match; ^ A, IJ|J
all regular sizes up to 50, stouts and regular. Worth {2.50..
Bath and Lounging Robes, of Lawrence, Beacon and Part Wool
Blankets, made with round, shawl and notch collars. The high
grade garments finished with silk cord binding or velvet collars,
lapels, pocket flaps and cuffs. Many new and exclusive patterns.
Priced at
$5.00 to $15.98
Goidenberr'ft?First Floor.
White Goods
Specially Priced
38-inch English I.ongeloth, fine
chamois? quality, for lingerie, etc.
Full J 2 yards in
each piece. Worth
34-iueh White Canon Cloth, a
heavy close woven linen a a
finish quality. Worth 59c <\ Q,
.'tS-inch White I'ajama Cheeks, a
fine soft finish grade, 'y/Z
for undergarments. J|)C
Worth 45c yard
Goldeaben'^?First Floor.
Pretty New Ribbons
Specially Priced
Extra Heavy Quality Ribbons,
five and six inches wide; includ
ing plain moire, plain taffeta, with
combination colored
stripes and light Dres- J\jC
dene. Worth 85c yard
Dark Dresden Ribbons, for mak
ing camisoles, in pretty dark blue,
Copenhagen, old rose, car
dinal. brown and green. VcSC
Worth $1.25 yard w w
Xew Ribbons, in plaids, plain
striped satins and taffetas; in car
dinal, pink, blue, old rose, black,
Copenhagen, etc. For hair a q
bows and fancy work. 4fiC
Worth 59c yard ?
Goidenberj's?First Floor.
$2.50 and $2.75 Silks
35 and 40 Inches Wide in Black
and All Colors
$2.19 a yd.
Hundreds of yards include?silks now enjoying the greatest
favor for fall and winter dresses, blouses, etc., all offered at
one low price, and that price far below today's prevailing
value. The group embraces the following fashionable silks:
35-inch Satin Messaline.
35-inch Chiffon Taffeta.
40-inch Box-loom Crepe de Chine.
The color assortment includes a full line ui street and evening
shades, also black. Silks that have been selling regularly at $2.50
and $2.75, here tomorrow at only $2.19 a yard.
Goldenborg'<?Fir it Floor. '<?
$15.00 Wool Blankets
At $10.95 aPair
They arc the famous Hamilton Mills Fine Wool Blankets,
and contain 85 per cent wool?the only part cotton being the
warp, which is made of best spool cotton, and adds to the
durability. Extra heavy weight, soft and fleecy; 70x80 inches;
large double-bed size.
In white or gray, with blue or pink borders. Only 50 pairs
in the lot?and at this low price they will quickly iind new
$9.00 Part Wool
Blankets, $6.95
Heavy weight double-bed size
I'art-wool Blankets, extra fine
finish, white with blue or pink
$6.00 Woolnap and
Australian Blankets,
Double-bed size Woolnap or
Australian Blankets, white, tan or
gray with fancy borders. Have the
appearance and finish of wool
$12.00 Part Wool
Blankets, $8.95
Fine grade I'art-wool Blankets,
in plaids of blue, pink, tan and
gray, also white or gray with fancy
borders; size 70x80 inches; doublfe
bed size. This grade contains the
greater percentage of wool.
$1.50 Crib Blankets,
Cortex Brand Crib Blankets,
same finish as the wool blankets.
Blue or 7 ink Teddy Bear, Cat, Dog
and other nursery designs. Each
neatly boxed.
Goldenbsrf's?Fourth Floor.
Women's Muslin Nightgowns
Regular $2.50 Values,
Women's Muslin Nightgowns, good soft finish quality, with yokes
of tucks and fine embroidery insertion; long sleeves. V or high necks.
Full cut sizes.
Women'. Extra Sl*e Muslin Xlghtgown*, with long sleeves, yokes of
fine tucks and embroidery insertions; high necks; full cut and well made.
Priced at
$1.98 and $2.98
Special Sale of Regular $5
Chiffon Broadcloth, $3.98
48 Inches Wide, in all the Most Favored Autumn Shades and Black
A rich, handsome satin-faced quality?all pure wool, sturdy woven and# one of the
most popular fabrics for fall and winter suits and wraps, as well as children's coats. The
color assortment includes all wanted shades, such as:
Navy Blue, Midnight Blue, African Brown, Raccoon. Beaver, Taupe.
Japan Blue, Flying Fox, Heather, Burgundy, Fawn, Hunter's Green, Pekin:
Blue, Copenhagen, Tan, Black, etc.
Take advantage of this saving and supply your needs tomorrow. Full 48 inches wide. Sale
price, $3.98 a yard.
$2.50 Storm Serge, $1.89
54-inch Superior double twill, hmrd twisted Storm
Serge, in riavy blue and black. A splendid wearing
quality for dresses and suits.
$4.00 and $5.00 Winter
Coatings, $2.49
54-Inch Stylish Winter Coatings, in all the
choicest and most fashionable weaves for women's
coats. In ail wanted shades, including brown, bur
gundy, taupe, green, black, etc. Also handsome
two-tone heather Scotch mixtures. Sponged and
shrunk free of charge.
Goldosb?rr'>?First Floor.
$3.00 All-wool French Serge, $2.49
42-lnch All-wool French Serge, a fine twilled
quality, In three shades of navy blue, also ether
fashionable shades, for suits, skirts and dressee.
$5.00 All-wool French Serge, $3.89
54-lnch All-wool Imperial French Serge, a
superior quality, in black and navy blue. A popular
material for suits and dresses.
$5.00 Cream Chinchilla
Coatings, $2.98
54-inch Cream Chinchilla Coatings, the Ideal
weave for women's and children's coats.
Sale of Flannels
For Warm Winter Garments
"-look Oitlic Flaaaels. light
and dark grounds; neat stripes and
checks; a heavy double _
fleeced quality. Worth Zvt!
35c yard
30-inch Bleached Shaker Flannel,
extra heavy fleeced qual
Bleached Canton Flan
ify for winter garments
Worth 50c yard
nel, a close nap quality.
Worth >5c vard
27-lnch White Wool Flannel, a
fine close woven, soft fin- a fx
Ish grade for infants'
wear. Worth 5?c yard...
54-Inch White Wool
Elltrltwi, single
face; extra fine qual
ity. Worth $2 yard...
Ooldcnberg'o?First Floor.
$2.00 Framed Pic
tures at $1.29
A special purchase of 500 Beau
tiful Framed Pictures, fumed oak,
bright or dull gilt moldings, in
upright or oblong shapes. 14x18
and 12x20 glass sizes. In scenery,
figures, or fruit subjects, many
being copies of the old masters.
Geldeabeit'o?Fourth Floor.
$2.00 Seamless Sheets
81x90 Double
Bed Size at...
A special purchase of 200 dozen sheets at a price concession*
brings this opportunity to save on sheets of dependable qual
ity. They are made in one piece?110 center seam?and the
quality is a heavy round thread grade noted for durability and
Full 81x90 inches, with deep hem. This lot is classed as
"run-of-the-mill" because some are slightly imperfect, but the
faults are trivial and do not impair the wearing quality.
Crochet Bedspreads, full dou- <
ble bed size, in neavy
raised Jlarseilles de
signs. Worth $3.50. .
42x36 Bleached Pillowcases,
hand torn an<f Ironed;
finished with deep C
hem. Worth 50c each.
80*<H) White Dimity Bedspreads,
double bed size, AQ
with seersucker ,n /? vrS
stripes. Worth $3.00. ^
45x38 Oneida Bleached Pillow
cases, seconds of the
famous Utica brand.
Worth 70c each
.18-inch I'nhleaehed ghttllig
Cotton, mill lengths; close wovej)
grade for making sheets
and pillowcases. Worth
39c each
NlxDO Seamless Bleached 9heet%
full double lied size;
perfect quality; free ? f AO
from starch or dress- j) I ."r?
incr. Worth J2.25 ^ *
ae-lnch White Cambric. a flno
close woven, soft finish grad^
for making undergar
ments. Worth 39c a
Ooldsnbcrc'a?Fir*t Floor.
Ivory Py ralin Toilet Articles
at One-Half Regular Price
Extraordinary Purchase and. Stde of Thousands of Pieces of This Popular
Ware, Embracing a Great Variety of Wanted Articles
This is one of the biggest events of the kina we've ever attempted". It is made possible
through several large purchases from the manufacturers, including factory seconds and odd lots,
which we obtained on a basis that permits us to offer savings of ONE-HALF AND NEARLY
The assortment of styles embraces practically every article found on milady's toilet table
Toilet Mirrors, Hairbrushes, Combs, Puff Boxes, Hair Receivers, Trays, Perfume Bottles, Mam*
cure Pieces, etc.
While some of the pieces are classed as seconds by the manufacturer of this well-known and na*
tionally advertised brand of Ivory Pyralin?every piece in this sale will bear the closest scrutiny with
out detecting any deviation from the high quality goods which sell at double the prices named in this
special sale.
Hair Brushes, good
quality bristles; de
sirable shapes. Worth
Hair Brashes, solid
backs, fine grained /N f f
Ivory finish. Worth JI,|V
$2.00 ^ ' *
Hair Brashes, solid backs, me
quality imitation
Ivory; assorted
Hair Brashes, fine
quality penetrator
bristles; massive
shapes; worth $4.00..
Military Brashes,
solid backs, fine qual
ity bristles; worth
$5.00 pair
Bonnet Brashes, fine Z/\ _
grained ivory finish: long OyC
bristles; worth $1.25
Lost Handle Mirrors, fine
grained ivory finish;
Bonnet Mirrors,
large bevel glass;
regular $4.00 values..
Imitation Ivory
Perfume Bottlea, large
Bise; worth $2.00
Roond Mirrors, long
handle; fine quality
imitation ivory;
worth $4.00
Mirrors, with long
handles; fine bevel
glass; large size
Puff Boxes and Hair
Receivers; worth 75c
Puff Boxes and Hair Receivers,
fine grained ivory
finish; large massive
shapes, worth $1.98
Powder Boxes and
Salve Jars, some with
glass lining; worth 50c /yC
Nail Polishers or Buf
fers j worth $1.00 and
Nail Polishers, with ota
Ivory rim and remov
able chamois, with iray. .
Imitation Ivory Trinket or
?Jewel Boxes, velvet A f f\f\
lined; assorted shapes; Jh I (III
worth $1.30 * ? vrvr
Photo Frames, squaxe
and oval shapes;
worth up to 79c
Photo Frames, sub
stantially made; fine _
quality and finish; worth OyC
$1.00 ?
Combination Pta Caahlsas andr
Jewel Boxes. fine
quality grained ivory
base; velvet cushions;
in assorted colors.
Pla Caahloaa, velvet A /\ _
tops; assorted 4yC
styles s^-w
Imltstioa Ivory Per
fame Bottles, regular 39c /.Tr
Imitation Ivory Per
fume Bottles, assorted
Talcum Powder Hold- /A
ers, fine grained Ivory; OVC
worth $1.00
Imitation Ivory Dress- A A
er Trays 1 vMrth 76c 44 C
Imitation Ivory
er Trays s worth
Imitation Ivory
er Trays, large
worth $1.50
$1.00 59c
Goldenbort'i?First Floor.
Fall Nets & Laces
72-inch Silk Tulle, a favorite
material for dainty evening and
dancing frocks; in white, tur
quoise, pink, light blue, rose,
mais, nile, black, navy ^ C
blue and orchid
42-Inch Silk Net. in -J A
white, black and ^
evening shades
42-iach Black Silk Nets, in spot,
chan ti Uy and striped effects.
Priced at
$1.79 to $3.79 Yard
42-ln. Chiffon Cloth.
a superior q u a 1 i ty. ? j
in white, black and
wanted shades
Metal Laces, embroidered o n
white silk net. in stiver, steel,
gold and old gold; edgings and
bandings; in an assortment of ef
fective designs. Priced at
35c to $4.50 Yard
Point Laces, including Venice,
filet and Oriental; white and cream *
colors. An assortment of patterns.
Priced at
$1.00, $1.25, $1.50 and
$1.75 Yard
$5.00 Rope Por
tieres at $3.50
Heavy velour finish Rope I>or
t it-res, fill in space from 4 to 6
ft. wide. In green, blue, rose, red
and brown, with deep valance,
large husk and tassel trimmed.
Goldonberff'B?Fourth Floor.
75c to 85c Novelty
Turkish Towels
Sale of Women's
Warm Winter Wearables
Bath Robes, Kimonos and Petticoats Offered
Tomorrow at Special Prices
at 59c
Novelty Turkisli Towels, in a
variety of striped effects, in as
sorted colors. Extra fine superior
close woven grades. These
towels will make useful and
practical gifts.
All Whlto Hack Tovrcls, with
whit* jacquard designs; fine close
woven absorbent grade;
for hand or face. Worth
35 1 each
>>Usnbeq;'??Flwt Floor.
Up to 50c Veilings
at 23c Vard
Special offering of Mesh Veil
ings, in stylish scroll, motif,
dotted shadow and bordered
effects. In black, taupe, navy
blue, purple and dusty brown.
Good wearing quality.
Flrit Floor?'VoUinf Departmost.
Women's Beacon Cloth Bath
in pretty floral and Indian designs;
shown in an assortment of desirable
colorings. Finished with cord, pocket
and cuff sleeves. All
sixes. Special value,
Others Handsomely Trimmed With
Satin at $7.98 to $9.50
Fieecedown Kimonos, dark and
light assorted floral designs; satin and
satine trimmed effects, loose models;
also waistline with loose
Knitted Petticoats, beautiful, as
sorted colors; also grays and mix
tures; plain and with striped bor
ders; fitted vokes. Priced at
$1.00 to $2.69
Ooldonborf's?Third Floor.
belts. Full cut
Women's Flaaelette Pajamas, two
piece style; pink and blue stripe^
trimmed with silk frogs;
long sleeves and pockets;
all sizes. Worth >4.00.
Women's White Flaaaelette Night,
conns, double yokes, collars and cuffs.
Trimmed with washable braids; full
cut and well made; all
sizes. Worth
S>w Eiderdown Aaetiaes, in gray,
with black scalloped edges; long
sleeves; all sizes. Warm
comfortable house
Extm-siae Knitted Petticoats,
gray with white striped borders:
also blue and white bordered
styles; good, heavy quality. Pricea
$1.25 and $2.25
A Remarkable Purchase of Full Bolts and Mill Ends ot
75c & 98c Cretonnes, Chintz
and Rep Drapery Fabrics
at 48c a Yard
We have just received a big lot of fine quality drapery ma
terials from the mill, representing an underprice purchase of
short lengths and full bolts of fabrics in most demand for win
ter home furnishings. The lot consists of fine quality Washable
Cretonnes, Chintz and Figured Reps, all yard wide and in a
wonderful range of patterns and colorings, including floral ef
fects, stripes, figures, scenery, cubist and bird designs.
These fabrics can be obtained in quantities sufficient for curtains,
draperies, cushion, couch, trunk, cedar chest or furniture covers?in
fact, for any purpose required.
The lot is so large we have placed the full bolts on sale in on
Fourth Floor Drapery Section and the mill lengths on sale on Firs
Floor Bargain Tables.

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