Newspaper Page Text
WOMEN'S CITY tti ! OPENS DM OFFICES I 'orce to Be on Duty to Reecive Membership Applications in Or ganization's Future Home. Headquarters for the membership t rive of the Woman's City Club, now 1 progress, were today opened in the ew home of the organization. 21! ? ackson place. From now on there %'ill be an office force on duty there !! day to receive applications and iso to give out information to mem ?rs and to prospective members. This doesn't mean that the club has oved into its new home, recently irchased. That move, and the for al opening of the quarters, will tke place soon. It was. however. ? 'emed advisable to utilize the actual >me-to-be of the club for enrollment ur poses and haste was made by lose in charge of the membership rive to have the necessary prepara oris made with this end in view. The by-laws of the new club will ; submitted to the membership at le next regular meeting, which will r held at 8 o'clock Wednesday night '12 Jackson place. In view of this ? ? t as large an attendance as pos ble is desired in order that all who tve become members by that time ay have the privilege of voting on use laws. ? J umerous Thefts of Clothing Are Reported to Police as Having Occurred in City. A small colored boy last niglit I ibbed 1-ouisa Wills. 326 Bryant j reet, of her pocketbook containing ;.50. She was near 6th and Trura ill streets shortly before 8 o'clock hen she was robbed. She said she iought the boy was not more than even years old. Philip Seigel, 2201 12th street, re ined home early last night and scovered that during his abence his j unk had been ransacked. He was I table to state what had been taken. Intruders last night visited the resi nce of I?r. E. C. Hunter. 10 5th street .rtheast. Entrance was gained by rcing open the front door, but noth g was stolen. Rosa Brown. 1213 Delaware avenue | uthwest, attended a dance in a hall ar 2d and I streets southwest one ;ht last week, and while she was ijoying a dance, she reported, her j ush coat worth {45 was stolen. \n overcoat and pair of gloves be- | lging to David R. White. 212 A eet northeast, were stolen from the ar Risk Club, 2100 Massachusetts enue. L. Dietz, 1219 30th street, reported s loss of an overcoat valued at $60. e garment, he said, was taken from ice cream parlor last night. :N. inual Washington Board of Trade Meeting to Be Held tonight; Directors to Be Elected. The personal relation of stirring periences undergone by Gen. ?orge H. Harries, former president id former secretary of th? Wash gton Board of Trade, and. in his pacity as an officer of the overseas 'Tees, stationed during recent months Berlin, is to be a feature of the an al meeting of the organization at o clock tonight at, the Willard. Mot only because of the great in rest in what Gen. Harries will have ? say. but also because of the im ?rtant matters to be discussed and e annual election of ten members the board of directors. President alter A. Brown issued an urgent >peal for as large an attendance of ?ard members as possible. The annual reports of the presi nt. secretary and treasurer of the >ard will be read, and the business ' the evening will be foHowed by a jffet supper. All members not in -rears for dues may vote, it is an iunced, for the ten directors, who. eeting a week from today with the ? her directors, will choose the new -esident. secretary and treasurer, ho will serve the board for the en ling year. A plan has been devised. President "rown states, which will permit the nnouncement of the choice of these ew directors at a very much earlier our than usual. NJUSTICES IN POLAND BY ALLIES ARE ALLEGED ?>eace of Europe is menaced by in ustices done to Poland by the al !es, according to declarations made n an open letter to the allied nations igned by Polish leaders, which was nade public here. Among the ligners of the document are the heads >f the Roman Catholic, Armenian Catholic and Protestant churches in t'oland, the presidents of universi ies in Warsaw, Cracow. Pu#en and 'jvov, the mayors of those cities and ?dltors of twenty-three Polish news papers. The injustices charged are enumer ?ted under ten headings, and it is isserted that the allied diplomats jvere "treacherously imposed upon" >y the Germans "who conspired fu- J ?iously against Poland by means of, heir own agents, as well as Jewish, i Ckrainian, bolshevik agents and oth- j ?rs." The first grievance mentioned is the establishment of the city of Danzig as a free state, possession of the port being declared "indispensable to the development and expansion of Poland." t) 2) I a 1 I Special Orders Should Be Placed at Once ?If you want to have something special made up for Christmas the time to have the work done is now. After December i it will be impossible to turn out spe cial orders. We have a large, mag nificently equipped shop on the premises. I Adolph Kahn Jeweler 935 F Street .^BaiiaiiafiaiianaiffliafPl^jWlnilSliiiliaiiaiiaffiiiiaiiaipjg MUTT AND JEFF ?The Sleuths Hot-footed It a Long Way, at That. (Copyright, lilt, by H. C. Fisher. Trmde mark registered U. S. Pst. Off.) ?By BUD FISHER. AMUSEMENTS. B.F.KEITH'S Z.1 DaUy^Sun.^Hory.^.T A Co-Star Bill of Comic Consequence StollH MAYHEW and Bailie TAYLOR Joe E. HOWARD and Ethelyn CLARK Bailey & Cowan, with Estelle Davis: Hunting & Francis; Giuran ic La Petite Marguerite; Duffy & Sweeney; "Mafic Glasses"; The Brittons; Herman & Shir Jey. Etc. ??? ?> Cheer Up Again. ? ? We say the prices now are high, so high Ave're often strick en dumb; we shudder when we go to buy; cheer up, the worst is yet to come! The shoemen say there are no hides, and daily leather grows more rare ; and so the price of footwear slides ten parasangs up in the air. The clothiers say there is no wool, the sheep are dead and on the ice; it takes some influence and pull to get a suit at any pric^. The bakers say there is no flour, and so the children have no bread, and we are weeping every hour because our hopes are lying dead. The barbers say there are no barbs, and we must let our whiskers grow until they spread like noxious varbs, and wave and wiggle to and fro. The grocer says he cannot groce for less than ninety-five per cent; he sees the sheriff' drawing close when profits sink, is his lament. And so things go, from day to day, the whole blamed world is out of plumb; but let us all be blithe and gay; cheer up, the worst is yet to come. The worst will come, and then the slump, the big reaction will appear; and we will carry to the dump the pirate and the profiteer. WALT MASON. NOT TO MIX IN RUSSIAN AFFAIRS, BALTICS ASSERT LO>fDOX, November 8.?Represent atives of the Baltic states in confer ence have issued an official statement explaining their attitude regarding their entry into negotiations with the bo!shevist government. They point ouj that it is not their intention to intervene in the internal affairs of Russia. Acceptable Gifts When you are look ing for something out of the ordinary to send back home you will find that we carry the most unique gifts of the better sort. We specialize in the unusual views of Washington, tor ex ample. The National Remembrance Shop (Mr. Foster's Shop) Open Evenings Until 9 0'Clock Pa. Ave. at 14th St. You Can Keep Your Clothes C-L-E-A-N and well pressed at very rea sonable cost by availing your self of HOFFMAN SERVICE. C Modern facilities ? prompt delivery. CWe specialize on D-Y-E-I-N-G ?wearing apparel and house hold goods of every descrip tion. 8nra?dti with A Phone*. Call ?h? W one I m YOU 11 O ?elKhborhood. Hoffman Co. I Expert Clmanara A Dyer* Main Office, 735 13th St. N.W. Phone Main 10058 AMUSEMENTS. AMUSEMENTS. MOORE'S 9th at G RIALTO THEATER 9th at G 11 A. M.?ALL WEEK?11 P. M. Realart Presents L M. MONTGOMERY'S Classis Novels of American Girlhood The Famous "Anne" Books Combined in One Photoplay + ANNE OF GREEN SABLES Featuring MARY MILES MINTER 9^. Added Attraction HECTOR GOLDSPINK?LYRIC TENOR MOORE'S 9th at D STRAND 1 P. M ALL WEEK?11 P. M. PRICES: 1 P. 1I.-6.S0 P. il., 35c, 50c: 6:30 P. 31. 11 P. M., 50c, 75c SOME SHOW! DON'T MISS IT! Mack ScnSttt's YANKEE DOODLE'"BERLIN AND SENKETT BATHING GIRLS >N PERSON WITH Teneyek &Weily Mile. Nadje in in Classical Dances ART POSES THEATER 9th at D (|;'f J# vf'r ' I., MOORES jLv" ? :*? THEATER NINTH. ST. BET. X> AND C = Positively Every Day From 11 A.M. to 11 P.M. Hit 17 I n n C D So Every Man, Woman! I^tl LLU U V LK and Child in WashingJ H THIRD BIG , WEEK ton Can See g| ?"SOLDIERS o' FORTUNE! ??{ RICHARD HARDING DAVIS' ||? M MARVELOUS LOVE STORY M 1 The Picture of a ThousancJ Thrills 1 BOWLING A Few Games Each Day Will Keep Doctors Away RECREATION 38 Health Drives?G at 9th GRAND CENTRAL 7th at Pa. Ave. 11 Tournament Alleys 12 World's Best Tables 15c Game, 9 A.M. to 6 P.M. 20c Game, 6 P.M. to 1 A.M. SHUBERT-BEUSCO^r^.:."?,^ Direction Messrs. Shubert Curtain Precisely at 8:16 Immediately Precedlas Her Bnffaicf Bent at the Belaaeo Theater, N. Y. DAVID BELASCO Present* LENORE ULRIC I? "THE SON-DAVGHTER" A Hew Play by George Srarbotaogh and David Belaaeo. Vast I KAXTHA HEDKAJf I Iwti I I to "foun&BL'* ixaou. 1 Toniffht. 8i30?Pop. SI Mat. Tfenra. MRS. HENRY B. HARRIS offers WHEN A MAN'S A MAN A Play by Wlilard Robert*on and Kllbourn Gordon. Next Monday Eve.?-Seat* Now WASHINGTON OPERA COMPANY EDOIARD ALBION, Director FAUST - In English LYCEUM Twice Daily 2:15 & 8:15 BTOLESQUE OH, FRENCHY - Smoking: Permitted. ' VBBSTLIKG THIiHS. NIGHTS, AMUSEMENTS. CRANMMl'S?F at I Oth ||| Metropolitan | ?Cratiamu? 10:30 A. MJ-11 P. M. VIOLA DANA The Unwed Bride, Mt PLEASE GET MARRIED Yesterday SCORED A HIT Special Film Features f VDIf THEATER I . I IViV^ 14th * Irving Sts. SESSUE HAYAKAWA in 'THE DRAGON PAINTER' The most artistic picture ever filmed. Also Comedy. EMPIRE* Oil II St. X.K. ANITA STEWART Supported by .FRANK mayo, hedda nova ALL-STAli cast, ill "MARY REGAN" Added?Patlie Latest News. and OLYMPIC 1431 U St. N.W. last DAT? MARY PICKFORD in "DADDY LONG-LEGS" CRANDALL'S L'l ITU 14th Street and K. 1. Ave. C.L111 VIOI.A DANA, in "FALSE EVIDENCE." flHTROPULITAN _ K Street at ltlth TODAY AND ALL WEEK?\ IOLA DANA, ill "PLEASE GET MAltitlED." CRANDALL'S ZX'ZfWX TODAY?VIOLA DANA, ill "PLEASE GET MAKKIKL*." TOMOKROW?PEGGY' HYLAND, in T11E GIRL OK BOHEMIA." /tn 4 Kin A I I 'C Theater. Oth A B St?. LRATIUALIi U ToDAY TO WEDNES DAY'? MADLAINE TRAVERSE. in "THE SNARKS OF PAKIS." AI-.SO SUNSHINE COMEDY, "WILD WAVES AND WOM EN/] FbANnAII'C SAVOY TIIEATERt LKAWUALL. O I4lh st. ana Col. Hd. TODAY*?ROBERT WARWICK, in "TOLD IN THE 1IILLS. ? TOMOKUOW? lilLLIE BURKE, IN THE MISLEAD1ING WIDOW." Also MACK BENNETT COMEDY, "BACK TO THE KITCHEN." AVENLE GRAND 84.1 I'a. Ave. S.E. TODAY?V.ILLIE BURKE, in "THE MIS LEADING WIDOW." ALSO ItOSCOE AR BDC'KLE, in "BACK STAGE." TOMORROW?MARGUERITE CLARK., in "WIDOW BY PROXY.V CRANDALL'S CRANDALL'S APO%^ ?TEU TODAY?MARGUERITE CLARK, In "WID OW BY PROXY." ALSO MACK SEN NETT COMEDY, "BACK TO THE KITCHEN'." TOMORROW?charles RAY, in "THE EGG CRATE WALLOP." 1st St. and R. I. Ave. HARRY MORF.Y, in . ?THE gamblers." AMERICAN V IRPPTY North Capitol and P Sts. L1DC?I\.1 1 chAHLES CHAPLIN*, in bis latest comedy, "SUNN YSIDE.'* Also Mark Sennett Comedy. Ben Turpin, Charles Chaplin and Ford Sterling, in "Uncle Tom Without the Cabin." NEW NAVV sth st- A Pn* Ave' S B? WE.TT llAf I DOROTHY PHILLIPS, CIRCLE in TIIK RIGHT TO HAPPINESS.*' PROGRAM CONSISTENTLY GOOH HOME TODAY?LAST TIME? First Northeast Showing! Special! Special! "THE BIRTH OF A RACE." The Greatest Picture Ever Produced! A picture for all, children and adults, both young and old. History of our great country from landing of Columbus to present day. No advance in price! Shows start at 3, 5, 7 and 9 P.M. PRINCESS CORRINE GRIFFITH, in "THE climbers." CAROLINA FIRST southeast SHOWING, ALICE JOYCE, in "THE winchester WOMAN." Tomorrow, starting 6 p.m., "THE BIRTH OF A RACE." REGENT 18th & Cal. sts. HALE HAMILTON, in "THE FOUR flusher." Also "Christie" Comedy. LEADER 9th St. Above E ALL-STAR CAST in "A SCREAM IN THE NIGHT" Added Attraction. RAPHAEL ilth and O St*. N.W. ELSIE FERGUSON, in "THE WITNESS FOR THE DEFENSE." TRUXTON North Capitol and Q Sts. N.W. NORMA TALMADGE. in "THE MISSING LINK." S106 Fa. An. Ph. W. PFGGY* HYLAND, in "THE MlHiRY-GO- I ROUND." Mix Comedy. nolmes Trav-1 elogue. D EVE DP <-a- Ave. and Park Road IVtVtlVt Shows 6:30. 8:00, 9:30. WILLIAM FARNUM. in "THE LONE STAR RANGER." NEW STANTON 6th ADD C N.E.?6, 8 AND 10 P.K. ? D. W. GRIFFITH S Entirely New Edition, A Supreme Triumph, "Hearts of the World" nilMBARTON 1340 Wisconsin Ave. Lfumunni un madlainetraverse, in "THE SPLENDID SIN." A Perfect Place for . DANCING Must possets a modern floor of MARBLE AND GLASS OVER ELECTRIC LIGHTS,, and the very best in music, such as is only to be found in Greater Penn Gardens A* All the Real Dancer, Know. Penn Ave. at 21st N.W. One Admission to All?No Extras. ||| 'i| ;i |! i CRANDALL'S KNICKERBOCKER 18th and Col. Rd. Tddny, Beginning nt 6:30 VIOLA DANA In the Fatuous Farce "Please Get Married" Billy Paraons In "Bill Behaves"?"Extra*. CRITERION THEATER 9th and D Sts. N.W. Beginning Saturday, Nov. IS "THE WESTERNERS ARE COMING" Stewart Edward White's Greatest Novel. Blgcer Than the Spoilers. All Star Cast, Including Roy Stewart Robert McKim and Wilfred Lucas Saturday, Nov. 22, Rex Beach's Master Story Vengeance of Dnrand With Alice Joyce AMUSEMENTS AMUSEMENTS. lOE WS THKATER PALACE TODAY AND ALL WEEK douglas Maclean IN "23% HOURS LEAVE" By Mary Rtbrrti Rtaehart Overture - - - "Carmen" f Bizet J lOEWS TIIRATER columbia TODAY?TOMORROW?WED. dorothy daltom :IN "L'APACHE" CRITERION THEATER 9th and D Su. N.W. Today and All-Week Double Bill Sennett'sFamous Bathing Beauties in Addition to The Hellion SIX ACTS One who lives or deserves to live in helL The regeneration of a girl entertainer in a bril liant cafe. Beginning Saturday "The Westeners ? Stewart Ed ward White novel. Great er than "The Spoilers." Jack Singer s Behman Show , With Harry Landers Ameta Pynes and Marie Sparrow GAYETY Today and All Week ~ Week M(kta, 8 >30-12. ARCADE 14th aad Park Road. PERFECT PLACE 1 ?" TO DANCE Strict Cemaoiw.pppniar Pritw. NATIONAL THEATER MME. LOUIEE Thunday, Ne?, SO. 4:10 TT Seat. ?.w .a ?1. .t f|Q|||01> Kn. Greene s concert bureau. In Droop'a, 13th America's (Teateat ||u. shi ?Tattr, Tonight at 8:20 ATTpirTiCNS Thnr?.4 Sat Vaaderbllt Prodnrtnc Co. Prewita "IRENE" A Mnalrnl ConrJj br Jmmeu Montgomery With Edith Day (the orlelaal Tlrkle ' Tw 6M) .Vo. 1 of a series to tell you o} a? M tsual musical comedy next week. & * * xm The Prodnrcrs Did you like "Chu Chin Chowt" "Oh Boy?" "Leave It to Janet" Well, the* ire tome of the successes sponsored by ?. Ray Comstock and Morris Oest- That ; could seem to indicate, would it not, | 'hat there is something to the frequent i remark: The Comstock and Oest stamp ; on a play is the same as sterling on ; silver. This new piece is something un 1 usual from a firm. that hat dealt witt I the unusual. P. S. Kr>t> Tomorrow. N ATIONAL oi^i'iS. t:M JULIA JOSEPH Sanderson Cawthorn In "THK CANARY," with Doyle Jk Dlxoa and Maude Rbaia "rleea. Except Sat. XIgfct, 5Qe to BILLIE BURKE iNppMUMrSpidlH; CAESA^TwiFfe DANCING. GLOVER'S, SIS 22nd?PKI. LESSONS AN I time, 75c. Claaaea Tuea. and Kri. erealag* Ballroom for rem. IB. W. llg). Bt. HO*. NEW YORK F:.a. DANCING ES p.m. C-O-N-S-E-R-V-A-T-O-R-Y Open Day and Night Latest steps taught in refined ballroom darn ing, one-step, waltz, fox trot, jazz, etc. Rea Konable rates. Lady and gentleman instructors. FINEST FLOOR AN1> APPOINTMENTS IN THE CITY. Orchestra CLASS LES SONS, 75c. Private lessons all day St evening. 506 9th N.W.?Ph. Frank. 2766 PROF. AND MRS. ACHER, STUDiO, 1127 30th st. n.w.?Class Monday and Friday. 8 t?> 11 p.m.; private lessons by appointment. Phone North 6780. Established 1900. 16* Wash-DancingAcademy 481 Eleventh St. V.W. Modern dancing, also >Ug? dancing of tk? moat unique character taught. Private leasons We hare the largest ?taff of professional lady and gentleman teachers in Washington, If you can walk we G UAH ANT EE jou to danoe be fore leaving studio. Learn to dance bj an or chestra. Will give lessons at reaidanoo if de sired. Phone Franklin 4-&-8-S. Miss Chappelear Private Lraaona by Appolataaat. 1?0S CUPTON ST. H.W. PHONE COL. I rHON^ R0BEY'S~cou 73?( 10* DAVISON'S1329M n-w.'c^ A STAN UARV SCHOOL. Teach you to dance correctly la a few lee eons. Strlrtl. priTate. Any time. A teacher tor each pupil. Special courae for taaachlaa or expert dancing. New^dancca. lateat atrpa. Claae dance Toe*, and Sat. ere.. 8 to 11. Orcbaatra. Lady and gentleman aaalataata. Phoac M. 1TM. PROF. WYNDHAM ? ??? *?> LATEST and REST In DANCING. Lm aona. SUMMER RATES. PuplU UPARANTpKO. HOWAHU LESLEY HOLT niafM Hla exclnaive teaching of excluaire ihmIi at Ua NEW Saloa of Dance, No. ? Dupoat (la. CfcUdrea