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JOIN THE RED CROSS?AM You Need Is a Heart and a Dollar?Do It NOW THE SHOPPING Eleventh and G Streets A.LISNER. Annual November Sale of Coats Continues Make Your Selections Now While Assortments Are Complete Four unusuallv attractive groups at" $39 $49 $59 $69 In a splendid variety of warm. soft, rich winter materials?tailored according to tile latest vogue?styles for street, general wear and motoring or dress. . I'nlnin Royal?Third Floor. National Blouse Week Nov. 10th to 15th?Second Day of This Important Event The Most Gorgeous Collection of Beautiful Blouses We Have Ever Shown--- Values Are Extraordinary The leading blouse creators, Ratik artists and manu facturers of staple georgette blouses have joined us in making Blouse Week an event of opportunity. Xo matter how discriminating your taste, you are sure to find among this magnificient assortment the blouse you want, and at less than ordinary cost. DO NOT FAIL TO TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THIS SALE Batik Blouses?The Fashion Beautiful?Prices .\re $22.50, $25, $27.50, $30, $35, $37.50 and $50 These Mouses are handpainted in individual Greek and Ori ental designs by real artists. "the de sign is placed so that it creatcs harmonious line and individuality in the garment. They are marvelously beautiful. Costume Blouse or Visiting Blouse of Elegance Seldom Seen at $15.00 Exclusive Paris Blouses are their prototypes, from which they have been copied with a precision of detail that renders them hardly distinguishable from the original. Many are weighted down with sparkling beads or bedecked with rich, elaborate embroidery of ?iienille or vtorsted in many colors. Stunnfttg Suit Blouses at $11.95 Your suit will achieve a certain additional smartness if you wear il with one of these overhip blouses of the better quality of georgette crepe. They have a trim air that contrasts pleas antly with their decidedly feminine display of gray colorings. Thrrr are grounds of brown, kinfl fisher blur, mikado, navy, brown, bisque and pray. Sizes 36 to 46. Moderately priced at $11.95. Women's Richelieu Underwear Just received our second fall shipment of this satisfactory style of Underwear. Well tailored, fine weaves, flat locked seam, perfectly fitting garments. Supply your needs while our large assortment of styles and sizes is complete. Women's Richelieu Union Suits, Specially Priced at $1.25 A Charming Lot of Regular $7.50 & $8.50 Blouses for National Blouse Week There are blouses of figured Georgette that one may wear for almost any occasion. A softly pleated } ft* a frill lends a line of youthfulness that one cannot help but admire. You will be pleased with this model. J- \ n UK Shown in several very pretty color effects. Specially priced at $6.95. J Three Other Unusually L,ow-Priced Lots for National Blouse Week At $12.50 A real filet collar, a daintily pleated vestee Af OC Utmost refinement is rVI exemplified in this beau A-4- dJQ [TA To make a frill a little /\l *pO. J" different is what is ac- . _ __ and a cuff that is just.a little different are coitiplished in this pretty Georgette jtiful Georgette blouse. Note the prettv combined in this Georgette blouse which blouse. The points of difference are that effect given by the dainty lace of val oil we are sure will be to your liking. Sizes 'the frill gives a Van Dyke effect and is i the collar and cuffs. This blouse is flesh 34 to -16 in white or flesh. finished with picot edge. i color or white. Palais Royal?Third Floor. Low Neck, Ribbed Cotton Union Suits, in medium weight tailored tops, ankle and knee lengths. All regular and extra large full cut garments. Women's Richelieu Suits, $1.95 FOR THE WOMEN WHO LIKE THE "INDIVIDUAL" STYLE GARMENT WE RECOMMEND THIS LOT. NOTE THE VARIETY OF SHAPES Winter weight cotton, in high neck, long sleeve, ankle length; Dutch neck, elbow sleeve, ankle and knee length ; low neck, no sleeve, and short s'.eeve. ankle and knee length. Also the Two-Weight Garments ?in low" nek. ankle and knee length, the upper part of a lighter weight than the lower. All regular sizes. Women's Richelieu Union Suits W omen's Rich elieu Merino ?Women's Richelieu cotton rib- j Union Suits ? An exceptionally bed suits, fall weight, li? no sleeve, ankle and knee length, shoulder strap and bodice $1.75 style; white and pink. Children's White Merino Richelieu Suit?a good. warm, wool-mixed union suit; high neck, long sleeve, ankle length. 2 to 12 years, $2.25 14 to 16 years, $2.50 Children's Richelieu Under wear ? Fine wool-mixed vests, high neck, long sleeve: Dutch neck, elbow sleeve, ankle and knee length pants; 3 to $1.25 16 vears. it weave wool mixed fabric. High neck, long sieve; Dutch neck, elbow sleeve, ankle length; also low neck, no sleeve, ankle and knee $2.75 lengths. Women's Silk-Wool Richelieu Suit?Really worth $4.00?a fine silk and wool union suit, in low neck, no sleeve, ankle and knee length; Iiigh neck, long sleeve; Dutch neck, elbow sleeve, ankle length. AH regular $3.59 sizes. Palais Royal?Mala Floor. Women's Van Ra<e Silk Hose, $2.25 Women's Full-fashioned Firie Thread Silk Hose, in brown, gray, suede, beige, field mouse, navy- blue and cordovan. All new, perfect goods in desirable colors and good weight. Women's Lisle Hose, 35c Th Women's Lisle Thread Hose, some with mock seam; black, white, gray suede, navy 35c blue. All sizes. Or 3 for $1.00 Many worth 50c. Children's Hose Good-wearing- Children's Ribbed Hose, black yand white, sizes, 5 to 7%.- All ?Or perfect. Women's Silk and Fiber Hose Women's Silk and Fiber Hose, with mock seam; plaiii and drop stitch effect*. Blajck. white, brown, gray, beige and field mouse All ?J J5 perfect. Women's Fiber Silk Hose, 85c Women's Onyx Fiber Silk Hose, good for general wear. Black, white, gray. suede, faun, field mouse, navy and cordovan. All perfect. Women's Kayser and Van Raalte Glove Silk Women who are looking for a silk shantung that will give satis factory wear?ideal fall weight and no garter runs?lasting much longer than the ordinary thread silk fabric?give these a trial. Black, white, brown and gray. Plain and the fine ribbed t'i Cfl drop stitch effects. Palais Royal?Main Floor. Second Day of This Extraordinary Sale of Women's Extra Size Dresses Just Arrived !=== Beautiful Millinery Dresses that would sell for $50.00 to $85.00, $ Two of the eight models sketched. Twice a year we have the exclusive right to purchase from this manufacturer, one of America's foremost, his entire "end of the stason*s stock." Beautiful Silk Dresses in Sizes AlYz to 52j/j This particular manufacturer specializes in mak ing dresses for the larger women. Every minute detail is' carefully executed, which assures "real" fit. And women know that extraordinary values in extra sizes, correctly made dresses are not everyday occurrences?for this reason we urge you to come today, for the sale only begins with 85 dresses. Desirable Styles Models that tend to slenderize the stout figure. In styles for street and afternoon wear. l'alnin Royal?Third Floor. Fashioned of Georgette Crepe. Satin. Charmeuse. Crepe Meteor. Satin and Georgette Combinations. In black, navy, taupe, brown and plum. The latest and best creations of noted New York milliners are shown here this week. ' Hats of Gold, Silver and of Metal Brocades, combined with fur. appropriate styles for afternoon teas and evening wear. Priced at $18 to $27.50 First Quality Matteawan Velours at $7.50 500 or more for your selection in correct new styles. Smart Tams, Straight and Rolled Brim Sailors, Mushrooms, Colonials, Tricornes and side roll effects. Black. Brown Navy, Taupe, Beaver, Zenith Blue, Copenhagen and Jade. $15 to $18 Untrimmed Hats, $10 Of finest quality Hatter's Plush, Panne, Lyons Velvet? hand blocked untrimmed hats. Exclusive shapes?copies of French Hats from Daniels and Liez, and the best makers of New York, $10.00. Black, Brown, Taupe, Navy, Rose and Two-Toned Combinations l*n!ais Royal?Second Floor. New LotMisses'Suits Some We've Just Received and Were Added to Our Suit Sale AH at Reductions of $12.50 to $20 A very fortunate purchase, made last week, brought to us a number of smart Misses' Suits at much below regular price that allow us to include them together with many suits from our regular stock at reductions of $12.50 to S2O.O0 011 each suit. A splendid assortment of plain tailored and Fur Trimmed Suits. All garments from the country's foremost manufacturers. Stationery, Cameras and Kodaks Stationery, in the newest tints I and wanted sizes and styles, with j envelopes prettily lined with ; metallic; coiorings. 75c $2 Box, T j Christmas Gift Boxes of Sta tionery, in a varied assortment of styles. 75C to $10 Box, Brass and Leather Desk Sets and Accessories?Sets compris ing blotter pad and a number of necessary writing 50c to $50 articles. Set, Fountain $J.50 to $29.50 Pens, cach, Eversharp Pencils, an ideal gift for the business $1 to $25 man or woman, Palaia Royal?Third Floor. SAVE ON BOYS' CLOTHING The better tailored kind unu orders placed many months ago. than present wholesale cost. Boys' Woolen Norfolk Suits? Cassimeres and cheviots with lull-lined trousers; >izes <j to 12 months. Regularly $12.50, $7.95 at Boys' High-tirade Norfolk Suits ? Comprising all-wool tweeds, cheviots and cassimeres and fine blue serges from the best makers, including Sampeck Suits for ??<??*? to $15, $17.50 to $25 18. At Boys' Crompton Corduroy Nor folk Suits?With full lined trous ers. Sizes 7 to $8.45 lo, Pulaia Kojal?Third Floor. sual values made possible by our Many items now priced at less Boys' $12.50 to $15 Value Woolen Norfolk Suits? Remark able values. Some of these suits have extra trousers fullv lined, gzes 7 to $J0.00 Boys' Finest Grade Crompton Corduroy?Dark brown, velvet finish, all weather corduroy, with full-lined trousers. Sizes 7 to 18. Extra special atld $12.50 values at Overcoats ? The finest made, comprising guaranteed all weather Mackinaws?exclusively shown here only in Washington. For boys 8 $7,95 to $27.50 to 18 years, Cameras and Kodaks make very a9Ceptable and valuable gifts. Our assortment offers all sizes in box and folding styles. All at popular prices. Palais Royal?Main Floor. ______ I A Wonderful Assortment of the Famous Du Barry Toilet Articles Decorated in the Laurel Design We are in a most fortunate position in being able to show such a comprehensive assortment of all first-quality Toilet Articles at such moderate prices. Would advise buying for "gift-giving time" now. Mirrors at $9.50 Hair Brushes, $7.50 Dressing Combs, $2.25 Powder Boxes .and Hair Receiv ers, $4.75 Cream Boxes, $3.00 Jewel Boxes, $6.50 Cushion and Jewel Box Com bined, $5.25 Nail Buffers, $4.00 Nail Files, Cuticle Knives and Shoe Hooks, $1.75 Shoe Horns at $2.50 Cloth Brushes, $7.00 Hat Brushes at $4.95 Specially Priced for Tuesday Plain pattern in Pyralin Ivory, first quality. Hair Brushes, quality bristles, for with excellent $3.95 Dressing Combs, all teeth; extra quality. f Regularly $1.25, for coarse 95c Mirrors, with long regulation handles; regularly $5.00 $3.95 each for Palaia Royal?Mala Floor. Four Attractively Priced Items From Art Needlework Dept. Stamped Tan Centerpiece*. 27 inch, to be embroidered in simple lazy daisy and French knot work; fa Xq ^ Also Scarf to match. Six pretty designs. R. M. C. Mercerized Crochet Cot ton, white, numbers 20, 30, 40. 50, 60, 70. Regularly, 10c ball; 57,. box of 10 balls. ?/c 18x54, Palais Royal?Main Floor. Unusual Notion Values ' Flesh Colored Satin Sani tary Dress Protectors, with lace trimming, fhedium size; $3.00 value. Special, $2.75 Each Sanitary Napkins, absorb ent?sterilized. Medium size, 1 dozen to box; 65c value. . Special, 50c Box Best Quality Bias J0c to 27c Seam Tape, piece, English Twilled J5C to 35c Tape, 10 yds. to roll, Lingerie Tape, jissorted, 12c white, pink, blue, Rick Rack Braid, assort- J5c ed; each, Embrtfidery Edgings, as- 25c sorted, Neck Bands for boys' and 8c men s shirts, Grand Ma's Waxing Pads; JQq each, Asbestos Iron Holders; each, Best Quality 75c to $1.59 Steel Scissors, Boys' Knee Protectors, 25c assorted, pair, Superior Quality Curling J5c Irons, each. Marcel Waving Irons, 35c each, West Electric Hair Curl- 25c ers, 5 on card, Parisian Hair Jfc to 25c Curlers, 6 to pck., Kleinert Sanitary Aprons, with safety pin at the top, pre vents the apron from becom ing disarranged, made with out seam; 79c value. Special, 65c Each Mme. Le^max Sanitary Bloomers, guaranteed per fect ; $1.00 value. Special at 79c Each Kirby-Beard Wire Hair 5c Pins, package, Kirby-Beard Invisible Hair Pins, ^fump Hair Pins, with satin enamel 5c to 10c finish. Best Quality Eng. J2c to 18c lish Pin Sheets, Superior Quality Pin 5c Sheets, paper, Jet Matheaded Pin Books, 5c assorted, English Pin Books, black and white 12c tO 25c mixed, Cord Shopping Bags, with 39c handles, assorted colors, Cord Shopping Bags, with drawing 35c fa 5QC cord, Best Quality Ma- Jfc to 15c chine Oil, bottle, Sew-on Hose Supporters, foi corsets, with extra heavy elastic web. 29c value. Special, 21c pair, Rose, Cherrv $15 to $18 Street, Crepe de Chine, Georgette Crepe and Dressy Hats at $12.50 There are Ostrich-trimmed Hats, including large mushroom effects, as well as the smaller styles with high burnt ostrich fancies, which are unusually popular this season. The assortment includes black, navy and brown hats, also hats in two-tone effect, some with facings of soft shades. Special price at $12.50 each. 50c Stamped Dresses, all made up to be embroidered In white or col ored work; good quality lawn. Sizes 1, 3 and 5 years. One design to select from, JOC 75c Stamped White Center and scarf to match, to be embroid ered in white eyelet work; center 36-inch, scarfs 18x45 and 57c Extra Specials?None C. O. D. and No "Will Calls" 485 Additional Dresses Tuesday at $14.98 An Execptioiially Low Price for "Basement Day" Only The dresses have to he seen?the price gives no indication of the values. The "buyer" of this sec tion of our Basement Store states that such a price?$14.98?can not be afforded for more than one dav. ?'*??<* of the offering is the di versity of styles, dresses (for every miss and woman, for every time and place. See the Practical Serge Dresses with two and three rows of silk braid and self covered buttons. Wonderfully attractive Georgette com binations for dress occasions?and satin, velvet and jersey cloth dresses. Straight line and draped skirts, finished with nar row belts. A few daintily embroidered dresses?but, whether tailored or elab orated. each "a gem" of its kind. Note?Extra Special at $14.98 for * Tuesday Only New Coats at $22.95 and $24.75 Unusual Prices for Such Coats With Such Fur Collars And there will be 187 coats to select from?arriving at this writing?ready for you Tuesday morning. Samples among them?worth coming earlv for?of Ve lours, Miltons, Seal Plush, Silvertone and other warm materials. Skunk=Opossum Fur Collars on Some And note the novelty pockets, the deep cuffs, the linings. And the colors?lovely shades of brown, taupe. Burgundy, navy and green. Two great groups at $22.95 and $24./5 - for choice. TueNday in the Palai* Rovitl lln*?Mnent Store Dress Ginghams 29c, Standard at 45c Yd. Not only the quality standard at 45c yard, but in the most wanted color combinations in plaids and stripes. The right reserved to limit the quantity allowed each purchaser. Percale*?Special for Tues day.?A splendid assortment to choose from; with light and dark grounds; with figures and stripes in artistic con trast.' Regularly at ~)~)\/nc 29c. Tuesday, at Bleached Pillow Cane*?Su perior material, hemmed and ironed, ready ,to use; sizes 42x36 and 45x36. The maker's ends of lots; some slightly mussed; none worth less than 59c. Tuesday, 49c Pare Cotton Battinit?Hy gienically prepared, washed, carded and rolled. Needed in every home. Secure a supply Tuesday at a special 1C price. Roll, Indian Effect Blankets? Many uses other than for blankets are suggested; heavy enough for auto robe, attrac tive enough for couch cover, inviting enough for lounging robe, useful enough for blank et. Sizes 66x80 and 72x90 inches; $5.98 values. Tuesday, Fanoan Woolnnp Blanket* ?Factory seconds?a tiny spot of machine oil makes "seconds" of these blankets. All perfect in construction, warm and long-lasting. Choice white gray and plaids; (C $5.50 values, at pair, J Sheet* Special for Tuesday ?To be sold at less than to day's wholesale prices for equal quality; size 72x90 inches; neatly hemmed and properly ironed, ready to use. t( 49 Kach $4.25 Limit?2 to a Purchaser Comforts, at $1.89 Think of such a price? for a cozy and ornament al bed covering. Filled with fluffy cotton; cov ered with silkoline, in pretty colors. Double bed and thre?-quarter bed sizes, at JJ1.S9. Women's Silk Lace Stockings Only If they were not "Seconds" the price would be the de luxe quotation. All sizes in browns and black. Seconds?but hardly noticeable. Women's Ribbed Union Suits, the winter underwear worn by the majority of women?jersey ribbed and fleece lined, glove fitting and yet elastic. Choice of high neck and long sleeves or Dutch neck and elbow sleeves. All ankle length. Tuesday Sale $1.25 price, Boys' Fleeced Union Suits, made just like dad's?and dad's union suits cost nearly twice $1.25. Ribbed?elastic .?easily adjusted. High neck, lorig and ankle length. Spe cially priced $1.25 at )$1.19 Women's Bodice Style Vests, much favored?these elastic ribbed Vests ? this bodice style. All sizes up to 44. Buy a supply Tuesday at 39c. The special price means' a real saving. Priced 39c Tuesday at Women's Best Wearing Hose, the most wanted me dium weight, shaped to fit and built to wear, with dou ble heels, toes and garter tops. All sizes.'in black and white. Better than 35c usual at Specially Priced for Tuesday Popular Corsets at $2.19 Women will recognize well known higher priced models?among the many are "American Lady" and "Royal Worcester" Corsets?including some with rub ber tops. Of Coutil and Novelty Pink Material Scientifically Boned Throughout Those with wide rubber across the back, will appeal to many. The long hips lend graceful lines. High-priced Cor sets?for Tuesday at $2.19. Palaia Royal?Basement Store. Children's Better Tub Dresses at A Purchase of 1,485 Dresses?Many Differ- QQ~ ent Lots Bought and Offered at One Price vOC In sizes 2 to 6 and 7 to 12 years. Be early?and pick out six dresses for the usual price of four. In instances?samples of high priced dresses were incluu ed in the purchase?even bet ter values will be found. Wonderful Colorings in Plaid Dresses, War ranted Tub Proof. And admire the novelty patch pockets, the cute belted styles, the collars and cuffs in contrast to the dress proper. The grace of both the plaited and plain flare skirts. * Junior and Misses' Coats at $13.98 Such cloths, styles and tailoring make them equal the women's eoats. But remember?only 69 of these coats?and at $13.98,, for Tuesday only. Note?Fall wool cloths, man tailored, with velvet trimmings, novelty pockets, etc. Sizes 13 to 20 years. Tuesday only at $13.98. ? Palais Royal?Basement Store.