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The Rare Book Shop 813 17th St. Autograph Letters Purchased for Cash Call Main 1291 DD A CC nunc OlUlJU BtUJ SATIN" "it Hi; I CUT. PARTICULAR PEOPLE PLEASED JOHN A GOTTSMAN & CO., Established 1910 rn\M\MN "?-l 1 ?" I'll ST. N.W. WHEN THE KIDDIES SUFFER FROM COLDS Give them pleasant-to >ake, helpful Dr. Bell's Pine-Tar-Honey CHI I.lilt KN romp nronnd and piny nnd lif.'omr mfrliratfd. A <*?!() often ri'HiiltN. If should not In- iirclri'trd onr iustniit. (iivr tlirm l>r. Hell's Pinc-Tar-lloney. II in very ploaNatit (o take and its in? ^rrdirnfs are sure to ease the tlr-' klinu throat. If helps in rrlii>>inc irritation sin:l phie;rnt conKcminn. ( lc:ir the nir pnNsuurN. Tithe l?r. Ite!l*? Pin<?Tar-llonf.f yourself for that heavy cold. What it doi-x for thousands of otlierM it undoubtedly will do for you. All druKKistft. .1Ur., (illr., N1.20. JpOAOiAX Kfh(* F*W?'l Don't let the liver remain inactive when Po-Dc-Lax ro easily and promptly geta a free bile-flow started and removes the poisonous waste from young and old sys t-ir.a. Po-D*? Lax is a smooth, comfortable . fJHr. MUSlEKULb-UUlCK RELIEFINO BLISTER! It Soothes and Relieves Like a Mustard Plaster Without the Burn or Sting Musteroie In a clean, white oint ment, made with the oil of mustard. It doe* s?ll the work of the old-fash ioned mustard planter??does It better and does not blister. Yon do not have I to bother with a cloth. You simply \ rub it on?and usually the pain is i Hone! # Many doctors and nurses use Mns- j terolc and recommend it to tnetr ? patients. j They will grlndly tell you what re- j lief it fctves from sore throat, bron ehitis. eroup* stiff neck, asthma, neu- ' ralKia, congestion, pleurisy, rkenmn- ? tlniH, lumbago, pains and achea of the )>a?*k or Joints, sprains, sore muscles, bruises, chilblains, frosted feet, colds of the chest (It often prevents pneu monia). 34R* and HOc Jars; ly>spital siae 92.50. REAL ESTATE LOANS. MONEY TO LOAN?$250 To ?r,uo.000 ON r> C. real estate. Several large truat funda. All transactions conducts! with economical con sideration for borrowers. WM. U. SAUNDERS & CO., Southern hldg.. SO" lath at. n.w HON EY TO IOAN ON REAL ESTATE Af low**j?t rate*. Special privileges with respect to prior payment*. TYLER Jc RUTHERFORD. tjT af. n.f. WM HATE MONEY <>\ HANl> TO LOAN UN approved r**al e*tat?? security in the D. C. at curr-iit rate* of interest. PROM1T REPLIES AN1? ECONOMICAL CONSIDERATION FOR BORROWERS. AlOORE a. HILL < Icc.). 1420-22 H it. REAL ESTATE LOANS A SPECIALTY. Lowest interest Rat**!-. Prompt Service. GEO. W. LIN KINS, J714 Pa. ave. The Safest & Surest investments are in real estate. Values do not fluctuate, aid lacotms diminish, suspend or disappear if money is invested in stable real estate value*. Also. money loaned on good real estate security la bound to yield the stated interest, and tha return of principal when dae. We place mosey la w*-ll se? ured first deed of truat notea?4260. S&OO. $1,000, $10,000 and upward, and give at tention to the invektmenta as long aa they Stand. Our thirty years' experience places ax* pert service at your command. WM. H. SAUNDERS & CO.. Southern Building. ?wi: HAVK A Fl\\I? OK $30.1)00 AVAILABLE for investment, secured by fir?.t mortgage on desirable D. C. business ?,r residenee property. , Current interest. Term '* to 5 years. WM. H. KIT* HIE 41S-419 Colorado biGg ON REAL ESTATE IN THE DISTRICT u* COLUMBIA. MARYLAND OR VIRGINIA. Money to Loan, in large or small SI MS. lowest rates or interest. CITY AND FARM LOANS. LARGE LOANS A SPECIALTY THE F. I!. SMITH CO., ?i- ir.Th street n.w., WASHINt.TuN, I?. C. FUNDS IN HAND FOR FIRST TRUST. AMOUNTS FROM $1,000 TO $20,000. AIm? laru? fund to loan on busineas iwoperty or apartment bidgs. Prompt iu?wera to application*. One per cent <??nun'**'. a. Current lnter'-st rates. SH.vNNON & LUCHS. Loan Dept Maiu 23JO. 713 J4th at. o w. On D. C. Real Estate. We act at on^e. Courteous treatment. PER' Y II. ECM8ELL CO Mh and N Y ave. WANTED?MONEY. Want to borrow $8,000 on 200-ACRE farm, h-chly ruitiva????!. give fir??t mortgage, tpi. sad 1 a.e.. New ten. Apt. 102 11* RESORTS. ATl.A.Vt'lC fITT. <*.A Ilotgl Krisnton oivd. Casino fO/ie/i tArouahoulthe YeaA I J^J7WHefns2cy*San J mmm 9 | ATLANTIC CITY.N.J. I i An.American Plan Hotel | iof DislinctioRwui RealComtort I ? FIREPROOF OAKAOC. * | | cAPACI TY^OO ^ i Orv tK^ Ocpaiv frorvl El<?vvi\ storwsof Cbrrviirt! Special Fbli T<?rnvs Edward E.GrD$scup.7rar/hr THE RUNNYMEDE Park Place, overlooking ocean and City Park. Always open. J. Mv XL WAIN CHAMPION. POLTS?"Irene." Whatever may have been the vicis situdes of the O'Dare tribe sincc the days when the O* Da res were kings and queens and princes in Ireland, Irene O'Dare. the shop girl, proved i conclusively to the audience at Poli's ? Theater last night that "blue blood" can run true to form even though it {may have come down through devious j channels. Given the opportunity to i wear the golden feathers of the so ciety woman, the shop girl passes as ; a member of the most exclusive set. i Not only does she accomplish this J l'eat. hut two of her friends from the shop also are equally successful, prov ing the truth of the old, old adage, I'CiOthes make the man." and why not } tiie shop lady? "Irene" is a new musical comedy land, in addition to lilting, haunting ; melodies and "snappy" songs and ; dances, with beautiful women and re splendent setting, has a most amus ing piot. The author, James Mont j rOUH'O . and the brilliant composer, I ilarry Ti? rn^ey, are to be congratulated. : as well as Miss Kdith Day. who sings ;and acts "Irene" charmingly, assisted by a very capable company Mr. Montgomery has used the old ; story of the elevation of the shop | girl in -in amusing if not a novel j way, and the plot works out to a con sistent conclusion. By the adoption jot a plurality of scenes in each act. j taking a cue either from the movies J or from Shakespeare, the author vis jualizes the story for the audience and i shows the contrasts in Irene's life, at I home and in the surroundings to t which she has been elevated by "dress." I he acting of Edith Day. as the shop girl, who talks and talks and [then talks more, would assure her | success even if she did not possess a very sweet voice for song. She is a l good girl, a hard working girl, and la clever girl, all of which she sue-I ceeds in imparting to Donald Mar-j ,shail. a wealthy man in the exclusive1 social set of New York and Long ! Island, in record time, so fast do the words trip from her tongue It happens that a few minutes before this Marshall lias been told this by a friend of "Mme. Lucy." a wonder ?ul dressmaker, who requires cus tomers to advertise her dressmaking art. and he decides Irene shall have the chance for which she longs?to wear clothes such as she has seen the customers of her shop wear. She and two of her friends are established as customers of the dressmaker and given an opportunity to appear at ex clusive social functions. In two months the fame of Mme. Lucy is spread broadcast. Mme. Lucy is, of course, a man. and Bobbie Watson, who plays the part, with his ridiculously effeminate man ner. carrit 8 much of the comedy. ' The Talk of the Town." a soner and dance l.y Mme. Lucy and Helen Cheston and Jane Gilmour. played by Eva Puck \ and Gladys Miller, respectively, was encored again and again. Dorothy J Walters as Mrs. O'Dare. mo?her of Irene, is a joy forever. "Walter Regan is capital as Donald Marshall. Ber nice McCabe has a couple of songs and dances that are attractive. Miss McCabe is more of a dancer, how - AND WOOD CLBASr Be?t quality. in ,n | guarantor!. B. J. WERNER 312 .V V. Are. Phone Frank. 7620 SapcfRfcor fn and Formerly Manager of JOHX JIILLER A CO. PAINTING Interior and Exterior Consult Us for Estimates R. K. Ferguson 1011 9th St N.W. M. 166-107 PAINTING DEPT. YOU CAN DEPEND ON PLITT ?for fin?t-cli?ss work always. Painting. I*ap?rhang1ng. Decorating. Geo: Plitt Co., Inc., Check That Cold Right Away Dr. King's New Discovery Has Relieved Colds and Coughs for Fifty Years. IT wa* an unuaually high quality cold, coach, irrippe and cronp remedy nhri introduced half a century aico. .\ot once in all the year* Mince then ha* the quality been allowed to deteriorate. It* rtTcctivcne** in combating cold* and rouKhN hft been proved thou KundM of time* In thonnand* of familiea. Taken by (ronnupii and u:i\en to the little onea for the xafe. ?urr treatment of colda and grippe, rouihi and croup. It leave* absolutely no diaaicrcenMe after effect*. 4>et n bottle at yonr drug iliat'a today. 60c and 91.20. r ? Bowels Act Human ?tuuetion gently hut firmly with out the violence of purgatives? when you treat them with Dr. King1* ?n Life pill*. A smooth netlng laxative that get* richt down to business and gratifying results. All druggists?25c a bottle. Stop Dandruff The simple, easy and effective re lief for Dandruff is to shampoo your head at lca*t once a week with Sergeant's Mange Medicine. This dissolves the grease or dirt clogging the pores and destroys the crusts or scales which cover the scalp. SAVE the, HMtr A ? Tgeavvts rtvgeMedxcme i? a cleansing antiseptic tonic. Very efticient in treating itching scalp, falling hair and scalp eczema. Splendid for beautifying the hair and making it soft and glossy. You will like its piney fragrance. Applied at leading barber shops, (jet a shampoo every week. Sold at all good drug stores. 65c the bottle. Sergeant's Mange Medicine has been the standard o f reliability for forty years. Every Bottle Guaranteed Satisfaction ? or ? Money Back. Made only by Polk Miller Drug Com pany, Inc., Rich mond, Va. rver. than a singer. _ "A1 >cc fiown." a song by Miss Day. ,*" f Sky Rocket" are Rcms m a host clever popular musical numbers. NATIONAL?"The Canary." That delightfully merry and mirthful musical comedy. Canary. ' received an enthusiastic vv.l come at the National Theater last ? night. with music even mot a8 | vating ill the original ^ orchestras played to popularity t musical | rendering the music aro h.-au | scores. And with th tions by Itiful settings the interpretdroU I the dainty Julia Sande .lancing Joseph < ":,wthorn, the? < ?-v . nnd Doyle and 1 >1x011. tl ' c'"{r.t cho humorous Maude K > ; unusually rus that sings ?nd d. ? ? , ? well "The Canary. ^ Charles Dillingham. moment in duction. with not a ^ humor1 >?% ss?"sa and charming suige ? praise of has time after time won '"l" ' oers admiring w ! 1 ?w5al comedv identi- i In this latest musical'com.=o | fled with her name ehe ha? her the usual numbei of- st a)U, even voice scems more u',th especial sweeter than ever sing <wo charm and vivaci y d.d 'Evil's of the big musical hits n- ^ "Only m Dreams. n . )ust One and Irving Berlins I Hau ?farl'" J.^V^h? success of - Ti, *?? y- . tucress ot 1'i* Ver> much of h hawthorn comedy methods .u.i^- ,?ulti - h)> wjri;. a ?1UH1 !;;r Of laughs by droilcry j ^^S,!-n^e^o? ssssri rank ot Anit - ... rawthorn j In the fun-making. Mi- ? ha" able assistance from the eccen trio Maude Hburne. Although -he J appears in only one of the three ? the is remembered as one of the ?. | iic Eueene Re\ crc is a| pleasing lover. All these principals i contribute to the vivacity <'> ^e Com edv and leave 110 lapses that might permit an interpolation of meanness. Tht- olot the usual slendei threaa, has to do With the loss and recovery nf the famous "Canary diamond. lh? set tings are among the most beauti ful and artistic seen recently, es pecially the last act. the scene of Ned's wedding part>. "Soldiers of Fortune." Richard Ha.ding Davis" red-blooded; novel of romance, love and adventure, ?Soldiers of Fortune," as told in an ?gtaffJSmMSS' leaves but little t is. !Uld , stor> is o.i character outlined in j the'^book is uufflzed with excellent j * The Harden orchestra with organ ; r-. .itaLs provide a musical setting and, minor tea*ures added to the enjoy-! ment of the show ? "Yankee Doodle in Berlin. Moore's Strand Theater this week ia ! likely to be the mecca for a steady > stream of pleasure seekers, for It is| presenting exceptional entertainment, j departing for the time being fr0'",t!= Beauties," j*?* much so There tfflrbeautiful " and a physical culture act. Berlin" presents j ??\andee Doodle in sterling! th a "fhtT'c^own prince by Mai St. ?'d Lhasgay lotharios in pur Claire. both as gay who js, in suit of a bea 3Vlat0r in disguise, faCt;,e" ol^yed b" Bothwell Browne, a role piaveu J Thp eirl "vamps female impersonator The g eK yon , the whole ro>al lam"! ? Tirpitz and j Hindenberg an valuable war finally mention a little Belgian plans, not to mention The cast girl h^ld as a P^ eomt,dians. Ben presents the conklin. Arthur. Turpin pj-evost. Bert Roach, j Murray. ^Iar'et . nunierous others. \vV He fuTof laugh*the comedy has While ful je t)iat carries some. an n' ^thv ot the most lurid melo dramas. A Aim feature ^owing^he . girl8 hemselu i.^^ and Weily. a; offerings are 1 ? . whi< h has been , classical j,, Vaudeville; Mile. a noted leading exponents ? Nadjo. one of the leading cr'hcstri4, 'features It an-extraordinary en-J tertalnment. "23 1-2 Hours' Leave. i The film adaptation of Mary ^ j hart's magazine story. -? Leave." by Thomas H. Ince, which j is being shown at Loew's Palace this week, is a sprightly, entertaining: ! story of a young sergeant who, a few minutes after his dog has bitten the general. wafers that the injured dignitary will invite him to break fast and that there will be muffins on the bill of fare. Like all stories, of course, lie wins the bet and the general's daughter in the bargain, but these conquests follow a round of merry comedy happenings that brings laughter with each fresh incident, and amons those incidents is that of the general receiving; a ripe tomato squarely in the eye during a com pany "tomato battle." The picture, however, is of special interest in that it introduces two new stars to the screen world, a charming young; actress, Doris May, and an equally capable young comedian, Douglas McLean, a native of Wash ington and the son of a local clergy man. who, however, had first thor oughly exhausted his well meaning efforts to divert the young man's ac tivities into other channels. It seldom helps to the enjoyment of a good comedy to tell all about it in advance. Something should be left for those who wish to see it. But it may with perfect propriety be said of "23Vi Hours' Leave" that it fur nishes throughly enjoyable and laughable entertainment, and that its young stars acquit themselves in a highly creditable manner as players of "the silent drama." Mr. McLean is keenly alive to his possibilities as a comedian and his work as the mis chievous and daring rookie is excel lently measured ou? and delivered. Miss May discloses possibilities for dainty, romantic roles in screen drama that give high promise for j future performances, and withal she is delightfully charming. The Palace orchestra is an im- | portant feature of the. entertainment. | playing the Carmen overture as well as the picture accompaniment, and minor features furnish lighter and enjoyable accessories to the bill. "Anne of Green Gables." Those who love the warmth of sun shine, understand the pathetic humor of freckles and sympathize with the tragedy of a child's missing a Sunday school picnic, should see "Anne of Green Gables" at the Rialto this week. Mary Miles Minter has been given a vehicle for her refreshing talents in this adaptation of the "Anne" books that is perfect. It is a compliment to the crowds which attended the per formances yesterday to say that they did enjoy the attraction thoroughly. "Anne." a freckled-faced girl of six- J teen, romantic to a degree, comes from the orphanage in response to a re- j quest for a "willing child" made by the [ Cuthberts. The latter, a middle-aged brother and spinster sister, living in a New England backwater, supposed they were to set a sturdy boy. The girl, therefore, is an unwelcome sur prise, but twines herself into the hon est heart of the brother almost im mediately. It takes longer to win the i sister, who has about as much im agination as a peanut, but the thing is accomplished after Anne has passed through trying situations into which she is led by her vivid imagination. Her experience with a skunk, shot by the brother and pitied by the animal loving girl, brings real action when she arrives at lust at the picnic. A beautiful scene is enacted in ihe loft of the barn, whither Anne has been banished pending the disappearance of j the animal's memory, when the elderly i woman craves pardon for thinking inis- I takenly that the girl had stolen a I cameo brooch. There is a pretty love ! story, of course, and the finale finds j Anne, free of freckles and surrounded | by the love and appreciation her sweet i character and winning personality j merit. Hector Goldspink sings "Dear Old j Pal" and "l Hear You Calling Me" with j easy assurance, and a medley of popu- j lar classics is played by the orchestra. ' A humorous picture is among the I minor features. I ! "The Snares of Paris." A film study of diplomatic intrigue I and sensational events, reaching prob ably into every stratum of society in Paris, is on vile w at Crandal.'s Thea ter this week, under the title, "The Snares of Paris." The story rushes with irresistible momentum to a climax as unexpected as it is melo dramatically impressive. Madlaine Traverse, "empress of stormy emotion," is cast in the role of Marguerite Coullard, wife of the French minister of foreign affairs. Her life has been free from every thing but the appearance of social intrigue with persons outside her own circle. Her husband is preparing a secret treaty of immense importance for illicit uses by Beiloc, a traitorous operative in the French secret service stationed in another country. A mur der is committed in an effort to se cure the coveted document, and. in her attempt to render atd lo thei victim, Mme. Coul'.ard discovers a son by a former marriage in an Apache haunt in the lowest quarter of Paris, where he has s,unk to the depths as an absinthe fiend. From this point ihe narrative pursues its flamboyant course with the wild rush of unal loyed melodrama. A two-reel farce. "Wild Waves and Women," with other entertaining fea tures and orchestral accompaniment complete the bill "I/Apache." At Doew's Columbia Theater ves-ter <lav the picture featured Dorothy ?' ton in "L'Apache." a pUV ^h.^aect^" Both are American , the The remarkable resemblance ot tn | girls gives rise to many th,,n' > ",he I uations and complications, one in | sphere of wealth, the other in |d Helen"1-Forbes- dissolute husband I meets the dancer at a revel ? ? I deception ent ces her to j11? Helen's grandfather arrives in rison Forbes and robs tlie Helen is suspected and the <? girl is arrested as she is pla> ing part of Helen. The body of Helen. ? i suicide, is found In the river. mistaken for that of the dancer. | A dramatic murder trial folio a s but I the real culprit is unearthed, and tn - dancer, free, marries an Amei who has come into her lif< ? "Please Get Married." "Please Get Married." which had a week's run at one of the "legitimate houses here last winter, is now in i the photoplay form, b- ing offered at 1 b>.th the Metropolitan ami the Knick erbocker theaters, with Viola l>ana hi the. stellar role. The play, by .lame^ iCulien and Lewis Allen Brown, cans t for all the human emotional al"in> j of the lilm actress. Tile story has been carried out faithfully in tin* ce luloid version, and the very funny I situations kept the audiences yester ! day in a merry mood. . ! A couple is married by a minist r | who is inistaiceii for "the new clergy man" w hen the proud son of an ott divorced father braves the parenta ! wrath and with "her" parents r?n" sent takes the important step. The newly weds start on their honeymoon i by auto, and soon after their depart ture tlie girl's mother discovers that the clergyman is apparently a bur glar traveling in clerical disguise. From that time on the couple are ' pursued by telegrams which tell tnem they are not .married legally. They take the warnings to be "wedding jokes." despite the hotel clerk and the house detective, who finally oust "such peoplo" from the hospitable hostelrv. Of course, in the end the real clergyman gives the supposed poser a character and the marriage ceremony is found to have been per formed according to the usual re quirements. The liatipy oridegroom hugs Viola again, and they, take up the honeymoon where it was rudel> interrupted. The program at the Metropolitan includes a comitl). news pictures and bright savings from the newspapers, with a pretty cornet 'solo. The Knickerbocker also offers pleasant minor features. BERGER'S RIGHT TO KEEP SEAT TAKEN UP BY HOUSE I Discussion of the right of Victor B. | Berger. Milwaukee socialist, under I conviction by the United States dis | trict court at Chicago for violation I of the espionage act, to retain his ! seat .11 Congress, was commenced in ithe House today. after an effort by i>,.|,-esentative Dyer, republican. Mis souri, to delay the Proceedings was j defeated by a vote of -"9 to 1. RIFLE POWDER STOLEN NEAR GARY LAST NIGHT GARY. Ind., November 10.?'Theft ot 100 pounds of black rifle powder from the powder magazine of the Aetna Explosive Company near here was discovered this morning. The maga zine is steel lined and has a steel door locked with padlocks. The padlocks were sawed to gain entrance and the iloor wired shut after the powder had been taken. The thieves passed o\m a large quantity of blasting powder. carefully selecting the rifle.powder \fiHtarv authorities and the police a Tee tlie robbery must have oc '(urred between 7 and o clock last right, as that is the only time guards art not on duty about the >'"lding. The only explanations are that the powder was taken by radicals or by hunters to load in the shells, Guards at all powder and explosives stores near here have been increased. I.OMIOX MONEY MARKET. 1 (IN'DON. November 10.?Bar silver. t?n%d per ounce. Money. 2% per cent. Discount rates?Short bills, os# per cent; three-month bills. per cent. j BAR silver quotations. NEW YORK, November 10.?Bar sil i ver. 1.27. Heat?at the Stroke of a Match The portable Perfection Oil Heater makes heat available in just the quantity desired, when and where needed. * It gives glowing warmth continu ously for ten hours on a gallon of kerosene?is clean, odorless, safe; creates no soot?is easily filled and re-wicked. Over 3,000,000 in use. Aladdin Security Oil gives best re sults. At your dealer's. STANDARD OIL COMPANY Washington, D C Norfolk, Va. Richmond, V?. (New Jersey"* BALTIMORE. MD. Charlotte. N. C. Charleston, W. Va. Charleston, S. C. Use Aladdin Security Oil k PERFECTION OjJ Heaters PRICES SHOW LOSSES NEW YORK. November 10.?Influ enced mainly by labor developments over the week end. selling of securi ties in very large volume was re sumed at the opening- of today's stock market session. Industrials of the several groups which figured conspicuously in the recent advance were under especial pressure. Reactions of 2 to almost 10 points accompanied the first fifteen minutes of trading in motors and their sub ; sidinries and steels and allied equip ments. ! Oils and shippings also were heavy j and investment rails finally yielded as j selling broadened. Some Recoveries. J Substantial recoveries were made in ! the first hour, but not before many ; leaders had materially extended their | ear?y losses. I Su^h stocks as Industrial Alcohol. Crucible Steel. General Electric and | Ti ans^ontinental Oil ran counter to j the general trend, soon showing actu i al trains of 2 to 5 points. Rallies among equipments and re ilat?'?l shares carried other issues over i last week's final prices and induced heavy covering of short contracts, j Irregular reactions occurred again j prior to the opening of the money j market. ? The initial rate for call loans was 12 per cent, despite last Saturday's favr able bank statement. THE WEATHER. District of Columbia?Cloudy, with tain probable late tonight and tomor row; warmer tonight; increasing south winds. Maryland?Rain tonight and tomor row in west portion, cloudy in east portion; probably rain late tonight and tomorrow; warmer tonight; in creasing south winds. Virginia?Kain tonight and tomor row in west portion; cloudy, probably rsfcin late tonight and tomorrow in last portion; warmer tonight; warm tr tomorrow in southeast portion; in cieasing southeast to south winds. West Virginia?Rain tonight and to morrow; warmer tonight; colder to morrow in west portion; fresh to strong south and southwest winds. Records for Twenty-Four Hours. The following were the readings I of the thermometer and barometer at I the weather bureau for the twenty * four hours beginning at 2 p.m. yes terday: Thermometer?Yesterday, 4 p.m.. 55; p.m.. 47; 12 midnight. 38; today. 4 a.m.. 33; & a.m., 33; noon, 54; 2 p.m., 56. Maximum, 56, at 2 p.m. today; min imum, 31 at 7 a.m. today. Temperature same date last year? Maximum. 57; minimum. 43. Barometer?Yesterday, 4 p jf... 30.40; s p.m., 3??.43; 12 midnight. So.45; to day. 4 a.m., 30.44; 8 a.m., 30.46: noon, 30.41; 2 p.m.. 30.3S. Tide Tables. (Compiled by I'nited States coast and geodetic survey.) Today?Low tide. 3:53 a.m. and 4:02 I p.m.; high tide. !):33 a.m. and 9:56 p.m. Tomorrow?Low tide. 4:47 a.m. and 5 p.m.: high tide. 10:29 a.m. and 10:52 p.m. The Sun and Moon. Today?Sun rose, 6:44 a.m.; sunsets, 4:59 p.m. Tomorrow?Sun rises, 6:45 a.m.; sun sets. 4:5S p.m. Moon rises, 7:44 p.m.; sets. 9:3S a.m. Automobile lamps to be lighted one haU" hour after sunset. Weather In Various Cidea. 3 Temperature. % ? o ? M = B = 3/1-" **5! a ? 2* - 2 ' ? ??? =; b ?9 " cState of weather Abilene, Tex 29.94 70 44> 0.32 tMeat Albany 30.52 42 20 .... l'oggy Atlantic City 30.40 4* 38 .... Clear Baltimore ..30.46 52 34 .... Clear Bismarck ... *29.7x l'H .... Cloudy Boston 30.50 50 32 .... Clear Buffalo ..... 30.24 4* 3s .... Clear Charleston .. 30.26 #4 50 .... Pt.eloudy ( Chicago 29.70 50 54 0.3$ Kain { Cincinnati .. 30.114 04 50 .... Kain Cleveland ??? 30.0* oo 4S .... Cloudy Denver 1!9.92 22 3t? - 0.38 Clear Detroit 30.04 50 40 .... Pt.cloudy K1 Paso. Tex 3?.?H 52 30 Clear Galveston ... 29.90 N2 52 .... Kain Helena 29.94 34 32 Snow Jacksonville. 30.10 74 02 .... Pt.cloudy Kansas City. 29.58 00 31 0.M Clear iji* Angeles. 6* 50 .... Clear Lonisville ... 30.00 1*4 56 0.02 Kain Miami. Fla.. 30.0M 7* 74 .... Clear New Orleans. 'J9.88 70 70 3.14 Kain New York... HO.40 50 30 Clear Oklahoma ...29.88 62 .*12 0.9S Clear Philadelphia. 30.48 4* KK Clear Phoenix. Ariz 30.14 02 34 .... Clear Pittsburgh .. 30.22 02 4S .... Pt.cloudy Portland. Me 30.50 50 30 Clear Portland. Ore 30.lO 38 31 Cloudy Salt ljike C. 30.14 31 30 Cloudy San Antonio. 29.90 SO 56 0.02 Pt.cloudy San Diego... 30.12 m 40 .... Clear S. Franeiseo. 30.10 00 40 .... Clear St. liouis 29.641 00 50 0.48 Kain St. Paul 29.1S . . 42 0.98 Kain WASH.. D.C. 30.40 56 31 Clear HA III Y MARKETS. Special Dispute!) to The star. HAl/riMORK, November 10.?Ar rivals by boat: Poultry, live chick ens, young:, larpe, smooth, per lb.. 30; do., small to medium, 30; do., young. rough and poor, lb.. 27a2S; do.. White Deghorns, 2Sa29; old rooster*, per lb., 20; do., old hens, more than 1 lbs., lb.. 30; do., small, lb.. 2Sa2U; White leghorn hens, lb., 28. Ducks? Muscovy, young:, lb., 2S: White 1 Pekings. young, lb., 30; do., puddle. ! lb.. 29; do., smaller, poor, lb., 25a26. Geese nearby, fat, 29a3f?. Turkeys? Young:, 8 lbs, and over. lb.. 36a37; do., I old, ib., 36a37. Pigeons, old, pair. i7" a30; do., young, pair, 25a30. Guinea | fowls, young, more than lbs . | each, DOal.OO; do., smaller, each. 60 i a70. 1 Kggs?Western Maryland. Pennsyl vania and nearby, doz. 66; eastern shore of Maryland and Virginia, doz., 66; western, doz., 65; West Virginia, doz., 64; southern, doz.. 63; loss off. Butter?Creamery; west separator extras. 70a71; do., prints, half-pound extras. 71a72; do., prints, one-pound extras. 70a71: nearby creamery ex tras, 67a6S; dairy prints, Maryland, Virginia and Pennsylvania extras, 47a4S; store-packed firsts. 4 5a46; rolls, } Maryland and Pennsylvania extras. 47a48j do.. West Virginia extras. 46a 47; do., Ohio extras, 46a47; process! butter, r*>a57. NEW YORK. November 10.?Butter! ?Steady; receipts. S.462 packages: ' creamery higher than extras, 7oa70*^; creamery extras (92 score), 69a691(-g". firsts, OlafiS1/-: packing stock, current make No. 2, ?47a471.^. Kggs?Irregular: receipts, ^8.628 cases; fresh gathered extras, 7la71; extra firsts, 67a70; lirsts, 61a66; state, Pennsylvania and nearby western hennery whites, tine to fancy, 95a 1.00; state, Pennsylvania and nearby hennery whites, ordinary to prime, 75a94; state, Pennsylvania and near by hennery browns, 75 a78: do., gath ered browns and mixed colors, 71a72. Cheese?Firm; receipts, 5,171 boxes. State, whole milk, Hats, current make, specials. 32V-a33 do., average run. 311-!a32,/4- State, whole milk, twins, current make, specials, 31,.-?a32; do., average run. 31. Live poultry?Steady: chickens, 26a 27; fowls, 19a30; old roosters, 20; tur keys, 35. Dressed, steady; fowls, 24a 36; old roosters, 21a22; chickens, 25a 45; turkeys, 35a46. WHOLESALE BEEF PRICES. The following are today's wholesale marker, prices for beef cuts as quoted at the Washington market of Swift & Co.: No. 1. No. 2. Kiba $0.32 $0.25 Ix*ins .35 .25 Kounda 23 .20 Chucks 16 .12 Plate* OJ *.10 Washington Stock Exchange. RALES. < apital Traction. 1 at 00. 5 at OOt4. Washington ltwy. and Klec. pfd., 5 at 58. S at 5*. Mt r?s. 2 at 58. 1*. C. Paper pfd.. 10 at 102. 1? at Iff:. Mergenthaler Linotype. 5 at 14n. 5 at 14<?. Columbia Graphophom* com.. 1 1O-20 at ?W , After call -Capital Traction 5s, ?' '?00 at 94 V American Security and Trust. 5 at 237. Bid and Asked Prices. BONDS. PCULIC UTILITY. tti-l A.kM. American Tel. and Telga. 4s SO'-j S2 American Tel. and Trip*. 4Vi*-? Am. Tel. and Tel. ctl. Tr. 5s.. 84 85 Am. T? l. ami Tel. con v. Os 99*4 t lieaapcrkc and Potomac Tel. 5a. 06 ..... Capital Traction It. It. 5 s 04 \ 05 Georgetown lias 1st 5a 04 Metropolitan It. It. 5a 04 i Potomac KN i tric Light 5s 93'j 05 i Potomac Electric cons. 5a 01 02 ^ Potomac Electric Power 6s 94 ! Potomac Kleetric Power G. M. 6s 07 9* 1 Washington <.im 5s i*4'j : Washington liny, and Klec. 4s.. fll'-j 62'-j I W a?h. uwy. and Klec. G. M. 6s ... . 04^ MISCELLANEOUS. ! American Graphophone 1st 6a... 99!% 100 i Lf. C. 1'apT Mfg. ('?. 6a . '.*9 | Sec. Storage and Safe Dept. 6s lol STOCKS. PUBLIC DTILITY. American Tel. and Telga 09' j 1<V) Capital Traction 00'4 01 ' Washington Gas 50 *'1 ; \ -rt'?.lk and V\ a?iv St?*?mboat.. 10?? ? ? Wash. Rwy. and Klec. com ~z!y I Wash. Itwy. and Klec. pfd....... 57% NATIONAL BANK. American I JO i Columbia 175 ! Commercial 180 190 District 174 Farmers and Mechanics' 242 260 K.d ral 1W> 200 ; Lincoln 165 ..... ' National Metropolitan 205 Riggs 450 . .... ! Second 152 165 ? Washington -00 -25 TRUST COMPANY STOCKS. American Security and Trust.... 237 ..... ! Continental Trust 11-' 125 ' National Savings and Trust 260 Union Trust 116 120 Washington Loan aud Trust.... 240 SAVINGS BANK. Commerce and Savings 12 .... Kast Washington 12 ..... Liberty 120 : Merchants' 140 I Security Saw and Commercial... 200 ! Seventh Street 145 .... Union 100 112 U. S. Savings 175 210 FIRE INSURANCE. Arlington 7% .... Corcoran 7o .... Firemen's 10 .... German-American 225 .... National Union *6 .... TITLE INSURANCE. Columbia 4 6 j Real Kstate 75 loo I MISCELLANEOUS. Graphophone com 60 70 Graphophom- pfd 05\'+ 96 Chapiu Sacks 138 I). C. Paper Mfg. Co 90 II. C. Paper Mfg. Co. pfd 101 102*~ j Merchan's' Transfer and Storage. 105 i Mergentbaler Linotype 140 140 old i?..icn M:\ikL- t cum 4Vi? 6 i Old Oulcli Market pfd 11 12 j Lauston Monotype 83 Vj 84"4 . .vcurnv .*>?oraii?.' 200 " ?Security Storage and Safe I>?*p.. 120 .... Wasuingtou Market 17 CL'HB STOCKS. $ Quotations furnished by W. B. Hibbs & Co. ,?12:15 p.m - Bid. Asked Aetna Explosives 0\ 10 Allied Packers 4? ?0 American Safety Ra&>r. : 10 IWVi , American Writing Paper 15 .l?$j j Belcher Divide 42 46 : Belcher Extension 45 47 ; Big Ledge I Boon-- Oil _'* I Boston and Montana 75 ^ 77 | Boston and Wyoming 1 1-16 1 Vi ? Caledonia ?*8 t *|1 I Calumet ami Jerome 3-16 5-V I> ('ansda Copper 1 '-s Carbon Steel 12"? 1HO Car Lieht aud Power 3*4 4 Chevrolet 450 550 Cities Service (new) 471 j 48 Cities Service (old) 450 470 Cities Service pfd <6 79 Colonial Tire 17 20 Consolidated Copper 6*-i Cosden Co 10S? 11 Cosden pfd 4% 4?i Cramps 190 -10 Cresson Gold I7? - Curtis* Aero 14 17 Davis-Daly 12 15 Elk Basin SVa 9 Emerson Phone 7 Erf el on ?"? Federal Oil 27? 3 j General Asphalt 146 147 i General Asphalt pfd 215 225 Glenrock Oil 3% 4 GufTey-Gillespie 37 38"V> Heel* , 4*i 4 V. Houston Oil 152 160 Howe Sound 4 4^ Hupp Motors 13 13^ Indian Packing 24*i 25 Intercontinental Rubber 21 23 International Petroleum 47 47'^ Island Oil 7't 7* Jerome Verde ^ % Jumbo Extension 0 11 Lake Torpedo 3 3** Lima Loco 87 9" Livingston Oil 2', 2^ Left 2011 30 Magma Copper 42 4"> Marconi of America r?a4 7 Mason Valley 3Uj 4V. Merritt oil 24U 25u Metropolitan Petroleum 3U Midwest <?il com 1 \ - 2 Midwest Oil pfd 2 3 Midwest Itefininc 164 Itf? Motlierlode mewl 5*4 t; Nevada Ophir 29 31 New Corneila 21 ?s\ Nipissing Mines <*o 111 ?t 11% North Araer. P. & P 4\ 5 Northwestern Oil 4."? 52 Oklahoma Oil Co .' U, 1^ Otis Steel 3tt?4 Overland l^ire 30^ 3o-\ Phillips Pet 76 78 Ray Hercules 2 2'4 Ryan Oil 5\ 5Tg Salt <?reek 52 53 Sapnlpa com 7% 7*S* Sequoyah Oil Vi 9-16 Simms Petrol 42'43C Sinclair Gulf 56 62 " Standard Motors 8 9 Submarine Corporation 16 17 Sweets Co 12 12U Swift International 59 62 Tobacco Products Export 34 30 Tonopah Divide 6't <!Uj Tonopah Extension 2% 3 Tropical Oil 171-j 19 United Eastern 3*\ 4", U. S. Light and Heat com 3'4 U. S. Licht aud Heat pfd 4 5 United Motors 65 75 United Profit Sharing 2\ -"m U. S. Steamship 6% 7'H United Retail Candy 21 21V Uzoid Tire 1 5" Vivaudott 27*% 28'4 Way laud Oil 4 t'? Wayne Coal ...- 4;j4 5 West End Cons 1^, IJV^ Wricht-Martin Aero 4', 5 CHICAGO? Cudaliy Packing 109 110 Libby 3014 30^ Swift \ Co ? 136*4 137*i Union Carbide 79?i SO OIL. STOCKS Quotations furnished by W. B. Hibbs & Co. Bid. Asked. Anglo-American Oil Co. (new!.. 35u; 36'/. Atlantic Refining Co 1.500 1550 Borr.e-Scrymser Co 470 400 Buckeye Pipe Line Co 05 Ox dies.borough Manufacturing Co.. 300 325 Continental Oil Co 580 6?h) Crescent Pipe Line Co 34 38 Cumberland Pipe Line 170 190 Eureka Pipe Line 155 160 Galena-Sigual Oil Co. com 90 95 Galena-Signal Oil Co. pfd 110 115 Illinois Pipe Line Co 1*7 102 Indiana Pipe Line Co 93 9S National Transit Co 35 M7 New York Transportation Co... 17* 1*3 Northern Pipe Line Co 105 llo Ohio Oil Co .380 385 Prairie Oil and Gas Co 710 725 Prairie Pipe Line Co 200 Solar Refining Co 375 Southern Pipe Line Co 167 172 South Penn. Oil Co 345 3T?5 .southwestern Peun. Pipe Line Co. 9* H?3 Standard Oil Co. California.... 300 305 Standard Oil Co. Indiana 76-'i 780 Standard Oil Co. Kan?ac 500 610 Standard Oil Co. Keutucky 490 510 Standard Oil Co. Nebraska 515 530 Standard Oil Co. New Jersey.... 720 725 Standard Oil Co. New York.... 435 440 Standard Oil Co. Ohio 515 520 Swan & Finch Co 120 130 Union Tunk Line Co 128 j33 Vacuum Oil Co 440 4,%o Washington Oil Co JU 45 CITY CLUB INCORPORATED. Certificate Is Filed With Recon^ei of Deeds. The City Clu!> has been incorporated by certificate filed with tlie recorder of deeds. This action marks th>; pass ing of the old Commercial Club, which the new organlxution succeeds. The final step to secure the charter for the new club was taken recently by the committee on constitution an.l by-laws, composea of Charles K. Nes bit. chairman:: Howard Kneesi. J. K. Polk, M. D. Rosenberg, T. l.incoln Townsend and Stanley D. Willis. The committee expects }o report shortly on tbe constitution oX lb* club. :ONLYUGHTTRADE ' | IN LOCAL MARKET Values Were Slightly Easier. . But No Particular Change Was Noted. Today's trading1 on the local stock I exchange was rather light. with va! ! ues a shade easier. but without ina j terial depre< iat ion. Capital Traction shares brought j to ; Kail way preferred in a small ; way at f?S. these being tho only pub lic utility shares traded in. A few share* of Mergenthaler brought 140, American Security and Trust. 137, and District Paper pre j ferred 102. Tiie bid price on <Jraphophon? rsotn I mon was ?>'.? and the asked To, while j 1-a.nston was offered at with j b3>a bid. Steel's Unfilled Orders. The T'nited States Steel '"orivoration reported untitled ordt rs on its books October :n of tons. This is an increase of 1*0.050 ton* j as com | tared w ith the showing Sep I tember 30. a decidetl tall ng off as j compared with the ratio of gain dur inK the piping times of peace. Morris Bankers' Activity. i i One group of bankers in Amerh a believes so strongly in the integrity of the average, citizen's credit that it is loaning more than $4??,000.000 a year to all types of citizens solely oil the basis of their earning capacity ^ and their promises to repay. Thc> have definitely established that such an extension of credit is sound. In the year 1918 alone the 10: banks and companies ??f the Morri plan system loaned a total of mor? than $35,000,000 without requiring collateral t c> approximately HU'Miou people at a loss from failure to re pay of less than one-tenth of one per per cent. In the present year the amount loaned will be between forty and fifty million dollars. And while the cost of living is soaring and landlords, butchers and grocers take all they can get, the Morris plan system finds that it can still make a reasonable profit bv charging the customary legal rates of interest in all parts of the United States. In the opinion of the men of the ? Morris plan, the record of practical!* f I no loss from failure to repay the.--e loans made without collateral is the ! most striking fact ever obtained to > illustrate th? in egrity of w age earn ers, small salaried employes and busi ness men of limited capital. Lecture Tomorrow Night. Th? elementary claws of the Wash ington Chapter, A. I. !?.. will meet in the chapter rooms tomorrow evening, when James A. Tilley. professor of "negotiable instruments" at Georgt 4 town University, will lecture 01/ "Protests." one of the most important subjects to the banking fraternity. Honor for Guaranty Trust Head. King Albert of Belgium has bestow - ed the Order of Leopold II on <~"harl? s 11. Sabin. president of the (Juarantj 1 Trust Company, Baron de < 'artier . making the presentation. Loan to Omsk Government. The National <*ity Bank, Guaranty j Trust (3om pany and o ? ? ? ? tioti have loaned to the Omsk govern ment. $ 10.0O??.(njO. t lie noies incietvi to be secured at !"?? in ^o!d or bullion deposited in the Bank of Hongkong. The collateral suggests a query as ?? to why it was not used and the bor rowing avoided. Foreign Exchange Weak. The pound sterling was quoted this morning: at $4.11; francs were 11 pents: marks. 2.Sj cents, and lire. 8.7S cents. Personal Mention. Carl Robertson Kurtz, local repre sentative of Bonbright & Co.. returned today from a week end business trip ? to Philadelphia. James A. Cahlll, vice president of the Commercial National Hank, visited relatives in New .R-rsey over the week end. WH0I.ESALE MARKET REPORT The wholesale market prices this morning ranged about as foilo-ws: EGGS?Strictly flesh. <0; average re ceipts, 68: southern. 6s CHICKS I-?New York state factory, whole milk. 34a35. BUTTER?Standard creamery. 61; pr'nt, 63. LIVE POULTRY?Roosters. per lb.. 20; turkeys, per lb., 38; chickens, pei lb., 33a34; -hens, per lb.. 30a32; Keats, young, each, 75a80. DRESSED POULTRY?Freeh-killed spring chickens, per lb . 34a36; hens, per ib? 34; roosters, per lb., 22; turkeys, t per lb.. 44a45. f PORK?Small and neat, 20; medium. 18a 19; heavy. IS. LIVE STOCK?Calves, 19; lambs. 10, sheep, 4a6. GREEN FRUITS?Apples, per bbl.. n*-w, 3.00a?.^o; basket, 1 00a2.50; Cali fornia lemons, per l>ox, 6.OUa7.50; pine apples, per crate, 5.00a6.00; California oranges, G.00a7 00; grap< fruit. 4 00a4.50: grapes, per basket, 30a35; do., Niagara. 25a30, Delaware, 3Ca35: honeydews. per crate, 2.00a3.*>0; lima beans, 00:it)j per quart. VEGETABLES?Potatoes, per sack. 4.('0a4.25; do. No. 2. I.fi0a2.00; siring beans, per barrel, O.OOaT 0U, eggplant. .' 4.00ai>.00 per crate; cabbage, I f>0a2..">0 per barrel; Iwets. 2a4 per bunch; lettuce. per basket; New York celery, 4 0" a6 00 per crate; celery, per dozen. iifla 1.00; romaine lettuce. l.OOal.25: squash. 1 00al.50 per crate: spring onions. 2.50a 3.00 per 100 bunches; onions, per 100 | pound sack, 4.00a4.50; tomatoes, nearby, 1.50a5.00 per crate: sweet potatoes, 3.50^ 4.50 per barrel; yams, per barrel. 3.00a VU0. RAILWAY BILL REPORTED. Provision for Considering Increas ed Rates Under Private Ownership Under permanent railroad legisla tion formally reported to the House today by Chairman Esch of the inter state commerce committee, the rail roads must make application to the J Interstate Commerce Commission for - a general increase of rates within sixty days after Iheir return to pri vate operation January 1. The committee report said this pro vision was inserted in the bill "in order to prevent the railroads from relying on the guaranty and making no effort to increase its rate until the guaranty period has expired." Tile guaranty includes continuation of the payment by the government of tho standard rental for six months after the roads are returned to their own ers, and provides that the roads may obtain government loans during the first two years of renewed private operation. "BEAUTY CLAUSE" UPHELD. New York Workers' Compensation Provision Is Constitutional. Constitutionality of the 'so-called "beauty clause" amendment of 1916 to the New York workmen's compensa tion law permitting awards for facial or head disfigurements, was upheld today by the Supreme Court in decid ing appeals brought bv three concerns from awards made under the act. Senator Martin Very Low. CHARLOTTESVILLE. v"a.. Novem ber 10.?The condition of Senator Martin of Virginia, democratic leader In the Senate, who lias been ill in a hospital here for several months. wa? described by his phj sician. as prions ? - : !