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3.15atrr) $omCo. *VME BUSY CORNEJC nHNk?*Jtt ftTRftl Open 9:15 A.M. Close 6 P.M. Mack Sennett's World Famous Beauties Miss LSi'lie Frickcr Miss Anita (iarvin Miss Anna Hughes Miss Mathilc Lawrence Miss Rose Lorraine Miss Florence Redmond A\iss Adriene Wally ?These perfectly-formed moving picture mermaids?have shaken the sea spray from their hair, and are going "to enjoy the ex- j citing experience here this week of acting ! as models in our Ready-to-W ear Depart- ; ments. They will be here between the hours of 11:00 a.m. and 12:30 p.m. They also appear in person. In Washington All This Week at The Strand Theater in Conjunction With "Yankee Doodle in Berlin" , ' T - ? -4 ???*>?' ' ' ?Besides seeing them in the theater, Wash ington people will have the unique satisfac tion of seeing them "oft the stage" here to morrow and every day this week. Don't miss such an opportunity. -The Fashion Review will be held on the Second Floor. Remember This Is Children's Book Week ?And the national slogan is "More Books in the Home." ?Fathers and mothers, if you have retained fresh and vivid memories of your own childhood days you can appreciate the de light with which a child steps into the wonderland of fairy tales, of adventure stories, into the daily life of other children's games and sports as they are de picted in Camp Fire Girls and Boy Scout books, etc., etc. ?Children really live with the story book characters even more than grown people do. and it is Book Store?Basement. therefore all the more essential that you choose the right story book children for their compan ions. ?Capture the childish imagina tion?that wonderful, sensitive, vital part of an expanding mind ?lead it into the right channels, and you are making of these chil dren the statesmen, the explorers, the inventors, the law-makers, the writers and the substantial citizens of the next decade. ?Tou must have the right book* to do this. Get them now and here. *TNE BUSY CORNER" PENNA.AVLAT &TH.SI November 10, 1919 Cloudy, with rain probably late tonight. Warmer tonight. ?.15atro?omCo. "TOE BUSY CORNER* f?NNA.#VLAT ftTRSl Tuesday, Nov. 11, at 11 0'Clock and for 11 Minutes this store will suspend business as our way of commemorating the "Signing of the Armistice" During these eleven minutes patriotic airs will be sung by our choristers on the var ious floors. Patrons who are in the store at that time are invited to join in the singing. A Beacon Jacquard Com= fortablels a Real Treasure ?To have in the house. It is delightful to spread oVer you when you come home tired from the office or the daily round of business, and want to take a little nap before or after dinner, and then when you feel chilly in the nijrht. there it is rifcht at hand to add extra covering to the bed. ?These art* heavy in weight, and ar?> practi cally single blankets with the warmth of two. They are as warm as w??<?!. and are shown in plain colors, with fancy borders, in large block effects and all-over designs: in attractive colorings; all fast colors. Size 70x84 inches. Two prices? $6.00 and $6.50 ?Fin? Quality Part-wool Blankets, made from the best Quality wools with a q little cotton in the warp to add strength and as sure washing without shrinking: nicely finished with wide binding, in white and gray, with col ored borders; also block plaids, in attractive, fast color combinations; all double bed size. . At Kann's?Street Floor. $10.00 ?Wool Finished Cotton Blankets, of well-known makes, guaranteed tu give satisfaction; fiaro practi cally the warmth of a wool blanket; double bed size, in white, gray and tan, with colored borders; also plaid blankets, in a good assortment of colors, mohair liound. At $4.95 If You Want a Fur Piece Here Is YourBigOpportunity Manchurian Wolf Scarfs In brown, taupe and black, in an extra large size, made of tine pelts. ?They are fashioned in the curved animal style which is one of the most popular of the day; and finished with head and tail. ?All are handsomely lined with soft silk, and finished with a fold all around. Choice ^ Tuesday ... 29 .75 Fur Store?Second Floor. Automne Stunning Blouses Joining the Great National Drive to Show the Superiority of American* Made Blouses ?in which will be seen the highest types of the Ameri can makers' art in blouses. Every good maker is rep resented in our collection. There is a blouse for every occasion in the assemblage, plain tailored for business wear, lingerie blouses for general wear, rich and charm ing silks and georgettes for afternoon and evening wear. Not only will be seen a blouse for any occasion, but there is a size here for every woman, no matter slight she is or how stout. In this National Blouse Week we have gathered the largest showing of blouses we have ever made. It will pay you hand somely to attend the exhibit and buy the season's Supply. ?Kann's?Second Floor. Be Sure You See the Mack Sennett Beauties Who Will Act as Living Models for These Blouses Tomorrow From 11 to 12:30 Our Display Is a Very Comprehensive One Featuring Blouses Priced All the Way From $2 up to? $27.50 ?A few of them are mentioned here: ?Plain Shirt Waist Styles, tai lor made, to be worn high or low neck style, finished with patch pocket and tailored cuffs. Made of striped flannelette at Of white poplin or soisette at Of crepe de chine at \ $2.00 $2.50 $3.98 ?B louses of Embroidered Georgette, with long sleeves finished with hemstitching; round neck style with square collar. Another model at the same price is a collarless ef fect, made of a fine French voile. It is ornamented with tucking and val lace, has a pretty round yoke and is fin ished with little ribbon tie in front. These and other styles at ?Lingerie Blouses, simple in style, but very attractive, with tucked front, embroidery col* lar and turnback cuffs, both collar and cuffs trimmed with val lace; hemstitched seams. Sizes 36 to 46 at $2.95 $7.95 $4.98 ?White Net Blouses?very new effects ? are quite elaborate with embroidered designs in broken block effects. These de signs are in combinations of brown and tan. and navy and French blue. Collar and cuffs match the front embroidery. These, and other styles in georgette, at $5.95 ?Blouses trimmed with real filet lace are beautiful for semi dress wear. These are in white and flesh, at $19.75, $22.50 & $29.50 -Semi-tailored Models of Crepe de Chine, charmingly tucked in front, and made with a long roll collar; is in a square neck effect in front, has turn back cuffs, and is finished with pearl buttons; the colors are white, flesh, navy, and black, at .. ?Another Model of Heavy Quality Crepe de Chine, is hand embroidered in long effect, and can be worn in low and high neck style as desired; has turn back cuffs, and is finished with pearl buttons. The colors are flesh and white OC only, at ?Coat Blouses of Georgette crepe, can be worn outside of the skirt. They are beautifully embriodered; some of these have the embroidery forming fringe. These are in square-neck style, at $16.95 and $19.75 ?A Pretty Model in a Blouse of Georgette Crepe is made in a round-neck cffect. handsomely embroidered in front, has a round collar finished with a bias fold, and long sleeves finished with hemst itching. These are in flesh, white and navy, at $6.95 ?A Georgette Crepe Blouse of heavy quality, is made with tucked rolled collar, square neck vest front; the collar is trimmed with a pleated ruffle. These are in navy and black, and are desirable for street and business wear. $10.95 at ?Novelty Blouses elaborately beaded and braided; also hand somely hand-embroidered, in a splendid line of high quality models, in taupe, henna, navy, bisque and brown at $12.95, $14.95, $16.95, $19.75 and $22.50 Duplex Fireless Cookers To Help Out the Coal Situation 1 hey will &a\c coal, and tlie housekeeper's time. A new carload that ha.s just arrived supplies us with all the following kinds. ?An expert in the fireless" way of cooking is here to demonstrate the efficiency ot these Duplex ( ookers. Come and be convinced of their practicabil'ty. ?No. 25?Duplex Fireless Cooker, with single cook ing compartment, and a cooking c a p a city of 9 r"f $15.00 ?No. 3S?Duplex Fireless Cooker, single cooking compartment and cooking capacity of 12 quarts, at -No. 30?Duplex Fireless $16.75 ?No. 55?Duplex Fireless Cooker, with two deep cooking compartments, cooking capacity 20 r"s: $30.00 ?No. 60?Duplex Fireless Cooker, with extra deep well cooking compartment, cooking capacity 24 quarts, at ?No. 70?Duplex Fireless Cooker, with three cooking compartments, with cook ing capacity of 32 quarts, at $33.00 $42.00 Cooker, two cooking com partments. and cooking capacity of Cfl 18 quarts, at ?No. Duplex Fireless Cooker, two cooking com partments, and cooking capacity of AA 14 quarts, at vrvf ?These Duplex Fireless Cookers are fitted with heavy grade seamless aluminum ware, cooking utenaiis and are complete in every detail, with roasting racks, discs, cooking and baking aluminum mats. To introduce the fireless cooker into the homes of this city the makers of the Duplex Fireless Cooker are allowing us to make a special offer of a Two-Compartment Reliable Fireless Cook Stove. This is fitted with the same cooking utensils as the Duplex. ?The regular price is $26.00. The special demonstration price $23.50 Special $5 Down $5 Per Month Terms, Then May Be Arranged Kann's?Third Floor. Our Upholstery Store All Ready to Help You With the Refitting For Thanksgiving Day's Festivities High=Grade Lace Curtains Values to $14.98 Pair, One to 12 Pairs of a Kind, Tuesday, Choice *8.00 Irish Point Curtains ?Mounted on French nets, with appliqucd borders; plain center designs; 2 V4 yards long. Choice of white or ecru. Antique Curtain* Marie Antoinette Curtains ? Mounted on extra heavy cable nets, with appliqued floral de signs; 2 '/& yards long. Choice of white or ocru. Wide variety of styles. ?Mounted on scrim, with hand-made antique lace edge and insertion cream. ' Lac^t Arabian Curtains ?Imported styles mounted on French nets, with wide lacet bor ders, and deep openworktd cor ner designs; 2H yards long. At tractive styles to choose from. 2Vi yards long. Choice of white or Curtain and Drapery Fabrics Values to 98c Yard Wide assortment of designs and colorings, for making draperies, bed sets, fancy work, slip covers, curtains, etc. Curtain Materials ?Madre* la white and cream ?Plain Voile* ?Marquisette* ?Merlin* ?Colored Vol leu ?/.Ira Cloths ?Drapery Het* TUESDAY, Choice, Yard, 47c Full Bolts Drapery Materials ?Rep Cretonne* ?Cretonne Marqui sette* ?ttateen* ?Colored Madrns ?Colored Maraiulaettea ?Drapery 811k* ?Drapery Poplins Sunfast and Armure Tapestry Portieres Values to $9.98 Pair, Tuesday Choice.. $6.50 ?The Armnre Tapestry Portferea. are in self-woven designs; plain hemmed; fringed and tapestry band bordered styles; also plain rep portieres, with attractive tapestry band borders. ?The Sonfaat Portieres, In plain and two-tone effects, full length and width; ideal for window or door hangings, etc. Kann's?Third Floor. & RUSSIAN WORKERS' ANARCHY PLANS UPSETBY RAIDS Red Program in U. S. Was to Overturn Law and Create Bloody Chaos. I'lans of the I.'nion of Russian I Worker*, rudely upset by the raids i of agents of the bureau of investiga tion, Department of Justioe, Friday 1 and Saturday nights, with wholesale arrests of red agitators, contemplated overturning tlie government of the United States ami creating in its place | a bloody chaos such as ha3 wrecked Russia under Iienin and Trotsky. That existing industrial unrest was to have been seized upon by the an archistic organization and made the starting point for a bolshevistic at tempt on government and the struc ture* nf the nation is evidenced in the mass of literature seized in the whole sale raids. This literature (lifters in no essen tial respeot from the mass of similar stuff placed at the disposal of The Star last June, from which were writ ten a number of articles detailing the J activities of the anarchistic, bolshe- I vistic. I. W. W. elements, of which J the so-called Union of Russian Work ers was the central body. Are "Direct Actionists." The documents seized prove that the anarchists are not of the parlor type, but are direct actionists, meaning seriously to attempt the overthrow of the government and destruction j of the last vestige of existing social and economic structures. | Government, religion, property were [ all objects of heavy attack. Gov ernment supports and protects the rich, the writings declare. Religion supports the government and lulls the poor into acquiescence. Property is the spoils the rich have stolen from the proletariat who created it. Thus runs the theme of the printed matter calculated to inflame and spur to law less action ill-balanced men and women?especially unschooled aliens. I Once the government is overthrown and with "everything wiped from the I earth that is a reminder of the right j to private ownership of property," the Russian workers, according to their manifesto, looked forward to "the ! magnificent, beautiful form of man j without a god, without a master, and free of authority." Most Dangerous Propaganda. "Novomirsky ? Manifesto of An archists-Communists," the latest pub lication issued, was declared today .by, Francis P. Garvin, assistant attorney general, to be the most dangerous piece of propaganda disseminated at any time by a radical group in this country. Printed in Russian, the manifesto outlines "What should be our means of carrying on the fight?" and says: "What must we do. the vanguard of the proletariat? We must con sciously hasten the elementary move ment of the struggle of the working class; we .must convert small strikes into general ones, and convert the lat ter into armed revolt of the laboring masses against capital and state. "At the time of this revolt, we must at the first favorable opportunity pro ceed to an immediate seizure of all means of production and all articles of consumption, and make the work ing classes the masters in fact of all general wealth. 'At the same time we must mercilessly^le,stroy all remains of government, iithority and class domination, libertftiikg the prisoners, demolish prisons #nd police offices, de stroy all legal papers pertaining to private ownership of property? all field fences and boundaries, and burn all certificates of indebtedness?in a word, we must take care that every thing is wiped from the earth that is a reminder of the right to private ownership of property; to blow up barrafcks, gendarme and police admin istration, shoot the most prominent military and police officers, must be the important concern of the revolting working people. Work to Be Merciless. "In the work of destruction we must be merciless, for the slightest weakness upon our part may afterward cost the working classes a whole sea of needless blood." After "capital and state" are destroy ed, the manifesto says the first duty of the union is to start production on a new foundation. Existing labor organi zations should be extended and produc tion should be given over entirely to them, it argues. Then each "village commune" should unify with all other communes and "the one grand federa tion" follows, the manifesto advocates as its program. Recognizing no religion, no author ity, no power other than its own, the manifesto says, alternately, its members are atheists, communists, anarchists. Suggestion of Bloody Combat. It continues: "We go tranquilly, cheerfully, not be cause it is painful to us, eternally to be calling to bloody combat?no ! ' But because there, far beyond the corpses of heroes, beyond the blood-covered bar ricades. beyond all terrors of civil war. there already shines for us the mag nificent beautiful form of man without a God, without a master and free of I authority. "We hate religion because it lulls the spirit of lying tales, takes away t the courage and faith in the power of man. faith in the triumph of jus- : tice here on the real earth and not in a chimerical heaven. Religion covers everything with fog; rea* evil be- ! comes visionary, and visionary good i a reality. It has always sanctified j slavery, grief and tears, and we de clare war upon all gods and religious fables. We are atheists." i Government Assailed. Mr. Garvan called particular atten- ! tion to statements in. the manifesto i having a bearing on the government's i activities in connection with recent strikes. The government's attempt to put down riots were attacked as i nothing short of murder, where such I attempts to end trouble had resulted ! in ifeath for anybody. Marriage Licenses. Marriage licenses have been issued to the fol lowing : James Better and Ida Posoy. J. Gilliam Davenport. of I.<ancaster, Pa., and M. Irene Lesser of Warren, Pa. Maurice P. Brooks and Margaret B. Kline, both of Altoona, Pa.' Francis I>. Igo of Ilonesdale, Pa., and Fran ces A. Leahy of Watervitle, Mo. Gilbert S. Prescott and Margaret J. Green well. Lionel Haggerty and Marie McCoy. Harry L. Kinneai; and Katherine M. O'Brien. Itov A. Darling and Regina A. Hall. Thomas C. Talbert of this city and Doris E. Richardson of Clinton. Md. Leslie Hart of Potts town, Pa., and Jessie L. Hair of Cherry dale, Vs. John A. Mile# and Jannie Jackson. George B. Terrell and Kisia M. Tweedy. Raymond B, Jackson and Marie C. Butler. Deaths Reported. The following deaths have been reported to ihe health department iu the last twenty-four lioiirs: William II. Ging*^, 48, Tuberculosis Hos ! * Paul C. Acton, 16, 205 New Jersey avenue southeast. Margaret J. W. Seaman. 77, 1108 7th street northeast. lieliah Siford, 82, 1217 I street. George W. Hawley. 74. MM* 0th street. William A. Kell. 64. 321 Hth street northeast. Florence F. Hill, 00, 3141 Mount Pleasant street. Theresa A. Wilson, 23, 016 Portland street southeast. Adele M. Taylor, 10, Sibley Hospital. The wives of Siamese noblemen cut their hair so that it stands straight up on their heads. The average length is about oca inch aad a bsAU OWNE1 name in every pair No need to ask 'what's the style" nor "will they i wear?" Style and wear are "on hand" when you secure Fownes fcLOVES FOR MEN. WOMEN & CHimPEN To Cure A Cold in One Day Take "Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets" Be sure you get the Genuine Look for this signature on the box. 30c DEMAND VENUS w PENCILS !7Black and 3 Copying degrees American Lead Pencil Co., NtwYorti 1 ? Does catanlv ruiivyxir appetite: Is your breakfast spoil* ed by a hacking cough, a stuffed head and a bad tasting mouth? Start the day right with a clear head and a\vhole some breakfast. Kon don's has helped thous ands and should do the same for you. Kondon'a Catarrhal Jelly it suaran* teed not only by us, but by 30 years sen-ice to millions of Americans. If Kondons doesn't do wonders fof your cold, sneering, cough, chronic catarrh, nose bleed, headache, sore nose, ctc* we'll pay your -money 7, Coup" ,1 How to Remove Wrinkles Quickly Tf the average woman only knew it. it i? not at all difficult to preserve the youth ful contour and velvety smoothness of complexion. Every woman hates to see her face wrinkled or ba?rgy, and prs? tically every one has experimented with some* sort of patent remedy in the effort either to remove such condition cr ward it off. As a matter of fact, the most effective remedy in the world is one that any woman can easily make up herself at home, in u moment's time. Let her take one ounce of pure powdered saxolite, which Nhe can purchase at any drug store, end dissolve it in a half pint, of witch hazel. Apply 'hjs harmless and refreshing solution to the face every day fur awhile, "l'he results are surprising, to hay the least. Even after the very first applica tion a marked improvement is apparent. The wrinkles nre less in evidence and the face has a comfortable, sinug feeling of tirmm that i* most delightful.?Adver tisement. Irritating Coughs Promptly treat cough*, coldi, boaneneu, bronchitis sod inflamed tod irritated condition* of the throat with a tested remedy