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&T$at)t)?omCo. *THE 1USY CORNER* PEMHA.AVLAT 8TH.SX Open 9:15 A.M. Close 6 PJVL &t5c?)t)?crosC?. 'THE BUSY CORNER" PENNA.WLAT 8TH.ST. February 26, 1920 Fair aiid continued cold. Tomorrow fair and not Quite pi> ixjlil. 3. Hoot) ?omC?? 'THE BUSY CORNER" PENNA.WLAT 8TH.SX Remnants End-of-the Month Clearing Of Every Short .Length Remaining From a Very Busy Month's Selling ?An event that offers you most unusual values because of the large assortment from which to make a selection. ?There are thousands of lengths of the most wanted silks, in all the fashionable and desir able weaves, patterns and colors in demand at the present moment. There are kinds for many different uses. They are all in good useful lengths and are marked Kann's?Street Floor. Choice $ 1 .39 t0 $2.50 Yard You Make Worth While Savings on These Remnant Lengths of Wash Goods 38c At, a Y ard. ?'They are worth easily tip to 58c a yard, and in these days of combination ctfecls you can evolve many pretty and useful frocks for yourself or for the children by putting plain and patterned materials together. In the assortment are: ?32=inch Romper Cloths. ?36~inch Percales, light and dark effects. ?Amoskeag Dress Ginghams, 32 inches wide. ?36-inch Shirting Madras. ?And other wash goods. ?Good lengths, in popular patterns and colors. Kami's?Street l-'Ioor. White Wash Goods Friday Remnant Clearing ?Remnants of Plain and Fancy White Voiles, Batiste, Longclotbs and Nainsook, 27 and 36 inches wide; values to 50c. To close, Fri- '>Er. day. aytrd ??Full pieces of 36-inch White gabardine Suiting, closely vtoven quality and a diagonal wtave; 75c value. Fri- Cf|r? day. a yard Kann's?Street Floor. Two Special Lots of Dress Goods Remnants 98c At Yard, $1.69 ?Useful lengths, too. Many which will do splendidly in making up the new combination dresses and suits. In the two lots combined are the following : ?Wool and Cotton Dress Goods. ?All-wool Dress Goods. ?Serges, Checks, Stripes, Poplins, Mixtures, Plaids and Mohairs. Kann's?Street Floor. Pairs Women s Smart Low Shoes Left From Our Recent Big Sale, Reduced Friday to, Choice, a Pair $3.95 ?It is a coursc, t reasonal clean-up of all the remaining lots from our last big sale and of which, of here arc not all sizes. The chances of finding your particular size are >1 v "food. ?There are pumps, Oxfords and colonials to be found and in a splendid assortment of good leathers. ?Be here early Friday for best choice. Kann's?Second Floor. Next Monday ?Another of Our Well Known Sales of BOOKS ?Particulars Later. Women's Toggery Small Lots, Reffaced to Close Friday 11 fci lit WmI Jnatj KImhh, Jtaed throughout with Jap silk, mde with sailor collar and kjmono ileem Sleeves and collar ornament S-ifw'TJ $19.75 |?jM; Mtk ?OH lot of (Ilk Cor?? Cot tfo, ta lisbt blue, ptak. and Uveader. UM /a Wlaet. Reduced ^ ( .QV M? Mt*a rittif?to. in black Mir. straight style. fin , lohed with em- A * p/"v brotderod scallop. ^ | .jfJ Kaaa'a?Second Floor. A Full and Varied Selection of Dresses at $29.75 ?Variety in the matter of materials, styles and sizes. The pricc is a medi um one that the average woman counts upon paying for a spring dress. ?The materials are foulards, crepes, taffetas, Georgettes and satins. ??The styles include surplicc bodices, the peasant bodice, basque bodice, some coat effects, with puffed hip skirts, tunic styles, etc. Some have the short sleeve, some with the sleeve coming below the elbow'. ?Many show the popular new wool em broidery. some trimmed with three rows of shirring, some are finished with lace collar and cuffs to match, and some are ornamented with the little tassels which are such great favorites in the spring scheme of trimming. ?The colors are blue, beige, navy, gray, Copenhagen, brown and black, and the foulards are in attractive patterns in medium color effects. ?Sizes up to 44. Kann's?Second Floor Start the Season Happily in ANewSpringSuit ?In fact, the Spring season does not seem properly started until you have bought a new suit, and as Kaster is early this year, why, the earlier you make your purchase the better, as you w ill be sure to have yours on hand in time. Three Lines Claim Your Attention Tomorrow At $69.75 At $75.00 At $85.00 ?There are new embroidered and braid-trimmed models, in the latest Eton, liox and Relted-back models. ?l'lain tailored and semi-tailored suits are in evidence and some are made with brocade vests. ?There are new models with cartridge pleats at the side, trimmed with fancy stitching. These arc in navy and black trirotine and Poiret twill. ?All sizes in the three lino, including misses, women's average sizes and stylish stout models. Kann's?Second Moor. ! Friday Special Bargains Among Odd Lots In the Neckwear Store The First Lot Consists of Odds and Ends of Neckwear Worth Up to $4.95. Choice $1.00 ?Among: them are collars, collar and cuff sets and vestees, and the materials are satins, tricolettes. Georgettes, linens, organdies. Not all kinds in all materials, but a remarkably good selection to choose from. We also include with these pieces of neckwear about six ostrich feather boas. ?Vestees, a small lot, made of organdy and net. Values to $125. Choice Kami's?Street Floor. 59c 50 Cotton Mattresses Full the, <5-pound grade, $8.88 ?Kind we sell regularly at $12.95. Made <$f clean, sani tary cotton ; 5!<j inches thick ; covered with blue figured art ticking. Special for this Friday, and the one day only. Kann's?Third Floor. Linen Store Friday Clean-Ups ?Bleached Mercerized Ta ble Damasks, 72 inches wide ; good, heavy weights, in splendid patterns. $12 5 r;?:?: $1.00 -45-inch White Ramie Lin en Salting, heavy weight and a serviceable quality. Very specsa'? rn Friday, ?? r?rd.. Kun't?Street Floor. 40=In. Embroidered Batiste One of the New Arrivals at the Embroidery Store. A YARD.. $2.25 ?This Is shown In pink, sunset, coral, lavender, Copenhagen and sky grounds, with white dots embroidered in medium spaced design. The batiste is almost as fine as a chiffon cloth, and the material will make up beautifully for summer dresses. ?Embroidery Collar Edgings, colored embroidery on white grounds. The material is an exquisitely fine organdy, and the designs are very dainty indeed. Price, a .. $1.25 ?Pretty Collar E d g ings of natural or pongee colored batiste, beautifully embroidered in small neat designs in self color. A yard .... vwv Kann's?Street Floor? Embroidery Store. NewSpringCoats In an Unusually Good Assortment at $29.75 ?Three-quarter-length Sport ("oats, made of all-wool tan Polo cloth, ornamented with rows of stitching down the back and finished with narrow leather belt. ?Coats of all-wool mixtures, sport style, with box pleats in the back and finished with collar, cuffs and belt of leather. ?Two new styles of wool Jersey, in sport mod els?one is a plain color, with collar and cuffs of contrasting colors; narrow leather belt. The other is a heavy tnixcd Jersey; made with tucks down the back audi large tucked pocket and belt of self material. ?There are full-length coats, made of all-wonl velour, unlined, finished with adjustable belt and fancy button trimming. These arc in tan and Pekin blue. Kann's?Second Floor. ?*ADI MARK ICC. U.S. PAT. orr. GRASS RUGS a De Luxe," "Herringbone" and Regular Weaves' 461 $4.97 ?Stenciled Patterns, in sizes 5x6 ft., 6x6 fU 3x9 ft., 4x9 ft, 4x8 ftM 5x8 ft. Choice Friday at ?Odd sizes, made from accumulations left after standard size rugs had been made up. Every one a genuine "Crex" make and 4 "Crex" design. Choice of green, blue and brown. You save nearly one-half in this Friday sale. 6 Damaged Grass Rugs ?9xl2-ft. sire rugs that are faded or torn, priced for 0*7 quick clearance. Friday Kann's?Third Floor. Broken Lots in Wash Waists ? Two lots of a miscellaneous character, but good values in cach. They arc very much underprice, and represent broken sizes, odd numbers, a few samples. Not all sizes in all styles, therefore the more need to hurry if you would have best selection tomorrow. Wash Blouses $1.69 ?W orth to $3.00; for ? These include white bastiste blouses, white voiles, colored voiles and striped effects. ?They are all good styles, and see what you save. Wash Blouses $2.97 ?Worth to K50; for ?Among these are fine French voiles and high quality batistes; also colored striped voiles. All well made, chic models. Kann's?Second Floor. 600 Remnants Curtain Scrims and Figured Silkolines 1 to 15 yard lengths, 39c and 49c Grades, to Close Friday, Yard, 19c $2.98 Scotch Lace Bed Sets ?Choice Friday ^ J gQ ?300 of them, splendid styles, wi'h overlocked stitched edges, in real lace designs Sets con sist of spread and two shams, in sizes for three-quarter and full size beds. ?Splendid qualities, good pat terns and useful lengths. Ideal materials for curtains, com fort coverings, bed sets, laun dry bags, etc. Duplex Oil Opaque Window Shades ?Seconds of $1.98 grades. Choice Fri day at 7yC ?These aro size 36x72 inches, mounted on guaranteed spring rollers and are complete with fixtures. 48 in yellow and dark green, 96 in olive and white, 60 in white and dark green. Limit 6 to * customer. $3.49 Marquisette Curtains -Three-piece Sets, -") j Choice Friday ?Pretty Sets, 2J4 yards long, each set consisting of two side curtains and center valance. Kann's?Third Floor. REPRESENTATION IN i CABINET IS SOUGHT ?????? I Secretary of Education Is 1! Urged by School Superin tendents in Cleveland. | CLEVELAND. Ohio. February -6 (by tho Associated Press > .--Speakors be j fore the department of superintcn ! dence of the National Education As j pociation today severely criticised j Congress for delay in passing the Smith-Town# r bill, which would add a I secretary of education to the I i??>?? : 'dent's cabinet and appropriate *1""-! 1 i ?>Ou.?uO annually fot schools. Alethods \ of bringing pressure to hear on ? m- , Stress to force passage of the nieasur- j ' were discussed. I 1'lans for combating bolshevism ; | through use of school buildings for munity center meetings and throu^n Americanization work in the s< no ?is were discussed by the Community ' en I tei*s Association and the rural euuca- | tion department. . , ! Sex education in home and scnooi i was considered again by the American j i I School ??i i! > giene %ssociat i< n 1} Frank Cody, superintendent ol De-I troit public schools. has been named tor ipresident of the <3. partn ? * it r ) intendence, by the nominating commit- | | te<^, it is understood. The election o. | jofficers will be held tomorrow. IMijulenl Kduenlion Knipha*l*fd. j Greatest emphasis was placed on ] j physical education by si>eakers address-j ? inn- the different brarn he.- of tli** n-n I venkiou v?> Kuueation *?f the i mind without training ??f th- b<><i>' and j j st relict hen in v, of h'-'l'.h is not tr i? edu- i cation, it. was contended K. Dana Caulkins. nianaatT of the l physical education service Washiru' ' I ton. 1*. C. decfared most the j (physical and moral deficiency might j be traced to a lack of proper training I oi children pre vious to theit ei j teenth year. j | Conservation of the eyes of school {children, correction of speech defects and school H*--i? * li inspection were the chief topics discussed by the Anier , ican School Hygiene Association. Salary Kmmuf I* Tnkrn I p. The committee on resolutions of the superintendence department i-ist night i was preparing recominendations for a national educational program t.? be presented to the convention tomor row morning. It is understood t he platform will recommend readjust ment of tax systems to provide better salaries and maintain better schools. A national salary ?.f J 1,500 for city teachers and $1.-00 for teachers in rural districts will be urged. ! Speakers emphasized the need of j increased taxes to provide more ? revenue to carry on the wrk of the ! modern sehool? including American ' ization courses, physical edu< ation and j health crusades. 11 was declared ap ! proximately 140,000 teachers had re signed during the year because of i low salaries. Other RfrommrotlalioiiN. Other recommendations before the resolution committee are said to in clude the following: . Indorsement of the Smith^Towncr bill, proposing a federal secretary of education and federal subsidy of pub lie schools. Revision of the Smith-Hughes law. A national program of Americaniza tion as part of gt iural education. Military education in some form as part of a physical education program. Indorsement of such organizations as Junior fU l Cross and Boy Scouts and National Thrift Educational cam paigns. Extension of compulsory school age to sixteen instead of fifteen, with a provision for part-tftne education be tween the ages of sixteen and eight een. Removal of illiteracy by means of a nationwide program of education. Suggested resolutions other than those affecting the educational pro gram urge immediate ratification of the woman suffrage amendment, na tion-wide indorsement of the prohibi tion amendment and indorsement of the national child welfare law, and laws safeguarding maternity. IWMMGE | FIGHTS BAMBUNG BILLS s. L. Bym Makes Appeal to Or j ganization's Membership on Race Track Issue. 1 S 1. lJyrn of Cambridge. Md.. chair man of the legislative coming? of the Maryland Stat.- Orange. bus W ' sued an appeal to Maryland citizens to fijrht the two bills which would lega. i*e race-track gambling in Maryland bv license, and whb-h ;ir. - i w lw rore the state legislature in session in An napolis Citizens are urged to appeal to their representatives in the legiw lature to support a third bill befor? the legislature which w-uld prohibit race-track gambling in the state. Mr Bvrn's statement. in p;irt. follows. ??Th.- excuse. if I "ia> t* rm 11 suvh. for presenting tin- two bills which W"Ul?i legalize ra track gambling b> lie. UK- in M:ir> land is that tin- race racks will produce revenue, bringing into the treasury of Maryland hun dreds of thousands of dollars yearly. \re it r in such pressing ne. d. or .^o indifferent to th.- sour.-.- or our stat< income as to be ready and willing to barter our moral, social and political life for revenue and thus make void tlie teachings of our homes, i hurches anil schools by legalised gambling? The people of Maryland are not so de void of deeeney, respect for self and st:fte, as to sell their priceless heri ! I age for such a mess of pottage. There are plenty of legitimate sources of revenue that will yield the necew ' sary funds for our state government ' which will not put in jeopardy the ! honor of our people nor destroy the i eood will and esteem of those beyond our borders I,et us administer . very I 'iepartment of our state with funds honestly and honorably come by and wisely spent, that they m.-ty in the fu ture. as in the past, be a memorial to our statesmen and a credit to our people." SCIENTISTS TO EXPLORE ANCIENT RUINS IN UTAH Will Try to Beach Cliff Cities in Canyon by Lowering1 bearcners From Tops of Bluffs. j SAT.T I.AKK CTTT. February 26 ? ; Effor'fl to reach and explore ruins i of ancient cliff cities, known to exist in Zion canyon. T'tah's newly created nation \1 park in the southwestern part o' the state, w'iU be made durinR the eimiiiK summer by a party of an hen'ogists and tceoiogists. ^ley^ral i of wl.i'tn are attached to the Univer sity of t'tah here. The clifT cities never have been vis ; ited because of their inaccessible lo cation* on the I'lch- bluffs. It Is 1 hoped, however, that the difficulty will j be overcome by the lowering of the ? explorers ff-om the iops of the bluffs ! by ropes. Long rkniM photographs , taken show that the cities are larar* and their adobe houses are clearly outlined nnd appear to-be in perfect I preservation. Fateful Budget Before Cortes. MADRID, February 27*.?C'onsidera ; tion of the budget bill was resumed to j day by the corti s. this subject being the j most important in the political arena ij in Spain and one upon Wbich the fate of ! the government rests. Declaration was made by the minister of finance that the budget must be approved before April 1 and all members "called upon to show their patriotism" by assisting the guv eminent In all the provisions of the meaeurSk DoctorsFail "Terrible cam of Bcsema ? eeaUactad when a mere hoy ? fou jht dlaaaaa tar tea yeare, with h?lr down pprciaJift*. Both ler* in terrible rendition. Almost ft nerroii* wreck. It look Ju?t ? bottles Of D. D. D to clear op tbi( dtaraae." This ii tbe late testloway of a piuialaeat newtpaper nan. We hare Men mo many other sufferers relieved by thia morreloat lotion that *r freely otter you a hottie on oar psnsaal guarantee. Try It today. lie. 00c aad fl.OO. Bil lotion for Shin Disease Drufc Store*. ??:>.?> v.w;. ?>? ? Mens Spring Top Coats Exclusive patterns Foregin and Domesic Fabrics Stinemetz F at 12th iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiininiiiniiin) MEMBEfTOF Thousands Think if Hoffman's When There la Anything to Be CLEANED, PRESSED OR DYED You will find economy and sat isfaction in doing likewise. Driadei with 81'hora. Call tka one la VOVm * ?Hshborhood. U Hoffman Co. Lxpmrt Clmmnmwm 4k Qytn Main OfbCC 735 13th St. N.W. Phone Main 10058 Be Sura I fa Hoffman'a UII!lll!lf)llii!2!llllllllllilllIIIIIIIIIDraP Investigate This | TIRES *p 1 1 .Oj km.wm -ak^ OtWa Is proporQMt CHAS. E. MILLER, Inc, U2 l?ih au ? dsocs iKn ? ah Keep the Flu Away Build Up Your System by Taking CHASCO VIN AFFLECK'S DRUG STORE 14th & U. 15tfa 4 F. "No Wear Out" to EBONITE Wonderful Lubricant for Automobile Transmissions, Differentials and Timing Gears <in? filling of a tinht trans mission <;.??* with Kbonite will Inst :tn entire season. There Is jio wear-out to it. ? fall fnr It bf Name" on .tale tfrrmehfrf r> and 25 Pound Tina Bayerson Oil Works Sole Manufacturers Southern Auto Supply Co., Inc. 12J2 P?. Ave. N.W. Distributers for District of Stomach Upset? Get at the Real Cause?Take Dr. Edwards* Olive Tablets That's what thousands of stomach sufferers are doing now. Instead of taking tonics, or trying to patch up a poor digestion,'they are attacking the REAL canpe of the ailment clogged liver and disordered bowels. Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets arouse the liver in a soothing, healing way. When the liver and bowels are per forming their natural functions away goes indigestion and stomach troubles. Have, you a bad taste, rsoted tongue, poor appetite, a lazy, don't care feeling, no ambition or energy, trouble with undigested foods? Take Olive Tablets, the substitute for calomel. Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets are a purely vegetable compound mixed with olive oil. You will Icaew them bv their olive color. Tboydo the work without griping, rrs'm?> ?r pain. ?. Take one or two at bedtime for quick relief. Eat what you like, lie and 25c. F0P? M?AOACMJ?ANC nEuWai . a , -- ANTI-HAMMA > / M TABLETS