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???mil?nmim??mmmmmm ffSfi MEYER'S SHOPS 1331 F Street H. W. "The Store With A Smile" We greet you with a smile and try to send you out smiling. Women You Will Wear Oar SHOES With A Smile iMUHMMUMMimimmmiimm?nin eEOKERs Continued The February Clearance of Hand Luggage Including Becker quality Traveling Bag*, Suit Caaea, Week-end Cases and Hat Caaea. Discounts As Great As 331/3 Per Cent Becker's Leather Goods Co. 1334*1326 F Street N.W. sJk 4 " ' This season's smart, brand new styles note in our store. Priced from $2 to $5 under the present market because these shoes were made from leather bought one year ago at one-half present leather quotations* THREE BIG POINTS TO REMEMBER L Price stamped on sole at factory pre vents profiteering. 2. Famous Emerson trade mark guaran teeing satisfactory neat. ^ S, The very latest stylet. | EMERSON SHOE STORE 907 Penna. Ave. Washington Open Saturday Evening THOMAS EDWARD LAWRENCE FREED ARABIA DURING WAR Oxford Graduate, Little Known, Became Remark able Figure of World War. Young Archeologist Unified Scattered Nomadic Tribes Against Turk Oppressors. BT I-OWELL THOMAS. (Bj arrangement with Asia, the American magnalne on Lbe orient.) During the last flvo year* of epic events, among others, two remarkable j figures have appeared. The dashing advontures and anecdotes of their ca fe reers will furnish golden themes to the writers of the future, as the lives of Ulysses, King Arthur and Richard the Lion-Hearted to the poets, troubadours and chroniclers of other days One is a massive, tower ing, square-jawed, slx-fooAcr?that smashing British cavalry leader. Field Marshal Lord Allenby, com mander of the twentieth century crusaders, who has gain?i world fame because of his exploit In driving the Turks from the Holy Land, down ing the crescent, and raising the cross over Jerusalem. The other is the un dersized beardless youth, whom I first Faw absorbed In a technical treaties on the cuneiform Inscriptions discov ered on the bricks of ancient Babylon. The ci>eetacular achievements of j Thomas Edward Lawrence, the young | (Oxford graduate, are still unknown: except to a handful of his associates. I Yet quietly, without any theatrical headlines or fanfare of trumpets, he brought the disunited nomadic tribes of Arabia into a unified campaign against their Turkish oppressors?a difficult a^id splendid stroke of policy, which caliphs, statesmen and sultans I had been unable to accomplish in cen turies of effort. Lawrence placed himself at the head of the Bedouin army of the King of the Hedjaz. and drove the Turks from Arabia. Allenby liberated Palestine, the holy land of Jews and Christians; Lawrence freed Arabia, the holy land of millions of ' Mohammedans. ! Story of tie Mystertoaa Uwwe. I had heard of the mysterious Law ' rence many times during the months 1 was in Palestine with Gen. Allen ' by. On my way from Italy to Egypt, one of the officers on the cruiser told me that an Englishman was supposed to be in command of an army of wild Bedouins somewhere in the trackless deserts of the far-off land of "The Arabian Nights." This was the first rumor which reached me of Law rence's exploits. In Egypt and Pal estine I heard fantastic tales of his exploits. And always his name was mentioned in solemn, hushed tones, because at this time the Arabian af fair was supposed to be a secret. Lawrence became to me a new orien tal legend of the war in the making and until one day when I met him in the palace of the Governor of Jerusalem I had been unable to pic ture him as a real person. Cairo, Jerusalem. Damascus, Bagdad?in fact, all the cities of the near east ? are so full of color and romance that the mere mention of them is sufficient to stimulate the imagination of mat ter-of-fact westerners, who ape sud denly spirited away on the magic carpet of memory to scenes familiar through the fairy story books of childhood. So I had come to the con clusion that Lawrence was the prod uct only of western imagination overheated by exuberant contact with the east. But the myth turned out to be verv much of a reality. TUp five-foot-three Englishman, who stood before me in Jerusalem, garbed I in a brown camel's-hair gown, over | which hung his kuffieh. or headdress, ? of heavy white brocaded silk, cov ered with gold embroidery, under > neath a snow-white robe tied with a gold-embroidered belt, in which he carried the curved sword of a prince of Mecca, all set off regally by the agal, the headband of heavy cords wrapped with silver and gold threads that held the kuffieh in place?was the real ruler of Arabia. He was the commander-in-chief of an army of more than 200.000 Bedouins mounted on racing camels and fleet Arabian horses. He was the terror of the Turks. Destiny had never played a stranger prank than when it se lected as the man to play the major role in the liberation of Arabia an Oxford graduate whose life ambition was to dig In the ruins of antiquity and uncover and study long-forgotten I cities. Bora tat Uoyi Canty. The Lawrence family originally came from Galway. Ireland, several hundred years ago. This partly ac counts for Lawrence's rather remark able powers of physical endurance, because the people of Galway are among the hardiest of their race. CoL Thomas E. Lawrence was born in Carnarvon, the same county in Wales that Lloyd George comes from, and the prime minister is one of the former's warmest friends and ad mirers. In fact, it is a case of mu tual admiration. Mr. Lloyd George kept in close touch with Lawrence's work in the desert, and consulted with him constantly during the ses ' sions of the peace conference In Paris, which Lawrence attended as the head of the Arabian delegation. All his life Col. Lawrence has been a student of peoples both of the pres ent and of the past, but, so far as I know, he has never had any intimate friends and has preferred to stand on one side and watch others. He has a very sympathetic nature, and would rather help a downtrodden people to assert their rights than to amass all the wealth in the world. He has un usual ability when it comes to master ing languages, among them being English. French. Italian, Spanish, German, Greek, Latin. Dutch. Nor wegian and Arabic. Student ?f Military WrMm. Lawrence has always been a keen student of military writers. His fa vorite work, until he took part in the Arabian campaign, was Marshal Foch's "Principe de Guerre": although he once told mo in Arabia that his stndy of Caesar and Xenophon had been of more value to him in his desert campaign because in his ir regular war against the Turks he had to adopt directly opposite tactics from those advocated by Marshal Foch. He hns also been a keen stu dent of medieval French literature, and is particularly fond of Gothic art. In 1908, before he finished his uni versity work, he urged his parents to allow him to go to the near east. His family gave him permission and 1200, fully expecting that he would spend it in making a flying Cook's tour of Asia Minor, Syria and Pales tine. and return home quite ready to settle down and forget the orient. As soon as he arrived in Syria he adopted native costume and tramped barefoot over thousands of miles of unknown desert country, living with the vari ous Bedouin tribes. . When he finally returned to England to complete his studies, after an absence of two years, he still had >100 left of the original sum which his family had given him, and he merely remained at home long enough to finish his studies, that he might return to the near cast better equipped in his specialty. Joiard Expedition la IMS. Several years before the war, ta 1908, he Joined the Oxford expedition and uncovered part of Carchemlsh. the ancient capital of the Hittite empire. One day In the Arabian desert, not far from the enchanted rose-red city of Petra. Lawrence remarked to me that archeological work in Egypt had never appealed to him, and that he would never dig there at any price, because most of the important work had already been done, and because Egyptologists of today spend most of their time trying to find out when the third whisker was painted on the scarab! With many other scientists and scholars, he was called to Cairo by the British military authorities in August. 1914. At that time he was twenty-six years old. He had already spent seven years wandering through Turkuv. Svria, Palestine. Arabia, OOU THOMAS K. LAWRFATK. Priiicr of Hfrra and "unoronM Ki<( of Arabia." Mesopotamia and Tersia. and had ac <Itr,re<l a more jntlinat- knowledge of j the peoples of Aleppo, Beirut. Jeru salem. Damascus and Bagdad than al most any other Kuropean. Artlrltlra Daring War. From 1914 to 1916 young Lawrence kept the wax office informed regard- | ing the movements of the various; units of the Turkish army. He had : native agents acting as spies under | his orders. In the summer of 1916 ' the Arabs broke out in revolt against the Turks in the country of Hedjaz, which is that part of Arabia between the forbidden city of Mecca and the southern end of the I>ead sea. Be- , cause of the scarcity of munitions, the ; revolutionary Arabs ran out of sup- j plies after their first success, and j it would have been impossible for them to have gone on if the allies? t particularly Great Britain?had not ' come to their rescue. The British not only sent supplies to the Arabs, but gave them important military en couragement; they sent them a num ber of their most briliant young of Ucers to co-operate with the Arabs and offer them suggestions. I^awrence was among these and within a few months he made himself "Uncrowned King of Arabia." In Arabia he was never known to wear anything except the native cos tume. Ocasionally. when he went to Cairo or Jerusalem to make a report to Gen. Allenby. he wore the uniform of a British officer, but even after he attained the rank of colonel he pre ferred the uniform of second lieuten ant, usually without insignia of any kind. I have seen him in the Ftreets of Cairo without belt, and with un polished boot*?negligence next to high treason in the Britfsh army. I have never seen him stand to atten tion. and doubt if he would have done so in the presence of all the allied generals. He has never saluted any one senior to him, even including his comman der-in-chief, but he would always ac knowledge salutes of soldiers. He es pecially disliked the title of colonel. Krom general to private, he was known as plain "Lawrence." Many times, when we were trekking across the desert he told me that the thorough 1 ly disliked war and everything that savored of the military, and that as I soon as the war was over he intended to leave the army and go back to archelogy. Utile did iAwrence dream when he was studying Hittite ruins that it was his destiny to build a new empire in stead of piecing together, for a scholar's thesia. the fragments or a dead-and-buried kingdom. Yet be gained the confidence of the sherif of Mecca (King Hussein of the Medjai) to such an extent that he waa per mitted to sign the king^s najne to state napers. Out of gratitude for his services to their country, the Arab leaders made him an emir and a prince of Mecca, an honor unparal leled in Arabian history. King Hus APVKBTmCWEMT. . . DANGER FOLLOWS INFLUENZA Rebuilding Health After Any Illness Getting Well Meant Gaining Strength-A Wholesome Tonic The gettlng-well stage of grip, pneumonia or other illness is the most dangerous of all because the body, weakened by the disease, 1? wide open to attacks of other lurk ing germs. That is why all the organs of the body must be kept in their best working order, not only to drive out the poison left by the disease, but that the patient shall >i regain strength as soon as possi- " ble to avoid further attacks result ing from the poisons in the system. As a means toward good health after any illness Father John's Medicine builds up the body be cause it is all pure wholesome nourishment and free from opium, morphine, chloroform or othei poisonous drugs or alcohoL Fa ther John's Medicine has had 60 years' success for colds and throat troubles, coughs and sore throats, and as a tonic and body builder. PROVES THE TRUTH One of the best known profes sional men in New York (his name will be given on request) says,? "After an acute attack of typhoid pneumonia, I had a racking cough and lost twenty pounds in eleven days. I never was so completely run down in my life. I was about to go to a hospital when I began to take Father John's Medicine, which, after I had taken it faith fully, restored me to sound health. 1 regained flesh that I had lost and have since been as well as ever in my life. I have since learned that my physician has been in the habit of prescribing Father John's Medi cine in such cases." Silk Lamp Shades Big Assortment at Special Reduced Prices. SXUDDIMAN'. 1204 on G St. 616 on 12th St. ?If It's from Knddimaa'a, Xt'a float" seln hlmeelf presented his British l oinmiMlT with the curved gold sword worn only by direst descendants of llo hammed. Auda Abu Tayt, the Bedouin RoWn Hood, always sincere in his Judg ments of people, once said to me: "I have never seen a man who has such a great capacity for work as I^awrence. lie is one of the finest came) riders that ever trekked ncroes the U. sert." A Bedouin can pay no flnor cuiupii- 1 nient. ' The Germans and Turks were not long in discovering' that there was a mysterious power giving Inspiration to the Arabs. Through their spies they learned that I^awrence was the guiding spirit of the whole Arabian revolution. Tliey offered a reward of *500.000 for him, dead or alive. IJjt the Bedouins would not have betray- >1 their leader for all the gold in tue fabled mines of Solomon. (In the next installment Mr. Lowell Thomas will describe how Lawrence' captured Akaba, the ancient seaport' of King Solomon, and a battle In which th? young archeologlst and his daring Heutenant, Auda Aba Tayi. with a handful of followers mounted on? racing camels, charged a picked Turkish regiment and cut it to pieces. In this charge I^wrence's eamel was shot from under him and his fol lowers rode right over him, and sevon bullets passed through Auda Abu Tayi'g robe). (ropjrlfflit, 1020.) Don't coogh your head off. Use Chasco Terebeoe or Symp of White Pine. UrU| TOUT ynaerlftlM as. Affleck's Drug Stores, 15th & F Sts. 14th & USU ? Seienth Street Between ""Better Late Than Never' ?Never applied better than it does to those thrifty people who will satisfy their furni ture needs during the last two days of the February Furniture Sale. Furniture buying is really more a matter of good taste than of expense, and it is really remarkable how attractively your home can be furnished at a little expense. Lifetime Furniture is not the sort of fur niture that you usually find in sales?yet every piece of this fine furniture is offered at the low February sale prices. Two More Days Only of the February Furniture Sale Mayer & Co. Seventh St. N.W. Between D & E CORRECT STYLE HEADQUARTERS iBeJouni STORE HOURS: EVERY DAY 8 A.M. to 6 P.M. 1319-1321 F Street February 26 STORE NEWS 1319-1321 F St The Truth?and Nothing But the Truth Buy As An Investment When you can buy a suit for little more than ONE - HALF its.actual value that's surely a good investment. * - ? Remember that among; these hundreds of our finest suits are many of just the right weight and color for spring wear, with only a skeleton lining. For your ac commodation we'll gladly accept a a small deposit and lay aside any of these suits for you until it's convenient to make the final payment. When the warmer wea ther arrives you'll have a handsome suit for about one-half what it would cost then. Suits Formerly Price-marked op to $55?? Will be sold for r v. Suits Formerly Price-marked up to $70?? Will be sold for J .J Every suit offered is desirable in every respect?style, fabric and color, with plenty of the rich blues, browns and oxfords in different lines. There's a fine as sortment of conservative models for men who do not fancy the extreme features.