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THE HOUSE OF QUALITY Mfca^er 3&ros. Q Co. 937-939 F St. N.W. No Branch Stores Fashion Individuality for Every Woman and Miss : in These Refined Spring Model Suits and Dresses at $59 Two groups of lovely, up-to-the-minute apparel arranged at this once tomorrow through an exceedingly special deal with the designers. Suits of Fine All-Wool Serge, $59 ?in distinctive ripple model jackets, belted, button and silk braid trtmtned. High-grade plain or fancy silk lining. Very attractive skirts to match. Per fect fit guaranteed, with no charge for alterations. Now is the time to g?tf the new suit, the price is very low. quality considered and the entire season's wear is before you. Other Spring Suits, $?5, $45. $50, $(>5 up. These Charming Spring Dresses Are a Revelation at $59 Dainty flowered georgettes, serviceable taffeta and satins, in many in-, dividual styles for women and misses. Bouffant and tunic models feature smart, fancy collars and attractive, cuffs. All the preferred spring shades. You have our assurance of careful) attention as to alterations without additional charge. Other Spring Dresses, $29, $35, $39, $45, $50, $65 up. Every Woman in Need of Fine Georgette Blouses Will Attend tomorrow's Remarkable $ 50 Underpriee Sale at O Not a Blouse Worth Less Than $6.50 Over one hundred handsomely embroidered models, in white, flesh, navy, brown, taupe, etc. Not more than two to a customer. No C. O. D.'s or approvals. JJih and G Street* Queen Quality Shoe Dept. 2Fi00r Final Sale of After-Inventory Stock of Boots, Pumps and Oxfords?625 Pairs Patent with fieldmouse kid top. Brown calf with cloth top. Patent with fawn buck top. All brown calf. Values to $15.00 Sizes are somewhat broken and the assort ment in general depleted on account of extensive selling, but wonderful values still remain to choose from in this lot of 625 pairs. Shoe Department? Second Floor Patent. Gun Metal. White Canvas. SPECIAL SALE Japanese Tea Cups and Saucers (Main Floor) We place on sale tomorrow morning a large assortment of Beautiful Japanese Tea Cups and Saucers at very attractive prices. These sales are always a popular feature of our merchandising and we advise an early selection. Four Patterns Japanese Tea Cups and Saucers (Formerly Sold up to $3 doz.) Now 15c Each Six Patterns Japanese Tea Cups and Scmcers (Formerly Sold up to $4 doz.) Now 25c Each We Also Have a Complete Assortment of Better-Grade Japanese Tea Cups and Saucers at $4, $4.50 and $5 Per Dozen Dulin & Martin Co. 1215 F St. and 1212-18 C St. T i HK Belgian ambassador and Baroness tie Cartier. who are | just back from New York, will l>? the guests In whose j honor, the ambassador of Chllo and Mme. de Mathleu will en tertain a dinner company tills even ing. Mme. de Mathleu will be at home to morrow afternoon for the last time this season, when she will be assisted | in receiving by Mrs. Charles It. llen 1 derson and Mrs. A 1*. Niblack. The Secretary of tile Navy and Mrs I>aniels entertained at dinner list evening In honor of tin- distinguished British visitor. Vice Admiral Sir Tre vylyan Napier. The gu- sis were: Hon. Ronald Lind say. charge d'affaires of the British embassy; the naval attache of the British embassy, Capt. Geoffrey Biake; the admiral's aids, Commander I.. H B. Bevan and Flag Lieut. L. C. A. St. J Curson-Howe; Admiral A. T. Long. U. S. A.; Senator C. K. Page. Senator Kej I'lttman, Representa.! Ive Thomas S Butler. Representative Lemuel I'ad Kott. Representativo I). C. Oliver. Rep resentative Al. C. Kelly, Admirai C. .1 Badger. Admiral H. T. Mayo, Bear Ad miral Albert G. Wlnterhaiter. Rear Admiral Joseph Strauss. Bear Admiral Alb"rt T. NlbLick. Admiml Robert K. Coontz, Hear Admiral Thomas Washing ton and Rear Admiral i>avid Taylor. Vice Admiral .Napier will lunch to day at the Naval Academy, where lie 111 be the nuest of the superintend ent, Admiral Scales, and thi:- after noon will bo the guest of tile assist ant secretary of the Navv, Mr. Franklin K. Roosevelt, at tea. The Hon. Ronald Lindsay, charge d'affaires of the British embassy, will be the host at a lurg? dinner thi^ evening given for tlie admiral and hit. aids. Senators' \\ ivfl "ut Home." Airs. William M. Cnlder, wife of Senator Calder of New York, and Mis. Josi ph 1. France, wife of Sena tor France of Maryland, will be "at home" this afternoon from 4 to 6 o'clock in the red room of the New Willard Hotel. They will be assisted by the wives of the members of the New York and Maryland delegations in Congress. Mrs. Spencer, wife of Senator Spencer of Missouri, and Mrs. Kendriefc. wife of Senator Kendrick of Wyoming; Mrs. li. B Lathliury. wife of Col. I^tthbiiry and sister of Mrs. Frame, and Mrs. William Miller Collier, v ill preside at th" tea table Mme. Philippe C. Soeyes is enter taining at a dinner party tonight in honor of Mrs. Lott. wife of Col. Abra ham G. I-ott. who has recently re turned from France. Miss Nancy Uinc and her fiance. Mr. Philip Kauffmann, will be the quests of honor of Miss Margaret Simonds at a supper dance at 9 o'clock tonight at Wardman 1'ark Inn. Mrs. Howard Sutherland, wife of the senator from West Virginia, will not receive this afternoon, but will be at home next Thursday. She will have with her then her dau?rhter-ln law, Mrs. Richard K. Sutherland, who, with Capt. Sutherland, came to Wash ington last week. Mrs. Medill McCormick will be at home this afternoon from 4 to 6. Mrs. Thomas and Miss Thomas, wife and daughter of the senator from Colorado, will be at home this afternoon. Mrs. Nathaniel B. Dial and Miss Pial. wife and daughter of Senator j T>ial of South Carolina, will receive ; this afternoon. Mrs. Kellogg, wife of the senator from Minnesota, will not be at home today, but will receive next Thursday i afternoon. Mrs. Victor KaufTmann will be at home this afternoon, when she will be assisted by Mrs. Clarence Rich mond Day and Mrs. Kdwin T 1'ollock who will preside at the tea table. Mme. Cremer entertained the board ?of governors of the Washington Club j at a box party at "The Uist of the . CruiRaders" yesterday, and at tea afterward at the legation, where Mrs. Mebane. the guest of Mrs. John Lind I say Morehead, gave, in costume, a charming account of her visit to the Queen of Rumania. ' Mme. Cremer will be at home In formally tomorrow afternoon from 4 to 6. Senator and Mrs. Warren G. Hard ing entertained at dinner last evening. Mrs. E. H. Brooke of the Highlands will entertain at dinner tonight at the Cafe St. Majks. The Japanese ambassador. Kijuro Shidehara. will bo the honor guest at a Japanese luncheon which the Fifth Avenue Association will give in New York on March 4. It will he the first of a series of three far eastern luncheons. Judge E. If. Gary will be toastmaster . There will be covers for about 400 and the luncheon will be served in the grand ballroom of the Biltmore. Representative Richard T. Yates, formerly Governor of Illinois, and Mrs. Yates will give a dinner this evening at Wardman Park Hotel in compliment to Mrs. Carrie Jacobs Bond, and tomorrow she will be the honor guest at a luncheon which Mrs J. M. Shafroth will give: also at the weekly tea of the Pen Women's League the same day. Mrs. Bond will leave Washington the end of the week for New York. Then sh> will go to her old home. In Chicatr". for a visit, and from there to Janes vllle Wis., where she was born, he fore returning to her present home, in Hollywood. Calif Senor Vicente Blaseo Ibanez. the Spanish author, was the guest of hon or of Mr. Tulio Cespero of Santo l>o rr.ingo at dinner ut Wardman I'ark Hotel last evening. Among the other j quests were Mme. R IX Morel. Miss I Morel and Col. and Mrs. Clarence Rld j ley- ! Miss Genevieve Johnston, daughter of Col. William H. Johnston, has r. turned from Newport News, whe t she visited her uncle and aunt. Col. I and Mrs. George Williamson Mr. and Mrs. George Pinckard. who ?have been the> guests for several, | Weeks of Mrs. T. Septimus Austin, j have gone to I-akewood. where they : will spend some time with their chil dren before going to New York. Mrs. A list in and M?ss Austin will not resume their Sunday afternoons at-home until March 14. Mrs. R. Kwell Thornton will be at home informally on Saturday after 4 o'clock at her apartment in the Ito chambeau. Mr. and Mrs. John Terry Rcmey MARTIN WOLF, Furrier 3043 FLOBXDA AVE. K.W litre that old fnr of your* mad* Into ana of. those atnnnlnf neckpiece*. It will pay jon. New fan are hlfh. W* are dolnc work moot cheaper now. ? Franklin Square Hotel FWlllT tka Hew Ceefcran C<M Fourteenth St at K N. W1 Einptaa Flan. Service a la carte. lelcd and Decorate* at a Goat of ?1WMMO. MRS. n. FRANK MRBAXK Of Spray, n. the Knent of her cou sin. >ln?. John Mudiuy Vorehmd. while *he Im here to apenk for tk? Anicrlcmi rcmimltlfc on the derail latnl rffloim of France. have arrived from New York and will be the quests for a week of Mrs. Kenny's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Beale It. Howard, at their residence, on 16tli atreet. Amo'ig those -who have accepted the Invitations issued by Miss Biddle Por ter for a dinner dance to be held at the Cafe St. Markb on Micareme, at 8 o'clock, for the benefit of a memorial to be erected at Nomine Py, France, in honor of the United States Marines, are the "minister of Switzerland and Mme. Peter, Mrs. Mahlon Pitney, Mrs. Hennen Jennings. Gen. and Mrs. Andre Brewster, Mr. William Phelps Eno, Mrs. Charles Boughton Wood, Mrs. Marshall Langhorne and Miss Lydia Biddle. Former Surgeon General Rupert T*.lue and Brig-. Gen. and Mrs. Charles i r. I>awes are among the recent ar rivals at the Royal Poinciana Hotel, at Palm Beach. Dinner Party Lout Night. Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert H. Grosvenor entertained at dinner last evening at the Chevy Chase Club In honor of Miss .'Cftney Lane and Mr. Philip C. KaufTmann. whose engagement was recently announced. The guests in cluded Miss Frances Hampson, Miss Betty Grove, Miss Helen McLanahan, Miss Aline Halstead, Miss Beatrice Pollock. Miss Anne Hamlin. Miss Olyve Graef, Mr. Armistead Peter, Jr., Mr. FL H. Hadow, Mr. la. Bysterus Heemskerk. Mr. A. F. M. Greig, Mr. ^iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit: iNew Ideas in | | Furs for Spring | E Furs, so fashion de- E E crees, will figure more E E prominently than ever in E E the smart woman's spring E E and summer costume. E E ft We're now showing furs E E in the effects and shades j= E that will be most favored E E for Easter wear. E ? rJYour inspection will b? appreciated. ? 1 SAKS FUR CO. I = MAN t'FACTI'RKHS WHO RE- = ? TAII- AT \VI10L(!!I.U,E PRICKS ? E 1212 F Street E ? In Biuineu in Washington over 25 Tears. 5 ! ^iiuiiiiiHimiiiimiiiHiiiiiiiniiimmuT Robert Bell. Mr. Chester Snow, ]r. Capt_ Cramer, U. S. A., and Mr. Chea ter Lock wood. The United States diplomatic agent and consul general In Cairo. Mr. llampson Gary, and Mrs. Gary and Admiral and Mrs. Benson were the honor guests at a dinner parly given last evening by Capt. and Mrs. C. C. Calhoun. Mrs. Gary was the hostess at an in formal luncheon yesterday at the Wardman Park Hotel. Col. and Mrs. P. S. Bond were the honor guests at a dinner dance given at the Wardman Park Hotel Mon day evening by Lieut. Col. and Mrs. W. M. Connor. Among the guests were Col. anil Mrs. George Tlner, Lieut. ?'ol. William A Graham. Miss Dial. Miss Peyton of Columbus, Miss.: <"ol. Ed ward J. Houghton, Col. and Mrs. Fred M. Brown, Mrs. Louis Waldron and Lieut. Col. J. H. Moreland. The next lecture beforo the Alli ance Francaise will be given on Mon day. March 1. at 4:30. at the Wash ington Club, by Mile. Marcelle Weiss, who will give an idea of what old ~ fColitilillt-d on Page 9, Column Phone Main 7679 Established Over SO Yews James B. Henderson Location 1108 G Street Location Select Furniture for the Bedroom, Living Room, Dining Room or Hall, from the exclusive collection of fine Period designs shown at James D. Henderson's. 1108 G St. Painting, Paperhanging, Upholstering Our representative will he pleased to call and submit estimates, sketches, etc. 1107-1109 C Street A Very Special Price For the Smartest of Spring Suits Creations of exceptional attractive ness. Tailored with, that dependable thoroughness which individualizes every garment from M. Brooks & Co. Fashioned in the leading fabrics for spring, including the finest Tricotines and Silvertones, etc., smartly tailored, semi tailored and the new Eton, bolero, box and ruffled effects. Gracefully draped skirts. $55.00 Very Specially Priced New Spring Frocks! ?Fortunate, indeed, is the woman who these distinctive Frocks. Possessing charm and individuality, the Dresses offered at this special price intro duce many of the season's newest style innovations. The material is beautiful Taffeta, in all the most wanted shades. The values offered are remarkable, as every Frock is worth much more than this spccial sale price of obtains one of a wealth of $ 25 JAoto comes new knit underwear Made with all their skill and care by Kayser, the originator! of "Italian" Silk Underwear and Silk Gloves SO different from the knit cotton and lisle union suits you have known. When Julius Kayser set about making knit underthings for women, he went right to the bottom of things?even to the kind of yarn used for the knitting. Combed cotton entirely?the softest, the whitest ? makes Kayser Knit Under wear a little lovelier than ordinary knit underwear. That is why special attention is given to its finishing?why every garment is laundered and pressed before you buy it, so it is white, soft?not prickly and fuzzy! Kayser cuts each garment from a shaped pattern?one at a time. Fits each one so that every woman can find her size. Measures it again before sending it out. Inspects it again and again?every step according to the high Kayser standard! Go today to your department store and get the saleswoman to show you a Kayser Knit Union Suit or Vest in your size. See the finish, the softness, the beauty of it! Julius Kayser ?s Co., New York City. Net like any knit union suit you have known, but a new thing?one Kith the fine, tlender lines, the trim tailored band tops Kayser Silk Union Suit/ have! And its Marvel fit teat makes it so comfy! KNIT UNDERWEAR. tMarvelfit Regitltrti and Pa InU CoPT*ioirnt? 1920, ?r Juuc? Katih ic Co, N.Y? Malik* or Silk Glotm/Itauak" Silk Unde*wea?, Silk Hoiiekv, KnitU.ndikwiak I a f