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L3M % Saturday Special! Lovely Summer Hats Stunning Styles Worth $12.60 and $15 at Beth Stores Saturday Special The summer season's latest modes in dainty hats irnin the most exclusive designer.-. If you want f-jf\ -?these hats are the "last word." They arc worth 1 Sl_'.50 and !?15. Our great Saturday special at.. " w Bachrach's 1423 F St. Smart Millinery 915 G St. I. C. C. TO HEAR PETITION FOR FREIGHT INCREASES Hearings will be held by the Intvr ! state Commerce Commission, sitting; as n body, on the application of the | main trunck line railroads of the j United States for a general increase in freight rates May 24. A. I*. Thom, chairman of the Asso ciation of Railway Executives, will present the case of the railroads. Va rious railroad presidents will testify at the hearings, which are expected to last several days. The hearings will determine rates to be allowed the roads to insure the standard return guaranteed under the transpor tation act. In their application for increases, , i lit- roads did not ask for any increase I in passenger rates. ITALIAN ORATOR COMING. I . j Chaplain General of Army to Visit ; Washington June 4. Very Rev. Prof. Giovanni Semeria. ? said to ho the greatest orator in j Italy, and chaplain general of the Italian forces in the war, is expect ed to visit Washington June 4. ac- j cording to information received to- J day from Count Morra di Lavriano. i During his stay in the capital he j will he the guest of Rev. NT. I>e Carlo. J rector of Holy Rosary Church, and ! will lecture on the night of June A | at St. Patrick's Hall. The honor system of the students of Northwestern University has been abol ished. as the students had failed to live up to the confidence placed in them. For Saturday _ l&Mws! d < < < 203 TO 614 A ELEVENTH ST. . Send L's Your Furs for Safe Storage. The House of Courtesy' A Special Offering Fifty Garden Hats Essentially Summer Hats, of such charming' char acter in shape and embellishment as to accentuate the splendid values and emphasize the extraordinariness of the price? The trimmings arc of the quaint field flowers, daisies and as sorted wheat?in graceful shapes of becoming proportions. ) 1 350 High-grade Dress Blouses A combination of a maker's models and selections from our own stock, affording a choice of exclusive and exceptional productions. < Tie-on Blouses and Over Blouses Basque Blouses and Surplice Blouses Radically Less Than the Wholesale Price They are (fesigned with real Filet and Yal and Venetian lace; beaded, hand embroidered and braided effects; unusually refined in type and instrinsic worth ; conventional and novelty collars and sleeves of varying models. White, Flesh, Frcnch Toast. Navy Blue and the full coterie of the season's distinctive colorinps. (Continued from Eighth Tape.) at the grarden party to he piven at Cathedral Close Tor the benefit of the House of Mercy Tuesday. May 25. from 3 to 7 o'clock. Mrs. Henry B. Brown will have charge of the tea and coffee table, and she will be assisted by Mrs. Albert L. Mills. Mrs. "William C. Rives, Mrs. Francis E. Warren. Mrs. Helen McLeod Smith. Mrs. Patch, Mrs. Owen. Mrs. Bryan. Miss Kittelle, Miss Eliza beth Small. Miss Mary Kittelle and Mrs. John l>. Small wood. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Birthright have as their guest during the Southern Baptist convention Mrs. A. L. Bur roughs of Norfolk. Va. The marriage of Miss Adalinda .Ta- { cobson and Mr. Karl Jorss. whose en- i gagement w as recently anni?uneed, j will tnl;e place in St. haul's Clmrch j the ev fi.of June L\ ; AJiss Jit'obson was given a delight - | fully-arranged britie*> shower this; week, with Miss i.ouife Eiker as j hostess, in her home. .31 H Connecticut ' avenue, Chevy (*hss?\ A one-act comedy. "Absent !e Chat les Souris Densent," will be presented by the Fairmont French Club at the .? garden party given by Mrs. Arthur j Ramsay and Mrs. Henry T. Rainey j at Calumet Place tomorrow afternoon, j Honor guests of the French Club will j be Mrs. John A. Logan, Mrs. Matthew T. Scott, Mrs. T. l>e Witt Talmage and Mrs. Charles Boughton Wood. Assisting in the garden between 3 and 6 o'clock will be Mr.;. Frederick L. Siddons, Mrs. A. Leftwich Sinclair. Mrs. Cato Sells, Mrs. Ellen Spencer Mussey, Mrs. James T. Lloyd. Mrs. Ar thur P. Call, Mrs. William Gerry Mor gan. Mrs. William E. Chamberlain, Mrs. Wade Atkinson, Mrs. Daniel Webster Prentiss, Mrs. Mary LogMn Tucker, Miss Janet Richards, Mrs. Marian Alien Martindell and the mem bers of the Fairmont Alumnae Asso ciation. The annual silver offering will be given to the free ward of the Garfield Hospital in compliment tN Mrs. Logan. Mrs. W. M. Stoner will preside at t lie meeting of the Political Study Club to be held tomorrow afternoon at 4 o'clock at the residence of Mrs. Henry F. Dimock, on Scott circle. Miss Margaret Ripy has charge of the musical program. Mr. and Mrs. Chauncev I^pew ar rived at the Willard yesterday for their annual spring visit. They will spend about ten days here. MnJ. Marriott to Rettirn for Bride. Maj. John Charles Oakes Marriott, formerly a member of the staff of t lie military attache of the British embassy, but now in England, where he has been gazetted to the brigade of guards from his former regiment, has been given three weeks' leave of absence to come to America for his marriage to Miss Maud E. Kahn, (laughter of Mr. and Mrs. Otto II. Kahn of New York. The ceremony will take place on June 0 at the Kahn estate on Long Island, the young couple going to England a few days later. A large number of the mem bers of the British embassy staff are planning to go to New York for the wedding. The engagement was an nounced in the spring from Florida. On account of inclement weather the May festival which was to have been given by the Friends' School to morrow afternoon for the benefit of the Baby Hospital camp, has been postponed until Monday at 3:30 o'clock. The new secretary of the American embassy at Madrid and Mrs. James Clement Dunn are in New York, pre paratory to sailing tomorrow for the former's new post at Madrid. The Young Women's Christian As sociation's summer home for girls at Silver Spring. Md., which was taken over by Mrs. John D. Rocke feller to add to the comfort of woman workers during the war. has on its new spring dress, and tomorrow evening Mrs. Nancy H. Williams, the director, will entertain at dinner the woman welfare workers from the War Department and others interest ed in comforts for women. Mrs." Herbert J. "Wild has as her guests Mrs. Harry Hathaway of Fall River, Mass., and Mrs. Charles Mul dock of Meriden, Conn., for whom several delightful social events have been given. Mr. and Mrs. Philip Hauptman Ege have gone to Chicago to make their future home. Births Reported. Tlw? following birth* have been reported to the health department the last twenty-four hours: Samuel E. and Erma fihewbridge. boy. lie Roy and Edith A. Russell, boy. Arthur W. and Mami* EI. Taylor. girl. .Tames M. and Teresa M. Kirulz. girl twins. Lester M. and Esther V. Kefativer, boy. Jesse and Nettie M. Taylor, girl. . Raymond and Margaret Hall, boy. Marriage Licenses. Marriage licenses hare been issued to the following: Joseph Q. Edwards of Sumter. 8. C., and Gray see P. Courser of Swainshoro. Gn. Edgar R. A. Rosley and Genevieve M. Davis, both of Raltimore. Md. Thomas Sitnms of Mount Rainier. Md., and Mary E. Downing of Clinton, Md. Harry D. Walters, United States Navy, and Lucille LaRue of St. Louis, Mo. .fumes R. Russell and Beulah Gardiner. Bernard Thaxton and Agnes M. Krol. Harry Cohen of Brooklyn. N. Y., and Louise J E. Davis of Wilmington. "Del. Iris E. Belch of New Rerne. N. C., and Res- J sie Jennings of Kellys' Ford, Va. I Maryland Redmond and Hattie Spriggs. j Walter E. Wakeman of Seattle, Wash., and ! Delos C. Oissel of this city. I Carl E. Farr and Amy McLeod HarVey. Deaths Reported. The following deaths have been reported to ? the health department in the last twenty-four ' hours: Harry Silverman. 33, Tuberculosis Hospital. Ada J. Garner. (10, 231 13th street southwest. Adelaide Spencer Saunders. 75, 1811! Belmont road. Margaret Cahill. 05, Washington Asylum Hospital. Edward A. Green. 45. 1410 G st. Alexander R. Bohrer. 70, 143 R street north east. Mary M. Sands. 74. 4416 loth st. Charles W. Hitt. 57. 'Garfield Hospital. Margaret A. Beers, 50, 2101 13th street southeast. James M. Lewis, 58, 129 Q street southwest. Lief Backer, 40. St. Elizabeth's Hospital. Daisy E. Rice. 10. 1423 I> st. n.e. John G. Kurtz. 2 months. 2300 K st. Infant of Crawford M. and Lucy M. Cook. 4 hours. Sibley Hospital. Alice Lucas. 52. St. Elisabeth's Hospital. "Wilbur Holland, 7. 007 L street northeast. Irietha Waiston. 11 months. Children's Hosl pital. Receives Staff Assignment. Commander Nathaniel H. Wright, on duty in the bureau of steam engineer ing. Navy Department, lias been as signed to duty on the staff of Vice Admiral C. S. Williams, commanding scniadron 1. Pacific fleet. I ffomamWartti _ To mo r row ? Sterno Canned Heat, 95c dozen. Star Vibrator, $4.59. Sanitax Hairbrushes, $2.89. Venida Hair Nets, 15c. 3-Stem Hair Switches, $2.98. Hairbrush sale, 79c. Cluster Curls, first quality, $5.50. Hairpin Cabinets, 5c, 10c, 15c, 25c. Jeans' Brilliantine, 29c. '809 SEVENTH SI) RULING ON AUTO SALE. I such a purchase. The case was j b rought for the purpose of having ' the court determine the disputed Second-Hand Purchases Resold (question and sentence was suspended Here Must Be Reported. Second-hand dealers in automo biles who make purchases in other jurisdictions and sell them in thi. city are required to make reports of such purchases to the police depart ment. Such was the ruling of Judge Hardison in the of Samuel Hyatt, a South Washington dealer charged in Police Court yesterday with failure to make a .report of Two Receive Transfers. Capt. Robert W. McNcely. at the ' Naval War College. Newport. R. 1 . 1 has been ordered to this city for duty, as a member of the naval examining j and retiring boards, and Capt. (George j W. Williams, also at the Naval War j College, has been assigned to duty iri ' the office of naval operations. Navy j Department. 4 '? ? 5&- Vi<-N:k & "a! <?> -A ;^v-o VkinTjfork Staris ? 2l,%s7i/n<?Am rJtflreei, Comer >JKirteenth > y ? This Store is Closed at 1 P.M. Saturdays ?throughout the year, with the exception of Julv and August, when it is dosed all day Saturdays. This change has been made solely in the interest of our employes, and we trust, therefore, that our patrons will kindly arrange for the completion of their shop ping before this hour on Saturdays. thr j,; | t: | k" fe o???-. -e*- o Graceful Spring Dress Oxfords Another shifoment has arrived?Genuine Black Buckskin and Havana Brown Kid. A seasonable advantage in these Snyder <?t Little styles was accomplished by building the soles a bit stouter and equipping them with leather French heels, thus making them desirable for both dress and street wear. An abundant array of Snyder & Little exclusive black and brown pumps and oxfords? $9 to $15 Desirable Shoes and Hosiery X 1211 F Street N.W. X ? X'<"X"X-X~X'<~X~X^X~X*<~X~XK~X"X~X"X~X"X~X**%">-X-<*X~V\ I ? Twelve -Ten F St. Advancing Our Semi-Annual Sale i i OFF Our Entire Stock of SUITS Silks and Jerseys Excepted The Reduction Sale comes earlier this year because we made larger pur chases in anticipation of the scarcity of materials, we are positive in the statement that it would be difficult to find a more comprehensive showing of Fashionable Apparel for Women With Our Stocks so complete, this sale comes at a time when you can anticipate your apparel needs for the coming fall and winter, as the styles? like all ERLEBACHER models?are a season in advance. The Economies offered are par ticularly noteworthy, mainly because at their original price the garments offered were not priced any higher than you would pay for garments of the ordinary kind. The Qualities and the finish of all Erlebacher merchandise must pass the most rigid tests, so that they reach the standard by which the success of this establishment has attained. Reductions On Entire Stock of Dresses, Gowns and Wraps Organdies Excepted The Mammoth Cloak and Suit House Inc. Remarkable Sale Saturday Women's & Misses' Hand-Tailored Suits Some taken from regular stock. The ma jority samples from a leading New York man ufacturer. Made to retail at $70 to $85. Every style and fabric represented? Navy, black, tan, checks and mixtures. $ 39 .50 Values Up to $85 High-Grade Sport Coats The very newest sport styles, a wonderful assortment. Some have popular leather belts, novel pockets, pleats, etc. In short, three quarter and full length. Most all full silk lined. Every wanted color. Values Up to $45 Summer Dresses New Wash Frocks and Dresses Many styles and materials to select from. Dotted and plain Swisses, organdies, figured, plain and striped voiles, dimity and linene. Short sleeves, patch pockets, dainty ves tees, tunics, wide crushed girdles and sashes are delightfully suggestive of the styles. Values Up to $25