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-?as* The LOUVRE 1115-1117 F STREET Dress Special Your choice is of Taffeta. Satin. Crepe de Chine, Tricolette, Foulard and Plain, Flowered and Beaded Georgette. Worth up to $65 $29.50 Trimmed Hats Entirely new effects in Ribbon Sport Hats. Summer Straw Hats, Straw Sport Hats. They are exclusive in the ^ 1 A shapes and trimming effects?and distinctly individual. <P * V Suit Special Tersey Sport Suits?the most practical suit for all-around wear?business, sport, travel?in plain colors and heather mixtures. Worth up to $45.00 $29.50 For Better Homes No nnekut eta CiTe the valim we ?r? firtnt aad re main la boaiaca. 1227 and 1229 G St. Closing Out Sale! Business to Be Discontinued?Building Has Been Sold and We Must Vacate OUR ENTIRE STOCK OF SELECTED Mahogany Bedroom and Dining Room Suites In Many Instances at Less Than Present COST OF MANUFACTURE Visitors Always Welcome. Don't Miss the Opportunity Our Annual June Sale UnllnilfillnilnllrwlnlWInllniliillnJlnliminllnlimiHllwlWlnlliil^WtiQIiill^ 1106 G Street Our Annual June Sale X Our Annual June Sale Starts Tomorow?Wednesday In Every Department?Extraordinary Bargains One Thousand Beautiful Dresses All Late Spring and Summer Styles TWO SPECIALS Summer Dresses Georgette and Silk Dresses Flowered Voile, great variety of smart styles. Regular values. $20.00 and $22.50 s15 .95 Taffetas, satins, foul ards, stylish flowered and beaded georgettes and others. Regular values, $49.50 and $59.50 >38 .50 Entire Stock of Tailored Cloth Suits at Reductions of 25 Per Cent to 40 Per Cent & Offering the Smartest Materials and Styles at *2950 $4qso SS950 $ O O.50 Shantung Suits $Qt\J>0 3 Distinctive Models... OU Tailored Linen Suits All Colors Eg rZJ I 1 =3 S S "3 3 3 S 3 =3 a I 500 Beautiful Georgette Blouses Manufacturer's sample stock of late models?all colors and combinations. On sale at cost and less of manufacture. *3 95 *5 .95 '35 Hundreds of White Tub Skirts at $235, $5, $7.95 to $12 Smart Sport Silk Skirts, Beautiful Materials $1935 and $25 Accordion-Pleated Serge Capes, Regular $35 Values $25 100 Wool and Fiber Sweaters, All Colors, Values to $10 $435 100 Trimmed Hats, Former Prices, $10 to $18; Now $3.50 to $7.50 ?e: HE Secretary of State and Mrs. Colby will entertain to night at the second of their diplomatic dinner parties. The ambassador of Great Britain and Lady Geddes will be the gruests of honor at a dinner which Senator and Mrs. Key Pittman will give this evening at Wardman Park Hotel. The minister of Cuba and Mme. De Cespedes will entertain at luncheon at the legation tomorrow in honor of the United States minister to Cuba. Mr. Boaz Long, and his sister, Mrs. Long. Diplomats Watch TenaiM Tourney, The ambassador of Great Britain and Lady Geddes spent yesterday aft ernoon at the Columbia Country Club, where they watched the tennis matches in the middle Atlantic tennis tournament, in which Mr. A. P. Graves, honorary attache, and Mr. A. Yencken. third secretary of the British embassy staff, took part. Sir Auckland and l^ady Geddes are both tennis enthu siasts and were doubly interested in the game yesterday, which is under the auspices of the United States Lawn Tennis Association. The ambassador of Italy and Baron ess Romano Avezzaua entertained at dinner last evening in honor of the Secretary of State and Mrs. Bain bridge Colby. The guests were the ambassador of France and Mme. Jus serand. Senator and Mrs. Charles B. Henderson. Senator and Mrs. Key Pittman. Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Caspar Miller, Mr and Mrs. Henry Cleveland Perkins. Miss Colby, Miss Josephine Patten, the third secretary of the em bassy and Signora Celesia, Miss llo mano Avezzana. Mr. Hector Ayerza. attache of the Argentine embassy; Mr. Henry de Bach of the Russian em bassy and Dr. W. H. de Beaufort of the Netherlands legation. Baroness Avezzana will give a small tea Satur day afternoon in honor of the Rev. Semeria. an Italian priest, who is in this country to make addresses in be half of the children of Italy. Mr. John Barrett, director general of the Pan-American Union, and Col. William Eric Fowler will entertain at a small at home this evening at 10 o'clock in the Pan-American annex and Aztec garden, when their guests will include members of the younger set. The chaperons for the evening will include Senora de Mathieu. wife of the ambassador of Chile, and Mrs. Wilbur J. Carr. Mr. Barrett and Col. Fowler will entertain a small com pany Friday evening at another at home. Representative and Mrs. Frank L. Smith closed their house. 2144 Wyom ing avenue, today and have left for Chicago, where they will remrjn until after the convention. They will then go to their home at Dwight, III., and later in June to Esta Park, Col., for the rest of the summer. Mrs. Kauffmann and Mrs. R. M. Kauffmann will be at home tomorrow afternoon at Airlie. and also on Wed nesday afternoon of next week. Mr. and Mrs. William Miller Collier left Washington today for their home in Auburn, N. Y. They will go to Chi cago to attend the republican na tional convention. Mr. Collier is a member of the advisory committee on policies and platform. The Senate Women's Red Cross Club held its regular Tuesday buffet luncheon at the Capitol today, the event being probably the last meeting of the club for the season. Of widespread interest is the an nouncement made by Mrs. Frank T. Robertson of the engagement of her daughter. Miss Anne Elizabeth Rob ertson. to Ralph B. Bagby, lieutenant. United States air service. Lieut. Bag by is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Julian Bagby of Homeacre. New Haven. Mo. He is stationed at lxing ley Meld. Va. Miss Robertson has lived in Wash ington for two years, and her mother, who was with her for about five months, has just returned to her home in Kansas City. Mr. and Mrs. Cabot Stevens enter tained at supper last night at Ward man Park Hotel following the mu aety MRS. HOMESTER STCBCES, ? ho iM in Washington for a visit. sical and reception, having as guests the ambassador of Great Britain and Lady Geddes, Mrs. Bainbridge Colby, the Secretary of War and Mrs. Raker, Mrs Francois Rerger Moran. chair man of arrangements for the ball: Or. Harvey W. Wiley, Gen. and Lady Azgepetian. Gen. and Mrs. Torcum. Miss Heli'ii Kanders. Miss Colby. Miss Campbell, Mrs. New com h. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Hubbell. Mr. John Bar rett ari Col. J. V. Branch, all of whom Jfrre seated at one table, and at ar.#ifr. Mme. Michael Kwapiszew | ski. ?.mc. Nonalt ?oshkarian. Miss Marjorie Webster. Miss Gertrude Mc Rae. Miss Ina Goodwin. Mrs. William 1?. ChHmberlain. Mr. William C. Net tum and Mr. Whltcomb. Mrs. Julia C. I.ang of I^akewood and New York will arrive in Wash ington tomorrow to be the guest of her sister-in-law, Mrs. Thomas H. Carter, until after the marriage of the letter's son, Mr. John Galen Car ter. and Senorita Selina Calvo, which will take place June 16. ?ar Kant Musical and Rail. The musical and ball given la*t evening at Wardman Park Hotel for the benefit ot the fund for the near east relief was an unprecedented success. The spacious ballroom was decorated with the flags of the allies and the boxes arranged about the rooms were encircled with gay colored cords, each box having a decoration of flags held with branches of pine with vari colored balloons floating overhead. The stage arranged across one end of the room provided a delightful setting for the program of songs and dances which were given by profes sionals and talented amateurs. Mr. John Barrett, director general of the Pan-American Union, announced each number with a graceful little speech in which he gave a brief sketch of the artists taking part. The program was given by Miss Helene Kanders, an operatic soprano of international fame and member of the Metropolitan Opera Company. Her selections in cluded the aria from "Mignon," which was rendered with dramatic ability and brilliancy: a charming interpre tation of "Phyllis Has Such Charms," several ancient Armenian melodies and Italian folk songs. Mr. William C. Nettum of the American Opera Company was heard in several num bers. and Miss Marjory Webster, symbolizing the "Spirit of Armenia," danced with much oharm and grace and she co-operated wiih Mme. Nouart Koshkarinn, the Armenian lady from New York, who came on to assist Mrs. Stevens with the folk songs and dances. Mme. Koshkarian with a group of girls in costume gave folk dances and songs, and the program closed with a folk dance in which M'ss KAPLOWITZ bros. JU1TS ? GOWNS ? WRAPS 721' NINTH STREET, N.W. CAFE ST. MARKS 913 Fifteenth Street Telephone Franklin 413 THOSE enjoyable afternoon tea dances still bring social Washington together at The St. Marks, 4:30 to 6 Tuesdays, Thurs days and Saturdays. De luxe Dinner in the grill, 6 to 9:30 evenings ?Two Dollars per cover. Tables engaged in advance. Butter prices at J. F. O/s are in variably Tlie Lowest that will buy The Best. We want to serve you, if you're particular about creamery products. Send us a trial order. Call, write or phone. JAMES F. OYSTER Phone M. 4820. Stands in All Markets Corner 9th Street & Penna Ave. Simonds. Miss Walmsley. Mis? Meta Evans. Miss Elizabeth Howe. Miss Barrlne Drake. Miss Dorothy Mondell, Miss Abifrail Harvey. Miss Margherit ta Tillman. Miss Eleanor Northrop and Miss Mary Chase took part and which ended with a pageant and tableau. Miss Gertrude McRay was the accompanist. The ball followed and the receiving: line formed immediately. Col. William Eric Fowler and Mr. William Bowie Clarke were the floor managers, and Col. Fowler made the introductions. Mrs. Francois Berger Moran. under whose direction the ball program was arranged, stood at the head of the line, and those assisting in receiving included Senora de Pezet. J.ady Auckland Geddes. Princess l^ubomir ska, Mrs. Newton D. Baker. Mrs. Cabot Stevens. Gen. and Mrs. Toroum and Gen. and Lady Azgepetian. Mrs. Vic tor KaulTmann was general chairman of the benefit. In the Boxes. The ambassador of Italy and Baroness Romano Avezzana enter tained gruests in their box, their party including their daughter. Miss Avez zana, and several of the younger diplomats. The ambassador of Peru and Senora de Pezet had as their guests their son and daughter-inHaw. Mr. and Mrs. Alfonso Washington Pezet. and some of the members of the embassy staff. The ambassador of Great Britain and I.ady Auckland Geddes enter tained a box party which included Mrs. Moore of Richmond. Va.; Miss Anne Hamlin, Capt. C. J. Henry. Mr. R. H. Hadow and Mr. A. P. Graves of the embassy staff. The minister of the Serbs. Croats and Slovenes and Mme. Grouitch were among the guests in Mr. and Mrs. Vic tor Kauffmann's box, their other guests including Mme. Brvn. wife of the minister of Norway; Representa tive and Mrs. Henry f>. Flood, (Jen. and Mrs. Charles B. Drake, Mrs. Hampson Gary, Mrs. William Alex ander. Mr. and Mrs. Walter S. Pen field. Mrs. Clarence Richmond Day and 'Jov. Joseph Folk. The Secretary of State and Mrs. Rainbridge Colby were gTiests in Mrs. Cabot Stevens' box and she also en tertained the minister of Poland and Princess Lubomirska and Gen. and l?ady Ann Azgepetian. Mrs. Francois Berger Moran enter tained Admiral and Mrs. W. S. Benson <!en. and Mrs. W. W. Harts. Mr. and i Mrs. Hubbell. (Jen. and Mrs. T. Q. | Donaldson, Representative James P. | Wood. Mrs. Horace G. Macfarland and ! Mrs. Malcolm S. McConihe. Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Bell had as j guests Mr. and Mrs. Charles Marsh . and Mr. and Mrs. Walter R. Tucker man. The other box holders included Mrs. Matthew T. Scott. Mr. and Mrs. Ed ward Hamlin Everett and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wardman. Other notable guests present in cluded Mrs. Baker, wife of the Secre tary of War; the minister of Switzer land, Mr. Marc Peter; the charge d'affaires of Rumania, Mr. X. H. L.a hovary; Senator and Mrs. Key Pitt man, M. and Mme. Claude l.*nglaist the Misses Colby. Mrs. Theodore W. Noyes. Miss Daisy Prentice. Com mander and Mrs. Frank B. Freyer. j Prof and Mrs. Mitchell Carroll. Mrs I Morris Evans. Mi?s M'la Evans. Miss ! Janet Richards. Mr. and Mrs. Alexan der G. Bent ley, Mr. and Mrs clement ; Evans Dunbar. Mr. Roger Bailey Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Logan. Mr*. J George Wheeler. Miss Barrine I>rak'-. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Price Wright. ?v,; and Mrs. Charles Patterson. Admiral and Mrs. Henry Rousseau. Col. ar.d Mrs. Charles Harvey. Cnl. Rob?n Paxton. Miss Darlington Miss Mart hi Fit zpat rick. Mrs F. Chapman. Mr Ralph Snowden Hill. Mrs I'oo Whit. <Continued on Xinth Page.) 1212 F St. STILL GOING STRONG! Our Big Off er of 20% Discount On our entire stock of Women's and Misses' Stunning Ultra Stvlish We aring Apparel Tomorrow We Present Another Opportunity to Save One-fifth. Charming Summer Dresses as low as $15.60. Separate Shirts as low as $10. Furrier and Ladies' Smart Wear G at Twelfth Street Call Main 4530 Cold Fur Storage Call Main 4530 Announcing the Arrival of Another Shipment of Dresses! Values From $35 to $45 Silk Tricolettes with Flowered Georgette Combinations. All Silk Tricolettes?Plain and Beaded. Flowered Georgettes, Taffetas and Satins. This shif>nent is the result of another fortunate purchase; as usual, we are passing our savings along to our patrons. RfZIK BROTHERS 1213 F SIREEI Will Close Out Tomorrow 80 Afternoon Frocks $55.00 Formerly Sold Up to $98.50 Georgette?Satin?T aff eta?T ricolett* RKTK BROTHERS 1213 F SIREET Will Close Out 35 Cotton Dresses $19.75 Formerly Sold Up to $37.50