Newspaper Page Text
ABOVE SAFE UMIT i IN UM WATER 68,482,000 Gallons Consum ed Here Yesterday, Big In y crease in Two Days. "With the first spell of warm weath er Washington's daily consumption of Water increased by more than 5,000, 000 gallons in the past two days. The consumption on May 28 was S3.000.000 gallons. On June 1 it jumped to more than 66,000.000 gal lons, and yesterday the total con sumption reported to J. S. Garland, superintendent of the water depart ment, was 6S.4S2.000 gallons. The safe daily capacity of the sin gle conduit which brings tW1 city's water supply from Great Kalis is va riously estimated at from 65.000.000 to 6S.000.000 gallons a day. Even if the outside figure is taken, it will be ?e<n that, although summer is just setting in, consumption already has, gone to that figure. Previous to May the daily amount this year has been about fil.OOC.OOO. j The consu .iption of June 2 last year was approximately 69,000,000 gallons. This v.-^s slightly more than yester day's consumption, but officials of the ; ?water department believe the figures j for this week indicate that the city ( will use about as much water during ; the next four months as they did last j summer. The figures of the past few days j mean that Washington must continue this summer* as it has for several years to conserve water in every way possible in order not to go too far be yond the safe capacity of the system. They farther demonstrate the urgent need of getting legislation from Con gress as soon as possible to construct another conduit. Government officials again this sum j iner will refrain from using water in the fountains in public park spaces. The householders of the city can on i operate, it was pointed out at the District building, by using water Sparingly on lawns and sidewalks. Regulations A* to "Watering. An amendment to the police regu lations prohibits the watering of side walks during July, August and Sep tember. Lawns may be watered be tween 5 and 8 o'clock in the morning and the same hours in the evening. The police regulation on the subject Xollows: ''The use of Potomac water for washing streets and sidewalks, except by the street cleaning department, is hereby prohibited during the months of July. August and September. Water may be used on lawns between the hours of 5 o'clock and 8 o'clock p.m., and 5 o'clock and S o'clock a.m. Any person violating this regulation shall, on conviction thereof, be fined not less than$l nor more than Jio for each and every such offense." T Venrzelos Cites Dangers of Ex-King's Machinations. I Martial Law Rules. ATHENS, May 31.?Martial lair In this country will continue as long as Greece is at war with Turkey and the yeace tmtyfc unsigned. Premier Veni seks asserted In a speech in the cham ber of deputies today. Opposition par ties, instead of "rejoicing over the tri umph of their country in the peace con * Jerence." have taken advantage of the abolition of martial law to start a prop aganda "for the return' of King Con stantine," he declared. "The government," M. Venizelos con tinued, "does not fear that such machi nations will succeed, but reopening of questions relative tw me rormer king will certainly lead to bloodshed, as the opposition parties are desperate, and the large liberal majority is equally de termined not to permit the issue to be raised. i "The government has extended the olive branch to the opposition, which has replied with sedition. The plea that Constantine never abdicated, but relin quished the throne temporarily to his pon is the meanest legal chicanery. Constantine showed himself an enemy of the liberal powers, whose victory has friven them a deciding voice in the affairs of the world, and to reopen the ! Question of restoring him would insult j the allies. "It was only because of my assurance that the question of Constantine was closed forever, so far as the Greeks are Concerned, that the allies overcame the hesitation they felt about extending the frontiers of Greece." Italian chaplain here TO PLEAD FOR ORPHANS Very Bev. Giovanni Semeria Will Xecture Tomorrow Night at * Carroll HalL Under the auspices of the apostolic delegate, a lecture is to be given by Very Rev. Giovanni Semeria, chap lain general of the Italian forces dur ing the war, tomorrow night at 8:15 o'clock, at Carroll Hall, for the benefit of the Italian war orphans. Rev. Father Semeria has been called ?"the greatest living orator in Italy." He was with the Italian laborers at Geneva when the war broke out. and when Italy entered the conflict Gen. Cadorna summoned him and made him chaplain general of the forces. When the armistice was signed he started out to aid the war orphans. He is now touring the United States in this effort. Accompanying him as secretary and Interpreter is Count Morra di Lavi arno. who is still suffering from the effects of a severe wound received in battle. The patrons and patronesses are: The Italian ambassador and Baroness Romano Avezzana. the minister of Cufia. and Mme. de Cespedes, Cav. Giuseppe Brambilla. counselor of the Italian embassy and Mme. Brambilla, Bishop Shahan, rector of the Catholic University; Mgr. Cossio, auditor of the apostolic delegation; Mgr. Thomas, rector of St. Patrick's Church; Mgr. Bernardini, professor of the Catholic University; Very Rev. P. C. Gavan. rector of the Sacred Heart Church; Signor Cav. Allesandro Mariani, sec retary of Italian embassy: Sijjnor Cav. Geissar Celeftia di Vegliasco. Capt. Bietro Civelleri, naval attache; Signor Cav. G. B. Coccato. commer cial delegate; Pr. S. Floria. Italian royal consul; Miss M. M. Cullen, Miss J. A. Riegs, Miss S.' R. Lee. Joseph Bag ley, Mrs. L. P. Gatti. Mrs. F. D. Braschi McAuliffe, Mrs. A.. A- Ansel mo. Mrs. L. Velati Beyer, Mrs. F. Leverone, Mrs. J. K. Gatti, Mr. and Mrs F. ScagnelO. Mr.' and Mrs. B. Crifasi. Rev. N. T>e Carlo, pastor of the Holy Rosary Church. BAND CONCERT. By the United States Soldiers* Home Band in the bandstand this evening, at 5:50 o'clock, John S. M. Zimmerman, band master: March, "Our Victors" Kate Vannah Overture, ".loan of Arc"..Verdi Morceau, "Kammenoi Ostrow," Rubinstein Kxcerpts from musical com edy, "Buddies" Hilliam Fox trot. "Kara van" .... Oleman Waltz, "That Naughty Waltz," Levi Finale, "Creole Belles"... Lam pe "The Star Spanned Banner." 300 Genuine Pe quot Sheets, $3 Each These are Genuine Pe quot Double-bed Sheets in size 81x99 inches that are being1 ottered at this special price for tomor row's sale. We suggest that you come early in the day as there are only a limited number. Bedding Section, Second floor. Friday Special 32-inch Japanese Wash Silks $2.50 Yard 443 yards Japanese satin striped brocbe Hahutal that wa; imported to sell at $4 yd., but which we are pricing special for tomorrow at 12.50 yard. This la an ideal silk for making dresaes^ blouses, kimonos, etc. Silk Section, Second door. Open 9:15 A.M. ^TGnthroii New York?WASHINGTON?Paris Close 6 P.M. Boys' Washable Suits Greatly Reduced to $2.95 Just 'J*? dozen of these Wash* able Suits, made in plain colors, combinations ?r all white. Oli ver Twist and sailor models in standard makes, including the Paul June!*. I*ong and short sleeves. Sizes 8 to 10 yearn. AJ*o Hoys' Uathlnjr Suits ir one-pieee style; dark colors. 10 to 13 years. $1.25. Hoys' Scction, Fourth floor. A Special Offer on The Delineator For a limited period we are offering subscriptions to be obtained at the pat tern counter at practi cally half price. Now is the time to sub scribe. Pattern Section, Second floor. A Friday Remnant Day Offering Unusual Values in Seasonable Hot-Weather Merchandise^ Women's Kimonos, Negliges, Bunga low Aprons and Undermuslins Specially Priced and Reduced 10 tloz. Japanese Cotton Crepe Kimonos, made regular Japanese style with wide girdle, daintily hand-embroidered in colored rose floral sprays and in the shades of rose, salmon, pink, light blue and Copenhagen blue. . Special Price, $2.75 Each 6 doz. Dotted Swiss Breakfast Coats or Negliges in three different styles; one is made flounce effect with sailor collar scalloped in col ors : also a belted style of white cross-barred voile, daintily trimmed with lace. Special Price, $3.75 Each 5 doz. Bungalow Aprons of striped and figured percale, low square neck and short sleeves finished with rickrack braid. These are in the shades of pink and white, blue and white, lavender and white, and green and white. Special Price, $1.85 Each 19 Flesh Mull Gowns, low V neck and short sleeve style with colored stitching; sizes 36, 38 and 40. $1.15 each; were $1.50. 11 pairs Flesh Mull Bloomers, tai lored style with fancy blue stitching; 23 and 25 inch lengths. 78c pair; were $1.00. 21 Nainsook Envelope Chemise, camisole tops, lace and embroidery trimmed; sizes 38, 40, 42 and 44. 95c each; were $1.50. 15 Nainsook Envelope Chemise, hand-embroidered and hemstitched; camisole and corset cover style with French fold: sizes 36. 38, 40, 42 and 44 $1.95 each ; were $2.75. 13 Flesh Crepe de Chine Envelope Chemise; camisole and corset cover style, daintily trimmed with lace and georgette; sizes 36. 38, 40 and 42. $3.95 each : were $5.50. 3 Rose Sateen Petticoats, with tai lored. tucked and plaited flounce; 40 inch length. $1.45 each; were $2.50. Neflife and Uniterm uslin Section. Third flooi. 15 Camisoles of flesh and white satin and crepe de chine, lace trim med or tailored; sizes 36, 38, 40, 42 and 44. $1.15 each; were $1.75. 14 Petticoats,with changeable taffeta flounce and heatherbloom top, in green, rose, old blue: regular and extra sizes: lengths 36, 38 and 40. $2.95 each; were $3.95. 3 Silk Jersey Petticoats with plait ing or deep silk fringe, in violet and brown; 38 and 40 inch lengths. $8.95 each; were $12.00. 3 Flesh Satin Petticoats with deep silk figured lace flounce: 40-inch length. $12.95 each : were $15.00. 6 Green Heatherbloom Petticoats with Dresden plaited flounce; 34, 36 and 38 inch lengths. $1.95 each; were $3.00. 3 Flesh Satin Envelope Chemise, shirred with elastic forming empire effect and finished with hemstitching or hemstitched ruffle at the bottom. $5.95 each; were $8.00. Tomorrow Very Special Values in Kitchen and House Wares An Offering That Combines High Quality With Low Prices 72 Triple-coated Gray Enameled Rice Boilers, 2-quart size. Special price, 38c each. 72 Triple-coated Gray Enamled Water Pails, 14-quart size. Special price, 48c each. 36 Triple-coated Gray Enameled Lipped Saucepans. Special price, 28c each. 18 Seamless Aluminum Tea Kettles, with non-heating handles; 5-quart'' size. Special price, $1.48 each. 48 "Lady Baltimore" Aluminum Cake and Bread Pans, proper size for cake and bread. Sp&ial price, 48c each. 24 Sad Iron Sets, consisting of three medium size flat irons; de tachable handle and stand. Special pricct 95c set* 18 Good Quality 6-lb. Electric Irons, complete with 6-ft. cord and stand. Special price, $3.65 each. 18 Copper-bottom Handmade Wash Boilers, in two sizes. Special prices, $2.45 and $3.45 each. 500 Lbs. W. & L. Select Blend Coffee. Special price, 44c pound. 144 Pkgs. "Sunbeam" Ceylon and India Tea, specially prepared for serving iced. Special price, 10c box. 15 Family Size Food Choppers; grinds all kinds of meat, vegetables, fruit, etc. Special price, $L95 each. 120 Good Quality Four-string Corn Brooms, with smooth handles. Spe cial price, 68c each. 100 Heavy Seamless Aluminum Lipped Saucepans; lj^-quart size. Special price, 28c each. 5,000 Cakes Swift's Borax Laundry Soap?one of. the best soaps at a price usually asked for the very in ferior grades. 55c dozen cakes; $4.58 case of 100 cakes. Housewares Section, Fifth floor. The values speak for themselves and com mand your reading. We have stated exact quan tities so that you may see how essential is an early response. Remnant Day merchandise is not returnable, or exchangeable; not sent C. O. D. or on aftfiroval; mail and fhone orders not accented. Women's Riding Habits, Greatly Reduced to $29.50 Were formerly $40.00 each. 10 Wool Jersey Riding Habits in heather. Copenhagen, brown and green mixtures. Tailored and belted models with patch pockets. Sizes 34, 36 and 38. Riding n?bit Section. Third floor. Women's Jersey Suits, Reduced to $19.75 10 Wool Jersey Suits in gray, green and oxford mixtures. Sizes 34 to 40. Were formerly priced $24.75 and $35.00. Also 4 Knit "Silko" Suits in navy, brown and copen. Sizes 36, 38 and 44. $19.75 each; were $24.50. Jersey Suit Section, Third floor. Women's Skirts 4 Wool Plaid Sport Skirts in black, white and green: box pleat ed. Sizes 26. 28. 30 and 32. $12.50 each: were $25.00. 7 Silk Tricolette and Paulette Skirts in white, flesh and flame. Sizes 25 to .30. $12.50 each; were $25.00 and $30.00. 1 Navy Silk Cut Chenille Skirt, size 28. $17.50; was $35.00. 3 Taupe Baronette Skirts, sizes 30 and 32. $17.50 each; were $27.50. Skirt Section, Third floor. A Small Lot of Girls' Coats Reduced to $9.75 This lot consists of 16 Coats of navy serge, tan serge and gray, brown or green tweeds in short and three-quarter length models. Splendid for sport wear as well as useful for early fall. Sizes 8 to 16 years. Very special values since they were originally priced at $16.50: tomorrow. $9.75. Girls' Section, Fourth floor. Friday Special Women's Combination Suits, 75c Each 40 dozen Women's Jersey Rib bed Lisle Thread Combination Suits with low necks and no sleeves. Regular sizes. Special, 75c each. 20 ?dozen- Women's Glove Silk Vests with low necks, no sleeves and ribbon straps or regular * straps. Sizes 36 to 40. Special, $3.45 each. Underwctr Section, Third floor. Waists Reduced 25 Georgette Crepe Waists? manufacturers' samples and some taken from our regular stork. Risnue. gray, taupe, white and flesh. Also some white net waists included. $3.95 each ; were $5.75 to $7.50. 23 Colored Stripe Crepe de Chine Waists, with short sleeves, kimono style; finished with white pleated frill around the neck. $3.95 each; were $5.75. 29 Colored Stripe Round Neck Crepe de Chine Waists, with short kimono sleeves. $2.95 each; were $5.75. 14 White Voile Blouses, finished with pleated frills at the necks; button back style. $1.00 each; were $2.25. 25 Black Taffeta Waists, in a good range Of sizes. $3.95 each; were $5.00. Waist Section, Third floor. Corsets and Brassieres 3 Dozen Odds and Ends of Cor sets, in popular makes?P. N? Royal Worcester and American Lady, of coutil and pink and white broches. Medium and low bust styles, with long hips. Sizes 22. 24. 27, 28. 29. 30. 31. 32, 33 and 34. $1.50 to $3.50 pair; were $2.50 to $5.00. _5 Dozen Special Bandeau Bras sieres, of pink light weight mer cerized materials; or a heavier weight bandeau in pink, with back fastening. Sizes 32 to 40. Special at 45c. Corset Section, Third floor. Reductions in Summer Millinery 32 Trimmed and Untrimmed Hats in red, black, navy and mixed effects. $L00 each; were $1.95. 20 Children's Hats of milan or leghorn, in mushroom and poke shapes with ribbon streamers. $1.00 each; were $1.50 and $1.95. 30 Fancy Mesh Veils, some with chiffon borders suitable for dress and automobile wear. In purple, taupe, black and green 50c each; were 75c to $1.25. 1 lot of Flowers in bunches and wreathes, slightly soiled. ?5c each; were 50c and 75c. 1 lot of Fancy Feathers Wings, slightly' damaged. each; were 50c and 75c. Millinery Section, Third floor. and 25c A Very Important Sale Tomorrow Men's Neglige Shirts, Special Price, $1.95 Each Coming just at the beginning of the summer season when so many men are anxious to secure New Shirts this sale ex ceeds in timeliness your best expectations. So far as quality and value are concerned we feel that our Friday offerings in Men's Wear will cause you to understand immediately just what you may reasonably expect. Every Shirt is of excellent quality Fine Count Percale, white grounds with fast color striped and figured patterns, in a very large assortment. Each shirt perfectly tailored, fullv sized and propor tioned; soft fold cuffs. Full assortment of sizes from 13JX to 18 neckband. Fifty Dozen Shirts in the Assortment, But the Value Is So Good That the Quantity Will Prove Insufficient. And these good values: 5 Dozen Men's Good Quality Worsted Bathing Suits, one-piece style, in plain gray with purple and green striped trimming. Special price, $6.50 suit. 71 Pieces Men's Checked Nainsook Underwear; sleeveless coat style shirts; sizes 44, 46 and 48; knee length drawers with reinforced seats; sizes 34, 40, 42 ancr 46. 50c each; were $1.00. 21 Pieces Men's Pure Irish Linen Underwear; sleeveless coat style shirts; sizes 34, 36. 44 and 46: knee length drawers with reinforced seats; sizes 44 to 46, 95c each: were $2.00. Men's Store. First floor. 8 Dozen Men's Light-weight Fou lard Silk Four-in-hand and Bow Ties; light and medium colors; figured pat terns. Special price. 75c each. 10 Dozen Pairs Men's Light-weight Black Cotton Seamless Socks, with double white soles; sizes 10 and 10V2. Special price. 30c pair; 6 for $130. 96 Pairs Men's Pure Thread Silk Socks, seamless double lisle soles, heels and toes; in green, gray. Palm Beach and tan. Sizes 9y2, 10J4, 11 and 1V/2. Special price, 75c pair. 17 Men's High-grade Silk Crepe Shirts; neat striped patterns; fast eolors; sizes 14. 16 and $5.00 each; were $10 and $13.50. A Suit Sale for Young Men and All Men Who Can Wear Sizes 33 to 38 Regular $29.75 Each Were $40, $45 and $50 Decisive and generous price reductions have been taken on this lot of 112 Suits for men who can wear these sizes. They are made in single and double breasted styles with half and full lining. Patterns and colors include plenty of grays, browns and blues in stripes, mixtures and fancy effects. These suits were taken from stock because assortments are broken. You will find that they are very choice garmepts. Also 9 Young Men's First Long Trouser Suits in blue, brown and green mixtures; ends of lines we are discontinuing; siz^s 32, 33 and 34 only. $16.75 each; were $35. Men's Store, First floor. 45 Pairs Men's Tan Oxfords Reduced to $6.75 Pair Good wearing Tan Leather Oxfords in narrow toe English model having the wingfoot rubber heels; also a few pairs of Black Calf kin on the same desirable last. All sizes in A. B and C widths. $6.75 pair; were $11. Men's Store, First floor. Women's Silk Umbrellas These were formerly priced $12. Now reduced to 97.95. There are just 15 colored silk umbrellas in 25-inch size that are being re duced for tomorrow. Umbrella Section, First floor. Friday Specials in Cut Class Water Tumblers 95c Dozen 50 dozen light Cut Glass Water Tumblers in three patterns. Spe cially priced. Also the following: 2 Cut Glass Footed Fruit Dishes with floral and miter patterns, 15.75 each; were $12.50. 1 Large Cut Glass Flower Vase in floral and miter pattern, 911.75; was $32.50. 1 Floral Pattern Cut Glass Water Pitcher, *4.95; was $9.50. 5 Short Stem Flower Vases, hand decorated in colors, *1 each: were $2.25. 1 Cut Glass Celery Tray in floral pattern; slightly imperfect, 1X50; was $6. 2 Floral Pattern Cut Glass Bon bon Dishes in large size; slightly Imperfect, 91.75 each; were $3.50. 2 Decorated Glass Sugar and Cream Sets. 91.95 set; were $4.50. UUssware Section, Fifth Floor. Children's Low Shoes Reduced to $2.00 Pair 10 pairs Growing Girls' Pumps with round toes and low military heels. Sixes 3%A; 3 and 3>/4B; 3C; 2% and 6D. 21 pairs Children's Tan Play Oxfords in sizes 8, 8%, 9, 9>/4, 10 and 11D. Shoe Section, Fourth floor. Children's Hose 36 pairs Children's White Me rino Hose, in plain style. Sizes 4. 4'/4 and 6%. 25c pair; were 75c. 20 dozen Infants' White Socks, slightly soiled and imperfect. Sizes 4 and 4Vs. 2 pains for 25c; were 25c pair. Hosiery Section. Furniture Reductions 1" 4-piece American Walnut Bedroom Suite?dresser, chiffor ette, toilet table and full-size bed. 9252.50; was $330. 1 3-piece Cane and Mahogany Living Room Suite?davenport, armchair and wing chair. 932Z50; wss $425. 1 3-piece Tapestry Living Room Suite. 9243; was $330. 1 3-piece Overstuffed Velour Living Room Sfiite. 9295; was $395. 1 10-piece American Walnut Dining Room Suite. 9385; was $500. 1 Mahogany Chlfforette, 955; was $85. 1 Mahogany-finish Chiffonier, 924JM>; was $35. 1 Triplicate-mirror Mahogany Toilet Table. IWO; was $95. 1 I^arge Mahogany Dresser. 99MJSO; was $140. 1 Large Mahogany Toilet Table to match dresser. 967.50; was $100. 1 Mahogany Chiffonier with mirror. 952.SO; was $S0. Furniture Section, Sixth floor. Vedenciennes Laces Special 75c Dozen Yards A special sale ot Val. laces in matched patterns ? both edges and insertions. Some with bead ing attached. % to 1 % inches wide. lace Section, Firqt floor. Friday Special Little Tots' Wash Dresses $2.65 each A special lot of Children's White Wash Dresses of voile or lawn, made high waist style with high or low necks, trimmed with lace or embroidered collars and cuffs; in pink, blue or yellow. Sizes 4. 5 and 6 years. Also the following: ^ 25 pairs Children's Rompers in white or pink and blue stripes. 91 .95 each; were $2.75. 6 dozen Children's Cross-bar Muslin Aprons, finished with col lars, belts and pockets. Sizes 2 to 6 years. l?5e each; were $1.25. 14 Infant's French Bonnets, hand embroidered and trimmed with ribbon rosettes and lace edges. 92.95 each; were $5.50. 1 Child's Enameled Cabinet containing five drawers; white finish. 919.50; was $36. Infant's Section, Fourth floor. Door and Window Screens 15 Screen Doors, with heavy 1%-inch Virginia pine frames, varnish finish in plain styles, with black or galvanized wire fill ing. Slightly imperfect. Bitng your measurements with you. 92.35 and 93.35; were $4 and $6. 20 Window Screens with ad justable metal frameB. slightly imperfect. Sizes 30 and 32 inches high. 50c each; were $1.10 to $1.35. 1 Green and Ivory Vudor Porch Shade, 12 feet wide with a 10 foot^drop; damaged. 99; was i Dark Green Vudor Porch Shade slightly shopworn; 10 feet wide with 7-foot 6-inch drop. 96; was $10.25. Curtain Section, Fifth floor. Toys 1 12 ft. Playground Slide; slightly marred. 912.75; was $20. 27 Toy Aeroplanes, 50c each: were $1.50 and $2. 35 Toy Tanks, 15c each; were 50c. A lot of small Toys at reduced prices. Toy Section. Fourth floor. Specitd Size Dresses 2 Handsome Brown Charmeuse Dresses. embroidered in silk Sizes 42H and 44%. 945 each; were $80. 1 Brown Dress of satin and georgette, hand embroidered, fatze 44 Vi. 950; was $95. 1 Black Satin Dress, hand em broidered with tunic trimmed Tos se' Si!ie 48W?' was 1 Navy Satin Coat Dress, hand somely braided. Size 46%. 945. was $80. 10 Tailored Skirts of black and navy serge and wool poplin. 34 to 44 inch waist measure. 97.50 each; were $15. Special Size Section. Third floor. Women's Spring Suits Greatly Reduced to $27.50 There are just 32 of these suits, which were formerly priced $55.00 and $60.00, re duced for tomorrow to $27.50. MATERIALS COLORS Tweed, Serge Navy Silvertones Pnnici Tricotines Rookie Mixtures and Black Checks Copen The coats are plain tailored and belted models?some with novelty ripple effect. Skirts are gathered at the backs and belted; finished with slash pockets. Sizes 34 to 42. Suit Section, Third floor. Friday Special in Women's Silk Hose, $2.00 Pair 35 Dozen Women's All-silk Hose, in taupe, field mouse, nickel and medium gray. Slight irregularities in weave. Sizes 8'/z to 10. If perfect they would be $3.50 and $4.00. Also the following: 100 Pairs Women's Black and White Silk Lise Thread Hose, with double soles and high spliced heels. If perfect these would be $1.50 pair. Sizes 8'/Z, 9, 9'/ and 10. On ac count of irregularity only 75c pair. 24 Pairs Women's Extra Size Gray Silk Hose, with lisle garter tops. Sizes 8'/s, 9'/j and 10. $2.00 pair; were $3.00. Hosiery Section, First floor. Scrim Curtains, Special, $1.45 Pair 600 Pairs of Scrim Curtains for the sum mer cottage or bedroom and other rooms where plain hemstitched curtains are de sired. Shown in white and cream. Finished with 2-inch hemstitched borders. 2Yi yards long. Very special at $L45 pair. Also the following: 2 Pairs Fine Net Curtains with cluny lace and embroidery borders. $10.00 pair; were $15.00. 3 Pairs Very Fine Cream Marquisette Cur tains with narrow lace edges. $5.00 pair; were $7.50. 3 Pairs Fine Antique Curtains, with inser tions and edges of lace mounted on white voile. $6.67 pair; were $10.00. 3 Pairs Cream Grenadine Curtains, with narrow filet edges. $4.00 pair ; were $6.00. 3 Pairs White Grenadine Curtains, $4.00 pair: were $6.00. 2 Pairs Ivory Fancy Net Curtains, $2.00 pair were $3.00. CurUin Section, Fifth floor. Mattresses and Springs 15 3-ft. Ostermoor Mattresses; good qual ity felt, covered with neat art ticking. $17.95 each; were $25.00. 12 4.6-ft. Ostermoor Mattresses of the same grade. $2L75 each; were $30.00. 20 Twin Link Steel Springs; sizes 3 ft., 3.6 ft., 4 ft. and 4.6 ft. $5.65 each; were $9.00. 2 Box Couches, covered with blue and brown figured denim. $32.75 each; were $42.50. " Bed Section. Sixth floor. Friday Special Sale Stenciled Grass Rugs At Very Low Prices Just received this special purchase, consist ing of 65 Stenciled Grass Rugs, in artistic designs and good colors of greens, browns and blues. Serviceable and durable for indoors of porch use. 65 in the entire lot. 10 size 9x12 ft. Special, $9.75 each 10 size 8x10 ft. Special, $7.75 each 15 size 6x9 ft. Special, $5.95 each 15 size 4.6x7.6 ft. Special, $3.75 each 15 size 3x6 ft. Special, $L65 each Rug Section, Sixth floor. An Important Friday Sale Women's Low Shoes, $8.25 Pair 172 pairs Women's New Spring and Summer Shoes at this low price. Re gardless of their desirability or worth, if the line is incomplete they are to be closed out at this low price. In some cases there are lines practically com plete in size range, but will not be made up again for the general trade, hence their clearance. Materials are black and brown vici kid skin, brown Russia calfskin and patent colt-^ skin, with leather Spanish heels; pointed Colonial tongue models, trimmed with one button strap across. Two-eyelet Colonial Ties and White Canvas Oxfords, with French Louis heels and medium-weight welt soles. Sizes in the combined assortment from 2'A to 8, AAA to C. $8.25 Pair; Were Up to $13.00 Women's Shoe Section, Third floor. 800 Yards Pequot Pillow T ubing, Special, SSc Yard It is needless to tell you that this is one of the most desirable values ob tainable today. All are perfect: in lengths from 2 to 5^4 yards. 45 inches wide. White Goods Section, Second .floor. Summer Blankets All-wool and Cotton and Wool Summer Blankets, slightly soiled, and some are slightly imperfect. 4 pairs size 80x90, $7.50 pair; were $15.00. 2 pairs size 72x84. $6.50 pair; were $12.00. 1 pair size 72x80. $5.00; was $10.00. 3 pairs size 72x84, $7.50 pair; were $15.00. 1 pair size 72x84, $8.50; was $18.00. 1 pair size 60x90, $6.50; was $12.00. 4 pairs size 60x90, $7.00 pair; were $13.50. 3 pairs size 60x90, $4.50 pair; were $10.00. 7 pairs size 60x80, $4.50 pair; were $9.00. 9 pairs size 48x64 All-wool Crib Blankets, $5.50 pair; were $12.00. 7 pairs size 42x56 All-wool Crib Blankets, $4.50 pair; were $10.00. Blanket Section, Second floor. Women's Coats 4 Light-weight Capes lined throughout with silk. In tan. blue and black. $50 each; were $110. 4 Sport Coats in tan and blue, and black and yellow checks. Narrow belts and patch pockets. $35 each; were $65. 5 Sport Coats of brushed wool, in colored stripes and checks. $15 each; were $35. Coat Section, Third floor. Silk Sweaters 1 Tuxedo Sweater in gold color. was $55. 2 Slip-on Sweaters with fringe trimmed bottoms. In sand and brown. 921.5<> each: were $38.50. 2 Slip-on Sweaters with fancy vests and trimmed cuffs. In navy and brown. 930 each; were $4 5. 1 Slip-on Navy Sweater with pray vest, collar, cuffs and sash. 920; was $32.50. Art Embroidery Section. Second floor. Women's Sweaters 10 Plain Stitch Wool Slip-ons, with belts, round necks, finished at back with collars. Rose and navy. Sizes 3S to 42. 82.95 each; were $7.50. 1 American Beauty Wool Slip on with purled waist and fancy stitch tuxedo collar. Size 38, $2.05; was $6.75. 3 Wool Slip-ons with round necks and skirts and bottom of sleeves in fancy ripple stitch. Size 40. $5 each; were $10.75. Sweater Section. Third Floor. Women's Dresses 7 Dresses made of net, sa^in and georgette crepe. The nets and georgette are in white and the satin in taupe. Sizes 32. 34 and 36. $14.75 each; were $34.50 to $45. 10 Dresses made of net and georgette combined, taffeta and georgette crepe in black, brown, navy and white net over flesh georgette. These are very good styles for wear just now, being trimmed with pleated frills, corded effects and embroidery. Sizes 32. 36. 3S. 40 and 42. $29.50 each; were $45 to $65. Dress Section. Third floor. Housewares 6 "Wear-Ever" Aluminum Bak. ing Pans, slightly shopworn. 95c each; were $1.30. K Square White Enameled Frame Mirrors: size 14x14 inches. Special price, $1.75 each. 4 bottles "Lyknu" Furniture Polish. 5?c each: were $1. 10 Large Round Gray Enamel led Baking Pans. 45c each; were 70c. 1 Square White Enameled Bak ing Pan: size 11x16 inches; slightly damaged. 91.25 each; were $1.95. 1 Large-size Galvanized Gar bage Pail; slightly damaged. *1.65; was $2.50. 1 Wear-Ever Aluminum As paragus Boiler: slightly shop worn. 94.50; was $7.25. 1 6-cup Aluminum Coffee Per colator. Special price, 92.35. 1 6-quart Aluminum Preserv ing Kettle. Special price. 91.75. A lot of odds and ends in va rious useful kinds of Housewares at greatly reduced prices. Housewares Section, Fifth floor. Children's Underwear 11 Children's Crossbarred Vests with high necks and no sleeves. Slightly soiled. Sizes 26, 2S and 30. 25c each: were 50c. IS Boys' Gauze Knee Drawers, slightly soiled. Sizes 28 and 30. SSc each: were 48c. 12 Children's Plain Gauze Me rino Vests with high necks and long sleeves. Size 30. 30c each; were $1.00. Underwear Section. Fourth floor. China 8 Tutone Tottery Vases, jn as sorted shapes. H5c each; were $1.50. 1 16-Piece Richly Decorated English Porcelain Individual Breakfast Set. 94.50; was $S.75. 1 5?-Piece Daintily Decorated American Porcelain Cottage Din ner Set. with several pieces miss ing. 910.50; was $16.50. 2 Daintily Decorated Haviland China Tea. Sugar and Cream Sets, 91.05 set; were $5. 1 Pink Decoration French China Covered Dish, with ^old handles. 92.?5: was $6.75. 1 Large Jardiniere, in soft col orings, 91.115; was $3 50. 1 Pecorated Limoges China Tea Pot. 75c: was $1.95. 1 Hand-decorated Sugar and Cream Set. in bright coloring. 91.25; was $4. China Section. Fifth Floor. Wash Dress Goods 2 to 4 yard lengths 40-inch Printed Voile. yard; was $1 75. 2 to 4 yard lengths 40-lnch Printed Voile. 91 yard; was $1.25. 2 to 4 yard lengths 40-inch Printed Voile. SOc yard; was $1. 2 to 4 yard lengths Printed Voile. ?5c yard; was 75c. to 4 yard lengths 32-inch Serpentine Crepe. 40c yard; was 50c. 2 to 4 yard lengths 30-inch Japanese Crepe. 55c yard: was 65 c. IIS to i yard lengths 36-inch Percale. 40o yard; was 50c. About 75 remnants of a great variety of wash fabrics in less than 2-yard lengths, at exactly half their former prices. Dress Goods Section, Second floor. Misses' Dresses 8 Taffeta Silk Dresses in taupe, navy and gray. Trimmed with fancy stitching. Sizes 16 and T8. 914.75 each: were $25 and $29.50. 3 Moon-Glo Satin Dresses in black and navy. Sizes 16 and 18. each; were $47.50 and $57.50. Misses' Section. Fourth floor. Framed Mirrors Special 1-3 Off 1 Large Mantel Mirror in three section gilt frame, 940) was $60. 1 Large Mantel Mirrty in gilt frame with shaped top, 923^4; was $35. 1 Japanese Mirror with blue border. 92H; was $30. 1 Chinese Mirror with carved ? op and paneled sides, 91tt.67i was $25. 1 Upright Mirror with sconces, in dull gold frame, 91?.?7; was $25. Picture Section, Fourth floor.