Newspaper Page Text
. ' 3c Cash a Word ? The rite in Washington ind vlclnty J" for advertising io The Star under the "r ! following popular classifications is 3 . ! cents a word when cash is paid in ad- . vance at the llu?iness Office, 11th street J and Pennsylvania avenue n.w.: CI Wanted Haip. Jlc Rooms, Etc. gi Lost and Found. lis Automobile*. Pa For Sal* Miscellaneous. | 7 Wanted Situations. af. Business Opportunities. pi . I Poultry, Pets and Liv# Stock. Wanted Miscellaneous. p. No adnrtlsement accepted far lees Dl than SO cent, each Inaertion. bo; Apartments and houses for rent and I If wanted and other real estate ana gen- gi ( eral classifications are charged for by the line of 6 words. ... Lowest charge is for 3 lines of 18 dr; words or less. Rates: 00c. one time; __ $1.08, two times; $1.53, three times; Di $3.38. seven times (one week). Addi- *?1 tional lines of 6 words each in same proportion. LI No advertlslng can be charged with- ?t out first arranging at Ths 8tar office te rig open an account. n.t For the convenience of patrons cash jjj advertisements at above rates may be a_ left at any one of the branch offices listed below before 10 for next w? day's Issue and before 4 p.m. Satur- wn day tor insertion in Sunday Star. ? NORTHWEST. ? 2d and Mass. Ave.. Hygeia Pharmacy. Th 7th and K Sts? Golden berg's (Time Ba Clerk's Desk). Pth and U Sts.. McGuire's Pharmacy. Ap 14th and P Sts., Day Pharmacy. i 18th and Florida Ave.. Pearson's Phar- o0 macy. _ ? - - - - ? ?T 21st and G Sta-. Guigiey rnarmacy. 25th and Pennsylvania Ave., Herbat da Pharmacy. P" Holmead and Otia Places, Holme ad E? Pharmacy. co: 1301 L St.. Morse rharmacy. bi| NORTHEAST. ? nil : North Capitol and Eye Sts., Kenealy sta Pharmacy. 8c 13th and East Capitol Sts., Lincoln ?= Park Pharmacy. J SOUTHEAST. 8th and Eye Sts., Weller A Moskey's ? Pharmacy. 11th and Pa. Ave., Fealey's rharmacy. 14th and Pa. Ave., Smyser's Pharmacy. GEORGETOWN. Wisconsin Are. and M St., O'Oonnell'a Pharmacy. P* 28th and P Sta., Fride'a Pharmacy. ~T 36th and M Sts., Weller A Moakey'i dl Pharmacy. r - E5 LOST. * ' P.LACK SATIN SLIPPER. Roaslyn and Cher- sta rydale. 1602 14th n.w. _ Bo BRACELET WATCH. Elgin, old sise. Sunday FT night. Reward. Call M. 2921. after 6 p.m. pei PUNCH OF KEYS on Lamont St.. Mt. Pleasant at. or Park road, September 25. Reward. G.A Apt. 301. the Parker, 16th and Park road. eaj fiUNCH OF KEYS and Yale lock, Sunday. ^ Sept. 19. probably on M or 16tli 8t. n.w. GO Finder mil North 211. 28* no{ BUNCH OF KEYS," Sunday, from 11th and M to 16tli and Harvard sts. Phone Col. 200S. # t)IAMOND?Bet. People's drug store, 7th and M, and Century lunchroom, 8th and K, bet. GB , 5:15 and 5:45 p.m. Reward if returned to 301 People's Drug Store. 7th and M. jjy; DIAMOND BROOCH, bet. 1529 8th St.. 9th ph: and R. I. ave. n.w. or 9th 8t. cars. Liberal tec reward. ; 27* mo DOG?Brindle bulldog, undipped ears; lost ^ vicinity 28th and P sts. n.w., Friday evening: IN! red strap collar: name Tough Alby. Call North jjr 5*55. or West 2553-J. Reward.^ 27* ^ EASTERN STAR FIN, green goto, circiea in ho< pearls, lost Friday, between War Risk bide. mo and 639 9tli n.e. Reward if returned to 639 9th n.e . Miss Edith Tucker. av( GOLD key chain with keys and tag. marked JA W. Krechting. 1010 E. Capitol. Reward. goi HALF of child's beaded bag, between 6th and ?jj, M and 12th and F. Kindly return to 60S M -? v? r> w. Reward. JO] cap JERSEY COW, small. Liberal reward. Call of C al. 2697. Lai LADY'S gold wrist watch and link bracelet. JU' Sunday night, between Washington Hotel and hoc 19th and N sts. n.w. Reward. Address Box Ad< 327-T. Star office. NECKPIECE. Fisher fur: Monday. Sept. 20, near 10th and East Capitol sts. Reward if returned to Mrs. (X W. Parsons, 916 East Capi- ?" ? ?!_ the l'FARL NECKLACE?Sunday afternoon or int erening. Call M. Doyle, Franklin 7998. after the 6 o'clock, for reward. 28? Sal I'KAKL CRESCENT PIN. Sunday. Georgetown J**] car, 21st to 30tb sts. Reward. Call up Fri- y.*1 day night Brown. Pelham Conrts. 28* ph| PINK CAMEO PIN, old faebioned. Sunday. 9:3 i either on Alexandria electric car. Peana. ave., f~r 14th and Decatur sL car or on R it bet. 14th OPD t and 16th ats. Reward. $10. Tinder please re- ra? j turn At. 634. the Chastleton. 28* PURSE containing about $175 in currency and T7 one liberty bond. Saturday morning in Center 1YI Market or vicinity. Liberal reward if returned ,_.i to Mrs. Indiana Brooke, 219 John Marshall W1 pi. Phone Main 2045 27> i ho SCARF, beaver cloth, green lining. 9th and F sts. n.w., Saturday at 5 p.m. Notify W. Y. W( B.. 4214 4th st. n.w. , SMALL black book containing memorandum. baby's photos and bill of lading to Chas. A. MA Burner, at White House freight station or ply McDaniel'a Auto Repair Shop, 13th and H a"? ats. n.e. Return to owner. C. E. Burner, lVJ614 8th at. s.w. Reward. w] WIRF. WHRRI. nd ttaohAd' 1 Thursday. Reward if returned 2114 14tli st! OI 28* ^ ? = ne WANTED?HELP 80 SALESMEN. jJS (I1LBSMSI7, write for list of lines and fall particulars; earn $2,000 to $10,000 yearly: big not demand for men; Inexperienced or experienced, tho 'city or traveling. National Salesmen's Train- yea 1ne Association. Dent. 359. Chicago. Is SPECIALTY SALESMEN who hare had fxperience and can get results; liberal com mis- MA sion, with advance; drawing account; quick Api seller; local or travel; choice territory open, P. O. Box 3103. 27* WANTED?Side-line salesmen; returns should per be equally as large as your regular line; no pai; samples necessary; a clean-cut proposition for rrp the grocery, drug or cigar trade; valuable ter- ***; ritory now open. P. 0. Box 3103. 27* ^ MA LE. _____________ und ACTOCNTAXCT?'The Internatioual Account- n"*1 ants" Society is the largest exclusive account- J** ancy institution in the United States and has trained more men and women who are now certified! public accountants and executive ac- ME Vountants than has any other similar institu- wri tion. and we do it efficiently in six to twelve 921 months. Our booklet, "How to Learn Accountancy" will tell WHY. 618 Colorado bldg. M ACCOfNTANTS-ArDITOBS - BOOKKEEPERS Df -?Salaries, $l,640-$4,500. Our 30-day course * in income tax and commercial accountancy pre- SC pares for transfer or appointment ns assistant auditor: salaries, $1.64G-$2.740 : 90-day course 3,1 for higher grades and for preparing and verifying individual, partnership, fiduciary and cor- <1C poration returns. Introductory classes Monday, __ 7:30 p.m., are FREE TO ALL. Inquire for P" outlines. Revenue Auditors' Training Jnat., co 412 Kellogg bldg.. 1410 F st. 3cl JIN EXPERIENCED MILLER at once for pj ill get Marvel Mill: young man preferred. it' Apply Derwood Milling Po., f>erwood, Md. 28* 111 BAKKH, second man. Cochran Pastry Shop, pi 3655 Ga. ave. n.w. f. BLACKSMITH ? First-class, general; steady work; wages, S6.50; nine hours. Apply C. F. ~ Rarnett, 3036 K st. n.w. in flOOKKEEPKK and <W-rk; hour* X to 0; good wT vil<>g; irive age, education. references ami t iw.lary desired. Address Box 3'JS-T, Star v?n ???. * vr BOOKKEEPER?Accurate and fairly quick; *ui good position; state reference* and salary ex- ; pected. Address Box 133-T, Star office. BOY, about 12 years, on farm. Will treat JfJ same as I would my own. Good borne. Dr. J V. Selby. Derwood. Md. 27* "Ji ~ ?? ci t BOY, colored: switchboard and elevator opera- ~ tor; apt. house; hours, 8 to 4. W. 11. Walker, J/? 720 loth st n.w. ??] BOY, colored, 17, to work around store. 2506 14th st. n.w. tlo 'BOYS aud young ruen to deliver electric cars, jjJf white only : must have driver's permit and know city Apply Genl Mgr., Sterrett & Flem- ^ ing. Inc., 2155 i Tiamplain st. n.w. ' n" POYK wanted to work in factory. Columbia ?? Sm'cialtv Pa tier Box ( o 54 Hanover ?t n w I SS Hi)V ?\v 11it#'?. $7'? a month; one "day "off "r ea?*h week with pay. Metropolitan Club, 17th A aud II n.w. Bl'S BOY for nights: good payT New Plata Lunrh. tktO North Capitol st. 28? 'P' 1! U S1TELM AN, experienced; n< pood salary; position permanent. MKingston's. 'X)8 7th st. n.w. 3USHELMEN at once; steady _ positions. Apply Young Men's P Shop, 1319-21 E st. n.w. P( ( \HPENTER for Inntalliiig metal weather- pi stripping. Apply 449 Irving st. n.w. Col. 4413. 8, 27* ** ASHIER~wanted immediately ; salary to utart, ^ Shi |?er week. Apply 300 Bond bldg., 14th and J"*1 New York ave. J* CATCHERS (7); experienced girls. Apply ready for work, 5i; The Elite Laundry. 2119 14th st. ? HAT't KJ.f k White, over years old; must experienced driver; married man preferred. r<k Apply Maj. Leonard, 1741 K at., ? o'clock tri any morning. 27* ^CHAUFFEUR and man to clean shop in lak. ery. Apply C. P. Berg, 1244 Florida are. da n.e., bet. 7 and 12 a m. 2.)* 84 %COAL DT7i?P CLERK?Experienced preferred; Oh steady job; state nfirucu. Addraaa Baa gC 133-Z^Biaa e*k*. k? WAJTOD?HELP A l.??r? llmi* . lAUFrBDKh? Reliable mea desiring baaltb- J l outdoor work cut do bo bettor tUao tajlcsb Icing during the pleasant aummar months, icellent Wages. Ability to drlre and (air lowledge of the city the only requirements. 1 iply Auto Licery Co.. 218 Hth at. j -KKK in title company oOlce, permanent peal>n; to party desiring to learn business good ! portunlty. District Title Insurance Co., U 18th at. iLOKKD BOY to work in bakery. Oochras t atry Shop. 3658 Ga. ave- B.w. , LOKKD MAN wishes few bonra' nlgkt work < ter 0 p.m. 2(8 10th at. n.e. 38* tKDIT MANAGER-Must hare bad depart- f 'lit store experience; salary to start* $200 < r month. Apply 305 Bond bldf. * * 8HWA8HKR8. colored; 150 a month and ! nrd. Apply Grafton Hotsl, Conn. ire. and Sales st. IAFTSMAN?Mechanical, experienced la de- ] iling machine work. Give full particulars jardinj? experience and salary expected. Ad- . ess Box 215-8. Star office. 07* | UVER forJFord truck; must five ^bond and . rreuvc. * iirvjr v imse BiiprvBi lw., ivo Jury st. Phone Cleve. 447 and 448. j tCG CLERK, rgiatered, experienced, wanted r once; good pay; steady employment to r ht party. Maguire'a Drug Store, 9th and U ? tUGGIST, experienced, registered, as man- } ?r of a downtown drug atore; good per- t nent position for right man: none but man . th first-claim references and real ability nted. Address Box 236-T. Star office. * ] iECTBICAL contractor to represent lighting ' ture manufacturers on commission basis, e Anodion Metal Company, 124 South at., J lttmore, Md. 28* , sEVATOR MAN (night), neat appearance. ^ ply Head Bellman, the Cairo. ] iKVATOft OPERATORS, colored. Apply 7 Woodward bidg. jEVATOR BOY?Colored, experienced, for y work. Apply The CalTerton. 1673 Columi rd. CTER a profession of assured pennanency. agenial work andfirat-claaa salary?drafting; j demand for our graduates; complete course to 9 months; in session all year; day or rht instruction: can learn in spare time; irt now. Catalogue on request. Columbia hool. of Drafting. 14th and T ata. ERRAND BOY WANTED. Chas. H. Potter & Co., Inc., 431 11th at. n.w. EXPERIENCED " SHOE SALESMEN. If you are looking for a good jsition at a very attractive saly apply to the Manager. SAKS & COMPANY. :p. BUNDLE WRAPPER. Fraaee Potomac undry. 18th and D n.w. LJPINO young men to wrap merchandise: to references and salary desired. Address ? x 323-T. 8tir office. * ^ REM EN. brakemen, $225-$250 monthly; ex- ( rleiiCe unnecessary. Write (name position) ; ilway, address Box 260-E. Star office. \ XV AN I ZED or tin worker, with two years' F jerience or more; inside job. 509 11th st. y v., bookstore. 27* s: VEHNMENT CLERKS?our course In ate- \ jrapby will fit you for a position in 30 days. \ Individual Instruction. n 30-DAY STENOGRAPHIC SCHOOL, a 1410 H st. n.w.. second fioor. Main 2870. y OCERY CLERK or butcher wanted. Miller, 7 12th st. s.e. 29* \ GH SCHOOL GRADUATES with training in -A rsics or chemistry wanted for apprentices in * hnical work. Entrance salary, $65 per y nth and chance for advancement. Call at p reau of Standards for application blank. c SIDE PORTER in a store. 1409 F st. a.w. * H N1T0R and houseman to take care of small ^ irtment and work at residence in neighbor>d; also clean automobiles; wages, $75 per P nth, with apartment containing 8 rooms and ? th. Apply in person, T. E. Cox, 934 N. Y. J ?- ? w. d PANESE or Filipino for general housework; T ng home nights; references. Mrs. Mars, n ilding 56-B, Apartment 6, Washington bar- e k?, P. C. 28* b B PRESSMAN, unusual opportunity for J able, reliable, ambitious man; knowledge fi automatic machinery desirable. Pathfinder, rt igdon, D. C. y NIOR DRUG CLERK in uptown store. Good cl irs and pay to right party. References. Y Iress Box 339-8. Star office. 27* ol LA SALLE EXTENSION \ UNIVERSITY, ; rbe largest business training institntlon in g world, offers ambitious men and women -r ensive training in higher accountancy by * most successful system ever devised; La * le problem method. Equip yourself to earn ? i per cent more in the shortest possible time. 1. telephone or write La Saue Extension f iversity, 907 District National Bank bldg. a >ne Main 25. Open in the evening, 7:80 to a 0. W 8TUDENT wanted; law office; unusual cruJDii/; e*pcrieui:ru, musi ue guou iicuugher. None other need apply. Address Box T, Star office. * AN for night watchman at iiarf, to look out for scows; iurs 5 p.m. to 7 a.m.; $24.50 per eek. Apply A. Miller, 3036 K : CI W. s N, young, for position with a future. Ap- 1 Room 213, 141B F st. n.w. 28? AN?Experienced warehouse, _ ho can take complete charge c warehouse. Apply Mr. Bar- J :tt, National Furniture Co., n 7 7th st. u !n for general office work; a man who b iwe doable-entry bookkeeping and who la afraid of long hoars and hard work; only * se with Srst-class references covering a ten- ' r service record need apply, as surety bond required. W. W. G lea son. mgr., Plggly- r rely Stores Warehouse, 90 I. st. n.e. 1: X, middle-aged, for gasollne-fllHng station. ily Penn Oil Co.. Rosslyn. Va. ?Handy for carpentering, painting, paper i - ng and minor repair* around building*; e ninent; apply staling age. reference* and try! Address Box 292-T, Star office. 27* IN- !.earn wireless. Good money. Chance to _ e. V. 8. Shipping Board flashing calls for Y ). Let u* train you. We are the largest 1 I best equipped school in the country. Large n uhrr of gradicite* to our credit. Call and . us or write for catalogue. 8erric* Badlo _ iooI, Inc., 900-2 Pa. are. n.w. Phone ? ink. 7814. ? IN, several, white, to work in our butter- a ipping dept. Apply Idr. Vance, Golden Co., n ;EN"\VANTED?Large cor- | iration will have vacancies for o veral clean-cut men who have J nbition, integrity and char- ? iter. Executive and sales ex- " rience preferred, but not neces- 4 ry. Permanency with good jj ty and advancement will be"? nited only by your ability. Ap- p icants must stand rigid inves- ii Ration. Phone Main 736 or ^ rite Room 404, Evans bldg., for a ipointment. S.N OH Bold, colored, over aixteen, to work Dowlinc alley; hour*. 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. IM T j.m. to 1 a.m. Recreation. 918 Q n.w. ? LSSENGER wanted immediately, good salary J start. Apply 305 Bond bldg., 14th and New L rk ave. n GUT frA1THMAN?Must be white. In- 7 ire W. P. Lipscomb Co., 1641 Belmont It. a IE OF THE LABOEST-rial estate organi 8 lions offers excellent opportunity to young g in ueivrrcu xa auu ui xearu uie uusiotiN, p ist be able ride motor cycle and know the y. Address Box 206-T. Star ogee. JNTBRS?First-class, wanted at once. 1742 1 1 at. n.w. 27* j TENT specification writer wanted for posi- r n at Johnstown, Pa.; must be graduate civil rineer; salary to start, $3,000. Apply 305 ? nd bldg, J lTENT DRAFTSMAN?Piecework; oppoftu- ? y for beginner. Address Box 96-T, Star r Ice. 23* ? PIANO TUNER. ! he Hecht Co. requires the serv- J es of a first-class tuner and Jj ano player repair man; perma- I ;nt position. j Apply Superintendent, r THE HECHT CO., j 7th St. at P. J ORTER, colored; permanent 1 jsition; reference required. Ap- 1 ly immediately. M. Philipsborn 4 Co., 610 11th n.w. < )8lTION8 now open. Clerks, typists, see- 7 taries. bookkeepers. No. 406 Pope bldf., 817 1 th st. n.w. J :GI8TERED drug clerk, two junior drug J rk? and young man to learn drug business; ' id salary and commission. Address Box c P S. Star office. c tl.AKV and commission to men and women education for whole time to repreaent in * ashington one of the largest life insurance ) mpsnies; experience not necessary; special J lining given. i Also liberal remunerstioa to tkose perma- ( ntly employed who will devote two boors a i y, spare time. Address Box 261-A. Starofflce. TLE8MAN?Well known rustler; raferaaeea. 1 Va. Stores, Monsey bldf. * WA2TTED?HELP. ? ? I.k?cntiimt. SALESMEN? The Lifetime Furniture Store "J is in need of two first-class sales- q men; permanent positions if Jj! satisfactory. Apply in person, ? MAYER & CO., 7th St. L AUSHIM-Liiie Insurance oraanlsatlon. ta lay 70uar man with personality and lnltlstlTo an succeed. No experience necessary. Wilt c( ihow you bow. Commission basis. Call tit u; tootbora bld(. _ SALESMEN WANTED BY C LARGE CORPORATION; LEADS FURNISHED. PEO- ?' PLE'S CO-OPERATIVE I?! REALTY COMPANY, IN- oi CORPORATED, 1336 NEW ft i'ORK AVE. N.W. ] IHTPPINQ CLERK, experienced; reference" equlred. Apply Immediately to W. W. Gleam", ngr.. Pi(Eiy-Wlc(ly Stores Warehotme, 80 L t n.s. iTENOGKAPUKB sad office manager wanted mmedlately; salary to start, {ISO per month. ipply 105 Bond bldg. * TELEPHONE switchboard operator Apply danafor. Army and Nary Club. 1RTTRTW7VRTHV real estate salesman; experienced preferred. Replies confidential. Address Box 306-T, Star office. * VANTED?A chance to develop your talent or drawing, day and evening classes. Washngton School of Art. 1502 14th at. n.w. tf VAN TEL)?For Bethlehem Shipbuilding Cor oration. Sparrow a Point. Md., carpentera. oiners, rivet gangs, electric welders, reamers. ?( oltera up, also all classes of helpers and aborers; rate of pay from 46c to $1.75 per VI >our; good living conditions; no labor trouble; lerxnanent work; transportation paid. Apply o Mr. Thurtnan. 1410 Pa. ave. 28* VE can use several men of personality; exerience unnecessary; good pay to start. Ap- C< >ly 4 to 6 p.m., 204 Plat. Nat. Bank bldg. VHITE BOY, withwheel, to work hour after r chool, 4 to 5 o'clock; salary. $5 per week. Lpply basement, 414 6th at." n.w. 28* VHITE 1>K1VKR for light delivery; must iave references. Old Va. Stores, factory, 1815 pc ' st. n.w. *_ chi VHITE MAN for chauffeur and clerk. Must ? reliable. Good salary to right man. Age, SA 5 to .85. Rosslyn-Brigga Co., 619 Center 51 ar- for et. M. 1480. 27^_ ev? WHITE MEN to work on fur- ^ liture wagons and several young gh; nen to learn to pack furniture. S. p23 to start. Security Storage in Zo., 1140 15th st. m 'OCNG WHITK HOY for itock clerk. Sak, til "ur Co., 1212 F at. i < OUNG MAN for position as bank runner, good alary. Apply 305 Bond bldg., 14th and New ork are. OUNG MAN wanted by local candy establish- ant rent; good salary. Apply 305 Boud bldg., 14th ? nd New York ave. SE OUNG MAN to work in grocery store. Apply 34 11th ft. n.w. 28* JJJ OUNG MAN as helper on folding machines. ? ipply Mr. Grigor, Nat. Capital Press, 511 SO 1th st. n.w. ir?i 'OUNG MAN to learn claming trade; also ST olisbinr and beveling. Apply Hugh Reilly A :o., bet. 12 and 1 o'clock. 1334 N. Y. ave. gT ? ? sta 'OUNG MAN. 5 years' experience in elec- ? rical engineering and executive work, desires F* o sit ion in Washington for personal reasons; an furnish highest reference from all of my armer employers; at present working on valu- ?3! tion of large public utility in middle west; ST ue to the urgency of my becoming located in nei Vashingtou I will consider any proposition of fee lerit. Can report for personal interview if 141 tsential. Address Mr. F. S. Roe, 902 Traction ?fT Idg., Cincinnati. Ohio. * S2f :OUNG MAN. 1? years old, clerk in large of-; ^ ce. Must be steady, quick and fair penman; 0t ?ferences. Address Box 335-T, Star office. rjP) OUNG MAN, 23. six years' experience as law ?rp terk and real estate title searcher in New ' ork city; law student: familiar with general ?d( ffice work; desires position. Address Box *? 29-T. Star office. 28* TE OUNG MAN to work in drug store: one or *7: lore years' experience preferred; good hours _ nd salary to right party. Address Box 242-T, Wj tar office. 27* Hit OUNG MEN. clerks, stenographers, book- Weepera. Let us get you a position; no regis- ahi ation fee. National Service Agency, Room est 18, 1416 F. ess OUNG MEN AMD BOTH, with wt?*U; per- J" lanent position.; 175 per month sad commit- l" ilssion. Apply 787 12th st. n.w. Uu AN OPEN LETTER m par wi THE HIGH-TYPE MEN OF w< THIS CITY. ^ It matters not whether yon ere en "tee- . . igh" salesman, an Army olBcer about to re- hi iin or a gorernment employe desirous of in- ? resting your present earning power?so long DC s you hare the ability to p. iVALK and TALK and TELL THE TRUTH. J -this little ad. Is your opportunity. IK A tremendous undertaking of national scope, tv aptalned by a group of the country a ableat 1 ' usinesa leadera. la about to be launched. If n re conalder you qualified to represent these ten, you will receive a abort course In train- YO i* that will enable you to earn weekly com- pij ilaalona upward of (180 by laying the facta efore the people of Washington. ? We do not want profeaalonal oil and mine ? lock aaleemen, drawing account experts, In- AC nraaee agenta. men under 28 or men with- cot ut personality. appearance or backbone. aa OTHERS WILL FIND cla 'ERMANENT, PROFITABLE and 5? FASCINATING ? mployment by calling promptly at 10 a.m., m<> 2. or 4 p.m. ant E. H. SPENCE A CO.. Inc., bid 811 llunaey bldg. PO OTJB BIGGEST OPPORTUNITY la In wtreleas gen rork. Hundrcda of poaitlona now open in the enc lerchant marine. Telegraph companion are ostalHng wlreleaa atatlona for tranamlaaion of bet tessages. Commercial concerns all orer the on ountry need operators. Interesting work at fer ttractlve salaries, plus the chance to travel vet round the world; salartea at the very start ui et you (128 per month and all your living ex- t.|,j enaea are paid. No prevloua training or ex- ma erience necessary to start our course. Enter req all classes now forming; terms to suit your ? wn convenience. Day and night sessions. hone Main 1878, or, better still, call In per on lor urn lniormauon. national ttaaio lehool, 1345 Pennsylvania ava. EstaMlshed fr, 914. FEMALE. SC llNBBRY AffiL to operate aiiictiar. Wash- tr lgton Printing Co.. 730 18th at. n.w. j IOOK.KEEPERS ? Salaries, $1,640-32.740. the 'BEE INSTRUCTION In Income tax and com- cot lerdal accounting In Introductory classes, 7 80 tra ,m. Monday. Our 30-dsy course prepares for tfo ransfer or appointment as revenue auditor. I quire for outlines. Iterenue Auditors' Train- 1 ir Inst.. 412 Kellogg bldf., 1416 F at. f I00KKKEPKR, experienced; give references affi nd state salary desired. Address Box 284-T, \\ ;tar office. 2?? BOOKKEEPER, 'o take charge of once and pass on credit barges; application should be made by mall, i own hand, stating where previously emlay ed and salary wanted. Appointment will e made far Interview. The Louvre, 1115 V ? XBfl i l-4l ANVASHERB?Well known household lino; S? ell on their merits. Call 3 to 6 p.m., 215 ^ tewart hldg. 28? IASR1KR with experience aa a waltreaa; refrences 509 14th pt. n.w. Chocolate Dippers. qui Ixperlenced. O. 0. Oornwell, 1415 R n.w. 27* H? :LEANERS. Apply Keith's 3! Theater Tuesday morning at ?'j ' o'clock. Cle lOLORED WAITRESS and dishwashers; good tovr short hnnra Cull 1(107 K st ? ?, owm I ?or lit A PER Oil skirt and want, helper* SI fie- i,?] hff? at once. tt!W K it. jer )KEBSMAKINU AND MILLINERY?Learn to -m hi your own clothing and hat*; aak for ' , moUet; Kranch pattern* cut to order. N. Y. _ Icaderay of Dealgning (IT years In Wash- OR naton). lllii <1 ?* n.w. rranii. T4TB. 2g? lji SXPERIKNCEI) aaleswomen In our suit, waiat CD nd trimmed hat departments; position per- wo nanent; good salary; application in person or *? nail. The Lotrrre. 1116 r at. n.w. dri IASY TO LEARN and well paid profession is PfJ elephone nwltchboeid operating; for a small f" torn wa flt iron for a position in 12 one-hottr ifSessona. Call and gat rates. Hilton School, CO as 14th it hoi IXFIMUBNORD P. B. X. OPERATOR for ho- 5il el. Day work. Address Box SOO-T, Star offloa. 00 2?? IIRL, attractive, young, for Vogue pattern CO lent., the Wells Shop, 1381 <1 st. n.w. dr] lOOD WAITRESS for dining room work; ex- J icrieneed; good wages, room and board. Call r,J 01 Eye n.w. nei 1O01) tVoKlAS*. experienced, to take full harge of dining room; we pay good aalury. CO Cinreiasion and room and board. Call 1W1 Eye I. n.w. !U eork after office hours, thus supplementing heir present salary, aee Miss Kinney, 610 ili duaser hldf.. Friday. 7:30 p.m. CO 10VXRNMENT CLERKS?Our eournt la St* Jh] lograpky will St yon for a position la IS Say a. ? IS^a^iLwoo RAPHieoi?saaoou- cc , ?P'?. i?*. ???., %iayt.. g WANTED?HELP. romi.F,?_ .DIES?To Uka abort count In ma real and IC inlcuriaa; poaltiona open, $30 to $40 per p iek. In city or out; can place you at once. H one Col. 2247. 27' g [bT to clerk in dry gooda and ladies' fur- T. ibinf atore; ateady position, with liberal j: lary. Apply Burcb'a Dry Oooda Store, 8068 H at. n o. 27' C ADIES (young) to wait on ? ble; work that is dignified and ? jual to any clerical work; ighest wages and all meals. ? hilds Co., 1423 Pa. ave. ? 1ARN costume designing and draping. even- g ; classes. Washington 8chool of Art, 1502 a th at. n.w. Phone Frank. 2497. _____ (' J.LINEBY?Bright white girl for millinery f, >ckroom. Apply Aah, 1217 Conn, ave. q 'KRATOBS on electric sewing machine; only q ?ady workers wanted; good pay. National ?. nip Co.. 408 1st a.e. PERMANENT POSITIONS h Paying * $17.00 PER WEEK < to start, 5 $21.00 PER WEEK ij beginning of 5th week; J,1 ELEVEN HUNDRED e dollars during first year and J* HIGHER THEREAFTER. 3! In addition to a good salary to c art and frequent increases, g lephone operating at this time ? ffers unusual opportunity to ? ivance to higher paid super- ? sory positions. L We will be glad to tell you of *] lese opportunities if you will u ill at our Employment Office. 725 13th St. N.W. n rhe Chesapeake and Potomac Telephone Co. fi I8ITION8 now open; bookkeepers, clerks, _ tuffeurs, secretaries. 406 Pope bldg., 817 14 th n.w. LESI*ADY for souvenir store; opportunity 1! advancement. Apply Sunday afternoon or ening. New York Souvenir Co., 473 Pa. R f. n.w. 27* fi LESIjADIES. Apply at once Fruit and Nut ~ r>p. 1231 G n.w. . ^ ALESLADIES?Experienced, f millinery and waist depart- ? ent; good salary, steady posi- ? 3ns. Young Ladies' Shop, J! 13 G st. n.w. J LE8LADIES. candy counter; experience ^ essary. Knickerbocker Candy Store, 18th st. F I Columbia rd. rc H CRETAR Y-STENOGRAPHER at $120. with h ince of advancement; worn is hard, but in- ~ estinje: state qualifications crd present em- J yraent. Address Box 341 T. Star office. * DA DI8PEN8ER8. two, at once. Apply 705 w h st. n.w.. Mr. SDiller. 27* h< ENOGRAPHER and typist. Apply Young !>' Simon. 346 Woodward bldg. \i ENOGRAPHER experienced in patent work: te salary. Address Box 332-T. Star office. * ENOGRAPHERS-TYPISTS?Intense coach- ^ for civil service examinations. Tuition. $5. ' lerican Business College, Prof. Freeman, in.. 410 Kellogg bldg.. 1416 F at. 1 ENOG RAPHERS?Experienced and N?gin- " s; also typists and clerks; no registration s. National Service Agency. Room 318, ?1- __ V ILORE8S, white: best wages. K. Eumir, ,, > 8th at. s.e. Line. 4850. ACHERS for parlor readings, dramatics. i,< ce training, piano and violin. Call 5 Dupont rle n.w., 5-9 p.m. 20* KI LEPHONKOPERATOR with slight clerical hi rk. in large real estate office; $00 month, y dress Box 234-T. Star office. jj LEPHONE OPERATOR wanted immediate^ 1 experiences! and rapid. State references, r dress Box 308-T, Star office. ilTRESS. experienced, white, $15 per week. c itrict Lunch, 661 Pa. are. s.e. 28* IlNTED?Women and men of character and lity to assist in selling best northwest real ate: large commissions; experience not nec- A ary; full and free instruction; need not in- ct fere with present employment; opportunity w more than double your income. See E. H. ssell, 320 Colorado bldg.. 14th and G n.w. B ocl* w 11TK LADY?Candy factory and pastry di- fi -tment. Old Va. Stores. Munaey bldg. jy flTE WAITBKHHTn lunchroom, 10:30 to 3. Sunday work. Franklin 1782-W. 28* R )MAN to clean in store and bakery; good ri ges. 3412 14th st. n.w. tf fOMEN for pantry work; g ghest wages; all meals and ti >nus. Childs Restaurant, 1423 s a. avc. ? OUNG LADY to work in of- F :e; accurate at figures. Frazee ! < 3tomac Laundry, 18th and D w. w UNO LADY to work at soda fountain. Ap- 1' Lewis Flemer, 18th and Columbia road n.w. 28* 1 MALE AWP FEMALE. " CODNTANCT?INCOMK TAX?Oar 30 day ? irse prepares for appointment or transfer revenue auditor; salaries, $1,640-12.740; new L sues forming:. FREE INTRODUCTORY JV ASSES Monday, 7:30 p.m. Inquire for out- _ es. Revenue Auditors' Training Inst., 412 C llogg bldg., 1416 F st. j< TENSION, high school boys and girls, we S\ nt boys and girls who want to mnae some c ney after school hours. Call totween 4 k 1 0 p.m. any day this week, 120 MGill 77 &: in OKS, butler, parlormaid, chambermaid. 1 leral maids, kitchenmaids; all colored; refer- y es required. Iteid's Agency, 1410 Q ol iN AND WlFE. white, as butler~and charn- 7, maid in country home, just outside of city; trolley line; capahlc nettled couple pre- .. red. Phone Col. 4925. Address Box 35, Bil- W Spring, Md. 'j] lN AND WIFE as cook and butler, white; ^ imbermaid, personal maid, waitress, parlor- F id, cook, kltchenmald; all white; references Rt uired. Reid's Agency, 1449 Q st. p AODAliTl TXTTT'VT c: Ul 1W1VI U1>11 X . d( This is a day of opportunity F r the trained?and this is the yi hool in which to get the F aining. ui I helpful faculty, pleasant roomy quarters; K > latest and beat equipment and the most ai nplete course. All these mean a better t ining and a better position upon graduan. ? Special classes from 5 to 7. [tegular classes from 7 to 0:30. J Standard of this school guaranteed by its ? illation with Strayer's Business College. Washington Business and Civil n Service School, " 1317 New York Ave. Phone M. 4304. !? frBMAtB DOMESTIC. OKKKKFER - STENOGRAPHER, joling y: Hilary to (Uyrt, $35 per week. Apply 805 ai tiii bldg. * f[AMBERMAID Ind waltreis, colored; must pi e children; can atey eights; wages, $45 a nth; good home. Call Clere. 520. 27* , [AHUlBHAtb, white; beat reference re"- r ired; remain at night. Apt. 51, 1150 Con- f tlcut are. 28* [AMBERMAID and waltreaa, colored. Apply k 12 l?th at. 28* ffl [AMBERMAID and waitress and assist with oi i?- ?tav nlchts: refi?rpnrpH ronniroil T?1 * ' 403. 28* g IAMHKKMAID and scrubwoman. good wages n right party ; permanent. 837 1st st. n.e. cl iAMBKHUAID an<l general huuseworker; C irt hours to right party; ehlerly person pre- jj red. 809 E st. n.w. 29* si iAMhtfNMAlD - As?*t at waiting. Apply I T* idy for wofte, 2100 Mam. nv*?. n.w. 8 LfSfBERMAID-waitresn for boarding' house. } 18 13th st. n.W. 27* [AMBJBH WORK and mending; settled white s man; In suburban home; neat, eapable * man appreciated. Phone Columbia 4920. Ad- i'! >sa Boa 86, Silver Spring, Md. X IA)1U5D COOKS, bouaeworkers, waitresses; p' kinds of good places; city and suburban. e: dies' Exchange. 807 Vermont aye. _ IX)BED OIRU neat, for cooking and general 8' isework; no washing, lira. J. W. Stabl, 8' i Heeler Place n.w. 27* H OK and housework, stay nighta It preferred; ? efences. 17?0 Park rd. 28? g OK, colored, and light housework: no laim- '! r; stay nighta; references required. Tel. T re. 402. 28* h; OK and maid?Cook to do some washing; 1 it colored women; references required. Call mlngs or evenings after 7. 12Q7 19th. 27* ei iOK, good, or general worker, while or ^ ored ; good wages : room with hath. 13 West rke St.. Chevy Phase. Phone Cleve. 1103. 37* J iOKIN'G and generol housewoia; colored n nan, with references; str.y nights. 163U f ih st. n.w. ,j IOKINO and ganarnl housework: family of r> rea; no wtahing. Call after 7:80 p.m. at . II Q at. n.w. or telephone Main 1607 be- _ !!_&_ SI? . IOK?A colored woman as cook at once; stay 1 thts: Chevy Chase. Md. Tal. Oltve. 1874. 29* vi ? W AH TED?HELP PHWA1.B DOMB9TIC OOK for boarding tWH. 1123 13th ?.w. 28? OOK and bouaeworker, with or without launr.v; good wage*. 1778 Lanier place. Col. OOK, willing to do amall laundry. 1832 Calgrt at. OOK?White reliable middle-aged woman tor trm. N. 752-J. 918 M at. n.w.. Apt. 88. 27* XCELLKN'T POglTIONS. no tee*; references quired; general bouaeworkera, cooka, maida, hite and colored; bouaekeepera. Alliance Commnity Center Dept., Franklin 8cbool, third oor. . Afi!iKll!iI<(tHiU UUUH IB get uiuuctB ?w? ???. pt. 606, lQgQ 8 st. OR GENERAL HOUSEWORK?Only reliable irl need apply; $50 per month. 3220 Highland *e., Cleveland Park. Phone Cleve. 584. 27* ENERAL HOUSEWORK?No laundry; 3 In imily. 0 Grafton at., Chevy Chase. Phone leve. 33. 27* IRL for general housework, no washing and oning; sfciy nights. 808 5th st. n.w. IRL for general housework; no washing} good ome; stay nights. 4605 15th st. Phone Col. 911. 28* I ML for general housework; ^tiall family; ood wages; reference. 1007 Vhode Island v?>. n.e. North 2228. 27* IRL for halfrday work, mornings from 8 to 2. 3409 Hoi mead pi. n.w. IRL?General housework. 1454 Fairmont st. w. IRL for general housework! good wages. *26 H st. n.w. 27* IRL OR WOMAN, white, for general work ; Cleveland Park; one who appreciates good nme; $35 a month; nice room and hoard. Adross Box 141-T, Star office. IRL for general housework. 1872 Columbia >ad. 27* OVERNESS, French preferred. field's goney. 1449 Q st. [AVE two nice basement rooms for woman itli husband or child, who will keep house for imily of three, with good wages. Tel. Ianc. T25. 28* AUSDRK8S wanted. Call 2024 18th HtTn.w. [AID to stay nights; white preferred. Call at 842 29th ct.. from 4 to 0, or phone W. 1313 ^r appointment. [AID-GENERAL HOU8BWORK?Home nights, ochambeau Apts. Call Col. 8277. 29* iTkSE! experienced, first-class, white; stay Ights; two babies; wages. $00. 2311 Conneccut ave.. Apt. 505. North 1874. 27* ELI ABLE WOMAN for general housework. pply 1018 14th st. n.w. EL1ABLE COOK; also maid. Must have refrences. Also 1 colored male student for partme work. Good proposition. Call after 4:30. 734 K st. n.w. 28* T ,ot p rviwi iM tA Ha <?<?n?rai housework I i'.tiiauiiu TT ViUAt< ~ ? jmily of six; good pay. Apply 328 Md. ave. .e. * TENOGRAPHER, young lady wanted imraelatcly; good salary. Apply 305 Bond bldg., 4th and New York aye. * YPIST, young lady for afternoon work only: jod salary Apply 305 Bond bldg., 14th and ew York are. * WAITRESS?Neat" experienced, white; in juntry liorae: 30 minutes from center of city; ther white help. Phone Columbia 4925. Adross Box 35. Silver Spring. Md. . WANTED?First-class general housework girl; rench preferred, not over thirty years old; lust be good cook; wages. $60. Apply Mrs. . IT. Arnold, Apartment F-GOO, Wardman Park [otel. 1* flflTE INFANT'S NURSE, $60; white cGokT 80 : for family of two. Ladies' Exchange, 807 errnont ave. TOMAN, settled white, to take charge of ?use and children while mother ia away. Aplv 3022 8th st.. Congress Height*. D. C. 27* "OMAN for general housework, family four Jults; cook, wash and iron. 1647 Newton st. .w. 29* ("OMAN or girl, white or colored, for general ousekeeping. Three in family. Good home nd wages. Extra bedroom and kitchen for ving. if desired. Tel. Lincoln 2725. 28* yOMAN. white, cooking and general work iu :nvenient and comfortable suburban home, nail family and good wuges. Phone Falls hurch 86 or write Box 181, East Falls Church, a. 28* fOMAN for general housework, including launry; room with bath if stay nights; good f-me and wages. 1331 Park road n.w. 27* OUNG LADY for position as store clerk, good ilary aud rapid advancement. Apply 305 Bond Idg. OUNG LADY wanted for large candy estabHhment: good salary. Apply 305 Bond bldg., 4th and New York are. -2 MD. AVE.?Girl wanted for general house? ora ; nq rwmig. WANTED?SITUATIONS. *AI,R SSISTANT CHEMIST. bure?n nf ,f*ud?ril?, allege graduate, office experience. widies night nrk. Address Box 312 T. Star offi?-e. 28* AKER. good on pastry, cakes and bread, ants position. 906 Eye at. n.w. *^ lOOKKEEPEK of long experience, desires os it ion; best of references. Address Box 47 T. Star office. 2* OOKKEEPER - ACCOUNTANT, experienced : ipuble of managing store or office, desires 'mpoiary position; day or night; references. ddress Box 155-T, Star office. 28* OOfK KEEPER-ACCOUNT A NT. competent and >oroughly experienced, desires connection for prmanent employment. Address Box 320-T. tar office. 28* UTLER or cook, by young Filipino; referice. Mrs. A. Calver, 3721 P st. n.w. Phone rank. 437.r?. 28* EMENT PLASTERING, carpenter work, by dored man. 1327 12tli n.w. Phone N. y'OW. Byrd. 28* HAUFFEUR or truck driver desires j osition it It private family or as heavy truck driver; ) years' experience. Paul Flood, -413 lUli st. w. 28* HAUFFEUR to operate private car; refer">! ? o*noripni?pH 142!i Corcoran at. n.w. HAUFFEUR?Private family ec truck; in ?wn or out of town. 1335 Wylie^ at. n.e. 29* HAUFFEUR and butler, good, reliable, wishes >sition in private. 2533V& 15th n.w. Phone ol. 1101-J. 28* HAUFFEtTK?Md. and D. C. permits; wiihea >b with private family or delivery; knows ity well. Write or call 1157 21st at. n.w. 27* HAUFFEUR?Experienced or work of any ind. 1725 11th ?t. n.w. 27* OLORE^ MAN, rpspectable, as stockroom an or warehouse. Apply W. H. Robinson. 244 I U. n.e. 27* ARM FOREMAN, experienced, wants charge ir farm near city. Fall West 2459-J. 27* OUSEMAN or driving, by colored man; city ferences. 1421 Swunn St. n.w. IXX~, middle-age, situation uh engineer or undy man in apartment. Address Box 303-T, lar office. APEHUANOING?Piece, day at Job. 111ft V . n.w. North 8288. 28* EHKONAL?Phyalrian, four years' hoapltal Kperience. wishes to take night calls for busy actor. Address Box 318-T. Star office. * OSlTION in gents* furnishings business by uung man. Address Box 802-T, Star office. 28* 08ITION with automobile agency or accessory ore by young man. Address Box 301-T, Star Bee. . 28* ELI ABLE <VJLOREI> MAN as botler or allround housMOian: $60 per month. Call or leplione North 4305. No. 1800 13th st. n.w. AI.E8MAX~~~deairee to represent a reliable rm, any line of goods. Address Box 24fi-T, tar office. 2* Fires aim. OOKKEEPER-ACCOUNTANT, experienced, tpahle of taking rhacge of office and to net in inBdentlal capacity. Address Box 232-B. Star Bee. 27* HESSMAKINO by feshionable dressmaker at >me or cut by tJie day. Phone X. 9233. 28* Dre?smaking. Modlate and <1-signer of afreet, afternoon nd evening f ia. 424 7th at. n.e. 27* XPERIKV :u WHITE UIHI, wants place In or i .u'eterls. E. B. Phillips, 3073 M st. w. * ACE CURTAINS stretehed?a specialty. 203 st. n.w. Eilia Hatchett. 27* ADY, intelligent, wishes position la office or :ore; one not requiring stenography or bookreping. Address Bex 707-T, ft tar office 28* EaTKON or stewardess of hotel, fraternity r club. Phone Mra. Searfoas, Fruklln 7190. 27* [155 liEKT. taantonable tnodl.ta and deaigaer; 1 a .ftamnnti anil Vpninff ffAvna m assa. ill;': also rer- 'deling. 1704 Hilbeurne at. n.w. ol. 8227. _ 1H8. KBBTK ficlentlBe rare of "The lmlr and air: opening for fear more regular patron** sidence. Phone N. 5812. 27* SWING?Would wlah a few euatomers at ante; children's clothea only: new and rendellng. 8* Todd |)l. Phone North 6048. 27* iTlPPINo'ctEiili and aaaorter, or place In lore or office, anything, bp light, intelligent slored girl; experience and reference. 1723 ermont ave. 27* rENOURAPHEH?loung lady: romp-den: and tperlenued. Address Box 310-T, Btar office. 29* TENOOBAPHBR, experienced. Phone Mist farfoss, Franklin 7190. 87* TENOGRAFfcliil. expert, high school gradlT te; 9 years Congressional; legal, patent and oyernment experience: references. 1781 Coimbia road. Phone Columbia 384. 27* YPIHT or general office work; position wanted V young lady; knowledge of shorthand. Adress Box 343-T. Btar office. ? rHITE ENGLISH COOK, *100; good referices. White chambermaid. Ladles' Exchange, J7 Vt. ave. MALE A WD FEMALE. CAN SUPPLY reliable colored help. Call lain 50117. 27* SRlTOIl?Colored man and wife want aituuon. 821 New Hampshire are. TolTR PI pit*?Violin furnished for trial aeons. Address Box 233-T, Star office. 29* frKMALfc OOMfestlC. r TWd COLORED WOMEN, Short hones' rort. Call 49 O at. a.w. ggs ^s^OTrmgrjHBrrngys % , WASTED?SITUATIONS. FEMALE DOWK8T1C? COOK, colored, withes position in enfe or restaurant. Experienced and reliable. 1221 V*j Duncan at. n.c. COOK, first-class; colored girl wants place; ; can furnish reference. Call at 720 8 ?t n.w. COOK?Settled woman want# place. 14 L at. n.w. DAY'S WORK of any kind, by a reliable colored woman; a good laundress. 41 Ifass. eve. n.w. GENERAL HOUSEWORK wanted bj colored girl. 1926 Phelpa st. n.w. GENERAL HOUSEWORK or chambermaid. Call 1615 V at. n.w. GENERAL HOUSEWOKlt. by glrT; short hours; heat references. 1925 9th St. n.w. GIRL, colored, place as hotel chambermaid. Please call 1451 Hwann St. n.w. 28* LAUNDRY work to take home; eunny yard; reference. 1352 28th it. LAUNDRY, first-class, to do at home; for lady or gentleman. 1631 Marion st. n.w. Frank. 1741-W. LAUNDRY WORK by th^ day, by colored woman. 2034 Ga. ave. n.w.. Apt. 1. LAUNDRY out by the dayT by reliable colored woman. 660 K at. n.w. 27* LAUNDRESS, colored girl wishes place. 1823 Vermont are. n.w. LAUNDRESS, first-class, wants work to take home. 2120 L st. n.w. LAUNDRESS?Reliable colored woman wishes small washings to do at home. Phoae West 2142. or call 1106 23d at n.w. 27* MAID in store or doctors office; light colored girl. 1107 1 st st. n.w. 27* NURSE, trained, desires charge of young baby; iMijanmo* indorsements. rsorin 4U?u. PLACE in apt., day's "work only; neat colored girl. 1513 8 st. n.w. PLACE TO WORK wanTe(T?by?iT~coiored girl firm Virginia. Call 1.117 12th at. n.w. RELIABLE, settled white woman, light nousework: no cards or letters. 417 G st. n.w. 28* TRAIN Eli NURSE wants infant to care for by the hour, day or week. North 1634-W. 2R* WAITRESS or dishwasher; colored girl wishes position. 1421 Swann st. n.w. WASH (bundle) to take home; colored girl. Call 1817 T st. n.w.. Apt. 2. WASHING to do at home wanted. 1928 Phelps st. n.w. WASHING to take home, by colored woman: ladies, man and wife. North ?570-W. WOMAN, settled, colored, wants cleaning or laundry work by the day. 82 O st. n.w. WOMAN wishes day's worlT 21 L st. n.w.. third floor. Sunday and Monday. 27* WORK of any kind from 8 to 4 ; reliable col orcd girl. North 2642-W. WORK, day's, by colored^gtrL 1650 Fla. ave. n.w. WORK of any kind for colored girls at once. 26 Patterson st. n.e. WORK, by day or week, or apt. to clean; colored woman: reference. 1958 2nd st. n.w. WORK in apt. after school, by high school girl. 1708 10th st. n.w. WORK, day's; laundry: 2 or 3 days a week; colored woman. 2253 9th .st. n.w. WORK ?> Days'. by~ reliable colored woman. 1159 1st at. n.w.. Apt. 3. WANTED?MISCELLANEOUS The American Household Co. SECOND-HANI) HOUSEHOLD GOODS BOUGHT AND SOLD. Franklin 4084. 509 11th ?t. n.w. 3* WANTED?Second-hand latrobe; good condition. Phone Line. 1907-W. _ WANTED?To buy first-class office furniture sufficient for two rooms. Address Box 314-T, Star office. FURNITURE, rugs. tableware, antiques, bocks, etc. Rilej, 433 11th st. n.w. M. 6162.* WANTED?5,000 job#, tinning, gutter, spout, roofing, stoves, ranges, furnaces and hot-water repairing of all kinds, house painting. We are equipped to do this work in the best possible manner and our price is right. All work first-class and guaranteed. Address Box 304-T, Star office. WANTED?Best baby grand piano for all cash. Call Lincoln 5257, or address Box 221-T, Star office. WANTED?One electric fan or blower, for blacksmith; state price. J. C. Wallace. 416 6th st. n.w. 27* WANTED?Hot-water radiators; 2 about 23 sections. 24 in. high; 3 about 15 sections. 24 in. high. Write, giving price, to F. Watson, 3601 30th Kt. n.c, . 28* WANTED, furniture and feather beds; best prices paid. Write 611 llaaa. ave. n.w., or phone Franklin 7379-J. Capital Furniture Go. 30* LAUNDRY MACHINERY. Wanted to purchase 2 drying tumbler*. 2 extractors. 1 mangier, or any other laundry machinery. Address Box 146-T. Star office. 27* Send tor Louts Notes, 814 E St. N.W. If jan feiTC U7 furniture or other good* to oil. end yon will obtain boot remits. Fbos, Fisnklln 2015. ^ STAMP COLLBCTfONC old coin,, medals, fa lee teeth, diamond*, goM. direr bought. Waahlngtou Bettnlag Co., ?33 Pa. ore. n.w. H. 0198. Oct* \VANTEI>?To liny aome uaed furniture ifor larKc UUUic. airu wu iujo nuu oi?n carpet. Phono Franklin 7744. 27* WANTED?To buy old furniture and feather beds. When selling why not drop a postal to the old reliable firm? H. MARKS, 1002 Fairmont st. Ph. Col. 851-W. HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID FOR SEC0NDliand furniture, household goods and antiques. M. SHAPIRO. Phone Franklin 3785. 600 La. ave. n.w. N. KIR8TEIN, Furniture and carpets for a country hotel Phone North 4100. 1822 7th at. n.w. WILL CAI.L IX tir UNLETTERED AUTOmobile, city or suburban, and pay you highest prices for ladies', gentlemen's, children's discarded clothing* of all descriptions. Address postal or phone. I will call. W. RICE, 1332 7th n.w. N. 1755. KEEI' THIS IN TOUR MIND. We pay the highest prices for your worn clothes. Phone Franklin 7328-W or write to 111? 14th st. n%w. Abraham's. WANTED?Feather beds and furniture. Rest prices paid. Square Deal Furniture Co., 501 Eye n.w. Phor." Main 5638. WE BUY household furniture, pay highest cash prices; money advanced on storage at 0%. SACHS FURNITURE CO., cor. oth and D sts. n.w. Main <5306. FURNITURE?Vou will feel satisfied with 1 f 4J ?00 L" ... _ ... pnrps t yuj ?? mcibcuucii, u->. mi. u. w. Franklin 6151. _ FURNITURE. enough for a 10-room house, wanted immediately. Will buy aa a whole or odd pieces. Kindly call Franklin 3785. WANTED ? FURN1TDBE, PIANOS, CARpeta, etc. Phone M. 1282 for wagon or have ua call. "WR8CHLER." 920 Pa. ave. n.w. WANTED?FURNITURE FOR CASH. SELL your goods to the man who gives you the moat money. HOPWOOD'S, 8th and K. FURNITURE wanted at once for rooming houaeof 15 rooms, including piano, bedroom carets, dining room and odd pieces. Call Franklin 5662 or Main 4488. TTTrn youk old clothes into cash. Highest prices paid for men's and children's worn clothing and shoes. Send postal or phone. : J. COHEN. 1104 7th at. n.w. Phone N. 3628. WILL CALL, city or suburban, pay highest prices for ladies', men's and children's worn clothing and shoes Write or phone J. TAHSHE8, 1308 7th n.w. Phone North 499. WHEN SELLING your clothes, think of Max, ] who pays the highest cash prices. 937 D at. | n.w. Phone Main 8868. | CLOTHES wanted; highest prices paid for la- j dies', men's and children's worn clothes, shoes, j North 8315. G. Litchman, 1744 7th n.w. j WE'LL GIVE you cash for your pianos and talking machines. A. F. ARNOLD, successor to Ellis St Arnold, Auctioneers, 1323 G st. Main OQ14 FURNITURE, ruga, antiques. We pay tnorv ! than ever for household effects. 8. A. Csmmack & Bra., ?87 La. are. Main 7030. 4>L? OOliP. SILVER. Bite. DIAMONDS! DIAMONDS! Bought fa* cash. ABRAHAMS. 811 q mar. HIGHEST CASH PRICES Paid far Jewelry, eld cold, allvar, dlamaada artificial teeth and platinum. DALPHER ww 8 at. Pll. Mam Mil. DIAMONDS, GOLD, 8ILVER, COINS, PLATIBom bought. ABB ABRAHAM8, Mfi Oth a.*. Phone Main HM. fi rr i s=sm-\ ti"! i ... i n * .rt PERSONAL. AT MOST ANY MOMENT YOU ARE APT To call Main 4145, and then It puta you on the right road to best cash-down price for any amount ladles' and men's worn clothing, satchels, shoes, etc., and we must buy and no two ways about It. JUSTH'S OLD STAND, ?1? D. BY A respectable colored couple an infant boy or girl to adopt; must be bright, with dark eyes and hair. Addreaa Box 140-T, Star office. 28* S. APPLEBEE, EXPERT Farrier and ladle*' tailor. Fur coats, muffs and stoics remodeled into latest styles. 1004 K st. n.w. Franklin 71160-J. YOUNG American gentleman would like to meet refined Spanish person to converse in Spanish and English; highest credentials. Ad<ircHS_Fox 7fi-T. Star office. 27 HAIH-DHEHSKIt. manicurist, etc., doing residential work, wanted. Jlox fiT?2, 11th st. I\ O. sta. Franklin filfi. between 3 and fi. 27* will" RiiT^rouiT fuftTinil' rats! Mi7rtn bedbuga, roaches, wate.btiga. and flcss. SAI'P, 820 t'olwado bldg. Phone Mnin 5x3. 30* BR--;?ANS. NfcRVE AND HTOMAfH^SPE^ cislist?My electric treatment Is proving wonderfully euceeaaful. I absolutely guafantea relief. Conaultattoa free, 1347 L st. Ph. Pr. 157. WE AM N'6W ?AYi?i5~fr6ft to *iA men's and ladlaa' sulta. v v WASHINGTON CLOTHING EXCHANGE, 633 BAT. Mail* asih erwUqp y? BUSINESS Of P0STTOITH1. WA'NTED?Energetic man to In rest $10,000 and services in established business. Address Bos 295-T, Star oBce. _ WILL SHARE with party who owns lsad suit able for trucking. Address Bos 274-8, Star office. SO* FURNISHED 7-ROOM DWELLING; ELE< tricity; b.w.h.; business section; 1 year lease; will sacrifice. Apply upstairs. 125 Pa. ave. n.w. 28* $1,500?GROCERY; no better location; rooms; lease. $800?Grocery; good location; rooms. $900?Grocery and del. in Mt. Pleas.: rooms. $700?Barber shop; 3 chairs; rent, $25. $400?Part cash; tailor shop; rent, $20. $1,000?Fountain and confectionery, in apart* meet house; rent. $50; lease. $700?shoe shine and hat cleaning. $1.200?Near beer; rent. $25; colored trade. $1,000?Colored lunchroom; rooms; lease; no better stand in town. $1.600?Rooming house; 18 rooms. $900?Rooming house; income, $250. R. M. CURTIS. 416 5th st. n.w. Room fi!7. ROOMING HOUSE, handsnmrlv furnished, for Rale; excellent location; terms. 401 Munsey bid*. rooming house; Centrally located; 21 rooms; well furnished; low rent; price reasonable; terms. Address Box 321-T, Star office. * PTfTcarley, Reliable Business Broker, 617 E st. n.w. Phone F. 6153. Remember, i do not charge you for listing and advertising your business. Remember, i will not misrepresent to make a sale. If you have any doubts, inquire. Satisfied customers do the work for me. No hot air at 617 E. For your inspection; a few real money makers : 13-room rooming house, downtown location; pas and electricity. Price, $700. 12-room rooming house, near 12th and New York ave. ; 2 baths; furnace heat: up-to-date furniture; lease. Terms, $1,000 cash: $2,200. 13-room rooming house near 14th and O its. ; 2 hatha; gas and electricity; bteaui heat; low rental. A good buy at $1,800. 13-room rooming bouse near Pension Park; rent. $25: income about $150: tertua 11 OOO o-room rooming house near Pension Park; $750. 7-room rooming house, s.w. location. A snap at $500. 12-room rooming house, s.w. location. A snap at $400. Cigar and delicatessen, with up-to-date fountain : rent, $50, with lease; part cash. Price, $3,500. Delicatessen and cigar, with up-to-date fountain and fixtures; a mint for a hustler. Price, $4,000. Light grocery and frifits. near government building; low rental; good business. Price, $3,000. Grocery and market store on a busy northwest corner: daily business, $150: $4,000. I have several grocery and market storea, all sections of the city. Pricea range from $1,500 to $5,000 If you are looking for a bajtery see me. I have several paying places for your inspection. Shoe repairing with up-to-date machinery: good stock of leather and rubber goods: low rental, with lease. Price, $1,800. Seafood stands in a busy market, catering to the best trade; daily business. $150; will sacrifice for $1,500. If you are looking for a near beer and light lunch see me. I have the place you are looking for. Pricea range from $500 to $7,000. P. F. CARLEY. ROOMING HOUSK for sale: downtown: near depts.; 15 rooms, 3 baths. Filled with roomers. All cr%partly furnished. Yearly lease or longer. Address Box 305-T, Star office. 1*8* FOUNTAIN and confectionery, splendid corner store; 5-year lease; $3,800. 3101 M at. n w. 27* WILL sell large rooming house and transfer lease; near 10th and Eye sts. n.w. Address Box 164-T. Star office. WANTED?By permanent employe government dept., $200 for immediate use on note indorsed by others; payable in 4 months with interest I and bonus. Address Box 280-T, Star office. 27* HAVE few hundred dollnrs to invest with services. Address Box 281 -T. Star office. 27* IXTEBEST-BEARING NOTE8 of reputable local financial corporation in denominations of $500 and multiples thereof: 8 per cent interest payable in advance: bond of recognised surety company guaranteeing principal attar tied to each note. For further information see Mr. Nelson. Room 332. Munsey Mdg. BUSINESS ASSOCIATE wanted who can invest $500 in a local established busineaa of national scope; silent or active, but giving some little time to the clerical and financial end of the business for one-half the profits, which are large: investment full^ secured. Address Bo* 181-T. Star office. 28* GROCERY and meat market for anle, doing good business; five-year lease; good location. 1247 Shepherd st. n.w. 29* SACRIFICE; $1,860 delicatessen store; will sell at once for $1,000; room and garage for rent cheap. 523 4?,? st. s-w. 28* WILL INVEST in profitable business with services. Address Box 13-8, Star office. , BARBER SHOP for sale; good money-making hop; Very reasonable. 506 12th st. i.e. 27? LOCAL CORPORATION requiring additional capital for expansion offers 8% preferred stock with liberal bonui of common stock free. Preferred is paying dividends. Unusual opportunity for large or small investors, combining safety of principal with every prospect of large profit. Full information mailed upon request. No obligation. Address Box 103-P. Star office. WE OFFER the mail order rights on a paint trade specialty now selling in retail stores throughout the country. Busi ness can De nanaiea spare time, and will furnish a permanent lucrative income. Capital required, $1,500.00, to be expended in stock and sales. Address Box 130-T. Star office. ROOMING HOUSE, furnished; good location; doing good business, for sale. Call 337 Pa. live, n.w.. i 27* WANTED?Lunch room near Union station. Full details fitst letter. Address Box 273-8, Star office. 27* ESTABLISHED STORE?Grocery, ice cream and soda water: money maker for hustler; in suburb: or will trade for clear city properties. Addrcas Box 5-T. Star office. 27* EXCEPTIONAL KAKXINC POSSIBILITIES for investments up to $1,000; profitable prospective employment for investors. For interview address Box 32-P. 8tar office. octl* A~"OOOD TAILORING BUSINESS; well fitted up; a Hoffman presser and first-class show cases for sale. Address Box 32-T, 8tar office. 27* ATTRACTIVE PROPOSITIONS to live producers acquainted with automobile garage* and dealers. Men with first-class records only neeo apply. Address Boa 2(W-8. Star office. 27* GROCERY AND MEAT MARKET; cash; up-todate. Apply at cor. Sherman ave. and Park road n.w. 26* GROCERY AND MEAT STORE doing good business; rent reasonable; long lease if needed; 2 living rooms. Owner leaving city. S3& 3rd st. n.w. 30* FOR SALE?MISCELLANEOUS. ! FIK.XITLKB. PARLOR SET of three pieces; nicely upliotstered; for $25: and kitchen table, chairs and pictures. Foiltanet Court*. Apt. 205. 29* CHIFFONIER, oak, $13; New England couch. $12; washstand, $2; toilet set, $2; folding lied. $7: two folding cots, player-piano, $?<*) (cost $800); sanitary couch, $16. 1417 Q st. n.w. BUFFET, serving table, china closet, library table, settee, music cabinet, all quartered oak. wax finish; Stickley style; oak rocker, leather seat; Eddy ice box, piano lamps, parchment shade; Burroughs portable billiard and pool i table, % sise; immediate sale; no dealers. 1420 8hepberd st. Vol 7683. I OAK DINING ROOM SUITE, table, six chairs and buffet. 1724 T at. n.w., Apt. 23. Call after 6 p.m. BEDROOM SUITE?81x pieces, mahogany; | Louis XVI style; cost $800; in use six months; i in perfect condition; will sell for $500 cash: owner leaving city. Call 1426 Q st. or phone N. 4475. 28* KITCHKN CABIN ET?Beautiful: two Burney-Martin beds, one large rug. two small rugs, cookLng utensils and dishes. Call Tuesday and Wednesday. 933 23rd st. n.w. 28* CHAIRS, bed?,~~rug. linoleum, dislies. Singer sewing machine. 500 Seward square s.e. * | MAHOGANY BUFFET. Steinway piano, music cabinet, bird's-eye chiffonier and dresser, Wilton rugs, tables, chairs, pictures, bric-a-brac, , dishes. Apt. 22, 1315 Clifton st. Phone Col. ! 290. 28* J I 1217 18th ST. N.W.?Parlor suite, furniture, \ [etc.; reasonable. 28* ; | DINING ROOM; bedroom, library and odd j pieces furniture; excellent condition. 1620 8 I st. * j DESK (cashier's); office railing and partition, t I The Wells Shop. 1831 G st. . { FURNITURE?Cash, credit. Special discount i for cash. Save money, buy at Hopweod'a, 9th j and K sta. ___ 1 HANDSOME early Rngliah dining room aet; i ten pieces: cost $500, sell $300; also sewing machine; used only ten months; cost $58; tell $25 cash. Cleveland 1745. 28* j FUMED OAK living room set, odd chairs and i duofold couch; golden oak sideboard, with : large plate glass mirror, desk, rocker aud small J stands, seven okk bureaus, in good condition; # six white enamel lieds. two brass beds, all complete; woven wire springs, cots. rugs, bed- , room tables, rockers and chairs; one large, one small kitchen table, as good as new; kitchen chairs and odd lot of kitchen utensils. 1635 ' Conn, nve. n.w. 27* j MAflOGANY dining set. buffet, cabinet, six ( chain, table; egcellent condition; $$00. Tel. i North 7d70. 27* < HANDSOME mahogany dining roe?, parlor and i hall furnitun: irorj Wroo# tuitt and other i AiicsUara. let mahUA 771. 27* j A FOB SALE?XXSCELLAlTEOTOb rt'RNITI'KE?CathMk c'dtPFOHm?Ivory, 9 drawer* ud miner; excellent condition; alreoat sew. 24S4 Wtk at. Col. WW. 37* ill88|OM library table and tnrtaii. aadlreaa and irate. Col. .'.(>93. XT* ODD PIECES of'YuraituraTearpeU. etc. PboM Main Ue4?._ J7? BEDBOOM SET ? 3 pieceT-oak; practtrallj new. .W2 i; at. n.e. SB* HOCSEHOI.I) furniture, coaaistiag of dialn. tables. parlor and dining room fnrmiture: alao hall rack. Apply 1-04 Monroe at. B.W- Ma dealera. SB* HANDSOME DIN I XGHOOM SPITE, S piecea; reasonable: also Singer aewlng machine. Call Sunday or after a p.m. weak daya. Line. 1840. Branch ir.3. SB* GUARANTEED twin brasa beds. box aprtaga and double liraaa beds spring, mattreaa: alao living loom leather miseinn furniture: double extension eoueii; reaaonable. Apt. <3. 1114 New Hampshire ave. Call Monday or Tuaaday. Phone Xortji 0143. XT* DINING ROOM SET. 11 pteee. golden oak. la perfect condition; price. 3180; no dealera. Call at 237 H at. n.e.. 2d Boor. Phone Lincoln lfW? or 1070. XT' HOrSEHOIJi KCHXITCRE including oak dining room aet, large mahogany dreaaer and bureau, ivory bedroom set. brasa beda. weathomd r.wL- rlaaL and phairu in r*l 11<V i C BlBrril chair, mahogany rocker's, willow porch furniture. et^. 3*22 Livingston at. Cleveland M?8. SIOKBOARP?Genuine antique, handsomely hand carved; rare: aplendtd condition. Call fi to 7. 2024 Garfield at. n.w. W BrBEAC and waahatand. now. $30; double bed. mattr+a* and apringa. $30; bolster mad 2 pillows 3 chair*, toilet set and glaaavtre; reasonable, going away. 423 5th at. p.p. >7* BKP. springs"mattress; dining room outfit, lounge, etc. ("all after d or Sunday. Franklin 1390-W. 1734 P st.. Apt. 42. 37* ffKORoOM RCITRS, chairs,' pillow*, ball rack! raattrehsea. spring, wardrobe and ruga, blankets; no dealers 1372 Q ef. n.w. 27* GPflTE * CRNITCRE. A1 condi tiea. Room 201. 1311 U st. n.w 27* GLASS FLOOR SHOWCASE. Nearly new; two file cabinets with 3x5 and 5x8 drawers; one oak cupboard. All for sale cheap. Steward's Business College, 1202 F st. n.w. HorsBKI RNISHINfJS of a 18-room bona; everything mujt go by Oct. t: including eltettic washing machine and McCrar refrigtstor; suitable for store or cafe. 1738 P it n.w.. near Dupont Circle. 28HOHSKS. VEHICLES. Etc. TWO HOUSE wagon and harneas. 1208 12th at. n.w. 1 27* REGISTERED saddle mare, 8 years old. Col. Brooke. North 3280. 27* M ITOH ?. Y4.XK8 AND BICYCLES. INDIAN SCOCT motor cjcle. electrically equipped: ridden 750 mile*; $275 cnab. 511 Seward sq. hp. PEERLESS?Aimoet new; cheap for cask. 9U Morton at. n.w. 28* CLKVeKaND, 1917, excellent condition, 888 cash. Col. 8184. 1334 li-rlng *t. n.w. 28* MOTOR CTCl.E Preatn tank, wan tod; M or more, any condition. 7dft H *t. n.w. 1920 HAltLKY-DAVIDSON" and Side car; fully equipped; cnah. North 43d. 27* MOTOR CYCLE PONCHOS: nice rubber coverings for your machine; $15 value for $8.50. 708 H at. n.w. H AKLKY-PA VIDSON motor cycle, with la reside delivery box. tandein and carrier. l*.u$ ft Co.. 2442 IStli. Col. 6308. 29* HARLEY 1>AV !DSON. 3-speed; prh^ |I&>; easy terms. 627 II at. B.*'. ^ INDIAN MOTOR ( True and .Id* car. llU model. See B. U Smith, city poet oflb-e. C* _ MUSICAL mi'RCIIEXTI. $175 BTYS i KEMBIJE-WARD upright pilo?; mahogany case. 227 Pa. are. s.e. Phone Line. 5237. ^ SQUARE PIANO?Good toned, cheap. Call 141 i 14th st. n.w. 29* FOR RENT?Piano, to peraon without children. 933 23rd st. n.w. 28* PIANO?Upright mahogany; bargain for $1*5-. Apartment 24. 2124 P at. ^ ^* ORGAN?In first-class condition; cheap for cash. 214 5th xt. n r. 30* GRAFONOLA?1819 Columbia; cost $110; will sell for $75 cash; party leaving town. 902 3rd st. s.e. 27* __ UPRIGHT PIANO, excellent tone; Starr make; bargain for cash; owner leaving town; act quickly. Call Clev. 1582-W. 27* PIANO?Electric, good working order; just the kind auited for lunchroom or near-beer saloon, will sell cheap. 3067 M at. n.w. 29* lfAHOGAXY~ upright ptano: excellent condition; $125. Call evenings. Watkin*, Apt. 406. 1628 Columbia rd. n.w. 28* PIANO, upright, mahogany; reasonable' Call 4 to 6. 1832 Riltmore st. n.w., apt. 7. 28* $55 BUYS a good used" Aeollao-ToraUoB witk cabinet. 227 Pa. are. s.e. GOOD LriTLE_u^right~piino (Wheelock). $90. 227 Pa. ave. ?.e. Phone Unc. 5257. $410 BUYS z fine Kohler ft Campbell 88-notn standard action player-piano, in good condition. 227 Pa. a\-e. s.e. Phone Unc. 5257. $200 RUTS a~Chickering grand piano; Juat the thing for a dance hall or lodge. 227 Pa. ave. s.e. Phone Line. 5257. UPRIiiHTPI ANo Webster, almost new: bargain. Address 145 Carroll at. i.e. 27 _ VICTOR VICTROLAS and records, like new. $65. Will exchauge for piano. 519 Mass. are. n.w. PUAYER-PIANO?Coat~$800; must sell at onee; like new. 519 Mass. ave. n.w. PIA NOS?10 high-grade tuprights; $65 to $200 all in perfect condition. 519 Ma**, are. n.w. $950 VOSE player-piano; practically "brandnew; bench and rolls; a rare bargain; make offer; also $850 auto player, a snap for auiek sale, $350. A. F. Arnold. Auctioneer. 1823 G at. n.w. PIANOS at oargain prices during our September sale; upright* from $150 up; Huntington, in fine condition. $185: Stein way upright, lika new. $490. Hugo Worch. 1110 G. HIGH-GRADE $550 practice piano. *100; t?M Weber. 1150; $750 Knibe. $275. A. t. Arnold. Auctioneer. 182$ O ?t. n.w. BRAND-NEW and shopworn Victor Tictrolan. to cloae it sacrifice. is follow!: $25 ityli, $18; $35 ityli. $25; $75 atyle. $55; $150 style. $115; $185 Aeolian Vocal Ion. $115; $140 crifonoli. $35. A. V. 4mold. Auctioneer. 1323 Q it. o.w. ?EWHIC MACHWE3. I.AROE8T I.1NK of uied sewing machine. In Uie Clt.v. Ail mases, ei?? auu ui?. * * guarantee. Renting; expert repairing; hemstitching; plaiting. Buttons made to order. Open evenings. Hopkins, 2926 14th st. n.w. Col. 1708. 7DKAWEH drop bead Singer machine; perfect condition; all attachments; $25. Call Franklin 7967, bet. 4 and 7 p.m. 27* SeCOND-HaKD Singer machines. $10 np7~new machines. $3 per month. Renting, repairing, hemstitching, plaiting. Latest talking machines and records: easy payments. Painless ftrices. Larkln. 311 Pa. are. a.a. Open ereongs. Line. 275. J5~D-H SINGERS. ?12 tn |83; d.h. Domritii\ $12; d.h. Standard, $10; Singer shoe machine. $30. W. Wilson, $15. Renting, repairing. Open eve's. Reamy. 023 Pa. are. a.e. Line. 3072. 81 NO EH drophead, mechanically perfect, $20; attachments. 041 Eye et. n.w. 2* 100 USED SEWING MACHINES Bargains in all makes; renting, repairing. New Singer machines, $3 per month. 1205 QKOBQ1A AVK. N.W Col. 111. 27* TYPEWRITERS. rxI>ERWOOI> AND MONARCH?Ch.ap: no dealers. 613 14th st. n.w., 2nd floor. 29* KKNT A HKM1NOTO.N TTPEWRITER^O.l good results and complete service; $4 to $5 jwr month; lower rates for 3 months. Remington Tyi>e\vriter Company, 1340 New York ave. n.w. Phone Main 330. KEMIXOTrtN, X<T"lO. sood D?w. SCTti & M.rtx, 906 F *t. ? ?- - **-- ?I~il~ -i.:_v hum system or rpjoinai irprwrnm too auuln?r machines will sure you money. Coll Rsfferty. 1301 H st. n.w. Frank. 1014. 30* " WE RENT AKfi SELL. Underwoods. Bemlnaton*. Royals. Smiths. 500 shoots typewriter paper, $1.00 General Typewriter Co.. 010 14th st. n.w. TYPEWRITER Rental Service: 2301 1st st. n.w.. North 2004: Underwood, L. C. R.. Rem., $4 mo.; 3 mo*, in adr.. $10.50; 0 mos.. $18. Will pay $55-$00 for late model Underwoods. AMERICAN Typewriter Co.. 1431 East Capitol st.. Line. 3881. sell, rent and repair all makes. Special summer rates. Open evenings. fffK RIBVILT TVPKWRITER CO.. INC., Bell, rent ?nit repair typewriter,. 717 12th n.w. Phone M. S.7M. iiiiicbixaheou* NKW RAH IIANRK, oc*I range, waahing ma lilne. wringer, etr 1S2H S st. n.w. 28* BKABB and enamel white double bed and springs. $10. Apply 970 Florida ave. n.w. * STIT CAHF.-I.nrge. leather; ne"rer used; will eerlBee. *to tor immedlnle sale. Address hoi IHU-H. Htsr olBce. ? r.ATivd Isrue solid sold fames; " cost BdO; must" saoritee, $20. lUri. Smllley, 1328 Tth it. n.w 2** -liORtNi; (H'T KALE nf wall papers at Cost, Mint*. stains, etc : one stage complete, 40 fool Fall, one pair extension ladders, 33 ft. ltlS 1th n.w. 20* I'URNITUHE. ruga, tableware, antiques. books, tc. Riley, *3.1 11th st. n.w. M. 0102. il'PLES?(TrTmeB' tlohlen, direct from orchard, S2.50 bushel; less by barrel. O. ('. MrClaiu, t.. 73b imh St. s.e. Uncoln J2t>l. 21*? I.VE PI..VIN-TOP. seren-lock drawers olBie leak, dork finned oak. excellent appearance: ilso three-conipurtnient filing case to match; nuat sell at once; rerv reasonable. ' all ifter H p.m )>28 I' at. n.w. yw? MIRK I Mil MEN. conditions are rather tinccr aln In the wholesale market and good makeri ire as independent as a hog on ice. bat stll' he cash looks good as we pay It. and wi luickly own more new pants and sail fast. 11 Ip: slightly used silk dresses. (3 up. Juath'i Md b tend. 010 1> i>AtB MIRRORS. $o0: Uarrard Classics, comC" 1*. (50; kitchen utensils. lTlf K at, t. II. R I