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< APABTMENTS TO LET s FraiUHTOP-Cwmiw* WILL SUBLOT 2-EOOM AMD BATH APT_ light housekeeping, to party buying the furniture; rent. ?42.90; reference required. CaU between 4-6 Sunday evening, the Valola, 1330 Mass. are. n.w.. Apt. S3. 27* 3520 SOtfa ST. .N.W.-THKM NEWLY FCRnlahed rooms; private bath; a-in.l.; 1 block from Conn, eve, car line: reasonable. 52 QCINOY PL. N.W.?ATTRAtSnVB FURnlrtied room; n.w.; private family; a.m.i.; Apt. 34. LENMAN. 27* WANTED 2 GIRLS TO SHARE FURNISHED apartment; a.m.i. 15th at. n.w. Phone N. 3227. 27* 1700 L ST. N.W.?TWO LARGE FRONT rooms: kitchen on 1st floor; also other rooms; with kitchen and private bath. 27* 3 ROOMS AND BATH;" IN PRIVATE HOME; near Dupont Circle; references; non-housekeeping. N. 6213. 27* PET WORTH 3 LARGE ROOMS; SOUTHERN exposure; h.-w.h.; electricity; phone; $75; married couple. Address Box 117-T, Star vfflce. 27* 1S27 COKl'OKAN ST.?NEAR DUPONT ITRcle?Four large rooms; attractively furnished; electricity; 6 ladies. FURNITURE and furnishings 'in five-room and hath anartment. including piano; with privilege of renting to purchaser; adults; price, $1,500. Apply Apartment 303, Falkstone Courts, or operator. 27* f N 11KS1KABI.E APARTMKNT HOl'SK FOR gentlemen only, comfortable front room with large private bath, adequate closet. Phone V. 1309. 28* 4 ROOM AND BATH; BEST N.W. LOCATION; reasonable price; young ladies or 2 couples. Phone Col. 1438-W. 28* FONTANET COURTS-r^-ROOM SUITE; immediate possession. NINA B. TOURNIEtt. Phone Col. 336. 1* SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY?FOUR ROOMS and bath; new; a.m.i.; floor lamp; fireplace; screened porch; including heat. C. St. James. Glen Echo, Md. Phone Bethesda 200 F-16. 27* STONELEIGH COURT. * : Conn. ave. and L st. "For lease?A few desirable housekeeping and non-housekeeping apartments; restaurant. J Inquire office. * FFI.VSTI.I.TON. HOnSEKEKI'INQ; COM- 1 hi nation living-dininr mom; bedroom; screened J porch; bath with shower. 27* TWO ROOMS. BATH AND KITCHENETTE; { in splendid condition; with all modern im- j prtwements; on 16th near Q northwest; rent, 1 $s5. < Yhree room apartment on washing- ? ton-Heights; fine location. ; L. 8. FRISTOB, 1432 K St. 4WV M ST. N.W.?Living room and communi- J eating doable bedroom; with private bath; * call after 6. 27* J The Hadleigh Apartment Hotel, i 16th st.. V to W sts. 5 The newest and nnest apartment noiei m ine * city. To be entirely completed October 1. JUny of the apartments to be ready for occu- * Cincy September 15. Building now open for spection. Every conceivable convenience for the comfort of the tenants. Non-housekeeping apartments of one and two rooms and bath. Housekeeping apartments from one room, breakfast room, kitchenette and both, to seven rooms and two baths; many with large porches. Furnished apartments, with or without hotel service. Fully descriptive booklet, with floor plana, ent on request. leases now being executed. The F. H. Smith Company, MANAGING AGENT, 815 15th at. NEAR DUPONT CXBCLB?FIVE ROOMS, two baths and largo sleeping porch; very aUractively furnished; modern brick apt. house. WEAVER BROS.. 735 15th St. n.w. Main 1821. riKMSMEU OR OPURHISHUk AMY GORDON. APARTMENT SPECIALIST. 4 to 6 rooms; fur. and unfur.; month or year. 330 Colorado Blrig. Main 5S3. WTI>BM?1MB. THREE-ROOM APT., WITH SEMI-PRIVATE hath; ?o per month. ROBERT USE O'BRIEN, 1710 Eye st. n.w. Franklin 5385. THREE ROOMS. BATH. KITCHENETTE; third floor; private; electricity. 2158 California st. n.w. 28* TWO LARGE ROOMS AND BATH; L.H.K7; reasonable. G36 Bock Creek "Church road n.w. i 28* i L.H.K.: 3 large rooms; use of bath; electricity, 1 gas: with or without garage. 2117 1st st. n.w. Call North 7714. 28* ONE FLAT OF EITHER 3 OR 4 ROOMS. APply 8. Nnssbaum. 1110 flth st. n.w. * WILL TRANSFER LEASE TO OCT. 1, 1921, of 4-room apt. to party buying furniture for 3750; near Columbia and Belmont roads. Call 1 North 1852 or address Box 28S-T, Star office. ( ~df < 2429 l*fh ST. N.W.?3 R00M8; A T.I, 1IOD- J era conveniences. Call Sunday from 10 to 1 12; Monday, 6 to 8 p.m.; no children. 27* washT~circle?unfurnished apt. for rent; 4 rooms, with bath; third floor. 27*- ( ONE-BOOM APT. AND 4 LARGE. BRIGHT < rooms with large porch apt. 1021 7th at. n.w. * THE OAKLAND. 2006 COLUMBIA BOAl>^ ! Two rooms and bath; housekeeping If desired; j couple or 2 ladies. Call after 2:30 pan. Son day, or 6:30 p.m. week days. 27* ? Near Columbia Road and 18th. Attractive apt. in modern apt. house; best n.w. location; 4 large rooms, bath and porch, $65; to party buying the entire furnishings for $500. North 8135. 3 ROOMS AND PRIVATE BATH. WITH heat and light furnished; for adults only. 1117 1 5th st. n.w. 27 1 HEATED HOUSE. NEAR DCPONT CIRCLE, ' all outside rooms, year's leases. No. 106, Apt. 71. 1 5 rooms, b., h.k., three fireplaces 5250 i 5 rooms, b., three fireplaces, l.h.k $200 i 4 rooms b.( porch, fur., Lh.k .....$200 ' 27* APARTMENTS. ; Immediate Possession in i FONTANET COURTS, j 1400 Fairmont St. N.W. \ Qui give immediate possession of one-4-roora- and two 3-room and bath apartments. These j are now offered on the co-operative plan. A. J reasonable cash payment and small monthly 1 payments will secure you a home in tiila de- j sirable apartment. Better not wait until Oct. j 1st. WM. H. LANHAM. 1400 H st. n.W.. or at Fontanet Courts, 4 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Phone : Main 366. Do You Want an Apartment? IF SO, WHY PAY BENT? BUY ONE IN THE MAXWELL APABTMENT. 1418 CLIP- I TON ST. N.W. _ ? Three rooms, bath and porch, $l,iw casn and $45 monthly payments. Four rooms, bath and porch, $1,250 cash and $47.50 monthly payments. $100 deposit will secure one of these APARTMENTS. Act quick, as there are only four laft. Come in and get full information today. H. B. TRIBBY, 222 Southern building. Main 8170. t WANTED?APARTMENTS. j BY OCTOBER 1. TWO ROOM8. KITCHEN- j ette and bath; furnished or unfurnished; within walking distance. Address Box 235-T, Star office. 28* UNFURNISHED TWO OR THREE ROOM ot. or flat; central; not oyer $40. Address Box 337-T. Star office. 28* 1WLL (?IVK UP SIX-KOOM HOUSE IN* northwest for apartment in any part of city. Write 8$| 10th st. n.e. THREE"ifit F017R ROOM FLAT OR ROOMS; a.m.i.; by Oct. 1. Address Box 331-T, Star ? ffi^e. 29* <OUPLE DESIRE UNFURNISHED APT., 2 rooms, kitchenette and bath in apt. house. Ad(lress Box 232-T, Star office. 28* FURNISHED, 2 ROOMS, KITCHEN AND bath, by Oct. 1; not to exceed $.50 per month; preferably near Capitol and in apt. house. Address Box S33-T. St:?r office. _ * *^3KNISHEI>?1 OB. 'J It.. K. AND B. BY KBlined young eonple, in desirable n.w. section; rot to exceed $45 or $50 per month; Oct. I. Addrcww tin^ L'l!>T, Star om(v. zr BY 8LTT!.KI> C0UPIJ5?3 HOOM AND BATH apartment or flat by Oct. 15: Krookland or suburbs preferred. Address Box 223-T. Star office. 27*_ f.Y KKMAi:!,i: l'AUTY 3 ROOM* T7NFURnisbad. or 5 room furnished apartment. Call Sqnrtay. or outside office hours. West ."iW. 28* 1JAVB TOD A 4 OR :? ROOM UNFURNISHED apartment it! a,-desirable iecafinn that you w< old rent j<> a refined family of a? N<> rhilc'r*n. Call Franklin 3388-J. 27* V'ANTlil) i-t OR 2.1 FLOOR. 5 OR 6 ROOM f noshed apartment on le?*e for rt or 7 month?: r. f. rencej*. Address IW>X 17* T. Star office. 2* RMPLOYSD MARRIED COUPLE PggBl fnrn:<hed room or room and kitchenette in partment house; 6tate price.* Address Box 8Mft Star <>ft1?;e. 27* 9NFI7RKIBHED; 2 OR 3 ROOMS. KITCHITN arid bath: must be centra! and reasonable. .Address Box MW, fctarjjffiea. 28* fUklSllOOlCI, BATti AM> kTi^HENB^TB, hp furnished, by Oct. 1; not oyer $80; northwest auction. Address Box 2f>l-T, Star office. 27* Lady and dausbtiI nr wJSRingto^ ?,r fail and winter months will take care of f-irnished flat or apartment of parties leaving ry and pay rewoabte rent; highest refer :,cii and security given if required. Address Boa 210 r. Si ar offl ?T OCT. l. .<r; . FCRN18BID SOSIfff nisbed; consisting of 2 rooms, kitchenette and hath; a.m.! : apartinenf house preferred. Address Box 208T. Star office 27* -1 Mrt?> Efts' ~ nocFKK eSTSC fiTTosisT brst lioor; within 30 minutes of departments; Ajth yard or >raall garden; rent about $75; van ted ^by^a couple ? WANTED?APARTMENTS. Oglttwgt WANTED?BT OCT. X; RUBNI8HXD OR partly furnished 3 room, kitchenette and bath apt.; central location; not orer 330 a month. Address Box 104-T, Star office. ?7* DSFCKXISHBD ? 6. d-ROOM APAR+VBNT or small bouse; a.mJ.; n.w. preferred; aire description and price. H. S. O'NEILL, 1401 Belmont st. n.w. 27* APARTMENT, FURNISHED OR CtfFURNISH* ed, 3 or 4 rooms. Will pnrcbase furniture. Phone Franklin 1390-W. ARMY OFFICER WANTS SMALL APARTment with kitchenette, bath and porch in modern apartment house. Will consider purchase of reasonable amount of furniture, if necessary Give description, location, phone number and price. Address Hoy 23-T, Star office. 28* WANTED?2 OK 3 K. K. A. B., FURNISHED, by married couple; no children; before Oct. 3. Address Box 35-T, Star office. 27* i INFORMATION DESIRED SECURING I>E-j sirable 3 to 5 room apartment at reasonable ; rental, unfurnished. Address Box 314-S, Star j office. j KUKNisnBD HOfSEKEKI'INO APAKTMBNT | for 3 girls. Address Box 234-S. Star office. 30* I YOUNG. REFINED COUPLE DESIRE 3 OB 4 rooms, bath, Lh.k., unfurnished; n.e. or s.e. preferred. Address Box 3Q3-S, Star office. 27* UN FUR MS0 ED APARTMENT. 5 (5lt ? rooms, bath and kitchenette, suitable for physician; must be easily reached by. street cars; permanent; adults only. Address Box 211-S, Str office. 30* LARGE LIST OF HOME SEEKERS; MUST have apartments or houses at once; Hat your rentals with Adele Tomsic, 310 Alunsey bldg. Main 7414. 27* ?U!l JLLJM1?ilUU DJW5. ITRMWHKP. EIGHT TO TEN ROOM HOUSE; SUBURBAN conveniences; about $100. Address Box 184-T, Star office. 28# NINK K<>OMS AND BATH; OWNER RETAIN one room; neatly furnished; h.a.h.; $75. Col. 9258-J. * BEAUTIFUL NEW DETACHED HOME: 9 rooms, 2 baths; built-in parage; open fireplace; rent, $135. House No. 5703 32n<L sU Inquire next door, 5701 32nd st. 29* IMMEDIATE iOBSENMON. ELEVEN ROOMS and two baths (6 bedrooms); on Wyoming avenue between 18th and 19th. Very well furnished. Year's lease. Inspection by appointment only. WAG GAM AN & B RAW NEB, INC., Franklin 7485. 914 15th street n.w. k'BRY WELL FURNISHED HOUSE. LARGE *ooras; adults preferred. Chll between 1 and 1:30 p.m. 914 East Capitol st. oct3* SENG ALOW, 5 ROOMS, BATH AND SLEKPng porch; a.m.i.; attractively furnished; 1mludiate possession. Call North 7817-W, or at !819 26th st. n.e., Woodridge, D. C., after Sunday, 5 o'clock. 28.* JILTUOKE ST. BETWEEN 19th AND 20tb, '( mpletely furnished 3-atory modern brick 1 welling, with exception of linen and silver; tingle gentleman reserving 3rd floor, for which le will pay $00 per month; 4 bedrooms and 2 >aths on 2nd floor; rent, $250 per month. JESSE L. HEISKELL. 1403 H st. n.w. S33 HAMLIN ST. N.E.. NEAR lSth aW> dHODE ISLAND AVE. N.E.?Six rooms and ?th, attic and cement cellar; open for toipection; possession on or about Oct. 1; $125 >er month. BUCHANAN ST. BETWEEN 15th AND 16th ITS. N.W.?Six rooms, reception hall and bath; wmpletely furnished; available Oct. 1. $125 )er month. LAMONT ST. 1800 BLOCK?11 rooms. 8 laths; thoroughly modern throughout and nost completely furnished. $225 per month. 1809 PHELPS PL. N.W.?One block west 'rom Conn. ave.: 11 rooms and 3 baths; most ittrnctiTeiy rurnisnea; nvauaoie si once; *suv uonth; Tear's lease. Apply THE F. H. SMITH COMPANY. 815 15th ST. N.W. MAIN 6404. SiEAH CONN. AVE. AND BUREAU OP itandards; attractive house; 9 rooms, 1 bath; arse grounds; moderate rental. IjOUIS P. SHOEMAKER, 1107 New Tort ave. n.w. Main nag. OR RENT?FURNISHED; ON INGO MAR it.. Chevy Chase; a nine-room and bath, hoteater heated honse; nicely furnished; has ileeplns porch; by the year. *175 a month. 1ATWOOD A GARRETT. 1231 New York ive. n.w. 28* COMPLETELY FURNISHED TEN - ROOM louse; near Pupont Circle; kitchen on first loor; well lighted; steam heat. Phone North 1224. 27* 'UKNISHED HOUSE, *200; FACING ROCK Jreek Fark: year's lease or longer; bank references. 2027 Park road. 28* FOR RENT FURNISHED The Garden Spot of Chevy Chase. Desirable suburban home containing IS1 rooms ind 4 baths, garage and 1 acre of lawn; all in excellent condition; can be rented for winter or by the year at reasonable figure. John W. Thompson & Co. Incorporated 821 15th ?t. Main 1477. DESIRABLE FURNISHED HOUSES. TYLER A RUTHERFORD, INC.. 817 15th st. n.w. 10RNER HOU8E; NEAR DCPONT CIRCLE: tontaining eight rooms and two baths; every nodern convenience; now being papered and tainted. L. 8. FRTSTOtf. 1432 K at. 3HKVY CHASE, D. C.?# ROOMS, 2 BATHS ind servants' room and bath; hardwood floors; deetrieitv: hot-water heat: many nnnsual fea tares. The boose is detached. Lot contains 15,000 square feet of ground; double garage; rented. <300 per month; 6 months' lease. WEAVER BROS.. 735 15th st. n.w. Main 182L IXFi'RMSHED. BEAUTIFUL NEW BUNGALOW BY OWNER. BEST SECTION 14th ST. HEIGHTS. 6 rooms and bath. Every convenience. Atraetire surroundings. Immediate possession. I to 32 months' lease. $125. Address Box gfi-S. Star office. 10-ROOM HOUSE. 2 BATHS; DOWNTOWN; iteam; electricity; gas; partly furnished; will ent to party buying furniture. Address Box 115-T. Star office. * MODERN SIX-ROOM HOUSE N.W.; ALL conveniences. Apply 150 Rhode laland ave. i.w.. Apt. 2, 0 a.m. to 1 p.m., 6 p.m. to 8 >.m. ? T? it'll BATH; n FTT A rmm FdAM?r dectricity; gas; lot 50x150; rent, $85. 4 r. ind h. fur. apt.; rent, $75 for winter months. P. H. JOHNSON CO.. 1838 H St. n.w. 1803 NEWTON* ST. N.W.?TEN ROOMS, TWO Mths; hot-water beat; electricity; garage; long lease. 27* 300 BLOCK 1st ST. N.W.?0 ROOMS; GAgf furnace; immediate possession; $100 per month. Phone Main 2087. 1209 KENNEDY ST.?NEW 8-ROOM HOME; a.m.L; never been occupied; will lease for year. See Mr. Marks at house or call M. 1267. SI'RINCLAND COTTAGE: ADJOINING BCreau Standards; 8 rooms; sleeping porch; garage; Vj-tu-re land; $75. Phone Clev. 330. 27* BEST SECTION GEORGETOWN?CORNER HOUSE 10 rooms and bath; 1st floor kitchen; new furnace;jrent, $85 per month. TllASK & KIl-lTlEUJfOBU, AflU. 817 15th ?t. n.w. 28* FOR COLORED; 3-R00M BUNGALOW; IN suburbs; $10. Call Main 510. KILBOL'RXB ST. NEAR 18th 8T. N.W.? Six rooms and bath, reception hall and double [rarage in rear; $135 per month; year's lease. THE F. H. SMITH COMPANY, 815 13th STREET N.W. 712 4% 8T. 8.W.?6 ROOMS; HOT AND cold water; $35 per month. R. B. BEHREND, Commercial National Bank Building. 27* NEW 8-ROOM COLONIAL, HOUSE ON KEN* nedy st. n.w.?Large sleeping porch; tiled bath; large yard; a.m.!.; annual lease at $125 per month. Apply 1303 Kennedy at. 28* To Those Who Must Rent: Buy a home. Be independent. Beat the landlord. Phone Main 86 and let us explain oar plan, which converts loss into profit, and substitutes comfort for inconvenience. CHAS. D. SAGER, #23 15th ,L n.w. "H??dqn?rter, for New IIomM." WANTED?TO BENT. HOUSE, SIX TO EIGHT ROOMS; H.W.H.; not over $75 per month; state location and when available; references furnished. Address Bo* 28M-T. Star office. 28* FURNISHED HOUSE HAVING 3 OR 4 BEDr^?oms in n.w. suburbs or Mr. Pleasant, on or lwfore October 15; good care guaranteed; ref erearM. Call < ol. 43S4 \\ . 28* UK M HH K I> ~ )K rt HhllVT"HOUSE-KOR Nov. 1 occupancy; preferably northwest; prefer a home where careful tenants are desired for protection of property, fur tj months or year Phone Col. 4l?S4-J. 27* r.NIHTRNlSHElt, DETACHED, 8 OK 9 ROOM house, near 14th at. car line. Address W. J. M.. Box 1808, Washington P. O. 27* WANTED HOUSES TO RENT. FURNISHED OR 1 'NFTTRNISHRDu TYLER A RUTHERFORD, 1N0L. (Established 1872). 817 15th st. n.w. Wanted?any TIMK~bkkorb oCtn'SWCC unfurnished five, six or seven room, modern house, cottage or bungalow, in city or suburbs; will lease yearly if rent is reasonable; giva description and state amount of rent. Reply to If. Tj. WARNER. 725 18th at. n.w. FOR RENT?HALLS. THE CAIRO. OI C NEW RAl.r.ItOOM With beautiful white dancing floor is open for engagements. _ ARCADE, " 14th AND PA UK ROAD. ePACIOUS. BEAUTIFULLY DECOBATTO | BALLROOM * % I OFFICES AXD STUDIOS. oWiCE ROOMS FOR KENT. IN COLUMBIAN building: In soltea or single;, price. 825 and up. C. W. SIMPSON CO.. Inc.. 734 18th ?t. n.w. ATTORNEY WITH NICELY APPOINTED office, desirable location, desires ebnre office with lawyer having active practice. Box 148-T. Star office. J ?? 1801 CONN. AVE ?TWO ROOMS. SUITABLE for doctor or dentlat; available at once. 28* FOR RENT?OFFICE ROOMS OPPOSITE war rlak bureau, 15th and Eye. eta.; aoltable for real estate broker, physician, dentist, etc.; main floor. MAHORNEY A SULLIVAN. 1527 Eye st. n.w. Tel. Main 7821. 83,000 VALUE, 12.000. INCLUDING YBAR'S rent; magnificent mahogany furniture; three parkside window*; divisional; or will lease funnelled, $7.-, mouth. 021 15th St., office 1201. oc8* FOR RENT?H ST. FRONT. 2d FLOOR, Ohesley btdjr.. large suite of offices suitable for school. It rye law office or other office pnrpoees. JESSE I,. HK1SKELU 1403 H et. n.w. W ANTIC P. WANTED?DESK ROOM. WHERE THERE IS telephone nttendant; location desired. 14th and G n.w.: references exchanged. Address Box 1M T. Star office. 27* r un jtUiNT?aruiusa. CORNER STORE. 40-FT. PLATE GLASS window; marble floor. Only $40. Corner Gth and H ata. n.w. C. W. SIMPSON CO., INC., 734 15th ?t n.w. ! 1114 24th ST. N.W.?LABOR, WILL L.IOHTed. modern store, with basement. TOTTBN. 1121 Vermont art. NEW STORE. 14th ST. N.W. ; REASONABLE rental for term of years. DISTRICT REALTY CO., Room 109, 734 15th n.w. RENTS REDUCED. Two new stores, Qeorgia avenue and Buchanan street; exceptionally desirable location; suitable delicatessen, hardware, meat market, etc.; lease if required. SHANNON & LUCHS, 713 14th St. Main 2345. FOR RENT?FLOOR SPACE. SECOND FLOOR OK TWO-STORY BRICK building: beat and water; rent, $12 month. 441 M at. n.w. 28* FLOOR SPACE over garage. 18x20; suitable for workshop. Rear F sL between 2nd and .. a _ ... ITw ItlAU <M? oru u. w. i- * ?kj FLOOR SPACE, 1622 L St Very reasonable rent J. LEO- KOLB, 923 N. Y. Ave. Main 5027. FOR SALE?STORES NEW STOKE, 14th ST.?REASONABLE PRICE for quick action. DISTRICT BEAI/TY CO., room 100. 734 15th at. n?w. FOR RENT?WAREHOUSES. 2-STORY BRICK. EACH FLOOR 25x60; Near 5th and N ata. n.w. Rent, $65. Main 1801. DAVID E. BARRY, 1307 H at. a.w. WANTED?STORES. SMALL STORE FOR DELICATESSEN, ?&6- 1 eerie, or flrat-claas bootblack parlor. Addresa Box 228-T, Star office. 27* WANTED?HALLS. WANTED?TO RENT OR LEASE t)ANCE hall or skating rink lot colored. Addreaa Box 225-T. Btar office. ' 27* FOR SALE?HOUSES. AVOID THE EVERLASTING JANGLE ?of leasing and rent-raising? by putting yourself beyond the reach of such conditions. Own your own Home?but let it be a House?a real home?in a location you can rest assured will maintain and increase its present-valuation^ _ ARM SLEIGH PARK, with its exclusive community of new and attractive COTTAGES AND BUNGALOWS, will provide the ideal opportunity. You can better afford the price to buy than the boost in rent?and the rent money will carry the investment. These Homes are WHOLLY DETACHED ? six and eight . rooms? superiorly constructed and perfectly appointed. Inspect Sample Homes, open every day and evening. PARK OFFICE, 4415 39th ST. Phone Cleveland 1490. To reach Armslcigh Park take Chery Chaae cira to Albemarle 6t., west, or Wisconsin ave. cars to Windom st. R. E. HAMILTON, Owner's Representative. A LIST OK GOOD BUYS. Just a brief description and tie general location of a few houses recently liated with us for a quick aale. Come in our office or telephone for ua to call and give you further information on any of these that may Interest you. We know every one is an opportunity. BUCHANAN ST. WEST OP 14th ST.; 6 r. and b., sleeping porch, h.-w.h., electric lights; semi-detached; many extras; terms $10,500 TAYLOR ST. AT N. H. AVE.; 6 r. and b.. Bleeping, porch, h.-wj)? electric lights; beauttrnl lot; garage; terms.. 8.750 18th ST. NORTH OP Of BARD ST.; 10 r. and b.. b.-w.b., three porches; nice yard; good condition; terma 12,800 ' 18th ST. NOBTII OF PARK HD.; 10 r. and b., h.-w-h.; colonial style; good terma 12,800 i H 8T. N.W. WEST OF EOth ST.; 8 *. and b., h.-w.h.: nice yard; good terma 8,000 I YOU ST. N.W. NEAR N. CAP. ST.; 8 r. and b., h.-w.h., electric lights; good condition: easy terma 6,850 C FT. N.W. BETWEEN 2nd AND 3rd 1 BTS.; 11 r. and b.; lot 27 ft. by 220 ft. deep; easy terms 6,750 E ST. N.W. BETWEEN 3rd AND 4th STS.; 12 r. and 2 b., b.-w.b.; good terms 8,750 NEAR 9th AND N.Y. AVE. N.W.; large 1 store; 16 r. and 2 b.; double garage; A No. 1 condition 27,500 i FOR COLORED. FLA. AVE. N.W. NEAR 2nd; 6 r. and h.; cellar: good terms 8,850 CHURCH 8T. WEST OF 16th ST.; 6 r.; big lot; easy terms ; 8,500 CORCORAN ST. WEST OF 14th ST.; three-family flat of 3 r. and b. each; good terms 6 750 ROBERT LEE O'BRIEN, Franklin 5385. 1710 I at. n.w. WEST BROOKLAND N.E., Between Rhode Island and Michigan avea.; 6-room and bath detached brick; hot-water heat; concrete cellar under entire house; sta- ; tionary tubs; porch front, side and rear; lot 45x90; lots of shade; house newly papered and painted; vacant. Price, $5,750. Reasonable : terms. A bargain. Franklin 424. O. T> T >> d^gdiiicin iv. Didwncr, inc, 914 15th Street. Frank. 7485. (1) ?11,000?On Wisconsin avenue (Georgetown Heights.) Ten rooms mud two baths. Semi-detached, with good-atae grounds, all rooms ontside and bright. Builtin garage. Hot-water beat, electricity, j gas stove. Immediate possession. (2) $12,500?In I>upont Circle section. A very ? comfortable modern home of ten rooms and two tilths. Hot-water heat, electricity. hot-water heater. Newly papered and painted, and in excellent condition. I-arge yard to alley, with room for garage. Convenient to downtown section uud Connecticut avenue chopping district. Immediate possession. (3) $8,750?Near Capitol, on B street n.e. A . very comfortable home of ten rooms and two truths. Hot-water heat. Newly redecorated throughout and in excellent condition. Two floors of this house could readily be rented as feparate apartments, for which there is always a demand near the Office buildings. Vacant. (4) $15,000?-Near 14th and Decatixr. A. detached house, beautifully built, of brick and stone. Nine rooms and bath, with servant's room and storeroom in attic. Attractively finished. Parquet floors. Porch and sleeping porch, screened. | Hot-water heat, electricity. Instantaneous hot-water heater. In perfect condition. Immediate possession. <5) I $12,500?13th and Park road. (Near Church of the Ha Ted Heart.) Ten rooms and bath with running water on the third floor. Newly redecorated; in excellent condition. Hot-water heat, electricity. Good-size yard in the rear and nics !awn in front. Convenient to car Hoes. I Vacant. Phone jgUsMMAP A BEAWlByBI^ ^ FOX SALE?HOUSES. _ C?ttlM*. A BARGAIN?WEST OF 16th STREET. OS1 half Mock oooth of Colombia road. S rooma, bath, hot-water beat, electricity and m t price, terna and impaction, McNEY REAI/I CO.. 729 14th at. n,w.. Booma 228-224. Pbol M. possession SlBBES9BZX=XTrrnT city, offer my baadaome bone and doable g rare, $1,000 caab required, balance $80 moat! ly. 6 rooma, perfect condition, H Mock 15a Capitol at. n.e. Oenoine boyera give telepboi number. Addreoa Box 77-T, Star office. a BY OWNER?MODERN BOMB, SIX KOOh and bath; colonial porch; doable rear pore be back yard, room for range; electric light cellar; home eight month* old: price, $7,001 $2,000 ca*b required. $55 monthly. THOMA Hi: BAKE, M7 lath at. e.e. Open for inspe tion. 30* NEAR 2nd AND V STS. N.E. ? HICH VIEW ROME. PRICE, $6,500. Six room*, fnrnace heat, porcbea. POSSESSION ON CLOSING. CHA3- W. STEERS. 1420 N. Y. aye, n.w. 21 Vacant. Near Interior Dept./ $11,000?617 18th at. n.w. 0 r. and b.. b. w.b.. electricity; newly papered and peintei J1140 30th st. n.w.?6-r. and b.; furnai heat; large reception hall; hardwood floo concrete cellar; A-l condition. Bay from tt owner, save commlasion. Phone Prank. 1311 27* NEAR 16th AND BUCHANAN N.W. Semi-detached, six rooms, beth; bot-wati best and electric lights; colonial design, wil porches front and rear; hardwood flooring at finish; garage. Lot 145 ft. deep to wide ellei Aft quickly. CORNER ON GEORGIA AVE. Colonial design?Six rooms and bath; In vei condition; furnace heat; lot SO ft. wldi with hedge fencing. If desired ronld easil he remodeled for business. Very quick posse sion. HIGH VIEW. Attractive six rooms and bath, with Colon!! porch, front and doable rear porches. Ai quickly. OPPOSITE RESERVOIR. On beantlful 1st st. n.w., attractive home t nine rooms and batb, with plenty of room f< garage. Cement porches In rear. Owner lea' uig city. JOHN QDINN CO., INC., 704 13th n.w. Main 486. 100 RLOcR B N.t?8 SCOTS ISB isoo Block Sth st. n.w.?10 rooms...... 8,0( 1200 Block KnclM?9 rooms 8.5C 1400 Block 22nd St.?10 rooms 11,M 1400 Block Clifton?0 rooms. S hatha.. 1A.0C 1900 Block Calvert?10 rooms. 2 hatha.. 12.5C 1300 Block Kenyon at.?0 rooms........ 12,01 2000 Block 15th at.?10 rooms......... 0,5( 1500 Block 8th at.?7 rooms 4,50 700 Block P st.?7 rooms 4,0( 3500 Block 10th st.?8 rooms........... 8.1K 3IW0 Block 13th St.?6 room*........... 7,811 3900 Block 8th st.?8 rooms 9.0C 4400 Block Ksnsas are.?7 rooms 7.5C 500 Block lllh st. a.e.?7 noma 8.71 1200 Block Baelld?7 rooms 11,OC 1800 Block Newton?8 rooms 9.5C First Block N. Y. are. n.e.?6 rooms.. 5,2f 3800 Block 11th at.?8 rooms 8,54 400 Block Haas. are.?7 noma........ 5,71 600 Block Keefer?6 noma.. . . ... 7.M 200 Block Taylor ? _.... 8,60 300 'Block B at. n.e.?7 rooms. 5.5C 1500 Block 33rd at.?7 rooms, . 4,00 600 Block Harvard?8 rooms 8*80 700 Block Hohart?8 noma..?.?. 5,00 600 Block Kenyon?0 noma. 6.0C 1300 Block Shepherd?0 noma. 2 hatha. 11.71 800 Block Allison?8 rooms . 7.10 1500 Block 9th st.'?8 rooms . 4.20 Highvlew?6 noma 6,20 1500 Block Shepherd?8 rooms 10,5< Orren at. n.e.?8 rooms 8.8C FOR COLORED. Ten good homes. Price, 12,200 ap. PETTY A PETTY, 1428 New York ave. Main 8127. PETWORTH?AN EXCEPTIONAL BABGAI in this fine neighborhood; 8-room brick bom of the older type; very substantial and I good condition; lot 18x100 to raced alio; available by Oct. 20. Price, 85,600; |1,? cash. Holmead place n.w.?Colonial boose of roams, bath, electricity, gas, hot-water baa lot 126 fact deep to alley; vacant. Prie 18.000. Illinois are., PeHwUi?Modern, semi-detach* house of 6 rooms, 2 baths, S porches, brit rarate, hardwood Soon; occupied by owne Price, 810.000. Near 15th at. and Rhode Island sea. n.w.Bay-window boose of 9 rooms, 2 baths, bo water heat, electricity and gas; lot 24x100 alley; rented at $100 par month; a good I vestment or home; within easy walk of bm ness center. 810,600 will bay this propert; moderate terms. Belmont st. n.w. west of 14th?Modern hooi of 9 rooms, 2 baths, electricity, gas; occoplt by owner. Price, 811.000. LOUIS P. SHOEMAKER, 1407 New York arc, n.w. Main 8268. FOR SALE?VACANT SOON. In Georgetown, D. C ONLY 8800 DOWN. Brick; d rooms and bath; cellar, fuiusL large hock yard, aid#-light. Priew for qui* ade ,-84.500. a P. WARING.' Trmnklin'66TL FOR RALE?-BARGAIN. Home With 2-Story Brick Garage. Beat s.e. section; 0 rooms and bath; cells Act quick. Price today, 86,450. FOB SALE?VACANT. Two-Family Flat. 2713 11th St. N.W. Newly painted and papered. Key at offle Easy terms. Price right. Inst offered. A quick. Will rent for 8120 per month. C. F. WARING. Franklin 6671. 823 Bond bldg.. 14th and N. T. ana. a.w. FOR 8AIJ5? N-E. Semi-Detached Home. NEAR FLORIDA AVE. M.B. Brick; 7 rooms and tils bath; cellar; be water heat; electric lights; beantlful hed| and front porch. Price, 86,250. Act quick i get this. a P. WARING. Franklin 6671. FOR SALE?VACANT. Near Interior Department. 1925 G St. N.W. Red press brick; 9 rooms and bath; eella fiimsre heat: larire rloaeta: n?wl> -- (tainted. Title. Beady move in Im mediated Price reasonable. FOB 8ALE?VACANT! To Colored Family. ^508 6th St. N.W. Plan* brick; 7 noma and bath; teAwah beat. Terms easy. Will be newly pa pan and painted to salt purchaser. Act at once. C F. WARING, as Bond bid a. 14th and N. X.WTB. Phona Franklin S5T1. PRICE, $18,500; DOWNTOWN SECTION?1 rooms. 2 baths, with bot-water beat and elei trie lights; Just been papered and paints throughout, with immediate posse sal on; sal terms. Price, 111,500?Near 18th and Park roe n.w.; 10 rooms, 2 baths, hot-water best, elai trie lights, garage, doable parebeg; limnedial possession. Price, 23,500?Just one block of Washlngtl Circle; 10 rooms and both; newly papered as painted, with large yard. BRAS WELL-GALLAGHER CO MP ANT. 1517 H street n.w. Main 884. ON CLIFTON ST. WEST OF 14th?A RCA buy; 10 rooms, 2 baths, h.-w.h., electricity brick garage for 2 cart; recant. Don't miss this wonderful bona near B. i are. and North Capitol at.; a bos type, eoh Rial style; 4 rooms, bath, h.-w.h., alectrldt; garage, hardwood trim throughout, awning screens, shades; possession is 30 days. II,OC cash only. In the downtown section, M sty near W n.w.; 10 rooms, h.-w.h., 2 baths; pnseamiua 1 10 dsys; in fine condition. Near 2nd and Randolph sta. n.w.; one of tt beet eectiong of Bloomingdele; 8 rooms, bat] h.-w.h., electricity. A. IT .4 .a.. 4A nrsnaail kelaW V/U a 01. UCBI wi, pi L"U1.U veavsn I rooms. hath, and in food condition; eaesn Only $3,500, and terms. K at. n.e. near 3d; 5 roams; brick. Onl $2,500; $500 cash, balance like rent. On Eye it. n.e. neer 13th; brick; 7 room bath. With 2-?tnr7 brick etable ia rear. Onl $3,500; easy terma. Vacant, in Bi$briaw. a fine little home: rooms, bath; parquet floors; ia fine conditio! $6,250; $1,000 cash, and pos area ion. dot our list We hare tbam in all anettao WK. B. McGRANN CO., T22 11th at. "" roB colored. Ob Bet. u, near 6th; brick; 6 iwm$ bat) rarer? apace; house in rood condition. Onl $?.BOO: $500 cash and $3T.SO pu month, ii clndiac all interest. WM. H. McGRANN CO, 732 11th at. ' " $7,750. Immediate Possession. Randolph it. n.w. between 1st and 2d ati BRICK: sir large rooms and tiled bath; he! water hset; electricity; cement porches froi and back. $7,500. Immediate Possession. 5th at. n.a. between O and B eta. Uriel with 6 rooms end bath; HOT-WATRR Hill colonial porch; apnea (or iare$e; shoot UM cash required; balance to be arranged wit $9,500. Rooming House, Northwest large brick dwelling, located n ? at little east of 14th at.; 12 rooms and 2 bath) furnace beat This house has A flat record an income producer, and is ia excellent erdai about 13,060 catb required. JAMES F. SHRA, 643 La. ave. n.w. Mt. Pleasant. Only half block from Mt Pleasant ear Mm on a eery desirable etreel la this section, three-story end cellar bona* of 6 tons reoa and bath, bo t-we terb ea t, son there anatan deep lot to 20-foot alley. Price, |U.M0; e?| reasonable tarns arraued. _ Prather & Robinson. nil git Bflad U|cV 1 xom 8ALX?HOUSES. s 1405 Eye St. m Saul's Addition?$12,500. _ IHnetti* tan at tlx new ut tatt; brick 0 wltk front iri doable tear potebea; elreplni - porch; hardwood floere aid trim; eerecae; epaet b- far garage; immediate paneloc. Abort price at laelades furniture tad piano. Bargain. M McKEKVBB * GOS8. 1400 Bye St. Mala 4752. ? Columbia Heights?$7,500. ! Bear ear Hae. comfortable borne of 0 rooms and !; bath, with electric Ilghta, hot-water brat; front aad rear psrrbea; bouae la racant; eaty terms. * McKKBVBB A OOSS, 1400 Bye St. Main 4752. Petworth. New, completely detached borne, with hot water beat; electric llfhta; contalnr eia com fortable noma and modern bath. Price, $9,760, I* with email caah payment. Phone u? fur ep poiitment to tnapect. V McKSKVBR A GOS8. 1 1400 Bye St. Main 4752. ? Cleveland Park. r; a ononnii stucco Dome on tot i.soxioo m utu ,? desirable tccdon; semi-detached; contains t 5. man tod 2 baths; has hot-water brat, electric ligbta; sleeping porch; rooms attractively fin ~ iabed la hardwood, with beamed ceilings; nice ? Soon; doable rear pon-hri; nrtre. Price, *15.000 i McKEKVBR A G08S, ;S 1MB Bye St. Mala 47S2. McKEEVI 1405 Eye St. ? BOSS & I Tel. Main 4340. PRICE. $10,500?A detached brick hooae con . veniently situated in the northwest; the houac " baa aerea rooms and bath, four bedrooms, sleeping porch, large attic, open fireplace Is living room, hooae beated with hot-water, hav lag electric ligbta; there la also a garage. " There is a slate roof orer the entire bouse; ' let la 60x150 to a 20-foot pared alley. PRICE, $10,600?Detached borne in Cleveland Park; lot la 60x162. The bonae baa atone foun dation, with elite roof, and contains ten rooms, - two baths, two open fireplaces, aeeeral porches, ? heated with hot-water, bating electric lights, 2J bardwood floors, built-in refrigerator. This ii 5 a most complete home. Possession will be S siren when desired. *> PRICE, $10,600?la Columbia Heights, when JJ Immediate possession will he given; a three. J> story brick bonae built by Kennedy Bros. bat. J lng tea rooms, two batbt, hot-water heat, rem J stairway, tile kitchen, several open fireplaces. *} This property belongs to an estate sad Ii J going to be sold. ? PRICE,- $13,260?In Chevy Chase, close t< J; Coanecticnt avenne sand near the Circle; oni of the moat convenient locations In this suburb. 2; This is an eight-room and attic house with tw( J} bathrooms on second door, bot-water heat, elec ~ trie lights, oak floors, front and rear porches. 2J There is a large yard with room for garage. JJ PRICE, $18,600?A corner house In Washlagtor Heights; a three-story brick property having *> twelve rooms, eight bedrooms, two bathrooms, JJ hot-water boat and electric lights, - and tlx 2{ whole hooae is in excellent condition. Ownei 2> occupies premises aad rents top floor for $1M *> par month. Possession will ha given. n BOSS & ? THE HOME ? Tel. Main 4340. g Shannon 713 14th St. N.W. TAKOMA PARK?$10,500 - It Mr detached bonnes of thU quality, prlct ft" and location are a positive norrlty at tbia time M Tbia lot ia 40x128?ample apace for a parage lu the bonaa la of atacco orer hollow-tile coo r: strurtioa, and contain* 8 noma and bath, and n< ? sensible modern boaring conTenlence ba* beei orerlooked. The location ia precisely right? 7 Just off ear line- and near Walter Heed Hoepital, S- GEORGETOWN?$8,500 ' An exeellantly located two-family flat, wit! id aaparate furnacea and cellar*. The lower flat A baa S rooms, bath and porch; the upper ( r. noma, hath and porch. Tbia ia a thoroughly aat la factory investment. - SAUL'S ADDITION?$10,500 An attractire and thoroughly modern bomi ? In tbia dealrable residential section; 1 blocl i from 14th at. ear line; 8 noma, bath, hot .. water heat, electricity and gas; fnnt porch ' double bach porches; hardwood floora and trim ample apace for garage; $3,000 cash payment 3 SHANNON 713 14th St N.W. DAVIS & 1420 N. Y.Ave. N.W. 1137 7th N.E. POSSESSION * 18,800?Basil-detached colonial home of 6 Am rooms; large modem bath; in strictly white section. Fine woodwork, ant house la lorely condition. Eleetrh lights, furnace beat, and can be bought with $1,280 cash; bal. easy. 703 MASS. AVE. N.E. . 88.800?Bay-window 8-room home In thli choice reaidential section. This housi has furnace beat; large lot to alley and baa 8 bedrooms. A bargain that will go quickly. 81.000 cash; bal easy. NEAR STATE, WAR AND S NAVY DEPTS. . KMMIu little bone of a room# and bat) in this down town section, which is >p V. predating in value rapidly. Fnrnact beat; Una cellar; good neighborhood, and only $1,000 cash; balance easy. DAVIS a S 1420 N. Y. Ave. N-W. HEDGES & ML 1334 H Street N.W. PRICE, $16,000?CLEVELAND PARK?A most desirable property located not far froir the new cathedral. It is comparetlrelj new, has ten large rooms and three com plets baths, vspor heat, electric lights, r; eery large front, breakfast and sleeping id parches; hardwood floors and finished 1> f, mahogany and white. You will appre date its value upon inspection. PRICE. $6.760?NEAR 14th AND NEWTON STS.?Low-pa iced boms of the colonial type, having six rooms and bath, electric lights, hot-water best, hardwood floon and trim, front and rear porches. This la bow vacant. In good condition and J* may bt sold on n cub payment of aboal PRICE, $18.000?GEORGETOWN COLONIAL HO ICE?A moat attractive detached prop arty at brick construction, located in at ax cell ant block east of Slat at. Thii -< house la exceptionally well built, all the j reams are large, has a spacious entranca 5. ball with colonial stairway. A new hot d water belting plant baa Just been in. iv stalled and the house is in perfect eondi| tion. It is situated on a lot 80x130 ft, 4 romtnoR at once ana terms. 7. PRICE. $10.800?MT. PLEASANT?Not fat la from lath and Col. road. A brahd-new booae, containing S rooms and bath, bot m water bant, elactrte lights, hardwood 4 floors and baa front and donbls rear porches. A small rash payment will b? accepted and possession given. HEDGES & MI] ? 1334 H Street NlW. l- From Our Large r. WE OFFER MANY AT & IMMEDIATE * PHONE US FOE Below Are Houses Fr z DOWNTOWN, N.W. . KOOMan cash. North Capitol at. Brick: " 7 r. and b.: walking diatance g. p. o. t 14,7110?$600 caab. P at. nsar Penalon Offlee Park. 0 r. and b. brick. ? $8,>50?Pa. ana. at Washington Circle. S r. and b. brick. Bargain. ? $8.780?B St. and Sad. $600 cash. r. and t b. brick. . 18.780?Mass. are. near 8tb. 7 r. and b. s brick. A splendid opportunity. * $8,880?N. T. are. sear N. Capitol. 8 r. and b. Pine appearing. Terms. ? |d.7B0?Corcoran at near New Hampshire ass. Sr. and b. brick. >7.800?Corner r at 11 z. and b. Only $1,000 h $a.780-18tt at n.w. 7 r. ud bw brick. Oi* near 2"p *, and b_ electric llahta; newly decorated. H0.7E0 Bhado bland ere. weet of 14th. 14 *. and 2 bathe, brick. BLOOMINGDALE. 44.780?$500 eaab. Near let and R aU. ? r. and b. brick. Nice yard, i $5,900?Near 2nd and R. I. are. 6 r. and b. ?. Garage. Bleeping porch. ,1 $9,850?U at. near N. Capitol. r. and b. Bet-water lieat. rlne condition. $7,000?11 at. near let. 7 r. and b. Boom for garage. Double porehea. Perfect cont PETWORTH. k tve. | r. nnd b. Large yard. r7^?&b- ** COLUMBIA HEIGHTS. ^ mTlO W fMh. I re and b. madam brink. " HjaoSa .^.WStTT^and {. brick. $-etory, a bargain. ltOct. and Columbia toad. 8 r. and b-; perfect repair. Many extrea. $7,500?Perry at. weet of 14tb. Colonial - atyla. d r. and b.; perfect condition. $5,500?Meridian, want ef 14th. r. and b., I, alee, llghta, Porehea. Brick. A $p,$00?Palrmont at., weet ef 18th. 10 r. and ie b. Brick, ant-water beat. Bargain, a. $11,000?Kenyan near 14th. 7 r. and b. Betsy ^^wofir boat. go* Southern Building * % FOB SALS?HOUSES CwtlwHL JR & GOSS, Main 4752. Northeast. Oonptetalg datacbad borne, alx rooma, tit \ bath and conTenlant pan try; front and doubt i rear pore baa; sleeping porch; rooma bare at i tractlra electric fixtures, select paper, bnllt-1 bookcases and lines closets; hardwood floors hot-water beat; lot ISO feet deep; lmmedlat possession. McKEEVEE A GOSS, | 1406 Eje St. Main 4752. Chevy Chase. New bun fa low In this desirable section nea Connecticut avenue car line; seven rooma an bath: all modern conveniences; electric light* hot-water heat; hardwood floors and trim " apace for garage on wide alley; immediate po? session. Price, $14,000. McKKKVKtt & GOSS. ? ~ - U.U nut* nye ai. ?a>u Takoma Park. Very attractive home In good section; eon i pletely detached on large lot; house is moder > throughoot, with electric lights, hot-wate heat, instantaneous water heater; contain seven rooms and bath; extra large closets; ope > fireplace; front and doable rear porches. Pric< $10,250. McKEEVER ft GOSS. 1405 Rye gt. Main 4752. ;r & goss, Main 4752. phelps, 1406 H St. N.W. PRICK, $13,500?In Chevy Chase, well situate a little off from Connecticut avenue; just pr , on the market for sale. Built by the preset i owner, a builder, for his own home. The lc is 00x130. There are seven rooms, two bathi bet-water heat, electric lights, large sleepin ; porch; entire house screened, and there is garage. I PRICE. $15,750?A little off from l?th street a moat attractive;home having eight roomi two large bathrooms; bouse heated with ho , water, having electric lights; there ai screens, awning* and instantaneous bot-wat< heater, and the house weathers tripped througl ? out. There la also a built-in garage. PRICE, $14,000?A bungalow in Cleveland Par t near Connecticut avenue; there are six roon and bath, hot-water heat, electric lights, larj living room with open fireplace and many oth< ' features that make a home attractive. Thei is also a garage. Owned by Army officer lea' i ing the city. PRICE, $10,750?In Mt. Pleasant within > square of the Connecticut avenue car lint three-story* brick house having nine rooms an hath, heated with hot-water, having electr' > lights. Reasonable terms of sale can be iua<] and possession will be given within a few day! . notice. PRICE, $12,500?In Washington Heights with! ? u Mntiw nf iRth and Columbia road: a mot ; convenient locntlon. Owner occupying houi , will give poseeaslon. This 1? ? three-etur i bay-window brick bonne having ten rooms an batb, aix bedrooms, hot-water beat,- electr: I lights and hardwood floors; there is a deep 1< to alley, witb room for a garage. PHELPS, ; OF HOMES, '1406 H St. N.W. I & LUCHS, Main 2345. BLOOMINGDALE?$8,350 A well boilt and thoroughly modern home i . ft high elevation. Contain* 0 rooms and batt ; hot-water heats electric lights; front, back an sleeping porches'; apace for garage, linmedial > possession i COLUMBIA ROAD?$18,500 splendid home in a Una location; 11 roon and 2 baths;*hot-water heat, electricity; bi liard room on top floor. ; CHEVY CHASE?$26,000 1 One of the richest locations in old Chen r Chase, near the Circle; lot 125x96; first floo library, ltvlng room and kitchen suite; secot and third floors, 4 bedrooms, bath and sewis room each; 2-car garage; comprehensively mo - era, and in splendid condition. i NORTHEAST?$5,800 A 8-room and bath semi-detached brick housi ; la very good condition and comfortably 1< . cated. I & LUCHS, Main 2345. : STEELE, Main 5082-5398. . NR. 1st AND R. I. AVE. NT I td.250?Cor. of alley. Fine- A-room and larf r bath; parqnet floora: bonne la til: 1 ahape. Quick possession, f1,500 cat) ' 9th ST.* N.E. NEAR F. POSSESSION. 90,000?Fine bay-window 6-room and bal 1 home in this convenient strictly whi ' section. Hot-water heat; large, di cellar; large rooms; |li500 cash; ba 1 oaay. KY. AVE. AT LINCOLN PARK. $6,000?The most desirably located home 1 the a.e.; 50 feet from beautiful Lii coin Park; refined, convenient; C-rooi i bay-window brick; 20-foot front; larg rooms; fine bath; new furnace. A i $1,500 cash this borne is a bargain an Will be sold quickly. BaL $35 pc month. t STEELE,- . Main 5082-5398. DDLETON, INC.,. Phone Main 1028. PBICB. $13.500?SUBURBAN HOME?Ideal! ' located on a government boulevard jut ' a few minutes out of the city. The hous is of stone construction, slate roof, h< . eight large rooms and bath, screene : sleeping and breakfast porches, thrc i open fireplaces, hot-water lieat, electri lights, garage, chicken house AND TH GROUNDS COMPRISE TWO AND ON! HALF ACRES. This is a positive bni I gain* and the owner will accept reasot able terms.? V J PRICE, $5,950?BLOOMINGDALR?A we. ! built home, two-story, bay-window bricl ; having four bedrooms on the second flooi Plenty of room for garage. Will I vacant vesy shortly and may be sol ' on easy>erms. * . ' 4 \ PRICE, $li 500?CHEVY CHASE, D. C.?Jus , n short distance off Conn. nve. Detache , hollow tile home, having eight room 1 and bath, all the latest improvement! front and rear porches, open fireplace i a large living room. This should be ix pected immediately. PRICE, $22,500?16th ST. HIGHLANDS?^ lonial house of hollow tile construction cement porch, ten rooms, three baths slate roof, hardwood trim throughout Grage for three cars, sleeping porch itantaneous water heater and eveij thing that goes to make up a complet home. Liberal discount made for cash Possession. DDLETON, INC., Phone Main 1028. Listing of Homes. #wr*h A TT^ T T /-\ "? r -*-? r* T-?i^TV nUAltS i'UK POSSESSION. L INFORMATION, om Over 2,000 Listings. WASHINGTON HEIGHTS. $6,500?Ingleside terrace. 9 r. and b. brick 6 bedrooms. Porches. Faces nark. $9,000?2-family flat. 5 and 6 r. and b. Sep arate heating plants. Electric lights $9,850?West of 16th near Columbia road 6 r. and b. li.w.h. Electricity $12,000?park road. 9 r. and 2 b. H.w.h Electricity. Hardwood floors. Opei fireplace. Room for garage. $12,000?Ontario road near Ool. road. Vacant 10 r. and b. Electric lights. Bplendic condition. A beautiful home. $12,500?Near Million Dollar bridge. 7 r. am b. An ideal home. Finest aectlon. CHEVY CHASE, D. C (8,860?Detached. 7 v. and b. H.w.h. Km trieity. Garage. rorcbea. (10.600?8 r. end 8 b. On 2 floors. Porehee Screens. A charming borne. NORTHEAST. (2.850?(500 cash. Morton at. S r. and h Nearly new. Brlt-k. Bargain. (4,000?2-family flat. 4 r. and b. eacb. Neai Gallaudet College. (4,500?C at. near 9tb. 8 r. and b. brick Easy terms. d Sflrt Utb e? Aw an4 h rta..kt. nauw ?m u ?? amu v. uuuuie K4(H|r. (4.T50-?flth ft. 8 r. and b. Corner. (751 caab. (5,000?8 it. at 3rd. Semidetached. T r. and b. Electric ilzbts. Biz barzain (5,000?Corner L at. Bricc atore and dwell (8,380?*750 caab. N. T. are. 8 r, and b brick. Furnace heat. (5,750?10 tb at Convenient to H. r. ant b. Hot-water beat. ((JMO?Corner 4th at. 0 r. and b. brick. (1.000 caab. (8,750?i-famiiy Sat. 5th ad. 5 r. and h each. Forebea. Furnace heat. (8,800?B at. and 4th. 10 r. and b. Brick. (7,600?E at. near Tth. 8 r. and b. Hot water heat. Fine. SOUTHEAST. (1.100? (500 cash. 8 good rooma. Tard Easy monthly payments. (8,800?*750 cash. 8 r. and b. Room tor ga rata. (8,850?1500 rash. Nearly new. 8 r. and b. Colonial porch. A pretty home. I (4,500?1st at. 8 r. and b, brick and atone. Faces CarOeld Park. Boom for garage. (8,000?0 (t. Near Capital and Library. < r. and b. Eaay terms. & GIBBONS, ; ijth *nd H Sts. N.W. * .1,. M FOE SALE?HOUSES I CMttae*. | WILLIAM 57 1409 New Yor Phone M ; BETWEEN 16th AND NEW ? HAMPSHIRE AVE. N.W.? i- A big 8-storjr 11-room brick residence; fure nace heat and electric lights; a 2-story brick garage that will aecomiydate 8 cars; open flreplaces in all rooma; newly papered and painted; screened througboat, and in excellent condition. Price, $18,500, and easy terms can be'arranged. MT. PLEASANT? J Oae short square south of Columbia road; J a big lO-room 3-story and 3-bath brick ' residence; h.-w.h.. electric lights; in fine condition; excellent neighborhood. Price, * IB. 750. Terms to responsible purchaser. PETWORTH? Two blocks from car line; C-room and bath brick bouse on a deep lot to pared alley; h.-w.h., electric ljghts, parquet floors, hardwood trim; in good condition. Price, i-; $7,500, on easy terms. ? COLUMBIA HEIGHTS? ? Just east of 14th street in one of the finest n localities in this section; a large 9-room and reception hall brick home (6 bed ' rooms), h -w.h., electric lights; newly papered and painted and In excellent condition. Price, $13,500. and terms will be arranged to responsible purchaser. SAUL'S ADDITION? A detached 7-room (4 bedrooms! brick. - bungalow type, tile bath and extra lavatory. on a lot 50x150 feet; b.-w.h., electric lights, hardwood floors, large closets, beamed-ceiling dining and 'iving room: <1 weatherstripped throughout. This home is in it A-l condition. Price. $15,000, on easy terms. ,t ,t ONLY $10.750?$750 CASH?$100 PER MO. i, APARTMKNT PEOPLE AND OTHERS, g Do not miss this great opportunity; jFor' 10 a days only. I will sell fourteen new bonnes In one of the best suburban places sTonnd Washington. Only 25 minutes to tho U. 8. Treas, ary, on one of tbe best ctBt lines. These houses t- could not be duplicated for less than $14,000, e but as an inddbement for a quick sale I will ,r sell, for ten days only, at tbe low price of ). $10,750, on the easy terms of $750 cash and balance $100 per month, k DESCRIPTION. Fix large rooms, 2 sleeping porches. Urge ,e front porch, hot-water hest, electricity and gas, jr 2 large tiled bathrooms, plenty of closet room. cellar under entire house, laundry trays and j. servant's toilet; large lots and close to csrs. See F. A. LINGER, 2377 Rhode "IaUnd ave. a n.e. from 2 to 0 p.m.. .. Or M. O. BULL, 2200 Rhode Island are. n.e.,, Or JOHN L. KNOPP. owner and builder, 2t)th [<. ana jvearnej tea. n.e I * _OXLY >10.7np?$7BO CASH?flOO PKB MO. 1 For Colored. 0 Frame bonae north of Ton *t. sear 12th at. at n.w. Good front and berk Tarda to alley. A ,e big bargain. Price. $1,758; $350 cash. j Prather & Robinson, 515-518 Bond bldr.. I? 14tb> and New York are. >* Mala 442. AN EXCELLENT VALUE IN A DOWNTOWN emi-df?tacbed brick dwelling, located on wide/ handsome ? venae; exceptionally. wide lot, 38 " fL to an alley, with separate garage lot; 10 rooms and both. Admirably adapted for remodeling into a small 3-storyl ;* apartment, or could b?*occupied id advantageously now by three e families. 1 $10,000. ? LEE D. LATIMER CO., Realtor, 1434 New York Ave. J, 8 ROOMS. 2 BATHS, DETAGHE1). IBTFZSlX id for large family or for penon who will rent ig oot part. Tlfia is a high clam home In a fine 1- section. Immediate possession. Ooi. 6217-J. * WILL SACRIFICE FOB QUICK SALB?VODern 6-room and bath hooae, splendid condition. Large porches, deep lot; near 14th and Snep' herd. Col. 3U62-W or addrem Box 4-T, Bur office. IN CliEVY CHASE, D. C.. TVITULN 1 OH Conn. aye. car line; center-hall plan; aemibnngalow, with every convenience and cootsin. ing 4 bedrooms. Bleeping porch. 2 Complete baths. Now being beautifully redecorated. Lot 00x150, with big shade trees, immediate possession. Owner very . anxions to aeU quickly, therefore the price is only $11,500. This Is " Msin.ri320; KCTBEBTB. LEWIS, 921 15th n.w. ? FOR SALE?COLORED? ' Several-very nice homes, located, in the n.w. section, cqntaining' 6 rooms. Price, $2,650. Very a, easy terms. For further infor? mation, B. B. PINN, 712 Kenl yon st. n.w. Telephone Col. 5817. CLEVELAND PAftk. n Inst off Oonn. svc., on Tildeo St., close to . Rock Creek Park; Immediate possession; beau? tiful textile brick; 8 rooms, 2 baths, 4 bede rooms; inclosed sleeping porch; hardwood floors , throughout; open fireplace; h.w.h.; electric j lights; instantaneous waterheater; . modem " basement; large cement fronfpereh; awnings; screens; garage on pared alley; a real rune in an attractive bone. McLachlen Banking Corp'n, Real Estate Dept., 10th and G. ? Main 4*2. BrenlBgs. N. 1028-1. WOODRIDGE. Owner is leering his rear attrmctire home - In one of the most attractiTe locations of this nearby suburb; half block off R. 1. are.; 7 ' large attractive rooms and sleeping porcb; exJ? tra room finished on third floor; large recep, lion room with beautiful mantel fireplace; large living room, dining room and kitchen on first I' floor; 3 large bedrooms and sleeping porch second floor: modern tile bath with latest im* proved fixtures; spacious grounds; cement driveway to garage; variety of fruit and shrubbery. This home must be aeen to be appre' elated. Owner will give any reasonable terms to responsible party. II MeLAOHLEN BANKING CORP'N. Real Estate Dept., 10th and G. T Main 432. Evenings. North 10M-J. 1 HARRY E.' GLADMAN, t 306 Pa. Ave. S.E. d Lincoln 346. ,* Kentucky sve. s.e.?8-voom brick, colonial ' porch; deep lot to paved alley; room for gan rage; vacant. >" $4,500; $1,000 cash; terms to salt 12th st. s.e., near Lincoln Park?2-ept flat; <- 5 rooms each; electricity; h.w.h.; hardwood i, finish; excellent condition. !, $9,500; terms to suit. ! j Carroll st. near 2nd s.e.?8 rooms and bath; i h.w.h.; cement cellar: brick garage. .. $5,500; $500 cash, $50 per month. Only 1 left, e llth st. near Md. are. n.e.?5-room bayi window brick; latrobe beat; deep lot to alley. $4,000; terms to salt. South Carolina ave. near 14th, i.e.?6-room brick, good condition; latsobe heat. $3,500; $750 cash. $25 per month. A st. n.e. near 2nd st.?6-room brick; la trobe heat; good condition; deep lot to paved alley. $5,000; $500 cash, $50 per month. Flagler pi. n.w.?6-roora brick: commit cellar; furnace beat; excellent condition; double brick garage. i $6,500; $1,500 cash; terms te suit C sti* near Srd s.e.?7-room bay-window brick; h.w.h.; deep lot te alky; excellent condition. $7,500: $2,000 cash; possession with' the deed. HARRY E. GLADMAN, 306 Pa. Ave. S.E. " Lincoln 346. HOMESEEKEBh?COME BEE MT PRETTY 8-room bouse; furnished -or unfurnished; sale I levraa nnenhae' nwaalndkinff pit*: im t mediate' possession; title road J-" Tel. Columbia 9853. i Hyattsville. , , $8,850. $2,000 cub. Balance liriB|*l. i Bungalow, 6 rooms and bath, elaetrietty, gaa, one-pipe furnace, floored attic; half block from boulevard. Takoma Park, : $7,150. $2,000 casb. Balaam arranged. 1 5 rooms and bath, garage, lot 80*180; gaa 1 and electricity; owner In tbo boose. Otber Takoma property. ' Dalghren .Terrace. ' $8,000. $2,000 cash. $05 monthly. J Half block from Rhode Island are.: 6 rooms and bath; hot-water heat, electric lights and gas; immediate possession. Woodridge. i 1 $0,500. $780 cash. $08 monthly. J 5 rooms and bath; electricity and gar; hotwater heat: cellar under wools bouse; lot 50x142; immediate possession. Northeast Semi-Detached House i $4,250. $750 cash. . $50 monthly. , 0 roomy and bath; furnace beat;-gas; house [ newly painted and papered throughout. Chevy Chase. , $9,850. $2,500 cash. $80 monthly. < 8 rooms, shingled bungalow; lot flOgJW; ' stone foundation; hot-water heat, elaetrleity and gas. Chevy Chase Bargain. , $11,500. $3,000 ceah. $100 monthly. 2 Large house. 5 bedrooms, 2 tile beths, hot- \ . water heat, alectricitjr end get; lot 60ll30. (216S.3S8). 1 O. B. ZANTZINGER, , 90$ New York are. Phone Mela 5871. DETACHED HOME, ON LARGE LOT WITH ! I garage, overlooking the beet residential street I la Washington; contains 4 bad rooms, sleeping porch and 2 hatha; thoroughly modern; enamel and mahogany trim; excellent rendition. Ire- _ mediate posaeasleo. I must sell. Price, eaiy 1 $12,500. i 4, FOB S^LE*?HOUSES. T H I L PT5?7 k Ave. N.W. tain 98.' BLOOMINGD^E? 7 room* (4 bedroom*), reception bell and bntb. furnace beet and pa* light: between North Capitol and First at*, n.w., and in excellent condition. Price, $7,550. on easr terms. NORTH COLUMBIA HEIGHTS? A thoroughly modern 6-room and bath brick residence. 20 feet wide, on a deep lot to paved alley; hot-water heat, electric lights. hardwood floors, snd in excellent condition. Price, |9.250. on easy teaaa. MT. PLEASANT? On 18th street below Columbia mad in section fast growing into business, where' values will increase; a big 10-room and reception hall type (8 floors) and 2 baths; hot-water heat. Price, $15,500. Eaay to handle. PETWORTH? Near Grant Circle: room* ^ end he?h. ii.-w.a., cictuiL wood floors, slerpinfl porch. Price. #8,500. BLOOMINGDALE? One-half square from North Capitol street ear line; 20-foot brick house; 6 rooms, tile bath; good-si se lot to paved alley; furnace beat, gas light. Immediate possession. This home Is in excellent condition. Price, |7,500. Terms to responsible pur chaser. EXTRA LARGE AND NEW BT7NOALOW8; lot 163x225; Hyattsville; 5 large rooms, with pretty paper, trim, picture rod and shades; cellar 28x28; porch 7x28; large attic; kitchen range, furnaee, electric lights, water in kitchen; sewerage. $4,500; $500 cash. GEO. C. WALKER, Kreage Mdg.. 11th and G. 28* FOR SALE?^ 54 Florida Ave. NAV. Go aee this today; baa 6 nice rooms and bath, and newly papered; in splendid condition: lot to alley. Price, $5,250; terms. Owner on premises. FOR SALE TO~COLORED? 120 Florida Ave. NAV. Bay. window brick: 8 large rooms and hath on two floors; h.-w. heat; lot to alley; newly pangred and painted. Price only $7,000; terms caur be hid. T. B. BROWN CO.. 1811 O ?t. n.w. Franklin 2088. LOVELY 8-FAMILT APT.. BB8T N.EFLOCAtion: S car lines; room rarage; worth $8,500; yours for $7,350; cash. $2,000. Corner n.e?" rood section; Sr., bath, cellar Under entire house; latrobes; room rarer*'; cheap at <5.750; caah. $1,500. Several n.e. .bargains on small payments; $750. and like rent. . BLANTON REALTY CO . . Main $008. 710 14th Realdenee. MS G n.e. OWNER'S WELL PLANNED TWO-RTORT colonial home; seven rooms, bath. sleeping porch; electricity, fas. vapor heat; artistically decorated; built-in carafe; large lot adjoins alley; southern exposure; one block from Connecticut ave.; in District. Price is rirht. Terms to suit. Phone N. 9700. 27* CLEVELAND PARK ? THOROCGHLT" MODern detached home; 8 rooms, just off Conn, are.; leaving city; make offer. Franklin 7669 f>r Worth 888. TCP. PLBA8ANT BIX ROOM AND BATH home. In perfect condition; large lot; garage; west of 16th st. Franklin 7689 or North 833. CHEVY CHASE. NEAR CLCB ? COLONIAL; 8 rooms, 2 baths; every modern feature; lot 100x125 ; 2-car garage; settling estate; $18,800: exceptional terms; make offer. Franklin 7659 or North 833. ATTENTION! BEAUTIFUL SEMI-DETACHED HOME. 9 rooms. 2 baths, just 2 blocks from the President's new home en the Lincoln highway; all modern improvements. House is suitable for 2 families; three garages on rear of deep lot. MEYERS & OSGOOD, 306 Bigg, hid*. Main 1840. VACANT?MT. PLEASANT. Newly decorated 10-room modern brick boose; excellent location and conrentent to 14th st. car line. Price, $9,850; terms. Vacant?6-room modern brick boose, west of 14th stPand north of Park rd.; price, $7,500; terms. MT. PLEASANT REALTY CO., 1411 Park rd. Col. 4M. BEATTTTFTjL HOME. AS NEW; 7 LARGE rectos. All. bath, large front and back porches. 420-foot sleeping porch: doable garage; poultry boose; well kept lawns, much fruit, shrubbery. garden; lot 70x300 on two streets, close to car.; refined locality. $6,000; $1,000 caah. GEO. C. WALKER, Kresge Ndg . 11th and G. 38* 10-ROOM HOrSE AND 10 ACRE8 OP LAND.* with fpttif aruV mtor and nntbnildfain on nine#. Apply JOHN FINN". Lanham Station. Md. BROOK LAND BUNGALOW. 5 rooms, a.m. i.; hardwood flows; let 50x150 to' alley. Only 5750 CASH, balance monthly. Frank. 7659. 6th ST. N.W.; 7 rooms, bath; h-W.h.; splendid location. Only 56,250. N. J. ave.; two blocks from Capitol; well built horns; 7 rooms, bath; excellent location. Only 56,250, and terms. 8th near F st. a.w.; 6 rooms, bath. Only 52,500; 5500 eayb. balance 525 month. 6th s.w.; 6-room bay-window brick. 52.900; 5500 cash; balance 530 month. Near 6tb and B ata. a.w.; 9-mora brick dwelling, bath and gas; splendid location. Only 54.700. H near 6tb a.w.: little 4-room brick; water and gas. 51.450; 5350 cash., balance 520 mo. THOMAS P. BROWN. 617 at. a.w. JOHN W. THOMPSON & CO^ 1 ncorporated Chevy Chase, D. C. Keokuk's at. near Conn. aye. Located on lot haying 60-ft. frontage by depth of 150 ft. Bntirely detached. This attractive home has 11 large roams, 5 baths, hot-water beat, electric light and ia of hollow-tile construction. Sleeping and breakfast porch. Garage for three cars. PRICK, 525.000. Wyoming Avenue Near Columbia Road. Lsettod on tot baring frontage of 25 ft. by depth of 120 ft. A beautiful home, baring room a, 8 batba. electric light, hot-water heat. Sleeping porch. Garage for 2 earn. PRICE, $25,000. S Street Near 16th. Attractive stone and brick home, htrine 9 rooms. 2 baths, sleeping porch, hot-water heat, electric light. Immediate possession. PRICE, $18,000. Longfellow Street Near 14th. This modern borne, located in Sanl'e Addition, bee 7 rooms, X bath, 'sleeping porch, electric Ufht. hot-water heat. Oarage for 1 ear. Stone end shtocle construction. PRICE, $17,000. Cleveland Park. Located on 84th at. near Woodier Lane, on large lot having frontage of 87% ft. 10 rooms, baths, electric light, vapor heat. Front and rear porches. Weathers tripped; screened, PRICE. $16,000. 19th StreetNear R Street. Within one block of Conn, ace. car line, thie attractive modern homer consisting of 13 rooms. 8 bathe, sleeping poreh, hot-water beat, electric Ufht. can be purchased at a "PRICE OP 816.500. Sixteenth Street Near R Street. Attractive modern home of 11 rnoma. 2 bath*, (team heat, electric light. Newly papered and painted. Third floor ia finished aa complete apartment. PRICE. 118,500. ?ue Street ?tear Eighteenth. Constructed of stone and brick. Tbteibotne can be purchased at a very fair price. 10 rooms. 2 baths, electric light: garage. PRICE. 818,000. Lanier Street Near Seventeenth. Lot baa frontage of 21 ft. by depth of 142 ft-* 8 rooms. 1 bath, electric light, hot-wtter heat. Oarage for two care. Wet the re tripped sad screened. PRICE, (18.000. Que Street Near Sheridan Circle. In y*tj bait aeetion of city, within one klewsW c# aaa Unas 10 aaoms 9 Kath. has* _ LWW* VI VW IIUI *v >||UIU>| fl UUleater heat, elf trie llf ht. FRICE. 115,000. Euclid Street Near Fourteenth. S rooms, I bath, hot-water heat, electric llltht. Brick anil stucco totsh. Lars* lot. Immediate possession. PRICE. (U.T50. Girard Street Near Thirteenth. Oonrenieot to ear Use; 10 rooms. 2 hatha, team heat, g^ht. ^ ^ fOHN W. THOMPSON & CO., ? Incorporated 321 15th Street. Main 1477. $9,500. Detached modern home; 8 spacious rooms; tiled bath; open ireplace in living room; butler's aantry; porches in back upstairs ind down.' Lot 47 ft. wide, 172 ft. deep to 15-ft. alley. / Terms reasonable. Address Box 60-T, Star office. rwo urrui bombs. *,#*> eacb?si* fth st. a*.. rooms, brick, hath, Utasbs; M tad at. n^.. ft rooms, frame. Urge tot. mV. IMS OaiaSaM ptaea. ?.?. ? V_ h .ac-x .rfcraaWfi' . .